def generate_graph(): graph= dict() query = 'select * from edge' result = mydb.query_db(query, one = False) mydb.close_db() inactive_pid_list=SendMessage.find_all_inactive_pid() if not result==None: for r in result: f=r['_from'] t=r['_to'] if not f in inactive_pid_list and not t in inactive_pid_list: # if the key is not exist in the graph if f not in graph: graph[f]=[t] else: temp_List=graph[f] temp_List.append(t) if t not in graph: graph[t]=[f] else: temp_List=graph[t] temp_List.append(f) # print str(r['_from'])+' to '+ str(r['_to']) return graph
def store_message_in_database(_from, _to, msg): ISOTIMEFORMAT='%Y-%m-%d %X' createdTime=str(time.strftime( ISOTIMEFORMAT, time.localtime() )) result = mydb.insert_db('insert into message(_from,_to,msg,createdAt) values(?,?,?,?)', [_from,_to,msg,createdTime]) mydb.close_db()
def delete_pattern(pattern_id): mydb.delete_db('delete from edge where _from = ? or _to = ?',[pattern_id, pattern_id]) mydb.delete_db('delete from pattern where pid=?', [pattern_id]) mydb.delete_db('delete from node where pid=? and node_index = 1', [pattern_id]) mydb.close_db() return True
def check_username(username): result = mydb.query_db('select * from account WHERE username = ?', [username], one=True) if result==None: return True else: return False
def delete_pattern(pattern_id): nodes = mydb.query_db('SELECT * FROM node WHERE pid = ?',[pattern_id]) if len(nodes) > 1: return False prohibited_node = [] results = mydb.query_db('SELECT * FROM pattern') for p in results: pid = p['pid'] re1 = mydb.query_db('SELECT * FROM edge WHERE _from = ?',[pid]) re2 = mydb.query_db('SELECT * FROM edge WHERE _to = ?',[pid]) if len(re1)+len(re2) == 1: if len(re1) == 1: pro = re1[0]['_to'] else: pro = re2[0]['_from'] prohibited_node.append(pro) print prohibited_node if pid in prohibited_node: mydb.close_db() return False else: mydb.delete_db('delete from edge where _from = ? or _to = ?',[pattern_id, pattern_id]) mydb.delete_db('delete from pattern where pid=?', [pattern_id]) mydb.delete_db('delete from node where pid=? and node_index = 1', [pattern_id]) mydb.close_db() return True
def one_pattern_edge(pid): edges = [] results = mydb.query_db('SELECT * FROM edge WHERE _from = ?', [pid]) for e in results: edges.append(e['_to']) mydb.close_db() return edges
def add_connection(nid1,nid2): p1 = mydb.query_db('SELECT * FROM node WHERE nid = ?', [nid1], one = True) p2 = mydb.query_db('SELECT * FROM node WHERE nid = ?', [nid2], one = True) mydb.insert_db('INSERT INTO edge(_from, _to) VALUES (?,?)', [p1['pid'], p2['pid']]) mydb.close_db() pass
def change_pwd(username,pwd): result=_valid_login_format(username,pwd) if not result==None: return result mydb.insert_db("""update account set pwd=? WHERE username= ?""", [pwd, username]) mydb.close_db() return None
def delete_connection(nid1,nid2): p1 = mydb.query_db('SELECT * FROM node WHERE nid = ?', [nid1], one = True) p2 = mydb.query_db('SELECT * FROM node WHERE nid = ?', [nid2], one = True) mydb.delete_db('delete from edge where _from = ? and _to = ?',[p1['pid'], p2['pid']]) mydb.delete_db('delete from edge where _from = ? and _to = ?',[p2['pid'], p1['pid']]) mydb.close_db() pass
def add_node(pid,index): results = mydb.query_db('SELECT * FROM node WHERE pid = ? and node_index = ?', [pid, index/2] ) if len(results)!=0: nid = mydb.insert_db('INSERT INTO node (pid,node_index,active) VALUES (?,?,1)',[pid,index]) mydb.close_db() return nid else: return -1
