Exemplo n.º 1
def transform_member_expr(builder: IRBuilder, expr: MemberExpr) -> Value:
    # First check if this is maybe a final attribute.
    final = builder.get_final_ref(expr)
    if final is not None:
        fullname, final_var, native = final
        value = builder.emit_load_final(final_var, fullname, final_var.name, native,
                                        builder.types[expr], expr.line)
        if value is not None:
            return value

    if isinstance(expr.node, MypyFile) and expr.node.fullname in builder.imports:
        return builder.load_module(expr.node.fullname)

    can_borrow = builder.is_native_attr_ref(expr)
    obj = builder.accept(expr.expr, can_borrow=can_borrow)
    rtype = builder.node_type(expr)

    # Special case: for named tuples transform attribute access to faster index access.
    typ = get_proper_type(builder.types.get(expr.expr))
    if isinstance(typ, TupleType) and typ.partial_fallback.type.is_named_tuple:
        fields = typ.partial_fallback.type.metadata['namedtuple']['fields']
        if expr.name in fields:
            index = builder.builder.load_int(fields.index(expr.name))
            return builder.gen_method_call(obj, '__getitem__', [index], rtype, expr.line)

    check_instance_attribute_access_through_class(builder, expr, typ)

    borrow = can_borrow and builder.can_borrow
    return builder.builder.get_attr(obj, expr.name, rtype, expr.line, borrow=borrow)
Exemplo n.º 2
def transform_name_expr(builder: IRBuilder, expr: NameExpr) -> Value:
    assert expr.node, "RefExpr not resolved"
    fullname = expr.node.fullname
    if fullname in builtin_names:
        typ, src = builtin_names[fullname]
        return builder.add(LoadAddress(typ, src, expr.line))
    # special cases
    if fullname == 'builtins.None':
        return builder.none()
    if fullname == 'builtins.True':
        return builder.true()
    if fullname == 'builtins.False':
        return builder.false()
    if fullname in name_ref_ops:
        # Use special access op for this particular name.
        desc = name_ref_ops[fullname]
        assert desc.result_type is not None
        return builder.add(PrimitiveOp([], desc, expr.line))

    if isinstance(expr.node, Var) and expr.node.is_final:
        value = builder.emit_load_final(
        if value is not None:
            return value

    if isinstance(expr.node,
                  MypyFile) and expr.node.fullname in builder.imports:
        return builder.load_module(expr.node.fullname)

    # If the expression is locally defined, then read the result from the corresponding
    # assignment target and return it. Otherwise if the expression is a global, load it from
    # the globals dictionary.
    # Except for imports, that currently always happens in the global namespace.
    if expr.kind == LDEF and not (isinstance(expr.node, Var)
                                  and expr.node.is_suppressed_import):
        # Try to detect and error when we hit the irritating mypy bug
        # where a local variable is cast to None. (#5423)
        if (isinstance(expr.node, Var)
                and is_none_rprimitive(builder.node_type(expr))
                and expr.node.is_inferred):
                "Local variable '{}' has inferred type None; add an annotation"
                .format(expr.node.name), expr.node.line)

        # TODO: Behavior currently only defined for Var and FuncDef node types.
        return builder.read(builder.get_assignment_target(expr), expr.line)

    return builder.load_global(expr)
Exemplo n.º 3
def transform_member_expr(builder: IRBuilder, expr: MemberExpr) -> Value:
    # First check if this is maybe a final attribute.
    final = builder.get_final_ref(expr)
    if final is not None:
        fullname, final_var, native = final
        value = builder.emit_load_final(final_var, fullname, final_var.name,
                                        native, builder.types[expr], expr.line)
        if value is not None:
            return value

    if isinstance(expr.node,
                  MypyFile) and expr.node.fullname in builder.imports:
        return builder.load_module(expr.node.fullname)

    obj = builder.accept(expr.expr)
    return builder.builder.get_attr(obj, expr.name, builder.node_type(expr),
Exemplo n.º 4
def transform_name_expr(builder: IRBuilder, expr: NameExpr) -> Value:
    if expr.node is None:
                                       "mypyc internal error: should be unreachable",
        return builder.none()
    fullname = expr.node.fullname
    if fullname in builtin_names:
        typ, src = builtin_names[fullname]
        return builder.add(LoadAddress(typ, src, expr.line))
    # special cases
    if fullname == 'builtins.None':
        return builder.none()
    if fullname == 'builtins.True':
        return builder.true()
    if fullname == 'builtins.False':
        return builder.false()

    if isinstance(expr.node, Var) and expr.node.is_final:
        value = builder.emit_load_final(
        if value is not None:
            return value

    if isinstance(expr.node, MypyFile) and expr.node.fullname in builder.imports:
        return builder.load_module(expr.node.fullname)

    # If the expression is locally defined, then read the result from the corresponding
    # assignment target and return it. Otherwise if the expression is a global, load it from
    # the globals dictionary.
    # Except for imports, that currently always happens in the global namespace.
    if expr.kind == LDEF and not (isinstance(expr.node, Var)
                                  and expr.node.is_suppressed_import):
        # Try to detect and error when we hit the irritating mypy bug
        # where a local variable is cast to None. (#5423)
        if (isinstance(expr.node, Var) and is_none_rprimitive(builder.node_type(expr))
                and expr.node.is_inferred):
                'Local variable "{}" has inferred type None; add an annotation'.format(

        # TODO: Behavior currently only defined for Var, FuncDef and MypyFile node types.
        if isinstance(expr.node, MypyFile):
            # Load reference to a module imported inside function from
            # the modules dictionary. It would be closer to Python
            # semantics to access modules imported inside functions
            # via local variables, but this is tricky since the mypy
            # AST doesn't include a Var node for the module. We
            # instead load the module separately on each access.
            mod_dict = builder.call_c(get_module_dict_op, [], expr.line)
            obj = builder.call_c(dict_get_item_op,
                                 [mod_dict, builder.load_str(expr.node.fullname)],
            return obj
            return builder.read(builder.get_assignment_target(expr), expr.line)

    return builder.load_global(expr)