def onLoad (self, e):
		""" Open a file"""
		dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file", os.getcwd() + "\\saves\\", "", "*.*", wx.OPEN)
		if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
			self.filename = dlg.GetFilename()
		loaded_planet_list = nbody2.createList(os.getcwd() + '\\saves\\' + self.filename)
		for p in loaded_planet_list:
			planet_list.append(nbody2.makePlanet(vector(p[0],p[1],p[2]), p[3], (p[4],p[5],p[6]), vector(p[7],p[8],p[9]), p[10]))
	def OnClick3 (self, e):
		present = False
		for p in planet_list:
			if position == p.pos:
				present = True
		if not present:
			pnew = vector(position.x, position.y, position.z)
			rnew = float(radius)
			cnew = (c[0], c[1], c[2])
			vnew = vector(velocity.x, velocity.y, velocity.z)
			mnew = float(mass)
			planet_list.append(nbody2.makePlanet(pnew, rnew, cnew, vnew, mnew))
			self.logger.AppendText('Planet Added Successfully:\n')
			self.logger.AppendText('Radius: ' + str(radius) + '\n')
			self.logger.AppendText('Mass: ' + str(mass) + '\n')
			self.logger.AppendText('Position: ' + str(position) + '\n')
			self.logger.AppendText('Velocity: ' + str(velocity) + '\n')
			self.logger.AppendText('Failed to Add Planet\n')
			dlg = wx.MessageDialog( self,"You cannot put two planets at the same position.","Error",  wx.OK)
			dlg.ShowModal() # Show it