Exemplo n.º 1
def random_flip(src, px=0, py=0, copy=False):
    """Randomly flip image along horizontal and vertical with probabilities.

    src : mxnet.nd.NDArray
        Input image with HWC format.
    px : float
        Horizontal flip probability [0, 1].
    py : float
        Vertical flip probability [0, 1].
    copy : bool
        If `True`, return a copy of input

        Augmented image.
        Tuple of (flip_x, flip_y), records of whether flips are applied.

    flip_y = np.random.choice([False, True], p=[1-py, py])
    flip_x = np.random.choice([False, True], p=[1-px, px])
    if flip_y:
        src = nd.flip(src, axis=0)
    if flip_x:
        src = nd.flip(src, axis=1)
    if copy:
        src = src.copy()
    return src, (flip_x, flip_y)
Exemplo n.º 2
def random_flip(src, px=0, py=0, copy=False):
    """Randomly flip image along horizontal and vertical with probabilities.

    src : mxnet.nd.NDArray
        Input image with HWC format.
    px : float
        Horizontal flip probability [0, 1].
    py : float
        Vertical flip probability [0, 1].
    copy : bool
        If `True`, return a copy of input

        Augmented image.
        Tuple of (flip_x, flip_y), records of whether flips are applied.

    flip_y = np.random.choice([False, True], p=[1 - py, py])
    flip_x = np.random.choice([False, True], p=[1 - px, px])
    if flip_y:
        src = nd.flip(src, axis=0)
    if flip_x:
        src = nd.flip(src, axis=1)
    if copy:
        src = src.copy()
    return src, (flip_x, flip_y)
Exemplo n.º 3
def random_flip(src, px=0, py=0, copy=False):
    flip_y = np.random.choice([False, True], p=[1 - py, py])
    flip_x = np.random.choice([False, True], p=[1 - px, px])
    if flip_y:
        src = nd.flip(src, axis=0)
    if flip_x:
        src = nd.flip(src, axis=1)
    if copy:
        src = src.copy()
    return src, (flip_x, flip_y)
Exemplo n.º 4
def validate(val_data, val_dataset, net, ctx):
    if isinstance(ctx, mx.Context):
        ctx = [ctx]


    from tqdm import tqdm
    for batch in tqdm(val_data):
        data, scale, center, score, imgid = val_batch_fn(batch, ctx)

        outputs = [net(X) for X in data]
        if opt.flip_test:
            data_flip = [nd.flip(X, axis=3) for X in data]
            outputs_flip = [net(X) for X in data_flip]
            outputs_flipback = [flip_heatmap(o, val_dataset.joint_pairs, shift=True) for o in outputs_flip]
            outputs = [(o + o_flip)/2 for o, o_flip in zip(outputs, outputs_flipback)]

        if len(outputs) > 1:
            outputs_stack = nd.concat(*[o.as_in_context(mx.cpu()) for o in outputs], dim=0)
            outputs_stack = outputs[0].as_in_context(mx.cpu())

        preds, maxvals = get_final_preds(outputs_stack, center.asnumpy(), scale.asnumpy())
        val_metric.update(preds, maxvals, score, imgid)

    res = val_metric.get()
Exemplo n.º 5
 def transform(data, label):
     data = nd.transpose(data.astype(np.float32), (2, 0, 1)) / 255
     label = label.astype(np.float32)
     if flip:
         if np.random.uniform() < 0.5:
             data = nd.flip(data, axis=2)
     return data, label
Exemplo n.º 6
def validate(val_data, val_dataset, net, ctx):
    if isinstance(ctx, mx.Context):
        ctx = [ctx]


    from tqdm import tqdm
    for batch in tqdm(val_data):
        # data, scale, center, score, imgid = val_batch_fn(batch, ctx)
        data, scale_box, score, imgid = val_batch_fn(batch, ctx)

        outputs = [net(X) for X in data]
        if opt.flip_test:
            data_flip = [nd.flip(X, axis=3) for X in data]
            outputs_flip = [net(X) for X in data_flip]
            outputs_flipback = [flip_heatmap(o, val_dataset.joint_pairs, shift=True) for o in outputs_flip]
            outputs = [(o + o_flip)/2 for o, o_flip in zip(outputs, outputs_flipback)]

        if len(outputs) > 1:
            outputs_stack = nd.concat(*[o.as_in_context(mx.cpu()) for o in outputs], dim=0)
            outputs_stack = outputs[0].as_in_context(mx.cpu())

