Exemplo n.º 1
class AppDirectoriesFinder(BaseFinder):
    A static files finder that looks in the directory of each app as
    specified in the source_dir attribute of the given storage class.
    storage_class = AppStaticStorage

    def __init__(self, apps=None, *args, **kwargs):
        # The list of apps that are handled
        self.apps = []
        # Mapping of app module paths to storage instances
        self.storages = SortedDict()
        if apps is None:
            apps = settings.INSTALLED_APPS
        for app in apps:
            app_storage = self.storage_class(app)
            if os.path.isdir(app_storage.location):
                self.storages[app] = app_storage
                if app not in self.apps:
        super(AppDirectoriesFinder, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def list(self, ignore_patterns):
        List all files in all app storages.
        for storage in self.storages.itervalues():
            if storage.exists(''):  # check if storage location exists
                for path in utils.get_files(storage, ignore_patterns):
                    yield path, storage

    def find(self, path, all=False):
        Looks for files in the app directories.
        matches = []
        for app in self.apps:
            match = self.find_in_app(app, path)
            if match:
                if not all:
                    return match
        return matches

    def find_in_app(self, app, path):
        Find a requested static file in an app's static locations.
        storage = self.storages.get(app, None)
        if storage:
            if storage.prefix:
                prefix = '%s%s' % (storage.prefix, os.sep)
                if not path.startswith(prefix):
                    return None
                path = path[len(prefix):]
            # only try to find a file if the source dir actually exists
            if storage.exists(path):
                matched_path = storage.path(path)
                if matched_path:
                    return matched_path
Exemplo n.º 2
class Collector(object):
    def __init__(self, using):
        self.using = using
        # Initially, {model: set([instances])}, later values become lists.
        self.data = {}
        self.batches = {}  # {model: {field: set([instances])}}
        self.field_updates = {}  # {model: {(field, value): set([instances])}}

        # Tracks deletion-order dependency for databases without transactions
        # or ability to defer constraint checks. Only concrete model classes
        # should be included, as the dependencies exist only between actual
        # database tables; proxy models are represented here by their concrete
        # parent.
        self.dependencies = {}  # {model: set([models])}

    def add(self, objs, source=None, nullable=False, reverse_dependency=False):
        Adds 'objs' to the collection of objects to be deleted.  If the call is
        the result of a cascade, 'source' should be the model that caused it,
        and 'nullable' should be set to True if the relation can be null.

        Returns a list of all objects that were not already collected.
        if not objs:
            return []
        new_objs = []
        model = objs[0].__class__
        instances = self.data.setdefault(model, set())
        for obj in objs:
            if obj not in instances:
        # Nullable relationships can be ignored -- they are nulled out before
        # deleting, and therefore do not affect the order in which objects have
        # to be deleted.
        if source is not None and not nullable:
            if reverse_dependency:
                source, model = model, source
        return new_objs

    def add_batch(self, model, field, objs):
        Schedules a batch delete. Every instance of 'model' that is related to
        an instance of 'obj' through 'field' will be deleted.
        self.batches.setdefault(model, {}).setdefault(field,

    def add_field_update(self, field, value, objs):
        Schedules a field update. 'objs' must be a homogenous iterable
        collection of model instances (e.g. a QuerySet).
        if not objs:
        model = objs[0].__class__
        self.field_updates.setdefault(model, {}).setdefault((field, value),

    def collect(self,
        Adds 'objs' to the collection of objects to be deleted as well as all
        parent instances.  'objs' must be a homogenous iterable collection of
        model instances (e.g. a QuerySet).  If 'collect_related' is True,
        related objects will be handled by their respective on_delete handler.

        If the call is the result of a cascade, 'source' should be the model
        that caused it and 'nullable' should be set to True, if the relation
        can be null.

        If 'reverse_dependency' is True, 'source' will be deleted before the
        current model, rather than after. (Needed for cascading to parent
        models, the one case in which the cascade follows the forwards
        direction of an FK rather than the reverse direction.)
        new_objs = self.add(objs,
        if not new_objs:

        model = new_objs[0].__class__

        # Recursively collect parent models, but not their related objects.
        # These will be found by meta.get_all_related_objects()
        for parent_model, ptr in model._meta.parents.iteritems():
            if ptr:
                parent_objs = [getattr(obj, ptr.name) for obj in new_objs]

        if collect_related:
            for related in model._meta.get_all_related_objects(
                    include_hidden=True, include_proxy_eq=True):
                field = related.field
                if related.model._meta.auto_created:
                    self.add_batch(related.model, field, new_objs)
                    sub_objs = self.related_objects(related, new_objs)
                    if not sub_objs:
                    field.rel.on_delete(self, field, sub_objs, self.using)

