Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: sms.py Projeto: jcsy521/ydws
    def prepare_data(self, hash_):

        mem_key = self.get_memcache_key(hash_)

        data = self.redis.getvalue(mem_key)
        if data:
            return data

        provinces = self.get_argument('province_id', None)
        cities = self.get_argument('city_id', None)
        start_time = int(self.get_argument('start_time', None))
        end_time = int(self.get_argument('end_time', None))
        group = self.get_argument('group', None)
        user_name = self.get_argument('user_name', None)
        mobile = self.get_argument('mobile', None)

        #if user_name and  (not check_sql_injection(user_name)):
        #    return [], [start_time, end_time]
        #if mobile  and  (not check_sql_injection(mobile)):
        #    return [], [start_time, end_time]
        # the result of today is inavaliable
        d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time())
        t = datetime.datetime.combine(datetime.date(d.year,d.month, d.day), datetime.time(0, 0, 0))
        today_ = int(time.mktime(t.timetuple())) * 1000
        if start_time >= today_:
            return [], [start_time, end_time]

        results = []
        if not (cities or provinces):
            return results, [start_time, end_time]
        elif not cities:
            provinces = str_to_list(provinces)
            cities = city_list(provinces, self.db)
            cities = str_to_list(cities)

        cities = [int(c) for c in cities]
        cs = self.db.query("SELECT DISTINCT region_code FROM T_HLR_CITY"
                           "  WHERE city_id IN %s",
                           tuple(cities + DUMMY_IDS))
        citylist = [c.region_code for c in cs]

        query_term = {'city_id':{'$in':citylist},
                      'fetchtime':{'$gte':start_time, '$lte':end_time},
                      'group_id': None,
                      'user_name': None,
                      'mobile': None}
        for term in ['user_name', 'mobile']:
            v = self.get_argument(term, None)
            if v:
                query_term[term] = {'$regex': '\S*'+v+'\S*'}
        if group: 
            query_term['group_id'] = str(self.get_argument('group'))

        display_term = {'province':1, 'city':1, 'group_name':1,
                        'user_name':1, 'mobile':1, '_id':0}

        res = []
            mobiles = self.collection.find(query_term, {'mobile':1}).distinct('mobile')
            if mobiles:
                for m in mobiles:
                    count = self.collection.find({'mobile':m,
                        'fetchtime':{'$gte':start_time, '$lte':end_time}}).count()
                    r = self.collection.find_one({'mobile':m,
                        'fetchtime':{'$gte':start_time, '$lte':end_time}}, display_term)
                    r['count'] = count
            if not res:
                ins = MSms()
                res = ins.retrieve(citylist, start_time, end_time)
            ins = MSmsMixin()
            res = ins.retrieve_mixin(citylist, start_time, end_time)
            res = ins.distinct(res)

        if user_name:
            p_name = re.compile(user_name)
        if mobile:
            p_mobile = re.compile(mobile)
        results = []
        for r in res:
            flag = True
            if group and r['group_id'] != group:
                flag &= False
            if user_name and not p_name.findall(r['user_name']):
                flag &= False
            if mobile and not p_mobile.findall(r['mobile']):
                flag &= False
            if flag:
        self.redis.setvalue(mem_key,(results, [start_time, end_time]), 
        return results, [start_time, end_time]
Exemplo n.º 2
    def prepare_data(self, hash_):
        """Associated with the post method.


        if get value according the hash:
            return value
            retrieve the db and return the result.
        mem_key = self.get_memcache_key(hash_)
        data = self.redis.getvalue(mem_key)
        if data:
            return data

        # TODO: retrieve all the cities
        # HOW TO BEST PASS province and city?
        provinces = self.get_argument('province_id', None)
        cities = self.get_argument('city_id', None)
        start_time = int(self.get_argument('timestamp', None))
        end_time = end_of_month(start_time)
        d = date.fromtimestamp(start_time/1000)
        year = d.year
        month = d.month

        # only last six days of this month can retrieve results
        s_time = start_of_month(int(time.time())*1000)
        e_time = end_of_month(int(time.time())*1000)
        if start_time == s_time:
            # this month
            cal = date.today().timetuple()
            year = cal.tm_year
            month = cal.tm_mon
            day = cal.tm_mday
            maxdays = monthrange(year, month)[1]
            if maxdays - day > ADMIN.MONTH_RETRIEVE_DAYS:
                return [], start_time
        elif start_time > e_time:
            return [], start_time

        if cities is None:
            provinces = str_to_list(provinces)
            cities = city_list(provinces, self.db)
            cities = str_to_list(cities)

        cities = [int(c) for c in cities]
        cs = self.db.query("SELECT DISTINCT region_code FROM T_HLR_CITY"
                           "  WHERE city_id IN %s",
                           tuple(cities + DUMMY_IDS))
        citylist = [int(c.region_code) for c in cs]

        query_term = {'city_id': {'$in': citylist}, 'year': year, 'month': month}
            results = list(self.collection.find(query_term, {'_id':0}))
            if not results:
                ins = MLocation()
                results = ins.retrieve(citylist, start_time, end_time)
            ins = MLocationMixin()
            results = ins.retrieve_mixin(citylist, start_time, end_time)

        self.redis.setvalue(mem_key, (results, start_time), 
        return results, start_time