        # preds, maxvals = get_final_preds(outputs_stack, center.asnumpy(), scale.asnumpy())
        preds, maxvals = heatmap_to_coord_alpha_pose(outputs_stack, scale_box)
        # print(preds, maxvals, scale_box)
        # print(preds, maxvals)
        # raise
        val_metric.update(preds, maxvals, score, imgid)

    res = val_metric.get()
Exemplo n.º 7
def transform(data, target_wd, target_ht, is_train, box):
    """Crop and normnalize an image nd array."""
    if box is not None:
        x, y, w, h = box
        data = data[y:min(y + h, data.shape[0]), x:min(x + w, data.shape[1])]

    # Resize to target_wd * target_ht.
    data = mx.image.imresize(data, target_wd, target_ht)

    # Normalize in the same way as the pre-trained model.
    data = data.astype(np.float32) / 255.0
    data = (data - mx.nd.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406])) / mx.nd.array(
        [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])

    if is_train:
        if random.random() < 0.5:
            data = nd.flip(data, axis=1)
        data, _ = mx.image.random_crop(data, (224, 224))
        data, _ = mx.image.center_crop(data, (224, 224))

    # Transpose from (target_wd, target_ht, 3)
    # to (3, target_wd, target_ht).
    data = nd.transpose(data, (2, 0, 1))

    # If image is greyscale, repeat 3 times to get RGB image.
    if data.shape[0] == 1:
        data = nd.tile(data, (3, 1, 1))
    return data.reshape((1, ) + data.shape)
Exemplo n.º 8
def transform_test_flip(data, isf=False):
    flip_data = nd.flip(data, axis=1)
    if isf:
        data = nd.transpose(data, (2, 0, 1)).astype('float32')
        flip_data = nd.transpose(flip_data, (2, 0, 1)).astype('float32')
        return data, flip_data
    return transform_test(data), transform_test(flip_data)
Exemplo n.º 9
def transform(data, target_wd, target_ht, is_train, box):
    """Crop and normnalize an image nd array."""
    if box is not None:
        x, y, w, h = box
        data = data[y:min(y+h, data.shape[0]), x:min(x+w, data.shape[1])]

    # Resize to target_wd * target_ht.
    data = mx.image.imresize(data, target_wd, target_ht)

    # Normalize in the same way as the pre-trained model.
    data = data.astype(np.float32) / 255.0
    data = (data - mx.nd.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406])) / mx.nd.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225])

    if is_train:
        if random.random() < 0.5:
            data = nd.flip(data, axis=1)
        data, _ = mx.image.random_crop(data, (224, 224))
        data, _ = mx.image.center_crop(data, (224, 224))

    # Transpose from (target_wd, target_ht, 3)
    # to (3, target_wd, target_ht).
    data = nd.transpose(data, (2, 0, 1))

    # If image is greyscale, repeat 3 times to get RGB image.
    if data.shape[0] == 1:
        data = nd.tile(data, (3, 1, 1))
    return data.reshape((1,) + data.shape)
Exemplo n.º 10
def random_augmentation(x, y):
    for i in range(x.shape[0]):
        seed = np.random.randint(low=0, high=2, size=3, dtype=int)
        y_probs = y[i, :(9 * 9 + 1)].reshape((9, 9))
        if seed[0]:
            x[i] = nd.transpose(x[i], (0, 2, 1))
            y_probs[i] = nd.transpose(y_probs[i])
        if seed[1]:
            x[i] = nd.flip(x[i], 1)
            y_probs[i] = nd.flip(y_probs[i], 1)
        if seed[2]:
            x[i] = nd.flip(x[i], 2)
            y_probs[i] = nd.flip(y_probs[i], 2)
        y_probs = y[i, :-1].flatten()
        y[i] = np.concatenate((y_probs, y[i, (9 * 9 + 1)]), axis=0)
        print(x, y)
    return x, y
Exemplo n.º 11
 def _random_flip(img, label, p=0.5):
     if nd.random.uniform(low=0, high=1) > p:
         h, w, _ = img.shape
         img = nd.flip(img, axis=2)
         xmin = label[:, 0].copy()
         xmax = label[:, 2].copy()
         label[:, 0] = w - xmax
         label[:, 2] = w - xmin
     return img, label
Exemplo n.º 12
def ten_crop(src, size):
    """Crop 10 regions from an array.
    This is performed same as:

