Exemplo n.º 1

    # Load the SSH field and remask it.
    ssh = nemo.load_field('sossheig', '', '', tfiles[k], 'T')
    ssh = nemo.mask_field(ssh, tmask)

    # Calculate the geostrophic velocities.
    ssu = -2.0 * g * nemo.grad_dtdy(ssh.data, e2v, vmask, nx, ny,
                                    1) / (f[0:nx, :, :] + f[1:nx + 1, :, :])
    ssu = ssu * vmask
    ssv = 2.0 * g * nemo.grad_dtdx(ssh.data, e1u, umask, nx, ny,
                                   1) / (f[:, 0:ny, :] + f[:, 1:ny + 1, :])
    ssv = ssv * umask

    # Calculate the geostrophic KE for the current geostrophic velocity fields
    ssk = ssk + nemo.calc_ke(ssv, ssu, nx, ny, 1, tmask)

    # Increment the counter by 1.
    counter = counter + 1

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Now the loop over all the files is complete, divide the accumulations by counter.
ssk = ssk / counter

# Save the averaged field to a numpy matrix file for later plotting.
        homedir, nemodir, 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/POST/geoke_ANN_',
        str(init_year), '-',
        str(init_year + num_years - 1)
Exemplo n.º 2
    # Preallocate the output variable.
    meanke = np.ndarray(shape=[len(ufiles), 2])

    # Loop over the U/V files and load the surface velocity.
    for k in range(len(ufiles)):
        # Load & mask the current U velocity field.
        ssu = nemo.load_field('sossussu', '', '', ufiles[k], 'U')
        ssu = nemo.mask_field(ssu, umask)

        # Load and mask the current V velocity field.
        ssv = nemo.load_field('sossvssv', '', '', vfiles[k], 'V')
        ssv = nemo.mask_field(ssv, vmask)

        # Calculate the KE for the current velocity fields
        ssk = nemo.calc_ke(ssu.data, ssv.data, nx, ny, 1, tmask)

        # Calculate the area average surface KE.
        meanke[k, 0] = ufiles[k].split('/ORCH0083-LIM3_', 1)[1].split('_U',
        meanke[k, 1] = (ssk * area).sum() / area.sum()

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Spit the numbers out to file, if requested.
if save_output:
    np.save(''.join([homedir, nemodir, 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/POST/meanke']), meanke)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# If we're not saving the number, we're loading them.
if not save_output:
    meanke = np.load(''.join(
Exemplo n.º 3
        u = nemo.mask_field(u, umask)
        e3u = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('e3u', '', '', ufiles[k], 'U'))
        e3u = nemo.mask_field(e3u, umask)
        u = u / e3u
        e3u = None

        # Load and mask the current V velocity field.
        v = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('vomece3v', '', '', vfiles[k], 'V'))
        v = nemo.mask_field(v, vmask)
        e3v = np.squeeze(nemo.load_field('e3v', '', '', vfiles[k], 'V'))
        e3v = nemo.mask_field(e3v, vmask)
        v = v / e3v
        e3v = None

        # Calculate the KE for the current velocity fields
        ke = nemo.calc_ke(u.data, v.data, nx, ny, nz, tmask)

        # Calculate the area average surface temperature.
        meanke[k, 0] = ufiles[k].split('/ORCH0083-LIM3_', 1)[1].split('_U',
               1:] = np.sum(ke * area, axis=(0, 1)) / np.sum(area, axis=(0, 1))

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Spit the numbers out to file, if requested.
if save_output:
    np.save(''.join([homedir, nemodir, 'TIDY/ARCHIVE/POST/meankine']), meanke)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# If we're not saving the number, we're loading them.
if not save_output:
Exemplo n.º 4
ssu = nemo.mask_field(ssu, umask)
ssu2 = nemo.load_field('sossusqu', homedir, nemodir, ufilename, 'U')
ssu2 = nemo.mask_field(ssu2, umask)

ssv = nemo.load_field('sossvssv', homedir, nemodir, vfilename, 'V')
ssv = nemo.mask_field(ssv, vmask)
ssv2 = nemo.load_field('sossvsqu', homedir, nemodir, vfilename, 'V')
ssv2 = nemo.mask_field(ssv2, vmask)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Calculate the Total Kinetic Energy.
tke = nemo.calc_uv_on_t(ssu2.data, ssv2.data, nx, ny, nz, tmask)

# Calculate the Mean Kinetic Energy.
mke = nemo.calc_ke(ssu.data, ssv.data, nx, ny, nz, tmask)

# Calculate the Eddy Kinetic Energy.
eke = nemo.calc_eke(ssu.data, ssu2.data, ssv.data, ssv2.data, nx, ny, 1, tmask)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Create a new figure window.
plt.figure(figsize=(8.0, 8.0))

# Specify some things to make the plot look nice.
map = Basemap(projection='spaeqd', boundinglat=-35, lon_0=-150, round='true')

# Draw grid lines and label the longitudes.
map.drawparallels(np.arange(-80, 0, 20), linewidth=0.25, color='w')
map.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 180, 30),