Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self,

        self.Plin = Plin

        # cosmology and communicator
        self.comm = comm

        self.attrs.update(attrs_to_dict(Plin, 'plin.'))

        # set the seed randomly if it is None
        if seed is None:
            if self.comm.rank == 0:
                seed = numpy.random.randint(0, 4294967295)
            seed = self.comm.bcast(seed)
        self.attrs['seed'] = seed
        if remove_variance is not None:
            unitary_amplitude = remove_variance

        self.attrs['unitary_amplitude'] = unitary_amplitude
        self.attrs['inverted_phase'] = inverted_phase

Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, names, *species, **kwargs):

        if len(set(names)) != len(names):
            raise ValueError("each species must have a unique name")
        if not all(cat.comm is species[0].comm for cat in species):
            raise ValueError("communicator mismatch in MultipleSpeciesCatalog")
        if len(names) != len(species):
            raise ValueError("a name must be provided for each species catalog provided")

        CatalogSourceBase.__init__(self, species[0].comm)

        self.attrs['species'] = names

        # update the dictionary with data/randoms attrs
        for cat, name in zip(species, names):
            self.attrs.update(attrs_to_dict(cat, name + '.'))

        # update the rest of meta-data

        # no size!
        self.size = NotImplemented
        self.csize = NotImplemented

        # store copies of the original input catalogs as (name:catalog) dict
        self._sources = {name:cat.copy() for name,cat in zip(names, species)}
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, names, *species, **kwargs):

        if len(set(names)) != len(names):
            raise ValueError("each species must have a unique name")
        if not all(cat.comm is species[0].comm for cat in species):
            raise ValueError("communicator mismatch in MultipleSpeciesCatalog")
        if len(names) != len(species):
            raise ValueError(
                "a name must be provided for each species catalog provided")

        CatalogSourceBase.__init__(self, species[0].comm)

        self.attrs['species'] = names

        # update the dictionary with data/randoms attrs
        for cat, name in zip(species, names):
            self.attrs.update(attrs_to_dict(cat, name + '.'))

        # update the rest of meta-data

        # no size!
        self.size = NotImplemented
        self.csize = NotImplemented

        # store copies of the original input catalogs as (name:catalog) dict
        self._sources = {name: cat.copy() for name, cat in zip(names, species)}
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, Plin, BoxSize, Nmesh, seed=None,

        self.Plin = Plin

        # cosmology and communicator
        self.comm    = comm

        self.attrs.update(attrs_to_dict(Plin, 'plin.'))

        # set the seed randomly if it is None
        if seed is None:
            if self.comm.rank == 0:
                seed = numpy.random.randint(0, 4294967295)
            seed = self.comm.bcast(seed)
        self.attrs['seed'] = seed
        if remove_variance is not None:
            unitary_amplitude = remove_variance

        self.attrs['unitary_amplitude'] = unitary_amplitude
        self.attrs['inverted_phase'] = inverted_phase

        MeshSource.__init__(self, BoxSize=BoxSize, Nmesh=Nmesh, dtype='f4', comm=comm)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def to_real_field(self):
        Paint the FKP density field, returning a ``RealField``.

        Given the ``data`` and ``randoms`` catalogs, this paints:

        .. math::

            F(x) = w_\mathrm{fkp}(x) * [w_\mathrm{comp}(x)*n_\mathrm{data}(x) -
                        \alpha * w_\mathrm{comp}(x)*n_\mathrm{randoms}(x)]

        This computes the following meta-data attributes in the process of
        painting, returned in the :attr:`attrs` attributes of the returned
        RealField object:

        - randoms.W, data.W :
            the weighted sum of randoms and data objects; see
        - alpha : float
            the ratio of ``data.W`` to ``randoms.W``
        - randoms.norm, data.norm : float
            the power spectrum normalization; see :func:`normalization`
        - randoms.shotnoise, data.shotnoise: float
            the shot noise for each sample; see :func:`shotnoise`
        - shotnoise : float
            the total shot noise, equal to the sum of ``randoms.shotnoise``
            and ``data.shotnoise``
        - randoms.num_per_cell, data.num_per_cell : float
            the mean number of weighted objects per cell for each sample
        - num_per_cell : float
            the mean number of weighted objects per cell

        For further details on the meta-data, see
        :ref:`the documentation <fkp-meta-data>`.

