Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_plugin_object_props(self):

        log.info("Testing NagiosPlugin object properties.")

        plugin = NagiosPlugin()
        self.assertIsInstance(plugin, NagiosPlugin)

        log.debug("Setting shortname explicitly to 'PAGESIZE'.")
        plugin.shortname = "PAGESIZE"
        self.assertEqual(plugin.shortname, "PAGESIZE")

        log.debug("Resetting plugin to default.")
        plugin = NagiosPlugin()
        self.assertEqual(plugin.shortname, "TEST_PLUGIN_01")

        log.debug("Creating plugin with a shortname 'SIZE' on init.")
        plugin = NagiosPlugin(shortname='SIZE')
        self.assertEqual(plugin.shortname, "SIZE")

        log.debug("Creating plugin with a plugin name 'check_stuff'")
        plugin = NagiosPlugin(plugin='check_stuff')
        self.assertEqual(plugin.shortname, "STUFF")

        log.debug("Creating plugin with a shortname 'SIZE' and a plugin " +
                  "name 'check_stuff' on init.")
        plugin = NagiosPlugin(shortname='SIZE', plugin='check_stuff')
        self.assertEqual(plugin.shortname, "SIZE")

        log.debug("Setting thresholds to warn if < 10, critical if > 25.")
        t = plugin.set_thresholds(warning="10:25", critical="~:25")
        self.assertIsInstance(t, NagiosThreshold)

        log.debug("Adding performance data size ...")
        plugin.add_perfdata(label="size", value=1, uom="kB", threshold=t)
        pdata = plugin.all_perfoutput()
        log.debug("Got performance data: %r", pdata)
        self.assertEqual(pdata, 'size=1kB;10:25;~:25')

        log.debug("Adding performance data time ...")
        plugin.add_perfdata(label="time", value=3.52, threshold=t)
        pdata = plugin.all_perfoutput()
        log.debug("Got performance data: %r", pdata)
        self.assertEqual(pdata, 'size=1kB;10:25;~:25 time=3.52;10:25;~:25')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def setUp(self):

        super(TestNagiosPlugin3, self).setUp()

        self.plugin_name = 'TEST_CHECK_MESSAGES'
        self.plugin = NagiosPlugin(shortname=self.plugin_name)

        self.msgs = {
            'critical': 'A B C',
            'warning': 'D E F',
            'ok': 'G I H',
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_read_file(self):

        log.info("Testing reading a file by a Nagios plugin.")
        plugin = NagiosPlugin(
            usage='%(prog)s --hello',
            blurb='Sample Nagios plugin for reading a file.',
            'Licence: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), Version 3',
            extra='Bla blub',
        if self.verbose > 3:
            log.debug("NagiosPluginArgparse object: %s", str(plugin))
        log.debug("Reading file %r ...", self.tmp_file)
        content = plugin.read_file(self.tmp_file)
        self.assertEqual(content, TEST_CONTENT)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_plugin_object(self):

        log.info("Testing NagiosPlugin object.")
        plugin = NagiosPlugin(
            usage='%(prog)s --hello',
            blurb='Senseless sample Nagios plugin.',
            'Licence: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), Version 3',
            extra='Bla blub',
        plugin.add_perfdata('bla', 10, 'MByte', warning='20', critical='30')
        plugin.set_thresholds(warning='10:25', critical="~:25")
        plugin.add_message(nagios.state.ok, 'bli', 'bla')
        plugin.add_message('warning', 'blub')
        log.debug("NagiosPluginArgparse object: %r", plugin)
        log.debug("NagiosPluginArgparse object: %s", str(plugin))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_read_non_existing(self):

        log.info("Testing trying to read a non existing file.")
        plugin = NagiosPlugin(
            usage='%(prog)s --hello',
            blurb='Sample Nagios plugin for reading a file.',
            'Licence: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), Version 3',
            extra='Bla blub',
        if self.verbose > 3:
            log.debug("NagiosPluginArgparse object: %s", str(plugin))
        log.debug("Removing %r ...", self.tmp_file)
        log.debug("Reading file %r ...", self.tmp_file)
        with self.assertRaises(IOError) as cm:
            content = plugin.read_file(self.tmp_file)
        e = cm.exception
        log.debug("%s raised on read_file() with a non existing file: %s",
                  e.__class__.__name__, e)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_plugin_threshold_checks(self):

        log.info("Testing plugin threshold checks ...")

        plugin = NagiosPlugin(shortname='SIZE', plugin='check_stuff')
        log.debug("Setting thresholds to warn if < 10, critical if > 25.")
        t = plugin.set_thresholds(warning="10:25", critical="~:25")

        expected_results = OrderedDict()
        expected_results[-1] = nagios.state.warning
        expected_results[1] = nagios.state.warning
        expected_results[20] = nagios.state.ok
        expected_results[25] = nagios.state.ok
        expected_results[26] = nagios.state.critical
        expected_results[30] = nagios.state.critical

        for value in list(expected_results.keys()):
            ecpected_result = expected_results[value]
            got_result = t.get_status(value)
            log.debug("Checking value %d, expect result %d, got result %d.",
                      value, ecpected_result, got_result)
            self.assertEqual(got_result, ecpected_result)
Exemplo n.º 7
        %(prog)s -w 10: -c 4:

            Returns a warning, if the resulting number is less than 10,
            or a critical error, if it is less than 4.


    progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
    extra = textwrap.dedent(extra).strip() % {'prog': progname}

    plugin = NagiosPlugin(
            usage = '''%(prog)s [ -v|--verbose ] [-t <timeout>]
    -c|--critical <critical threshold>
    -w|--warning <warning threshold>
    [-r|--result <INTEGER>]''',
            version = __version__,
            url = 'http://www.profitbricks.com',
            blurb = blurb,
            extra = extra,

    help_warn = """\
    Minimum and maximum number of allowable result, outside of which a
    warning will be generated. If omitted, no warning is generated.
    help_warn = textwrap.dedent(help_warn)

    help_crit = """\
    Minimum and maximum number of allowable result, outside of which a
    critical will be generated.
Exemplo n.º 8
    def setUp(self):

        super(TestNagiosPlugin2, self).setUp()

        self.plugin_name = 'TEST_PLUGIN'
        self.plugin = NagiosPlugin(shortname = self.plugin_name)