Exemplo n.º 1
    def set_config(self, config_filename, conf, error):
        super(WSGIApp, self).set_config(config_filename, conf, error)
        conf = configobj.ConfigObj(
            conf, configspec=configobj.ConfigObj(self.ConfigSpec))
        config.validate(config_filename, conf, error)

        self.as_root = conf['application']['as_root']
        self.app_title = unicode(conf['application']['title'], 'utf-8')
        self.custom_css = conf['application']['custom_css']
        self.application_path = conf['application']['path']

        # mail configuration
        mail_config = conf['mail']
        self.mail_sender = self._create_mail_sender(mail_config)
        self.default_sender_email = mail_config['default_sender']

        # assets manager configuration
        self.assets_manager = SimpleAssetsManager(
            conf['assetsmanager']['basedir'], self.name, **conf['assetsmanager'])

        # search_engine engine configuration
        self.search_engine = SearchEngine(**conf['search'])

        # other
        self.security = SecurityManager(conf['application']['crypto_key'])
        self.debug = conf['application']['debug']
        self.default_locale = i18n.Locale(
            conf['locale']['major'], conf['locale']['minor'])
        self.auth_cfg = {'dbauth': conf['dbauth'],
                         'oauth': conf['oauth'],
                         'ldapauth': conf['ldapauth']}
        self.tpl_cfg = conf['application']['templates']
        self.activity_monitor = conf['application'].get('activity_monitor', '')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def set_config(self, config_filename, conf, error):
        super(WSGIApp, self).set_config(config_filename, conf, error)
        conf = configobj.ConfigObj(
            conf, configspec=configobj.ConfigObj(self.ConfigSpec), interpolation='Template')
        config.validate(config_filename, conf, error)

        self._services = services.ServicesRepository(
            config_filename, error, conf

        self.as_root = conf['application']['as_root']
        self.app_title = unicode(conf['application']['title'], 'utf-8')
        self.custom_css = conf['application']['custom_css']
        self.application_path = conf['application']['path']

        # search_engine engine configuration
        self.search_engine = SearchEngine(**conf['search'])

        # other
        self.security = SecurityManager(conf['application']['crypto_key'])
        self.debug = conf['application']['debug']
        self.default_locale = i18n.Locale(
            conf['locale']['major'], conf['locale']['minor'])
        tpl_cfg = conf['application']['templates']
        pub_cfg = {
            'disclaimer': conf['application']['disclaimer'].decode('utf-8'),
            'banner': conf['application']['banner'].decode('utf-8'),
            'favicon': conf['application']['favicon'].decode('utf-8')
        self.app_cfg = {
            'authentication': conf['authentication'],
            'tpl_cfg': tpl_cfg,
            'pub_cfg': pub_cfg
        self.activity_monitor = conf['application']['activity_monitor']
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _validate_config(self, conf, config_filename, error):
        Validates the INI configuration of the application
        :param conf: The parsed ConfigObj object
        :param config_filename: The config filepath
        base_conf = configobj.ConfigObj(conf,
        config.validate(config_filename, base_conf, error)

        # Complete application config spec with search engine spec
        search_engine_factory = self.load_entry_point(
            'eureka.search_engine', base_conf['search_engine']['type'])

        # Revalidate the entire config and initialize the application
        conf = configobj.ConfigObj(conf,
        config.validate(config_filename, conf, error)

        return dict(conf), search_engine_factory
Exemplo n.º 4
    def read_config(self, components, conf_filename, conf, error):
        spec = {comp.get_id(): comp.config_spec for comp in components}
        spec = configobj.ConfigObj({self.conf_section: spec})

        components_conf = configobj.ConfigObj(conf_filename, configspec=spec, interpolation='Template')
        config.validate(conf_filename, components_conf, error)

        return components_conf[self.conf_section]
Exemplo n.º 5
    def set_config(self, config_filename, conf, error):
        """Read the set of allowed hosts from the configuration file