        :class:`~pmesh.pm.RealField` :
            the field object holding the FKP density field in real space

        attrs = {}

        # determine alpha, the weighted number ratio
        for name in self.source.species:
            attrs[name + '.W'] = self.weighted_total(name)

        attrs['alpha'] = attrs['data.W'] / attrs['randoms.W']

        # paint the data
        real = self['data'].to_real_field(normalize=False)
        real.attrs.update(attrs_to_dict(real, 'data.'))
        if self.comm.rank == 0:
            self.logger.info("data painted.")

        if self.source['randoms'].csize > 0:

            # paint the randoms
            real2 = self['randoms'].to_real_field(normalize=False)

            # normalize the randoms by alpha
            real2[:] *= -1. * attrs['alpha']

            if self.comm.rank == 0:
                self.logger.info("randoms painted.")

            real[:] += real2[:]
            real.attrs.update(attrs_to_dict(real2, 'randoms.'))

        # divide by volume per cell to go from number to number density
        vol_per_cell = (self.pm.BoxSize / self.pm.Nmesh).prod()
        real[:] /= vol_per_cell

        if self.comm.rank == 0:
            self.logger.info("volume per cell is %g" % vol_per_cell)

        # remove shot noise estimates (they are inaccurate in this case)
        real.attrs.pop('data.shotnoise', None)
        real.attrs.pop('randoms.shotnoise', None)

        return real
Exemplo n.º 6
    def to_real_field(self, normalize=True):
        Paint the density field holding the sum of all particle species,
        returning a :class:`~pmesh.pm.RealField` object.

        Meta-data computed for each particle is stored in the :attr:`attrs`
        attribute of the returned RealField, with keys that are prefixed by
        the species name. In particular, the total shot noise for the
        mesh is defined as:

        .. math::

            P_\mathrm{shot} = \sum_i (W_i/W_\mathrm{tot})^2 P_{\mathrm{shot},i},

        where the sum is over all species in the catalog, ``W_i`` is the
        sum of the ``Weight`` column for the :math:`i^\mathrm{th}` species,
        and :math:`W_\mathrm{tot}` is the sum of :math:`W_i` across all species.

        normalize : bool, optional
            if ``True``, normalize the density field as :math:`1+\delta`,
            dividing by the total mean number of objects per cell, as given
            by the ``num_per_cell`` meta-data value in :attr:`attrs`

        RealField :
            the RealField holding the painted density field, with a
            :attr:`attrs` dictionary attribute holding the meta-data
        # track the sum of the mean number of objects per cell across species
        attrs = {'num_per_cell': 0., 'N': 0}

        # initialize an empty real field
        real = self.pm.create(type='real', value=0)

        # loop over each species
        for name in self.source.species:

            if self.pm.comm.rank == 0:
                self.logger.info("painting the '%s' species" % name)

            # get a CatalogMesh for this species
            species_mesh = self[name]

            # paint (in-place) the un-normalized density field for this species
            species_mesh.to_real_field(out=real, normalize=False)

            # add to the mean number of objects per cell and total number
            attrs['num_per_cell'] += real.attrs['num_per_cell']
            attrs['N'] += real.attrs['N']

            # store the meta-data for this species, with a prefix
            attrs.update(attrs_to_dict(real, name + '.'))

        # # normalize the field by nbar -> this is now 1+delta
        if normalize:
            real[:] /= attrs['num_per_cell']

        # update the meta-data

        # compute total shot noise by summing of shot noise each species
        real.attrs['shotnoise'] = 0
        total_weight = sum(real.attrs['%s.W' % name]
                           for name in self.source.species)
        for name in self.source.species:
            this_Pshot = real.attrs['%s.shotnoise' % name]
            this_weight = real.attrs['%s.W' % name]
            real.attrs['shotnoise'] += (this_weight /
                                        total_weight)**2 * this_Pshot

        return real
Exemplo n.º 7
    def to_real_field(self):
        Paint the FKP density field, returning a ``RealField``.

