class AuthorizationServer(object):
    Provides the core OAuth 2.0 server functions.
    BEARER_TOK_ID = 'Bearer'
    MAC_TOK_ID = 'MAC'
    def __init__(self, client_register, authorizer, client_authenticator,
                 resource_register, resource_authenticator,
                 access_token_generator, config):
        self.client_register = client_register
        self.authorizer = authorizer
        self.client_authenticator = client_authenticator
        self.resource_register = resource_register
        self.resource_authenticator = resource_authenticator
        self.access_token_generator = access_token_generator
        self.access_token_register = AccessTokenRegister(config)
        self.authorization_grant_register = AuthorizationGrantRegister(config)

    def authorize(self, request, client_authorized):
        """Handle an authorization request.

        It is assumed that the caller has checked whether the user is
        authenticated and that the user has authorised the client and scope.

        Request query parameters (from

              REQUIRED.  Value MUST be set to "code".
              REQUIRED.  The client identifier as described in Section 2.2.
              OPTIONAL, as described in Section 3.1.2.
              OPTIONAL.  The scope of the access request as described by
              Section 3.3.
              RECOMMENDED.  An opaque value used by the client to maintain
              state between the request and callback.  The authorization
              server includes this value when redirecting the user-agent back
              to the client.  The parameter SHOULD be used for preventing
              cross-site request forgery as described in Section 10.12.

              application/x-www-form-urlencoded format:
              REQUIRED.  The authorization code generated by the
              authorization server.  The authorization code MUST expire
              shortly after it is issued to mitigate the risk of leaks.  A
              maximum authorization code lifetime of 10 minutes is
              RECOMMENDED.  The client MUST NOT use the authorization code
              more than once.  If an authorization code is used more than
              once, the authorization server MUST deny the request and SHOULD
              attempt to revoke all tokens previously issued based on that
              authorization code.  The authorization code is bound to the
              client identifier and redirection URI.
              REQUIRED if the "state" parameter was present in the client
              authorization request.  The exact value received from the

        @type request: webob.Request
        @param request: HTTP request object

        @type client_authorized: bool
        @param client_authorized: True if resource owner has authorized client

        @rtype: tuple: (str, int, str)
        @return: tuple (
                     HTTP status if error
                     error description
        log.debug("Starting authorization request")

        # Parameters should only be taken from the query string.
        params = request.GET
        auth_request = AuthorizeRequest(params.get('response_type', None),
                                        params.get('client_id', None),
                                        params.get('redirect_uri', None),
                                        params.get('scope', None),
                                        params.get('state', None))

            self.check_request(request, params, post_only=False)

            # Check for required parameters.
            required_parameters = ['response_type', 'client_id']
            for param in required_parameters:
                if param not in params:
                    log.error("Missing request parameter %s from params: %s",
                              param, params)
                    raise OauthException('invalid_request', 
                                         "Missing request parameter: %s" % param)

            if not client_authorized:
                raise OauthException('access_denied', 
                                     'User has declined authorization')

            response_type = params.get('response_type', None)
            if response_type != 'code':
                raise OauthException('unsupported_response_type', 
                                     "Response type %s not supported" % 

            client_error = self.client_register.is_valid_client(
            if client_error:
                log.error("Invalid client: %s", client_error)
                return (None, httplib.BAD_REQUEST, client_error)

            # redirect_uri must be included in the request if the client has
            # more than one registered.
            client = self.client_register.register[auth_request.client_id]
            if len(client.redirect_uris) != 1 and not auth_request.redirect_uri:
                log.error("An authorization request has been made without a "
                          "return URI")
                return (None, 
                        ('An authorization request has been made without a '
                        'return URI.'))

            # Preconditions satisfied - generate grant.
            (grant, code) = self.authorizer.generate_authorization_grant(
            auth_response = AuthorizeResponse(code, auth_request.state)

            if not self.authorization_grant_register.add_grant(grant):
                log.error('Registering grant failed')
                raise OauthException('server_error', 
                                     'Authorization grant could not be created')
        except OauthException, exc:
            log.error("Redirecting back after error: %s - %s", 
                      exc.error, exc.error_description)
            return self._redirect_after_authorize(auth_request, None, exc.error,

