Exemplo n.º 1
def cmd_spool(args=False):
    """[--maxage=<seconds>] [--warning=X] [--critical=X] <path> [--delete]
	Checks a certain spool directory for files (and files only) that
	are older than 'maxage'. It is intended to prevent buildup of
	checkresult files and unprocessed performance-data files in the
	various spool directories used by op5 Monitor.
	  --delete causes too old files to be removed.
	  --maxage is given in seconds and defaults to 300 (5 minutes).
	  <path> may be 'perfdata' or 'checks', in which case directory
	  names will be taken from op5 defaults.
	  --warning and --critical have no effect if '--delete' is given
	  and will otherwise specify threshold values.

	Only one directory at a time may be checked.
    maxage = 300
    warning = 5
    critical = 10
    path = False
    delete = False
    npcd_config = '/opt/monitor/etc/pnp/npcd.cfg'
    for arg in args:
        if arg.startswith('--maxage='):
            maxage = str_to_seconds(arg.split('=', 1)[1])
        elif arg.startswith('--warning='):
            warning = int(arg.split('=', 1)[1])
        elif arg.startswith('--critical='):
            critical = int(arg.split('=', 1)[1])
        elif arg == '--delete':
            delete = True
        elif path == False:
            path = arg

    if path == False:
        nplug.unknown("'path' is a required argument")

    if path == 'checks':
        path = check_result_path
    elif path == 'perfdata':
        if os.access(npcd_config, os.R_OK):
            comp = cconf.parse_conf(npcd_config)
            for k, v in comp.params:
                if k == 'perfdata_spool_dir':
                    path = v
            comp = False
            path = '/opt/monitor/var/spool/perfdata'

    bad = 0
    bad_paths = []
    now = int(time.time())
        result = get_files(path)
    except OSError, e:
                  "Spool directory \"%s\" doesn't exist" % (path, ))
Exemplo n.º 2
def cmd_spool(args=False):
	"""[--maxage=<seconds>] [--warning=X] [--critical=X] <path> [--delete]
	Checks a certain spool directory for files (and files only) that
	are older than 'maxage'. It is intended to prevent buildup of
	checkresult files and unprocessed performance-data files in the
	various spool directories used by op5 Monitor.
	  --delete causes too old files to be removed.
	  --maxage is given in seconds and defaults to 300 (5 minutes).
	  <path> may be 'perfdata' or 'checks', in which case directory
	  names will be taken from op5 defaults.
	  --warning and --critical have no effect if '--delete' is given
	  and will otherwise specify threshold values.

	Only one directory at a time may be checked.
	maxage = 300
	warning = 5
	critical = 10
	path = False
	delete = False
	npcd_config = '/opt/monitor/etc/pnp/npcd.cfg'
	for arg in args:
		if arg.startswith('--maxage='):
			maxage = str_to_seconds(arg.split('=', 1)[1])
		elif arg.startswith('--warning='):
			warning = int(arg.split('=', 1)[1])
		elif arg.startswith('--critical='):
			critical = int(arg.split('=', 1)[1])
		elif arg == '--delete':
			delete = True
		elif path == False:
			path = arg

	if path == False:
		nplug.unknown("'path' is a required argument")

	if path == 'checks':
		path = check_result_path
	elif path == 'perfdata':
		if os.access(npcd_config, os.R_OK):
			comp = cconf.parse_conf(npcd_config)
			for k, v in comp.params:
				if k == 'perfdata_spool_dir':
					path = v
			comp = False
			path = '/opt/monitor/var/spool/perfdata'