        Given the ``data`` and ``randoms`` catalogs, this paints:

        .. math::

            F(x) = w_\mathrm{fkp}(x) * [w_\mathrm{comp}(x)*n_\mathrm{data}(x) -
                        \alpha * w_\mathrm{comp}(x)*n_\mathrm{randoms}(x)]

        This computes the following meta-data attributes in the process of
        painting, returned in the :attr:`attrs` attributes of the returned
        RealField object:

        - randoms.W, data.W :
            the weighted sum of randoms and data objects; see
        - alpha : float
            the ratio of ``data.W`` to ``randoms.W``
        - randoms.norm, data.norm : float
            the power spectrum normalization; see :func:`normalization`
        - randoms.shotnoise, data.shotnoise: float
            the shot noise for each sample; see :func:`shotnoise`
        - shotnoise : float
            the total shot noise, equal to the sum of ``randoms.shotnoise``
            and ``data.shotnoise``
        - randoms.num_per_cell, data.num_per_cell : float
            the mean number of weighted objects per cell for each sample
        - num_per_cell : float
            the mean number of weighted objects per cell

        For further details on the meta-data, see
        :ref:`the documentation <fkp-meta-data>`.

        :class:`~pmesh.pm.RealField` :
            the field object holding the FKP density field in real space

        attrs = {}

        # determine alpha, the weighted number ratio
        for name in self.source.species:
            attrs[name+'.W'] = self.weighted_total(name)

        attrs['alpha'] = attrs['data.W'] / attrs['randoms.W']

        # paint the data
        real = self['data'].to_real_field(normalize=False)
        real.attrs.update(attrs_to_dict(real, 'data.'))
        if self.comm.rank == 0:
            self.logger.info("data painted.")

        if self.source['randoms'].csize > 0:

            # paint the randoms
            real2 = self['randoms'].to_real_field(normalize=False)

            # normalize the randoms by alpha
            real2[:] *= -1. * attrs['alpha']

            if self.comm.rank == 0:
                self.logger.info("randoms painted.")

            real[:] += real2[:]
            real.attrs.update(attrs_to_dict(real2, 'randoms.'))

        # divide by volume per cell to go from number to number density
        vol_per_cell = (self.pm.BoxSize/self.pm.Nmesh).prod()
        real[:] /= vol_per_cell

        if self.comm.rank == 0:
            self.logger.info("volume per cell is %g" % vol_per_cell)

        # remove shot noise estimates (they are inaccurate in this case)
        real.attrs.pop('data.shotnoise', None)
        real.attrs.pop('randoms.shotnoise', None)

        return real
Exemplo n.º 8
    def to_real_field(self):
        Paint the FKP density field, returning a ``RealField``.

        Given the ``data`` and ``randoms`` catalogs, this paints:

        .. math::

            F(x) = w_\mathrm{fkp}(x) * [w_\mathrm{comp}(x)*n_\mathrm{data}(x) -
                        \alpha * w_\mathrm{comp}(x)*n_\mathrm{randoms}(x)]

        This computes the following meta-data attributes in the process of
        painting, returned in the :attr:`attrs` attributes of the returned
        RealField object:

        - randoms.W, data.W :
            the weighted sum of randoms and data objects; see
        - alpha : float
            the ratio of ``data.W`` to ``randoms.W``
        - randoms.norm, data.norm : float
            the power spectrum normalization; see :func:`normalization`
        - randoms.shotnoise, data.shotnoise: float
            the shot noise for each sample; see :func:`shotnoise`
        - shotnoise : float
            the total shot noise, equal to the sum of ``randoms.shotnoise``
            and ``data.shotnoise``
        - randoms.num_per_cell, data.num_per_cell : float
            the mean number of weighted objects per cell for each sample
        - num_per_cell : float
            the mean number of weighted objects per cell

        For further details on the meta-data, see
        :ref:`the documentation <fkp-meta-data>`.

