def _init_plotmenu_toolbar(self): # try: # datapath = matplotlib.get_data_path() # except Exception: # datapath = matplotlib.rcParams["datapath"] # self.basedir = os.path.join(datapath, 'images') self.toolitems = list(self.toolitems) self.toolitems.append( ('Data', 'Show the data', 'icon_data.svg', self._showData)) # NavigationToolbar uses a tuple so keep the type just in case the type is checked # anywhere self.toolitems = tuple(self.toolitems) for text, tooltip_text, image_file, callback in self.toolitems: if text is None: self.context_menu.addSeparator() self.toolbar_widget.addSeparator() else: if "." in image_file: icon = QtGui.QIcon(my_utilities.image(image_file)) else: icon = self._icon(image_file + '.png') if text == 'Subplots': a = self.context_menu.addAction( self._icon("qt4_editor_options.png"), 'Customize', self.edit_parameters) a.setToolTip('Edit axis, curve and image parameters') elif callable(callback): a = self.context_menu.addAction(icon, text, callback) self._actions[callback] = a else: a = self.context_menu.addAction(icon, text, getattr(self, callback)) self._actions[callback] = a self.toolbar_widget.addAction(a) if callback in ['zoom', 'pan']: a.setCheckable(True) if tooltip_text is not None: a.setToolTip(tooltip_text) # self.buttons = {} # reference holder for subplots_adjust window # self.adj_window = None # Esthetic adjustments - we need to set these explicitly in PyQt5 # otherwise the layout looks different - but we don't want to set it if # not using HiDPI icons otherwise they look worse than before. self.setIconSize(QtCore.QSize(24, 24)) self.layout().setSpacing(12)
def __init__(self): """Initialize the tool""" super(BackgroundCreationTool, self).__init__("background_creation", title="Interpolate background", tooltip="Create a new background file by interpolating an existing one", action_name="Interpolate background", calculating_text="Creating background...", icon=my_utilities.image("icon_interpolate.svg"), needs_background_datacontainer=True, needs_measurement_type=True )
def __init__(self): """Initialize the tool""" super(DataPointCutTool, self).__init__("datapoint_cut", title="Edit datapoints", tooltip="Edit the datapoints", action_name="Edit datapoints", calculating_text="Editing points...", icon=my_utilities.image("icon_edit.svg")) self._page = None
def _initToolbar(self): """Initialize the toolbar""" toolbar_icon_size = QtCore.QSize(32, 32) self.toolbar = self.addToolBar('Tools') open_menu = QtWidgets.QMenu(self) action = QtWidgets.QAction("M(T)", self) action.setProperty( "measurement_variable", DataHandling.DataContainer.DataContainer.TEMPERATURE) action.setStatusTip("Plot a M(T) measurement") action.setToolTip(action.statusTip()) action.triggered.connect(self.actionOpen) open_menu.addAction(action) action = QtWidgets.QAction("M(H)", self) action.setProperty("measurement_variable", DataHandling.DataContainer.DataContainer.FIELD) action.setStatusTip("Plot a M(H) measurement") action.setToolTip(action.statusTip()) action.triggered.connect(self.actionOpen) open_menu.addAction(action) openbutton = QtWidgets.QToolButton(self) openbutton.setToolButtonStyle(QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon) openbutton.setText('Open') openbutton.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(my_utilities.image('icon_open.svg'))) openbutton.setIconSize(toolbar_icon_size) openbutton.setStatusTip('Open data file') openbutton.setMenu(open_menu) openbutton.clicked.connect(openbutton.showMenu) self.toolbar.addWidget(openbutton) graphbutton = QtWidgets.QToolButton(self) graphbutton.setToolButtonStyle(QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon) graphbutton.setText('Plot') graphbutton.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(my_utilities.image('icon_graph.svg'))) graphbutton.setIconSize(toolbar_icon_size) graphbutton.setStatusTip('Plot some data') graphbutton.clicked.connect(self.actionGraphs) self.toolbar.addWidget(graphbutton) self.toolbar.addSeparator() tools = [ View.ToolWizard.FormatDataTool.FormatDataTool(), View.ToolWizard.DataPointCutTool.DataPointCutTool(), View.ToolWizard.BackgroundCreationTool.BackgroundCreationTool(), View.ToolWizard.BackgroundSubtractionTool. BackgroundSubtractionTool() ] # create the menus for i, tool in enumerate(tools): toolMenuItem = QtWidgets.QToolButton(self) tool_action = tool.createAction(self, True, True) toolMenuItem.setDefaultAction(tool_action) toolMenuItem.setProperty("tool", tool.getUniqueName()) if isinstance( tool, View.ToolWizard.BackgroundCreationTool. BackgroundCreationTool): toolMenuItem.setProperty("output_mode", ("export", "plot")) else: toolMenuItem.setProperty("output_mode", "plot") toolMenuItem.clicked.connect(self.actionTool) toolMenuItem.setToolButtonStyle(QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon) toolMenuItem.setIconSize(toolbar_icon_size) toolMenuItem.setToolTip(tool_action.toolTip()) toolMenuItem.setStatusTip(tool_action.statusTip()) self.toolbar.addWidget(toolMenuItem) # export menu is always included, just start the wizard toolMenuItem = QtWidgets.QToolButton(self) toolMenuItem.setToolButtonStyle(QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon) toolMenuItem.setText('Export') toolMenuItem.setToolTip("Export data to an dat, raw or csv file") toolMenuItem.setStatusTip("Export data to an dat, raw or csv file") toolMenuItem.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon( my_utilities.image('icon_export.svg'))) toolMenuItem.setIconSize(toolbar_icon_size) toolMenuItem.setProperty("tool", "export") toolMenuItem.setProperty("output_mode", "export") toolMenuItem.clicked.connect(self.actionTool) self.toolbar.addWidget(toolMenuItem) self.toolbar.addSeparator() exitbutton = QtWidgets.QToolButton(self) exitbutton.setToolButtonStyle(QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon) exitbutton.setText('Exit') exitbutton.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(my_utilities.image('icon_exit.svg'))) exitbutton.setIconSize(toolbar_icon_size) exitbutton.setStatusTip('Exit application') exitbutton.clicked.connect(self.actionQuit) self.toolbar.addWidget(exitbutton)
