Exemplo n.º 1
def get_stoppoint(name):
    parameter = {
        'searchString': name,
        'maxResults': 5,
        'searchTypes': 'STOPPOINT'
    request = requests.get(baseurl.format(url_l), params=parameter)
    if request.status_code != 200:
        raise Exception
    if request.headers['content-type'] != 'application/json;charset=UTF-8':
        raise Exception
    data = request.json()
    resultstops = []
    myask_log.debug(5, "got API request \n" + str(data) + "\n--------------")
    if data['resultCount'] == 0:
        myask_log.debug(3, u"No result for stop name {}".format(name))
    elif data['resultCount'] > 1:
        myask_log.warning("More than one result for stop name '" + name +
                          "' (" + str(data['resultCount']) + " found)")
        for elem in data['resultList']:
            stopid = elem['stopPointId']
            stopname = unicodify(elem['stopPointName'])
            resultstops.append([stopid, stopname])
    else:  # a single result was shown
        stopid = data['resultList'][0]['stopPointId']
        stopname = unicodify(data['resultList'][0]['stopPointName'])
            3, u"Found a single match for '" + name + "': " + str(stopid) +
            " : " + stopname)
        resultstops.append([stopid, stopname])

    return resultstops
Exemplo n.º 2
def GetFilteredConnections(start_id, stop_id, preferred_bus,
                           prefered_transport, utc_offset):
    if prefered_transport != "":
            u"GetFilteredConnections: Filtering by transport not yet implemented"

    return GetConnectionsWithBus(start_id, stop_id, preferred_bus, utc_offset)
Exemplo n.º 3
def process_FindConnectionFromOther(slots, appdef, user_profile):
    # Lists connections from a specific station to a specific station
    # Intent: 'FindConnection'
    # Slots:
    #  - "Origin"  station to which connections  should be found
    #  - "OriginCity"
    #  - "Destination"  station to which connections  should be found
    #  - "DestinationCity"
    #    "Busline"  : list only buses for a specific line
    #    "Next"      : (future) List only next or next N connections
    #    "Transport" : Filter by Mode of Transport: Bus, Train, Direct
    # Origin is set to the user's default sstation
    myask_log.debug(3, "Got intent FindConnectionFromOther")

    # convert all times to localtime, independent of the AWS server location

    # get ID for origin stop
    if 'Origin' not in slots:
        if user_profile.isKnownUser():
            # user favorite as fall-back
            slots['qorg_id'] = ToInt(user_profile.GetDefaultStopId())
            return bus_response.out_OriginMissing(slots, appdef, user_profile)
        slots['qorg_id'] = ToInt(slots['Origin'])

    if slots['qorg_id'] < 10000:
        return bus_response.out_InvalidOrigin(slots['Origin'], slots, appdef,

    # fill destination ID
    if 'Destination' in slots:
        destination_id = ToInt(slots["Destination"])
        destination_str = slots["Destination"]
    elif 'qdest_id' in slots:  # check if there is a station from the dialog context to re-use
        destination_id = ToInt(slots['qdest_id'])
        destination_str = ""
    else:  # no information found. Use default location from user profile
        return bus_response.out_DestinationMissing(slots, appdef, user_profile)

    if int(destination_id) < 10000:
        myask_log.warning("Invalid stop id for destination station:" +
        return bus_response.out_InvalidDestination(destination_str, slots,
                                                   appdef, user_profile)

    # we got a single result
    slots['qdest_id'] = destination_id

    return _FetchConnections(slots, appdef, user_profile)
def process_FindConnectionFromFavorite(slots, appdef, user_profile):
    # Lists connections to a specific station from the user's default station
    # Intent: 'FindConnectionFromFavorite'
    # Slots:
    #  - "Destination"  station to which connections  should be found
    #  - "DestinationCity"
    #    "Busline"  : list only buses for a specific line
    #    "Next"      : (future) List only next or next N connections
    #    "Transport" : Filter by Mode of Transport: Bus, Train, Direct
    # Origin is set to the user's default sstation
    myask_log.debug(3, "Got intent FindConnectionFromFavorite")

    # fill origin  ID from user profile
    if user_profile.isKnownUser():
        slots['qorg_id'] = ToInt(user_profile.GetDefaultStopId())
        return bus_response.out_PromptUserProfileNeeded(slots)

