def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print("Initializing Subscriber/Publishers/Actions/Services/Variables")
		Initialize all ROS services, actions and Pub/Sub
		Service to be called --> rrt_star_planner_service , dynamic_planner_service  
		Subscribed Topics --> /scan /odom  
		Published Topics --> 
		Parameters Set -->
        #rrt_star Planner Service

        #class variables initialized:
        self.flag = 0
        self.start = Point_xy([0, 0])
        self.goal = Point_xy([0, 0])
        self.final_dest = [0, 0]
        self.scan_list = []

        self.current_pos = Pose()
        self.currentgps = NavSatFix()
        self.deviation = False
        nan = 100
        # self.scan_list =[1.309682011604309, 1.3101788759231567, 1.310431718826294, 1.3106871843338013, 1.3109458684921265, 1.311471939086914, 1.311739444732666, 1.3120099306106567, 1.3122836351394653, 1.3125602006912231, 1.3128397464752197, 1.3134082555770874, 1.313697099685669, 1.3139890432357788, 1.3142839670181274, 1.3145822286605835, 1.3151880502700806, 1.3154956102371216, 1.3158066272735596, 1.3161206245422363, 1.316437840461731, 1.316758394241333, 1.3174091577529907, 1.317739486694336, 1.3180732727050781, 1.318410038948059, 1.3187503814697266, 1.3190940618515015, 1.3194409608840942, 1.3201451301574707, 1.3205022811889648, 1.3208627700805664, 1.3212268352508545, 1.3215943574905396, 1.3219653367996216, 1.3223397731781006, 1.3230992555618286, 1.3234843015670776, 1.3238729238510132, 1.3242650032043457, 1.3246607780456543, 1.3250601291656494, 1.325463056564331, 1.3258696794509888, 1.3266940116882324, 1.3271117210388184, 1.32753324508667, 1.327958583831787, 1.3283874988555908, 1.3288201093673706, 1.3292566537857056, 1.3296970129013062, 1.3301411867141724, 1.3310409784317017, 1.3314965963363647, 1.331956148147583, 1.332419753074646, 1.3328871726989746, 1.3333585262298584, 1.333833932876587, 1.3343132734298706, 1.3347965478897095, 1.335283875465393, 1.3362706899642944, 1.3367700576782227, 1.3372735977172852, 1.3377811908721924, 1.3382928371429443, 1.3388087749481201, 1.3393288850784302, 1.339853048324585, 1.340381383895874, 1.3409141302108765, 1.3414509296417236, 1.3419921398162842, 1.342537522315979, 1.3436414003372192, 1.3441998958587646, 1.3447626829147339, 1.3453298807144165, 1.345901370048523, 1.3464775085449219, 1.347057819366455, 1.3476428985595703, 1.3482322692871094, 1.3488261699676514, 1.3494247198104858, 1.3500275611877441, 1.3506351709365845, 1.3512473106384277, 1.3518640995025635, 1.3524854183197021, 1.3531115055084229, 1.353742241859436, 1.3543776273727417, 1.35566246509552, 1.3563120365142822, 1.356966495513916, 1.3576256036758423, 1.3582897186279297, 1.3589587211608887, 1.3596327304840088, 1.360311508178711, 1.3609951734542847, 1.361683964729309, 1.362377405166626, 1.363076090812683, 1.3637796640396118, 1.3644883632659912, 1.3652020692825317, 1.365920901298523, 1.3666447401046753, 1.3673737049102783, 1.3681076765060425, 1.3688467741012573, 1.3695908784866333, 1.370340347290039, 1.3710949420928955, 1.3718549013137817, 1.3726199865341187, 1.3733903169631958, 1.3741658926010132, 1.3749470710754395, 1.375733494758606, 1.3765252828598022, 1.3773225545883179, 1.3781251907348633, 1.378933310508728, 1.379746913909912, 1.380566120147705, 1.3813908100128174, 1.382220983505249, 1.3830569982528687, 1.3838989734649658, 1.3847463130950928, 1.3855993747711182, 1.386458158493042, 1.3873226642608643, 1.3881930112838745, 1.3890687227249146, 1.3899502754211426, 1.3908374309539795, 1.3917304277420044, 1.3926293849945068, 1.3935341835021973, 1.3944448232650757, 1.3953614234924316, 1.3962838649749756, 1.3972123861312866, 1.3981468677520752, 1.3990874290466309, 1.4000341892242432, 1.4009875059127808, 1.401947021484375, 1.4029126167297363, 1.4038845300674438, 1.404862403869629, 1.4058465957641602, 1.406836986541748, 1.4078336954116821, 1.4088366031646729, 1.4098458290100098, 1.4108614921569824, 1.4118835926055908, 1.4129116535186768, 1.4139459133148193, 1.4149869680404663, nan, 1.41603422164917, 1.4170881509780884, 1.4181488752365112, 1.4192163944244385, 1.4202903509140015, 1.4213711023330688, 1.4224584102630615, 1.4235525131225586, 1.42465341091156, 1.4257612228393555, 1.4268758296966553, 1.4279974699020386, 1.4291259050369263, 1.4302610158920288, 1.4314026832580566, 1.4325510263442993, 1.433706283569336, 1.434868574142456, 1.4360378980636597, 1.4372141361236572, 1.438397765159607, 1.439588189125061, nan, 1.4407858848571777, 1.441990613937378, 1.4432027339935303, 1.4444221258163452, 1.4456491470336914, 1.4468833208084106, 1.4481250047683716, 1.4493738412857056, 1.4506300687789917, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, 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nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan]