class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): QT_INSTALL_PATHS = { 'general': '', 'windows': '', 'linux': '', 'mac': '' } ICON = my_utilities.image("icon_window_icon.png") # openedFile = QtCore.pyqtSignal(DataHandling.DataContainer.DataContainer) # this is more open, PyQt_PyObject is the C++ wrapper object for each python # object but setting the Signal to the DataContainer directly this does not # work for any reason, getting an error openedFile = QtCore.pyqtSignal('PyQt_PyObject') openFileFinished = QtCore.pyqtSignal(list) def __init__(self, controller, show_window=True, parent=None): """Initialize the Main window (View) Parameters --------- controller : Controller The controller which handles all the program routines show_window: boolean, False Whehter the window should be shown or not, default: True parent : QWidget, optional The parent """ super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) # save controller self._controller = controller # the progress dialog and its parent self._progress_parent = self self._progress = None # quick open plot type, this can be H or T self._quick_open_plot_type = None # initialize UI self._initUI(show_window) # reading stored settings self.readSettings() # set open signal self._controller.openedDataContainer.connect(self.openedFile.emit) self.openedFile.connect(self.actionLogFileOpen) self.openedFile.connect(self.actionOpenFinished) self._open_data = None self.log("GUI ready") @property def controller(self): return self._controller @controller.setter def controller(self, value): return False def _initUI(self, show_window=True): """Setup the UI Parameters --------- show_window: boolean, False Whehter the window should be shown or not, default: True """ # set the window dimensions, set the window into the center of the screen screen_object = QtWidgets.QDesktopWidget().screenGeometry(-1) w = 600 h = 400 x = (screen_object.width() - w) // 2 y = (screen_object.height() - h) // 2 self.setGeometry(x, y, w, h) # set title and icon self.setWindowTitle(Constants.NAME) self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(MainWindow.ICON)) # setting up console self._console = QtWidgets.QTextEdit() self._console.setReadOnly(True) date = QtCore.QDateTime.currentDateTime() self._console.append("<b>Starting log console, {0}</b><br />".format( date.toString())) # creating dockable pane for console self._console_pane = QtWidgets.QDockWidget("Console", self) self._console_pane.setWidget(self._console) self._console_pane.resize(QtCore.QSize(450, 300)) # setting up files list file_list_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() file_list_layout.addStretch(1) self._file_list = QtWidgets.QWidget() self._file_list.setLayout(file_list_layout) # creating scroll pane for list scroll_area = QtWidgets.QScrollArea() scroll_area.setWidgetResizable(True) scroll_area.setWidget(self._file_list) scroll_area.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) scroll_area.resize(QtCore.QSize(450, 500)) # creating dockable pane for files self._files_pane = QtWidgets.QDockWidget("Files", self) self._files_pane.setWidget(scroll_area) self._files_pane.resize(QtCore.QSize(450, 600)) # adding dock windows self.addDockWidget(QtCore.Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea, self._files_pane) self.addDockWidget(QtCore.Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea, self._console_pane) # create mdi area self._mdiArea = QtWidgets.QMdiArea(self) self._plot_window_count = 0 # create main widget which is the splitter, add the mdi area and the # console to the splitter, add the splitter as central widget self.setCentralWidget(self._mdiArea) # initialize the menubar self._initMenubar() # initialize the statusbar self._initStatusbar() # initialize the toolbar self._initToolbar() # show window if show_window: self.showMaximized() def _initMenubar(self): """Initialize the menubar""" # create menubar menubar = self.menuBar() # create file menu file_menu = menubar.addMenu('File') open_menu = file_menu.addMenu('Open') # open graph as a new plot open_action_t = QtWidgets.QAction('Open M(T)', self) open_action_t.setShortcut('Ctrl+O') open_action_t.setProperty( "measurement_variable", DataHandling.DataContainer.DataContainer.TEMPERATURE) open_action_t.setStatusTip('Open a file to load the M(T) measurement') open_action_t.setToolTip(open_action_t.statusTip()) open_action_t.triggered.connect(self.actionOpen) open_action_h = QtWidgets.QAction('Open M(H)', self) open_action_h.setShortcut('Ctrl+O') open_action_h.setProperty( "measurement_variable", DataHandling.DataContainer.DataContainer.FIELD) open_action_h.setStatusTip('Open