Exemplo n.º 1
    def setUp(self):
        self.model1 = parse.parse_xml("test/examples.xml", "test_pcreep")

        E = [-100, 100000]
        nu = 0.3

        youngs = interpolate.PolynomialInterpolate(E)
        poissons = interpolate.ConstantInterpolate(nu)
        elastic = elasticity.IsotropicLinearElasticModel(
            youngs, "youngs", poissons, "poissons")

        surface = surfaces.IsoJ2()

        Ts = [100.0, 300.0, 500.0, 700.0]
        Sys = [1000.0, 120.0, 60.0, 30.0]

        yields = interpolate.PiecewiseLinearInterpolate(Ts, Sys)

        pmodel = models.SmallStrainPerfectPlasticity(elastic, surface, yields)

        self.T = 550.0
        self.tmax = 10.0
        self.nsteps = 50.0
        self.emax = np.array([0.1, 0.05, 0, -0.025, 0, 0])

        A = 1.85e-10
        n = 2.5

        smodel = creep.PowerLawCreep(A, n)
        cmodel = creep.J2CreepModel(smodel)

        self.model2 = models.SmallStrainCreepPlasticity(
            elastic, pmodel, cmodel)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def setUp(self):
        self.hist0 = np.zeros((6, ))

        self.A = 1.85e-10
        self.n = 2.5

        self.smodel = creep.PowerLawCreep(self.A, self.n)
        self.cmodel = creep.J2CreepModel(self.smodel)

        self.E = 150000.0
        self.nu = 0.3
        self.sY = 200.0

        self.elastic = elasticity.IsotropicLinearElasticModel(
            self.E, "youngs", self.nu, "poissons")
        self.surface = surfaces.IsoJ2()

        self.pmodel = models.SmallStrainPerfectPlasticity(
            self.elastic, self.surface, self.sY)

        self.model = models.SmallStrainCreepPlasticity(self.elastic,

        self.efinal = np.array([0.1, -0.05, 0.02, -0.05, 0.1, -0.15])
        self.tfinal = 10.0
        self.T = 300.0
        self.nsteps = 10
Exemplo n.º 3
    def setUp(self):
        self.model1 = parse.parse_xml("test/examples.xml",

        A = 1.85e-10
        n = 2.5

        smodel = creep.PowerLawCreep(A, n)
        cmodel = creep.J2CreepModel(smodel)

        E = 150000.0
        nu = 0.3
        sY = 200.0
        H = E / 50.0

        elastic = elasticity.IsotropicLinearElasticModel(
            E, "youngs", nu, "poissons")
        surface = surfaces.IsoJ2()
        iso = hardening.LinearIsotropicHardeningRule(sY, H)
        flow = ri_flow.RateIndependentAssociativeFlow(surface, iso)

        pmodel = models.SmallStrainRateIndependentPlasticity(elastic, flow)

        self.model2 = models.SmallStrainCreepPlasticity(
            elastic, pmodel, cmodel)

        self.T = 300.0
        self.tmax = 10.0
        self.nsteps = 100.0
        self.emax = np.array([0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
Exemplo n.º 4
def example4():
  # T is in hours, strain in percent, stress in MPa
  A = 1.85e-10
  n = 2.5
  m = 0.3

  smodel = creep.PowerLawCreep(A, n)
  cmodel = creep.J2CreepModel(smodel)

  E = 150000.0
  nu = 0.3
  sY = 200.0
  H = E / 25.0

  elastic = elasticity.IsotropicLinearElasticModel(E, "youngs", nu,
  surface = surfaces.IsoJ2()
  iso = hardening.LinearIsotropicHardeningRule(sY, H)
  flow = ri_flow.RateIndependentAssociativeFlow(surface, iso)

  pmodel = models.SmallStrainRateIndependentPlasticity(elastic, flow)
  model = models.SmallStrainCreepPlasticity(elastic, pmodel, cmodel)

  res = drivers.creep(model, 205.0, 3600.0, 100.0, verbose = False, 
      nsteps_up = 500)
  plt.plot(res['strain'], res['stress'])
Exemplo n.º 5
    def setUp(self):
        self.hist0 = np.zeros((13, ))

        self.A = 1.85e-10
        self.n = 2.5

        self.smodel = creep.PowerLawCreep(self.A, self.n)
        self.cmodel = creep.J2CreepModel(self.smodel)

        self.E = 150000.0
        self.nu = 0.3
        self.sY = 200.0
        self.H = self.E / 50.0