    This method crops 10 regions. All regions will be in shape
    :obj`size`. These regions consist of 1 center crop and 4 corner
    crops and horizontal flips of them.
    The crops are ordered in this order.
    * center crop
    * top-left crop
    * bottom-left crop
    * top-right crop
    * bottom-right crop
    * center crop (flipped horizontally)
    * top-left crop (flipped horizontally)
    * bottom-left crop (flipped horizontally)
    * top-right crop (flipped horizontally)
    * bottom-right crop (flipped horizontally)

    src : mxnet.nd.NDArray
        Input image.
    size : tuple
        Tuple of length 2, as (width, height) of the cropped areas.

        The cropped images with shape (10, size[1], size[0], C)

    h, w, _ = src.shape
    ow, oh = size

    if h < oh or w < ow:
        raise ValueError(
            "Cannot crop area {} from image with size ({}, {})".format(
                str(size), h, w))

    center = src[(h - oh) // 2:(h + oh) // 2, (w - ow) // 2:(w + ow) // 2, :]
    tl = src[0:oh, 0:ow, :]
    bl = src[h - oh:h, 0:ow, :]
    tr = src[0:oh, w - ow:w, :]
    br = src[h - oh:h, w - ow:w, :]
    crops = nd.stack(*[center, tl, bl, tr, br], axis=0)
    crops = nd.concat(*[crops, nd.flip(crops, axis=2)], dim=0)
    return crops
Exemplo n.º 13
    def forward(self, clips):
        h, w, _ = clips.shape
        oh, ow = self.size
        if h < oh or w < ow:
            raise ValueError("Cannot crop area {} from image with size \
            	({}, {})".format(str(self.size), h, w))

        center = clips[(h - oh) // 2:(h + oh) // 2, (w - ow) // 2:(w + ow) // 2, :]
        tl = clips[0:oh, 0:ow, :]
        bl = clips[h - oh:h, 0:ow, :]
        tr = clips[0:oh, w - ow:w, :]
        br = clips[h - oh:h, w - ow:w, :]
        crops = nd.concat(*[center, tl, bl, tr, br], dim=2)
        crops = nd.concat(*[crops, nd.flip(crops, axis=1)], dim=2)
        return crops
Exemplo n.º 14
def ten_crop(src, size):
    """Crop 10 regions from an array.
    This is performed same as:

    This method crops 10 regions. All regions will be in shape
    :obj`size`. These regions consist of 1 center crop and 4 corner
    crops and horizontal flips of them.
    The crops are ordered in this order.
    * center crop
    * top-left crop
    * bottom-left crop
    * top-right crop
    * bottom-right crop
    * center crop (flipped horizontally)
    * top-left crop (flipped horizontally)
    * bottom-left crop (flipped horizontally)
    * top-right crop (flipped horizontally)
    * bottom-right crop (flipped horizontally)

    src : mxnet.nd.NDArray
        Input image.
    size : tuple
        Tuple of length 2, as (width, height) of the cropped areas.

        The cropped images with shape (10, size[1], size[0], C)

    h, w, _ = src.shape
    ow, oh = size

    if h < oh or w < ow:
        raise ValueError(
            "Cannot crop area {} from image with size ({}, {})".format(str(size), h, w))

    center = src[(h - oh) // 2:(h + oh) // 2, (w - ow) // 2:(w + ow) // 2, :]
    tl = src[0:oh, 0:ow, :]
    bl = src[h - oh:h, 0:ow, :]
    tr = src[0:oh, w - ow:w, :]
    br = src[h - oh:h, w - ow:w, :]
    crops = nd.stack(*[center, tl, bl, tr, br], axis=0)
    crops = nd.concat(*[crops, nd.flip(crops, axis=2)], dim=0)
    return crops
Exemplo n.º 15
def validate(val_data, val_dataset, net, ctx):
    if isinstance(ctx, mx.Context):
        ctx = [ctx]