a file to load the M(H) measurement') open_action_h.setToolTip(open_action_h.statusTip()) open_action_h.triggered.connect(self.actionOpen) # quick M(T) open openQuickMT = QtWidgets.QAction('Quick open: M(T)', self) openQuickMT.setStatusTip( 'Open a file and plot it as an M(T) measurement') openQuickMT.setProperty( "plot", DataHandling.DataContainer.DataContainer.TEMPERATURE) openQuickMT.triggered.connect(self.actionQuickOpen) # quick M(H) open openQuickMH = QtWidgets.QAction('Quick open: M(H)', self) openQuickMH.setStatusTip( 'Open a file and plot it as an M(H) measurement') openQuickMH.setProperty("plot", DataHandling.DataContainer.DataContainer.FIELD) openQuickMH.triggered.connect(self.actionQuickOpen) # add the menus to the open menu open_menu.addAction(open_action_t) open_menu.addAction(open_action_h) open_menu.addSeparator() open_menu.addAction(openQuickMT) open_menu.addAction(openQuickMH) # open settings openSettingsAct = QtWidgets.QAction('Settings', self) openSettingsAct.setShortcut('Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P') openSettingsAct.setStatusTip('Open Settings') openSettingsAct.triggered.connect(self.actionOpenSettings) # exit program exitAct = QtWidgets.QAction('Exit', self) exitAct.setShortcut('Ctrl+Q') exitAct.setStatusTip('Exit application') exitAct.triggered.connect(self.actionQuit) # add the items to the file menu file_menu.addSeparator() file_menu.addAction(openSettingsAct) file_menu.addSeparator() file_menu.addAction(exitAct) # create tools menu toolMenu = menubar.addMenu('Tools') # create all the tools tools = [ View.ToolWizard.FormatDataTool.FormatDataTool(), View.ToolWizard.DataPointCutTool.DataPointCutTool(), View.ToolWizard.BackgroundCreationTool.BackgroundCreationTool(), View.ToolWizard.BackgroundSubtractionTool. BackgroundSubtractionTool() ] # create the menus for i, tool in enumerate(tools): toolMenuItem = tool.createAction(self, False) toolMenuItem.setProperty("tool", tool.getUniqueName()) if isinstance( tool, View.ToolWizard.BackgroundCreationTool. BackgroundCreationTool): toolMenuItem.setProperty("output_mode", ("export", "plot")) else: toolMenuItem.setProperty("output_mode", "plot") toolMenuItem.triggered.connect(self.actionTool) toolMenu.addAction(toolMenuItem) # export menu is always included, just start the wizard toolMenuItem = QtWidgets.QAction("Export", self) toolMenuItem.setProperty("tool", "export") toolMenuItem.setProperty("output_mode", "export") toolMenuItem.setToolTip("Export data to an dat, raw or csv file") toolMenuItem.triggered.connect(self.actionTool) toolMenu.addAction(toolMenuItem) # create window menu windowMenu = menubar.addMenu('Windows') # cascading windows cascadingAct = QtWidgets.QAction('Cascacing windows', self) cascadingAct.setShortcut('Alt+C') cascadingAct.setStatusTip('Cascade the subwindows') cascadingAct.triggered.connect(self._mdiArea.cascadeSubWindows) # tile windows tileAct = QtWidgets.QAction('Tile windows', self) tileAct.setShortcut('Alt+T') tileAct.setStatusTip('Tile the subwindows') tileAct.triggered.connect(self._mdiArea.tileSubWindows) windowMenu.addAction(cascadingAct) windowMenu.addAction(tileAct) # create help menu helpMenu = menubar.addMenu('Help') # about the program menu infoAct = QtWidgets.QAction('About', self) infoAct.setShortcut('Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I') infoAct.setStatusTip('Get information about the program') infoAct.triggered.connect(self.actionInfo) # about qt infoQtAct = QtWidgets.QAction('About Qt', self) infoQtAct.setStatusTip( 'Get information about the Qt Framework version') infoQtAct.triggered.connect( lambda: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.aboutQt(self, "About Qt")) # add the items to the help helpMenu.addAction(infoAct) helpMenu.addAction(infoQtAct) def _initStatusbar(self): """Initialize the statusbar""" # initialize status bar self.statusBar() def _initToolbar(self): """Initialize the toolbar""" toolbar_icon_size = QtCore.QSize(32, 32) self.toolbar = self.addToolBar('Tools') open_menu = QtWidgets.QMenu(self) action = QtWidgets.QAction("M(T)", self) action.setProperty( "measurement_variable", DataHandling.DataContainer.DataContainer.TEMPERATURE) action.setStatusTip("Plot a M(T) measurement") action.setToolTip(action.statusTip()) action.triggered.connect(self.actionOpen) open_menu.addAction(action) action = QtWidgets.QAction("M(H)", self) action.setProperty("measurement_variable", DataHandling.DataContainer.DataContainer.FIELD) action.setStatusTip("Plot a M(H) measurement") action.setToolTip(action.statusTip()) action.triggered.connect(self.actionOpen) open_menu.addAction(action) openbutton = QtWidgets.QToolButton(self) openbutton.setToolButtonStyle(QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon) openbutton.setText('Open') openbutton.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(my_utilities.image('icon_open.svg'))) openbutton.setIconSize(toolbar_icon_size) openbutton.setStatusTip('Open data file') openbutton.setMenu(open_menu) openbutton.clicked.connect(openbutton.showMenu) self.toolbar.addWidget(openbutton) graphbutton = QtWidgets.QToolButton(self) graphbutton.setToolButtonStyle(QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon) graphbutton.setText('Plot') graphbutton.