Exemplo n.º 1
    def get(self, nr_id):

        return {"message": "Not Implemented"}, 503
            nr_model = Request.query.get(nr_id)

            if nr_model.requestTypeCd and (not nr_model.entity_type_cd
                                           or not nr_model.request_action_cd):
                # If requestTypeCd is set, but a request_entity (entity_type_cd) and a request_action (request_action_cd)
                # are not, use get_mapped_entity_and_action_code to map the values from the requestTypeCd
                entity_type, request_action = get_mapped_entity_and_action_code(
                nr_model.entity_type_cd = entity_type
                nr_model.request_action_cd = request_action

            response_data = nr_model.json()

            # If draft, get the wait time and oldest queued request
            if nr_model.stateCd == 'DRAFT':

                service = WaitTimeStatsService()
                wait_time_response = service.get_waiting_time_dict()

            # Add the list of valid Name Request actions for the given state to the response
            response_data['actions'] = get_nr_state_actions(
                nr_model.stateCd, nr_model)
            return jsonify(response_data), 200
        except Exception as err:
            return handle_exception(err, 'Error retrieving the NR.', 500)
    def get():
            service = WaitTimeStatsService()
            response = service.get_statistics()

            if not response:
                raise ApiServiceException(
                    message='WaitTimeStatsService did not return a result')

            return jsonify(response), HTTPStatus.OK

        except ValueError as err:
            return jsonify('Wait time stats not found: ' + repr(err)), 200
        except ApiServiceException as err:
            return handle_exception(err, err.message, 400)
        except Exception as err:
            return jsonify('Internal Server Error\n' + repr(err)), 500
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get(self):
            if not full_access_to_name_request(request):
                return {"message": "You do not have access to this NameRequest."}, 403

            filters = []

            nr_num_query_str = request.headers['Bcreg-Nr'] or request.headers['Bcreg-Nrl']
            email_address_query_str = request.headers['Bcreg-User-Email']
            phone_number_query_str = request.headers['Bcreg-User-Phone']

            if not nr_num_query_str:
                raise InvalidInputError(message='An nrNum must be provided')
                if not email_address_query_str and not phone_number_query_str:
                    raise InvalidInputError(message='Either an emailAddress or phoneNumber must be provided')

            # Continue
            nr_num = parse_nr_num(nr_num_query_str)
            email_address = email_address_query_str
            phone_number = phone_number_query_str
            # Filter on addresses
            # address_line = get_query_param_str('addrLine1')

            if nr_num:
                filters.append(func.lower(Request.nrNum) == nr_num.lower())
            if phone_number:
                strip_phone_number_chars_regex = r"[^0-9]"
                        func.regexp_replace(Applicant.phoneNumber, strip_phone_number_chars_regex, '', 'g').contains(re.sub(strip_phone_number_chars_regex, '', phone_number))

            if email_address:

            Filter on addresses
            if address_line:

            criteria = RequestQueryCriteria(

            results = Request.find_by_criteria(criteria)

            if not results:
                results = []

        except InvalidInputError as err:
            return handle_exception(err, err.message, 400)
        except Exception as err:
            return handle_exception(err, 'Error retrieving the NR from the db.', 500)

        if nr_num and len(results) == 1:
            nr_model = results[0]

            if nr_model.requestTypeCd and (not nr_model.entity_type_cd or not nr_model.request_action_cd):
                # If requestTypeCd is set, but a request_entity (entity_type_cd) and a request_action (request_action_cd)
                # are not, use get_mapped_entity_and_action_code to map the values from the requestTypeCd
                entity_type, request_action = get_mapped_entity_and_action_code(nr_model.requestTypeCd)
                nr_model.entity_type_cd = entity_type
                nr_model.request_action_cd = request_action

            response_data = nr_model.json()

            # If draft, get the wait time and oldest queued request
            if nr_model.stateCd == 'DRAFT':
                service = WaitTimeStatsService()
                wait_time_response = service.get_waiting_time_dict()

            # Add the list of valid Name Request actions for the given state to the response
            response_data['actions'] = get_nr_state_actions(results[0].stateCd, results[0])
            return jsonify(response_data), 200
        elif len(results) > 0:
            # We won't add the list of valid Name Request actions for the given state to the response if we're sending back a list
            # If the user / client accessing this data needs the Name Request actions, GET the individual record using NameRequest.get
            # This method, NameRequests.get is for Existing NR Search
            return jsonify(list(map(lambda result: result.json(), results))), 200

        # We won't add the list of valid Name Request actions for the given state to the response if we're sending back a list
        # If the user / client accessing this data needs the Name Request actions, GET the individual record using NameRequest.get
        # This method, NameRequests.get is for Existing NR Search
        return jsonify(results), 200