Exemplo n.º 1
def NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, nzbprov, nzbpr, IssDateFix, IssueID):
    logger.info(u"Shhh be very quiet...I'm looking for " + ComicName + " issue: " + str(IssueNumber) + " using " + str(nzbprov))
    if nzbprov == 'nzb.su':
        apikey = mylar.NZBSU_APIKEY
    elif nzbprov == 'dognzb':
        apikey = mylar.DOGNZB_APIKEY
    elif nzbprov == 'experimental':
        apikey = 'none'
    #print ("-------------------------")

    if mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 0: filetype = ""
    elif mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 1: filetype = ".cbr"
    elif mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 2: filetype = ".cbz"

    if mylar.SAB_PRIORITY:
        if mylar.SAB_PRIORITY == 1: sabpriority = "-100"
        elif mylar.SAB_PRIORITY == 2: sabpriority = "-1"
        elif mylar.SAB_PRIORITY == 3: sabpriority = "0"
        elif mylar.SAB_PRIORITY == 4: sabpriority = "1"
        elif mylar.SAB_PRIORITY == 5: sabpriority = "-2"
        #if sab priority isn't selected, default to Normal (0)
        sabpriority = "0"

    # figure out what was missed via rss feeds and do a manual search via api
    #tsc = int(tot-1)
    findcomic = []
    findcomiciss = []
    findcount = 0
    ci = ""
    comsearch = []
    isssearch = []
    comyear = str(ComicYear)

    #print ("-------SEARCH FOR MISSING------------------")
    IssueNumber = str(re.sub("\.00", "", str(IssueNumber)))
    #print ("issueNumber" + str(IssueNumber))
    findcomiciss.append(str(re.sub("\D", "", str(IssueNumber))))
    #print ("we need : " + str(findcomic[findcount]) + " issue: #" + str(findcomiciss[findcount]))
    # replace whitespace in comic name with %20 for api search
    cm1 = re.sub(" ", "%20", str(findcomic[findcount]))
    cm = re.sub("\&", "%26", str(cm1))
    #print (cmi)
    if len(str(findcomiciss[findcount])) == 1:
        cmloopit = 3
    elif len(str(findcomiciss[findcount])) == 2:
        cmloopit = 2
        cmloopit = 1

    # ----

    #print ("------RESULTS OF SEARCH-------------------")
    findloop = 0
    foundcomic = []

    #---issue problem
    # if issue is '011' instead of '11' in nzb search results, will not have same
    # results. '011' will return different than '11', as will '009' and '09'.

    while (findloop < (findcount) ):
        comsrc = comsearch[findloop]
        while (cmloopit >= 1 ):
                # here we account for issue pattern variations
            if cmloopit == 3:
                comsearch[findloop] = comsrc + "%2000" + isssearch[findloop] + "%20" + str(filetype)
            elif cmloopit == 2:
                comsearch[findloop] = comsrc + "%200" + isssearch[findloop] + "%20" + str(filetype)
            elif cmloopit == 1:
                comsearch[findloop] = comsrc + "%20" + isssearch[findloop] + "%20" + str(filetype)
            if nzbprov != 'experimental':
                if nzbprov == 'dognzb':
                    findurl = "http://dognzb.cr/api?t=search&apikey=" + str(apikey) + "&q=" + str(comsearch[findloop]) + "&o=xml&cat=7030"
                elif nzbprov == 'nzb.su':
                    findurl = "http://nzb.su/api?t=search&q=" + str(comsearch[findloop]) + "&apikey=" + str(apikey) + "&o=xml&cat=7030"
                bb = feedparser.parse(findurl)
            elif nzbprov == 'experimental':
                bb = parseit.MysterBinScrape(comsearch[findloop], comyear)
            done = False
            foundc = "no"
            if bb == "no results":               
                foundc = "no"
                for entry in bb['entries']:
                    #print ("Entry:" + str(entry['title']))
                    cleantitle = re.sub('_', ' ', str(entry['title']))
                    cleantitle = helpers.cleanName(str(cleantitle))
                    nzbname = cleantitle

                    #print ("cleantitle:" + str(cleantitle))
                    if len(re.findall('[^()]+', cleantitle)) == 1: cleantitle = "abcdefghijk 0 (1901).cbz"                      
                    if done:
                #let's narrow search down - take out year (2010), (2011), etc
                #let's check for first occurance of '(' as generally indicates
                #that the 'title' has ended

                    #this takes care of the brackets :)                    
                    m = re.findall('[^()]+', cleantitle)
                    lenm = len(m)

                    #print ("there are " + str(lenm) + " words.")
                    cnt = 0
                    yearmatch = "false"

                    while (cnt < lenm):
                        if m[cnt] is None: break
                        #print (str(cnt) + ". Bracket Word: " + m[cnt] )                        
                        if cnt == 0:
                            comic_andiss = m[cnt]
                            #print ("Comic:" + str(comic_andiss))
                        if m[cnt][:-2] == '19' or m[cnt][:-2] == '20': 
                            #print ("year detected!")
                            result_comyear = m[cnt]
                            if str(comyear) in result_comyear:
                                #print (str(comyear) + " - right - years match baby!")
                                yearmatch = "true"
                                #print (str(comyear) + " - not right - years don't match ")
                                yearmatch = "false"
                        if 'digital' in m[cnt] and len(m[cnt]) == 7: 
                            #print ("digital edition")
                        if ' of ' in m[cnt]:
                            #print ("mini-series detected : " + str(m[cnt]))
                            result_of = m[cnt]
                        if 'cover' in m[cnt]: 
                            #print ("covers detected")
                            result_comcovers = m[cnt]
                        for ripper in ripperlist:
                            if ripper in m[cnt]:
                                #print ("Scanner detected:" + str(m[cnt]))
                                result_comscanner = m[cnt]