        log.debug("Redirecting back after successful authorization.")
        return self._redirect_after_authorize(auth_request, auth_response)
Exemplo n.º 2
class AuthorizationServer(object):
    Provides the core OAuth 2.0 server functions.
    BEARER_TOK_ID = 'Bearer'
    MAC_TOK_ID = 'MAC'

    def __init__(self, client_register, authorizer, client_authenticator,
                 resource_register, resource_authenticator,
                 access_token_generator, config):
        self.client_register = client_register
        self.authorizer = authorizer
        self.client_authenticator = client_authenticator
        self.resource_register = resource_register
        self.resource_authenticator = resource_authenticator
        self.access_token_generator = access_token_generator
        self.access_token_register = AccessTokenRegister(config)
        self.authorization_grant_register = AuthorizationGrantRegister(config)

    def authorize(self, request, client_authorized):
        """Handle an authorization request.

        It is assumed that the caller has checked whether the user is
        authenticated and that the user has authorised the client and scope.

        Request query parameters (from

              REQUIRED.  Value MUST be set to "code".
              REQUIRED.  The client identifier as described in Section 2.2.
              OPTIONAL, as described in Section 3.1.2.
              OPTIONAL.  The scope of the access request as described by
              Section 3.3.
              RECOMMENDED.  An opaque value used by the client to maintain
              state between the request and callback.  The authorization
              server includes this value when redirecting the user-agent back
              to the client.  The parameter SHOULD be used for preventing
              cross-site request forgery as described in Section 10.12.

              application/x-www-form-urlencoded format:
              REQUIRED.  The authorization code generated by the
              authorization server.  The authorization code MUST expire
              shortly after it is issued to mitigate the risk of leaks.  A
              maximum authorization code lifetime of 10 minutes is
              RECOMMENDED.  The client MUST NOT use the authorization code
              more than once.  If an authorization code is used more than
              once, the authorization server MUST deny the request and SHOULD
              attempt to revoke all tokens previously issued based on that
              authorization code.  The authorization code is bound to the
              client identifier and redirection URI.
              REQUIRED if the "state" parameter was present in the client
              authorization request.  The exact value received from the

        @type request: webob.Request
        @param request: HTTP request object

        @type client_authorized: bool
        @param client_authorized: True if resource owner has authorized client

        @rtype: tuple: (str, int, str)
        @return: tuple (
                     HTTP status if error
                     error description
        log.debug("Starting authorization request")

        # Parameters should only be taken from the query string.
        params = request.GET
        auth_request = AuthorizeRequest(params.get('response_type', None),
                                        params.get('client_id', None),
                                        params.get('redirect_uri', None),
                                        params.get('scope', None),
                                        params.get('state', None))

            self.check_request(request, params, post_only=False)

            # Check for required parameters.
            required_parameters = ['response_type', 'client_id']
            for param in required_parameters:
                if param not in params:
                    log.error("Missing request parameter %s from params: %s",
                              param, params)
                    raise OauthException(
                        "Missing request parameter: %s" % param)

            if not client_authorized:
                raise OauthException('access_denied',
                                     'User has declined authorization')

            response_type = params.get('response_type', None)
            if response_type != 'code':
                raise OauthException(
                    "Response type %s not supported" % response_type)

            client_error = self.client_register.is_valid_client(
                auth_request.client_id, auth_request.redirect_uri)
            if client_error:
                log.error("Invalid client: %s", client_error)
                return (None, httplib.BAD_REQUEST, client_error)

            # redirect_uri must be included in the request if the client has
            # more than one registered.
            client = self.client_register.register[auth_request.client_id]
            if len(client.redirect_uris
                   ) != 1 and not auth_request.redirect_uri:
                log.error("An authorization request has been made without a "
                          "return URI")
                return (None, httplib.BAD_REQUEST,
                        ('An authorization request has been made without a '
                         'return URI.'))

            # Preconditions satisfied - generate grant.
            (grant, code) = self.authorizer.generate_authorization_grant(
                auth_request, request)
            auth_response = AuthorizeResponse(code, auth_request.state)

            if not self.authorization_grant_register.add_grant(grant):
                log.error('Registering grant failed')
                raise OauthException(
                    'server_error', 'Authorization grant could not be created')
        except OauthException, exc:
            log.error("Redirecting back after error: %s - %s", exc.error,

            return self._redirect_after_authorize(auth_request, None,

        log.debug("Redirecting back after successful authorization.")
        return self._redirect_after_authorize(auth_request, auth_response)