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(my_utilities.image('icon_graph.svg'))) graphbutton.setIconSize(toolbar_icon_size) graphbutton.setStatusTip('Plot some data') graphbutton.clicked.connect(self.actionGraphs) self.toolbar.addWidget(graphbutton) self.toolbar.addSeparator() tools = [ View.ToolWizard.FormatDataTool.FormatDataTool(), View.ToolWizard.DataPointCutTool.DataPointCutTool(), View.ToolWizard.BackgroundCreationTool.BackgroundCreationTool(), View.ToolWizard.BackgroundSubtractionTool. BackgroundSubtractionTool() ] # create the menus for i, tool in enumerate(tools): toolMenuItem = QtWidgets.QToolButton(self) tool_action = tool.createAction(self, True, True) toolMenuItem.setDefaultAction(tool_action) toolMenuItem.setProperty("tool", tool.getUniqueName()) if isinstance( tool, View.ToolWizard.BackgroundCreationTool. BackgroundCreationTool): toolMenuItem.setProperty("output_mode", ("export", "plot")) else: toolMenuItem.setProperty("output_mode", "plot") toolMenuItem.clicked.connect(self.actionTool) toolMenuItem.setToolButtonStyle(QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon) toolMenuItem.setIconSize(toolbar_icon_size) toolMenuItem.setToolTip(tool_action.toolTip()) toolMenuItem.setStatusTip(tool_action.statusTip()) self.toolbar.addWidget(toolMenuItem) # export menu is always included, just start the wizard toolMenuItem = QtWidgets.QToolButton(self) toolMenuItem.setToolButtonStyle(QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon) toolMenuItem.setText('Export') toolMenuItem.setToolTip("Export data to an dat, raw or csv file") toolMenuItem.setStatusTip("Export data to an dat, raw or csv file") toolMenuItem.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon( my_utilities.image('icon_export.svg'))) toolMenuItem.setIconSize(toolbar_icon_size) toolMenuItem.setProperty("tool", "export") toolMenuItem.setProperty("output_mode", "export") toolMenuItem.clicked.connect(self.actionTool) self.toolbar.addWidget(toolMenuItem) self.toolbar.addSeparator() exitbutton = QtWidgets.QToolButton(self) exitbutton.setToolButtonStyle(QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon) exitbutton.setText('Exit') exitbutton.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(my_utilities.image('icon_exit.svg'))) exitbutton.setIconSize(toolbar_icon_size) exitbutton.setStatusTip('Exit application') exitbutton.clicked.connect(self.actionQuit) self.toolbar.addWidget(exitbutton) def showOpenDialog(self, title=None, max_file_count=1, parent=None): """Show a dialog for opening files. This emits the openedFile Signal. Parameters --------- title : String, optional The title, if not given "Open file(s)" will be used max_file_count : int, optional The maximum count of files the user can open, if the parameter is not numeric (or < 0) unlimited files can be opened parent : QWidget The parent widget Returns ------- boolean success """ if title == None or not isinstance(title, str) or len(title) <= 0: title = "Open file" if parent == None and self.isVisible(): parent = self dialog = QtWidgets.QFileDialog(parent) dialog.setWindowTitle(title) dialog.setNameFilter( "MPMS raw files (*.rw.dat);;MPMS files (*.dat);;All files (*.*)") result = dialog.exec() if result: files = dialog.selectedFiles() if my_utilities.is_iterable(files): self.log("Trying to open {0} files".format(len(files))) fs = [] for i, file in enumerate(files): filepath = os.path.dirname(file) filename = os.path.basename(file) dat_filepath = os.path.join( filepath, my_utilities.rreplace(str(filename), ".rw.dat", ".dat", 1)) if not os.path.isfile(dat_filepath): dat_filepath = self.showMissingDatfileDialog( file, dat_filepath, parent) if dat_filepath == False: self.openFileAborted.emit() self.log("Opening file(s) aborted.") return False fs.append((file, dat_filepath)) if (my_utilities.is_numeric(max_file_count) and max_file_count > 0 and len(fs) >= max_file_count): break self.openFiles(fs, parent) else: # this should never happen self.openFileAborted.emit() self._error("The file(s) cannot be received from the dialog") def showMissingDatfileDialog(self, file, dat_filepath, parent=None): """Displays a message dialog if the *.dat file can not be found. Parameters ---------- file : String The absolute path of the raw file (*.rw.dat) dat_filepath : String The absolute path of the dat file (*.dat) which does not exist parent : QWidget The parent, if not given the MainWindow will be the parent Returns ------- String, False or None The absolute path of the dat file to use or None if the dat file should not be loaded or False if the opening process should be canceld """ if parent == None and self.isVisible(): parent = self # the message dialog dialog = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(parent) dialog.setText(( "Could not find *.dat file for the given raw file '{}'. " + "<br /><br />If there is no *.dat file given the squid_range " + "will be read out of the *.rw.dat file which may cause <b>wrong " + "results!</b><br /><br />If you click on <i>Ignore</i> the squid " + "range will be read from the *.rw.dat file, if you click " + "<i>Select File</i> you can select another file which will be assumed " + "to be the *.dat file.").format(os.path.basename(file))) # some more details explaining the problem dialog.setDetailedText( ("The automatically guessed *.dat file with the " + "filename '{}' does not exist.