        self.currentOdom = Odometry()

        self.ball_detected = False
        self.scan_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/scan',
        self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber('zed/zed_node/odom', Odometry,
        self.goal_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/goal2', Point_xy, self.goal_cb)
        self.result_pub = rospy.Publisher('/acknowledge',
        #self.gps_Sub = rospy.Subscriber('global_position/local' , NavSatFix , self.gps_cb)
        self.rrt_star_path = rospy.ServiceProxy('rrt_planner', Planner)
        self.ball_detector = rospy.ServiceProxy('adjust_service', Adjust)
        self.move_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(
            'commander', moveToGoalAction)
        self.rotate_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(
            'rotator', RotateToGoalAction)
        self.rotate_360_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(
            'rotator_360', Rotate360Action)
        self.dynamic_manager = rospy.ServiceProxy('dynamic_planner_service',
        rate = rospy.Rate(1)

            "Done initializing Subscriber/Publishers/Actions/Services/Variables"
    def plan(self , request):
		"""Call Path planner selected(RRT*, )
			      request: Request by ros client. Contains 
            start_pos: tuple with start point coordinates.
            end_pos: tuple with end point coordinates.
            scan_list: list of obstacles which themselves are list of points
            animation: flag for showing planning visualization (default False)

				RETURN_RESP: PlannerResponse()
				navigation/PointArray path
					navigation/Point_xy[] points
						float32[] point
				bool ack
		rospy.loginfo("Planning Request received")
		#Converting request from ros msg format -> basic python data type

		ST_PT = tuple(request.start_pos.point) 
		END_PT = tuple(request.goal_pos.point)
		SCAN = request.scan_list
		#OBSTACLE = []
		#Extracting Obstacle information from ROBST
		#for pt_array in ROBST : 
		#	tmp = []
		#	OBSTACLE.append(tmp)
		RETURN_RESP = PlannerResponse()

		rospy.loginfo(" Starting to plan from %r -> %r \n Obstacles-> %r"%(ST_PT,END_PT,SCAN))
		#Make class instance and get path
		tree = RRTStar(sample_area=(-5, 15), sampler=sampler, expand_dis=0.1)
		PATH , node_list = tree(ST_PT , END_PT , SCAN)
		RETURN_RESP.path.points = [Point_xy( [ pts[0] , pts[1] ] ) for pts in PATH]
		RETURN_RESP.ack = True
		return RETURN_RESP
Exemplo n.º 3
def convert_utm(data):
    global pub
    a = data.latitude
    b = data.longitude
    c = current_gps.latitude
    d = current_gps.longitude
    q, w, e, r = utm.from_latlon(a, b)
    t, y, u, i = utm.from_latlon(c, d)
    local_x = t - q
    local_y = y - w
    #print(q,w ,"to" ,t,y)

