def main(): all_table = list() hosts = function1('ex2b.yml') for host in hosts: print("Connecting to...", host.get('host')) connection = pyeapi.client.connect(**host, password=getpass()) device = pyeapi.client.Node(connection) output = device.enable(['show ip arp']) ip_table = function2(output) entry = (host.get('host').split('.')[0], ip_table) all_table.append(entry) pprint(all_table)
def main(): hosts = function1('ex4.yml') for host in hosts: cfg = function3(host.get('data')) print("Connecting to...", host.get('host')) connection = pyeapi.client.connect(**host, password=getpass()) device = pyeapi.client.Node(connection) device.api('ipinterfaces').delete(host.get('data')['intf_name']) device.api('ipinterfaces').create(host.get('data')['intf_name']) device.api('ipinterfaces').set_address( host.get('data')['intf_name'], value=host.get('data')['intf_ip'] + '/' + str(host.get('data')['intf_mask'])) intf_ip = device.enable('show ip interface brief') output = function2(intf_ip) pprint(output)
""" 2b. Create a Python module named ''. In this file create two functions: function1 should read the YAML file you created in exercise 2a and return the corresponding data structure; function2 should handle the output printing of the ARP entries (in other words, create a separate function that handles all printing to standard out of the 'show ip arp' data). Create new program based on ex2a but YAML file loading and the output printing done using the functions in """ from my_funcs import function1, function2 import pyeapi if __name__ == '__main__': # call function which will read in yaml file and format it properly device_dict = function1('arista4.yaml') # Create connection object and pull in device details using **kwargs connection = pyeapi.client.connect(**device_dict) # Create client.node object and pass in the connection object created above device = pyeapi.client.Node(connection) # Send show ip arp command to device output = device.run_commands('show ip arp') # Call function 2 to deal with output of show ip arp command and print mappings function2(output)
#!/usr/bin/env python import pyeapi from getpass import getpass import yaml import my_funcs arista4_yaml_file = "arista4.yaml" # read arista4 connection params from yaml config file arista4_conn = my_funcs.function1(arista4_yaml_file) connection = pyeapi.client.connect(**arista4_conn) device = pyeapi.client.Node(connection) output = device.enable("show ip arp") # print output my_funcs.function2(output)
from jinja2.environment import Environment from pprint import pprint arista_yaml_file = "arista.yaml" ## jinja loopback_j2_file = "loopback.j2" env = Environment(undefined=StrictUndefined) env.loader = FileSystemLoader('.') template = env.get_template(loopback_j2_file) ## one password for all devices arista_password = getpass() ## get arista settings from yaml file arista_devs = my_funcs.function1(arista_yaml_file) for device_name in arista_devs: print(device_name) ## settings for current device arista_conf = arista_devs[device_name] ## set password arista_conf['password'] = arista_password ## create loopback dict arista_loopback = arista_conf['loopback'] print(arista_loopback) ## remove loopback part from dict