    from tqdm import tqdm
    for batch in tqdm(val_data):
        data, scale, center, score, imgid = val_batch_fn(batch, ctx)

        outputs = [net(X) for X in data]
        if opt.flip_test:
            data_flip = [nd.flip(X, axis=3) for X in data]
            outputs_flip = [net(X) for X in data_flip]
            outputs_flipback = [
                flip_heatmap(o, val_dataset.joint_pairs, shift=True)
                for o in outputs_flip
            outputs = [(o + o_flip) / 2
                       for o, o_flip in zip(outputs, outputs_flipback)]

        if opt.dsnt:
            outputs = [net_dsnt(X)[0] for X in outputs]

        if len(outputs) > 1:
            outputs_stack = nd.concat(
                *[o.as_in_context(mx.cpu()) for o in outputs], dim=0)
            outputs_stack = outputs[0].as_in_context(mx.cpu())

        if opt.dsnt:
            preds = (outputs_stack - 0.5) * scale.expand_dims(
                axis=1) + center.expand_dims(axis=1)
            maxvals = nd.ones(preds.shape[0:2] + (1, ))
            preds, maxvals = get_final_preds(outputs_stack, center.asnumpy(),
        val_metric.update(preds, maxvals, score, imgid)

    metric_name, metric_score = val_metric.get()
    print("Inference Completed! %s = %.4f" % (metric_name, metric_score))
Exemplo n.º 16
def validate(val_data, val_dataset, net, ctx, opt):
    if isinstance(ctx, mx.Context):
        ctx = [ctx]

    val_metric = COCOKeyPointsMetric(val_dataset,

    for batch in tqdm(val_data, dynamic_ncols=True):
        # data, scale, center, score, imgid = val_batch_fn(batch, ctx)
        data, scale_box, score, imgid = val_batch_fn(batch, ctx)

        outputs = [net(X) for X in data]
        if opt.flip_test:
            data_flip = [nd.flip(X, axis=3) for X in data]
            outputs_flip = [net(X) for X in data_flip]
            outputs_flipback = [
                flip_heatmap(o, val_dataset.joint_pairs, shift=True)
                for o in outputs_flip
            outputs = [(o + o_flip) / 2
                       for o, o_flip in zip(outputs, outputs_flipback)]

        if len(outputs) > 1:
            outputs_stack = nd.concat(
                *[o.as_in_context(mx.cpu()) for o in outputs], dim=0)
            outputs_stack = outputs[0].as_in_context(mx.cpu())

        # preds, maxvals = get_final_preds(outputs_stack, center.asnumpy(), scale.asnumpy())
        preds, maxvals = heatmap_to_coord_alpha_pose(outputs_stack, scale_box)
        val_metric.update(preds, maxvals, score, imgid)

    nullwriter = NullWriter()
    oldstdout = sys.stdout
    sys.stdout = nullwriter
        res = val_metric.get()
        sys.stdout = oldstdout
    return res
Exemplo n.º 17
 def forward(self, inpt):
     fwd = self._lstm_fwd(inpt)
     bwd_inpt = nd.flip(inpt, 0)
     bwd = self._lstm_bwd(bwd_inpt)
     bwd = nd.flip(bwd, 0)
     return nd.concat(fwd, bwd, dim=2)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def forward(self, inpt):
     fwd = self._lstm_fwd(inpt)
     bwd_inpt = nd.flip(inpt, 0)
     bwd = self._lstm_bwd(bwd_inpt)
     bwd = nd.flip(bwd, 0)
     return nd.concat(fwd, bwd, dim=2)
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_flip():
    b = create_2d_tensor(rows=LARGE_X, columns=SMALL_Y)
    t = nd.flip(b, axis=0)
    assert t.shape == (LARGE_X, SMALL_Y)
    assert np.sum(t[-1, :].asnumpy() == 0) == b.shape[1]
Exemplo n.º 20
def fliplr(img):
    '''flip horizontal'''
    img_flip = nd.flip(img, axis=3)
    return img_flip
Exemplo n.º 21
 def forward(self, clips):
     if random.random() < 0.5:
         clips = nd.flip(clips, axis=1)
     return clips
Exemplo n.º 22
def fliplr(img):
    '''flip horizontal'''
    img_flip = nd.flip(img, axis=3)
    return img_flip