Exemplo n.º 1
def show_file_statistics(file_name, wild=False, out_format="GRID"):
    """Show file statistics for file name specified

    file_name[in]    target file name and path
    wild[in]         if True, get file statistics for all files with prefix of
                     file_name. Default is False
    out_format[in]   output format to print file statistics. Default is GRID.

    def _get_file_stats(path, file_name):
        """Return file stats
        stats = os.stat(os.path.join(path, file_name))
        return ((file_name, stats.st_size, time.ctime(stats.st_ctime),

    columns = ["File", "Size", "Created", "Last Modified"]
    rows = []
    path, filename = os.path.split(file_name)
    if wild:
        for _, _, files in os.walk(path):
            for f in files:
                if f.startswith(filename):
                    rows.append(_get_file_stats(path, f))
        rows.append(_get_file_stats(path, filename))

    print_list(sys.stdout, out_format, columns, rows)
Exemplo n.º 2
def show_database_usage(server, datadir, dblist, options):
    """Show database usage.

    Display a list of databases and their disk space usage. The method
    accepts a list of databases to list or None or [] for all databases.

    server[in]        Connected server to operate against
    datadir[in]       The datadir for the server
    dblist[in]        List of databases
    options[in]       Required options for operation: format, no_headers,
                      verbosity, have_read, include_empty

    returns True or exception on error
    from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list

    format = options.get("format", "grid")
    no_headers = options.get("no_headers", False)
    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)
    have_read = options.get("have_read", False)
    include_empty = options.get("do_empty", True)
    do_all = options.get("do_all", True)
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)

    if verbosity is None:
        verbosity = 0

    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')

    # Check to see if we're doing all databases.
    if len(dblist) > 0:
        include_list = "("
        stop = len(dblist)
        for i in range(0,stop):
            include_list += "'%s'" % dblist[i]
            if i < stop-1:
                include_list += ", "
        include_list += ")"
        where_clause = "WHERE table_schema IN %s" % include_list
        where_clause += " AND table_schema != 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA'"
        where_clause = "WHERE table_schema != 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA'"

    res = server.exec_query(_QUERY_DBSIZE % where_clause)

    # Get list of databases with sizes and formatted when necessary
    columns, rows, db_total = _build_db_list(server, res, dblist, datadir,
                                             format == "grid",
                                             have_read, verbosity,
                                             include_empty or do_all)

    if not quiet:
        print "# Database totals:"
    print_list(sys.stdout, format, columns, rows, no_headers)
    if not quiet:
        _print_size("\nTotal database disk usage = ", db_total)

    return True
Exemplo n.º 3
    def execute(self, connections, **kwrds):
        """Execute the search for processes, queries, or connections

        This method searches for processes, queriers, or connections to
        either kill or display the matches for one or more servers.

        connections[in]    list of connection parameters
        kwrds[in]          dictionary of options
          output           file stream to display information
                           default = sys.stdout
          connector        connector to use
                           default = mysql.connector
          format           format for display
                           default = GRID

        output = kwrds.get('output', sys.stdout)
        connector = kwrds.get('connector', mysql.connector)
        fmt = kwrds.get('format', "grid")
        charset = kwrds.get('charset', None)

        headers = ("Connection", "Id", "User", "Host", "Db",
                   "Command", "Time", "State", "Info")
        entries = []
        # Build SQL statement
        for info in connections:
            conn = parse_connection(info)
            if not conn:
                msg = "'%s' is not a valid connection specifier" % (info,)
                raise FormatError(msg)
            if charset:
                conn['charset'] = charset
            info = conn
            connection = connector.connect(**info)

            if not charset:
                # If no charset provided, get it from the
                # "character_set_client" server variable.
                cursor = connection.cursor()
                cursor.execute("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_client'")
                res = cursor.fetchall()

            cursor = connection.cursor()
            for row in cursor:
                if KILL_QUERY in self.__actions:
                    cursor.execute("KILL {0}".format(row[0]))
                if KILL_CONNECTION in self.__actions:
                    cursor.execute("KILL {0}".format(row[0]))
                if PRINT_PROCESS in self.__actions:
                    entries.append(tuple([_spec(info)] + list(row)))

        # If output is None, nothing is printed
        if len(entries) > 0 and output:
            entries.sort(key=lambda fifth: fifth[5])
            print_list(output, fmt, headers, entries)
        elif PRINT_PROCESS in self.__actions:
            raise EmptyResultError("No matches found")
Exemplo n.º 4
def _get_formatted_rows(rows, table, format="GRID"):
    """Get a printable representation of the data rows
    This method generates a formatted view of the rows from a table. The output
    format can be in one of GRID, CSV, TAB, or VERTICAL. This output is
    returned as a list of strings for use in storing the output for later
    rows[in]          missing rows
    table[in]         a Table instance of the table
    obj1_str[in]      full table name for base table
    obj2_str[in]      full table name for other table
    format[in]        format to print
    Returns list of formatted rows
    import os
    import tempfile
    from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list

    result_rows = []
    outfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
    print_list(outfile, format, table.get_col_names(), rows)
    for line in outfile.readlines():

    return result_rows
Exemplo n.º 5
def show_users(src_val, verbosity, fmt, dump=False):
    """Show all users except root and anonymous users on the server.

    src_val[in]        a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       source including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    verbosty[in]       level of information to display
    fmt[in]            format of output
    dump[in]           if True, dump the grants for all users
                       default = False
    conn_options = {"version": "5.1.0"}
    servers = connect_servers(src_val, None, conn_options)
    source = servers[0]

    if verbosity <= 1:
        _QUERY = """
            SELECT user, host FROM mysql.user
            WHERE user.user != ''
        cols = ("user", "host")
        _QUERY = """
            SELECT user.user, user.host, db FROM mysql.user LEFT JOIN mysql.db
            ON user.user = db.user AND user.host = db.host
            WHERE user.user != ''
        cols = ("user", "host", "database")

    users = source.exec_query(_QUERY)
    print "# All Users:"
    print_list(sys.stdout, fmt, cols, users)
    if dump:
        for user in users:
            _show_user_grants(source, None, "'%s'@'%s'" % user[0:2], verbosity)
Exemplo n.º 6
def show_logfile_usage(server, options):
    """Show log file disk space usage.

    Display log file information if logs are turned on.

    server[in]        Connected server to operate against
    datadir[in]       The datadir for the server
    options[in]       Required options for operation: format, no_headers

    return True or raise exception on error
    from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list

    format = options.get("format", "grid")
    no_headers = options.get("no_headers", False)
    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)
    have_read = options.get("have_read", False)
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)

    if not quiet:
        print "# Log information."
    total = 0
    _LOG_NAMES = [
        ('general_log', '_file'), ('slow_query_log', '_file'),
        ('log_error', '')
    logs = []
    for log_name in _LOG_NAMES:
        log, size = _get_log_information(server, log_name[0], log_name[1])
        if log is not None:
            logs.append((log, size))
        total += size
    fmt_logs = []
    columns = ['log_name', 'size']
    if len(logs) > 0:
        if format == 'grid':
            max_col = _get_formatted_max_width(logs, columns, 1)
            if max_col < len('size'):
                max_col = len('size')
            size = "{0:>{1}}".format('size', max_col)
            columns = ['log_name',size]
            for row in logs:
                # Add commas
                size = locale.format("%d", row[1], grouping=True)
                # Make justified strings
                size = "{0:>{1}}".format(size, max_col)
                fmt_logs.append((row[0], size))

            fmt_logs = logs

        print_list(sys.stdout, format, columns, fmt_logs, no_headers)
        if not quiet:
            _print_size("\nTotal size of logs = ", total)

    return True
Exemplo n.º 7
 def print_charsets(self):
     """Print the character set list
     print_list(sys.stdout, self.format,
                ["id", "character_set_name", "collation_name",
                 "maxlen", "is_default"],
     print len(self.charset_map), "rows in set."
Exemplo n.º 8
    def execute(self, connections, output=sys.stdout,
                connector=mysql.connector, **kwrds):
        """Execute the search for objects

        This method searches for objects that match a search criteria for
        one or more servers.

        connections[in]    list of connection parameters
        output[in]         file stream to display information
                           default = sys.stdout
        connector[in]      connector to use
                           default = mysql.connector
        kwrds[in]          dictionary of options
          format           format for display
                           default = GRID
        fmt = kwrds.get('format', "grid")
        charset = kwrds.get('charset', None)
        ssl_opts = kwrds.get('ssl_opts', {})
        entries = []
        for info in connections:
            conn = parse_connection(info)
            if not conn:
                msg = "'%s' is not a valid connection specifier" % (info,)
                raise FormatError(msg)
            if charset:
                conn['charset'] = charset
            info = conn
            conn['host'] = conn['host'].replace("[", "")
            conn['host'] = conn['host'].replace("]", "")

            if connector == mysql.connector:
                set_ssl_opts_in_connection_info(ssl_opts, info)

            connection = connector.connect(**info)

            if not charset:
                # If no charset provided, get it from the
                # "character_set_client" server variable.
                cursor = connection.cursor()
                cursor.execute("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_client'")
                res = cursor.fetchall()

            cursor = connection.cursor()
            entries.extend([tuple([_spec(info)] + list(row))
                            for row in cursor])

        headers = ["Connection"]
        headers.extend(col[0].title() for col in cursor.description)
        if len(entries) > 0 and output:
            print_list(output, fmt, headers, entries)
            msg = "Nothing matches '%s' in any %s" % \
                (self.__pattern, _join_words(self.__types, conjunction="or"))
            raise EmptyResultError(msg)
Exemplo n.º 9
def show_logfile_usage(server, options):
    """Show log file disk space usage.

