Exemplo n.º 1
def generate_penalty(conditions, ptype=None, **kwds):
    """Converts a penalty constraint function to a mystic.penalty function.

    conditions -- a penalty constraint function, or list of constraint functions
    ptype -- a mystic.penalty type, or a list of mystic.penalty types
        of the same length as the given conditions

    For example:
        >>> constraints = '''
        ...     x2 = x0/2.
        ...     x0 >= 0.'''
        >>> ineqf,eqf = generate_conditions(constraints, nvars=3)
        >>> penalty = generate_penalty((ineqf,eqf))
        >>> penalty([1.,2.,0.])
        >>> penalty([1.,2.,0.5])

Additional Inputs:
    k -- penalty multiplier
    h -- iterative multiplier
    # allow for single condition, list of conditions, or nested list
    if not list_or_tuple_or_ndarray(conditions):
        conditions = list((conditions, ))
        pass  #XXX: should be fine...
    conditions = list(flatten(conditions))

    # allow for single ptype, list of ptypes, or nested list
    if ptype is None:
        ptype = []
        from mystic.penalty import quadratic_equality, quadratic_inequality
        for condition in conditions:
            if 'inequality' in condition.__name__:
    elif not list_or_tuple_or_ndarray(ptype):
        ptype = list((ptype, )) * len(conditions)
        pass  #XXX: is already a list, should be the same len as conditions
    ptype = list(flatten(ptype))

    # iterate through penalties, building a compound penalty function
    pf = lambda x: 0.0
    pfdoc = ""
    for penalty, condition in zip(ptype, conditions):
        pfdoc += "%s: %s\n" % (penalty.__name__, condition.__doc__)
        apply = penalty(condition, **kwds)
        pf = apply(pf)
    pf.__doc__ = pfdoc.rstrip('\n')
    pf.__name__ = 'penalty'
    return pf
Exemplo n.º 2
def generate_penalty(conditions, ptype=None, **kwds):
    """Converts a penalty constraint function to a mystic.penalty function.

    conditions -- a penalty constraint function, or list of constraint functions
    ptype -- a mystic.penalty type, or a list of mystic.penalty types
        of the same length as the given conditions

    For example:
        >>> constraints = '''
        ...     x2 = x0/2.
        ...     x0 >= 0.'''
        >>> ineqf,eqf = generate_conditions(constraints, nvars=3)
        >>> penalty = generate_penalty((ineqf,eqf))
        >>> penalty([1.,2.,0.])
        >>> penalty([1.,2.,0.5])

Additional Inputs:
    k -- penalty multiplier
    h -- iterative multiplier
    # allow for single condition, list of conditions, or nested list
    if not list_or_tuple_or_ndarray(conditions):
        conditions = list((conditions,))
    else: pass #XXX: should be fine...
    conditions = list(flatten(conditions))

    # allow for single ptype, list of ptypes, or nested list
    if ptype is None:
        ptype = []
        from mystic.penalty import quadratic_equality, quadratic_inequality
        for condition in conditions:
            if 'inequality' in condition.__name__: 
    elif not list_or_tuple_or_ndarray(ptype):
        ptype = list((ptype,))*len(conditions)
    else: pass #XXX: is already a list, should be the same len as conditions
    ptype = list(flatten(ptype))

    # iterate through penalties, building a compound penalty function
    pf = lambda x:0.0
    pfdoc = ""
    for penalty, condition in zip(ptype, conditions):
        pfdoc += "%s: %s\n" % (penalty.__name__, condition.__doc__)
        apply = penalty(condition, **kwds)
        pf = apply(pf)
    pf.__doc__ = pfdoc.rstrip('\n')
    pf.__name__ = 'penalty'
    return pf
Exemplo n.º 3
def _flat(params):
converts a nested parameter list into flat parameter list

    params -- a nested list of weights or positions

For example:
    >>> par = [['x','x','x'], ['y','y'], ['z']]
    >>> _flat(par)
    from mystic.tools import flatten
    return list(flatten(params))
Exemplo n.º 4
def _flat(params):
converts a nested parameter list into flat parameter list

