Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, packetString=None, header=None, data=None, checkCRC=True):
        if (packetString != None):
            # Sanity check
            packetStringLength = len(packetString)
            if (packetStringLength < 4):
                raise InvalidPacketFormatError( \
                    'Impossible packet, must have a packet of at least 4 bytes but got {0}' \

            # The string can either be bytes or an actual string
            # Force it to a string if that is the case.
            if (type(packetString) == str):
                packetString = packetString.encode('iso-8859-1')

            # Extract the header information
            self.headerLength = 4
            headerString = packetString[:self.headerLength]
            ctrlByte, packetLength, crc, command \
                = struct.unpack(Formatting.CommandData.Header, headerString)

            # Extract the value from the subsystem byte
            subSystem = ctrlByte & BitMask.SubSystem

            # Check if the response byte is an acknowledge
            packetTypeCode = ctrlByte & BitMask.PacketType
            packetType = packetTypeCode >> BitPosition.PacketType

            # See if the packet is a response or a command packet
            if (packetType == PacketType.Command):
                raise InvalidPacketFormatError('Cannot create a response packet with the string of a command packet.')

            self.header = NebHeader(subSystem, packetType, command, crc, packetLength)

            # Extract the data substring
            dataString = packetString[self.headerLength:self.headerLength + packetLength]

            # Perform CRC of data bytes
            if (checkCRC):
                calculatedCRC = nebUtilities.genNebCRC8(bytearray(packetString))
                if calculatedCRC != self.header.crc:
                    raise CRCError(calculatedCRC, self.header.crc)

            if packetType == PacketType.Ack:
                self.data = AckData()
                # Build the data object based on the subsystem and command.
                self.data = ResponsePacketDataConstructors[subSystem][self.header.command](dataString)

        elif (header != None and data != None):
            self.header = header
            self.data = data
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, subSystem, commandType, enable=True, **kwargs):
     # Logic for determining which type of command packet it is based on the header
     if subSystem == SubSystem.Debug and commandType == Commands.Debug.UnitTestMotionData:
         self.data = NebUnitTestMotionDataCommandData(kwargs['timestamp'], kwargs['accel'],\
                                                      kwargs['gyro'], kwargs['mag'])
     elif subSystem == SubSystem.Debug and commandType == Commands.Debug.InterfaceState:
         self.data = NebDataPortState(enable, kwargs['interface'])
     elif subSystem == SubSystem.Motion and commandType == Commands.Motion.Downsample:
         self.data = NebDownsampleCommandData(enable)
     elif subSystem == SubSystem.Motion and commandType == Commands.Motion.AccRange:
         self.data = NebAccRangeCommandData(enable)
     elif subSystem == SubSystem.Storage and commandType == Commands.Storage.Playback :
         self.data = NebFlashPlaybackCommandData(enable, kwargs['sessionID'])
     elif subSystem == SubSystem.Storage and commandType == Commands.Storage.SessionInfo:
         self.data = NebFlashSessionInfoCommandData(kwargs['sessionID'])
     elif subSystem == SubSystem.EEPROM:
         if commandType == Commands.EEPROM.Read:
             self.data = NebEEPROMCommandData(False, kwargs['pageNumber'])
         elif commandType == Commands.EEPROM.Write :
             self.data = NebEEPROMCommandData(True, kwargs['pageNumber'], kwargs['dataBytes'])
     elif subSystem == SubSystem.LED and commandType == Commands.LED.SetVal:
         self.data = NebSetLEDCommandData(kwargs['ledValueTupleList'])
     elif subSystem == SubSystem.LED and commandType == Commands.LED.GetVal:
         self.data = NebGetLEDCommandData(kwargs['ledIndices'])
         self.data = NebCommandData(enable)
     self.header = NebHeader(subSystem, PacketType.Command, commandType, length=len(self.data.encode()))
     # Perform CRC calculation
     self.header.crc = nebUtilities.crc8(bytearray(self.header.encode() + self.data.encode()))
Exemplo n.º 3
 def createResponsePacket(self, subSystem, commands, data, dataString):
     crc = nebUtilities.crc8(bytearray(dataString))
     header = NebHeader(subSystem, False, commands, crc, len(dataString))
     responsePacket = NebResponsePacket(packetString=None, header=header, data=data, checkCRC=False)
     responsePacket.header.crc = nebUtilities.genNebCRC8(bytearray(responsePacket.stringEncode()))
     return responsePacket
Exemplo n.º 4
class NebResponsePacket(object):
    """docstring for NebResponsePacket"""

    def createResponsePacket(self, subSystem, commands, data, dataString):
        crc = nebUtilities.crc8(bytearray(dataString))
        header = NebHeader(subSystem, False, commands, crc, len(dataString))
        responsePacket = NebResponsePacket(packetString=None, header=header, data=data, checkCRC=False)
        responsePacket.header.crc = nebUtilities.genNebCRC8(bytearray(responsePacket.stringEncode()))
        return responsePacket

