Exemplo n.º 1
def test_associativememory_edge_cases(seed, rng):
    """Tests that edge case code runs without error

    TODO: In the future, these features should be tested in an integration test.
    vocab = make_vocab(4, 64, rng)
    out_vectors = rng.uniform(-1, 1, size=(4, 3))

    with nengo.Network(seed=seed):
        # test that an iterable threshold works
        am = AssociativeMemory(vocab, threshold=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4])


        # test add_output_mapping works when `thresh_ens is not None`
        am.add_output_mapping("test", out_vectors)
        inp, out = am.thresh_ens.output, am.test
        conn = [c for c in am.out_conns if c.pre is inp and c.post is out][0]
        assert np.allclose(conn.transform.init, out_vectors.T)

        # test add_default_output_vector works when `thresh_ens is not None`
        assert len(am.default_vector_inhibit_conns) == 1
        conn = am.default_vector_inhibit_conns[0]
        assert conn.pre is am.thresh_ens.output
Exemplo n.º 2
class AssociativeMemory(Module):
    """Associative memory module.

    See :doc:`examples/associative_memory` for an introduction and examples.

    input_vocab: list or Vocabulary
        The vocabulary (or list of vectors) to match.
    output_vocab: list or Vocabulary, optional (Default: None)
        The vocabulary (or list of vectors) to be produced for each match. If
        None, the associative memory will act like an autoassociative memory
        (cleanup memory).
    input_keys : list, optional (Default: None)
        A list of strings that correspond to the input vectors.
    output_keys : list, optional (Default: None)
        A list of strings that correspond to the output vectors.
    default_output_key: str, optional (Default: None)
        The semantic pointer string to be produced if the input value matches
        none of vectors in the input vector list.
    threshold: float, optional (Default: 0.3)
        The association activation threshold.
    inhibitable: bool, optional (Default: False)
        Flag to indicate if the entire associative memory module is
        inhibitable (i.e., the entire module can be inhibited).
    wta_output: bool, optional (Default: False)
        Flag to indicate if output of the associative memory should contain
        more than one vector. If True, only one vector's output will be
        produced; i.e. produce a winner-take-all (WTA) output.
        If False, combinations of vectors will be produced.
    wta_inhibit_scale: float, optional (Default: 3.0)
        Scaling factor on the winner-take-all (WTA) inhibitory connections.
    wta_synapse: float, optional (Default: 0.005)
        Synapse to use for the winner-take-all (wta) inhibitory connections.
    threshold_output: bool, optional (Default: False)
        Adds a threholded output if True.
    label : str, optional (Default: None)
        A name for the ensemble. Used for debugging and visualization.
    seed : int, optional (Default: None)
        The seed used for random number generation.
    add_to_container : bool, optional (Default: None)
        Determines if this Network will be added to the current container.
        If None, will be true if currently within a Network.
    def __init__(
            output_vocab=None,  # noqa: C901
        super(AssociativeMemory, self).__init__(label, seed, add_to_container)

        if input_keys is None:
            input_keys = input_vocab.keys
            input_vectors = input_vocab.vectors
            input_vectors = input_vocab.create_subset(input_keys).vectors

        # If output vocabulary is not specified, use input vocabulary
        # (i.e autoassociative memory)
        if output_vocab is None:
            output_vocab = input_vocab
            output_vectors = input_vectors
            if output_keys is None:
                output_keys = input_keys
            output_vectors = output_vocab.create_subset(output_keys).vectors

        if default_output_key is None:
            default_output_vector = None
            default_output_vector = output_vocab.parse(default_output_key).v

        # Create nengo network
        with self:
            self.am = AssocMem(input_vectors=input_vectors,

            if default_output_vector is not None:

            if wta_output:
                self.am.add_wta_network(wta_inhibit_scale, wta_synapse)

            if threshold_output:

            self.input = self.am.input
            self.output = self.am.output

            if inhibitable:
                self.inhibit = self.am.inhibit

            self.utilities = self.am.utilities
            if threshold_output:
                self.thresholded_utilities = self.am.thresholded_utilities

        self.inputs = dict(default=(self.input, input_vocab))
        self.outputs = dict(default=(self.output, output_vocab))
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_am_complex(Simulator, plt, seed, rng):
    """Complex auto-associative memory test.

