def plot_accuracy(ref=1, save=False): name = 'accuracy' params = ((0, 0), (0, 50), (50, 0), (50, 50)) regimes = ['Statique', 'Stationnaire', 'Harmonique', 'Dynamique'] solvers = ['LU', 'QR', 'Numpy'] plots_id = [] plt.Figure(figsize=(20, 20)) plt.title('Précision') plt.xlabel('Régime') # plt.yscale('log') plt.ylabel('Précision') plt.ylim(bottom=10e-16, top=2.8 * 10e-15) for s in range(len(solvers)): acc = [] for param in params: setVariables(ref=ref, vel=param[0], freq=param[1]) setSolver(solvers[s]) ndt.main(show=False, test=False, solver=True) b = ndt.b A = np.array(ndt.A) num = np.linalg.norm(A @ ndt.x - b) den = np.linalg.norm(b) acc.append((num / den)) print("\n\nWOUHOU : %s : %.15f\n\n" % (solvers[s], (num / den) * 10e13)) p = plt.scatter(regimes, acc, color=COLORS[s]) plots_id.append(p) plt.legend(plots_id, solvers) if save: plt.savefig('res/plots/%s.png' % (name)) return
def plot_ilu(ref=1, save=False): name = 'conditionnementILU' params = ((0, 0), (0, 50), (50, 0), (50, 50)) regimes = ['Statique', 'Stationnaire', 'Harmonique', 'Dynamique'] func = [ILU, getA] plots_names = ['M$^{{{}}}$A'.format(-1), 'A'] plots_id = [] plt.Figure(figsize=(20, 20)) plt.xlabel('Régime') plt.yscale('log') plt.ylabel('Nombre de conditionnement') for s in range(len(func)): k = [] for param in params: setVariables(ref=ref, vel=param[0], freq=param[1]) ndt.main(show=False, test=False, solver=False) A = func[s](ndt.A) [min, max] = my.get_min_max_singular_values(A) k.append(max / min) p = plt.scatter(regimes, k, color=COLORS[s]) plots_id.append(p) plt.legend(plots_id, plots_names) if save: plt.savefig('res/plots/%s.png' % (name)) return
def spectrum(save=False, name='spectrum'): ndt.vel = 0 ndt.freq = 0 ndt.ref = 1 ndt.main(solver=False, show=False, test=False) ndt.A = np.array(ndt.A) ndt.b = np.array(ndt.b) marksize = 4 fig = plt.Figure() plt.subplot(211) plt.title( 'Spectre de la matrice initiale et de la matrice préconditionnée') plt.xlabel('$\Re(z)$') plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.ylabel('$\Im(z)$') plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) eigen, _ = lin.eig(ndt.A) plt.plot(np.real(eigen), np.imag(eigen), 'o', markersize=marksize, color=orange, label='Spectre de la matrice initiale ($A$)') sM, iM, jM = csrILU0(*CSRformat(ndt.A)) ILU = invCSRformat(sM, iM, jM) L = np.tril(ILU, -1) + np.eye(len(ILU)) U = np.triu(ILU) M_1 = lin.inv(, U)) @ ndt.A eigen, _ = lin.eig(M_1) plt.plot(np.real(eigen), np.imag(eigen), 'o', markersize=marksize + 2, color=purple, label='Spectre de la matrice préconditionnée (M$^{-1}A$)') plt.legend() plt.subplot(212) plt.title('Spectre de la matrice préconditionnée') plt.xlabel('$\Re(z)$') plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.ylabel('$\Im(z)$') plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.plot(np.real(eigen), np.imag(eigen), 'o', markersize=marksize + 2, color=purple, label='Spectre de la matrice préconditionnée (M$^{-1}A$)') plt.legend() if save: plt.savefig('res/plots/%s.png' % (name)) else: return
def complexitylog(precision, save=False, name='complexitylog'): ndt.vel = 1 ndt.freq = 50 selfColors = [orange, purple, purple] selfChar = ['o', 'o', 'x'] plus = [0.5, 0.25, 0] names = ['LUsolve', 'LUcsrsolve', 'LUcsrsolve avec RCMK'] selfSolver = [LUsolve, LUcsrsolve, LUcsrsolve] selfRMCK = [False, False, True] plt.Figure() plt.tick_params( labelleft=False, # ticks along the top edge are off labelbottom=False) plt.title('Logarithme des complexités temporelles des différents solvers') plt.xlabel('Nombre de noeuds [log$_{10}$]') plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.ylabel('Temps d\'exécution [log$_{10}$ sec]') plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) plotID = [] for i in range(len(selfSolver)): times = [] sizes = [] for ndt.ref in precision: ndt.main() A = np.array(ndt.A) b = np.array(ndt.b) if (selfRMCK[i]): r = RCMK(*CSRformat(A)[1:3]) A = (A[:, r])[r, :] b = b[r] sizes.append(len(A)) tic = timer() selfSolver[i](A, b) tac = timer() times.append(tac - tic) logx = np.log10(sizes) logy = np.log10(times) + plus[i] ranger = np.linspace(logx[0], logx[-1], 100) fit = np.polyfit(logx, logy, 1) plt.plot(logx, logy, selfChar[i], color=selfColors[i]) plt.plot(ranger, np.poly1d(fit)(ranger), '--', color=selfColors[i]) plotID.append(fit) plt.legend([ names[0], 'Polyfit LUsolve : %.2fx+...' % plotID[0][0], names[1], 'Polyfit LUcsrsolve sans RCMK: %.2fx+...' % plotID[1][0], names[2], 'Polyfit LUcsrsolve avec RCMK: %.2fx+...' % plotID[2][0] ]) if save: plt.savefig('res/plots/%s.png' % (name)) else: return
