Exemplo n.º 1
  def __init__(self, token, slice_type, res, xvalue, yvalue, zvalue, tvalue, channels, colors=None):

    # load a cache
    self.db = CacheDB()
    # cutout a a tilesize region
    self.tilesize = settings.TILESIZE
    # setting the server name
    self.server = settings.SERVER
    # take the arguments
    self.token = token
    self.slice_type = slice_type
    self.res = res
    self.xvalue = xvalue
    self.yvalue = yvalue
    self.zvalue = zvalue
    self.tvalue = tvalue
    self.channels = channels
    self.colors = colors
    # set the datasetname and load the data set. If it does not exist in the database then one is fetched and created.
    self.ds = NDDataset(getDatasetName(self.token, self.channels, self.colors, self.slice_type))
    self.tkey = tilekey.tileKey(self.ds.getDatasetId(), self.res, self.xvalue, self.yvalue, self.zvalue, self.tvalue)
Exemplo n.º 2
class Tile:
  """Information specific to a given tile in the tilecache"""

  def __init__(self, token, slice_type, res, xvalue, yvalue, zvalue, tvalue, channels, colors=None):

    # load a cache
    self.db = CacheDB()
    # cutout a a tilesize region
    self.tilesize = settings.TILESIZE
    # setting the server name
    self.server = settings.SERVER
    # take the arguments
    self.token = token
    self.slice_type = slice_type
    self.res = res
    self.xvalue = xvalue
    self.yvalue = yvalue
    self.zvalue = zvalue
    self.tvalue = tvalue
    self.channels = channels
    self.colors = colors
    # set the datasetname and load the data set. If it does not exist in the database then one is fetched and created.
    self.ds = NDDataset(getDatasetName(self.token, self.channels, self.colors, self.slice_type))
    self.tkey = tilekey.tileKey(self.ds.getDatasetId(), self.res, self.xvalue, self.yvalue, self.zvalue, self.tvalue)
  def getFileName (self):
    """Genarate the file name based on the values"""
    if self.tvalue is None:
      if self.colors:
        self.filename = '{}/{}-{}-{}/r{}/'.format(settings.CACHE_DIR, self.token, ','.join([a+':'+b for a,b in zip(self.channels,self.colors)]), self.slice_type, self.res)
        self.filename = '{}/{}-{}-{}/r{}/'.format(settings.CACHE_DIR, self.token, ','.join(self.channels), self.slice_type, self.res)
      self.filename = '{}/{}-{}-{}/t{}/r{}/'.format(settings.CACHE_DIR, self.token, ','.join(self.channels), self.slice_type, self.tvalue, self.res)
    if self.slice_type == 'xy':
        self.filename += 'sl{}/y{}x{}.png'.format(self.zvalue, self.yvalue, self.xvalue)
    elif self.slice_type == 'xz':
        self.filename += 'sl{}/z{}x{}.png'.format(self.yvalue, self.zvalue, self.xvalue)
    elif self.slice_type == 'yz':
        self.filename += 'sl{}/z{}y{}.png'.format(self.xvalue, self.zvalue, self.yvalue)

  def initForFetch ( self ):
    """Configure the database when you need to get data from remote site"""

    self.tc = TileCache(self.token, self.slice_type, self.channels, self.colors)

    # Check for a server for this token
    # RB TODO you never implemented a different server per project
    #    projserver = ProjectServer.objects.filter(project=token)
    #    if projserver.exists():
    #      server = projserver[0].server
    #    else:
    # TODO KL implement multiple projects to fetch token from
    xdim, ydim, zdim = self.ds.cubedim[self.res]
    xoffset, yoffset, zoffset = self.ds.offset[self.res]
    ximagesize, yimagesize, zimagesize = self.ds.imagesz[self.res]
    scale = self.ds.scale[self.res][self.slice_type]
    xsuperdim, ysuperdim, zsuperdim = self.ds.supercubedim[self.res]