    Display log file information if logs are turned on.

    server[in]        Connected server to operate against
    datadir[in]       The datadir for the server
    options[in]       Required options for operation: format, no_headers

    return True or raise exception on error
    fmt = options.get("format", "grid")
    no_headers = options.get("no_headers", False)
    is_remote = options.get("is_remote", False)
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)

    if not quiet:
        print "# Log information."
    total = 0

    _LOG_NAMES = [("general_log", "_file"), ("slow_query_log", "_file"), ("log_error", "")]
    logs = []
    for log_name in _LOG_NAMES:
        (log, size) = _get_log_information(server, log_name[0], log_name[1], is_remote)
        if log is not None:
            logs.append((log, size))
        total += size

    fmt_logs = []
    columns = ["log_name", "size"]
    if len(logs) > 0:
        if fmt == "grid":
            max_col = _get_formatted_max_width(logs, columns, 1)
            if max_col < len("size"):
                max_col = len("size")
            size = "{0:>{1}}".format("size", max_col)
            columns = ["log_name", size]
            for row in logs:
                # Add commas
                size = locale.format("%d", row[1], grouping=True)
                # Make justified strings
                size = "{0:>{1}}".format(size, max_col)
                fmt_logs.append((row[0], size))

            fmt_logs = logs

        print_list(sys.stdout, fmt, columns, fmt_logs, no_headers)
        if not quiet:
            _print_size("\nTotal size of logs = ", total)

    return True
Exemplo n.º 10
def show_topology(master_vals, options=None):
    """Show the slaves/topology map for a master.

    This method find the slaves attached to a server if it is a master. It
    can also discover the replication topology if the recurse option is
    True (default = False).

    It prints a tabular list of the master(s) and slaves found. If the
    show_list option is True, it will also print a list of the output
    (default = False).

    master_vals[in]    Master connection in form user:passwd@host:port:socket
                       or login-path:port:socket.
    options[in]        dictionary of options
      recurse     If True, check each slave found for additional slaves
                       Default = False
      prompt_user      If True, prompt user if slave connection fails with
                       master connection parameters
                       Default = False
      num_retries      Number of times to retry a failed connection attempt
                       Default = 0
      quiet            if True, print only the data
                       Default = False
      format           Format of list
                       Default = Grid
      width            width of report
                       Default = 75
      max_depth        maximum depth of recursive search
                       Default = None
    if options is None:
        options = {}

    topo = TopologyMap(master_vals, options)
    topo.generate_topology_map(options.get('max_depth', None))

    if not options.get("quiet", False) and topo.depth():
        print "\n# Replication Topology Graph"

    if not topo.slaves_found():
        print "No slaves found."


    if options.get("show_list", False):
        from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list

        # make a list from the topology
        topology_list = topo.get_topology_map()
        print_list(sys.stdout, options.get("format", "GRID"),
                   ["Master", "Slave"], topology_list, False, True)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def show_options(self):
     """ Show all audit log variables.
     server = Server({'conn_info': self.options.get("server_vals", None)})
     rows = server.show_server_variable("audit%")
     if rows:
         print "#\n# Audit Log Variables and Options\n#"
         print_list(sys.stdout, "GRID", ['Variable_name', 'Value'], rows)
         raise UtilError("No audit log variables found.")
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _log_master_status(self, master):
        """Logs the master information.

        master[in]    Master server instance.

        This method logs the master information from SHOW MASTER STATUS.
        # If no master present, don't print anything.
        if master is None:

        self._report("# {0}:".format("Current Master Information"),

            status = master.get_status()[0]
        except UtilError:
            msg = "Cannot get master status"
            self._report(msg, logging.ERROR, False)
            raise UtilRplError(msg)

        cols = ("Binary Log File", "Position", "Binlog_Do_DB",
        rows = (status[0] or "N/A", status[1] or "N/A", status[2] or "N/A",
                status[3] or "N/A")

        print_list(sys.stdout, self.format, cols, [rows])

        self._report("# {0}".format(
            ", ".join(["{0}: {1}".format(*item) for item in zip(cols, rows)]),
        ), logging.INFO, False)

        # Display gtid executed set
        master_gtids = []
        for gtid in status[4].split("\n"):
            if gtid:
                # Add each GTID to a tuple to match the required format to
                # print the full GRID list correctly.

            if len(master_gtids) > 1:
                gtid_executed = "{0}[...]".format(master_gtids[0][0])
                gtid_executed = master_gtids[0][0]
        except IndexError:
            gtid_executed = "None"

        self._report("# GTID Executed Set: {0}".format(gtid_executed),
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _log_master_status(self, master):
        """Logs the master information.

        master[in]    Master server instance.

        This method logs the master information from SHOW MASTER STATUS.
        # If no master present, don't print anything.
        if master is None:

        self._report("# {0}:".format("Current Master Information"),

            status = master.get_status()[0]
        except UtilError:
            msg = "Cannot get master status"
            self._report(msg, logging.ERROR, False)
            raise UtilRplError(msg)

        cols = ("Binary Log File", "Position", "Binlog_Do_DB",
        rows = (status[0] or "N/A", status[1] or "N/A", status[2] or "N/A",
                status[3] or "N/A")

        print_list(sys.stdout, self.format, cols, [rows])

        self._report("# {0}".format(
            ", ".join(["{0}: {1}".format(*item) for item in zip(cols, rows)]),
        ), logging.INFO, False)

        # Display gtid executed set
        master_gtids = []
        for gtid in status[4].split("\n"):
            if gtid:
                # Add each GTID to a tuple to match the required format to
                # print the full GRID list correctly.

            if len(master_gtids) > 1:
                gtid_executed = "{0}[...]".format(master_gtids[0][0])
                gtid_executed = master_gtids[0][0]
        except IndexError:
            gtid_executed = "None"

        self._report("# GTID Executed Set: {0}".format(gtid_executed),
Exemplo n.º 14
def show_topology(master_vals, options={}):
    """Show the slaves/topology map for a master.

    This method find the slaves attached to a server if it is a master. It
    can also discover the replication topology if the recurse option is
    True (default = False).
    It prints a tabular list of the master(s) and slaves found. If the
    show_list option is True, it will also print a list of the output
    (default = False).
    master_vals[in]    Master connection in form user:passwd@host:port:socket
                       or login-path:port:socket.
    options[in]        dictionary of options
      recurse     If True, check each slave found for additional slaves
                       Default = False
      prompt_user      If True, prompt user if slave connection fails with
                       master connection parameters
                       Default = False
      num_retries      Number of times to retry a failed connection attempt
                       Default = 0
      quiet            if True, print only the data
                       Default = False
      format           Format of list
                       Default = Grid
      width            width of report
                       Default = 75
      max_depth        maximum depth of recursive search
                       Default = None
    from mysql.utilities.common.topology_map import TopologyMap
    topo = TopologyMap(master_vals, options)
    topo.generate_topology_map(options.get('max_depth', None))

    if not options.get("quiet", False) and topo.depth():
        print "\n# Replication Topology Graph"
    if not topo.slaves_found():
        print "No slaves found."

    if options.get("show_list", False):
        from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list
        # make a list from the topology
        topology_list = topo.get_topology_map()
        print_list(sys.stdout, options.get("format", "GRID"),
                   ["Master", "Slave"], topology_list, False, True)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def show_options(self):
     """ Show all audit log variables.
     server = Server({'conn_info': self.options.get("server_vals", None)})
     rows = server.show_server_variable("audit%")
     if rows:
         print "#\n# Audit Log Variables and Options\n#"
         print_list(sys.stdout, "GRID", ['Variable_name', 'Value'],
         raise UtilError("No audit log variables found.")
Exemplo n.º 16
    def _log_data(self, title, labels, data, print_format=True):
        """Helper method to log data.

        title[in]     Title to log.
        labels[in]    List of labels.
        data[in]      List of data rows.
        self._report("# {0}".format(title), logging.INFO)
        for row in data:
            msg = ", ".join(
                ["{0}: {1}".format(*col) for col in zip(labels, row)])
            self._report("# {0}".format(msg), logging.INFO, False)
        if print_format:
            print_list(sys.stdout, self.format, labels, data)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def _log_data(self, title, labels, data, print_format=True):
        """Helper method to log data.