\n\nThe " + "*.dat file is used to detect the squid range. The " + "squid range is also written in the *.rw.dat file " + "but it is not always correct in the *.rw file. " + "Opening the file without the *.dat file may cause " + "wrong results. This means that they may be scaled " + "partly or completely with a factor of 10, 100, or 1000 " + "or the reciprocal of it.").format(dat_filepath)) dialog.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Warning) # the buttons select_button = dialog.addButton("Select File", QtWidgets.QMessageBox.ActionRole) ignore_button = dialog.addButton(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ignore) dialog.addButton(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel) # start the dialog dialog.exec() # check which button has been clicked if dialog.clickedButton() == select_button: # show a file open dialog to select the dat file dialog = QtWidgets.QFileDialog(parent) dialog.setWindowTitle("Select *.dat file for {}".format( os.path.basename(file))) dialog.setNameFilter( "MPMS files (*.dat);;MPMS raw files (*.rw.dat);;All files (*.*)" ) result = dialog.exec() # check if the result is valid, if it is return the dat file, if not # return *ignore* value if result: files = dialog.selectedFiles() if isinstance(files, (list, tuple)): return files[0] elif isinstance(files, str): return files else: return None else: return None elif dialog.clickedButton() == ignore_button: # ignore the dat file return None else: # cancel the opening process return False def openFiles(self, files, parent=None): """Openes the file with the given filename. For further information about the data parameter have a look at the MainWindow.addFileToFileList function. This emits the openedFile Signal. Parameters --------- files : list of Strings The absolute path(s) of the file(s) to open parenet : QWiget The parent """ self._controller.openFiles(files, parent) def addFileToFilelist(self, datacontainer): """Add the datacontainer to the file list for interacting with it. Parameters ---------- datacontainer : DataContainer The data container which holds the data """ if isinstance(datacontainer, DataHandling.DataContainer.DataContainer): # receive layout layout = self._file_list.layout() index = None index = layout.count() - 1 # get last item which is a spacer with stretch=1 spacer = layout.takeAt(index) self.replaceDataContainerWidget(datacontainer, index) if isinstance(spacer, QtWidgets.QSpacerItem): # this should always be true layout.addItem(spacer) def replaceDataContainerWidget(self, datacontainer, index=None): """Replace or add the given datacontainer to the internal list. Parameters ---------- datacontainer : DataContainer The datacontainer to add index : int, optional The index to replace, None to append """ # creating widget container_widget = View.DataContainerWidget.DataContainerWidget( datacontainer, self, self._controller) # setting widget if (my_utilities.is_numeric(index) and index >= 0 and index < self._file_list.layout().count()): self._file_list.layout().insertWidget(index, container_widget, 0) else: self._file_list.layout().addWidget(container_widget, 0) def removeDataContainerWidget(self, datacontainer_widget): """Removes the given datacontainer_widget from the layout. This will also remove the datacontainer because it is saved in the datacontainer widget only Parameters ---------- datacontainer_widget : DataContainerWidget The datacontainer widget to remove Returns ------- boolean success """ layout = self._file_list.layout() if isinstance(datacontainer_widget, QtWidgets.QWidget): # get the name for the log name = os.path.basename( datacontainer_widget.getDataContainer().filepath) # remove the widget in QT, garbage collector should remove it now layout.removeWidget(datacontainer_widget) datacontainer_widget.setParent(None) datacontainer_widget.deleteLater() # remove the C++ object just to make sure sip.delete(datacontainer_widget) # delete the python object just to make sure del datacontainer_widget self.log("Removed {} from the files list.".format(name)) return True return False def plotNewWindow(self, plotdata): """Plot the given PlotData in a new subwindow Parameters ---------- plotdata : PlotData or PlotCanvas The PlotData to plot """ self._plot_window_count += 1 # create a new sub window sub = View.PlotWindow.PlotWindow(self, self._plot_window_count, plotdata, self._mdiArea) self._mdiArea.addSubWindow(sub) def showDataPoints(self, datacontainer, index, plot_data_index): """Show the datapoints with the index1 and index2 of the given datacontainer Parameters ---------- datacontainer : DataContainer The datacontainer which holds the data index : int The index of the one datapoint to show """ sender = self.sender() if isinstance(sender, View.PlotCanvas.PlotCanvas): plot_data = sender.getPlotData(plot_data_index) if (isinstance(plot_data, DataHandling.PlotData.PlotData) and isinstance(plot_data.indices_list, (list, tuple))): if isinstance(index, (list, tuple)): i = [] for ind in index: if ind >= 0 and ind <= len(plot_data.indices_list): i.append(plot_data.indices_list[ind]) index = i else: index = plot_data.indices_list[index] datapoint_view = View.DataPointViewer.DataPointViewer( datacontainer, self, index) if isinstance(sender, View.PlotCanvas.PlotCanvas): datapoint_view.setDataContainerPlot(sender) datapoint_view.exec() def showErrorDialog(self, error_message, error_details=None, error_type=Constants.FATAL): """Show an error message to the uers with the given error_message and details if there are some Parameters ---------- error_message : String The message of the error to display error_details : String, optional The details of the error as a String """ error_dialog = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(self) error_dialog.setText(error_message) if error_type == Constants.NOTICE_ERROR: error_dialog.setWindowTitle("Notice") error_dialog.