    # these are relative to the cuboids in the server
    if self.slice_type == 'xy':
      # if self.ds.getS3Backend():
      self.zslab_offset = (self.zvalue - zoffset) % zsuperdim
      self.zslab = (self.zvalue - zoffset) / zsuperdim
      self.zoff = (self.zvalue - zoffset) % zsuperdim
      self.zmin = (self.zslab)*zsuperdim + zoffset
      self.zmax = min ((self.zslab+1)*zsuperdim + zoffset, zimagesize-zoffset+1)
      # else:
        # self.zslab_offset = (self.zvalue - zoffset) % zdim
        # self.zslab = (self.zvalue - zoffset) / zdim
        # self.zoff = (self.zvalue - zoffset) % zdim
        # self.zmin = (self.zslab)*zdim + zoffset
        # self.zmax = min ((self.zslab+1)*zdim + zoffset, zimagesize-zoffset+1)
      self.xmin = self.xvalue * self.tilesize
      self.xmax = min ((self.xvalue+1)*self.tilesize + xoffset, ximagesize+xoffset)
      self.ymin = self.yvalue * self.tilesize
      self.ymax = min ((self.yvalue+1)*self.tilesize + yoffset, yimagesize+yoffset)

    elif self.slice_type == 'xz':
      if self.ds.getS3Backend():
        self.yslab = (self.yvalue) / ysuperdim
        self.ymin = self.yslab * ysuperdim
        self.ymax = min ((self.yslab+1)*ysuperdim, yimagesize)
        self.yslab = (self.yvalue) / ydim
        self.ymin = self.yslab * ydim
        self.ymax = min ((self.yslab+1)*ydim, yimagesize)
      self.xmin = self.xvalue * self.tilesize
      self.xmax = min ((self.xvalue+1)*self.tilesize, ximagesize)
      # scale the z cutout by the scalefactor
      self.zmin = int((self.zvalue*self.tilesize)/scale + zoffset)
      self.zmax = min(int((self.zvalue+1)*self.tilesize/scale + zoffset), zimagesize+1)

    elif self.slice_type == 'yz':
      if self.ds.getS3Backend():
        self.xslab = (self.xvalue) / xsuperdim
        self.xmin = self.xslab * xsuperdim
        self.xmax = min ((self.xslab+1)*xsuperdim, ximagesize)
        self.xslab = (self.xvalue) / xdim
        self.xmin = self.xslab * xdim
        self.xmax = min ((self.xslab+1)*xdim, ximagesize)
      self.ymin = self.yvalue * self.tilesize
      self.ymax = min ((self.yvalue+1)*self.tilesize, yimagesize)
      # scale the z cutout by the scalefactor
      self.zmin = int((self.zvalue*self.tilesize)/scale + zoffset)
      self.zmax = min(int((self.zvalue+1)*self.tilesize/scale + zoffset), zimagesize+1)

    if self.tvalue is not None:
      self.tmin = self.tvalue
      self.tmax = self.tvalue + 1

    # Build the URLs
    # Non time URLs
    if self.tvalue is None:
      # Non time cuboid
      self.cuboid_url = 'http://{}/ca/{}/{}/blosc/{}/{},{}/{},{}/{},{}/'.format(self.server, self.token, ','.join(self.channels), self.res, self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax, self.zmin, self.zmax)
      # Simple Tile
      if self.colors is None:
        self.tile_url = "http://{}/catmaid/{}/{}/{}/{}/{}_{}_{}.png".format(self.server, self.token, ','.join(self.channels), self.slice_type, self.zvalue, self.yvalue, self.xvalue, self.res)
      # Mcfc Tile
        self.tile_url = "http://{}/catmaid/mcfc/{}/{}/{}/{}/{}_{}_{}.png".format(self.server, self.token, ','.join(['{}:{}'.format(a,b) for a,b in zip(self.channels,self.colors)]), self.slice_type, self.zvalue, self.yvalue, self.xvalue, self.res)
    # Time URL's
      self.cuboid_url = 'http://{}/ca/{}/{}/blosc/{}/{},{}/{},{}/{},{}/{},{}/'.format(self.server, self.token, ','.join(self.channels), self.res, self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax, self.zmin, self.zmax, self.tmin, self.tmax)
      # Simple Tile
      if self.colors is None:
        self.tile_url = "http://{}/catmaid/{}/{}/{}/{}/{}/{}_{}_{}.png".format(self.server, self.token, ','.join(self.channels), self.slice_type, self.tvalue, self.zvalue, self.yvalue, self.xvalue, self.res)
      # Mcfc Tile
        print "Not yet supported"