            # TODO This entire block is only needed as a special case to
            # support cascade-deletes for GenericRelation. It should be
            # removed/fixed when the ORM gains a proper abstraction for virtual
            # or composite fields, and GFKs are reworked to fit into that.
            for relation in model._meta.many_to_many:
                if not relation.rel.through:
                    sub_objs = relation.bulk_related_objects(
                        new_objs, self.using)

    def related_objects(self, related, objs):
        Gets a QuerySet of objects related to ``objs`` via the relation ``related``.

        return related.model._base_manager.using(
            self.using).filter(**{"%s__in" % related.field.name: objs})

    def instances_with_model(self):
        for model, instances in self.data.iteritems():
            for obj in instances:
                yield model, obj

    def sort(self):
        sorted_models = []
        concrete_models = set()
        models = self.data.keys()
        while len(sorted_models) < len(models):
            found = False
            for model in models:
                if model in sorted_models:
                dependencies = self.dependencies.get(
                if not (dependencies
                        and dependencies.difference(concrete_models)):
                    found = True
            if not found:
        self.data = SortedDict([(model, self.data[model])
                                for model in sorted_models])

    def delete(self):
        # sort instance collections
        for model, instances in self.data.items():
            self.data[model] = sorted(instances, key=attrgetter("pk"))

        # if possible, bring the models in an order suitable for databases that
        # don't support transactions or cannot defer constraint checks until the
        # end of a transaction.

        # send pre_delete signals
        for model, obj in self.instances_with_model():
            if not model._meta.auto_created:

        # update fields
        for model, instances_for_fieldvalues in self.field_updates.iteritems():
            query = sql.UpdateQuery(model)
            for (field,
                 value), instances in instances_for_fieldvalues.iteritems():
                query.update_batch([obj.pk for obj in instances],
                                   {field.name: value}, self.using)

        # reverse instance collections
        for instances in self.data.itervalues():

        # delete batches
        for model, batches in self.batches.iteritems():
            query = sql.DeleteQuery(model)
            for field, instances in batches.iteritems():
                query.delete_batch([obj.pk for obj in instances], self.using,

        # delete instances
        for model, instances in self.data.iteritems():
            query = sql.DeleteQuery(model)
            pk_list = [obj.pk for obj in instances]
            query.delete_batch(pk_list, self.using)

        # send post_delete signals
        for model, obj in self.instances_with_model():
            if not model._meta.auto_created:

        # update collected instances
        for model, instances_for_fieldvalues in self.field_updates.iteritems():
            for (field,
                 value), instances in instances_for_fieldvalues.iteritems():
                for obj in instances:
                    setattr(obj, field.attname, value)
        for model, instances in self.data.iteritems():
            for instance in instances:
                setattr(instance, model._meta.pk.attname, None)
    def get_initkwargs(cls,
        Creates a dict with all needed parameters for the form wizard instances.

        * `form_list` - is a list of forms. The list entries can be single form
          classes or tuples of (`step_name`, `form_class`). If you pass a list
          of forms, the wizardview will convert the class list to
          (`zero_based_counter`, `form_class`). This is needed to access the
          form for a specific step.
        * `initial_dict` - contains a dictionary of initial data dictionaries.
          The key should be equal to the `step_name` in the `form_list` (or
          the str of the zero based counter - if no step_names added in the
        * `instance_dict` - contains a dictionary of instance objects. This
          is only used when `ModelForm`s are used. The key should be equal to
          the `step_name` in the `form_list`. Same rules as for `initial_dict`
        * `condition_dict` - contains a dictionary of boolean values or
          callables. If the value of for a specific `step_name` is callable it
          will be called with the wizardview instance as the only argument.
          If the return value is true, the step's form will be used.
            'initial_dict': initial_dict or {},
            'instance_dict': instance_dict or {},
            'condition_dict': condition_dict or {},
        init_form_list = SortedDict()

        assert len(form_list) > 0, 'at least one form is needed'

        # walk through the passed form list
        for i, form in enumerate(form_list):
            if isinstance(form, (list, tuple)):
                # if the element is a tuple, add the tuple to the new created
                # sorted dictionary.
                init_form_list[unicode(form[0])] = form[1]
                # if not, add the form with a zero based counter as unicode
                init_form_list[unicode(i)] = form

        # walk through the new created list of forms
        for form in init_form_list.itervalues():
            if issubclass(form, formsets.BaseFormSet):
                # if the element is based on BaseFormSet (FormSet/ModelFormSet)
                # we need to override the form variable.
                form = form.form
            # check if any form contains a FileField, if yes, we need a
            # file_storage added to the wizardview (by subclassing).
            for field in form.base_fields.itervalues():
                if (isinstance(field, forms.FileField)
                        and not hasattr(cls, 'file_storage')):
                    raise NoFileStorageConfigured

        # build the kwargs for the wizardview instances
        kwargs['form_list'] = init_form_list
        return kwargs