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Warning) else: error_dialog.setWindowTitle("Error") error_dialog.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical) error_dialog.resize(QtCore.QSize(600, 200)) if isinstance(error_details, str) and len(error_details) > 0: error_dialog.setDetailedText(error_details) def setProgressParent(self, parent): """Sets the progress bar parent Parameters ---------- parent : QtWidgets.QWidget The parent """ if parent != None and parent.isVisible(): self._progress_parent = parent elif self.isVisible(): self._progress_parent = self else: self._progress_parent = None if isinstance(self._progress, QtWidgets.QWidget): self._progress.setParent(self._progress_parent) def showProgress(self, text, handler): """Show a progress dialog for loading the files, do not use this method! This is for the controller for file opening only Parameters ---------- text : String The text which is displayed on the loader handler : function The callback function which is executed if the progress bars abord button is hit """ self._update_progress_aborted_msg_shown = None if isinstance(self._progress, QtWidgets.QDialog): self.updateProgressClose() self._progress = QtWidgets.QProgressDialog( str(text), "Abort", 0, 0, self._progress_parent, QtCore.Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint | QtCore.Qt.WindowTitleHint) self._progress.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.WindowModal) self._progress.setWindowTitle(Constants.NAME) self._progress.setWindowIcon( QtGui.QIcon(View.MainWindow.MainWindow.ICON)) self._progress.canceled.connect(handler, type=QtCore.Qt.DirectConnection) self._progress.forceShow() def updateProgressStart(self, length, mode, file): """Updates the progress bar and initializes it. Parameters ---------- length : int The amout of data that should be loaded (this is the maximum that the progress bar can reach) mode : String The mode, use "loading" for loading, use "fitting" for fitting file : String The filename of the currently loaded/fitted file """ if isinstance(self._progress, QtWidgets.QWidget): self._progress.setMaximum(length) self._updateProgress(0, mode, file) def updateProgress(self, count, mode, file): """Updates the progress bar. Parameters ---------- count : int The amout of data that already has been processed mode : String The mode, use "loading" for loading, use "fitting" for fitting file : String The filename of the currently loaded/fitted file """ self._updateProgress(count, mode, file) def updateProgressEnd(self, success, mode, file): """Updates the progress bar. Parameters ---------- success : boolean Whether the opening was successfully or not mode : String The mode, use "loading" for loading, use "fitting" for fitting file : String The filename of the currently loaded/fitted file """ self._updateProgress(self._progress.maximum(), mode, file) def updateProgressClose(self): """Closes the progress bar""" if isinstance(self._progress, QtWidgets.QWidget): self._progress.close() self._progress.hide() self._progress.setParent(None) self._progress.deleteLater() self._progress = None def _updateProgress(self, value, mode, file): """Internal method for updating the progress bar. Parameters ---------- value : int The amout of data that already has been processed mode : String The mode, use "loading" for loading, use "fitting" for fitting file : String The filename of the currently loaded/fitted file """ if isinstance(self._progress, QtWidgets.QWidget): if not self._progress.wasCanceled(): m = "Loading" if mode == "fitting": m = "Fitting" self._progress.setLabelText('{m} file {f}'.format( m=m, f=os.path.basename(file))) self._progress.setValue(value) elif self._update_progress_aborted_msg_shown == None: self._update_progress_aborted_msg_shown = True self.openFileAborted.emit() QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Load Files', 'Loading Aborted!') def actionQuit(self): """Perform the action for the Quit Menu Item""" sys.exit(0) def actionOpen(self): """Perform the action for the Open Menu Item""" self._open_data = "normal" sender = self.sender() if (isinstance("measurement_variable"), str) and"measurement_variable") != ""): self._open_data = ("normal","measurement_variable")) self.showOpenDialog() def actionOpenFinished(self, datacontainer): """Perform the action if a new file has been opened Parameters ---------- datacontainer : DataContainer The opened datacontainer """ open_data = self._open_data self._open_data = None if open_data == "normal": self.actionGraphs(datacontainer) elif (isinstance(open_data, (list, tuple)) and len(open_data) >= 2): if open_data[0] == "quick": self.plotNewWindow( datacontainer.getPlotData( open_data[1], DataHandling.DataContainer.DataContainer. MAGNETIZATION)) elif open_data[0] == "normal": self.actionGraphs(datacontainer, open_data[1]) def