          - ``config_filename`` -- the path to the configuration file
          - ``conf`` -- the ``ConfigObj`` object, created from the configuration file
          - ``error`` -- the function to call in case of configuration errors
        conf = configobj.ConfigObj(conf, configspec=configobj.ConfigObj(self.spec))
        config.validate(config_filename, conf, error)

        self.allow_hosts = conf['allow_hosts']
Exemplo n.º 6
def read_application_options(cfgfile, error, default=None):
    """Read the configuration file for the application

      - ``cfgfile`` -- path to an application configuration file
      - ``error`` -- the function to call in case of configuration errors
      - ``default`` -- optional default values

      - a ``ConfigObj`` of the application parameters
    spec = configobj.ConfigObj(default or {})

    apps = ', '.join(
        '"%s"' % entry.name
        for entry in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('nagare.applications'))
    spec.merge({'application': {'app': 'option(%s)' % (apps + ', ""')}})

    choices = ', '.join(
        '"%s"' % entry.name
        for entry in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('nagare.sessions'))
        {'sessions': {
            'type': 'option(%s, default="")' % (choices + ', ""')

    conf = configobj.ConfigObj(cfgfile,
                               interpolation='Template' if default else None)
    config.validate(cfgfile, conf, error)

    # The database sub-sections inherit from the database section
            uri='string(default=%s)' % str(conf['database']['uri']),
            metadata='string(default=%s)' % str(conf['database']['metadata']),
            debug='boolean(default=%s)' % str(conf['database']['debug']),
    conf = configobj.ConfigObj(cfgfile,
                               interpolation='Template' if default else None)
    config.validate(cfgfile, conf, error)

    if not conf['sessions']['type']:
        del conf['sessions']['type']

    return conf
Exemplo n.º 7
    def set_config(self, config_filename, conf, error):
        """Read the value of the ``as_root`` parameter and keeps the list of all
        the launched applications

          - ``config_filename`` -- the path to the configuration file
          - ``config`` -- the ``ConfigObj`` object, created from the configuration file
          - ``error`` -- the function to call in case of configuration errors
        conf = configobj.ConfigObj(conf, configspec=configobj.ConfigObj(application_spec))
        config.validate(config_filename, conf, error)

        self.as_root = conf['application']['as_root']
        self.application_url = conf['application']['name']

        super(WSGIApp, self).set_config(config_filename, conf, error)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def set_config(self, config_filename, conf, error):
        super(WSGIApp, self).set_config(config_filename, conf, error)
        conf = configobj.ConfigObj(
            conf, configspec=configobj.ConfigObj(self.ConfigSpec), interpolation='Template')
        config.validate(config_filename, conf, error)

        self._services = services.ServicesRepository(
            config_filename, error, conf

        self.card_extensions = services.CardExtensions(
            config_filename, error, conf

        self.as_root = conf['application']['as_root']
        self.app_title = unicode(conf['application']['title'], 'utf-8')
        self.app_name = conf['application']['name']
        self.theme = conf['application']['theme']
        self.application_path = conf['application']['path']

        # search_engine engine configuration
        self.search_engine = SearchEngine(**conf['search'])
        self._services.register('search_engine', self.search_engine)

        # Make assets_manager available to kansha-admin commands
        self.assets_manager = self._services['assets_manager']

        # other
        self.security = SecurityManager(conf['application']['crypto_key'])
        self.debug = conf['application']['debug']
        self.default_locale = i18n.Locale(
            conf['locale']['major'], conf['locale']['minor'])
        pub_cfg = {
            'disclaimer': conf['application']['disclaimer'].decode('utf-8'),
            'banner': conf['application']['banner'].decode('utf-8'),
            'favicon': conf['application']['favicon'].decode('utf-8')
        self.app_config = {
            'authentication': conf['authentication'],
            'pub_cfg': pub_cfg
        self.activity_monitor = conf['application']['activity_monitor']
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _validate_config(self, conf, config_filename, error):
        Validates the INI configuration of the application
        :param conf: The parsed ConfigObj object
        :param config_filename: The config filepath
        base_conf = configobj.ConfigObj(conf, configspec=configobj.ConfigObj(self.APPLICATION_SPEC))
        config.validate(config_filename, base_conf, error)