                    if yearmatch == "false": continue
                    splitit = []   
                    watchcomic_split = []
                    comic_iss = re.sub('[\-\:\,]', '', str(comic_andiss))
                    splitit = comic_iss.split(None)
                    watchcomic_split = findcomic[findloop].split(None)

                    bmm = re.findall('v\d', comic_iss)
                    #print ("vers - " + str(bmm))
                    if len(bmm) > 0: splitst = len(splitit) - 2
                    else: splitst = len(splitit) - 1
                    if (splitst) != len(watchcomic_split):
                        #print ("incorrect comic lengths...not a match")
                        if str(splitit[0]).lower() == "the":
                            #print ("THE word detected...attempting to adjust pattern matching")
                            splitit[0] = splitit[4:]
                        #print ("length match..proceeding")
                        n = 0
                        scount = 0
                        #print ("search-length:" + str(len(splitit)))
                        #print ("watchlist-length:" + str(len(watchcomic_split)))
                        while ( n <= len(splitit)-1 ):
                            #print ("splitit:" + str(splitit[n]))
                            if n < len(splitit)-1 and n < len(watchcomic_split)-1:
                                #print ( str(n) + ". Comparing: " + watchcomic_split[n] + " .to. " + splitit[n] )
                                if str(watchcomic_split[n].lower()) in str(splitit[n].lower()):
                                    #print ("word matched on : " + splitit[n])
                                #elif ':' in splitit[n] or '-' in splitit[n]:
                                #    splitrep = splitit[n].replace('-', '')
                                #    print ("non-character keyword...skipped on " + splitit[n])
                            elif str(splitit[n].lower()).startswith('v'):
                                #print ("possible verisoning..checking")
                                #we hit a versioning # - account for it
                                if splitit[n][1:].isdigit():
                                    comicversion = str(splitit[n])
                                    #print ("version found:" + str(comicversion))

                                #print ("issue section")
                                if splitit[n].isdigit():
                                    #print ("issue detected")
                                    comiss = splitit[n]
                                    comicNAMER = n - 1
                                    comNAME = splitit[0]
                                    cmnam = 1
                                    while (cmnam < comicNAMER):
                                        comNAME = str(comNAME) + " " + str(splitit[cmnam])
                                    #print ("comic: " + str(comNAME))
                                    #print ("non-match for: " + splitit[n])
                        spercent = ( scount/int(len(splitit)) ) * 100
                        #print (str(spercent) + "% match")
                        #if spercent >= 75: print ("it's a go captain...")
                        #if spercent < 75: print ("failure - we only got " + str(spercent) + "% right!")
                        #print ("this should be a match!")
                        #issue comparison now as well
                        if int(findcomiciss[findloop]) == int(comiss):
                            #print ("issues match!")
                            logger.info(u"Found " + str(ComicName) + " (" + str(comyear) + ") issue: " + str(IssueNumber) + " using " + str(nzbprov) )
                        ## -- inherit issue. Comic year is non-standard. nzb year is the year
                        ## -- comic was printed, not the start year of the comic series and
                        ## -- thus the deciding component if matches are correct or not
                            linkstart = os.path.splitext(entry['link'])[0]
                        #following is JUST for nzb.su
                            if nzbprov == 'nzb.su':
                                linkit = os.path.splitext(entry['link'])[1]
                                linkit = linkit.replace("&", "%26")
                                linkapi = str(linkstart) + str(linkit)
                                # this should work for every other provider
                                linkstart = linkstart.replace("&", "%26")
                                linkapi = str(linkstart)
                            #here we distinguish between rename and not.
                            #blackhole functinality---
                            #let's download the file to a temporary cache.

                            if mylar.BLACKHOLE:
                                if os.path.exists(mylar.BLACKHOLE_DIR):
                                    filenamenzb = str(ComicName) + " " + str(IssueNumber) + " (" + str(comyear) + ").nzb"
                                    urllib.urlretrieve(linkapi, str(mylar.BLACKHOLE_DIR) + str(filenamenzb))
                                    logger.info(u"Successfully sent .nzb to your Blackhole directory : " + str(mylar.BLACKHOLE_DIR) + str(filenamenzb) )
                            #end blackhole

                                tmppath = mylar.CACHE_DIR
                                if os.path.exists(tmppath):
                                #let's make the dir.
                                        logger.info(u"Cache Directory successfully created at: " + str(mylar.CACHE_DIR))

                                    except OSError.e:
                                        if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

                                filenamenzb = os.path.split(linkapi)[1]
                                #filenzb = os.path.join(tmppath,filenamenzb)
                                if nzbprov == 'nzb.su':
                                    filenzb = linkstart[21:]
                                elif nzbprov == 'experimental':
                                    filenzb = filenamenzb[6:]
                                elif nzbprov == 'dognzb':
                                    filenzb = str(filenamenzb)

