Exemplo n.º 1
def draw_box(img, result):
    img_w, img_h = img.size

    # calculate the tightest valid boundary for this image
    tvb_x1 = 0  # for width
    tvb_x2 = 0
    tvb_y1 = 0  # for height
    tvb_y2 = 0
    for i in range(0, len(result)):
        rbtx = result[i]["boundingbox"]["tl"]["x"]
        rbty = result[i]["boundingbox"]["tl"]["y"]
        rbsw = result[i]["boundingbox"]["size"]["width"]
        rbsh = result[i]["boundingbox"]["size"]["height"]
        tvb_y1 = max(tvb_y1, -(rbty - ABOVE_H - WINDOW_H))
        tvb_x1 = max(tvb_x1, -(rbtx + rbsw / 2 - WINDOW_W / 2))
        tvb_x2 = max(tvb_x2, rbtx + rbsw / 2 + WINDOW_W / 2 - img_w)

    bg = Image.new("RGBA", (int(img_w + tvb_x1 + tvb_x2), int(img_h + tvb_y1)), (255, 255, 255, 255))
    bg_w, bg_h = bg.size
    offset = (int(tvb_x1), int(tvb_y1))
    bg.paste(img, offset)
    img = bg
    offset = {"x": offset[0], "y": offset[1]}

    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

    attrs = []
    for i in range(0, len(result)):

        # A algorithm to assure the diversity of attributes:
        # 	if there are multiple same attributes, select one of them,
        # 	change the attributes of the corresponding people to a
        # 	secondary attributes. Repeat.
    np = len(result)
    ca = []
    for i in range(0, np):
    while True:
		print "======================"
		for i in range(0, np):
			print attrs[i][ca[i]][0]
		print "======================="
        stop = True
        for i in range(0, np):
            # get the index of the best attribute
            idxi = attrs[i][ca[i]][2]
            eq = [i]
            for j in range(i + 1, np):
                idxj = attrs[j][ca[j]][2]
                if idxi == idxj:
            if len(eq) > 1:
                s = int(prandom() * len(eq))
                ca[eq[s]] += 1
                stop = False
        if stop:

    for i in range(0, len(result)):
        text_fn = LABEL_FN + str(attrs[i][ca[i]][2]) + ".png"
        img = draw_single_box(img, draw, result[i]["boundingbox"], offset, Image.open(text_fn))
    return img
Exemplo n.º 2
def classify(result):
	age = result['age']
# 0: female, 1: male -> 2: female, 1: male
	gender = int(2.5 - result['sex'])
# a feature-value list for convenience of coding
	fvl = []
# facevalue is in [0, 1]
	facevalue = result['beauty']
# value for beard is in [0, 1]
	beard = result['beard']
# value for mustache is in [0, 1]
	mustache = result['mustache']
# value for glass is in [0, 1]
	glass = result['glasses']
# value for sunglass is in [0, 1]
	sunglass = result['sunglasses']
# value for eyeclosed is in [0, 1]
	eyeclosed = result['eye_closed']
# value for mouthopen is in [0, 1]
	mouthopen = result['mouth_open_wide']
# value for each emotion is in [0, 1]
	emotion = result['emotion']
	em_name = ['happy', 'angry', 'sad', 'confused', 'disgust', 'surprised', 'calm']
	em_val = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
	for em in emotion:
		for i in range(0, len(em_name)):
			if em_name[i] == em:
				em_val[i] = emotion[em]
	for i in range(0, len(em_val)):

# value for random is in [0, 5]
# a pseudo-random number is generated based on the attribute 'smile'
	smile = result['smile'] * 100 + 2
	for i in range(0, int(smile)):

	fn = codecs.open(CLASSIFY_FN, "r", "utf-8")

	n = int(mread(fn))
	attr = []
	for i in range(0, n):
		attr_name = mread(fn)
		m = int(mread(fn))

		if m == -1:
			# the pidx in 'classify.txt' starts from 1
			pidx = int(mread(fn)) - 1
			attr.append((attr_name, attr[pidx][1], i + 1))

		val = 0

		# valid age interval
		valid_age = 0
		for j in range(0, m):
			l = int(mread(fn))
			r = int(mread(fn))
			a = float(mread(fn))
			b = float(mread(fn))

			if not ((l >= 0 and age < l) or (r >= 0 and age > r)):
				valid_age = 1
				val = a * age + b

		if valid_age == 0:
			attr.append((attr_name, 0, i + 1))
			for j in range(0, 16):

		# gender restriction
		valid_gender = int(mread(fn))
		if valid_gender > 0 and valid_gender != gender:
			attr.append((attr_name, 0, i + 1))
			for j in range(0, 15):

		# computing score for each feature
		sum = 0

		if (i == 2):
			print val
		for j in range(0, 15):
			p = float(mread(fn))
			sum += abs(p)
			val += fvl[j] * p

		attr.append((attr_name, val, i + 1))

	best_attr = attr[0]
	index  = 0
	for i in range(1, n):
		if best_attr[1] < attr[i][1]:
			best_attr = attr[i]
			index = i

	print "----------------------------"

	attr.sort(key=lambda tup: -tup[1])

	ed = n
	for i in range(1, n):
		if abs(attr[i][1] - attr[i - 1][1]) >= 0.0001:
			ed = i - 1
	# select a random attribute from similar attributes
	rand = int(prandom() * (ed + 1))
	temp = attr[0]
	attr[0] = attr[rand]
	attr[rand] = temp


	return attr
	return LABEL_FN + str(index + 1) + ".png"