    params -- a nested list of weights or positions

For example:
    >>> par = [['x','x','x'], ['y','y'], ['z']]
    >>> _flat(par)
  from mystic.tools import flatten
  return list(flatten(params))
Exemplo n.º 5
 #  else: select[i] = _select[i]
 #for i in range(len(select)):
 #  p = select[i].split(":")
 #  if p[0][0] == '-': p[0] = "len(x)"+p[0]
 #  if p[1][0] == '-': p[1] = "len(x)"+p[1]
 #  select[i] = p[0]+":"+p[1]
 #steps = [eval("range(%s)" % sel.replace(":",",")) for sel in select]
  steps = [eval("[int(%s)]" % sel) for sel in select]

  # at this point, we should have:
  #xyz = [(2,3),(6,7),(10,11)] for any length tuple
  #wxyz = [(0,1),(4,5),(8,9)] for any length tuple (should match up with xyz)
  #steps = [[0],[1],[3],[8]] or similar
  if flatten:
    from mystic.tools import flatten
    steps = [list(flatten(steps))]

  # adjust for logarithmic scaling of intensity
  from numpy import e
  scale = e**(scale - 1.0)

  # dot color is based on a product of weights
  t = []
  for v in range(len(steps)):
    for s in steps[v]:
      for i in eval("[params[q][%s] for q in wxyz[0]]" % s):
        for j in eval("[params[q][%s] for q in wxyz[1]]" % s):
          for k in eval("[params[q][%s] for q in wxyz[2]]" % s):
            t[v].append([str((1.0 - i[q]*j[q]*k[q])**scale) for q in range(len(i))])
            if float(t[v][-1][-1]) > 1.0 or float(t[v][-1][-1]) < 0.0:
Exemplo n.º 6
def generate_constraint(conditions, ctype=None, **kwds):
    """Converts a constraint solver to a mystic.constraints function.

    conditions -- a constraint solver, or list of constraint solvers
    ctype -- a mystic.constraints type, or a list of mystic.constraints types
        of the same length as the given conditions

    This simple constraint generator doesn't check for conflicts in conditions,
    but simply applies conditions in the given order. This constraint generator
    assumes that a single variable has been isolated on the left-hand side
    of each constraints equation, thus all constraints are of the form
    "x_i = f(x)". This solver picks speed over robustness, and thus relies on
    the user to formulate the constraints so that they do not conflict.

    For example:
        >>> constraints = '''
        ...     x0 = cos(x1) + 2.
        ...     x1 = x2*2.'''
        >>> solv = generate_solvers(constraints)
        >>> constraint = generate_constraint(solv)
        >>> constraint([1.0, 0.0, 1.0])
        [1.5838531634528576, 2.0, 1.0]

    Standard python math conventions are used. For example, if an 'int'
    is used in a constraint equation, one or more variable may be evaluate
    to an 'int' -- this can affect solved values for the variables.

    For example:
        >>> constraints = '''
        ...     x2 = x0/2.
        ...     x0 >= 0.'''
        >>> solv = generate_solvers(constraints, nvars=3)
        >>> print solv[0].__doc__
        'x[2] = x[0]/2.'
        >>> print solv[1].__doc__
        'x[0] = max(0., x[0])'
        >>> constraint = generate_constraint(solv)
        >>> constraint([1,2,3])
        [1, 2, 0.5]
        >>> constraint([-1,2,-3])
        [0.0, 2, 0.0]
    # allow for single condition, list of conditions, or nested list
    if not list_or_tuple_or_ndarray(conditions):
        conditions = list((conditions,))
    else: pass #XXX: should be fine...
    conditions = list(flatten(conditions))

    # allow for single ctype, list of ctypes, or nested list
    if ctype is None:
        from mystic.coupler import inner #XXX: outer ?
        ctype = list((inner,))*len(conditions)
    elif not list_or_tuple_or_ndarray(ctype):
        ctype = list((ctype,))*len(conditions)
    else: pass #XXX: is already a list, should be the same len as conditions
    ctype = list(flatten(ctype))