        title[in]     Title to log.
        labels[in]    List of labels.
        data[in]      List of data rows.
        self._report("# {0}".format(title), logging.INFO)
        for row in data:
            msg = ", ".join(
                ["{0}: {1}".format(*col) for col in zip(labels, row)]
            self._report("# {0}".format(msg), logging.INFO, False)
        if print_format:
            print_list(sys.stdout, self.format, labels, data)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def __print_index_list(indexes, fmt, no_header=False):
        """Print the list of indexes

        indexes[in]        list of indexes to print
        fmt[in]            format out output = sql, table, tab, csv
        no_header[in]      (optional) if True, do not print the header
        if fmt == "sql":
            for index in indexes:
            cols = ("database", "table", "name", "type", "columns")
            rows = []
            for index in indexes:
            print_list(sys.stdout, fmt, cols, rows, no_header)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def execute(self, connections, **kwrds):
        """Execute the search for processes, queries, or connections
        This method searches for processes, queriers, or connections to
        either kill or display the matches for one or more servers.
        connections[in]    list of connection parameters
        kwrds[in]          dictionary of options
          output           file stream to display information
                           default = sys.stdout
          connector        connector to use
                           default = mysql.connector
          format           format for display
                           default = GRID

        output = kwrds.get('output', sys.stdout)
        connector = kwrds.get('connector', mysql.connector)
        format = kwrds.get('format', "grid")

        headers = ("Connection", "Id", "User", "Host", "Db", "Command", "Time",
                   "State", "Info")
        entries = []
        # Build SQL statement
        for info in connections:
            conn = parse_connection(info)
            if not conn:
                msg = "'%s' is not a valid connection specifier" % (info, )
                raise FormatError(msg)
            info = conn
            connection = connector.connect(**info)
            cursor = connection.cursor()
            for row in cursor:
                if KILL_QUERY in self.__actions:
                    cursor.execute("KILL {0}".format(row[0]))
                if KILL_CONNECTION in self.__actions:
                    cursor.execute("KILL {0}".format(row[0]))
                if PRINT_PROCESS in self.__actions:
                    entries.append(tuple([_spec(info)] + list(row)))

        # If output is None, nothing is printed
        if len(entries) > 0 and output:
            entries.sort(key=lambda fifth: fifth[5])
            print_list(output, format, headers, entries)
        elif PRINT_PROCESS in self.__actions:
            raise EmptyResultError("No matches found")
Exemplo n.º 20
    def _print_list(self, refresh=True, comment=None):
        """Display the list information

        This method displays the list information using the start_list and
        end_list member variables to control the view of the data. This
        permits users to scroll through the data should it be longer than
        the space permitted on the screen.
        # If no data to print, exit
        if self.list_data is None:

        if refresh:

        # Print list name
        if comment is None:
            comment = self.comment
        print comment
        self.rows_printed += 1

        # Print the list in the remaining space
        footer_len = 2
        remaining_rows = self.max_rows - self.rows_printed - 4 - footer_len
        if len(self.list_data[1][self.start_list:self.end_list]) > \
            rows = self.list_data[1][self.start_list:self.start_list +
            self.end_list = self.start_list + remaining_rows
            self.scroll_on = True
            if len(self.list_data[1]) == self.end_list and \
               self.start_list == 0:
                self.scroll_on = False
            rows = self.list_data[1][self.start_list:self.end_list]
        if len(rows) > 0:
            self.scroll_size = len(rows)
            print_list(sys.stdout, 'GRID', self.list_data[0], rows)
            self.rows_printed += self.scroll_size + 4
            print "0 Rows Found."
            self.rows_printed += 1

        if refresh:
Exemplo n.º 21
    def _print_list(self, refresh=True, comment=None):
        """Display the list information

        This method displays the list information using the start_list and
        end_list member variables to control the view of the data. This
        permits users to scroll through the data should it be longer than
        the space permitted on the screen.
        # If no data to print, exit
        if self.list_data is None:

        if refresh:

        # Print list name
        if comment is None:
            comment = self.comment
        print comment
        self.rows_printed += 1

        # Print the list in the remaining space
        footer_len = 2
        remaining_rows = self.max_rows - self.rows_printed - 4 - footer_len
        if len(self.list_data[1][self.start_list:self.end_list]) > \
            rows = self.list_data[1][self.start_list:self.start_list +
            self.end_list = self.start_list + remaining_rows
            self.scroll_on = True
            if len(self.list_data[1]) == self.end_list and \
               self.start_list == 0:
                self.scroll_on = False
            rows = self.list_data[1][self.start_list:self.end_list]
        if len(rows) > 0:
            self.scroll_size = len(rows)
            print_list(sys.stdout, 'GRID', self.list_data[0], rows)
            self.rows_printed += self.scroll_size + 4
            print "0 Rows Found."
            self.rows_printed += 1

        if refresh:
Exemplo n.º 22
    def show_statistics(self):
        """Display statistical information about audit log including:
            - size, date, etc.
            - Audit log entries
        out_format = self.options.get("format", "GRID")
        log_name = self.options.get("log_name", None)
        # Print file statistics:
        print "#\n# Audit Log File Statistics:\n#"
        show_file_statistics(log_name, False, out_format)

        # Print audit log 'AUDIT' entries
        print "\n#\n# Audit Log Startup Entries:\n#\n"
        cols, rows = convert_dictionary_list(self.log.header_rows)
        # Note: No need to sort rows, retrieved with the same order
        # as read (i.e., sorted by timestamp)
        print_list(sys.stdout, out_format, cols, rows)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def _show_health(self):
        """Run a command on a list of slaves.

        This method will display the replication health of the topology. This
        includes the following for each server.

          - host       : host name
          - port       : connection port
          - role       : "MASTER" or "SLAVE"
          - state      : UP = connected, WARN = cannot connect but can ping,
                         DOWN = cannot connect nor ping
          - gtid       : ON = gtid supported and turned on, OFF = supported
                         but not enabled, NO = not supported
          - rpl_health : (master) binlog enabled,
                         (slave) IO tread is running, SQL thread is running,
                         no errors, slave delay < max_delay,
                         read log pos + max_position < master's log position
                         Note: Will show 'ERROR' if there are multiple
                         errors encountered otherwise will display the
                         health check that failed.

        If verbosity is set, it will show the following additional information.

            - server version, binary log file, position

            - server version, master's binary log file, master's log position,
              IO_Thread, SQL_Thread, Secs_Behind, Remaining_Delay,
              IO_Error_Num, IO_Error
        from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list

        format = self.options.get("format", "grid")
        quiet = self.options.get("quiet", False)

        cols, rows = self.topology.get_health()

        if not quiet:
            print "#"
            print "# Replication Topology Health:"

        # Print health report
        print_list(sys.stdout, format, cols, rows)

Exemplo n.º 24
    def _show_health(self):
        """Run a command on a list of slaves.
        This method will display the replication health of the topology. This
        includes the following for each server.
          - host       : host name
          - port       : connection port
          - role       : "MASTER" or "SLAVE"
          - state      : UP = connected, WARN = cannot connect but can ping,
                         DOWN = cannot connect nor ping
          - gtid       : ON = gtid supported and turned on, OFF = supported
                         but not enabled, NO = not supported
          - rpl_health : (master) binlog enabled,
                         (slave) IO tread is running, SQL thread is running,
                         no errors, slave delay < max_delay,
                         read log pos + max_position < master's log position
                         Note: Will show 'ERROR' if there are multiple
                         errors encountered otherwise will display the
                         health check that failed.
        If verbosity is set, it will show the following additional information.
            - server version, binary log file, position
            - server version, master's binary log file, master's log position,
              IO_Thread, SQL_Thread, Secs_Behind, Remaining_Delay,
              IO_Error_Num, IO_Error
        from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list
        format = self.options.get("format", "grid")
        quiet = self.options.get("quiet", False)

        cols, rows = self.topology.get_health()    
        if not quiet:
            print "#"
            print "# Replication Topology Health:"
        # Print health report
        print_list(sys.stdout, format, cols, rows)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def show_statistics(self):
        """Display statistical information about audit log including:
            - size, date, etc.
            - Audit log entries
        out_format = self.options.get("format", "GRID")
        log_name = self.options.get("log_name", None)
        # Print file statistics:
        print "#\n# Audit Log File Statistics:\n#"
        show_file_statistics(log_name, False, out_format)

        # Print audit log 'AUDIT' entries
        print "\n#\n# Audit Log Startup Entries:\n#\n"
        cols, rows = convert_dictionary_list(self.log.header_rows)
        # Note: No need to sort rows, retrieved with the same order
        # as read (i.e., sorted by timestamp)
        print_list(sys.stdout, out_format, cols, rows)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def execute(self,
        """Execute the search for objects
        This method searches for objects that match a search criteria for
        one or more servers.
        connections[in]    list of connection parameters
        output[in]         file stream to display information
                           default = sys.stdout
        connector[in]      connector to use
                           default = mysql.connector
        kwrds[in]          dictionary of options
          format           format for display
                           default = GRID
        from mysql.utilities.exception import FormatError, EmptyResultError

        format = kwrds.get('format', "grid")
        entries = []
        for info in connections:
            conn = parse_connection(info)
            if not conn:
                msg = "'%s' is not a valid connection specifier" % (info, )
                raise FormatError(msg)
            info = conn
            connection = connector.connect(**info)
            cursor = connection.cursor()
                [tuple([_spec(info)] + list(row)) for row in cursor])

        headers = ["Connection"]
        headers.extend(col[0].title() for col in cursor.description)
        if len(entries) > 0 and output:
            print_list(output, format, headers, entries)
            msg = "Nothing matches '%s' in any %s" % (
                self.__pattern, _join_words(self.__types, conjunction="or"))
            raise EmptyResultError(msg)
Exemplo n.º 27
def show_users(src_val, verbosity, format, dump=False):
    """Show all users except root and anonymous users on the server.

