cv2.line(img, (tail_x, tail_y), (centroid_x, centroid_y), (0, 0, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA), (head_x, head_y), 6, tuple(np.array(to_rgb("C0")) * 255), -1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA), (centroid_x, centroid_y), 6, tuple(np.array(to_rgb("C1")) * 255), -1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA), (tail_x, tail_y), 6, tuple(np.array(to_rgb("C0")) * 255), -1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) writer.append_data(img) writer.close() dddd fig = myfig.Figure(title="Figure 2") ########## p0 = myfig.Plot(fig, num='c', xpos=3.5, ypos=22, plot_height=1.25, plot_width=1.5, lw=1, pc='white', errorbar_area=False, xl="Time (s)", xmin=-5, xmax=105, xticks=[0, 25, 50, 75, 100], hlines=[30], yl="Larval curvature (deg)", ymin=-1, ymax=60.1, yticks=[0, 30, 60]) myfig.Line(p0, x=df_raw_data_selected_larva.query("time > 930 and time < 1030").index - 930, y=df_raw_data_selected_larva.query("time > 930 and time < 1030")["curvature"], lc='blue', lw=0.5, zorder=1, alpha=0.5) myfig.Scatter(p0, x=df_event_data_selected_larva.query("time_at_current_turn_event > 930 and time_at_current_turn_event < 1030")["time_at_current_turn_event"] - 930, y=df_event_data_selected_larva.query("time_at_current_turn_event > 930 and time_at_current_turn_event < 1030")["curvature_at_current_turn_event"], lc='C1', pt='o', lw=0.5, ps=2, pc='white', zorder=2, alpha=0.5) ########## p0 = myfig.Plot(fig, num='a', xpos=6.5, ypos=22, plot_height=1.25, plot_width=1.5, lw=1, pc='white', errorbar_area=False, xl="X (cm)", xmin=-4.1, xmax=-4.1+3, xticks=[-4, -3], yl="Y (cm)", ymin=2.8, ymax=2.8+3, yticks=[3, 4])
else: color = "C2" df = df2 fig = myfig.Figure(title=f"Figure 1 - {experiment_name}") # Show the luminance profile p0 = myfig.Plot(fig, num='d', xpos=12, ypos=22, plot_height=1.25, plot_width=2.0, lw=1, pc='white', errorbar_area=False, xl="Radial distance from center (cm)", xmin=-0.1, xmax=6.1, xticks=[0, 2, 4, 6], yl="Brightness", ymin=-1, ymax=256, yticks=[0, 128, 255]) if experiment_name == "virtual_valley_stimulus_drosolarva": myfig.Line(p0, x=x, y=c3, lc=color, lw=0.75) myfig.Line(p0, x=x, y=c2, lc='gray', lw=0.75) if experiment_name == "temporal_phototaxis_drosolarva": myfig.Line(p0, x=x, y=c1, lc=color, lw=0.75)
df.to_excel(root_path / "found_parameters.xlsx", sheet_name="parameters") fig = myfig.Figure(title="Found parameters") fig.add_text(10.5, 22.2 + 1.5, "Optimal parameters", font=fig.font2) p0 = myfig.Plot(fig, num='', xpos=1.5, ypos=22, plot_height=1.25, plot_width=1.25, lw=1, pc='white', errorbar_area=False, xl="", xmin=-1, xmax=3, xticks=[0, 1, 2], xticklabels=["WT", "Het", "Hom"], xticklabels_rotation=45, yl="tau", ymin=-0.1, ymax=3.1, yticks=[0, 1.5, 3]) p1 = myfig.Plot(fig, num='', xpos=4.0, ypos=22, plot_height=1.25,
i = np.where((data[:, 0] > period-0.2) & (data[:, 1] == 0))[0][0] d0.append(data[i - 10:i + 40, 0] - data[i, 0]) d1.append(data[i - 10:i + 40, 1]) d2.append(data[i - 10:i + 40, 2]) d0 = np.mean(d0, axis=0) d1 = np.mean(d1, axis=0) d2 = np.mean(d2, axis=0) d1 -= d1.min() d2 -= d2.min() d1 /= d1.max() d2 /= d2.max() fig = myfig.Figure(title="Closed-loop delay") p0 = myfig.Plot(fig, xpos=4, ypos=15, plot_height=3, plot_width=4, lw=1, title='Closed-loop delay', xl="Time (s)", xmin=-0.1, xmax=0.4, xticks=[0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4], yl="Brightness (a.u)", ymin=-0.1, ymax=1.1, yticks=[0, 0.5, 1]) myfig.Line(p0, x=d0, y=d1, lc='C0', zorder=2, lw=1, alpha=0.9, label='Set by computer') myfig.Line(p0, x=d0, y=d2, lc='C1', zorder=2, lw=1, alpha=0.9, label='Measured by camera') fig.savepdf(root_path / f"closed_loop_delay", open_pdf=True)