                                if mylar.RENAME_FILES == 1:
                                    filenzb = str(ComicName.replace(' ', '_')) + "_" + str(IssueNumber) + "_(" + str(comyear) + ")"
                                    if mylar.REPLACE_SPACES:
                                        repchar = mylar.REPLACE_CHAR
                                        repurlchar = mylar.REPLACE_CHAR
                                        repchar = ' '
                                        repurlchar = "%20"
                                    #let's make sure there's no crap in the ComicName since it's O.G.
                                    ComicNM = re.sub('[\:\,]', '', str(ComicName))
                                    renameit = str(ComicNM) + " " + str(IssueNumber) + " (" + str(SeriesYear) + ")" + " " + "(" + str(comyear) + ")"
                                    renamethis = renameit.replace(' ', repchar)
                                    renamer1 = renameit.replace(' ', repurlchar)
                                    renamer = re.sub("\&", "%26", str(renamer1))

                                savefile = str(tmppath) + "/" + str(filenzb) + ".nzb"
                                print "savefile:" + str(savefile)

                                    urllib.urlretrieve(linkapi, str(savefile))                                
                                except urllib.URLError:
                                    logger.error(u"Unable to retrieve nzb file.")

                                if os.path.getsize(str(savefile)) == 0:
                                    logger.error(u"nzb size detected as zero bytes.")

                                logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved nzb file using " + str(nzbprov))
                                nzbname = str(filenzb)
                                print "nzbname:" + str(nzbname)
								#print (str(mylar.RENAME_FILES))
								#check sab for current pause status
#                                sabqstatusapi = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=qstatus&output=xml&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)
#                                file = urllib2.urlopen(sabqstatusapi);
#                                data = file.read()
#                                file.close()
#                                dom = parseString(data)
#                                for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('paused'):
#									pausestatus = node.firstChild.wholeText
									#print pausestatus
#                                if pausestatus != 'True':
									#pause sab first because it downloads too quick (cbr's are small!)
#                                    pauseapi = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=pause&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)
#                                    urllib2.urlopen(pauseapi);
                                    #print "Queue paused"
                                    #print "Queue already paused"
# END OF NOT NEEDED.                                
                                if mylar.RENAME_FILES == 1:
                                    tmpapi = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=addlocalfile&name=" + str(savefile) + "&pp=3&cat=" + str(mylar.SAB_CATEGORY) + "&script=ComicRN.py&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)
                                    tmpapi = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=addurl&name=" + str(linkapi) + "&pp=3&cat=" + str(mylar.SAB_CATEGORY) + "&script=ComicRN.py&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)
#                               time.sleep(5)
                                print "send-to-SAB:" + str(tmpapi)
                                except urllib2.URLError:
                                    logger.error(u"Unable to send nzb file to SABnzbd")

                                logger.info(u"Successfully sent nzb file to SABnzbd")
#                                if mylar.RENAME_FILES == 1:
                                    #let's give it 5 extra seconds to retrieve the nzb data...

#                                    time.sleep(5)
#                                    outqueue = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=queue&start=START&limit=LIMIT&output=xml&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)
#                                    urllib2.urlopen(outqueue);
#                                    time.sleep(5)
                                #<slots><slot><filename>.nzb filename
                                #chang nzbfilename to include series(SAB will auto rename based on this)
#                                    file = urllib2.urlopen(outqueue);
#                                    data = file.read()
#                                    file.close()
#                                    dom = parseString(data)
#                                    queue_slots = dom.getElementsByTagName('filename')
#                                    queue_cnt = len(queue_slots)
                                    #print ("there are " + str(queue_cnt) + " things in SABnzbd's queue")
#                                    que = 0
#                                    slotmatch = "no"
#                                    for queue in queue_slots:
                                    #retrieve the first xml tag (<tag>data</tag>)
                                    #that the parser finds with name tagName:
#                                        queue_file = dom.getElementsByTagName('filename')[que].firstChild.wholeText
#                                        while ('Trying to fetch NZB' in queue_file):
                                            #let's keep waiting until nzbname is resolved by SABnzbd
#                                            time.sleep(5)
#                                            file = urllib2.urlopen(outqueue);
#                                            data = file.read()
#                                            file.close()
#                                            dom = parseString(data)
#                                            queue_file = dom.getElementsByTagName('filename')[que].firstChild.wholeText
                                        #print ("queuefile:" + str(queue_file))
                                        #print ("filenzb:" + str(filenzb))                              
#                                        queue_file = queue_file.replace("_", " ")
#                                        if str(queue_file) in str(filenzb):
                                            #print ("matched")
#                                            slotmatch = "yes"
#                                            slot_nzoid = dom.getElementsByTagName('nzo_id')[que].firstChild.wholeText
                                            #print ("slot_nzoid: " + str(slot_nzoid))
#                                            break
#                                        que+=1
#                                    if slotmatch == "yes":
#--start - this is now broken - SAB Priority.
#                                        nzo_prio = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=queue&name=priority&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY) + "&value=" + str(slot_nzoid) + "&value2=" + str(sabpriority)
#                                        urllib2.urlopen(nzo_prio);
#                                        nzo_ren = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=queue&name=rename&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY) + "&value=" + str(slot_nzoid) + "&value2=" + str(renamer)
#                                        urllib2.urlopen(nzo_ren);
#                                        logger.info(u"Renamed nzb file in SABnzbd queue to : " + str(renamethis))
                                        #delete the .nzb now.
                                if mylar.PROG_DIR is not "/":
                                    logger.info(u"Removed temporary save file")
                                            #we need to track nzo_id to make sure finished downloaded with SABnzbd.
                                            #controlValueDict = {"nzo_id":      str(slot_nzoid)}
                                            #newValueDict = {"ComicName":       str(ComicName),
                                            #                "ComicYEAR":       str(comyear),
                                            #                "ComicIssue":      str(IssueNumber),
                                            #                "name":            str(filenamenzb)}
                                            #print ("updating SABLOG")
                                            #myDB = db.DBConnection()
                                            #myDB.upsert("sablog", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
#                                    else: logger.info(u"Couldn't locate file in SAB - are you sure it's being downloaded?")
                                #resume sab if it was running before we started
#                                if pausestatus != 'True':
                                    #let's unpause queue now that we did our jobs.
#                                    resumeapi = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=resume&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)
#                                    urllib2.urlopen(resumeapi);
									#print "Queue already paused"
                            #raise an exception to break out of loop
                            foundc = "yes"
                            done = True
                            #print ("issues don't match..")
                            foundc = "no"
                if done == True: break
        if foundc == "yes":
            print ("found-yes")
            updater.nzblog(IssueID, nzbname)
        elif foundc == "no" and nzbpr <> 0:
            logger.info(u"More than one search provider given - trying next one.")
        elif foundc == "no" and nzbpr == 0:
            if IssDateFix == "no":
                logger.info(u"Couldn't find Issue " + str(IssueNumber) + " of " + str(ComicName) + "(" + str(comyear) + "). Status kept as wanted." )
    return foundc
Exemplo n.º 2
def NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, nzbprov, nzbpr, IssDateFix, IssueID, UseFuzzy, newznab_host=None):