    # iterate through solvers, building a compound constraints solver
    cf = lambda x:x
    cfdoc = ""
    for wrapper, condition in zip(ctype, conditions):
        cfdoc += "%s: %s\n" % (wrapper.__name__, condition.__doc__)
        apply = wrapper(condition, **kwds)
        cf = apply(cf)
    cf.__doc__ = cfdoc.rstrip('\n')
    cf.__name__ = 'constraint'
    return cf
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __upper(self):
     "get list of upper bounds"
     n = (self.n, ) if not hasattr(self.n, '__len__') else self.n
     xub = (self.xub, ) if not hasattr(self.xub, '__len__') else self.xub
     return list(flatten(i * [j] for i, j in zip(n, xub)))
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __lower(self):
     "get list of lower bounds"
     n = (self.n, ) if not hasattr(self.n, '__len__') else self.n
     xlb = (self.xlb, ) if not hasattr(self.xlb, '__len__') else self.xlb
     return list(flatten(i * [j] for i, j in zip(n, xlb)))
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __upper(self):
     n = (self.n, ) if not hasattr(self.n, '__len__') else self.n
     wub = (self.wub, ) if not hasattr(self.wub, '__len__') else self.wub
     xub = (self.xub, ) if not hasattr(self.xub, '__len__') else self.xub
     return list(flatten(i * [j] + i * [k] for i, j, k in zip(n, wub, xub)))
Exemplo n.º 10
 def __lower(self):
     n = (self.n, ) if not hasattr(self.n, '__len__') else self.n
     wlb = (self.wlb, ) if not hasattr(self.wlb, '__len__') else self.wlb
     xlb = (self.xlb, ) if not hasattr(self.xlb, '__len__') else self.xlb
     return list(flatten(i * [j] + i * [k] for i, j, k in zip(n, wlb, xlb)))
Exemplo n.º 11
    for i in range(len(_select)):
        if _select[i][-1] == ':': select[i] = _select[i] + str(len(x))
        else: select[i] = _select[i]
    for i in range(len(select)):
        p = select[i].split(":")
        if p[0][0] == '-': p[0] = "len(x)" + p[0]
        if p[1][0] == '-': p[1] = "len(x)" + p[1]
        select[i] = p[0] + ":" + p[1]
    steps = [eval("range(%s)" % sel.replace(":", ",")) for sel in select]

    # at this point, we should have:
    #xyz = [(0,1),(4,5),(8,9)] for any length tuple
    #steps = [[0,1],[1,2],[2,3],[3,4,5,6,7,8]] or similar
    if flatten:
        from mystic.tools import flatten
        steps = [list(flatten(steps))]

    # build all the plots
    from numpy import inf, e
    scale = e**(scale - 1.0)
    for v in range(len(steps)):
        if len(steps[v]) > 1: qp = float(max(steps[v]))
        else: qp = inf
        for s in steps[v]:
            # dot color determined by number of simultaneous iterations
            t = str((s / qp)**scale)
            for i in eval("[params[q][%s] for q in xyz[0]]" % s):
                for j in eval("[params[q][%s] for q in xyz[1]]" % s):
                    for k in eval("[params[q][%s] for q in xyz[2]]" % s):
                        a[v].plot(i, j, k, marker='o', color=t, ms=10)
Exemplo n.º 12
def generate_constraint(conditions, ctype=None, **kwds):
    """Converts a constraint solver to a mystic.constraints function.

    conditions -- a constraint solver, or list of constraint solvers
    ctype -- a mystic.constraints type, or a list of mystic.constraints types
        of the same length as the given conditions

    This simple constraint generator doesn't check for conflicts in conditions,
    but simply applies conditions in the given order. This constraint generator
    assumes that a single variable has been isolated on the left-hand side
    of each constraints equation, thus all constraints are of the form
    "x_i = f(x)". This solver picks speed over robustness, and thus relies on
    the user to formulate the constraints so that they do not conflict.

    For example:
        >>> constraints = '''
        ...     x0 = cos(x1) + 2.
        ...     x1 = x2*2.'''
        >>> solv = generate_solvers(constraints)
        >>> constraint = generate_constraint(solv)
        >>> constraint([1.0, 0.0, 1.0])
        [1.5838531634528576, 2.0, 1.0]

    Standard python math conventions are used. For example, if an 'int'
    is used in a constraint equation, one or more variable may be evaluate
    to an 'int' -- this can affect solved values for the variables.