T = 1 bout_clock_probability_below_threshold = 0.008 bout_clock_probability_above_threshold = 0.04 parameter_title = f"Tau: {tau:.1f}; Sigma: {noise_sigma:.1f}; T: {T:.1f}; p_below: {bout_clock_probability_below_threshold:.4f}; p_above: {bout_clock_probability_above_threshold:.4f}" ##### # Correctness as function of coherence p0 = myfig.Plot(fig, num='b', xpos=5, ypos=22, plot_height=1.25, plot_width=1.25, lw=1, pc='white', errorbar_area=False, xmin=-15, xmax=115, hlines=[50], xticks=[0, 25, 50, 100], xticklabels=[""] * 4, yl="Probability\ncorrect (%)", ymin=44, ymax=91, yticks=[50, 70, 90]) print(df_correctness_as_function_of_coherence) myfig.Line(p0, x=[0, 25, 50, 100], y=df_correctness_as_function_of_coherence.values, lc="black", zorder=1)
# df_histogram_results = pd.read_hdf(root_path / "all_events.h5", key="results_figure2_histograms") # df_event_triggered_luminance = pd.read_hdf(root_path / "all_events.h5", key="event_triggered_luminance") df = pd.read_hdf(root_path / "all_events_model_profile1.h5", key="results_figure2") df_histogram_results = pd.read_hdf(root_path / "all_events_model_profile1.h5", key="results_figure2_histograms") df_event_triggered_luminance = pd.read_hdf(root_path / "all_events_model_profile1.h5", key="event_triggered_luminance") #df.to_excel(root_path / "all_events_figure2.xlsx", sheet_name="all_events_model.h5") #df.groupby("experiment_name").mean().to_excel(root_path / "all_events_model_figure2_experiment_mean.xlsx", sheet_name="all_data") fig = myfig.Figure(title="Figure 2") ########## p0 = myfig.Plot(fig, num='a', xpos=1.5, ypos=22, plot_height=0.75, plot_width=1.5, lw=1, pc='white', errorbar_area=False, xl="Turn angle (deg)", xmin=-181, xmax=181, xticks=[-180, -90, 0, 90, 180], yl="Probability", ymin=-0.001, ymax=0.012) df_selected = df_histogram_results.query("experiment_name == 'virtual_valley_stimulus_drosolarva' and histogram_type == 'angle_change'").reset_index(level=['experiment_name', 'histogram_type'], drop=True) myfig.Bar(p0, x=df_selected.index, y=df_selected["density"].values, lc='C0', lw=0, width=0.95*362/60) ########## p0 = myfig.Plot(fig, num='b', xpos=4.5, ypos=22, plot_height=0.75, plot_width=1.5, lw=1, pc='white', errorbar_area=False, xl="Run length (s)", xmin=-0.5, xmax=60.5, xticks=[0, 30, 60], yl="Probability", ymin=-0.001, ymax=0.06) df_selected = df_histogram_results.query("experiment_name == 'virtual_valley_stimulus_drosolarva' and histogram_type == 'run_length'").reset_index(level=['experiment_name', 'histogram_type'], drop=True) myfig.Bar(p0, x=df_selected.index, y=df_selected["density"].values, lc='C0', lw=0, width=0.95*61/60) ##########
][i] color = ['C1', "gray", "C0"][i] profile = [c1, c2, c3][i] df_selected = df.query("experiment_name == @experiment_name").reset_index( level=['experiment_name'], drop=True) larva_IDs = df_selected.index.get_level_values('larva_ID').unique().values p0 = myfig.Plot(fig, xpos=3 + 5 * i, ypos=20, plot_height=3, plot_width=3, lw=1, title=experiment_name, xl="X (cm)", xmin=-6.1, xmax=6.1, xticks=[-6, -3, 0, 3, 6], yl="Y (cm)", ymin=-6.1, ymax=6.1, yticks=[-6, -3, 0, 3, 6]), extent=(-6, 6, -6, 6), interpolation='bilinear', aspect='auto', cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=255, alpha=0.65, zorder=1) for larva_ID in larva_IDs: print(larva_ID) df_selected_larva = df_selected.query( "larva_ID == @larva_ID and time >= 15*60 and time < 60*60" ).reset_index(level=['larva_ID'], drop=True)[["r", "x", "y"]]
df.to_excel(root_path / "all_events_figure2.xlsx", sheet_name="all_events.h5") df.groupby("experiment_name").mean().to_excel( root_path / "all_events_figure2_experiment_mean.xlsx", sheet_name="all_data") fig = myfig.Figure(title="Figure 2") ########## p0 = myfig.Plot(fig, num='a', xpos=1.5, ypos=22, plot_height=1.25, plot_width=1.5, lw=1, pc='white', errorbar_area=False, xl="Turn angle (deg)", xmin=-181, xmax=181, xticks=[-180, -90, 0, 90, 180], yl="Probability density", ymin=-0.001, ymax=0.01) df_selected = df_histogram_results.query( "experiment_name == 'virtual_valley_stimulus_drosolarva' and histogram_type == 'angle_change'" ).reset_index(level=['experiment_name', 'histogram_type'], drop=True) myfig.Bar(p0, x=df_selected.index, y=df_selected["density"].values, lc='C0',
p0 = myfig.Plot( fig, num='a', xpos=1.5 + 2 * rule_i, ypos=22, plot_height=1.5, plot_width=1.5, title=rule_name, lw=1, pc='white', errorbar_area=False, xl="Run length multiplier", xmin=-0.6, xmax=4.6, xticks=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], xticklabels=["0.25", "0.5", "1", "2", "4"], xticklabels_rotation=45, yl="Turn angle multiplier" if rule_i == 0 else '', ymin=-0.6, ymax=4.6, yticks=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], yticklabels=["0.25", "0.5", "1", "2", "4"] if rule_i == 0 else [''] * 5, yticklabels_rotation=45, zmin=-50, zmax=50, colormap=cmap, show_colormap=True if rule_i == 6 else False, zticks=[-50, -25, 0, 14, 25, 50], zl= "Performance index\n(% change relative to control\nfor fraction of time\nspent in the dark ring)" )
f"neighbor_distances_hom_age{age}dpf.npy")[:, ::10] / 100 speed_over_time_mutant = np.load( root_path / experiment / f"speed_over_time_hom_age{age}dpf.npy")[:, :] / 100 # Speed p0 = myfig.Plot(fig, num='a' if i == 0 else '', xpos=3 + i * 2, ypos=15, plot_height=1.25, plot_width=1.5, title=experiment, lw=1, pc='white', errorbar_area=True, hlines=[0], xmin=-1, xmax=121, xticks=[0, 30, 60, 90, 120], xticklabels=[""] * 5, yl="Speed (cm/s)" if i == 0 else None, ymin=-0.1, ymax=0.51, yticks=[0, 0.25, 0.5] if i == 0 else None, vspans=[[20, 100, "lightgray", 0.6]]) for j in range(12): myfig.Line(p0, x=time_lowrest, y=speed_over_time_wt[j], lc="black",
f"leaky_integrator_model2_F_{genotype}_{repeat}.npy") except: continue fig = myfig.Figure(title=f"Model fits to {genotype}", fig_width=26) p1_experiment = myfig.Plot( fig, num='a', xpos=1.5, ypos=22, plot_height=1.25, plot_width=1.25, title="Experiment", lw=1, pc='white', errorbar_area=False, xl="Coherence (%)", xmin=-15, xmax=115, hlines=[50], xticks=[0, 25, 50, 100], yl="Target function 0\n\nProbability\ncorrect (%)", ymin=44, ymax=91, yticks=[50, 70, 90]) p1_model = [ myfig.Plot(fig, num='', xpos=1.5 + 3 * (optimized_i + 1), ypos=22,