    if nzbprov == 'nzb.su':
        apikey = mylar.NZBSU_APIKEY
    elif nzbprov == 'dognzb':
        apikey = mylar.DOGNZB_APIKEY
    elif nzbprov == 'nzbx':
        apikey = 'none'
    elif nzbprov == 'experimental':
        apikey = 'none'
    elif nzbprov == 'newznab':
        host_newznab = newznab_host[0]
        apikey = newznab_host[1]
        logger.fdebug("using Newznab host of : " + str(host_newznab))

    logger.info(u"Shhh be very quiet...I'm looking for " + ComicName + " issue: " + str(IssueNumber) + "(" + str(ComicYear) + ") using " + str(nzbprov))

    if mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 0: filetype = ""
    elif mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 1: filetype = ".cbr"
    elif mylar.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 2: filetype = ".cbz"

    if mylar.SAB_PRIORITY:
        if mylar.SAB_PRIORITY == "Default": sabpriority = "-100"
        elif mylar.SAB_PRIORITY == "Low": sabpriority = "-1"
        elif mylar.SAB_PRIORITY == "Normal": sabpriority = "0"
        elif mylar.SAB_PRIORITY == "High": sabpriority = "1"
        elif mylar.SAB_PRIORITY == "Paused": sabpriority = "-2"
        #if sab priority isn't selected, default to Normal (0)
        sabpriority = "0"

    #UseFuzzy == 0: Normal 
    #UseFuzzy == 1: Remove Year
    #UseFuzzy == 2: Fuzzy Year
    # figure out what was missed via rss feeds and do a manual search via api
    #tsc = int(tot-1)
    findcomic = []
    findcomiciss = []
    findcount = 0
    ci = ""
    comsearch = []
    isssearch = []
    comyear = str(ComicYear)

    #print ("-------SEARCH FOR MISSING------------------")
    # this should be called elsewhere..redudant code.
    if '.' in IssueNumber:
        isschk_find = IssueNumber.find('.')
        isschk_b4dec = IssueNumber[:isschk_find]
        isschk_decval = IssueNumber[isschk_find+1:]
        logger.fdebug("IssueNumber: " + str(IssueNumber))
        logger.fdebug("..before decimal: " + str(isschk_b4dec))
        logger.fdebug("...after decimal: " + str(isschk_decval))
    #--let's make sure we don't wipe out decimal issues ;)
        if int(isschk_decval) == 0:
            iss = isschk_b4dec
            intdec = int(isschk_decval)
            if len(isschk_decval) == 1:
                iss = isschk_b4dec + "." + isschk_decval
                intdec = int(isschk_decval) * 10
                iss = isschk_b4dec + "." + isschk_decval.rstrip('0')
                intdec = int(isschk_decval.rstrip('0')) * 10
        logger.fdebug("let's search with this issue value: " + str(iss))
    #Issue_Number = carry-over with decimals
    #iss = clean issue number (no decimals)
    intIss = (int(isschk_b4dec) * 1000) + intdec
    logger.fdebug("int.issue :" + str(intIss))
    logger.fdebug("int.issue_b4: " + str(isschk_b4dec))
    logger.fdebug("int.issue_dec: " + str(intdec))
    IssueNumber = iss
    #issue_decimal = re.compile(r'[^\d.]+')
    #issue = issue_decimal.sub('', str(IssueNumber))