    src_val[in]        a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       source including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    verbosty[in]       level of information to display
    format[in]         format of output
    dump[in]           if True, dump the grants for all users
                       default = False

    from mysql.utilities.common.server import connect_servers
    from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list

    conn_options = {
        'version': "5.1.0",
    servers = connect_servers(src_val, None, conn_options)
    source = servers[0]

    if verbosity <= 1:
        _QUERY = """
            SELECT user, host FROM mysql.user
            WHERE user.user != ''
        cols = ("user", "host")
        _QUERY = """
            SELECT user.user, user.host, db FROM mysql.user LEFT JOIN mysql.db
            ON user.user = db.user AND user.host = db.host
            WHERE user.user != ''
        cols = ("user", "host", "database")

    users = source.exec_query(_QUERY)
    print "# All Users:"
    print_list(sys.stdout, format, cols, users)
    if dump:
        for user in users:
            _show_user_grants(source, None, "'%s'@'%s'" % user[0:2], verbosity)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def execute(self, connections, output=sys.stdout, connector=mysql.connector,
        """Execute the search for objects
        This method searches for objects that match a search criteria for
        one or more servers.
        connections[in]    list of connection parameters
        output[in]         file stream to display information
                           default = sys.stdout
        connector[in]      connector to use
                           default = mysql.connector
        kwrds[in]          dictionary of options
          format           format for display
                           default = GRID
        from mysql.utilities.exception import FormatError, EmptyResultError

        format = kwrds.get('format', "grid")
        entries = []
        for info in connections:
            conn = parse_connection(info)
            if not conn:
                msg = "'%s' is not a valid connection specifier" % (info,)
                raise FormatError(msg)
            info = conn
            connection = connector.connect(**info)
            cursor = connection.cursor()
            entries.extend([tuple([_spec(info)] + list(row)) for row in cursor])

        headers = ["Connection"]
        headers.extend(col[0].title() for col in cursor.description)
        if len(entries) > 0 and output:
            print_list(output, format, headers, entries)
            msg = "Nothing matches '%s' in any %s" % (self.__pattern, _join_words(self.__types, conjunction="or"))
            raise EmptyResultError(msg)
Exemplo n.º 29
    def output_formatted_log(self):
        """Output the parsed log entries according to the specified format.

        Print the entries resulting from the parsing process to the standard
        output in the specified format. If no entries are found (i.e., none
        match the defined search criterion) a notification message is print.
        log_rows = self.log.retrieve_rows()
        if log_rows:
            out_format = self.options.get("format", "GRID")
            if out_format == 'raw':
                for row in log_rows:
                # Convert the results to the appropriate format
                cols, rows = convert_dictionary_list(log_rows)
                # Note: No need to sort rows, retrieved with the same order
                # as read (i.e., sorted by timestamp)
                print_list(sys.stdout, out_format, cols, rows)
            # Print message notifying that no entry was found
            no_entry_msg = "#\n# No entry found!\n#"
            print no_entry_msg
Exemplo n.º 30
    def output_formatted_log(self):
        """Output the parsed log entries according to the specified format.

        Print the entries resulting from the parsing process to the standard
        output in the specified format. If no entries are found (i.e., none
        match the defined search criterion) a notification message is print.
        log_rows = self.log.retrieve_rows()
        if log_rows:
            out_format = self.options.get("format", "GRID")
            if out_format == 'raw':
                for row in log_rows:
                # Convert the results to the appropriate format
                cols, rows = convert_dictionary_list(log_rows)
                # Note: No need to sort rows, retrieved with the same order
                # as read (i.e., sorted by timestamp)
                print_list(sys.stdout, out_format, cols, rows)
            # Print message notifying that no entry was found
            no_entry_msg = "#\n# No entry found!\n#"
            print no_entry_msg
Exemplo n.º 31
def _print_logs(logs, total, options):
    """Display list of log files.

    logs[in]        List of log rows;
    total[in]       Total logs size;
    options[in]     Dictionary with the options used to print the log files,
                    namely: format, no_headers and quiet.
    out_format = options.get("format", "grid")
    no_headers = options.get("no_headers", False)
    log_type = options.get("log_type", "binary log")
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)

    columns = ["log_file"]
    fmt_logs = []
    if out_format == "GRID":
        max_col = _get_formatted_max_width(logs, ("log_file", "size"), 1)
        if max_col < len("size"):
            max_col = len("size")
        size = "{0:>{1}}".format("size", max_col)

        for row in logs:
            # Add commas
            size = locale.format("%d", row[1], grouping=True)
            # Make justified strings
            size = "{0:>{1}}".format(size, max_col)
            fmt_logs.append((row[0], size))

        fmt_logs = logs

    print_list(sys.stdout, out_format, columns, fmt_logs, no_headers)
    if not quiet:
        _print_size("\nTotal size of {0}s = ".format(log_type), total)
Exemplo n.º 32
def _print_logs(logs, total, options):
    """Display list of log files.

    logs[in]        List of log rows;
    total[in]       Total logs size;
    options[in]     Dictionary with the options used to print the log files,
                    namely: format, no_headers and quiet.
    out_format = options.get("format", "grid")
    no_headers = options.get("no_headers", False)
    log_type = options.get("log_type", "binary log")
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)

    columns = ['log_file']
    fmt_logs = []
    if out_format == 'GRID':
        max_col = _get_formatted_max_width(logs, ('log_file', 'size'), 1)
        if max_col < len('size'):
            max_col = len('size')
        size = "{0:>{1}}".format('size', max_col)

        for row in logs:
            # Add commas
            size = locale.format("%d", row[1], grouping=True)
            # Make justified strings
            size = "{0:>{1}}".format(size, max_col)
            fmt_logs.append((row[0], size))

        fmt_logs = logs

    print_list(sys.stdout, out_format, columns, fmt_logs, no_headers)
    if not quiet:
        _print_size("\nTotal size of {0}s = ".format(log_type), total)
Exemplo n.º 33
def show_users(src_val, verbosity, format):
    """Show all users except root and anonymous users on the server.

    src_val[in]        a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       source including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    verbosty[in]       level of information to display
    format[in]         format of output

    from mysql.utilities.common.server import connect_servers
    from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list

    conn_options = {
        'version'   : "5.1.0",
    servers = connect_servers(src_val, None, conn_options)
    source = servers[0]

    if verbosity <= 1:
        _QUERY = """
            SELECT user, host FROM mysql.user
            WHERE user != 'root' and user != ''
        cols = ("user", "host")
        _QUERY = """
            SELECT user.user, user.host, db FROM mysql.user LEFT JOIN mysql.db
            ON user.user = db.user AND user.host = db.host
            WHERE user.user != 'root' and user.user != ''
        cols = ("user", "host", "database")

    users = source.exec_query(_QUERY)

    print_list(sys.stdout, format, cols, users)
Exemplo n.º 34
def _get_formatted_rows(rows, table, fmt='GRID'):
    """Get a printable representation of the data rows

    This method generates a formatted view of the rows from a table. The output
    format can be in one of GRID, CSV, TAB, or VERTICAL. This output is
    returned as a list of strings for use in storing the output for later

    rows[in]          missing rows
    table[in]         a Table instance of the table
    obj1_str[in]      full table name for base table
    obj2_str[in]      full table name for other table
    fmt[in]           format to print

    Returns list of formatted rows
    result_rows = []
    outfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
    print_list(outfile, fmt, table.get_col_names(), rows)
    for line in outfile.readlines():

    return result_rows
Exemplo n.º 35
    def _show_gtid_data(self):
        """Display the GTID lists from the servers.