        # Complete application config spec with search engine spec
        search_engine_factory = self.load_entry_point("eureka.search_engine", base_conf["search_engine"]["type"])

        # Revalidate the entire config and initialize the application
        conf = configobj.ConfigObj(conf, configspec=configobj.ConfigObj(self.APPLICATION_SPEC))
        config.validate(config_filename, conf, error)

        return dict(conf), search_engine_factory
Exemplo n.º 10
    def set_config(self, config_filename, conf, error):
        super(WSGIApp, self).set_config(config_filename, conf, error)
        conf = configobj.ConfigObj(
            conf, configspec=configobj.ConfigObj(self.ConfigSpec), interpolation='Template')
        config.validate(config_filename, conf, error)

        self._services = services.ServicesRepository(
            config_filename, error, conf

        self.card_extensions = services.CardExtensions(
            config_filename, error, conf

        self.as_root = conf['application']['as_root']
        self.app_title = unicode(conf['application']['title'], 'utf-8')
        self.app_name = conf['application']['name']
        self.theme = conf['application']['theme']
        self.application_path = conf['application']['path']

        # search_engine engine configuration
        self.search_engine = SearchEngine(**conf['search'])
        self._services.register('search_engine', self.search_engine)

        # Make assets_manager available to kansha-admin commands
        self.assets_manager = self._services['assets_manager']

        # other
        self.security = SecurityManager(conf['application']['crypto_key'])
        self.debug = conf['application']['debug']
        self.default_locale = i18n.Locale(
            conf['locale']['major'], conf['locale']['minor'])
        pub_cfg = {
            'disclaimer': conf['application']['disclaimer'].decode('utf-8'),
            'banner': conf['application']['banner'].decode('utf-8'),
            'favicon': conf['application']['favicon'].decode('utf-8')
        self.app_config = {
            'authentication': conf['authentication'],
            'pub_cfg': pub_cfg
        self.activity_monitor = conf['application']['activity_monitor']
Exemplo n.º 11
def read_publisher_options(parser, options):
    """Read the configuration file for the publisher

    This configuration file is given with the ``-c``or ``--config`` option

      - ``parser`` -- the ``optparse.OptParser`` object used to parse the configuration file
      - ``options`` -- options in the command line

      - a ``ConfigObj`` with the publisher parameters
    if options.conf and not os.path.isfile(options.conf):
        parser.error('Configuration file "%s" doesn\'t exist' % options.conf)

    configspec = configobj.ConfigObj(publisher_options_spec)

    if options.conf:
        configspec.merge({'here': 'string(default="%s")' % os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(options.conf))})

    choices = ', '. join('"%s"' % entry.name for entry in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('nagare.publishers'))
    configspec.merge({'publisher': {'type': 'option(%s, default="standalone")' % choices}})

    choices = ', '. join('"%s"' % entry.name for entry in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('nagare.sessions'))
    configspec.merge({'sessions': {'type': 'option(%s, default="standalone")' % choices}})

    conf = configobj.ConfigObj(options.conf, configspec=configspec, interpolation='Template')
    config.validate(options.conf, conf, parser.error)

    # The options in the command line overwrite the parameters read into the configuration file
    for name, section, key in (
        ('host', 'publisher', 'host'),
        ('port', 'publisher', 'port'),
        ('debug', 'publisher', 'debug'),
        ('reload', 'reloader', 'activated')
        option = getattr(options, name)
        if option is not None:
            conf[section][key] = option

    return conf
Exemplo n.º 12
    def set_config(self, filename, conf, error):
        """Read the configuration parameters

          - ``filename`` -- the path to the configuration file
          - ``conf`` -- the ``ConfigObj`` object, created from the configuration file
          - ``error`` -- the function to call in case of configuration errors
        conf = {k: v for k, v in conf.iteritems() if k in self.spec}
        conf = configobj.ConfigObj(conf, configspec=self.spec)
        config.validate(filename, conf, error)

        self.states_history = conf['states_history']
        self.security_cookie_name = conf['security_cookie_name']

        pickler = reference.load_object(conf['pickler'])[0]
        unpickler = reference.load_object(conf['unpickler'])[0]
        serializer = reference.load_object(conf['serializer'])[0]
        self.serializer = serializer(pickler, unpickler)

        return conf
Exemplo n.º 13
    def set_config(self, filename, conf, error):
        """Read the configuration parameters