    #print ("we need : " + str(findcomic[findcount]) + " issue: #" + str(findcomiciss[findcount]))
    # replace whitespace in comic name with %20 for api search
    cm1 = re.sub(" ", "%20", str(findcomic[findcount]))
    cm = re.sub("\&", "%26", str(cm1))
    #print (cmi)
    if '.' in findcomiciss[findcount]:
        if len(str(isschk_b4dec)) == 3:
            cmloopit = 1
        elif len(str(isschk_b4dec)) == 2:
            cmloopit = 2
        elif len(str(isschk_b4dec)) == 1:
            cmloopit = 3
        if len(str(findcomiciss[findcount])) == 1:
            cmloopit = 3
        elif len(str(findcomiciss[findcount])) == 2:
            cmloopit = 2
            cmloopit = 1

    # ----

    #print ("------RESULTS OF SEARCH-------------------")
    findloop = 0
    foundcomic = []
    done = False
    #---issue problem
    # if issue is '011' instead of '11' in nzb search results, will not have same
    # results. '011' will return different than '11', as will '009' and '09'.

    while (findloop < (findcount) ):
        comsrc = comsearch[findloop]
        while (cmloopit >= 1 ):
            if done is True:
                logger.fdebug("we should break out now - sucessful search previous")
                findloop == 99
                # here we account for issue pattern variations
            if cmloopit == 3:
                comsearch[findloop] = comsrc + "%2000" + isssearch[findloop] + "%20" + str(filetype)
            elif cmloopit == 2:
                comsearch[findloop] = comsrc + "%200" + isssearch[findloop] + "%20" + str(filetype)
            elif cmloopit == 1:
                comsearch[findloop] = comsrc + "%20" + isssearch[findloop] + "%20" + str(filetype)
            logger.fdebug("comsearch: " + str(comsearch))
            logger.fdebug("cmloopit: " + str(cmloopit))
            logger.fdebug("done: " + str(done))
            if nzbprov != 'experimental':
                if nzbprov == 'dognzb':
                    findurl = "http://dognzb.cr/api?t=search&apikey=" + str(apikey) + "&q=" + str(comsearch[findloop]) + "&o=xml&cat=7030"
                elif nzbprov == 'nzb.su':
                    findurl = "http://www.nzb.su/api?t=search&q=" + str(comsearch[findloop]) + "&apikey=" + str(apikey) + "&o=xml&cat=7030"
                elif nzbprov == 'newznab':
                    #let's make sure the host has a '/' at the end, if not add it.
                    if host_newznab[-1] != "/": host_newznab = str(host_newznab) + "/"
                    findurl = str(host_newznab) + "api?t=search&q=" + str(comsearch[findloop]) + "&apikey=" + str(apikey) + "&o=xml&cat=7030"
                    logger.fdebug("search-url: " + str(findurl))
                elif nzbprov == 'nzbx':
                    bb = prov_nzbx.searchit(comsearch[findloop])
                if nzbprov != 'nzbx':
                    bb = feedparser.parse(findurl)
            elif nzbprov == 'experimental':
                #bb = parseit.MysterBinScrape(comsearch[findloop], comyear)
                bb = findcomicfeed.Startit(cm, isssearch[findloop], comyear)
                # since the regexs in findcomicfeed do the 3 loops, lets force the exit after
                cmloopit == 1

            done = False
            foundc = "no"
            log2file = ""
            if bb == "no results":               
                foundc = "no"
                for entry in bb['entries']:
                    logger.fdebug("checking search result: " + str(entry['title']))
                    thisentry = str(entry['title'])
                    logger.fdebug("Entry: " + str(thisentry))
                    cleantitle = re.sub('[_/.]', ' ', str(entry['title']))
                    cleantitle = helpers.cleanName(str(cleantitle))
                    nzbname = cleantitle

                    logger.fdebug("Cleantitle: " + str(cleantitle))
                    if len(re.findall('[^()]+', cleantitle)) == 1: cleantitle = "abcdefghijk 0 (1901).cbz"                      
                    if done:
                #let's narrow search down - take out year (2010), (2011), etc
                #let's check for first occurance of '(' as generally indicates
                #that the 'title' has ended

                    #this takes care of the brackets :)                    
                    m = re.findall('[^()]+', cleantitle)
                    lenm = len(m)

                    #print ("there are " + str(lenm) + " words.")
                    cnt = 0
                    yearmatch = "false"

                    while (cnt < lenm):
                        if m[cnt] is None: break
                        if m[cnt] == ' ': 
                            logger.fdebug(str(cnt) + ". Bracket Word: " + str(m[cnt]))
                        if cnt == 0:
                            comic_andiss = m[cnt]
                            logger.fdebug("Comic: " + str(comic_andiss))
                            logger.fdebug("UseFuzzy is  : " + str(UseFuzzy))
                        if UseFuzzy == "0" or UseFuzzy == "2" or UseFuzzy is None or IssDateFix == "yes":
                            if m[cnt][:-2] == '19' or m[cnt][:-2] == '20': 
                                logger.fdebug("year detected: " + str(m[cnt]))
                                result_comyear = m[cnt]
                                if str(comyear) in result_comyear:
                                    logger.fdebug(str(comyear) + " - right years match baby!")
                                    yearmatch = "true"
                                    logger.fdebug(str(comyear) + " - not right - years do not match")
                                    yearmatch = "false"
                                    if UseFuzzy == "2":
                                        #Fuzzy the year +1 and -1
                                        ComUp = int(ComicYear) + 1
                                        ComDwn = int(ComicYear) - 1
                                        if str(ComUp) in result_comyear or str(ComDwn) in result_comyear:
                                            logger.fdebug("Fuzzy Logic'd the Year and got a match with a year of " + str(result_comyear)) 
                                            yearmatch = "true"                                       
                                            logger.fdebug(str(comyear) + "Fuzzy logic'd the Year and year still didn't match.")
                                #let's do this hear and save a few extra loops ;)
                                #fix for issue dates between Nov-Dec/Jan
                                    if IssDateFix == "yes" and UseFuzzy is not "2":
                                        ComicYearFix = int(ComicYear) + 1
                                        if str(ComicYearFix) in result_comyear:
                                            logger.fdebug("further analysis reveals this was published inbetween Nov-Jan, incrementing year to " + str(ComicYearFix) + " has resulted in a match!")
                                            yearmatch = "true"
                                            logger.fdebug(str(comyear) + " - not the right year.")