actionLogFileOpen(self, datacontainer): """Perform the action for logging an opened file Parameters ---------- datacontainer : DataContainer The datacontainer that has been opened """ self._controller.log("Opened file {0} ".format( os.path.basename(datacontainer.filepath))) def actionQuickOpen(self): """Perform the action for the quick open menu item""" sender = self.sender() if isinstance(sender, QtCore.QObject): plot ="plot") self._open_data = ("quick", plot) self.showOpenDialog() def actionOpenSettings(self): """Perform the action for the Settings Menu Item""" View.PreferencesDialog.PreferencesDialog.getPreferences(self) def actionInfo(self): """Perform the action for the Settings Menu Item""" dialog = View.AboutDialog.AboutDialog() dialog.exec() def actionGraphs(self, datacontainer=None, measurement_variable=None): """Perform the action for the graph wizzard (graph manager) to start Parameters ----------- datacontainer : DataContainer, optional The datacontainer that should be used as the initial datacontainer measurement_variable : String, optional The measurement variable """ self.actionTool("format_data", datacontainer, None, True, measurement_variable) def actionTool(self, tools=None, datacontainer=None, output_modes=None, hide_output_page=False, measurement_variable=None): """Perform the action for the tools. The sender object can have the tool property which defines the tool to show. The additional tools parameter can specify more tools. The datacontainer defines an initialization datacontainer which will be shown in the beginning. Parameters ---------- tools : list, tuple, String or Tool, optional The id of the tool or the tool itself or a collection of those datacontainer : DataContainer, optional The datacontainer to show in the beginning output_modes : list, tuple, int or String, optional The possible output mode(s) to show in the ToolWizard hide_output_page : boolean, optional Whether to hide the output page or not measurement_variable : String, optional The measurement variable """ sender = self.sender() # get the values of the parameters if there are some tool_objs = self._getTools(tools) visible_output_modes = self._getOutputMode(output_modes) # check the sender and if it has a tool/output mode if isinstance(sender, QtCore.QObject): tool ="tool") tool_objs = self._getTools(tool, tool_objs) output_mode ="output_mode") visible_output_modes = self._getOutputMode(output_mode, visible_output_modes) # create the tool wizard with the tools wizard = View.ToolWizard.ToolWizard.ToolWizard(self.controller, self, *tool_objs) # if there is no output mode use the default which is the plot mode if visible_output_modes == 0: visible_output_modes = ( View.ToolWizard.ToolWizard.ToolWizard.OUTPUT_MODE_PLOT_WINDOW | View.ToolWizard.ToolWizard.ToolWizard.OUTPUT_MODE_SAVE_LIST) # set the output mode wizard.visible_output_modes = visible_output_modes # always check the OUTPUT_MODE_PLOT_WINDOW and the OUTPUT_MODE_SAVE_LIST if # they are enabled, this is for a better user experience only so the user # saves two clicks if visible_output_modes & View.ToolWizard.ToolWizard.ToolWizard.OUTPUT_MODE_PLOT_WINDOW > 0: wizard.output_mode |= View.ToolWizard.ToolWizard.ToolWizard.OUTPUT_MODE_PLOT_WINDOW if visible_output_modes & View.ToolWizard.ToolWizard.ToolWizard.OUTPUT_MODE_SAVE_LIST > 0: wizard.output_mode |= View.ToolWizard.ToolWizard.ToolWizard.OUTPUT_MODE_SAVE_LIST # hide output page if hide_output_page == True: wizard.hide_output_page = True # set the measurement variable if isinstance(measurement_variable, str): wizard.measurement_variable = measurement_variable # set the init datacontainer if there is one if isinstance(datacontainer, DataHandling.DataContainer.DataContainer): wizard.setInitSampleDataContainer(datacontainer) # the result = wizard.exec() is very important, if the result is not # captured the QT event loop will continue running. This does not make # sense but it works result = wizard.exec() if result: wizard.performClosingRoutine() wizard.deleteLater() wizard = None def _getTools(self, tools, tool_objs=None): """Get the ToolWizard tools by the given output_mode tools. This can be a list of the ids, the id or the tool object itself. The tool will be added to the tool_objs if they exist. Parameters ---------- tools : list, int or Tool The tool(s) tool_objs : list, optional The current tools to add the new tool to Returns ------- list of Tool The tools """ if isinstance(tool_objs, (list, tuple)): tool_objs = list(tool_objs) elif not isinstance(tool_objs, list): tool_objs = [] if isinstance(tools, (list, tuple)): for tool in tools: tool_objs = self._getTools(tool, tool_objs) elif isinstance(tools, str): if tools == "background_creation": tool_objs.append(View.ToolWizard.BackgroundCreationTool. BackgroundCreationTool()) elif tools == "background_subtraction": tool_objs.append(View.ToolWizard.BackgroundSubtractionTool. BackgroundSubtractionTool()) elif tools == "datapoint_cut": tool_objs.append( View.ToolWizard.DataPointCutTool.DataPointCutTool()) elif tools == "format_data": tool_objs.append( View.ToolWizard.FormatDataTool.FormatDataTool()) elif isinstance(tools, View.ToolWizard.Tool.Tool): tool_objs.append(tools) return tool_objs def _getOutputMode(self, output_mode, visible_output_modes=0): """Get the ToolWizard output mode by the