        This method displays the three GTID lists for all of the servers. Each
        server is listed with its entries in each list. If a list has no
        entries, that list is not printed.
        from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list

        if not self.topology.gtid_enabled():
                "# WARNING: GTIDs are not supported on this topology.",

        format = self.options.get("format", "grid")

        # Get UUIDs
        uuids = self.topology.get_server_uuids()
        if len(uuids):
            print "#"
            print "# UUIDS for all servers:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, format, ['host', 'port', 'role', 'uuid'],

        # Get GTID lists
        executed, purged, owned = self.topology.get_gtid_data()
        if len(executed):
            print "#"
            print "# Transactions executed on the server:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, format, _GTID_COLS, executed)
        if len(purged):
            print "#"
            print "# Transactions purged from the server:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, format, _GTID_COLS, purged)
        if len(owned):
            print "#"
            print "# Transactions owned by another server:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, format, _GTID_COLS, owned)
Exemplo n.º 36
    def _show_gtid_data(self):
        """Display the GTID lists from the servers.
        This method displays the three GTID lists for all of the servers. Each
        server is listed with its entries in each list. If a list has no
        entries, that list is not printed.
        from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list
        if not self.topology.gtid_enabled():
            self._report("# WARNING: GTIDs are not supported on this topology.",
        format = self.options.get("format", "grid")

        # Get UUIDs
        uuids = self.topology.get_server_uuids()
        if len(uuids):
            print "#"
            print "# UUIDS for all servers:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, format, ['host','port','role','uuid'], uuids)

        # Get GTID lists    
        executed, purged, owned = self.topology.get_gtid_data()
        if len(executed):
            print "#"
            print "# Transactions executed on the server:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, format, _GTID_COLS, executed)
        if len(purged):
            print "#"
            print "# Transactions purged from the server:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, format, _GTID_COLS, purged)
        if len(owned):
            print "#"
            print "# Transactions owned by another server:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, format, _GTID_COLS, owned)
Exemplo n.º 37
def show_server_info(servers, options):
    """Show server information for a list of servers
    This method will gather information about a running server. If the
    show_defaults option is specified, the method will also read the
    configuration file and return a list of the server default settings.
    If the format option is set, the output will be in the format specified.
    If the no_headers option is set, the output will not have a header row (no
    column names) except for format = vertical.
    If the basedir and start options are set, the method will attempt to start
    the server in read only mode to get the information. Specifying only
    basedir will not start the server. The extra start option is designed to
    make sure the user wants to start the offline server. The user may not wish
    to do this if there are certain error conditions and/or logs in place that
    may be overwritten.
    servers[in]       list of server connections in the form
    options[in]       dictionary of options (no_headers, format, basedir,
                      start, show_defaults)
    Returns tuple ((server information), defaults) 
    from mysql.utilities.common.server import test_connect
    from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list
    no_headers = options.get("no_headers", False)
    format = options.get("format", "grid")
    show_defaults = options.get("show_defaults", False)
    basedir = options.get("basedir", None)
    datadir = options.get("datadir", None)
    start = options.get("start", False)
    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)
    show_servers = options.get("show_servers", 0)
    if show_servers:
        if os.name == 'nt':
            ports = options.get("ports", "3306:3333")
            start, end = ports.split(":")
            _show_running_servers(start, end)

    defaults_rows = []
    rows = []
    server_val = {}
    get_defaults = True
    for server in servers:
        new_server = None
            test_connect(server, True)
        except UtilError as util_error:
            if util_error.errmsg.startswith("Server connection values invalid:"):
                raise util_error
            # If we got an exception it may means that the server is offline
            # in that case we will try to turn a clone to extract the info
            # if the user passed the necessary parameters.
            pattern = ".*?: (.*?)\((.*)\)"
            res = re.match(pattern, util_error.errmsg, re.S)
            if not res:
                er = ["error: <%s>" % util_error.errmsg]
                er = res.groups()

            if (re.search("refused", "".join(er)) or 
                re.search("Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket",
                er = ["Server is offline. To connect, "
                      "you must also provide "]
                opts = ["basedir", "datadir", "start"]
                for opt in tuple(opts):
                        if locals()[opt] is not None:
                    except KeyError:
                if opts:
                    er.append(", ".join(opts[0:-1]))
                    if len(opts) > 1:
                        er.append(" and the ")
                    er.append(" option")
                    raise UtilError("".join(er))

            if not start:
                raise UtilError("".join(er))
                    server_val = parse_connection(server, None, options)
                    raise UtilError("Source connection values invalid"
                                    " or cannot be parsed.")
                new_server = _start_server(server_val, basedir,
                                           datadir, options)

        info, defaults = _server_info(server, get_defaults, options)
        if info:
        if defaults and len(defaults_rows) == 0:
            defaults_rows = defaults
            get_defaults = False
        if new_server:
            # Need to stop the server!
            res = _stop_server(server_val, basedir, options)

    print_list(sys.stdout, format, _COLUMNS, rows, no_headers)

    if show_defaults and len(defaults_rows) > 0:
        for row in defaults_rows:
            print "  %s" % row
Exemplo n.º 38
    def execute(self,
        """Execute the search for objects

        This method searches for objects that match a search criteria for
        one or more servers.

        connections[in]    list of connection parameters
        output[in]         file stream to display information
                           default = sys.stdout
        connector[in]      connector to use
                           default = mysql.connector
        kwrds[in]          dictionary of options
          format           format for display
                           default = GRID
        fmt = kwrds.get('format', "grid")
        charset = kwrds.get('charset', None)
        ssl_opts = kwrds.get('ssl_opts', {})
        entries = []
        for info in connections:
            conn = parse_connection(info)
            if not conn:
                msg = "'%s' is not a valid connection specifier" % (info, )
                raise FormatError(msg)
            if charset:
                conn['charset'] = charset
            info = conn
            conn['host'] = conn['host'].replace("[", "")
            conn['host'] = conn['host'].replace("]", "")

            if connector == mysql.connector:
                set_ssl_opts_in_connection_info(ssl_opts, info)

            connection = connector.connect(**info)

            if not charset:
                # If no charset provided, get it from the
                # "character_set_client" server variable.
                cursor = connection.cursor()
                cursor.execute("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_client'")
                res = cursor.fetchall()

            cursor = connection.cursor()
                [tuple([_spec(info)] + list(row)) for row in cursor])

        headers = ["Connection"]
        headers.extend(col[0].title() for col in cursor.description)
        if len(entries) > 0 and output:
            print_list(output, fmt, headers, entries)
            msg = "Nothing matches '%s' in any %s" % \
                (self.__pattern, _join_words(self.__types, conjunction="or"))
            raise EmptyResultError(msg)
Exemplo n.º 39
def show_server_info(servers, options):
    """Show server information for a list of servers

    This method will gather information about a running server. If the
    show_defaults option is specified, the method will also read the
    configuration file and return a list of the server default settings.

    If the format option is set, the output will be in the format specified.

    If the no_headers option is set, the output will not have a header row (no
    column names) except for format = vertical.

    If the basedir and start options are set, the method will attempt to start
    the server in read only mode to get the information. Specifying only
    basedir will not start the server. The extra start option is designed to
    make sure the user wants to start the offline server. The user may not wish
    to do this if there are certain error conditions and/or logs in place that
    may be overwritten.

    servers[in]       list of server connections in the form
    options[in]       dictionary of options (no_headers, format, basedir,
                      start, show_defaults)

    Returns tuple ((server information), defaults)
    no_headers = options.get("no_headers", False)
    fmt = options.get("format", "grid")
    show_defaults = options.get("show_defaults", False)
    basedir = options.get("basedir", None)
    datadir = options.get("datadir", None)
    start = options.get("start", False)
    show_servers = options.get("show_servers", 0)

    if show_servers:
        if os.name == 'nt':
            ports = options.get("ports", "3306:3333")
            start_p, end_p = ports.split(":")
            _show_running_servers(start_p, end_p)

    ssl_dict = {}
    ssl_dict['ssl_cert'] = options.get("ssl_cert", None)
    ssl_dict['ssl_ca'] = options.get("ssl_ca", None)
    ssl_dict['ssl_key'] = options.get("ssl_key", None)
    ssl_dict['ssl'] = options.get("ssl", None)

    row_dict_lst = []
    warnings = []
    server_val = {}
    for server in servers:
        new_server = None
            test_connect(server, throw_errors=True, ssl_dict=ssl_dict)
        except UtilError as util_error:
            conn_dict = get_connection_dictionary(server, ssl_dict=ssl_dict)
            server1 = Server(options={'conn_info': conn_dict})
            server_is_off = False
            # If we got errno 2002 it means can not connect through the
            # given socket.
            if util_error.errno == CR_CONNECTION_ERROR:
                socket = conn_dict.get("unix_socket", "")
                if socket:
                    msg = ("Unable to connect to server using socket "
                    if os.path.isfile(socket):
                        err_msg = ["{0} Socket file is not valid.".format(msg)]
                        err_msg = [
                            "{0} Socket file does not "
            # If we got errno 2003 and we do not have
            # socket, instead we check if server is localhost.
            elif (util_error.errno == CR_CONN_HOST_ERROR
                  and server1.is_alias("localhost")):
                server_is_off = True
            # If we got errno 1045 it means Access denied,
            # notify the user if a password was used or not.
            elif util_error.errno == ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR:
                use_pass = '******' if conn_dict['passwd'] else 'NO'
                err_msg = ("Access denied for user '{0}'@'{1}' using "
                           "password: {2}".format(conn_dict['user'],
                                                  conn_dict['host'], use_pass))
            # Use the error message from the connection attempt.
                err_msg = [util_error.errmsg]
            # To propose to start a cloned server for extract the info,
            # can not predict if the server is really off, but we can do it
            # in case of socket error, or if one of the related
            # parameter was given.
            if server_is_off or basedir or datadir or start:
                err_msg = [
                    "Server is offline. To connect, "
                    "you must also provide "

                opts = ["basedir", "datadir", "start"]
                for opt in tuple(opts):
                        if locals()[opt] is not None:
                    except KeyError:
                if opts:
                    err_msg.append(", ".join(opts[0:-1]))
                    if len(opts) > 1:
                        err_msg.append(" and the ")
                    err_msg.append(" option")
                    raise UtilError("".join(err_msg))

            if not start:
                raise UtilError("".join(err_msg))
                    server_val = parse_connection(server, None, options)
                    raise UtilError("Source connection values invalid"
                                    " or cannot be parsed.")
                new_server = _start_server(server_val, basedir, datadir,
        info_dict, defaults = _server_info(server, show_defaults, options)
        if info_dict:
        if new_server:
            # Need to stop the server!
            _stop_server(server_val, basedir, options)

    # Get the row values stored in the dictionaries
    rows = [[row_dict[key] for key in _COLUMNS] for row_dict in row_dict_lst]

    print_list(sys.stdout, fmt, _COLUMNS, rows, no_headers)
    if warnings:
        print("\n# List of Warnings: \n")
        for warning in warnings:
            print("WARNING: {0}\n".format(warning))

    # Print the default configurations.
    if show_defaults and len(defaults) > 0:
        for row in defaults:
            print("  {0}".format(row))
Exemplo n.º 40
    def show_special_indexes(self, format, limit, best=False):
        """Display a list of the best or worst queries for this table.