    # fill destination ID
    if 'Destination' in slots:
        destination_id = ToInt(slots["Destination"])
        destination_str = slots["Destination"]
    elif 'qdest_id' in slots:  # check if there is a station from the dialog context to re-use
        destination_id = ToInt(slots['qdest_id'])
        destination_str = ""
    else:  # no information found. Use default location from user profile
        return bus_response.out_DestinationMissing(slots, appdef, user_profile)

    myask_log.debug(5, "Got destination ID " + str(destination_id))
    if int(destination_id) < 10000:
        myask_log.warning("Invalid stop id for destination station:" +
        if 'Destination.literal' in slots:
            return bus_response.out_InvalidDestination(
                slots["Destination.literal"], slots, appdef, user_profile)
            return bus_response.out_InvalidDestination(destination_str, slots,
                                                       appdef, user_profile)

    # we got a single result
    slots['qdest_id'] = destination_id

    return _FetchConnections(slots, appdef, user_profile)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, userID):
     self._user_id = userID
     if userID == "FAKE":
         #Found profile of "diekellnerfamilie"
         self._profile_data = HARDCODED_PROFILES['TESTUSER']
         self._profiletable = myask_dynamodb.dynamoDB("aseag_userprofile")
                         "GetTable: " + str(self._profiletable.GetStatus()))
         profile_data = self._profiletable.FetchUserProfile(userID)
         if profile_data == {}:
                 "Could not locate user profile. Creating new one. User: " +
             self._profiletable.CreateNewUserProfile(userID, {})
             self._profile_data = {}
             self._profile_data = profile_data
Exemplo n.º 6
    def GetFavoriteConnection(self, favcon):
        # Gets favorite connection 'favcon' from the user profile
        # The favorite is a dictionary containing
        #   "StartID" : (int) bus stop ID for starting stop
        #   "StopID"  : (int) bus stop ID for destination stop
        #   "PreferredLines" : (list of integers) preferred buslines
        #   "DepTimeWindowStart" : (time str) "07:15"
        #   "DepTimeWindowEnd"   : (time str) "07:35"
        # If 'favcon' is not found in the user profile, returns an empty dictionary {}

        if "FavoriteConnections" in self._profile_data:
            if favcon in self._profile_data["FavoriteConnections"]:
                fav = self._profile_data["FavoriteConnections"][favcon]
                return fav
                myask_log.warning("FavoriteConnection '" + favcon +
                                  "' not found for user" + self._profile_name)
                return {}
            myask_log.warning("No favorite connections found for user" +
            return {}
def process_GetFavConnecionDepartures(slots, appdef, user_profile):
    # shows departures a favorite connection from the uer's user profile
    # Intent: 'GetFavConnecionDepartures'
    # Slot: 'FavConnection' identifier for a favorite connection from the user profile
    # A favorite connection (slot '') from the user profile provides
    #  - departure station
    #  - destination station
    #  - preferred busline (optional)
    #  - preferred time-window (optional)
    myask_log.debug(3, "Got intent 'GetFavConnecionDepartures'")

    if 'FavConnection' not in slots:
        return bus_response.out_FavoriteConnectionMissing(
            slots, appdef, user_profile)

        fav_connection = user_profile.GetFavoriteConnection(
        if len(fav_connection) == 0:
            return bus_response.out_FavoriteConnectionNotInUserProfile(
                slots["FavConnection"], slots, appdef, user_profile)
        else:  # favorite connection found
            if "OrgID" not in fav_connection or "DestID" not in fav_connection:
                    "No StartID or StopID found in FavoriteConnection '" +
                    slots["FavConnection"] + "' for user ")
                return bus_response.out_InvalidFavoriteConnection(
                    slots, appdef, user_profile)
                if "PreferredLines" in fav_connection:
                    linefilter = fav_connection["PreferredLine"]
                    linefilter = ''

                if "DepTimeWindowStart" in fav_connection:
                    start_time = fav_connection["DepTimeWindowStart"]
                    start_time = ""

                if "DepTimeWindowEnd" in fav_connection:
                    end_time = fav_connection["DepTimeWindowEnd"]
                    end_time = ""

                if 'utc_offset' in slots: utc_offset = slots['utc_offset']
                else: utc_offset = 0

                (match, result_connections) = aseag_api.FindFavoriteConnetions(
                    fav_connection["OrgID"], fav_connection["DestID"],
                    start_time, end_time, linefilter, utc_offset)
                # put it in the normal fields for smooth output
                slots['qorg_id'] = ToInt(fav_connection["OrgID"])
                slots['qdest_id'] = ToInt(fav_connection["DestID"])
                if linefilter != '': slots['Busline'] = str(linefilter)
                return bus_response.out_FavoriteConnection(
                    match, result_connections, slots, appdef, user_profile)

    # if we are here, something went wrong
    return bus_response.out_ImplementationError(
        "process_GetFavConnecionDepartures", slots, appdef, user_profile)