    pub.publish(Point_xy(local_to_global_pt([local_x, local_y], pose)))
 def global_to_local_goal(self, pt_in_global):
     x2 = pt_in_global.point[0]
     y2 = pt_in_global.point[1]
     x1 = self.currentOdom.pose.pose.position.x
     y1 = self.currentOdom.pose.pose.position.y
     y_diff = y2 - y1
     x_diff = x2 - x1
     #dest_yaw = math.atan2(y_diff,x_diff)
     orientation_q = self.currentOdom.pose.pose.orientation
     orientation_list = [
         orientation_q.x, orientation_q.y, orientation_q.z, orientation_q.w
     (roll, pitch, curr_yaw) = euler_from_quaternion(orientation_list)
     x_ret = x_diff * math.cos(curr_yaw) + y_diff * math.sin(curr_yaw)
     y_ret = -x_diff * math.sin(curr_yaw) + y_diff * math.cos(curr_yaw)
     return Point_xy([x_ret, y_ret])
    def local_to_global_path(self, path_in_local):
        path_in_global = PointArray()
        x1 = self.currentOdom.pose.pose.position.x
        y1 = self.currentOdom.pose.pose.position.y
        orientation_q = self.currentOdom.pose.pose.orientation
        orientation_list = [
            orientation_q.x, orientation_q.y, orientation_q.z, orientation_q.w
        (roll, pitch, theta1) = euler_from_quaternion(orientation_list)

        for i in range(len(path_in_local.points)):
            x = path_in_local.points[i].point[0]
            y = path_in_local.points[i].point[1]
            theta2 = math.atan2(y, x)
            theta = theta1 + theta2
            r = math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
            x2 = r * math.cos(theta)
            y2 = r * math.sin(theta)
            path_in_global.points.append(Point_xy([x1 + x2, y1 + y2]))
        return path_in_global
Exemplo n.º 6
    def plan(self, request):
        """Call Path planner selected(RRT, )
				request: Request by ros client. Contains start , goal , obstacle_list as:

					navigation/Point_xy start
						float32[] point

					navigation/Point_xy goal
						float32[] point

					navigation/PolyArray obstacle_list
						navigation/PointArray[] polygons
							navigation/Point_xy[] points
								float32[] point

				RETURN_RESP: PlannerResponse()
				navigation/PointArray path
					navigation/Point_xy[] points
						float32[] point
				bool ack

        rospy.loginfo("Planning Request received")

        #Converting request from ros msg format -> basic python data type

        ST_PT = tuple(request.start.point)
        END_PT = tuple(request.goal.point)
        ROBST = request.obstacle_list.polygons
        OBSTACLE = []

        #Extracting Obstacle information from ROBST
        for pt_array in ROBST:
            tmp = []
            tmp = [tuple(pt.point) for pt in pt_array.points]

        RETURN_RESP = PlannerResponse()

        print("-" * 30)
        rospy.loginfo(" Starting to plan from %r -> %r \n Obstacles-> %r" %
                      (ST_PT, END_PT, OBSTACLE))
        print("-" * 30)

        #Make class instance and get path,optimized_path
        tree = RRT(sample_area=(-5, 15), sampler=sampler, expand_dis=0.1)
        PATH, node_list = tree(ST_PT, END_PT, OBSTACLE)
        OPTIMIZED_PATH = path_optimizer(PATH, OBSTACLE)

        #Convert optimized path to Ros Format and Send
        RETURN_RESP.path.points = [
            Point_xy([pts[0], pts[1]]) for pts in OPTIMIZED_PATH
        RETURN_RESP.ack = True
        print("-" * 30)
        return RETURN_RESP
    def main(self):
        print("In MAIN")
		Attributes: sets self.currentOdom
        # rospy.set_param('start_location',"["+str(self.currentgps.latitude)+","+str(self.currentgps.longitude)+"]")

        # while not rospy.is_shutdown:

        while (self.flag):
            final_path = []
            # self.goal = rospy.get_param('')
                print("Calculating RRT-PATH")
                local_goal = self.global_to_local_goal(self.goal)
                print("LOCAL GOAL", local_goal)
                response = self.rrt_star_path(Point_xy([0, 0]), local_goal,
                if response.ack:

                    local_path = response.path
                    print("local path", local_path)
                    final_path = self.local_to_global_path(local_path)
                    print("path calculated", final_path)

                    print("Path not found! Retrying!")
            except rospy.ServiceException, e:
                print "Service call failed: %s" % e

            while len(final_path.points) != 1:
                #rotate towards goal
                print("Rotating the bot")
                goal2 = RotateToGoalGoal()
                goal2.goal = final_path.points[-2]
                print("Done rotating the bot")

