Exemplo n.º 1
def getOptPort(naRets,
	@summary Returns the Markowitz optimum portfolio for a specific return.
	@param naRets: Daily returns of the various stocks (using returnize1)
	@param fTarget: Target return, i.e. 0.04 = 4% per period
	@param lPeriod: Period to compress the returns to, e.g. 7 = weekly
	@param naLower: List of floats which corresponds to lower portfolio% for each stock
	@param naUpper: List of floats which corresponds to upper portfolio% for each stock 
	@return tuple: (weights of portfolio, min possible return, max possible return)
    ''' Attempt to import library '''
        import nagint as nag
    except ImportError:
        print 'Could not import NAG library, make sure nagint.so is in your python path'
        return ([], 0, 0)
    ''' Get number of stocks '''
    lStocks = naRets.shape[1]
    ''' If period != 1 we need to restructure the data '''
    if (lPeriod != 1):
        naRets = getReindexedRets(naRets, lPeriod)
    ''' Calculate means and covariance '''
    naAvgRets = np.average(naRets, axis=0)
    naCov = np.cov(naRets, rowvar=False)
    ''' Special case for None == fTarget, simply return average returns and cov '''
    if (fTarget is None):
        return naAvgRets, np.std(naRets, axis=0)
    ''' Calculate upper and lower limits of variables as well as constraints '''
    if (naUpper is None):
        naUpper = np.ones(lStocks)  # max portfolio % is 1

    if (naLower is None):
        naLower = np.zeros(lStocks)  # min is 0, set negative for shorting
    ''' Two extra constraints for linear conditions, result = desired return, and sum of weights = 1 '''
    naUpper = np.append(naUpper, [fTarget, 1.0])
    naLower = np.append(naLower, [fTarget, 1.0])
    ''' Initial estimate of portfolio '''
    naInitial = np.array([1.0 / lStocks] * lStocks)
    ''' Set up constraints matrix, composed of expected returns in row one, unity row in row two '''
    naConstraints = np.vstack((naAvgRets, np.ones(lStocks)))
    ''' Get portfolio weights, last entry in array is actually variance '''
        naReturn = nag.optPort(naConstraints, naLower, naUpper, naCov,
                               naInitial, lNagDebug)
    except RuntimeError:
        print 'NAG Runtime error with target: %.02lf' % (fTarget)
        return (naInitial, sqrt(naCov[0][0])
                )  #return semi-junk to not mess up the rest of the plot
    ''' Calculate stdev of entire portfolio to return, what NAG returns is slightly different '''
    fPortDev = np.std(np.dot(naRets, naReturn[0, 0:-1]))
    ''' Show difference between above stdev and sqrt NAG covariance, possibly not taking correlation into account '''
    #print fPortDev / sqrt(naReturn[0,-1])
    ''' Return weights and stdDev of portfolio.  note again the last value of naReturn is NAG's reported variance '''
    return (naReturn[0, 0:-1], fPortDev)
Exemplo n.º 2
def getOptPort(rets, f_target, l_period=1, naLower=None, naUpper=None, lNagDebug=0):
    @summary Returns the Markowitz optimum portfolio for a specific return.
    @param rets: Daily returns of the various stocks (using returnize1)
    @param f_target: Target return, i.e. 0.04 = 4% per period
    @param l_period: Period to compress the returns to, e.g. 7 = weekly
    @param naLower: List of floats which corresponds to lower portfolio% for each stock
    @param naUpper: List of floats which corresponds to upper portfolio% for each stock 
    @return tuple: (weights of portfolio, min possible return, max possible return)
    # Attempt to import library """
        import nagint as nag
    except ImportError:
        print 'Could not import NAG library'
        print 'make sure nagint.so is in your python path'
        return ([], 0, 0)
    # Get number of stocks """
    lStocks = rets.shape[1]
    # If period != 1 we need to restructure the data """
    if( l_period != 1 ):
        rets = getReindexedRets( rets, l_period)
    # Calculate means and covariance """
    naAvgRets = np.average( rets, axis=0 )
    naCov = np.cov( rets, rowvar=False )
    # Special case for None == f_target"""
    # simply return average returns and cov """
    if( f_target is None ):
        return naAvgRets, np.std(rets, axis=0)
    # Calculate upper and lower limits of variables as well as constraints """
    if( naUpper is None ): 
        naUpper = np.ones( lStocks )  # max portfolio % is 1
    if( naLower is None ): 
        naLower = np.zeros( lStocks ) # min is 0, set negative for shorting
    # Two extra constraints for linear conditions"""
    # result = desired return, and sum of weights = 1 """
    naUpper = np.append( naUpper, [f_target, 1.0] )
    naLower = np.append( naLower, [f_target, 1.0] )
    # Initial estimate of portfolio """
    naInitial = np.array([1.0/lStocks]*lStocks)
    # Set up constraints matrix"""
    # composed of expected returns in row one, unity row in row two """
    naConstraints = np.vstack( (naAvgRets, np.ones(lStocks)) )

    # Get portfolio weights, last entry in array is actually variance """
        naReturn = nag.optPort( naConstraints, naLower, naUpper, \
                                      naCov, naInitial, lNagDebug )
    except RuntimeError:
        print 'NAG Runtime error with target: %.02lf'%(f_target)
        return ( naInitial, sqrt( naCov[0][0] ) )  
    #return semi-junk to not mess up the rest of the plot

    # Calculate stdev of entire portfolio to return"""
    # what NAG returns is slightly different """
    fPortDev = np.std( np.dot(rets, naReturn[0,0:-1]) )
    # Show difference between above stdev and sqrt NAG covariance"""
    # possibly not taking correlation into account """
    #print fPortDev / sqrt(naReturn[0, -1]) 

    # Return weights and stdDev of portfolio."""
    #  note again the last value of naReturn is NAG's reported variance """
    return (naReturn[0, 0:-1], fPortDev)