Exemplo n.º 1
def compute_vtable(cls: ClassIR) -> None:
    """Compute the vtable structure for a class."""
    if cls.vtable is not None: return

    if not cls.is_generated:
        cls.has_dict = any(x.inherits_python for x in cls.mro)

    for t in cls.mro[1:]:
        # Make sure all ancestors are processed first
        # Merge attributes from traits into the class
        if not t.is_trait:
        for name, typ in t.attributes.items():
            if not cls.is_trait and not any(name in b.attributes for b in cls.base_mro):
                cls.attributes[name] = typ

    cls.vtable = {}
    if cls.base:
        assert cls.base.vtable is not None
        cls.vtable_entries = specialize_parent_vtable(cls, cls.base)

    # Include the vtable from the parent classes, but handle method overrides.
    entries = cls.vtable_entries

    # Traits need to have attributes in the vtable, since the
    # attributes can be at different places in different classes, but
    # regular classes can just directly get them.
    if cls.is_trait:
        # Traits also need to pull in vtable entries for non-trait
        # parent classes explicitly.
        for t in cls.mro:
            for attr in t.attributes:
                if attr in cls.vtable:
                cls.vtable[attr] = len(entries)
                entries.append(VTableAttr(t, attr, is_setter=False))
                entries.append(VTableAttr(t, attr, is_setter=True))

    all_traits = [t for t in cls.mro if t.is_trait]

    for t in [cls] + cls.traits:
        for fn in itertools.chain(t.methods.values()):
            # TODO: don't generate a new entry when we overload without changing the type
            if fn == cls.get_method(fn.name):
                cls.vtable[fn.name] = len(entries)
                # If the class contains a glue method referring to itself, that is a
                # shadow glue method to support interpreted subclasses.
                shadow = cls.glue_methods.get((cls, fn.name))
                entries.append(VTableMethod(t, fn.name, fn, shadow))

    # Compute vtables for all of the traits that the class implements
    if not cls.is_trait:
        for trait in all_traits:
            cls.trait_vtables[trait] = specialize_parent_vtable(cls, trait)
Exemplo n.º 2
def setup_callable_class(builder: IRBuilder) -> None:
    """Generates a callable class representing a nested function or a function within a
    non-extension class and sets up the 'self' variable for that class.

    This takes the most recently visited function and returns a ClassIR to represent that
    function. Each callable class contains an environment attribute with points to another
    ClassIR representing the environment class where some of its variables can be accessed.
    Note that its '__call__' method is not yet implemented, and is implemented in the
    add_call_to_callable_class function.

    Returns a newly constructed ClassIR representing the callable class for the nested

    # Check to see that the name has not already been taken. If so, rename the class. We allow
    # multiple uses of the same function name because this is valid in if-else blocks. Example:
    #     if True:
    #         def foo():          ---->    foo_obj()
    #             return True
    #     else:
    #         def foo():          ---->    foo_obj_0()
    #             return False
    name = base_name = '{}_obj'.format(builder.fn_info.namespaced_name())
    count = 0
    while name in builder.callable_class_names:
        name = base_name + '_' + str(count)
        count += 1

    # Define the actual callable class ClassIR, and set its environment to point at the
    # previously defined environment class.
    callable_class_ir = ClassIR(name, builder.module_name, is_generated=True)

    # The functools @wraps decorator attempts to call setattr on nested functions, so
    # we create a dict for these nested functions.
    # https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/3.7/Lib/functools.py#L58
    if builder.fn_info.is_nested:
        callable_class_ir.has_dict = True

    # If the enclosing class doesn't contain nested (which will happen if
    # this is a toplevel lambda), don't set up an environment.
    if builder.fn_infos[-2].contains_nested:
        callable_class_ir.attributes[ENV_ATTR_NAME] = RInstance(
    callable_class_ir.mro = [callable_class_ir]
    builder.fn_info.callable_class = ImplicitClass(callable_class_ir)

    # Add a 'self' variable to the callable class' environment, and store that variable in a
    # register to be accessed later.
    self_target = add_self_to_env(builder.environment, callable_class_ir)
    builder.fn_info.callable_class.self_reg = builder.read(self_target, builder.fn_info.fitem.line)