                # rospy.loginfo("Asking the bot to move.")
                print("Calling dynamic manager service")
                x1 = final_path.points[-1].point[0]
                y1 = final_path.points[-1].point[1]
                x2 = final_path.points[-2].point[0]
                y2 = final_path.points[-2].point[1]
                dist = math.sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2)
                response_1 = self.dynamic_manager(Point_xy([0, 0]),
                                                  Point_xy([dist, 0]),
                #response_1 = self.dynamic_manager(final_path.points[-1],final_path.points[-2],self.scan_list)
                if response_1.ack:
                    print("No intersection!!!!")
                    #call commander to move the bot
                    print("Moving the bot")
                    goal1 = moveToGoalGoal()
                    goal1.goal = final_path.points[-2]
                    # rospy.loginfo("Asking the bot to move.")
                    print("Bot has moved",

                    #remove first node when successful
                    print("Final path updated")
                    final_path.points = final_path.points[:-1]
                    # try:
                    # 	print("Recalculating RRT-Path")
                    # 	response = self.rrt_star_path(final_path.points[0],self.goal,self.scan_list)
                    # 	if response.ack:
                    # 		print("Path Recalculated")
                    # 		final_path = response.path
                    # 	else:
                    # 		continue
                    # except rospy.ServiceException, e:
                    # 	print "Service call failed: %s"%e
                print("updated final_path", final_path.points)
            if (len(final_path.points) == 1):
                self.flag = 0
#! /usr/bin/env python

import roslib
import rospy
import actionlib

from navigation.msg import moveToGoalAction, moveToGoalGoal, Point_xy

def feedback_cb(feedback):
    print('[Feedback] Distance left: %f' % (feedback.distance_left))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('commander', moveToGoalAction)
    print("Done waiting for server")
    goal1 = moveToGoalGoal()
    goal1.goal = Point_xy([1.2, 0])
    # Fill in the goal here
    client.send_goal(goal1, feedback_cb=feedback_cb)
    # print("Goal sent"+goal1)
    print("Done waiting for result")
    print('[Result] State: %d' % (client.get_state()))
    print('[Result] Status: %s' % (client.get_goal_status_text()))
    print('[Result] Goal Reached?: %r' % (client.get_result().result))
Exemplo n.º 9
#! /usr/bin/env python

import roslib
import rospy
import actionlib

from navigation.msg import RotateToGoalAction, RotateToGoalGoal, Point_xy

def feedback_cb(feedback):
    print('[Feedback] Time elapsed: %f' % (feedback.angle_left))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('rotator', RotateToGoalAction)
    print("Done waiting for server")
    goal1 = RotateToGoalGoal()
    goal1.goal = Point_xy([2, 2])
    # Fill in the goal here
    client.send_goal(goal1, feedback_cb=feedback_cb)
    # print("Goal sent"+goal1)
    print("Done waiting for result")
    print('[Result] State: %d' % (client.get_state()))
    print('[Result] Status: %s' % (client.get_goal_status_text()))
    print('[Result] Goal Reached?: %r' % (client.get_result().result))
class RootClient(object):
	Root class for Controller Client
		Services Available for this Client:
			~ rrt_star_planner_service : navigation/start navigation/goal sensor_msgs/LaserScan | navigation/PointArray bool
			~ dynamic_planner_service : navigation/start navigation/goal sensor_msgs/LaserScan |  bool
			~ commander : navigation/current_pt navigation/next_pt | bool | float64(Distance left to travel)  
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print("Initializing Subscriber/Publishers/Actions/Services/Variables")
		Initialize all ROS services, actions and Pub/Sub
		Service to be called --> rrt_star_planner_service , dynamic_planner_service  
		Subscribed Topics --> /scan /odom  
		Published Topics --> 
		Parameters Set -->
        #rrt_star Planner Service