given output_mode parameter. This can be a list of output modes, a String or the int constant. If the visible_output_modes parameter is given the current output mode will be added to this mode Parameters ---------- output_mode : list, tuple, int or String The output mode visible_output_modes : int, optional The current output modes where to add the new ones Returns ------- int The output mode constant """ if isinstance(output_mode, (list, tuple)): for mode in output_mode: visible_output_modes = self._getOutputMode( mode, visible_output_modes) elif output_mode == "export": visible_output_modes |= ( View.ToolWizard.ToolWizard.ToolWizard. OUTPUT_MODE_EXPORT_RAW_MPMS | View.ToolWizard.ToolWizard. ToolWizard.OUTPUT_MODE_EXPORT_DAT_MPMS | View.ToolWizard.ToolWizard.ToolWizard.OUTPUT_MODE_EXPORT_CSV) elif output_mode == "plot": visible_output_modes |= ( View.ToolWizard.ToolWizard.ToolWizard.OUTPUT_MODE_PLOT_WINDOW | View.ToolWizard.ToolWizard.ToolWizard.OUTPUT_MODE_SAVE_LIST) elif my_utilities.is_numeric(output_mode): visible_output_modes |= output_mode return visible_output_modes def closeEvent(self, event): """Perform the close event. This is overwriting the parents `QtWidgets.QWidget::closeEvent` method. This function will save all the sub window positions before exiting Parameters ---------- event : QEvent The event """ # saving window geometry self._saveWindowSettings(self) super(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, self).closeEvent(event) def _saveWindowSettings(self, widget): """Save the settings of the given widget. The given widget has to have an *unique* object name in order to be savend and restored properly Parameters ---------- widget : QtWidgets.QWidget The widget to save the settings of """ if isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QWidget): # load the settings settings = QtCore.QSettings(Constants.COMPANY, Constants.NAME) name = widget.objectName() if isinstance(name, str) and len(name) > 0: # add the widget geometry and its state with the name as # prefix settings.setValue(name + '/geometry', widget.saveGeometry()) settings.setValue(name + '/windowState', widget.saveState()) # store settings to internal storage del settings def readSettings(self): """Read the stored settings of all the windows""" # restoring window geometry self._restoreWindowSettings(self) def _restoreWindowSettings(self, widget): """Restore the settings of the given widget. The given widget has to have an *unique* object name in order to be saved and restored properly Parameters ---------- widget : QtWidgets.QWidget The widget to restore the settings of """ if isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QWidget): # load the settings object settings = QtCore.QSettings(Constants.COMPANY, Constants.NAME) name = widget.objectName() if isinstance(name, str) and len(name) > 0: # check if the widget has saved data, if it has load it geometry = settings.value(name + "/geometry") if geometry != None: widget.restoreGeometry(geometry) windowState = settings.value(name + "/windowState") if windowState != None: widget.restoreGeometry(windowState) def log(self, message, message_type=Constants.LOG_CONSOLE): """Log the given message depending on the type. The type has to be a bitmask, use the Constants.LOG_* constants. You can log the message to multiple targets by using `message_type = Constants.LOG_*type 1* | Constants.LOG_*type 2*` Parameters ---------- message : String The message to log message_type : int, optional The bitmask which describes the type where to add the message """ message = str(message) if Constants.LOG_STATUS_BAR & message_type > 0: self.statusBar().showMessage(message) if Constants.LOG_CONSOLE & message_type > 0: self._console.append("> " + message) message = message.replace("\n", "<br />").replace("\r", "") if Constants.LOG_DEBUG & message_type > 0: self._console.append("> <i>Debug log: {0}</i>".format(message)) def _error(self, error_msg, error_type=Constants.NOTICE, error_details=None): """Throw the error with the given message. The error will be passed to the controller Parameters ---------- error_msg : String The message of the error to display error_type : int, optional The type of the error """ self._controller.error(error_msg, error_type, error_details) @staticmethod def createSeparatorLine(horizontal=True): """Create a vertical/horizontal separator line. Parameters ---------- horizontal : boolean True for creating a horizontal line, false for creating a vertical line Returns ------- QtWidgets.QFrame The line """ line = QtWidgets.QFrame() if horizontal: line.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) else: line.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.VLine) line.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) return line @staticmethod def showView(controller): """Create a new view with the given controller. This will also start the QApplication (if there is none), so this is in fact starting the gui Parameters ---------- controller : Controller The controller of the view Returns ------- View The view """ app = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance() if not app or app == None: app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) app.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(MainWindow.ICON)) view = MainWindow(controller) sys.exit(app.exec_()) return view