Exemplo n.º 1
def run():
    """Execute the plugin"""
    # Plugin arguments
    options = process_plugin_options()

    # Get the output of license manager command, catching errors
        if options.debug:
            output = backend.util.test_from_file("../tests/lstc_status.txt")
            output = backend.lstc.status("%s" % options.license)
    except backend.lstc.LstcStatusError as e:
        raise NagiosCritical("%s (code: %s, license: '%s') !" %
                             (e.errmsg, e.retcode, e.license))

    # Globals
    connected_users = []

    for line in output:
        # Checking number of connected users
        connected_users_pattern = re.compile(
        connected_users_match = connected_users_pattern.search(line)
        if connected_users_match:

    # Checking for unknown errors
    if not connected_users:
        raise NagiosUnknown("Unexpected error ! Check with debug mode.")

    # Format Nagios output
    # --------------------
    nagios_output = "LSTC: There %s %d license%s used."
    nagios_longoutput = ''

    # Plural syntax if more than 1 user
    if len(connected_users) > 1:
        verb = 'are'
        plural = 's'
        verb = 'is'
        plural = ''

    # Output to Nagios
    nagios_output = nagios_output % (verb, len(connected_users), plural)
    if not options.nolongoutput:
        nagios_longoutput = '\n'
        for user in connected_users:
            nagios_longoutput += "User %s from host %s.\n" % (user[0], user[1])
    raise NagiosOk(nagios_output + nagios_longoutput)
def run():
    """Execute the plugin"""
    # Plugin arguments
    options = process_plugin_options()
    # Get the output of license manager command, catching errors
        if options.debug:
            output = backend.util.test_from_file("../tests/lstc_status.txt")
            output = backend.lstc.status("%s" % options.license)
    except backend.lstc.LstcStatusError as e:
        raise NagiosCritical("%s (code: %s, license: '%s') !" % (e.errmsg, e.retcode, e.license))

    # Globals
    connected_users = []

    for line in output:
        # Checking number of connected users
        connected_users_pattern = re.compile(r'^(?:\s+|)(\w+)\s+(\d+@[\w\d.]+)')
        connected_users_match = connected_users_pattern.search(line)
        if connected_users_match:
            connected_users.append((connected_users_match.group(1), connected_users_match.group(2)))

    # Checking for unknown errors
    if not connected_users:
        raise NagiosUnknown("Unexpected error ! Check with debug mode.")

    # Format Nagios output
    # --------------------
    nagios_output = "LSTC: There %s %d license%s used."
    nagios_longoutput = ''

    # Plural syntax if more than 1 user
    if len(connected_users) > 1:
        verb = 'are'
        plural = 's'
        verb = 'is'
        plural =''

    # Output to Nagios
    nagios_output = nagios_output % (verb, len(connected_users), plural)
    if not options.nolongoutput:
        nagios_longoutput = '\n'
        for user in connected_users:
            nagios_longoutput += "User %s from host %s.\n" % (user[0], user[1])
    raise NagiosOk(nagios_output + nagios_longoutput)
Exemplo n.º 3
def run():
    """Execute the plugin"""
    # Plugin arguments
    options = process_plugin_options()

    # Get the output of license manager command, catching errors
        if options.debug:
            output = backend.util.test_from_file("../tests/lum_status.txt")
            output = backend.lum.status("{0.license}".format(options))
    except backend.lum.LumStatusError as e:
        raise NagiosCritical(
            "{0.errmsg} (code: {0.retcode}, license: '{0.license}') !".format(

    # Find line showing state of license server
    servers_up = []
    for line in output:
        server_state_line_pattern = re.compile(r"\s+ip:(.*)\s\(WIN32\)")
        server_state_line_match = server_state_line_pattern.search(line)
        if server_state_line_match:

    # Format output to Nagios
    nagios_longoutput = ""
    nagios_output = ""
    if len(servers_up) > 0:
        if not options.nolongoutput:
            for server in servers_up:
                nagios_longoutput += "\nServer up: {0}".format(server)

        if len(servers_up) > 1:
            nagios_output = "{0} servers are serving licenses.".format(
            nagios_output = "{0} server is serving license.".format(
        raise NagiosOk(nagios_output + nagios_longoutput)
        raise NagiosCritical("LUM status is not correct, please check !")
def run():
    """Execute the plugin"""
    # Plugin arguments
    options = process_plugin_options()
    # Get the output of license manager command, catching errors
        if options.debug:
            output = backend.util.test_from_file("../tests/lum_status.txt")
            output = backend.lum.status("{0.license}".format(options))
    except backend.lum.LumStatusError as e:
        raise NagiosCritical("{0.errmsg} (code: {0.retcode}, license: '{0.license}') !".format(e))

    # Find line showing state of license server
    servers_up = []
    for line in output:
        server_state_line_pattern = re.compile(r"\s+ip:(.*)\s\(WIN32\)")
        server_state_line_match = server_state_line_pattern.search(line)
        if server_state_line_match:

    # Format output to Nagios
    nagios_longoutput = ""
    nagios_output = ""
    if len(servers_up) > 0:
        if not options.nolongoutput:
            for server in servers_up:
                nagios_longoutput += "\nServer up: {0}".format(server)

        if len(servers_up) > 1:
            nagios_output = "{0} servers are serving licenses.".format(len(servers_up))
            nagios_output = "{0} server is serving license.".format(len(servers_up))
        raise NagiosOk(nagios_output + nagios_longoutput)
        raise NagiosCritical("LUM status is not correct, please check !")
Exemplo n.º 5
def run():
    """Execute the plugin"""

    # Plugin arguments
    # ----------------
    # Define custom arguments for this plugin using argparser
    argparser.add_option('-m', dest='mode', choices=('status', 'expire'), help='Mode for the plugins, either "status" (default) or "expire".')
    # Define common arguments to all plugins
    options = process_plugin_options()

    # Check mandatory arguments
    if not options.port:
        raise NagiosUnknown("Syntax error: missing port information !")
    if not options.mode:
        raise NagiosUnknown("Syntax error: missing mode information !")

    # Get the output of license manager command, catching errors
        output = backend.lmx.status_xml("%s" % options.license, options.port)
    except backend.lmx.LmxStatusError as e:
        raise NagiosCritical("%s (code: %s, license: '%s') !" % (e.errmsg, e.retcode, e.license))

    # Process XML data
    xml_data = XML.parseString(output)
    all_features_tags = xml_data.getElementsByTagName('FEATURE')

    if not len(all_features_tags):
        raise NagiosCritical('Problem to query LM-X license manager on port %s from host %s !' % (options.port, options.license))
    # Get all features and compute stats (used, free, total licenses...)
    features = backend.lmx.Features()

    for node_feature in all_features_tags:
        feature = node_feature.getAttribute('NAME')
        used_licenses = node_feature.getAttribute('USED_LICENSES')
        total_licenses = node_feature.getAttribute('TOTAL_LICENSES')
        expire_date = node_feature.getAttribute('END')

        feature = backend.lmx.Feature(feature, used_licenses, total_licenses, expire_date)

    # Format Nagios output
    # --------------------
    # STATUS
    if options.mode == 'status':
        nagios_output = str(features)
        nagios_longoutput = ''
        nagios_perfdata = features.print_perfdata()

        # Must we show long output ?
        if not options.nolongoutput:
            nagios_longoutput = '\nFeatures details:\n\n'
            for feature in features:
                nagios_longoutput += '%s\n' % feature

        raise NagiosOk(nagios_output + nagios_longoutput + nagios_perfdata)
    elif options.mode == 'expire':
        days_remaining = features.calc_expired_license()
        if min(days_remaining.values()) > 15:
            raise NagiosOk('Features are up-to-date.')

        count = 0
        nagios_output = ''
        nagios_longoutput = '\n'

        # Check first for expired licenses
        if 0 in days_remaining.values():
            for feature in days_remaining:
                if not days_remaining[feature]:
                    nagios_longoutput += '** %s is expired ! **\n' % feature
                    count += 1
            nagios_output = 'There are %d features expired !' % count