        #class variables initialized:
        self.flag = 0
        self.start = Point_xy([0, 0])
        self.goal = Point_xy([0, 0])
        self.final_dest = [0, 0]
        self.scan_list = []

        self.current_pos = Pose()
        self.currentgps = NavSatFix()
        self.deviation = False
        nan = 100
        # self.scan_list =[1.309682011604309, 1.3101788759231567, 1.310431718826294, 1.3106871843338013, 1.3109458684921265, 1.311471939086914, 1.311739444732666, 1.3120099306106567, 1.3122836351394653, 1.3125602006912231, 1.3128397464752197, 1.3134082555770874, 1.313697099685669, 1.3139890432357788, 1.3142839670181274, 1.3145822286605835, 1.3151880502700806, 1.3154956102371216, 1.3158066272735596, 1.3161206245422363, 1.316437840461731, 1.316758394241333, 1.3174091577529907, 1.317739486694336, 1.3180732727050781, 1.318410038948059, 1.3187503814697266, 1.3190940618515015, 1.3194409608840942, 1.3201451301574707, 1.3205022811889648, 1.3208627700805664, 1.3212268352508545, 1.3215943574905396, 1.3219653367996216, 1.3223397731781006, 1.3230992555618286, 1.3234843015670776, 1.3238729238510132, 1.3242650032043457, 1.3246607780456543, 1.3250601291656494, 1.325463056564331, 1.3258696794509888, 1.3266940116882324, 1.3271117210388184, 1.32753324508667, 1.327958583831787, 1.3283874988555908, 1.3288201093673706, 1.3292566537857056, 1.3296970129013062, 1.3301411867141724, 1.3310409784317017, 1.3314965963363647, 1.331956148147583, 1.332419753074646, 1.3328871726989746, 1.3333585262298584, 1.333833932876587, 1.3343132734298706, 1.3347965478897095, 1.335283875465393, 1.3362706899642944, 1.3367700576782227, 1.3372735977172852, 1.3377811908721924, 1.3382928371429443, 1.3388087749481201, 1.3393288850784302, 1.339853048324585, 1.340381383895874, 1.3409141302108765, 1.3414509296417236, 1.3419921398162842, 1.342537522315979, 1.3436414003372192, 1.3441998958587646, 1.3447626829147339, 1.3453298807144165, 1.345901370048523, 1.3464775085449219, 1.347057819366455, 1.3476428985595703, 1.3482322692871094, 1.3488261699676514, 1.3494247198104858, 1.3500275611877441, 1.3506351709365845, 1.3512473106384277, 1.3518640995025635, 1.3524854183197021, 1.3531115055084229, 1.353742241859436, 1.3543776273727417, 1.35566246509552, 1.3563120365142822, 1.356966495513916, 1.3576256036758423, 1.3582897186279297, 1.3589587211608887, 1.3596327304840088, 1.360311508178711, 1.3609951734542847, 1.361683964729309, 1.362377405166626, 1.363076090812683, 1.3637796640396118, 1.3644883632659912, 1.3652020692825317, 1.365920901298523, 1.3666447401046753, 1.3673737049102783, 1.3681076765060425, 1.3688467741012573, 1.3695908784866333, 1.370340347290039, 1.3710949420928955, 1.3718549013137817, 1.3726199865341187, 1.3733903169631958, 1.3741658926010132, 1.3749470710754395, 1.375733494758606, 1.3765252828598022, 1.3773225545883179, 1.3781251907348633, 1.378933310508728, 1.379746913909912, 1.380566120147705, 1.3813908100128174, 1.382220983505249, 1.3830569982528687, 1.3838989734649658, 1.3847463130950928, 1.3855993747711182, 1.386458158493042, 1.3873226642608643, 1.3881930112838745, 1.3890687227249146, 1.3899502754211426, 1.3908374309539795, 1.3917304277420044, 1.3926293849945068, 1.3935341835021973, 1.3944448232650757, 1.3953614234924316, 1.3962838649749756, 1.3972123861312866, 1.3981468677520752, 1.3990874290466309, 1.4000341892242432, 1.4009875059127808, 1.401947021484375, 1.4029126167297363, 1.4038845300674438, 1.404862403869629, 1.4058465957641602, 1.406836986541748, 1.4078336954116821, 1.4088366031646729, 1.4098458290100098, 1.4108614921569824, 1.4118835926055908, 1.4129116535186768, 1.4139459133148193, 1.4149869680404663, nan, 1.41603422164917, 1.4170881509780884, 1.4181488752365112, 1.4192163944244385, 1.4202903509140015, 1.4213711023330688, 1.4224584102630615, 1.4235525131225586, 1.42465341091156, 1.4257612228393555, 1.4268758296966553, 1.4279974699020386, 1.4291259050369263, 1.4302610158920288, 1.4314026832580566, 1.4325510263442993, 1.433706283569336, 1.434868574142456, 1.4360378980636597, 1.4372141361236572, 1.438397765159607, 1.439588189125061, nan, 1.4407858848571777, 1.441990613937378, 1.4432027339935303, 1.4444221258163452, 1.4456491470336914, 1.4468833208084106, 1.4481250047683716, 1.4493738412857056, 1.4506300687789917, nan, nan, nan, nan, 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        self.currentOdom = Odometry()