        :class:`~pmesh.pm.RealField` :
            the field object holding the FKP density field in real space
        # add necessary FKP columns for INTERNAL use
        for name in self.base.species:

            # a total weight for the mesh is completeness weight x FKP weight
            self[name]['_TotalWeight'] = self.TotalWeight(name)

            # position on the mesh is re-centered to [-BoxSize/2, BoxSize/2]
            self[name]['_RecenteredPosition'] = self.RecenteredPosition(name)

        attrs = {}

        # determine alpha, the weighted number ratio
        for name in self.base.species:
            attrs[name + '.W'] = self.weighted_total(name)
        attrs['alpha'] = attrs['data.W'] / attrs['randoms.W']

        # paint the randoms
        real = self['randoms'].to_real_field(normalize=False)
        real.attrs.update(attrs_to_dict(real, 'randoms.'))

        # normalize the randoms by alpha
        real[:] *= -1. * attrs['alpha']

        # paint the data
        real2 = self['data'].to_real_field(normalize=False)
        real[:] += real2[:]
        real.attrs.update(attrs_to_dict(real2, 'data.'))

        # divide by volume per cell to go from number to number density
        vol_per_cell = (self.pm.BoxSize / self.pm.Nmesh).prod()
        real[:] /= vol_per_cell

        # remove shot noise estimates (they are inaccurate in this case)
        real.attrs.pop('data.shotnoise', None)
        real.attrs.pop('randoms.shotnoise', None)

        # delete internal columns
        for name in self.base.species:
            del self[name + '/_RecenteredPosition']
            del self[name + '/_TotalWeight']

        return real
Exemplo n.º 9
    def to_real_field(self, normalize=True):
        Paint the density field holding the sum of all particle species,
        returning a :class:`~pmesh.pm.RealField` object.

        Meta-data computed for each particle is stored in the :attr:`attrs`
        attribute of the returned RealField, with keys that are prefixed by
        the species name. In particular, the total shot noise for the
        mesh is defined as:

        .. math::

            P_\mathrm{shot} = \sum_i (W_i/W_\mathrm{tot})^2 P_{\mathrm{shot},i},

        where the sum is over all species in the catalog, ``W_i`` is the
        sum of the ``Weight`` column for the :math:`i^\mathrm{th}` species,
        and :math:`W_\mathrm{tot}` is the sum of :math:`W_i` across all species.

        normalize : bool, optional
            if ``True``, normalize the density field as :math:`1+\delta`,
            dividing by the total mean number of objects per cell, as given
            by the ``num_per_cell`` meta-data value in :attr:`attrs`

        RealField :
            the RealField holding the painted density field, with a
            :attr:`attrs` dictionary attribute holding the meta-data
        # track the sum of the mean number of objects per cell across species
        attrs = {'num_per_cell':0., 'N':0}

        # initialize an empty real field
        real = self.pm.create(type='real', value=0)

        # loop over each species
        for name in self.source.species:

            if self.pm.comm.rank == 0:
                self.logger.info("painting the '%s' species" %name)

            # get a CatalogMesh for this species
            species_mesh = self[name]

            # paint (in-place) the un-normalized density field for this species
            species_mesh.to_real_field(out=real, normalize=False)

            # add to the mean number of objects per cell and total number
            attrs['num_per_cell'] += real.attrs['num_per_cell']
            attrs['N'] += real.attrs['N']

            # store the meta-data for this species, with a prefix
            attrs.update(attrs_to_dict(real, name+'.'))

        # # normalize the field by nbar -> this is now 1+delta
        if normalize:
            real[:] /= attrs['num_per_cell']

        # update the meta-data

        # compute total shot noise by summing of shot noise each species
        real.attrs['shotnoise'] = 0
        total_weight = sum(real.attrs['%s.W' %name] for name in self.source.species)
        for name in self.source.species:
            this_Pshot = real.attrs['%s.shotnoise' %name]
            this_weight = real.attrs['%s.W' %name]
            real.attrs['shotnoise'] += (this_weight/total_weight)**2 * this_Pshot

        return real