            # Do not show long output if specified
            if not options.nolongoutput:
                nagios_output += nagios_longoutput

            raise NagiosCritical(nagios_output)
            # Check for about to expire licenses
            for feature in days_remaining:
                if days_remaining[feature] > 0 and days_remaining[feature] <= 15:
                    nagios_longoutput += '%s expires in %d day(s).\n' % (feature, days_remaining[feature])
                    count +=1
            nagios_output = 'There are %d features about to expire !' % count

            # Do not show long output if specified
            if not options.nolongoutput:
                nagios_output += nagios_longoutput

            raise NagiosWarning(nagios_output)
def run():
    """Execute the plugin"""
    # Plugin arguments
    options = process_plugin_options()
    # Get the output of lmutil / lmstat, catching errors
        if options.debug:
            output = backend.util.test_from_file("../tests/lmstat_expiration.txt")
            output = backend.flexlm.expiration("%s" % options.license, options.timeout)
    except backend.flexlm.FlexlmStatusError as e:
        raise NagiosCritical("%s (code: %s, license: '%s') !" % (e.errmsg, e.retcode, e.license))
    # Some globals
    features_list = {
        'uptodate': [],
        'about_to_expire': [],
        'expired': [],
    }                                       # Store all features informations.
    nbfeature_expired = 0                   # Counter for the number of expired.
                                            # feature.
    nbfeature_about_to_expire = 0           # Counter for the number of feature
                                            # about to expire.
    # Compile regexp used to check lmstat output
    regexp_feature_info = re.compile(
    # Retrieve features informations
    for line in output:
        # The feature dict contains the following keys: name, expire_date.
        # name: the feature name as string.
        # expire_date: the date string of the form "%d-%b-%Y" when this feature
        # will expire.
        feature = {}
        match_feature_info_line = regexp_feature_info.search(line)
        if match_feature_info_line:
            remaining_days = time_left(feature['expire_date'])
            if 0 < remaining_days < 15:
                nbfeature_about_to_expire += 1
                    (feature['name'], feature['expire_date']))
            elif remaining_days <= 0:
                nbfeature_expired += 1

    # Formating Nagios output
    nagios_output = ""
    nagios_longoutput = ""

    # Checking if there is feature with problem, then output to Nagios
    if len(features_list['expired']) > 0:
        nagios_output = "There are %d licenses expired !\n" % len(
        if not options.nolongoutput:
            for feature in features_list['expired']:
                nagios_longoutput += "Feature '%s' is expired !\n" % feature
        raise NagiosCritical(nagios_output + nagios_longoutput)
    elif len(features_list['about_to_expire']) > 0:
        nagios_output = "There are %d licenses about to expire !\n" % len(
        if not options.nolongoutput:
            for feature in features_list['about_to_expire']:
                name, expire_date = feature
                nagios_longoutput += "Feature '%s' will expire on %s !\n" % (
                    name, expire_date)
        raise NagiosWarning(nagios_output + nagios_longoutput)
        nagios_output = "All features licenses are up to date.\n"
        if not options.nolongoutput:
            for feature in features_list['uptodate']:
                name, expire_date = feature
                nagios_longoutput += "Feature '%s' will expire on %s.\n" % (
                    name, expire_date)
        raise NagiosOk(nagios_output + nagios_longoutput)
def run():
    """Execute the plugin"""
    # Plugin arguments
    options = process_plugin_options()
    # Get the output of lmutil / lmstat, catching errors
        if options.debug:
            output = backend.util.test_from_file("../tests/lmstat_status.txt")
            output = backend.flexlm.status("%s" % options.license,
    except backend.flexlm.FlexlmStatusError as e:
        raise NagiosCritical("%s (code: %s, license: '%s') !" % (e.errmsg, e.retcode, e.license))
    # Some globals
    all_feature_stats = []             # Store all features statistics
    feature_error = 0                  # Counter for the number of feature in error
    total_license_available = 0        # The total license available (sum of total license issued for all features)
    total_license_used = 0             # The total license in use (sum of total license in use for all features)
    vendor_daemon = ""                 # Store the vendor daemon name
    # Compile regexp used to check output
    regexp_vendor_daemon = re.compile(r'\s*(.*): UP')
    regexp_feature_name = re.compile(r'^Users of (.*):')
    regexp_feature_stats = re.compile(r'^Users of .*: .* of (?P<total>\d+) .* issued; .* of (?P<in_use>\d+) .* in use')