          - ``filename`` -- the path to the configuration file
          - ``conf`` -- the ``ConfigObj`` object, created from the configuration file
          - ``error`` -- the function to call in case of configuration errors
        conf = {k: v for k, v in conf.iteritems() if k in self.spec}
        conf = configobj.ConfigObj(conf, configspec=self.spec)
        config.validate(filename, conf, error)

        self.states_history = conf['states_history']
        self.security_cookie_name = conf['security_cookie_name']

        pickler = reference.load_object(conf['pickler'])[0]
        unpickler = reference.load_object(conf['unpickler'])[0]
        serializer = reference.load_object(conf['serializer'])[0]
        self.serializer = serializer(pickler, unpickler)

        return conf
Exemplo n.º 14
    def _validate_conf(self, filename, conf, error):
        """Validate the configuration read from the publisher configuration file

         -  ``filename`` -- the path to the configuration file
         - ``conf`` -- the ``ConfigObj`` object, created from the configuration file
         - ``error`` -- the function to call in case of configuration errors

         - the tuple:

           - hostname to listen to
           - port to listen to
           - conf object
        conf = {k: v for k, v in conf.iteritems() if k in self.spec}
        conf = configobj.ConfigObj(conf, configspec=self.spec, interpolation='Template')
        config.validate(filename, conf, error)
        conf = {k: v for k, v in conf.iteritems() if v is not None}

        return conf.pop('host'), conf.pop('port'), conf
Exemplo n.º 15
    def _validate_conf(self, filename, conf, error):
        """Validate the configuration read from the publisher configuration file

         -  ``filename`` -- the path to the configuration file
         - ``conf`` -- the ``ConfigObj`` object, created from the configuration file
         - ``error`` -- the function to call in case of configuration errors

         - the tuple:

           - hostname to listen to
           - port to listen to
           - conf object
        conf = dict([(k, v) for (k, v) in conf.items() if k in self.spec])
        conf = configobj.ConfigObj(conf, configspec=self.spec, interpolation="Template")
        config.validate(filename, conf, error)
        conf = dict([(k, v) for (k, v) in conf.items() if v is not None])

        return (conf.pop("host"), conf.pop("port"), conf)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def set_config(self, config_filename, conf, error):
        """Process the configuration file

          - ``config_filename`` -- the path to the configuration file
          - ``config`` -- the ``ConfigObj`` object, created from the configuration file
          - ``error`` -- the function to call in case of configuration errors
        conf = configobj.ConfigObj(conf, configspec=configobj.ConfigObj(WSGIApp.spec))
        config.validate(config_filename, conf, error)

        self.allow_extensions = conf['navigator']['allow_extensions']
        self.nagare_sources = conf['navigator']['nagare_sources']
        self.editor_config = dict([(k, str(v).lower() if isinstance(v, bool) else v) for (k, v) in conf['editor'].items()])

        # Create and configure the security manager
        # -----------------------------------------

        self.security = reference.load_object(conf['security']['manager'])[0]()
        self.security.set_config(config_filename, conf['security'], error)

        super(WSGIApp, self).set_config(config_filename, conf, error)
Exemplo n.º 17
def read_application_options(cfgfile, error, default={}):
    """Read the configuration file for the application

      - ``cfgfile`` -- path to an application configuration file
      - ``error`` -- the function to call in case of configuration errors
      - ``default`` -- optional default values

      - a ``ConfigObj`` of the application parameters
    if default:
        default["name"] = 'string(default="%s")' % configobj.ConfigObj(cfgfile)["application"]["name"]

    spec = configobj.ConfigObj(default)

    choices = ", ".join(['"%s"' % entry.name for entry in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points("nagare.sessions")])
    spec.merge({"sessions": {"type": 'option(%s, default="")' % (choices + ', ""')}})

    conf = configobj.ConfigObj(cfgfile, configspec=spec, interpolation="Template" if default else None)
    config.validate(cfgfile, conf, error)