        self.elastic = elasticity.IsotropicLinearElasticModel(
            self.E, "youngs", self.nu, "poissons")

        self.surface = surfaces.IsoJ2()
        self.iso = hardening.LinearIsotropicHardeningRule(self.sY, self.H)
        self.flow = ri_flow.RateIndependentAssociativeFlow(
            self.surface, self.iso)

        self.pmodel = models.SmallStrainRateIndependentPlasticity(
            self.elastic, self.flow)

        self.model = models.SmallStrainCreepPlasticity(self.elastic,

        self.efinal = np.array([0.1, -0.05, 0.02, -0.03, 0.1, -0.15])
        self.tfinal = 10.0
        self.T = 300.0
        self.nsteps = 10
Exemplo n.º 6
def gen_material(E, nu, sY, alpha, A, n):
    Generate a perfectly plastic + creep material model.
  elastic = elasticity.IsotropicLinearElasticModel(E, "youngs", nu, 
  surface = surfaces.IsoJ2()

  pmodel = models.SmallStrainPerfectPlasticity(elastic, surface, sY)
  smodel = creep.PowerLawCreep(A, n)
  cmodel = creep.J2CreepModel(smodel)

  return models.SmallStrainCreepPlasticity(elastic, pmodel, cmodel, alpha = alpha)
Exemplo n.º 7
def creep_ex():
    E = 92000.0
    nu = 0.3

    s0 = 120.0

    A = 1.0e-10
    n = 3.0

    Kp = E / 500
    H = E / 500

    smodel = creep.PowerLawCreep(A, n)
    cmodel = creep.J2CreepModel(smodel)

    elastic = elasticity.IsotropicLinearElasticModel(E, "youngs", nu,

    surface = surfaces.IsoKinJ2()
    iso = hardening.LinearIsotropicHardeningRule(s0, Kp)
    kin = hardening.LinearKinematicHardeningRule(H)
    hrule = hardening.CombinedHardeningRule(iso, kin)

    flow = ri_flow.RateIndependentAssociativeFlow(surface, hrule)

    pmodel = models.SmallStrainRateIndependentPlasticity(elastic, flow)

    bmodel = models.SmallStrainCreepPlasticity(elastic, pmodel, cmodel)

    A_damg = 1.0e-2
    a_damg = 1.0

    model = damage.NEMLPowerLawDamagedModel_sd(elastic,

    #res = drivers.uniaxial_test(model, 1.0e-2, emax = 0.25)
    #plt.plot(res['strain'], res['stress'])

    res = drivers.creep(model, 120.0, 1.0, 393.0, verbose=False)

    plt.plot(res['rtime'], res['rstrain'])
    plt.loglog(res['rtime'], res['rrate'])
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_creep_plasticity(self):
        surface = surfaces.IsoJ2()
        sy = 100.0
        bmodel = models.SmallStrainPerfectPlasticity(self.elastic1, surface,
        A = 1.85e-10
        n = 12.0

        smodel = creep.PowerLawCreep(A, n)
        cmodel = creep.J2CreepModel(smodel)
        model = models.SmallStrainCreepPlasticity(self.elastic1, bmodel,

        self.very_close(model, self.emodel1)


        self.very_close(model, self.emodel2)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def setUp(self):
        self.A = 1.0e-10
        self.m = 0.25
        self.n = 5.0

        self.smodel = creep.NortonBaileyCreep(self.A, self.m, self.n)

        self.model = creep.J2CreepModel(self.smodel)

        self.s = np.array([100.0, -25.0, -5.0, 20.0, 15.0, 3.0])
        self.e = np.array([0.05, -0.01, -0.01, 0.025, 0.03, -0.01])
        self.x = np.array([0.06, 0.01, 0.02, 0.01, 0.02, -0.05])
        self.T = 300.0
        self.t = 10.0
        self.dt = 2.0

        tr = np.sum(self.s[:3])
        self.sdev = self.s - np.array([1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]) * tr / 3.0
        self.se = np.sqrt(3.0 / 2.0) * la.norm(self.sdev)
        self.ee = np.sqrt(2.0 / 3.0) * la.norm(self.e)
Exemplo n.º 10
def example3():
  # T is in hours, strain in percent, stress in MPa
  A = 1.85e-10
  n = 2.5

  smodel = creep.PowerLawCreep(A, n)
  cmodel = creep.J2CreepModel(smodel)