    # Checking if Vendor daemon is UP
    for line in output:
        match = regexp_vendor_daemon.search(line)
        if match:
            vendor_daemon = match.group(1)
    if len(vendor_daemon) == 0:
        raise NagiosCritical("No vendor daemon is running !")

    if options.with_stat:
        # Retrieve features informations
        for line in output:
            feature = {
                       'name': '',
                       'in_use': '0',
                       'total': '0',
                       'status': '',
            match_feature_line = regexp_feature_name.search(line)
            if match_feature_line:
                # Store feature name
                feature["name"] = match_feature_line.group(1)

                # Checking if this is possible to get stats from the feature
                match_feature_stats = regexp_feature_stats.search(line)
                if match_feature_stats:
                    feature["status"] = "OK"

                    # Calculate some stats about license usage
                    total_license_available += int(feature["total"])
                    total_license_used += int(feature["in_use"])
                    feature["status"] = "ERROR"


        # Formating Nagios output
        nagios_output = ""
        nagios_longoutput = ""
        nagios_perfdata = format_perfdata(all_feature_stats)

        # Output if errors are found in features
        if feature_error > 0:
            if not options.nolongoutput:
                for feature in all_feature_stats:
                    if feature["status"] == "ERROR":
                        nagios_longoutput += "Feature: %s\n" % feature["name"]

            nagios_output = "%s: %d feature(s) in error(s) !\n%s" % (vendor_daemon, feature_error, nagios_longoutput.rstrip('\n'))
            raise NagiosCritical(nagios_output + nagios_perfdata)

        # Output when everything is fine
        if not options.nolongoutput:
            for feature in all_feature_stats:
                nagios_longoutput += "Feature '%s': %s / %s\n" % (feature["name"], feature["in_use"], feature["total"])

        nagios_output = "%s: usage: %d / %d license(s) available.\n%s" % (vendor_daemon, total_license_used, total_license_available, nagios_longoutput.rstrip('\n'))

        raise NagiosOk(nagios_output + nagios_perfdata)
        raise NagiosOk("Vendor daemon %s is up !" % vendor_daemon)
def run():
    """Execute the plugin"""
    # Plugin arguments
    options = process_plugin_options()

    # Get the output of lmutil / lmstat, catching errors
        if options.debug:
            output = backend.util.test_from_file(
            output = backend.flexlm.expiration("%s" % options.license,
    except backend.flexlm.FlexlmStatusError as e:
        raise NagiosCritical("%s (code: %s, license: '%s') !" %
                             (e.errmsg, e.retcode, e.license))

    # Some globals
    features_list = {
        'uptodate': [],
        'about_to_expire': [],
        'expired': [],
    }  # Store all features informations.
    nbfeature_expired = 0  # Counter for the number of expired.
    # feature.
    nbfeature_about_to_expire = 0  # Counter for the number of feature
    # about to expire.

    # Compile regexp used to check lmstat output
    regexp_feature_info = re.compile(

    # Retrieve features informations
    for line in output:
        # The feature dict contains the following keys: name, expire_date.
        # name: the feature name as string.
        # expire_date: the date string of the form "%d-%b-%Y" when this feature
        # will expire.
        feature = {}
        match_feature_info_line = regexp_feature_info.search(line)
        if match_feature_info_line:

            remaining_days = time_left(feature['expire_date'])
            if 0 < remaining_days < 15:
                nbfeature_about_to_expire += 1
                    (feature['name'], feature['expire_date']))
            elif remaining_days <= 0:
                nbfeature_expired += 1
                    (feature['name'], feature['expire_date']))