def denseA(precision, save=False, name='DensityA'): Standard_densities = [] sizes = [] for ref in precision: ndt.ref = ref ndt.main() A = np.array(ndt.A) Standard_densities.append(density(A)) sizes.append(len(A)) plt.Figure() plt.title('Densité de la matrice initiale') plt.xlabel('Nombre de noeuds') plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.ylabel('Densité') plt.scatter(sizes, Standard_densities, color=purple) if save: plt.savefig('res/plots/%s.png' % (name)) else: return
def band(precision, save=False, name='bandRCMK'): Standard_width = [] RCMK_width = [] sizes = [] for ndt.ref in precision: ndt.main() A = np.array(ndt.A) size = len(A) sizes.append(size) sA, iA, jA = CSRformat(A) r = RCMK(iA, jA) ARCMK = (A[:, r])[r, :] sARCMK, iARCMK, jARCMK = CSRformat(ARCMK) Standard_width.append(bandwidth(iA, jA)[2]) RCMK_width.append(bandwidth(iARCMK, jARCMK)[2]) plt.Figure() plt.title('Largeur de bande des matrices selon RCMK') plt.xlabel('Nombre de noeuds') plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.ylabel('Largeur de la bande') plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) ps = plt.plot(sizes, Standard_width, 'o', color=purple) pr = plt.plot(sizes, RCMK_width, 'o', color=orange) ranger = np.linspace(sizes[0], sizes[-1], 100) spoly = np.polyfit(sizes, Standard_width, 1) rpoly = np.polyfit(sizes, RCMK_width, 1) pps = plt.plot(ranger, np.poly1d(spoly)(ranger), '--', color=purple) ppr = plt.plot(ranger, np.poly1d(rpoly)(ranger), '--', color=orange) plt.legend([ 'Sans RCMK', 'Avec RCMK', 'Polyfit sans RCMK : %.2fx+...' % (spoly[0]), 'Polyfit avec RCMK : %.2fx+...' % (rpoly[0]) ]) if save: plt.savefig('res/plots/%s.png' % (name)) else: return
def regimes(refs, iterations=1000, save=False, name='regimes'): vels = [0, 50] freqs = [0, 50] linestyle = [[10, 0], [10, 10]] lwidth = [1.5, 3.0] names = ['statique', 'harmonique', 'stationnaire', 'dynamique'] xranger = np.arange(iterations) fig = plt.Figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.title( 'Convergence de la norme du résidu en fonction du nombre d\'itérations et des différents régimes' ) plt.xlabel('Nombre d\'itérations') plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.ylabel('Norme du résidu (||b-Ax$_n$||$_2$)') plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) for (i, ndt.ref) in zip(range(len(refs)), refs): for (j, ndt.freq) in zip(range(len(freqs)), freqs): for (k, ndt.vel) in zip(range(len(vels)), vels): ndt.main() A = np.array(ndt.A) b = np.array(ndt.b) _, res = csrGMRES(*CSRformat(A), b, rtol=1e-30, prec=False, max_iterations=iterations, res_history=[]) plt.loglog(xranger, res, dashes=linestyle[j], color=COLORS[len(freqs) * j + k], label='Régime %s (%d noeuds)' % (names[len(freqs) * j + k], ndt.Nodes), linewidth=lwidth[i]) plt.legend() if save: plt.savefig('res/plots/%s.png' % (name)) else: return
def complexity(precision, save=False, name='complexity'): ndt.vel = 0 ndt.freq = 50 selfColors = [orange, purple, purple] selfChar = ['--o', '--o', '--x'] names = ['LUsolve', 'LUcsrsolve', 'LUcsrsolve avec RCMK'] selfSolver = [LUsolve, LUcsrsolve, LUcsrsolve] selfRMCK = [False, False, True] plt.Figure() plt.title('Complexité temporelle selon matrice creuse et RCMK') plt.xlabel('Nombre de noeuds') plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.ylabel('Temps d\'exécution [sec]') plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) plotID = [] for i in range(len(selfSolver)): times = [] sizes = [] for ndt.ref in precision: ndt.main() A = np.array(ndt.A) b = np.array(ndt.b) if (selfRMCK[i]): r = RCMK(*CSRformat(A)[1:3]) A = (A[:, r])[r, :] b = b[r] sizes.append(len(A)) tic = timer() selfSolver[i](A, b) tac = timer() times.append(tac - tic) id = plt.scatter(sizes, times, marker=selfChar[i], color=selfColors[i]) plotID.append(id) plt.legend(plotID, names) if save: plt.savefig('res/plots/%s.png' % (name)) else: return