    if self.zmin >= self.zmax or self.ymin >= self.ymax or self.xmin >= self.xmax:
      raise OOBException("Out of bounds request")

  def fetch (self):
    """Retrieve the tile from the cache or load the cache and return"""

      # open file and return
      f = open(self.filename)
      self.db.touch (self.tkey)
      return f.read()
    except IOError:

      except OOBException:
        logger.warning("OOB request. Returning black tile. url={}".format(self.tile_url))
        img = Image.new("L", (settings.TILESIZE, settings.TILESIZE))
        fileobj = cStringIO.StringIO()
        img.save(fileobj, "PNG")
        return fileobj.read()

      from tasks import fetchcube

      # check if there is S3 backend and do the calls accordingly
      if self.ds.getS3Backend():
        s3_backend = s3io.S3IO(self.ds, self.channels)
        cubedata = s3_backend.getCutout(self.cuboid_url)
        tile_data = cubedata[:, self.zslab_offset, : ,:]
        # fetchcube(self.token, self.slice_type, self.channels, self.colors, self.cuboid_url, cubedata)
        fetchcube.delay (self.token, self.slice_type, self.channels, self.colors, self.cuboid_url, cubedata)
        ch = self.ds.getChannelObj(self.channels[0])
        # checking the channel type to process the data correctly
        if self.colors:
          img = mcfc.mcfcPNG (tile_data, self.colors)
        elif ch.getChannelType() in IMAGE_CHANNELS + TIMESERIES_CHANNELS:
          if ch.getChannelDataType() in DTYPE_uint8:
            img = Image.frombuffer('L', tile_data.shape[1:][::-1], tile_data.flatten(), 'raw', 'L', 0, 1)
          elif ch.getChannelDataType() in DTYPE_uint16:
            if ch.getWindowRange() != [0,0]:
              tile_data = np.uint8(tile_data)
              img = Image.frombuffer('L', tile_data.shape[1:][::-1], tile_data.flatten(), 'raw', 'L', 0, 1)
              img = Image.frombuffer ( 'I;16', tile_data.shape[1:][::-1], tile_data.flatten(), 'raw', 'I;16', 0, 1)
              img.point(lambda i:i*(1./256)).convert('L')
          elif ch.getChannelDataType() in DTYPE_uint32 :
            img =  Image.fromarray( tile_data[0,:,:], 'RGBA')
        elif ch.getChannelType() in ANNOTATION_CHANNELS:
          tile_data = tile_data[0,:]
          ndlib.recolor_ctype(tile_data, tile_data)
          img = Image.frombuffer('RGBA', tile_data.shape[1:][::-1], tile_data.flatten(), 'raw', 'RGBA', 0, 1)

        fileobj = cStringIO.StringIO()
        img.save ( fileobj, "PNG" )
        return fileobj.read()
        # call the celery process to fetch the url
        #fetchurl (self.token, self.slice_type, self.channels, self.colors, self.cuboid_url)
        fetchcube.delay (self.token, self.slice_type, self.channels, self.colors, self.cuboid_url)
        # fetchcube (self.token, self.slice_type, self.channels, self.colors, self.cuboid_url)
        logger.warning("Tile fetch {}".format(self.tile_url))
        return getURL(self.tile_url).read()
Exemplo n.º 3
 def loadDatasetConfig(dataset_name):
     """Query the database for the dataset information and build a db configuration"""
     from nddataset import NDDataset
     return NDDataset(dataset_name)