interbout_interval_as_function_of_coherence_mutant_mean = (df_extracted_features_mutant.query("genotype == @mutant_name")["inter_bout_interval"]).groupby("stim").mean() interbout_interval_as_function_of_coherence_mutant_sem = (df_extracted_features_mutant.query("genotype == @mutant_name")["inter_bout_interval"]).groupby("stim").sem() binned_correctness_mutant_mean = df_extracted_binned_features_mutant.query("genotype == @mutant_name").groupby(["stim", "bin"]).mean() binned_correctness_mutant_sem = df_extracted_binned_features_mutant.query("genotype == @mutant_name").groupby(["stim", "bin"]).sem() binned_same_direction_mutant_mean = df_extracted_binned_features_same_direction_mutant.query("genotype == @mutant_name").groupby(["bin"]).mean() binned_same_direction_mutant_sem = df_extracted_binned_features_same_direction_mutant.query("genotype == @mutant_name").groupby(["bin"]).sem() histogram_heading_angle_change_mutant_mean = df_extracted_binned_features_heading_angle_change_histograms_mutant.query("genotype == @mutant_name").groupby(["stim", "bin"]).mean() histogram_heading_angle_change_mutant_sem = df_extracted_binned_features_heading_angle_change_histograms_mutant.query("genotype == @mutant_name").groupby(["stim", "bin"]).sem() ##### # Correctness as function of coherence p0 = myfig.Plot(fig, num='b1', xpos=10, ypos=ypos, plot_height=1.25, plot_width=1.25, title="Wildtype / mutant", lw=1, pc='white', errorbar_area=False, xmin=-15, xmax=115, hlines=[50], xticks=[0, 25, 50, 100], xticklabels=[""]*4, yl="Probability\ncorrect (%)", ymin=44, ymax=91, yticks=[50, 70, 90]) myfig.Line(p0, x=[0, 25, 50, 100], y=correctness_as_function_of_coherence_wt_mean, yerr=correctness_as_function_of_coherence_wt_sem, lc="black", zorder=1) myfig.Scatter(p0, x=[0, 25, 50, 100], y=correctness_as_function_of_coherence_wt_mean, lc='black', pt='o', lw=0.5, ps=9.8, pc='white', zorder=2) myfig.Line(p0, x=[0, 25, 50, 100], y=correctness_as_function_of_coherence_mutant_mean, yerr=correctness_as_function_of_coherence_mutant_sem, lc=basecolor, zorder=1) myfig.Scatter(p0, x=[0, 25, 50, 100], y=correctness_as_function_of_coherence_mutant_mean, lc=basecolor, pt='o', lw=0.5, ps=9.8, pc='white', zorder=2) #### # Interbout interval as function of coherence p0 = myfig.Plot(fig, num='b2', xpos=10, ypos=ypos - 1.5, plot_height=1.25, plot_width=1.25, lw=1, pc='white', errorbar_area=False, xl="Coherence (%)", xmin=-15, xmax=115, xticks=[0, 25, 50, 100], hlines=[50], yl="Interbout\ninterval (s)", ymin=0.6, ymax=1.9, yticks=[0.7, 1.2, 1.7])
import my_figure as myfig norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=79) cmap ='seismic') fig = myfig.Figure(title="Pareto fronts") y_pos = 22 for error_index0, error_index1, xmin, xmax, xticks, ymin, ymax, yticks in [[0, 1, -10, 1010, [0, 500, 1000], -0.1, 5.1, [0, 2.5, 5]], [1, 2, -0.01, 0.6, [0, 0.25, 0.5], -10, 5010, [0, 2500, 5000]], [2, 3, -10, 5010, [0, 2500, 5000], -5, 205, [0, 100, 200]], [3, 4, -10, 510, [0, 250, 500], -0.01, 0.51, [0, 0.25, 0.5]], ]: p0 = myfig.Plot(fig, num='', xpos=1.5, ypos=y_pos, plot_height=2.5, plot_width=2.5, lw=1, pc='white', errorbar_area=False, xl=errornames[error_index0], xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, xticks=xticks, yl=errornames[error_index1], ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax,yticks=yticks, hlines=[0], vlines=[0]) print(F[0][:, error_index0].max()) print(F[0][:, error_index1].max()) res = NonDominatedSorting().do(F[0]) x = F[0][res[0]][:, error_index0] y = F[0][res[0]][:, error_index1] ind = np.where((x < xmax) & (y < ymax)) x = x[ind] y = y[ind] myfig.Scatter(p0, x,y, pt='.', ps=8, lw=0, pc='blue',alpha=0.8) res = NonDominatedSorting().do(F[-1])