  E = 150000.0
  nu = 0.3
  sY = 200.0
  H = E / 50.0

  elastic = elasticity.IsotropicLinearElasticModel(E, "youngs", nu,
  surface = surfaces.IsoJ2()
  iso = hardening.LinearIsotropicHardeningRule(sY, H)
  flow = ri_flow.RateIndependentAssociativeFlow(surface, iso)

  pmodel = models.SmallStrainRateIndependentPlasticity(elastic, flow)
  smax = 250.0
  R = -0.5
  srate = 1.0 * 3600.0
  ncycles = 25
  hold = 25

  res1 = drivers.stress_cyclic(pmodel, smax, R, srate, ncycles, 
      hold_time = [0,hold])

  model = models.SmallStrainCreepPlasticity(elastic, pmodel, cmodel, verbose = False)

  res2 = drivers.stress_cyclic(model, smax, R, srate, ncycles, 
      hold_time = [0,hold], verbose = False)

  plt.plot(res1['strain'], res1['stress'], 'k-')
  plt.plot(res2['strain'], res2['stress'], 'r-')
Exemplo n.º 11
def example1():
  # T is in hours, strain in percent, stress in MPa
  A = 1.85e-9
  n = 2.5
  m = 0.3

  smodel = creep.NortonBaileyCreep(A, n, m)
  model = creep.J2CreepModel(smodel, verbose = False)

  stress = 150.0
  temp = 300.0
  times = np.linspace(0, 500, 100)

  # Function to integrate out the scalar model
  def scalar_rate(e, t):
    return smodel.g(stress, e[0], t, temp)
  estart = 0.01
  strains = quad.odeint(scalar_rate, estart, times)
  plt.plot(times, strains, 'k-')

  vstrains = []
  vstresses = []

  stress = np.array([stress, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
  vstrains.append(np.array([estart, -0.5*estart, -0.5*estart, 0, 0, 0]))
  for i in range(1, len(times)):
    strain_next, A_next = model.update(stress, vstrains[-1], temp, temp, 
        times[i], times[i-1])

  vstresses = np.array(vstresses)
  vstrains = np.array(vstrains)
  plt.plot(times, vstrains[:,0], 'r-')

Exemplo n.º 12
    A = 1.0e-22

    # Damage parameters
    xi = 0.478
    phi = 1.914
    S = 1.0e19

    # Loading
    srate = 100.0

    # Setup model
    emodel = elasticity.IsotropicLinearElasticModel(E, "youngs", nu,
    bmodel = models.SmallStrainElasticity(emodel)
    scmodel = creep.PowerLawCreep(A, n)
    cfmodel = creep.J2CreepModel(scmodel)
    cmodel = models.SmallStrainCreepPlasticity(emodel, bmodel, cfmodel)
    model = damage.ClassicalCreepDamageModel_sd(emodel, S, xi, phi, cmodel)

    model2 = damage.ModularCreepDamageModel_sd(
        emodel, S, xi, phi, damage.VonMisesEffectiveStress(), cmodel)

    # Computed life
    srange = np.linspace(s0 / 2, s0, 10)
    tfs = S**(xi) / (1 + phi) * srange**(-xi)

    slife = []
    slife2 = []
    for s, tf in zip(srange, tfs):
        res = drivers.creep(model,
Exemplo n.º 13
    n = 45.0
    eta = 200.0
    iso2 = hardening.LinearIsotropicHardeningRule(0, H)
    gpower = visco_flow.GPowerLaw(n, eta)
    vflow = visco_flow.PerzynaFlowRule(surface, iso2, gpower)
    gflow = general_flow.TVPFlowRule(elastic, vflow)
    model3 = models.GeneralIntegrator(elastic, gflow)

    # T is in hours, strain in percent, stress in MPa
    A = 1.85e-9
    n = 2.5
    m = 0.3

    smodel = creep.NortonBaileyCreep(A, n, m)
    cmodel = creep.J2CreepModel(smodel)
    model4 = models.SmallStrainCreepPlasticity(elastic, model1, cmodel)

    erate = 1.0e-4
    emax = 0.025

    energy = emax * sY - 0.5 * sY * sY / E

    dissipated = energy - 0.5 * sY * sY / E

    res1 = drivers.uniaxial_test(model1, erate, emax=emax)
    res2 = drivers.uniaxial_test(model2, erate, emax=emax)
    res3 = drivers.uniaxial_test(model3, erate, emax=emax)
    res4 = drivers.uniaxial_test(model4, erate, emax=emax)