def CSR(precision, save=False, name='CSR'): times = [] sizes = [] for ndt.ref in precision: ndt.main() A = np.array(ndt.A) size = len(A) sizes.append(size) mean = [] for m in range(4): tic = timer() sA, iA, jA = CSRformat(A) tac = timer() mean.append(tac - tic) times.append(sum(mean) / len(mean)) plt.Figure() plt.title('Complexité temporelle de CSRformat') plt.xlabel('Nombre de noeuds [log$_{10}$]') plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.ylabel('Temps d\'exécution [log$_{10}$ sec]') plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) logx = np.log10(sizes) logy = np.log10(times) ps = plt.scatter(logx, logy, color=purple) fitab = np.polyfit(logx, logy, 1) fit = np.poly1d(fitab) ranger = np.linspace(logx[0], logx[-1], 100) pfit = plt.plot(ranger, fit(ranger), '--', color=orange) plt.legend([ 'Polyfit : (%.2fx-%.2f)' % (fitab[0], abs(fitab[1])), 'Complexités temporelles' ]) if save: plt.savefig('res/plots/%s.png' % (name)) else: return
def precond(refs, iterations=1000, save=False, name='precond'): ndt.vel = 0 ndt.freq = 0 linestyle = ['--', '-'] precs = [True, False] names = ['Avec préconditionnement', 'Sans préconditionnement'] xranger = np.arange(iterations) fig = plt.Figure(figsize=(15, 22)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.title( 'Convergence de la norme du résidu en fonction du nombre d\'itéartions et du préconditionnement' ) plt.xlabel('Nombre d\'itérations') plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.ylabel('Norme du résidu') plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) for (i, ndt.ref) in zip(range(len(refs)), refs): for j in range(len(precs)): ndt.main() A = np.array(ndt.A) b = np.array(ndt.b) _, res = csrGMRES(*CSRformat(A), b, rtol=1e-30, prec=precs[j], max_iterations=iterations, res_history=[]) print('res 0 : ', res[0]) plt.loglog(xranger, res, linestyle[i], color=COLORS[i + j], label='%s (%d noeuds)' % (names[i + j], ndt.Nodes)) plt.legend() if save: plt.savefig('res/plots/%s.png' % (name)) else: return
def all_RCMK(): ndt.main() A = ndt.A L = LU.LU(A)[0] sA, iA, jA = CSRformat(A) r = RCMK(iA, jA) a_rcmk = (A[:, r])[r, :] sA, iA, jA = CSRformat(A) sA, iA, jA = CSRformat(a_rcmk) LRMCK = LU.LU(a_rcmk)[0] sA, iA, jA = CSRformat(LRMCK) plt.subplot(221) plt.title('Initial A') plt.spy(A) plt.subplot(222) plt.title('LU with initial A') plt.spy(L) plt.subplot(223) plt.title('A reordered') plt.spy((a_rcmk)) plt.subplot(224) plt.title('LU with A reordered') plt.spy(LRMCK)
firstIndex = iA[i] length = iA[i + 1] - firstIndex for j in range(length): curIndex = firstIndex + j A[i, jA[curIndex]] = sA[curIndex] return A def csr_arnoldi(sA, iA, jA, v0, k: int, *M): n = len(v0) H = np.zeros((k + 1, k)) Q = np.zeros((n, k + 1)) q = v0 / np.linalg.norm(v0) Q[:, 0] = q for j in range(k): v = csr_dot(sA, iA, jA, Q[:, j]) for i in range(j + 1): H[i, j] =[:, i], v) v -= H[i, j] * Q[:, i] H[j + 1, j] = np.linalg.norm(v) if H[j + 1, j] != 0 and j != n - 1: q = v / H[j + 1, j] Q[:, j + 1] = q else: return Q, H return Q, H if __name__ == '__main__': ndt.main(show=True, solver=True)
def timer(SOLVER, **kwargs): start = time.time() setSolver(SOLVER) ndt.main(**kwargs) return time.time() - start
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 # Stan 2012-04-14 from pyramid.paster import setup_logging, get_appsettings from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server from ndt import main if __name__ == '__main__': config_uri = '../development.ini' settings = get_appsettings(config_uri) app = main(global_config=None, **settings) server = make_server('', 8080, app) server.serve_forever()