        self.ball_detected = False
        self.scan_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/scan',
        self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber('zed/zed_node/odom', Odometry,
        self.goal_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/goal2', Point_xy, self.goal_cb)
        self.result_pub = rospy.Publisher('/acknowledge',
        #self.gps_Sub = rospy.Subscriber('global_position/local' , NavSatFix , self.gps_cb)
        self.rrt_star_path = rospy.ServiceProxy('rrt_planner', Planner)
        self.ball_detector = rospy.ServiceProxy('adjust_service', Adjust)
        self.move_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(
            'commander', moveToGoalAction)
        self.rotate_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(
            'rotator', RotateToGoalAction)
        self.rotate_360_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(
            'rotator_360', Rotate360Action)
        self.dynamic_manager = rospy.ServiceProxy('dynamic_planner_service',
        rate = rospy.Rate(1)

            "Done initializing Subscriber/Publishers/Actions/Services/Variables"

    def scan_cb(self, scan_data):
		Args: scan_data --> sensor_msgs/LaserScan
		Attributes: sets self.scan_list
		Return: None
        #print("In Scan_CB")
        self.scan_list = scan_data.ranges
        self.scan_list = list(self.scan_list)
        for i in range(len(self.scan_list)):
            if (math.isnan(self.scan_list[i])):
                self.scan_list[i] = 100
        self.scan_list = tuple(self.scan_list)
        # self.scan_list = list(scan_list)
        # for i in range(len(self.scan_list)):
        #     if(math.isnan(self.scan_list[i])):
        #     #converting nan values to some number
        #         self.scan_list[i] = 1000
        # self.scan_list = tuple(self.scan_list)
        #print("Scan_CB DONE")

    def odom_cb(self, odom_data):
        #print("In Odom_CB")
		Args: odom_data --> nav_msgs/Odometry
		Attributes: sets self.currentOdom
		Return: None 
        self.currentOdom = odom_data
        #print("Odom_CB DONE")
    def goal_cb(self, goal_data):
		Args: goal_data --> navigation/NavSatFix
		Attributes: sets self.goal and self.flag
		Return: None 
        self.flag = 1
        self.goal = goal_data
        #self.start = Point_xy([self.currentOdom.pose.pose.position.x],[currentOdom.pose.pose.position.y])
        print("received goal", self.goal)

    def gps_cb(self, gps_data):
		Args: gps_data --> sensor_msgs/NavSatFix
		Attributes: sets self.currentOdom
		Return: None 
        self.currentgps = gps_data

    def commander_fb(self, fb_data):
        # print("In Commander_FB")
		Args: feedback from commander
		Attributes: prints feedback from commander
		Return: None 
        # print("Commander_FB DONE")

    def rotator_fb(self, fb_data):
        # print("In Rotator_FB")
		Args: feedback from commander
		Attributes: prints feedback from commander
		Return: None 