    def createEmptyResponsePacket(cls, subSystem, command):
        garbage = ('\000' * 16).encode('utf-8')
        data = BlankData(garbage)
        dataString = data.encode()
        return cls.createResponsePacket(cls, subSystem, command, data, dataString)

    def createMAGResponsePacket(cls, timestamp, mag, accel):
        data = MAGData(timestamp, mag, accel)
        dataString = data.encode()
        return cls.createResponsePacket(cls, SubSystem.Motion, Commands.Motion.MAG, data, dataString)

    def createIMUResponsePacket(cls, timestamp, accel, gyro):
        data = IMUData(timestamp, accel, gyro)
        dataString = data.encode()
        return cls.createResponsePacket(cls, SubSystem.Motion, Commands.Motion.IMU, data, dataString)

    def createEulerAngleResponsePacket(cls, timestamp, yaw, pitch, roll, demoHeading=0.0):
        # Multiply the euler angle values by 10 to emulate the firmware behavior
        yaw = int(yaw * 10)
        pitch = int(pitch * 10)
        roll = int(roll * 10)
        demoHeading = int(demoHeading * 10)
        garbage = '\000\000\000\000'.encode('utf-8')
        dataString = struct.pack(Formatting.Data.Euler, int(timestamp), yaw, pitch, roll, demoHeading, garbage)
        data = EulerAngleData(dataString)
        return cls.createResponsePacket(cls, SubSystem.Motion, Commands.Motion.EulerAngle, data, dataString)

    def createPedometerResponsePacket(cls, timestamp, stepCount, stepsPerMinute, walkingDirection):
        # Multiply the walking direction value by 10 to emulate the firmware behavior
        walkingDirection = int(walkingDirection * 10)
        garbage = ('\000' * 7).encode('utf-8')
        dataString = struct.pack(Formatting.Data.Pedometer, timestamp, stepCount, \
                                 stepsPerMinute, walkingDirection, garbage)
        data = PedometerData(dataString)
        return cls.createResponsePacket(cls, SubSystem.Motion, Commands.Motion.Pedometer, data, dataString)

    def createRotationResponsePacket(cls, timestamp, rotationCount, rpm):
        garbage = ('\000' * 6).encode('utf-8')
        dataString = struct.pack(Formatting.Data.RotationInfo, timestamp, rotationCount, \
                                 rpm, garbage)
        data = RotationData(dataString)
        return cls.createResponsePacket(cls, SubSystem.Motion, Commands.Motion.RotationInfo, data, dataString)

    def __init__(self, packetString=None, header=None, data=None, checkCRC=True):
        if (packetString != None):
            # Sanity check
            packetStringLength = len(packetString)
            if (packetStringLength < 4):
                raise InvalidPacketFormatError( \
                    'Impossible packet, must have a packet of at least 4 bytes but got {0}' \

            # The string can either be bytes or an actual string
            # Force it to a string if that is the case.
            if (type(packetString) == str):
                packetString = packetString.encode('iso-8859-1')

            # Extract the header information
            self.headerLength = 4
            headerString = packetString[:self.headerLength]
            ctrlByte, packetLength, crc, command \
                = struct.unpack(Formatting.CommandData.Header, headerString)

            # Extract the value from the subsystem byte
            subSystem = ctrlByte & BitMask.SubSystem

            # Check if the response byte is an acknowledge
            packetTypeCode = ctrlByte & BitMask.PacketType
            packetType = packetTypeCode >> BitPosition.PacketType

            # See if the packet is a response or a command packet
            if (packetType == PacketType.Command):
                raise InvalidPacketFormatError('Cannot create a response packet with the string of a command packet.')

            self.header = NebHeader(subSystem, packetType, command, crc, packetLength)

            # Extract the data substring
            dataString = packetString[self.headerLength:self.headerLength + packetLength]

            # Perform CRC of data bytes
            if (checkCRC):
                calculatedCRC = nebUtilities.genNebCRC8(bytearray(packetString))
                if calculatedCRC != self.header.crc:
                    raise CRCError(calculatedCRC, self.header.crc)

            if packetType == PacketType.Ack:
                self.data = AckData()
                # Build the data object based on the subsystem and command.
                self.data = ResponsePacketDataConstructors[subSystem][self.header.command](dataString)

        elif (header != None and data != None):
            self.header = header
            self.data = data

    def isPacketError(self):
        return self.header.packetType == PacketType.ErrorLogResp

    def isPacketValid(self, packetType, subSystem, command):
        return self.isPacketHeaderValid(packetType, subSystem, command)

    def isPacketHeaderValid(self, packetType, subSystem, command):
        valid = (self.header.packetType == packetType)
        valid &= (self.header.subSystem == subSystem)
        valid &= (self.header.command == command)
        return valid

    def stringEncode(self):
        headerStringCode = self.header.encode()
        dataStringCode = self.data.encode()
        return headerStringCode + dataStringCode

    def __str__(self):
        stringFormat = "header = [{0}] data = [{1}]"
        stringDescriptor = stringFormat.format(self.header, self.data)
        return stringDescriptor