        This shows the best (first n) or worst (last n) performing queries
        for a given table.

        format[in]         format out output = sql, table, tab, csv
        limit[in]          number to limit the display
        best[in]           (optional) if True, print best performing indexes
                                      if False, print worst performing indexes

        _QUERY = """
                t.TABLE_SCHEMA AS `db`, t.TABLE_NAME AS `table`,
                s.INDEX_NAME AS `index name`, s.COLUMN_NAME AS `field name`,
                s.SEQ_IN_INDEX `seq in index`, s2.max_columns AS `# cols`,
                s.CARDINALITY AS `card`, t.TABLE_ROWS AS `est rows`,
                ROUND(((s.CARDINALITY / IFNULL(
                0.01)) * 100), 2) AS `sel_percent`
                ON s.TABLE_SCHEMA = t.TABLE_SCHEMA
                AND s.TABLE_NAME = t.TABLE_NAME
            INNER JOIN (
                    MAX(SEQ_IN_INDEX) AS max_columns
                WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = %s AND TABLE_NAME = %s
                      AND INDEX_NAME != 'PRIMARY'
             ) AS s2
             ON s.TABLE_SCHEMA = s2.TABLE_SCHEMA
                AND s.TABLE_NAME = s2.TABLE_NAME
                AND s.INDEX_NAME = s2.INDEX_NAME
            WHERE t.TABLE_SCHEMA != 'mysql'
                AND t.TABLE_ROWS > 10 /* Only tables with some rows */
                AND (s.CARDINALITY / IFNULL(
                0.01)) <= 1.00
            ORDER BY `sel_percent`

        from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list

        query_options = {
            'params' : (self.db_name, self.tbl_name,)
        rows = []
        type = "best"
        if not best:
            type = "worst"
        if best:
            rows= self.server.exec_query(_QUERY + "DESC LIMIT %s" % limit,
            rows= self.server.exec_query(_QUERY + "LIMIT %s" % limit,
        if rows:
            print "#"
            print "# Showing the top 5 %s performing indexes from %s:\n#" % \
                  (type, self.table)
            cols = ("database", "table", "name", "column", "sequence",
                    "num columns", "cardinality", "est. rows", "percent")
            print_list(sys.stdout, format, cols, rows)
Exemplo n.º 41
    def show_special_indexes(self, fmt, limit, best=False):
        """Display a list of the best or worst queries for this table.

        This shows the best (first n) or worst (last n) performing queries
        for a given table.

        fmt[in]            format out output = sql, table, tab, csv
        limit[in]          number to limit the display
        best[in]           (optional) if True, print best performing indexes
                                      if False, print worst performing indexes

        _QUERY = """
                t.TABLE_SCHEMA AS `db`, t.TABLE_NAME AS `table`,
                s.INDEX_NAME AS `index name`, s.COLUMN_NAME AS `field name`,
                s.SEQ_IN_INDEX `seq in index`, s2.max_columns AS `# cols`,
                s.CARDINALITY AS `card`, t.TABLE_ROWS AS `est rows`,
                ROUND(((s.CARDINALITY / IFNULL(
                0.01)) * 100), 2) AS `sel_percent`
                ON s.TABLE_SCHEMA = t.TABLE_SCHEMA
                AND s.TABLE_NAME = t.TABLE_NAME
            INNER JOIN (
                    MAX(SEQ_IN_INDEX) AS max_columns
                WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = %s AND TABLE_NAME = %s
                      AND INDEX_NAME != 'PRIMARY'
             ) AS s2
             ON s.TABLE_SCHEMA = s2.TABLE_SCHEMA
                AND s.TABLE_NAME = s2.TABLE_NAME
                AND s.INDEX_NAME = s2.INDEX_NAME
            WHERE t.TABLE_SCHEMA != 'mysql'
                AND t.TABLE_ROWS > 10 /* Only tables with some rows */
                AND (s.CARDINALITY / IFNULL(
                0.01)) <= 1.00
            ORDER BY `sel_percent`
        query_options = {
            'params': (self.db_name, self.tbl_name,)
        rows = []
        idx_type = "best"
        if not best:
            idx_type = "worst"
        if best:
            rows = self.server.exec_query(_QUERY + "DESC LIMIT %s" % limit,
            rows = self.server.exec_query(_QUERY + "LIMIT %s" % limit,
        if rows:
            if limit == 1:
                print("# Showing the {0} performing index from "
                      "{1}:".format(idx_type, self.table))
                print("# Showing the top {0} {1} performing indexes from "
                      "{2}:".format(limit, idx_type, self.table))
            cols = ("database", "table", "name", "column", "sequence",
                    "num columns", "cardinality", "est. rows", "percent")
            print_list(sys.stdout, fmt, cols, rows)
            print("# WARNING: Not enough data to calculate "
                  "best/worst indexes.")
Exemplo n.º 42
def show_server_info(servers, options):
    """Show server information for a list of servers

    This method will gather information about a running server. If the
    show_defaults option is specified, the method will also read the
    configuration file and return a list of the server default settings.

    If the format option is set, the output will be in the format specified.

    If the no_headers option is set, the output will not have a header row (no
    column names) except for format = vertical.

    If the basedir and start options are set, the method will attempt to start
    the server in read only mode to get the information. Specifying only
    basedir will not start the server. The extra start option is designed to
    make sure the user wants to start the offline server. The user may not wish
    to do this if there are certain error conditions and/or logs in place that
    may be overwritten.

    servers[in]       list of server connections in the form
    options[in]       dictionary of options (no_headers, format, basedir,
                      start, show_defaults)

    Returns tuple ((server information), defaults)
    no_headers = options.get("no_headers", False)
    fmt = options.get("format", "grid")
    show_defaults = options.get("show_defaults", False)
    basedir = options.get("basedir", None)
    datadir = options.get("datadir", None)
    start = options.get("start", False)
    show_servers = options.get("show_servers", 0)

    if show_servers:
        if os.name == 'nt':
            ports = options.get("ports", "3306:3333")
            start_p, end_p = ports.split(":")
            _show_running_servers(start_p, end_p)

    row_dict_lst = []
    warnings = []
    server_val = {}
    for server in servers:
        new_server = None
            test_connect(server, True)
        except UtilError as util_error:
            conn_dict = get_connection_dictionary(server)
            server1 = Server(options={'conn_info': conn_dict})
            server_is_off = False
            # If we got errno 2002 it means can not connect through the
            # given socket, but if path to socket not empty, server could be
            # turned off.
            if util_error.errno == CR_CONNECTION_ERROR:
                socket = conn_dict.get("unix_socket", "")
                if socket:
                    mydir = os.path.split(socket)[0]
                    if os.path.isdir(mydir) and len(os.listdir(mydir)) != 0:
                        server_is_off = True
            # If we got errno 2003 and this is a windows, we do not have
            # socket, instead we check if server is localhost.
            elif (util_error.errno == CR_CONN_HOST_ERROR and
                  os.name == 'nt' and server1.is_alias("localhost")):
                server_is_off = True
            # If we got errno 1045 it means Access denied,
            # notify the user if a password was used or not.
            elif util_error.errno == ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR:
                use_pass = '******' if conn_dict['passwd'] else 'NO'
                er = ("Access denied for user '{0}'@'{1}' using password: {2}"
                      ).format(conn_dict['user'], conn_dict['host'], use_pass)
            # Use the error message from the connection attempt.
                er = [util_error.errmsg]
            # To propose to start a cloned server for extract the info,
            # can not predict if the server is really off, but we can do it
            # in case of socket error, or if one of the related
            # parameter was given.
            if (server_is_off or basedir or datadir or start):
                er = ["Server is offline. To connect, "
                      "you must also provide "]

                opts = ["basedir", "datadir", "start"]
                for opt in tuple(opts):
                        if locals()[opt] is not None:
                    except KeyError:
                if opts:
                    er.append(", ".join(opts[0:-1]))
                    if len(opts) > 1:
                        er.append(" and the ")
                    er.append(" option")
                    raise UtilError("".join(er))

            if not start:
                raise UtilError("".join(er))
                    server_val = parse_connection(server, None, options)
                    raise UtilError("Source connection values invalid"
                                    " or cannot be parsed.")
                new_server = _start_server(server_val, basedir,
                                           datadir, options)
        info_dict, defaults = _server_info(server, show_defaults, options)
        if info_dict:
        if new_server:
            # Need to stop the server!
            _stop_server(server_val, basedir, options)

    # Get the row values stored in the dictionaries
    rows = [[row_dict[key] for key in _COLUMNS] for row_dict in row_dict_lst]

    print_list(sys.stdout, fmt, _COLUMNS, rows, no_headers)
    if warnings:
        print("\n# List of Warnings: \n")
        for warning in warnings:
            print("WARNING: {0}\n".format(warning))

    # Print the default configurations.
    if show_defaults and len(defaults) > 0:
        for row in defaults:
            print("  {0}".format(row))
Exemplo n.º 43
def show_log_usage(server, datadir, options):
    """Show binary or relay log disk space usage.