    # Formating Nagios output
    nagios_output = ""
    nagios_longoutput = ""

    # Checking if there is feature with problem, then output to Nagios
    if len(features_list['expired']) > 0:
        nagios_output = "There are %d licenses expired !\n" % len(
        if not options.nolongoutput:
            for feature in features_list['expired']:
                nagios_longoutput += "Feature '%s' is expired !\n" % feature
        raise NagiosCritical(nagios_output + nagios_longoutput)
    elif len(features_list['about_to_expire']) > 0:
        nagios_output = "There are %d licenses about to expire !\n" % len(
        if not options.nolongoutput:
            for feature in features_list['about_to_expire']:
                name, expire_date = feature
                nagios_longoutput += "Feature '%s' will expire on %s !\n" % (
                    name, expire_date)
        raise NagiosWarning(nagios_output + nagios_longoutput)
        nagios_output = "All features licenses are up to date.\n"
        if not options.nolongoutput:
            for feature in features_list['uptodate']:
                name, expire_date = feature
                nagios_longoutput += "Feature '%s' will expire on %s.\n" % (
                    name, expire_date)
        raise NagiosOk(nagios_output + nagios_longoutput)
Exemplo n.º 9
def run():
    """Execute the plugin"""
    # Plugin arguments
    options = process_plugin_options()

    # Get the output of lmutil / lmstat, catching errors
        if options.debug:
            output = backend.util.test_from_file("../tests/lmstat_status.txt")
            output = backend.flexlm.status("%s" % options.license,
                                           options.timeout, options.with_stat)
    except backend.flexlm.FlexlmStatusError as e:
        raise NagiosCritical("%s (code: %s, license: '%s') !" %
                             (e.errmsg, e.retcode, e.license))

    # Some globals
    all_feature_stats = []  # Store all features statistics
    feature_error = 0  # Counter for the number of feature in error
    total_license_available = 0  # The total license available (sum of total license issued for all features)
    total_license_used = 0  # The total license in use (sum of total license in use for all features)
    vendor_daemon = ""  # Store the vendor daemon name

    # Compile regexp used to check output
    regexp_vendor_daemon = re.compile(r'\s*(.*): UP')
    regexp_feature_name = re.compile(r'^Users of (.*):')
    regexp_feature_stats = re.compile(
        r'^Users of .*: .* of (?P<total>\d+) .* issued; .* of (?P<in_use>\d+) .* in use'

    # Checking if Vendor daemon is UP
    for line in output:
        match = regexp_vendor_daemon.search(line)
        if match:
            vendor_daemon = match.group(1)

    if len(vendor_daemon) == 0:
        raise NagiosCritical("No vendor daemon is running !")

    if options.with_stat:
        # Retrieve features informations
        for line in output:
            feature = {
                'name': '',
                'in_use': '0',
                'total': '0',
                'status': '',
            match_feature_line = regexp_feature_name.search(line)
            if match_feature_line:
                # Store feature name
                feature["name"] = match_feature_line.group(1)

                # Checking if this is possible to get stats from the feature
                match_feature_stats = regexp_feature_stats.search(line)
                if match_feature_stats:
                    feature["status"] = "OK"

                    # Calculate some stats about license usage
                    total_license_available += int(feature["total"])
                    total_license_used += int(feature["in_use"])
                    feature["status"] = "ERROR"
                    feature_error += 1


        # Formating Nagios output
        nagios_output = ""
        nagios_longoutput = ""
        nagios_perfdata = format_perfdata(all_feature_stats)

        # Output if errors are found in features
        if feature_error > 0:
            if not options.nolongoutput:
                for feature in all_feature_stats:
                    if feature["status"] == "ERROR":
                        nagios_longoutput += "Feature: %s\n" % feature["name"]

            nagios_output = "%s: %d feature(s) in error(s) !\n%s" % (
                vendor_daemon, feature_error, nagios_longoutput.rstrip('\n'))
            raise NagiosCritical(nagios_output + nagios_perfdata)

        # Output when everything is fine
        if not options.nolongoutput:
            for feature in all_feature_stats:
                nagios_longoutput += "Feature '%s': %s / %s\n" % (
                    feature["name"], feature["in_use"], feature["total"])

        nagios_output = "%s: usage: %d / %d license(s) available.\n%s" % (
            vendor_daemon, total_license_used, total_license_available,

        raise NagiosOk(nagios_output + nagios_perfdata)
        raise NagiosOk("Vendor daemon %s is up !" % vendor_daemon)