	bad = 0
	bad_paths = []
	now = int(time.time())
		result = get_files(path)
	except OSError, e:
		nplug.die(nplug.STATE_UNKNOWN, "Spool directory \"%s\" doesn't exist" % (path,))
Exemplo n.º 3
def cmd_cores(args=False):
	"""--warning=X --critical=X [--dir=]
	Checks for memory dumps resulting from segmentation violation from
	core parts of op5 Monitor. Detected core-files are moved to
	/tmp/mon-cores in order to keep working directories clean.
	  --warning  default is 0
	  --critical default is 1 (any corefile results in a critical alert)
	  --dir      lets you specify more paths to search for corefiles. This
	             option can be given multiple times.
	  --delete   deletes corefiles not coming from 'merlind' or 'monitor'
	warn = 0
	crit = 1
	dirs = ['/opt/monitor', '/opt/monitor/op5/merlin']
	delete = False
	debug = False
	for arg in args:
		if arg.startswith('--warning='):
			warn = int(arg.split('=', 1)[1])
		elif arg.startswith('--critical='):
			crit = int(arg.split('=', 1)[1])
		elif arg.startswith('--dir='):
			dirs.append(arg.split('=', 1)[1])
		elif arg == '--delete' or arg == '-D':
			delete = True
		elif arg == '--debug' or arg == '-d':
			debug = True
			nplug.unknown("Unknown argument: %s" % arg)

	core_pattern = '^core\..*'
	result = []
	for d in dirs:
		get_files(d, core_pattern, result)
	cores = 0
	for corefile in result:
		core = coredump(corefile)
		if core.invalid:
			if debug:
				print("Core is invalid: %s" % core.invalid_str())
			elif delete:
				except OSError:
		cores += 1
	if not cores:
		valid = ''
		if len(result):
			valid = '(valid) '
		nplug.ok("No %scorefiles found|cores=0;%d;%d;;" % (valid, warn, crit))

	state = nplug.STATE_OK
	if cores >= crit:
		state = nplug.STATE_CRITICAL
	elif cores >= warn:
		state = nplug.STATE_WARNING
	print("%s: %d corefiles found" % (nplug.state_name(state), cores))
Exemplo n.º 4
def cmd_status(args=False):
	Checks that all nodes are connected and run checks (analogous to mon node check).
	state = nplug.OK
	sinfo = list(get_merlin_nodeinfo(qh))
	if not sinfo:
		nplug.unknown("Found no checks, is nagios running?")

	host_checks = 0
	service_checks = 0
	for info in sinfo:
		t = info.get('type')
		if t in ('peer', 'local'):
			host_checks += int(info['host_checks_handled'])
			service_checks += int(info['service_checks_handled'])

	num_helpers = sum(mconf.num_nodes[x] for x in mconf.num_nodes.values() if x in ('peer', 'poller'))
	for info in sinfo:
		if info.get('state') != 'STATE_CONNECTED':
			print "Error: %s is not connected." % (info['name'])
			state = nplug.worst_state(state, nplug.CRITICAL)
		if not info.has_key('latency'):
			print "Error: Can't find latency information for %s - this shouldn't happen." % (info['name'])
			state = nplug.worst_state(state, nplug.CRITICAL)
		elif int(info['latency']) > 5000 or int(info['latency']) < -2000:
			print "Warning: Latency for %s is %ss." % (info['name'], float(info['latency']) / 1000)
			state = nplug.worst_state(state, nplug.WARNING)
		if info['type'] == 'peer' \
				and not (int(info.get('connect_time', 0)) + 30 > int(time.time())) \
				and info.get('self_assigned_peer_id', 0) != info.get('peer_id', 0):
			print "Warning: Peer id mismatch for %s: self-assigned=%s; real=%s." % (
					info.get('self_assigned_peer_id', 0),
					info.get('peer_id', 0))
			state = nplug.worst_state(state, nplug.WARNING)

		if not info.get('last_action'):
			print "Warning: Unable to determine when %s was last alive." % (info['name'])
			state = nplug.worst_state(state, nplug.UNKNOWN)
		elif not (int(info.get('last_action', 0)) + 30 > time.time()):
			print "Error: %s hasn't checked in recently." % (info['name'])
			state = nplug.worst_state(state, nplug.CRITICAL)