    Display binary log file information if binlog turned on if log_type =
    'binary log' (default) or show relay log file information is server is
    a slave and relay log is engaged.

    server[in]        Connected server to operate against
    datadir[in]       The datadir for the server
    options[in]       Required options for operation: format, no_headers.

    return True or raise exception on error
    from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list

    format = options.get("format", "grid")
    no_headers = options.get("no_headers", False)
    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)
    have_read = options.get("have_read", False)
    log_type = options.get("log_type", "binary log")
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)

    current_log = None

    # Check for binlog on first.
    if log_type == 'binary log':
        res = server.show_server_variable('log_bin')
        if res != [] and res[0][1].upper() == 'OFF':
            print "# Binary logging is turned off on the server."
            return True
            res = server.exec_query("SHOW SLAVE STATUS")
            if res != [] and res is not None:
                current_log = res[0][7]
            raise UtilError("Cannot get relay log information")
        if res == []:
            print "# Server is not an active slave - no relay log information."
            return True

    if os.access(datadir, os.R_OK):
        if not quiet:
            print "# %s information:" % log_type

        if log_type == 'binary log':
                res = server.exec_query("SHOW MASTER STATUS")
                if res != []:
                    current_log = res[0][0]
                raise UtilError("Cannot get binary log information.")

        if current_log is None:
            print "# Cannot access %s files.\n" % log_type
            return False
        if not quiet:
            print "Current %s file = %s" % (log_type, current_log)

        # As of 5.6.2, users can specify location of binlog and relaylog.
        if server.check_version_compat(5, 6, 2):
            if log_type == 'binary log':
                res = server.show_server_variable("log_bin_basename")[0]
                res = server.show_server_variable("relay_log_basename")[0]
            parts = os.path.split(res[1])
            log_path = os.path.join(parts[:len(parts) - 1])[0]
            log_prefix = parts[len(parts) - 1]
            log_path = datadir
            log_prefix = os.path.splitext(current_log)[0]
        if log_path == '':
            log_path = datadir
        logs, total = _build_log_list(log_path, log_prefix)
        if logs == []:
            raise UtilError("The %s are missing." % log_type)

        columns = ['log_file']
        size = 'size'
        fmt_logs = []
        if format == 'GRID':
            max_col = _get_formatted_max_width(logs, ('log_file', 'size'), 1)
            if max_col < len('size'):
                max_col = len('size')
            size = "{0:>{1}}".format('size', max_col)

            for row in logs:
                # Add commas
                size = locale.format("%d", row[1], grouping=True)
                # Make justified strings
                size = "{0:>{1}}".format(size, max_col)
                fmt_logs.append((row[0], size))

            fmt_logs = logs

        print_list(sys.stdout, format, columns, fmt_logs, no_headers)
        if not quiet:
            _print_size("\nTotal size of %ss = " % log_type, total)

        print "# Binlog information not accessible. " + \
              "Check your permissions."

    return True
Exemplo n.º 44
def show_server_info(servers, options):
    """Show server information for a list of servers
    This method will gather information about a running server. If the
    show_defaults option is specified, the method will also read the
    configuration file and return a list of the server default settings.
    If the format option is set, the output will be in the format specified.
    If the no_headers option is set, the output will not have a header row (no
    column names) except for format = vertical.
    If the basedir and start options are set, the method will attempt to start
    the server in read only mode to get the information. Specifying only
    basedir will not start the server. The extra start option is designed to
    make sure the user wants to start the offline server. The user may not wish
    to do this if there are certain error conditions and/or logs in place that
    may be overwritten.
    servers[in]       list of server connections in the form
    options[in]       dictionary of options (no_headers, format, basedir,
                      start, show_defaults)
    Returns tuple ((server information), defaults) 
    from mysql.utilities.common.server import test_connect
    from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list
    no_headers = options.get("no_headers", False)
    format = options.get("format", "grid")
    show_defaults = options.get("show_defaults", False)
    basedir = options.get("basedir", None)
    datadir = options.get("datadir", None)
    start = options.get("start", False)
    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)
    show_servers = options.get("show_servers", 0)
    if show_servers:
        if os.name == 'nt':
            ports = options.get("ports", "3306:3333")
            start, end = ports.split(":")
            _show_running_servers(start, end)

    defaults_rows = []
    rows = []
    server_val = {}
    get_defaults = True
    for server in servers:
        server_alive = True
        server_started = False
        if not test_connect(server):
            if basedir is None or datadir is None:
                raise UtilError("Server is offline. To connection, "
                                     "you must provide basedir, datadir, "
                                     "and the start option")
                if start:
                        server_val = parse_connection(server)
                        raise UtilError("Source connection values in"
                                             "valid or cannot be parsed.")
                    res = _start_server(server_val, basedir, datadir, options)
                    server_started = True                    
                    server_alive = False
        if server_alive:
            info, defaults = _server_info(server, get_defaults, options)
            if info is not None:
            if defaults is not None and len(defaults_rows) == 0:
                defaults_rows = defaults
                get_defaults = False
        if server_started:
            # Need to stop the server!
            res = _stop_server(server_val, basedir, options)

    print_list(sys.stdout, format, _COLUMNS, rows, no_headers)

    if show_defaults and len(defaults_rows) > 0:
        for row in defaults_rows:
            print "  %s" % row
Exemplo n.º 45
    def execute(self, connections, **kwrds):
        """Execute the search for processes, queries, or connections

        This method searches for processes, queriers, or connections to
        either kill or display the matches for one or more servers.

        connections[in]    list of connection parameters
        kwrds[in]          dictionary of options
          output           file stream to display information
                           default = sys.stdout
          connector        connector to use
                           default = mysql.connector
          format           format for display
                           default = GRID

        output = kwrds.get('output', sys.stdout)
        connector = kwrds.get('connector', mysql.connector)
        fmt = kwrds.get('format', "grid")
        charset = kwrds.get('charset', None)
        ssl_opts = kwrds.get('ssl_opts', {})

        headers = ("Connection", "Id", "User", "Host", "Db", "Command", "Time",
                   "State", "Info")
        entries = []
        # Build SQL statement
        for info in connections:
            conn = parse_connection(info)
            if not conn:
                msg = "'%s' is not a valid connection specifier" % (info, )
                raise FormatError(msg)
            if charset:
                conn['charset'] = charset
            info = conn

            if connector == mysql.connector:
                set_ssl_opts_in_connection_info(ssl_opts, info)

            connection = connector.connect(**info)

            if not charset:
                # If no charset provided, get it from the
                # "character_set_client" server variable.
                cursor = connection.cursor()
                cursor.execute("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_client'")
                res = cursor.fetchall()

            cursor = connection.cursor()
            print_rows = []
            cols = [
                "Id", "User", "Host", "db", "Command", "Time", "State", "Info"
            for row in cursor:
                if (KILL_QUERY in self.__actions) or \
                   (KILL_CONNECTION in self.__actions):
                    cursor.execute("KILL {0}".format(row[0]))
                if PRINT_PROCESS in self.__actions:
                    entries.append(tuple([_spec(info)] + list(row)))
            if print_rows:
                print "# The following KILL commands were executed:"
                print_list(output, fmt, cols, print_rows)

        # If output is None, nothing is printed
        if len(entries) > 0 and output:
            entries.sort(key=lambda fifth: fifth[5])
            print_list(output, fmt, headers, entries)
        elif PRINT_PROCESS in self.__actions:
            raise EmptyResultError("No matches found")
Exemplo n.º 46
def show_innodb_usage(server, datadir, options):
    """Show InnoDB tablespace disk space usage.