if force < 0: direction = "Left" else: direction = "Right" p0 = myfig.Plot( fig, num='', xpos=x_pos + 4, ypos=y_pos + 10, plot_height=2.5, plot_width=2.5, title= f"Motion arc: {d_ang:0.1f} deg;\nLocation: {location_on_retina:.1f} (Weight {retina_weight:.1f})\nMotion force: {force:.1f} ({direction})", lw=1, pc='white', errorbar_area=False, xl="X" if y_pos == 0 else None, xmin=-10, xmax=10, xticks=[-10, -5, 0, 5, 10] if y_pos == 0 else None, yl="Y" if x_pos == 0 else None, ymin=-10, ymax=10, yticks=[-10, -5, 0, 5, 10] if x_pos == 0 else None, hlines=[0], vlines=[0])[0], pos_focal1[1], pos_focal2[0] - pos_focal1[0], pos_focal2[1] - pos_focal1[1],
genotype = "hom" colors = ["C3", "red", "C4"] fig = myfig.Figure(title=f"Figure 1") ### Speed stats p0 = myfig.Plot(fig, num='', xpos=12.0, ypos=15, plot_height=0.75, plot_width=0.5, lw=1, pc='white', errorbar_area=False, hlines=[0], xl="", xmin=-0.5, xmax=2.5, xticks=[0, 1, 2], yl="Speed (cm/s)", ymin=-0.1, ymax=1.1, yticks=[0, 0.5, 1.0]) ### Spacing stats p1 = myfig.Plot(fig, num='', xpos=12.0, ypos=13, plot_height=0.75,
import numpy as np import my_figure as myfig from scipy import stats root_path = Path("/Users/arminbahl/Desktop/mutant_behavior_data/dot_motion_coherence/disc1_hetinx") df_all_bouts = pd.read_hdf(root_path / "all_data.h5", key="all_bouts").query("genotype == 'wt'").droplevel(["genotype"]) df_all_bouts = df_all_bouts.query("stim == 0").droplevel(["stim"]) fishes_IDs = df_all_bouts.index.get_level_values('fish_ID').unique().values fig = myfig.Figure(title=f"Figure 2") p0 = myfig.Plot(fig, num='a', xpos=2, ypos=20, plot_height=2, plot_width=2, title = "Original inter-bout-intervals", lw=1, pc='white', errorbar_area=False, xl="Inter-bout-interval (s)", xmin=-0.1, xmax=2.1, xticks=[0., 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2], yl="Next inter-bout-interval (s)", ymin=-0.1, ymax=2.1, yticks=[0., 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2]) p1 = myfig.Plot(fig, num='a', xpos=5, ypos=20, plot_height=2, plot_width=2, title = "Shuffled inter-bout-intervals", lw=1, pc='white', errorbar_area=False, xl="Inter-bout-interval (s)", xmin=-0.1, xmax=2.1, xticks=[0., 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2], yl="", ymin=-0.1, ymax=2.1, yticks=[0., 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2], yticklabels=[""]*5) p2 = myfig.Plot(fig, num='b', xpos=8, ypos=20, plot_height=1.25, plot_width=1.25, title = "Bout vs. next bout", lw=1, pc='white', errorbar_area=False, xl="", xmin=-0.5, xmax=1.5, xticks=[0, 1], xticklabels=["Original data", "Shuffled"], xticklabels_rotation=45, yl="Correlation coefficient", ymin=-0.1, ymax=0.6, yticks=[0, 0.25, 0.5]) p3 = myfig.Plot(fig, num='b', xpos=10, ypos=20, plot_height=1.25, plot_width=1.25, title = "Bout vs. second-next bout", lw=1, pc='white', errorbar_area=False, xl="", xmin=-0.5, xmax=1.5, xticks=[0, 1], xticklabels=["Original data", "Shuffled"], xticklabels_rotation=45,