		node = mconf.configured_nodes.get(info['name'], False)
		if int(info.get('instance_id', 0)) and not node:
			print "Warning: Connected node %s is currently not int the configuration file." % (info['name'])
			state = nplug.worst_state(state, nplug.WARNING)
		if node:
			if node.ntype == 'master':
				if (int(info.get('host_checks_executed', 0)) or int(info.get('service_checks_executed', 0))):
					print "Error: Master %s should not run (visible) checks." % (info['name'])
					state = nplug.worst_state(state, nplug.CRITICAL)
			elif not int(info.get('host_checks_executed', 0)) and not int(info.get('service_checks_executed', 0)):
				print "Error: Node %s runs no checks." % (info['name'])
				state = nplug.worst_state(state, nplug.CRITICAL)
		if not int(info.get('instance_id', 0)) and num_helpers:
			if info.get('host_checks_executed', 0) == host_checks:
				print "Error: There are other nodes, but this node runs all host checks."
				state = nplug.worst_state(state, nplug.CRITICAL)
			if info.get('service_checks_executed', 0) == service_checks:
				print "Error: There are other nodes, but this node runs all service checks."
				state = nplug.worst_state(state, nplug.CRITICAL)
	if state == nplug.OK:
		nodes = []
		types = ['master', 'peer', 'poller', 'local']
		for type in types:
			n = sum(1 for x in sinfo if x['type'] == type)
			if n != 0:
				nodes.append('%s %s' % (n, type if n == 1 else type + 's'))
		print "OK: Total nodes: %s." % (", ".join(nodes))
Exemplo n.º 5
def check_min_avg_max(args, col, defaults=False, filter=False):
	order = ['min', 'avg', 'max']
	thresh = {}
	otype = False

	mst = merlin_status(lsc, qh)
	if filter == False:
		filter = 'Filter: should_be_scheduled = 1\nFilter: active_checks_enabled = 1\nAnd: 2\n'

	for arg in args:
		if arg.startswith('--warning=') or arg.startswith('--critical'):
			(what, thvals) = arg[2:].split('=')
			thvals = thvals.split(',')
			if len(thvals) != 3:
				nplug.unknown("Bad argument: %s" % arg)

			thresh[what] = []
			for th in thvals:

		elif arg == 'host' or arg == 'service':
			otype = arg
			nplug.unknown("Unknown argument: %s" % arg)

	for t in ['critical', 'warning']:
		if not thresh.get(t, False) and defaults.get(t, False) != False:
			thresh[t] = defaults[t]

	if not otype:
		nplug.unknown("Need 'host' or 'service' as argument")

	state = nplug.STATE_OK
		values = mst.min_avg_max(otype, col, filter)
	except livestatus.livestatus.MKLivestatusSocketError:
		print "UNKNOWN: Error asking livestatus for info, bailing out"
	for thresh_type in ['critical', 'warning']:
		if state != nplug.STATE_OK:
		thr = thresh[thresh_type]
		i = 0
		for th in thr:
			what = order[i]
			if values[what] >= th:
				# since we set state for critical first, we can
				# just overwrite it here as we'll never get here for
				# warnings if we already have a critical issue
				state = nplug.state_code(thresh_type)

	i = 0
	state = nplug.STATE_OK
	perfdata_prefix = "%s_%s_" % (otype, col)
	perfdata = ''
	for o in order:
		cval = thresh['critical'][i]
		wval = thresh['warning'][i]
		i += 1
		value = values[o]
		perfdata = "%s '%s%s'=%.3f;%.3f;%.3f;0;" % (
			perfdata, perfdata_prefix, o, value, wval, cval)
		if value >= cval:
			state = nplug.STATE_CRITICAL
		elif value >= wval and state != nplug.STATE_CRITICAL:
			state = nplug.STATE_WARNING
	print("%s: %s %s min/avg/max = %.2f/%.2f/%.2f|%s" %
		(nplug.state_name(state), otype, col, values['min'], values['avg'], values['max'], perfdata))