def get_node_byID(nid): # active =1 means it is active result = mydb.query_db('select pid,node_index from node WHERE nid=?',[nid], one=True) mydb.close_db() if result: # we only need pid, and node index for a node to find a path node=Node(nid,result['pid'],result['node_index']) return node
def change_security_question(index, q, a, username): if len(a) == 0: return -1 query = 'update account set sq_%d= ?,as_%d=? WHERE username = ?' % (index, index) print query mydb.insert_db(query, [q, a, username]) mydb.close_db() return 1
def get_security_question(username): result = mydb.query_db('select * from account WHERE username = ? ', [username], one=True) mydb.close_db() if result: questions = question(result['sq_1'],result['as_1'],result['sq_2'],result['as_2'],result['sq_3'],result['as_3']) return questions else: return None
def add_pattern(ps): pid = mydb.insert_db('INSERT INTO pattern (creator) VALUES (?)',['spikewang']) print pid nid = mydb.insert_db('INSERT INTO node (pid,node_index,active) VALUES (?,1,1)', [pid]) for p in ps: mydb.insert_db('INSERT INTO edge(_from, _to) VALUES (?,?)',[pid,p]) mydb.close_db() return (pid, nid)
def get_all_users(): result = mydb.query_db('select * from account WHERE type = 0',[],one=False) mydb.close_db() userList=[] for user in result: dict = {'name':user['username'],'fname':user['fname'],'lname':user['lname']} userList.append(dict) return userList
def transform_to_nidList(pid, path): nidList=[] for index in path: query='select nid from node WHERE pid=? AND node_index= ?' result = mydb.query_db(query,[str(pid),index], one = True) if not result==None: nidList.append(result['nid']) mydb.close_db() return nidList
def find_all_inactiveNode(): # active =1 means it is active result = mydb.query_db('select * from node WHERE active=0', one=False) mydb.close_db() nidList=[] if result: for nid in result: nidList.append(nid['nid']) return nidList
def add_pattern(ps, did): d_pattern = mydb.query_db('SELECT * FROM pattern WHERE did = ? and isDomain = 1', [did], one = True) pid = mydb.insert_db('INSERT INTO pattern (did, isDomain) VALUES (?,0)', [did]) nid = mydb.insert_db('INSERT INTO node (pid,node_index,active) VALUES (?,1,1)', [pid]) mydb.insert_db('INSERT INTO edge(_from, _to) VALUES (?,?)', [pid, d_pattern['pid']]) for p in ps: mydb.insert_db('INSERT INTO edge(_from, _to) VALUES (?,?)',[pid,p]) mydb.close_db() return (pid, nid)
def find_all_inactive_pid(): # active =1 means it is active result = mydb.query_db('select pid from node WHERE active=0 AND node_index=1', one=False) mydb.close_db() pidList=[] if result: for node in result: pidList.append(node['pid']) return pidList
def view_all_message(): message_list=[] result = mydb.query_db('select * from message', one=False) if result: for msg in result: m=message(msg['from_id'],msg['to_id'],msg['msg']) message_list.append(m) mydb.close_db() return message_list
def return_p_edges(): edges = [] results = mydb.query_db('SELECT * FROM edge ') for e in results: source = e['_from'] target = e['_to'] tmp_edge = edge(source, target) edges.append(tmp_edge) mydb.close_db() return edges
def delete_domain(pid, did): d_pattern = mydb.query_db('SELECT * FROM pattern WHERE did = ? and isDomain = 1', [did], one = True) mydb.delete_db('delete from edge where _from = ? or _to = ?',[d_pattern['pid'], d_pattern['pid']]) mydb.delete_db('delete from domain where did=?', [did]) mydb.delete_db('delete from pattern where pid=?', [d_pattern['pid']]) mydb.delete_db('delete from node where pid=?', [d_pattern['pid']]) mydb.delete_db('delete from pattern where pid=?', [pid]) mydb.delete_db('delete from node where pid=?', [pid]) mydb.close_db() return True