        # print("ROtator_FB DONE")X

	This function brings the goal point with respect to the bot's frame of reference

    def global_to_local_goal(self, pt_in_global):
        x2 = pt_in_global.point[0]
        y2 = pt_in_global.point[1]
        x1 = self.currentOdom.pose.pose.position.x
        y1 = self.currentOdom.pose.pose.position.y
        y_diff = y2 - y1
        x_diff = x2 - x1
        #dest_yaw = math.atan2(y_diff,x_diff)
        orientation_q = self.currentOdom.pose.pose.orientation
        orientation_list = [
            orientation_q.x, orientation_q.y, orientation_q.z, orientation_q.w
        (roll, pitch, curr_yaw) = euler_from_quaternion(orientation_list)
        x_ret = x_diff * math.cos(curr_yaw) + y_diff * math.sin(curr_yaw)
        y_ret = -x_diff * math.sin(curr_yaw) + y_diff * math.cos(curr_yaw)
        return Point_xy([x_ret, y_ret])

	This function brings the entire path which is in the frame of the bot to the global frame

    def local_to_global_path(self, path_in_local):
        path_in_global = PointArray()
        x1 = self.currentOdom.pose.pose.position.x
        y1 = self.currentOdom.pose.pose.position.y
        orientation_q = self.currentOdom.pose.pose.orientation
        orientation_list = [
            orientation_q.x, orientation_q.y, orientation_q.z, orientation_q.w
        (roll, pitch, theta1) = euler_from_quaternion(orientation_list)

        for i in range(len(path_in_local.points)):
            x = path_in_local.points[i].point[0]
            y = path_in_local.points[i].point[1]
            theta2 = math.atan2(y, x)
            theta = theta1 + theta2
            r = math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
            x2 = r * math.cos(theta)
            y2 = r * math.sin(theta)
            path_in_global.points.append(Point_xy([x1 + x2, y1 + y2]))
        return path_in_global

	Here we run the loop till we don't have any more points in the final_path list. After every traversale we remove the previous node
	from the list.
	Here after we get the final_path list, we rotate the bot in the next node's orientation and check whether the current node and 
	the next immediate node is free from the obstacles in the obstacle list, if it is then we move the bot towards that node

    def main(self):
        print("In MAIN")
		Attributes: sets self.currentOdom
        # rospy.set_param('start_location',"["+str(self.currentgps.latitude)+","+str(self.currentgps.longitude)+"]")

        # while not rospy.is_shutdown:

        while (self.flag):
            final_path = []
            # self.goal = rospy.get_param('')
                print("Calculating RRT-PATH")
                local_goal = self.goal
                #print("LOCAL GOAL",local_goal)
                x1 = self.currentOdom.pose.pose.position.x
                y1 = self.currentOdom.pose.pose.position.y
                response = self.rrt_star_path(Point_xy([x1, y1]), local_goal,
                if response.ack:

                    final_path = response.path
                    #print("local path",local_path)
                    #final_path = self.local_to_global_path(local_path)
                    print("path calculated", final_path)

                    print("Path not found! Retrying!")
            except rospy.ServiceException, e:
                print "Service call failed: %s" % e

            while len(final_path.points) != 1:
                #rotate towards goal
                print("Rotating the bot")
                goal2 = RotateToGoalGoal()
                goal2.goal = final_path.points[-2]
                print("Done rotating the bot")

                # rospy.loginfo("Asking the bot to move.")
                print("Calling dynamic manager service")
                x1 = final_path.points[-1].point[0]
                y1 = final_path.points[-1].point[1]
                x2 = final_path.points[-2].point[0]
                y2 = final_path.points[-2].point[1]
                dist = math.sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2)
                response_1 = self.dynamic_manager(Point_xy([0, 0]),
                                                  Point_xy([dist, 0]),
                #response_1 = self.dynamic_manager(final_path.points[-1],final_path.points[-2],self.scan_list)
                if response_1.ack:
                    print("No intersection!!!!")
                    #call commander to move the bot
                    print("Moving the bot")
                    goal1 = moveToGoalGoal()
                    goal1.goal = final_path.points[-2]
                    goal1.flag = self.deviation
                    # rospy.loginfo("Asking the bot to move.")
                    if not (self.move_client.get_result().result):
                        self.deviation = True
                        print("Bot is tracking back")
                        self.deviation = False
                        print("Bot has moved",
                    #remove first node when successful
                    print("Final path updated")
                    final_path.points = final_path.points[:-1]
                    # try:
                    # 	print("Recalculating RRT-Path")
                    # 	response = self.rrt_star_path(final_path.points[0],self.goal,self.scan_list)
                    # 	if response.ack:
                    # 		print("Path Recalculated")
                    # 		final_path = response.path
                    # 	else:
                    # 		continue
                    # except rospy.ServiceException, e:
                    # 	print "Service call failed: %s"%e
                print("updated final_path", final_path.points)
            if (len(final_path.points) == 1):
                self.flag = 0