                        elif UseFuzzy == "1": yearmatch = "true"

                        if 'digital' in m[cnt] and len(m[cnt]) == 7: 
                            logger.fdebug("digital edition detected")
                        if ' of ' in m[cnt]:
                            logger.fdebug("mini-series detected : " + str(m[cnt]))
                            result_of = m[cnt]
                        if 'cover' in m[cnt]: 
                            logger.fdebug("covers detected: " + str(m[cnt]))
                            result_comcovers = m[cnt]
                        for ripper in ripperlist:
                            if ripper in m[cnt]:
                                logger.fdebug("Scanner detected: " + str(m[cnt]))
                                result_comscanner = m[cnt]

                    if yearmatch == "false": continue
                    splitit = []   
                    watchcomic_split = []
                    logger.fdebug("original nzb comic and issue: " + str(comic_andiss)) 
                    #changed this from '' to ' '
                    comic_iss_b4 = re.sub('[\-\:\,]', ' ', str(comic_andiss))
                    comic_iss = comic_iss_b4.replace('.',' ')
                    logger.fdebug("adjusted nzb comic and issue: " + str(comic_iss))
                    splitit = comic_iss.split(None)
                    #something happened to dognzb searches or results...added a '.' in place of spaces
                    #screwed up most search results with dognzb. Let's try to adjust.
                    #watchcomic_split = findcomic[findloop].split(None)
                    if splitit[(len(splitit)-1)].isdigit():
                        #compares - if the last digit and second last digit are #'s seperated by spaces assume decimal
                        comic_iss = splitit[(len(splitit)-1)]
                        splitst = len(splitit) - 1
                        if splitit[(len(splitit)-2)].isdigit():
                            # for series that have a digit at the end, it screws up the logistics.
                            i = 1
                            chg_comic = splitit[0]
                            while (i < (len(splitit)-1)):
                                chg_comic = chg_comic + " " + splitit[i]
                            logger.fdebug("chg_comic:" + str(chg_comic))
                            if chg_comic.upper() == findcomic[findloop].upper():
                                logger.fdebug("series contains numerics...adjusting..")
                                changeup = "." + splitit[(len(splitit)-1)]
                                logger.fdebug("changeup to decimal: " + str(changeup))
                                comic_iss = splitit[(len(splitit)-2)] + "." + comic_iss
                                splitst = len(splitit) - 2
                        # if the nzb name doesn't follow the series-issue-year format even closely..ignore nzb
                        logger.fdebug("invalid naming format of nzb detected - cannot properly determine issue") 
                    logger.fdebug("adjusting from: " + str(comic_iss_b4) + " to: " + str(comic_iss))
                    #bmm = re.findall('v\d', comic_iss)
                    #if len(bmm) > 0: splitst = len(splitit) - 2
                    #else: splitst = len(splitit) - 1