    Display InnoDB tablespace information if InnoDB turned on.

    server[in]        Connected server to operate against
    datadir[in]       The datadir for the server
    options[in]       Required options for operation: format, no_headers

    return True or raise exception on error
    fmt = options.get("format", "grid")
    no_headers = options.get("no_headers", False)
    is_remote = options.get("is_remote", False)
    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)

    # Check to see if we have innodb
    res = server.show_server_variable("have_innodb")
    if res != [] and res[0][1].upper() in ("NO", "DISABLED"):
        print "# InnoDB is disabled on this server."
        return True

    # Modified check for version 5.5
    res = server.exec_query("USE INFORMATION_SCHEMA")
    res = server.exec_query("SELECT engine, support " "FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ENGINES " "WHERE engine='InnoDB'")
    if res != [] and res[0][1].upper() == "NO":
        print "# InnoDB is disabled on this server."
        return True

    # Check to see if innodb_file_per_table is ON
    res = server.show_server_variable("innodb_file_per_table")
    if res != [] and res[0][1].upper() == "ON":
        innodb_file_per_table = True
        innodb_file_per_table = False

    # Get path
    res = server.show_server_variable("innodb_data_home_dir")
    if res != [] and len(res[0][1]) > 0:
        innodb_dir = res[0][1]
        innodb_dir = datadir

    if not is_remote and os.access(innodb_dir, os.R_OK):
        if not quiet:
            print "# InnoDB tablespace information:"

        res = server.show_server_variable("innodb_data_file_path")
        tablespaces = []
        if res != [] and len(res[0][1]) > 0:
            parts = res[0][1].split(";")
            for part in parts:

        innodb, total = _build_innodb_list(innodb_file_per_table, innodb_dir, datadir, tablespaces, verbosity)
        if innodb == []:
            raise UtilError("InnoDB is enabled but there is a problem " "reading the tablespace files.")

        columns = ["innodb_file", "size"]
        if verbosity > 0:
        size = "size"
        fmt_innodb = []
        if fmt.upper() == "GRID":
            max_col = _get_formatted_max_width(innodb, columns, 1)
            if max_col < len("size"):
                max_col = len("size")
            size = "{0:>{1}}".format("size", max_col)
            columns = ["innodb_file"]
            if verbosity > 0:

            for row in innodb:
                # Add commas
                size = locale.format("%d", row[1], grouping=True)
                # Make justified strings
                size = "{0:>{1}}".format(size, max_col)
                if verbosity > 0:
                    fmt_innodb.append((row[0], size, row[2], row[3]))
                    fmt_innodb.append((row[0], size))

            fmt_innodb = innodb

        print_list(sys.stdout, fmt, columns, fmt_innodb, no_headers)
        if not quiet:
            _print_size("\nTotal size of InnoDB files = ", total)

        if verbosity > 0 and not innodb_file_per_table and not quiet:
            for tablespace in innodb:
                if tablespace[1] != "log file":
                    parts = tablespace[3].split(":")
                    if len(parts) > 2:
                        size = int(tablespace[1]) / _MB
                        print "Tablespace %s can be " % tablespace[3] + "extended by using %s:%sM[...]\n" % (
    elif is_remote:
        print ("# InnoDB data information not accessible from a remote host.")
        print "# InnoDB data file information is not accessible. " + "Check your permissions."

    if not innodb_file_per_table:
        res = server.exec_query(_QUERY_DATAFREE)
        if res != []:
            if len(res) > 1:
                raise UtilError("Found multiple rows for freespace.")
                size = int(res[0][0])
                if not quiet:
                    _print_size("InnoDB freespace = ", size)

    return True
Exemplo n.º 47
def show_innodb_usage(server, datadir, options):
    """Show InnoDB tablespace disk space usage.

    Display InnoDB tablespace information if InnoDB turned on.

    server[in]        Connected server to operate against
    datadir[in]       The datadir for the server
    options[in]       Required options for operation: format, no_headers

    return True or raise exception on error
    fmt = options.get("format", "grid")
    no_headers = options.get("no_headers", False)
    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)

    # Check to see if we have innodb
    res = server.show_server_variable('have_innodb')
    if res != [] and res[0][1].upper() in ("NO", "DISABLED"):
        print "# InnoDB is disabled on this server."
        return True

    # Modified check for version 5.5
    res = server.exec_query("USE INFORMATION_SCHEMA")
    res = server.exec_query("SELECT engine, support "
                            "FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ENGINES "
                            "WHERE engine='InnoDB'")
    if res != [] and res[0][1].upper() == "NO":
        print "# InnoDB is disabled on this server."
        return True

    # Check to see if innodb_file_per_table is ON
    res = server.show_server_variable('innodb_file_per_table')
    if res != [] and res[0][1].upper() == "ON":
        innodb_file_per_table = True
        innodb_file_per_table = False

    # Get path
    res = server.show_server_variable('innodb_data_home_dir')
    if res != [] and len(res[0][1]) > 0:
        innodb_dir = res[0][1]
        innodb_dir = datadir

    if os.access(innodb_dir, os.R_OK):
        if not quiet:
            print "# InnoDB tablespace information:"

        res = server.show_server_variable('innodb_data_file_path')
        tablespaces = []
        if res != [] and len(res[0][1]) > 0:
            parts = res[0][1].split(";")
            for part in parts:

        innodb, total = _build_innodb_list(innodb_file_per_table, innodb_dir,
                                           datadir, tablespaces, verbosity)
        if innodb == []:
            raise UtilError("InnoDB is enabled but there is a problem "
                            "reading the tablespace files.")

        columns = ['innodb_file', 'size']
        if verbosity > 0:
        size = 'size'
        fmt_innodb = []
        if fmt.upper() == 'GRID':
            max_col = _get_formatted_max_width(innodb, columns, 1)
            if max_col < len('size'):
                max_col = len('size')
            size = "{0:>{1}}".format('size', max_col)
            columns = ['innodb_file']
            if verbosity > 0:

            for row in innodb:
                # Add commas
                size = locale.format("%d", row[1], grouping=True)
                # Make justified strings
                size = "{0:>{1}}".format(size, max_col)
                if verbosity > 0:
                    fmt_innodb.append((row[0], size, row[2], row[3]))
                    fmt_innodb.append((row[0], size))

            fmt_innodb = innodb

        print_list(sys.stdout, fmt, columns, fmt_innodb, no_headers)
        if not quiet:
            _print_size("\nTotal size of InnoDB files = ", total)

        if verbosity > 0 and not innodb_file_per_table and not quiet:
            for tablespace in innodb:
                if tablespace[1] != 'log file':
                    parts = tablespace[3].split(":")
                    if len(parts) > 2:
                        size = int(tablespace[1]) / _MB
                        print "Tablespace %s can be " % tablespace[3] + \
                              "extended by using %s:%sM[...]\n" % \
                              (parts[0], size)
        print "# InnoDB data file information is not accessible. " + \
              "Check your permissions."

    if not innodb_file_per_table:
        res = server.exec_query(_QUERY_DATAFREE)
        if res != []:
            if len(res) > 1:
                raise UtilError("Found multiple rows for freespace.")
                size = int(res[0][0])
                if not quiet:
                    _print_size("InnoDB freespace = ", size)

    return True
Exemplo n.º 48
def show_log_usage(server, datadir, options):
    """Show binary or relay log disk space usage.

    Display binary log file information if binlog turned on if log_type =
    'binary log' (default) or show relay log file information is server is
    a slave and relay log is engaged.

    server[in]        Connected server to operate against
    datadir[in]       The datadir for the server
    options[in]       Required options for operation: format, no_headers.

    return True or raise exception on error
    from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list

    format = options.get("format", "grid")
    no_headers = options.get("no_headers", False)
    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)
    have_read = options.get("have_read", False)
    log_type = options.get("log_type", "binary log")
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)

    current_log = None

    # Check for binlog on first.
    if log_type == 'binary log':
        res = server.show_server_variable('log_bin')
        if res != [] and res[0][1].upper() == 'OFF':
            print "# Binary logging is turned off on the server."
            return True
            res = server.exec_query("SHOW SLAVE STATUS")
            if res != [] and res is not None:
                current_log = res[0][7]
            raise UtilError("Cannot get relay log information")
        if res == []:
            print "# Server is not an active slave - no relay log information."
            return True

    if os.access(datadir, os.R_OK):
        if not quiet:
            print "# %s information:" % log_type

        if log_type == 'binary log':
                res = server.exec_query("SHOW MASTER STATUS")
                if res != []:
                    current_log = res[0][0]
                raise UtilError("Cannot get binary log information.")

        if current_log is None:
            print "# Cannot access %s files.\n" % log_type
            return False

        if not quiet:
            print "Current %s file = %s" % (log_type, current_log)

        # As of 5.6.2, users can specify location of binlog and relaylog.
        if server.check_version_compat(5, 6, 2):
            if log_type == 'binary log':
                res = server.show_server_variable("log_bin_basename")[0]
                res = server.show_server_variable("relay_log_basename")[0]
            parts = os.path.split(res[1])
            log_path = os.path.join(parts[:len(parts) - 1])[0]
            log_prefix = parts[len(parts) - 1]
            log_path = datadir
            log_prefix = os.path.splitext(current_log)[0]
        if log_path == '':
            log_path = datadir

        logs, total = _build_log_list(log_path, log_prefix)
        if logs == []:
            raise UtilError("The %s are missing." % log_type)

        columns = ['log_file']
        size = 'size'
        fmt_logs = []
        if format == 'GRID':
            max_col = _get_formatted_max_width(logs, ('log_file', 'size'), 1)
            if max_col < len('size'):
                max_col = len('size')
            size = "{0:>{1}}".format('size', max_col)

            for row in logs:
                # Add commas
                size = locale.format("%d", row[1], grouping=True)
                # Make justified strings
                size = "{0:>{1}}".format(size, max_col)
                fmt_logs.append((row[0], size))

            fmt_logs = logs

        print_list(sys.stdout, format, columns, fmt_logs, no_headers)
        if not quiet:
            _print_size("\nTotal size of %ss = " % log_type, total)

        print "# Binlog information not accessible. " + \
              "Check your permissions."

    return True