    For example:
        >>> constraints = '''
        ...     x2 = x0/2.
        ...     x0 >= 0.'''
        >>> solv = generate_solvers(constraints, nvars=3)
        >>> print solv[0].__doc__
        'x[2] = x[0]/2.'
        >>> print solv[1].__doc__
        'x[0] = max(0., x[0])'
        >>> constraint = generate_constraint(solv)
        >>> constraint([1,2,3])
        [1, 2, 0.5]
        >>> constraint([-1,2,-3])
        [0.0, 2, 0.0]
    # allow for single condition, list of conditions, or nested list
    if not list_or_tuple_or_ndarray(conditions):
        conditions = list((conditions, ))
        pass  #XXX: should be fine...
    conditions = list(flatten(conditions))

    # allow for single ctype, list of ctypes, or nested list
    if ctype is None:
        from mystic.coupler import inner  #XXX: outer ?
        ctype = list((inner, )) * len(conditions)
    elif not list_or_tuple_or_ndarray(ctype):
        ctype = list((ctype, )) * len(conditions)
        pass  #XXX: is already a list, should be the same len as conditions
    ctype = list(flatten(ctype))

    # iterate through solvers, building a compound constraints solver
    cf = lambda x: x
    cfdoc = ""
    for wrapper, condition in zip(ctype, conditions):
        cfdoc += "%s: %s\n" % (wrapper.__name__, condition.__doc__)
        apply = wrapper(condition, **kwds)
        cf = apply(cf)
    cf.__doc__ = cfdoc.rstrip('\n')
    cf.__name__ = 'constraint'
    return cf
Exemplo n.º 13
def generate_penalty(conditions, ptype=None, join=None, **kwds):
    """Converts a penalty constraint function to a mystic.penalty function.

    conditions -- a penalty constraint function, or list of constraint functions
    ptype -- a mystic.penalty type, or a list of mystic.penalty types
        of the same length as the given conditions
    join -- either (and_, or_) from mystic.coupler, or None. The default is
        to iteratively apply the penalties.

    For example:
        >>> constraints = '''
        ...     x2 = x0/2.
        ...     x0 >= 0.'''
        >>> ineqf,eqf = generate_conditions(constraints, nvars=3)
        >>> penalty = generate_penalty((ineqf,eqf))
        >>> penalty([1.,2.,0.])
        >>> penalty([1.,2.,0.5])

Additional Inputs:
    k -- penalty multiplier
    h -- iterative multiplier
    # allow for single condition, list of conditions, or nested list
    if not list_or_tuple_or_ndarray(conditions):
        conditions = list((conditions,))
    else: pass #XXX: should be fine...

    # discover the nested structure of conditions and ptype
    nc = nt = 0
    if ptype is None or not list_or_tuple_or_ndarray(ptype):
        nt = -1
        while tuple(flatten(conditions, nc)) != tuple(flatten(conditions)):
            nc += 1
        while tuple(flatten(ptype, nt)) != tuple(flatten(ptype)):
            nt += 1

    if join is None: pass  # don't use 'and/or' to join the conditions
    #elif nc >= 2: # join when is tuple of tuples of conditions
    else: # always use join, if given (instead of only if nc >= 2)
        if nt >= nc: # there as many or more nested ptypes than conditions
            p = iter(ptype)
            return join(*(generate_penalty(c, next(p), **kwds) for c in conditions))
        return join(*(generate_penalty(c, ptype, **kwds) for c in conditions))
    # flatten everything and produce the penalty
    conditions = list(flatten(conditions))

    # allow for single ptype, list of ptypes, or nested list
    if ptype is None:
        ptype = []
        from mystic.penalty import quadratic_equality, quadratic_inequality
        for condition in conditions:
            if 'inequality' in condition.__name__: 
    elif not list_or_tuple_or_ndarray(ptype):
        ptype = list((ptype,))*len(conditions)
    else: pass #XXX: is already a list, should be the same len as conditions
    ptype = list(flatten(ptype))