def view_all_message(): message_list=[] result = mydb.query_db('select * from message', one=False) if result: for msg in result: m = message(msg['_from'], msg['_to'], msg['msg'], None, msg['createdAt']) message_list.append(m) mydb.close_db() return json.dumps(message_list, default=methodcaller("json"))
def return_json(): nodes = [] nodes_results = mydb.query_db('SELECT * FROM node ') # print "the nodes has %s node" % len(nodes_results) for n in nodes_results: tmp_node = Node(n['nid'], n['pid'], n['node_index'], n['active'], n['x'], n['y']) nodes.append(tmp_node) mydb.close_db() # print json.dumps(nodes, default = methodcaller("json")) # print json.dumps(get_nodes_edges(nodes)+return_p_edges(), default = methodcaller("json")) return json.dumps(return_ps(nodes), default = methodcaller("json"))
def verify(username, password): result = mydb.query_db('select * from account WHERE username = ? and pwd = ?', [username, password], one=True) mydb.close_db() if result: if not result['sq_1'] == None: print result['sq_1'] questions = question(result['sq_1'],result['as_1'],result['sq_2'],result['as_2'],result['sq_3'],result['as_3']) else: questions=None return User(result['username'], result['type'], result['status'], questions) else: return None
def verifyQues(index, username, answer): query = 'select as_%d from account WHERE username = ? '%index print query result = mydb.query_db(query, [username], one = True) mydb.close_db() name = 'as_%d'%index if result: return result[name] == answer else: return False
def find_path_nidList(start, end): pidList=get_shortest_path(generate_graph(),start,end ) # del pidList[0] # del pidList[len(pidList)-1] nidList=[] for pid in pidList: query='select nid from node WHERE pid=? AND node_index=1' result = mydb.query_db(query,str(pid), one = True) if not result==None: nidList.append(result['nid']) mydb.close_db() return nidList
def add_domain(ds): did = mydb.insert_db('INSERT INTO domain (creator) VALUES (?)',['spikewang']) print did d_pid = mydb.insert_db('INSERT INTO pattern (did, isDomain) VALUES (?,1)', [did]) d_nid = mydb.insert_db('INSERT INTO node (pid, node_index, active) VALUES (?,1,1)', [d_pid]) pid = mydb.insert_db('INSERT INTO pattern (did, isDomain) VALUES (?,0)', [did]) nid = mydb.insert_db('INSERT INTO node (pid, node_index, active) VALUES (?,1,1)', [pid]) for d in ds: d_pattern = mydb.query_db('SELECT * FROM pattern WHERE did = ? and isDomain = 1', [d], one = True) mydb.insert_db('INSERT INTO edge(_from, _to) VALUES (?,?)', [d_pid, d_pattern['pid']]) mydb.insert_db('INSERT INTO edge(_from, _to) VALUES (?,?)', [d_pid, pid]) mydb.close_db() return (did, pid, nid, d_nid)
def randomly_inactive_node(seed): num=random.randint(0,100) if(num<seed): # active =1 means it is active result = mydb.query_db('select * from node WHERE active=1', one=False) mydb.close_db() nidList=[] if result: for nid in result: nidList.append(nid['nid']) inactive_nid=nidList[random.randint(0, len(nidList)-1)] # set not whose nid is inactive_nid to inactive status, pass nid and inactive(0) change_node_status(inactive_nid,0) # return a random nid as inactive node return find_all_inactiveNode()
def verifyQues(index, username, answer): query = 'select as_%d from account WHERE username = ? '%index print query result = mydb.query_db(query, [username], one = True) mydb.close_db() name = 'as_%d'%index if result: return result[name] == answer else: return False #addAccount(['spike1390','2cs744',0,1]) #print verifyQues(3,'spikewang','asdfasdfs')