    Has a default output vector, outputs utilities, and becomes inhibited.
    D = 64
    vocab = make_vocab(6, D, rng)
    vocab2 = vocab[:4, :]

    def input_func(t):
        if t < 0.25:
            return vocab[0, :] + 0.31 * vocab[1, :]
        elif t < 0.5:
            return 0.31 * vocab[0, :] + vocab[1, :]
            return vocab[4, :]

    def inhib_func(t):
        return int(t > 0.75)

    with nengo.Network('model', seed=seed) as m:
        am = AssociativeMemory(vocab2, inhibitable=True)
        am.add_default_output_vector(vocab[5, :])

        in_node = nengo.Node(output=input_func, label='input')
        inhib_node = nengo.Node(output=inhib_func, label='inhib')
        nengo.Connection(in_node, am.input)
        nengo.Connection(inhib_node, am.inhibit)

        in_p = nengo.Probe(in_node)
        out_p = nengo.Probe(am.output, synapse=0.03)
        utils_p = nengo.Probe(am.utilities, synapse=0.05)
        utils_th_p = nengo.Probe(am.thresholded_utilities, synapse=0.05)

    sim = Simulator(m)
    t = sim.trange()
    # Input: A+0.8B
    more_a = (t >= 0.2) & (t < 0.25)
    # Input: 0.8B+A
    more_b = (t >= 0.45) & (t < 0.5)
    # Input: E (but E isn't in the memory vocabulary, so should output F)
    all_e = (t >= 0.7) & (t < 0.75)
    # Input: E (but inhibited, so should output nothing)
    inhib = (t >= 0.95)

    def plot(i, y, ylabel):
        plt.subplot(4, 1, i)
        plt.plot(t, y)
        plt.axvline(0.25, c='k')
        plt.axvline(0.5, c='k')
        plt.axvline(0.75, c='k')
    plot(1, np.dot(sim.data[in_p], vocab.T), "Input")
    plot(2, sim.data[utils_p], "Utilities")
    plot(3, sim.data[utils_th_p], "Thresholded utilities")
    plot(4, np.dot(sim.data[out_p], vocab.T), "Output")

    # Check that the output utilities (non-thresholded) are to be expected
    assert all(np.mean(sim.data[utils_p][more_a], axis=0)[:2] > [0.9, 0.35])
    assert all(np.mean(sim.data[utils_p][more_a], axis=0)[2:] < [0.01, 0.01])
    assert all(np.mean(sim.data[utils_p][more_b], axis=0)[:2] > [0.35, 0.9])
    assert all(np.mean(sim.data[utils_p][more_b], axis=0)[2:] < [0.01, 0.01])
    assert similarity(sim.data[utils_p][all_e], np.ones((1, 4))) < 0.05
    assert similarity(sim.data[utils_p][inhib], np.ones((1, 4))) < 0.05

    # Check that the thresholded output utilities are to be expected
    assert all(np.mean(sim.data[utils_th_p][more_a], axis=0)[:2] > [0.9, 0.9])
    assert all(
        np.mean(sim.data[utils_th_p][more_a], axis=0)[2:] < [0.01, 0.01])
    assert all(np.mean(sim.data[utils_th_p][more_b], axis=0)[:2] > [0.9, 0.9])
    assert all(
        np.mean(sim.data[utils_th_p][more_b], axis=0)[2:] < [0.01, 0.01])
    assert similarity(sim.data[utils_th_p][all_e], np.ones((1, 4))) < 0.05
    assert similarity(sim.data[utils_th_p][inhib], np.ones((1, 4))) < 0.05

    # Check that the output values are to be expected
    assert similarity(sim.data[out_p][more_a], vocab[0, :]) > 0.9
    assert similarity(sim.data[out_p][more_a], vocab[1, :]) > 0.9
    assert similarity(sim.data[out_p][more_b], vocab[0, :]) > 0.9
    assert similarity(sim.data[out_p][more_b], vocab[1, :]) > 0.9
    assert similarity(sim.data[out_p][all_e], vocab[5, :]) > 0.9
    assert similarity(sim.data[out_p][inhib], np.ones((1, D))) < 0.05
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_am_complex(Simulator, plt, seed, rng):
    """Complex auto-associative memory test.

    Has a default output vector, outputs utilities, and becomes inhibited.
    D = 64
    vocab = make_vocab(6, D, rng)
    vocab2 = vocab[:4]

    def input_func(t):
        if t < 0.25:
            return 0.6 * vocab[0] + 0.4 * vocab[1]
        elif t < 0.5:
            return 0.4 * vocab[0] + 0.6 * vocab[1]
            return vocab[4]

    def inhib_func(t):
        return int(t > 0.75)

    with nengo.Network("model", seed=seed) as m:
        am = AssociativeMemory(vocab2, inhibitable=True)

        in_node = nengo.Node(output=input_func, label="input")
        inhib_node = nengo.Node(output=inhib_func, label="inhib")
        nengo.Connection(in_node, am.input)
        nengo.Connection(inhib_node, am.inhibit)

        in_p = nengo.Probe(in_node)
        out_p = nengo.Probe(am.output, synapse=0.03)
        utils_p = nengo.Probe(am.utilities, synapse=0.05)
        utils_th_p = nengo.Probe(am.thresholded_utilities, synapse=0.05)

    with Simulator(m) as sim:
    t = sim.trange()
    # Input: 0.6A + 0.4B
    more_a = (t >= 0.2) & (t < 0.25)
    # Input: 0.4A + 0.6B
    more_b = (t >= 0.45) & (t < 0.5)
    # Input: D (but D isn't in the memory vocabulary, so should output E)
    all_e = (t >= 0.7) & (t < 0.75)
    # Input: D (E) (but inhibited, so should output nothing)
    inhib = t >= 0.95

    def plot(i, y, ylabel):
        plt.subplot(4, 1, i)
        plt.plot(t, y)
        plt.axvline(0.25, c="k")
        plt.axvline(0.5, c="k")
        plt.axvline(0.75, c="k")

    plot(1, np.dot(sim.data[in_p], vocab.T), "Input")
    plot(2, sim.data[utils_p], "Utilities")
    plot(3, sim.data[utils_th_p], "Thresholded utilities")
    plot(4, np.dot(sim.data[out_p], vocab.T), "Output")

    # Check that the output utilities (non-thresholded) are to be expected
    assert all(np.mean(sim.data[utils_p][more_a], axis=0)[:2] > [0.9, 0.35])
    assert all(np.mean(sim.data[utils_p][more_a], axis=0)[2:] < [0.01, 0.01])
    assert all(np.mean(sim.data[utils_p][more_b], axis=0)[:2] > [0.35, 0.9])
    assert all(np.mean(sim.data[utils_p][more_b], axis=0)[2:] < [0.01, 0.01])
    assert similarity(sim.data[utils_p][all_e], np.ones((1, 4))) < 0.05
    assert similarity(sim.data[utils_p][inhib], np.ones((1, 4))) < 0.05

    # Check that the thresholded output utilities are to be expected
    assert all(np.mean(sim.data[utils_th_p][more_a], axis=0)[:2] > [0.9, 0.9])
    assert all(np.mean(sim.data[utils_th_p][more_a], axis=0)[2:] < [0.01, 0.01])
    assert all(np.mean(sim.data[utils_th_p][more_b], axis=0)[:2] > [0.9, 0.9])
    assert all(np.mean(sim.data[utils_th_p][more_b], axis=0)[2:] < [0.01, 0.01])
    assert similarity(sim.data[utils_th_p][all_e], np.ones((1, 4))) < 0.05
    assert similarity(sim.data[utils_th_p][inhib], np.ones((1, 4))) < 0.05

    # Check that the output values are to be expected
    assert similarity(sim.data[out_p][more_a], vocab[0]) > 0.7
    assert similarity(sim.data[out_p][more_a], vocab[1]) > 0.7
    assert similarity(sim.data[out_p][more_b], vocab[0]) > 0.7
    assert similarity(sim.data[out_p][more_b], vocab[1]) > 0.7
    assert similarity(sim.data[out_p][all_e], vocab[5]) > 0.7
    assert similarity(sim.data[out_p][inhib], np.ones((1, D))) < 0.05
Exemplo n.º 5
class AssociativeMemory(Module):
    """Associative memory module.

    input_vocab: list of numpy.array, spa.Vocabulary
        The vocabulary (or list of vectors) to match.
    output_vocab: list of numpy.array, spa.Vocabulary, optional
        The vocabulary (or list of vectors) to be produced for each match. If
        not given, the associative memory will act like an auto-associative
        memory (cleanup memory).

    input_keys: list of strings, optional
        List of keys (ordered) from the input vocabulary to use as the input
        semantic pointers for the associative memory.
    output_keys: list of strings, optional
        List of keys (ordered) from the output vocabulary to use as the output
        semantic pointers for the associative memory.

    default_output_vector: numpy.array, spa.SemanticPointer, optional
        The vector to be produced if the input value matches none of vectors
        in the input vector list.
    threshold: float, optional
        The association activation threshold.

    inhibitable: boolean, optional
        Flag to indicate if the entire associative memory module is
        inhibitable (entire thing can be shut off).

    wta_output: boolean, optional
        Flag to indicate if output of the associative memory should contain
        more than one vectors. Set to True if only one vectors output is
        desired -- i.e. a winner-take-all (wta) output. Leave as default
        (False) if (possible) combinations of vectors is desired.
    wta_inhibit_scale: float, optional
        Scaling factor on the winner-take-all (wta) inhibitory connections.
    wta_synapse: float, optional
        Synapse to use for the winner-take-all (wta) inhibitory connections.

    cleanup_output: boolean, optional
        Create the associative memory with cleaned outputs as well as the
        standard outputs.
    replace_output_with_cleaned_output: boolean, optional
        Set to true to use the cleaned outputs as the default output of the
        associative memory module.

    label : str, optional
        A name to assign this AssociativeMemory. Used for visualization and
        debugging. Also used as a label prefix for each of the internal
        ensembles in the AssociativeMemory network.

    Additional network parameters are passed to the Network constructor through

    def __init__(self, input_vocab, output_vocab=None,  # noqa: C901
                 input_keys=None, output_keys=None,
                 default_output_key=None, threshold=0.3,
                 inhibitable=False, wta_output=False,
                 wta_inhibit_scale=3.0, wta_synapse=0.005,
                 label=None, **module_kwargs):
        super(AssociativeMemory, self).__init__(label=label, **module_kwargs)

        if input_keys is None:
            input_keys = input_vocab.keys
            input_vectors = input_vocab.vectors
            input_vectors = input_vocab.create_subset(input_keys).vectors

        # If output vocabulary is not specified, use input vocabulary
        # (i.e autoassociative memory)
        if output_vocab is None:
            output_vocab = input_vocab
            output_vectors = input_vectors
            if output_keys is None:
                output_keys = input_keys
            output_vectors = output_vocab.create_subset(output_keys).vectors

        if default_output_key is None:
            default_output_vector = None
            default_output_vector = output_vocab.parse(default_output_key).v

        # Create nengo network
        with self:
            self.am = AssocMem(input_vectors=input_vectors,
                               label=label, **module_kwargs)

            if default_output_vector is not None:

            if wta_output:
                self.am.add_wta_network(wta_inhibit_scale, wta_synapse)

            if cleanup_output:

            self.input = self.am.input
            self.output = self.am.output

            if cleanup_output and not replace_output_with_cleaned_output:
                self.cleaned_output = self.am.cleaned_output

            if inhibitable:
                self.inhibit = self.am.inhibit

            self.utilities = self.am.output_utilities
            if cleanup_output:
                self.cleaned_utilities = self.am.cleaned_output_utilities

        self.inputs = dict(default=(self.input, input_vocab))
        self.outputs = dict(default=(self.output, output_vocab))
Exemplo n.º 6
class AssociativeMemory(Module):
    """Associative memory module.

    See :doc:`examples/associative_memory` for an introduction and examples.

    input_vocab: list or Vocabulary
        The vocabulary (or list of vectors) to match.
    output_vocab: list or Vocabulary, optional (Default: None)
        The vocabulary (or list of vectors) to be produced for each match. If
        None, the associative memory will act like an autoassociative memory
        (cleanup memory).
    input_keys : list, optional (Default: None)
        A list of strings that correspond to the input vectors.
    output_keys : list, optional (Default: None)
        A list of strings that correspond to the output vectors.
    default_output_key: str, optional (Default: None)
        The semantic pointer string to be produced if the input value matches
        none of vectors in the input vector list.
    threshold: float, optional (Default: 0.3)
        The association activation threshold.
    inhibitable: bool, optional (Default: False)
        Flag to indicate if the entire associative memory module is
        inhibitable (i.e., the entire module can be inhibited).
    wta_output: bool, optional (Default: False)
        Flag to indicate if output of the associative memory should contain
        more than one vector. If True, only one vector's output will be
        produced; i.e. produce a winner-take-all (WTA) output.
        If False, combinations of vectors will be produced.
    wta_inhibit_scale: float, optional (Default: 3.0)
        Scaling factor on the winner-take-all (WTA) inhibitory connections.
    wta_synapse: float, optional (Default: 0.005)
        Synapse to use for the winner-take-all (wta) inhibitory connections.
    threshold_output: bool, optional (Default: False)
        Adds a threholded output if True.
    label : str, optional (Default: None)
        A name for the ensemble. Used for debugging and visualization.
    seed : int, optional (Default: None)
        The seed used for random number generation.
    add_to_container : bool, optional (Default: None)
        Determines if this Network will be added to the current container.
        If None, will be true if currently within a Network.

    def __init__(self, input_vocab, output_vocab=None,  # noqa: C901
                 input_keys=None, output_keys=None,
                 default_output_key=None, threshold=0.3,
                 inhibitable=False, wta_output=False,
                 wta_inhibit_scale=3.0, wta_synapse=0.005,
                 threshold_output=False, label=None, seed=None,
        super(AssociativeMemory, self).__init__(label, seed, add_to_container)

        if input_keys is None:
            input_keys = input_vocab.keys
            input_vectors = input_vocab.vectors
            input_vectors = input_vocab.create_subset(input_keys).vectors

        # If output vocabulary is not specified, use input vocabulary
        # (i.e autoassociative memory)
        if output_vocab is None:
            output_vocab = input_vocab
            output_vectors = input_vectors
            if output_keys is None:
                output_keys = input_keys
            output_vectors = output_vocab.create_subset(output_keys).vectors

        if default_output_key is None:
            default_output_vector = None
            default_output_vector = output_vocab.parse(default_output_key).v

        # Create nengo network
        with self:
            self.am = AssocMem(input_vectors=input_vectors,
                               label=label, seed=seed,

            if default_output_vector is not None:

            if wta_output:
                self.am.add_wta_network(wta_inhibit_scale, wta_synapse)

            if threshold_output:

            self.input = self.am.input
            self.output = self.am.output

            if inhibitable:
                self.inhibit = self.am.inhibit

            self.utilities = self.am.utilities
            if threshold_output:
                self.thresholded_utilities = self.am.thresholded_utilities

        self.inputs = dict(default=(self.input, input_vocab))
        self.outputs = dict(default=(self.output, output_vocab))
Exemplo n.º 7
class AssociativeMemory(Module):
    """Associative memory module.

    input_vocab: list of numpy.array, spa.Vocabulary
        The vocabulary (or list of vectors) to match.
    output_vocab: list of numpy.array, spa.Vocabulary, optional
        The vocabulary (or list of vectors) to be produced for each match. If
        not given, the associative memory will act like an auto-associative
        memory (cleanup memory).
    default_output_vector: numpy.array, spa.SemanticPointer, optional
        The vector to be produced if the input value matches none of vectors
        in the input vector list.
    threshold: float, optional
        The association activation threshold.
    input_scale: float, optional
        Scaling factor to apply on the input vectors.

    inhibitable: boolean, optional
        Flag to indicate if the entire associative memory module is
        inhibitable (entire thing can be shut off).
    inhibit_scale: float, optional
        Scaling factor on the gating connections (must have inhibitable =
        True). Setting a larger value will ensure that the cleanup memory
        output is inhibited at a faster rate, however, recovery of the
        network when inhibition is released will be slower.

    wta_output: boolean, optional
        Flag to indicate if output of the associative memory should contain
        more than one vectors. Set to True if only one vectors output is
        desired -- i.e. a winner-take-all (wta) output. Leave as default
        (False) if (possible) combinations of vectors is desired.
    wta_inhibit_scale: float, optional
        Scaling factor on the winner-take-all (wta) inhibitory connections.
    wta_synapse: float, optional
        Synapse to use for the winner-take-all (wta) inhibitory connections.

    output_utilities: boolean, optional
        Flag to indicate if the direct utilities (in addition to the vectors)
        are output as well.
    output_thresholded_utilities: boolean, optional
        Flag to indicate if the direct thresholded utilities (in addition to
        the vectors) are output as well.

    neuron_type: nengo.Neurons, optional
        Neuron type to use in the associative memory. Defaults to
    n_neurons_per_ensemble: int, optional
        Number of neurons per ensemble in the associative memory. There is
        one ensemble created per vector being compared.


    def __init__(self, input_vocab, output_vocab=None,  # noqa: C901
                 input_keys=None, output_keys=None,
                 default_output_key=None, threshold=0.3,
                 inhibitable=False, wta_output=False,
                 wta_inhibit_scale=3.0, wta_synapse=0.005,
                 threshold_output=False, label=None, seed=None,
        super(AssociativeMemory, self).__init__(label, seed, add_to_container)

        if input_keys is None:
            input_keys = input_vocab.keys
            input_vectors = input_vocab.vectors
            input_vectors = input_vocab.create_subset(input_keys).vectors

        # If output vocabulary is not specified, use input vocabulary
        # (i.e autoassociative memory)
        if output_vocab is None:
            output_vocab = input_vocab
            output_vectors = input_vectors
            if output_keys is None:
                output_keys = input_keys
            output_vectors = output_vocab.create_subset(output_keys).vectors

        if default_output_key is None:
            default_output_vector = None
            default_output_vector = output_vocab.parse(default_output_key).v

        # Create nengo network
        with self:
            self.am = AssocMem(input_vectors=input_vectors,
                               label=label, seed=seed,

            if default_output_vector is not None:

            if wta_output:
                self.am.add_wta_network(wta_inhibit_scale, wta_synapse)

            if threshold_output:

            self.input = self.am.input
            self.output = self.am.output

            if inhibitable:
                self.inhibit = self.am.inhibit

            self.utilities = self.am.utilities
            if threshold_output:
                self.thresholded_utilities = self.am.thresholded_utilities

        self.inputs = dict(default=(self.input, input_vocab))
        self.outputs = dict(default=(self.output, output_vocab))
Exemplo n.º 8
class AssociativeMemory(Module):
    """Associative memory module.

    input_vocab: list of numpy.array, spa.Vocabulary
        The vocabulary (or list of vectors) to match.
    output_vocab: list of numpy.array, spa.Vocabulary, optional
        The vocabulary (or list of vectors) to be produced for each match. If
        not given, the associative memory will act like an auto-associative
        memory (cleanup memory).

    input_keys: list of strings, optional
        List of keys (ordered) from the input vocabulary to use as the input
        semantic pointers for the associative memory.
    output_keys: list of strings, optional
        List of keys (ordered) from the output vocabulary to use as the output
        semantic pointers for the associative memory.

    default_output_vector: numpy.array, spa.SemanticPointer, optional
        The vector to be produced if the input value matches none of vectors
        in the input vector list.
    threshold: float, optional
        The association activation threshold.

    inhibitable: boolean, optional
        Flag to indicate if the entire associative memory module is
        inhibitable (entire thing can be shut off).

    wta_output: boolean, optional
        Flag to indicate if output of the associative memory should contain
        more than one vectors. Set to True if only one vectors output is
        desired -- i.e. a winner-take-all (wta) output. Leave as default
        (False) if (possible) combinations of vectors is desired.
    wta_inhibit_scale: float, optional
        Scaling factor on the winner-take-all (wta) inhibitory connections.
    wta_synapse: float, optional
        Synapse to use for the winner-take-all (wta) inhibitory connections.

    cleanup_output: boolean, optional
        Create the associative memory with cleaned outputs as well as the
        standard outputs.
    replace_output_with_cleaned_output: boolean, optional
        Set to true to use the cleaned outputs as the default output of the
        associative memory module.

    label : str, optional
        A name to assign this AssociativeMemory. Used for visualization and
        debugging. Also used as a label prefix for each of the internal
        ensembles in the AssociativeMemory network.

    Additional network parameters are passed to the Network constructor through
    def __init__(
            output_vocab=None,  # noqa: C901
        super(AssociativeMemory, self).__init__(label=label, **module_kwargs)

        if input_keys is None:
            input_keys = input_vocab.keys
            input_vectors = input_vocab.vectors
            input_vectors = input_vocab.create_subset(input_keys).vectors

        # If output vocabulary is not specified, use input vocabulary
        # (i.e autoassociative memory)
        if output_vocab is None:
            output_vocab = input_vocab
            output_vectors = input_vectors
            if output_keys is None:
                output_keys = input_keys
            output_vectors = output_vocab.create_subset(output_keys).vectors

        if default_output_key is None:
            default_output_vector = None
            default_output_vector = output_vocab.parse(default_output_key).v

        # Create nengo network
        with self:
            self.am = AssocMem(input_vectors=input_vectors,

            if default_output_vector is not None:

            if wta_output:
                self.am.add_wta_network(wta_inhibit_scale, wta_synapse)

            if cleanup_output:

            self.input = self.am.input
            self.output = self.am.output

            if cleanup_output and not replace_output_with_cleaned_output:
                self.cleaned_output = self.am.cleaned_output

            if inhibitable:
                self.inhibit = self.am.inhibit

            self.utilities = self.am.output_utilities
            if cleanup_output:
                self.cleaned_utilities = self.am.cleaned_output_utilities

        self.inputs = dict(default=(self.input, input_vocab))
        self.outputs = dict(default=(self.output, output_vocab))