    # iterate through penalties, building a compound penalty function
    pf = lambda x:0.0
    pfdoc = ""
    for penalty, condition in zip(ptype, conditions):
        pfdoc += "%s: %s\n" % (penalty.__name__, condition.__doc__)
        apply = penalty(condition, **kwds)
        pf = apply(pf)
    pf.__doc__ = pfdoc.rstrip('\n')
    pf.__name__ = 'penalty'
    return pf
Exemplo n.º 14
def generate_constraint(conditions, ctype=None, join=None, **kwds):
    """Converts a constraint solver to a mystic.constraints function.

    conditions -- a constraint solver, or list of constraint solvers
    ctype -- a mystic.coupler type, or a list of mystic.coupler types
        of the same length as the given conditions
    join -- either (and_, or_) from mystic.constraints, or None. The default
        is to iteratively apply the constraints.

    This simple constraint generator doesn't check for conflicts in conditions,
    but simply applies conditions in the given order. This constraint generator
    assumes that a single variable has been isolated on the left-hand side
    of each constraints equation, thus all constraints are of the form
    "x_i = f(x)". This solver picks speed over robustness, and thus relies on
    the user to formulate the constraints so that they do not conflict.

    For example:
        >>> constraints = '''
        ...     x0 = cos(x1) + 2.
        ...     x1 = x2*2.'''
        >>> solv = generate_solvers(constraints)
        >>> constraint = generate_constraint(solv)
        >>> constraint([1.0, 0.0, 1.0])
        [1.5838531634528576, 2.0, 1.0]

    Standard python math conventions are used. For example, if an 'int'
    is used in a constraint equation, one or more variable may be evaluate
    to an 'int' -- this can affect solved values for the variables.

    For example:
        >>> constraints = '''
        ...     x2 = x0/2.
        ...     x0 >= 0.'''
        >>> solv = generate_solvers(constraints, nvars=3)
        >>> print solv[0].__doc__
        'x[2] = x[0]/2.'
        >>> print solv[1].__doc__
        'x[0] = max(0., x[0])'
        >>> constraint = generate_constraint(solv)
        >>> constraint([1,2,3])
        [1, 2, 0.5]
        >>> constraint([-1,2,-3])
        [0.0, 2, 0.0]
    # allow for single condition, list of conditions, or nested list
    if not list_or_tuple_or_ndarray(conditions):
        conditions = list((conditions,))
    else: pass #XXX: should be fine...

    # discover the nested structure of conditions and ctype
    nc = nt = 0
    if ctype is None or not list_or_tuple_or_ndarray(ctype):
        nt = -1
        while tuple(flatten(conditions, nc)) != tuple(flatten(conditions)):
            nc += 1
        while tuple(flatten(ctype, nt)) != tuple(flatten(ctype)):
            nt += 1

    if join is None: pass  # don't use 'and/or' to join the conditions
    #elif nc >= 2: # join when is tuple of tuples of conditions
    else: # always use join, if given (instead of only if nc >= 2)
        if nt >= nc: # there as many or more nested ctypes than conditions
            p = iter(ctype)
            return join(*(generate_constraint(c, next(p), **kwds) for c in conditions))
        return join(*(generate_constraint(c, ctype, **kwds) for c in conditions))
    # flatten everything and produce the constraint
    conditions = list(flatten(conditions))

    # allow for single ctype, list of ctypes, or nested list
    if ctype is None:
        from mystic.coupler import inner #XXX: outer ?
        ctype = list((inner,))*len(conditions)
    elif not list_or_tuple_or_ndarray(ctype):
        ctype = list((ctype,))*len(conditions)
    else: pass #XXX: is already a list, should be the same len as conditions
    ctype = list(flatten(ctype))

    # iterate through solvers, building a compound constraints solver
    cf = lambda x:x
    cfdoc = ""
    for wrapper, condition in zip(ctype, conditions):
        cfdoc += "%s: %s\n" % (wrapper.__name__, condition.__doc__)
        apply = wrapper(condition, **kwds)
        cf = apply(cf)
    cf.__doc__ = cfdoc.rstrip('\n')
    cf.__name__ = 'constraint'
    return cf