                    # make sure that things like - in watchcomic are accounted for when comparing to nzb.
                    watchcomic_split = re.sub('[\-\:\,\.]', ' ', findcomic[findloop]).split(None)
                    logger.fdebug(str(splitit) + " nzb series word count: " + str(splitst))
                    logger.fdebug(str(watchcomic_split) + " watchlist word count: " + str(len(watchcomic_split)))
                    if (splitst) != len(watchcomic_split):
                        logger.fdebug("incorrect comic lengths...not a match")
                        if str(splitit[0]).lower() == "the":
                            logger.fdebug("THE word detected...attempting to adjust pattern matching")
                            splitit[0] = splitit[4:]
                        logger.fdebug("length match..proceeding")
                        n = 0
                        scount = 0
                        logger.fdebug("search-length: " + str(splitst))
                        logger.fdebug("Watchlist-length: " + str(len(watchcomic_split)))
                        while ( n <= (splitst)-1 ):
                            logger.fdebug("splitit: " + str(splitit[n]))
                            if n < (splitst) and n < len(watchcomic_split):
                                logger.fdebug(str(n) + " Comparing: " + str(watchcomic_split[n]) + " .to. " + str(splitit[n]))
                                if '+' in watchcomic_split[n]:
                                    watchcomic_split[n] = re.sub('+', '', str(watchcomic_split[n]))
                                if str(watchcomic_split[n].lower()) in str(splitit[n].lower()):
                                    logger.fdebug("word matched on : " + str(splitit[n]))
                                #elif ':' in splitit[n] or '-' in splitit[n]:
                                #    splitrep = splitit[n].replace('-', '')
                                #    print ("non-character keyword...skipped on " + splitit[n])
                            elif str(splitit[n].lower()).startswith('v'):
                                logger.fdebug("possible versioning..checking")
                                #we hit a versioning # - account for it
                                if splitit[n][1:].isdigit():
                                    comicversion = str(splitit[n])
                                    logger.fdebug("version found: " + str(comicversion))
                                logger.fdebug("Comic / Issue section")
                                if splitit[n].isdigit():
                                    logger.fdebug("issue detected")
                                    #comiss = splitit[n]
                                    comicNAMER = n - 1
                                    comNAME = splitit[0]
                                    cmnam = 1
                                    while (cmnam <= comicNAMER):
                                        comNAME = str(comNAME) + " " + str(splitit[cmnam])
                                    logger.fdebug("comic: " + str(comNAME))
                                    logger.fdebug("non-match for: "+ str(splitit[n]))
                        #set the match threshold to 80% (for now)
                        # if it's less than 80% consider it a non-match and discard.
                        #splitit has to splitit-1 because last position is issue.
                        wordcnt = int(scount)
                        logger.fdebug("scount:" + str(wordcnt))
                        totalcnt = int(splitst)
                        logger.fdebug("splitit-len:" + str(totalcnt))
                        spercent = (wordcnt/totalcnt) * 100
                        logger.fdebug("we got " + str(spercent) + " percent.")
                        if int(spercent) >= 80:
                            logger.fdebug("it's a go captain... - we matched " + str(spercent) + "%!")
                        if int(spercent) < 80:
                            logger.fdebug("failure - we only got " + str(spercent) + "% right!")
                        logger.fdebug("this should be a match!")
                        logger.fdebug("issue we are looking for is : " + str(findcomiciss[findloop]))
                        logger.fdebug("integer value of issue we are looking for : " + str(intIss))

                        #redudant code - should be called elsewhere...
                        if '.' in comic_iss:
                            comisschk_find = comic_iss.find('.')
                            comisschk_b4dec = comic_iss[:comisschk_find]
                            comisschk_decval = comic_iss[comisschk_find+1:]
                            logger.fdebug("Found IssueNumber: " + str(comic_iss))
                            logger.fdebug("..before decimal: " + str(comisschk_b4dec))
                            logger.fdebug("...after decimal: " + str(comisschk_decval))
                            #--let's make sure we don't wipe out decimal issues ;)
                            if int(comisschk_decval) == 0:
                                ciss = comisschk_b4dec
                                cintdec = int(comisschk_decval)
                                if len(comisschk_decval) == 1:
                                    ciss = comisschk_b4dec + "." + comisschk_decval
                                    cintdec = int(comisschk_decval) * 10
                                    ciss = comisschk_b4dec + "." + comisschk_decval.rstrip('0')
                                    cintdec = int(comisschk_decval.rstrip('0')) * 10
                            comintIss = (int(comisschk_b4dec) * 1000) + cintdec
                            comintIss = int(comic_iss) * 1000
                        logger.fdebug("issue we found for is : " + str(comic_iss))
                        logger.fdebug("integer value of issue we are found : " + str(comintIss))

                        #issue comparison now as well
                        if int(intIss) == int(comintIss):
                            logger.fdebug('issues match!')
                            logger.info(u"Found " + str(ComicName) + " (" + str(comyear) + ") issue: " + str(IssueNumber) + " using " + str(nzbprov) )
                        ## -- inherit issue. Comic year is non-standard. nzb year is the year
                        ## -- comic was printed, not the start year of the comic series and
                        ## -- thus the deciding component if matches are correct or not
                            linkstart = os.path.splitext(entry['link'])[0]
                        #following is JUST for nzb.su
                            if nzbprov == 'nzb.su' or nzbprov == 'newznab':
                                linkit = os.path.splitext(entry['link'])[1]
                                linkit = linkit.replace("&", "%26")
                                linkapi = str(linkstart) + str(linkit)
                                # this should work for every other provider
                                linkstart = linkstart.replace("&", "%26")
                                linkapi = str(linkstart)
                            logger.fdebug("link given by: " + str(nzbprov))
                            logger.fdebug("link: " + str(linkstart))
                            logger.fdebug("linkforapi: " + str(linkapi))
                            #here we distinguish between rename and not.
                            #blackhole functinality---
                            #let's download the file to a temporary cache.

                            if mylar.BLACKHOLE:
                                logger.fdebug("using blackhole directory at : " + str(mylar.BLACKHOLE_DIR))
                                if os.path.exists(mylar.BLACKHOLE_DIR):
                                    #pretty this biatch up.
                                    Bl_ComicName = re.sub('[/:/,\/]', '', str(ComicName))
                                    filenamenzb = str(re.sub(" ", ".", str(Bl_ComicName))) + "." + str(IssueNumber) + ".(" + str(comyear) + ").nzb"
                                    urllib.urlretrieve(linkapi, str(mylar.BLACKHOLE_DIR) + str(filenamenzb))
                                    logger.fdebug("filename saved to your blackhole as : " + str(filenamenzb))
                                    logger.info(u"Successfully sent .nzb to your Blackhole directory : " + str(mylar.BLACKHOLE_DIR) + str(filenamenzb) )
                            #end blackhole