        print("************************GOAL REACHED************************")
        self.result_pub.publish("GOAL REACHED")
        goal2 = Rotate360Goal()
        goal2.goal = True
        print("rotating 360")
        self.rotate_360_client.send_goal(goal2, feedback_cb=self.rotator_fb)
        if not self.rotate_360_client.get_result().result:
            print("*****BALL DETECTED**********")
            self.ball_detected = True
            self.result_pub.publish("BALL DETECTED")

        #new changes
        if not self.ball_detected:
            hexagon_local = [[2, 0], [-1, -1.73], [1, -1.73], [1, -1.73],
                             [1, -1.73]]
            i = 0
            while (len(hexagon_local) != 0):
                i += 1
                global_point = local_to_global_pt(hexagon_local[0],
                self.flag = 1
                while (self.flag):
                    final_path = []
                    # self.goal = rospy.get_param('')
                        print("Calculating RRT-PATH")
                        local_goal = Point_xy(global_point)
                        #print("LOCAL GOAL",local_goal)
                        x1 = self.currentOdom.pose.pose.position.x
                        y1 = self.currentOdom.pose.pose.position.y
                        response = self.rrt_star_path(Point_xy([x1, y1]),
                        if response.ack:

                            final_path = response.path
                            #print("local path",local_path)
                            #final_path = self.local_to_global_path(local_path)
                            print("path calculated", final_path)

                            print("Path not found! Retrying!")
                    except rospy.ServiceException, e:
                        print "Service call failed: %s" % e

                    while len(final_path.points) != 1:
                        #rotate towards goal
                        print("Rotating the bot")
                        goal2 = RotateToGoalGoal()
                        goal2.goal = final_path.points[-2]
                            goal2, feedback_cb=self.rotator_fb)
                        print("Done rotating the bot")

                        # rospy.loginfo("Asking the bot to move.")
                        print("Calling dynamic manager service")
                        x1 = final_path.points[-1].point[0]
                        y1 = final_path.points[-1].point[1]
                        x2 = final_path.points[-2].point[0]
                        y2 = final_path.points[-2].point[1]
                        dist = math.sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2)
                        response_1 = self.dynamic_manager(
                            Point_xy([0, 0]), Point_xy([dist, 0]),
                        #response_1 = self.dynamic_manager(final_path.points[-1],final_path.points[-2],self.scan_list)
                        if response_1.ack:
                            print("No intersection!!!!")
                            #call commander to move the bot
                            print("Moving the bot")
                            goal1 = moveToGoalGoal()
                            goal1.goal = final_path.points[-2]
                            goal1.flag = self.deviation
                                goal1, feedback_cb=self.commander_fb)
                            # rospy.loginfo("Asking the bot to move.")
                            if not (self.move_client.get_result().result):
                                self.deviation = True
                                print("Bot is tracking back")
                                self.deviation = False
                                print("Bot has moved",
                            #remove first node when successful
                            print("Final path updated")
                            final_path.points = final_path.points[:-1]
                            # try:
                            # 	print("Recalculating RRT-Path")
                            # 	response = self.rrt_star_path(final_path.points[0],self.goal,self.scan_list)
                            # 	if response.ack:
                            # 		print("Path Recalculated")
                            # 		final_path = response.path
                            # 	else:
                            # 		continue
                            # except rospy.ServiceException, e:
                            # 	print "Service call failed: %s"%e
                        print("updated final_path", final_path.points)
                    if (len(final_path.points) == 1):
                        self.flag = 0
                        "***************Reached Goal (Hexagon:%d)***************",
                    #rotate 360
                    print("rotating 360")
                    goal2 = Rotate360Goal()
                    goal2.goal = True
                        goal2, feedback_cb=self.rotator_fb)
                    # rospy.loginfo("Asking the bot to move.")
                    if not self.rotate_360_client.get_result().result:
                        print("********BALL DETECTED********")
                        self.result_pub.publish("BALL DETECTED")

                hexagon_local = hexagon_local[1:]