    # The database sub-sections inherit from the database section
            uri="string(default=%s)" % str(conf["database"]["uri"]),
            metadata="string(default=%s)" % str(conf["database"]["metadata"]),
            debug="boolean(default=%s)" % str(conf["database"]["debug"]),
    conf = configobj.ConfigObj(cfgfile, configspec=spec, interpolation="Template" if default else None)
    config.validate(cfgfile, conf, error)

    if not conf["sessions"]["type"]:
        del conf["sessions"]["type"]

    return conf
Exemplo n.º 18
    def _validate_conf(self, filename, conf, error):
        """Validate the configuration read from the publisher configuration file

         -  ``filename`` -- the path to the configuration file
         - ``conf`` -- the ``ConfigObj`` object, created from the configuration file
         - ``error`` -- the function to call in case of configuration errors

         - the tuple:

           - hostname to listen to
           - port to listen to
           - conf object
        conf = {k: v for k, v in conf.iteritems() if k in self.spec}
        conf = configobj.ConfigObj(conf,
        config.validate(filename, conf, error)
        conf = {k: v for k, v in conf.iteritems() if v is not None}

        return conf.pop('host'), conf.pop('port'), conf
Exemplo n.º 19
    def set_config(self, config_filename, conf, error):
        super(WSGIApp, self).set_config(config_filename, conf, error)
        conf = configobj.ConfigObj(conf,
        config.validate(config_filename, conf, error)

        self._services = services.ServicesRepository(config_filename, error,

        self.as_root = conf['application']['as_root']
        self.app_title = unicode(conf['application']['title'], 'utf-8')
        self.theme = conf['application']['theme']
        self.application_path = conf['application']['path']

        # search_engine engine configuration
        self.search_engine = SearchEngine(**conf['search'])

        # other
        self.security = SecurityManager(conf['application']['crypto_key'])
        self.debug = conf['application']['debug']
        self.default_locale = i18n.Locale(conf['locale']['major'],
        tpl_cfg = conf['application']['templates']
        pub_cfg = {
            'disclaimer': conf['application']['disclaimer'].decode('utf-8'),
            'banner': conf['application']['banner'].decode('utf-8'),
            'favicon': conf['application']['favicon'].decode('utf-8')
        self.app_cfg = {
            'authentication': conf['authentication'],
            'tpl_cfg': tpl_cfg,
            'pub_cfg': pub_cfg
        self.activity_monitor = conf['application']['activity_monitor']
Exemplo n.º 20
def read_application_options(cfgfile, error, default={}):
    """Read the configuration file for the application

      - ``cfgfile`` -- path to an application configuration file
      - ``error`` -- the function to call in case of configuration errors
      - ``default`` -- optional default values

      - a ``ConfigObj`` of the application parameters
    if default:
        default['name'] = 'string(default="%s")' % configobj.ConfigObj(cfgfile)['application']['name']

    spec = configobj.ConfigObj(default)

    choices = ', '. join(['"%s"' % entry.name for entry in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('nagare.sessions')])
    spec.merge({ 'sessions' : { 'type' : 'option(%s, default="")' % (choices + ', ""') } })

    conf = configobj.ConfigObj(cfgfile, configspec=spec, interpolation='Template' if default else None)
    config.validate(cfgfile, conf, error)

    # The database sub-sections inherit from the database section
                            uri = 'string(default=%s)' % str(conf['database']['uri']),
                            metadata = 'string(default=%s)' % str(conf['database']['metadata']),
                            debug = 'boolean(default=%s)' % str(conf['database']['debug']),
    conf = configobj.ConfigObj(cfgfile, configspec=spec, interpolation='Template' if default else None)
    config.validate(cfgfile, conf, error)

    if not conf['sessions']['type']:
        del conf['sessions']['type']

    return conf