                                tmppath = mylar.CACHE_DIR
                                if os.path.exists(tmppath):
                                   logger.fdebug("cache directory successfully found at : " + str(tmppath))
                                #let's make the dir.
                                    logger.fdebug("couldn't locate cache directory, attempting to create at : " + str(mylar.CACHE_DIR))
                                        logger.info(u"Cache Directory successfully created at: " + str(mylar.CACHE_DIR))

                                    except OSError.e:
                                        if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

                                logger.fdebug("link to retrieve via api:" + str(linkapi))

                                #we need to change the nzbx string now to allow for the nzbname rename.
                                if nzbprov == 'nzbx':
                                    nzbxlink_st = linkapi.find("*|*")
                                    linkapi = linkapi[:(nzbxlink_st + 3)] + str(nzbname)
                                    logger.fdebug("new linkapi (this should =nzbname) :" + str(linkapi))
                                # let's build the send-to-SAB string now:
                                tmpapi = str(mylar.SAB_HOST)
                                logger.fdebug("send-to-SAB host string: " + str(tmpapi))
                                # changed to just work with direct links now...
                                SABtype = "/api?mode=addurl&name="
                                fileURL = str(linkapi)
                                tmpapi = tmpapi + str(SABtype)
                                logger.fdebug("...selecting API type: " + str(tmpapi))
                                tmpapi = tmpapi + str(fileURL)
                                logger.fdebug("...attaching nzb provider link: " + str(tmpapi))
                                # determine SAB priority
                                if mylar.SAB_PRIORITY:
                                    tmpapi = tmpapi + "&priority=" + str(sabpriority)
                                    logger.fdebug("...setting priority: " + str(tmpapi))
                                # if category is blank, let's adjust
                                if mylar.SAB_CATEGORY:
                                    tmpapi = tmpapi + "&cat=" + str(mylar.SAB_CATEGORY)
                                    logger.fdebug("...attaching category: " + str(tmpapi))
                                if mylar.RENAME_FILES == 1:
                                    tmpapi = tmpapi + "&script=ComicRN.py"
                                    logger.fdebug("...attaching rename script: " + str(tmpapi))
                                #final build of send-to-SAB    
                                tmpapi = tmpapi + "&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)

                                logger.fdebug("Completed send-to-SAB link: " + str(tmpapi))

                                except urllib2.URLError:
                                    logger.error(u"Unable to send nzb file to SABnzbd")

                                logger.info(u"Successfully sent nzb file to SABnzbd")
                                #delete the .nzb now.
                                #if mylar.PROG_DIR is not "/" and nzbprov != 'nzb.su':
                                #    logger.fdebug("preparing to remove temporary nzb file at: " + str(savefile))
                                #    os.remove(savefile)
                                #    logger.info(u"Removed temporary save file")
                            #raise an exception to break out of loop

                            #let's change all space to decimals for simplicity
                            if mylar.BLACKHOLE:
                                    bhole_cname = re.sub('[/:/,\/]', '', str(ComicName))
                                    nzbname = str(re.sub(" ", ".", str(bhole_cname))) + "." + str(IssueNumber) + ".(" + str(comyear) + ")"
                                nzbname = re.sub(" ", ".", str(entry['title']))
                                nzbname = re.sub('[\,\:]', '', str(nzbname))
                                extensions = ('.cbr', '.cbz')

                                if nzbname.lower().endswith(extensions):
                                    fd, ext = os.path.splitext(nzbname)
                                    logger.fdebug("Removed extension from nzb: " + ext)
                                    nzbname = re.sub(str(ext), '', str(nzbname))

                            logger.fdebug("nzbname used for post-processing:" + str(nzbname))

                            foundc = "yes"
                            done = True
                            log2file = log2file + "issues don't match.." + "\n"
                            foundc = "no"
                    if done == True:
                        cmloopit == 1 #let's make sure it STOPS searching after a sucessful match. 
        if foundc == "yes":
            logger.fdebug("Found matching comic...preparing to send to Updater with IssueID: " + str(IssueID) + " and nzbname: " + str(nzbname))
            updater.nzblog(IssueID, nzbname)
            nzbpr == 0
            return foundc
        elif foundc == "no" and nzbpr == 0:
            logger.fdebug("couldn't find a matching comic")
            if IssDateFix == "no":
                logger.info(u"Couldn't find Issue " + str(IssueNumber) + " of " + str(ComicName) + "(" + str(comyear) + "). Status kept as wanted." )
    return foundc
Exemplo n.º 3
                            foundc = "yes"
                            done = True
                            log2file = log2file + "issues don't match.." + "\n"
                            foundc = "no"
                    if done == True:
                        cmloopit == 1 #let's make sure it STOPS searching after a sucessful match. 
        if foundc == "yes":
            logger.fdebug("Found matching comic...preparing to send to Updater with IssueID: " + str(IssueID) + " and nzbname: " + str(nzbname))
            updater.nzblog(IssueID, nzbname)
            nzbpr == 0
            return foundc
        elif foundc == "no" and nzbpr == 0:
            logger.fdebug("couldn't find a matching comic")
            if IssDateFix == "no":
                logger.info(u"Couldn't find Issue " + str(IssueNumber) + " of " + str(ComicName) + "(" + str(comyear) + "). Status kept as wanted." )
    return foundc

def searchforissue(issueid=None, new=False):
    myDB = db.DBConnection()

    if not issueid: