Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, model, dt=0.001, seed=None, builder=None, context=None,
                 n_prealloc_probes=1000, profiling=None):
        if context is None:
            print 'No context argument was provided to sim_ocl.Simulator'
            print "Calling pyopencl.create_some_context() for you now:"
            context = cl.create_some_context()
        if profiling is None:
            profiling = int(os.getenv("NENGO_OCL_PROFILING", 0))
        self.context = context
        self.profiling = profiling
        if self.profiling:
            self.queue = cl.CommandQueue(context,
            self.queue = cl.CommandQueue(context)

        self.n_prealloc_probes = n_prealloc_probes
        # -- allocate data
            self, model=model, dt=dt, seed=seed, builder=builder)

        # -- set up the DAG for executing OCL kernels
        self._plandict = OrderedDict()
        self.step_marker = Marker(self.queue)
        # -- marker is used to do the op_groups in order
        deps = []
        for op_type, op_list in self.op_groups:
            deps = self.plandict_op_group(op_type, op_list, deps)
        probe_plans = self.plan_probes()
        for p in probe_plans:
            self._plandict[p] = deps
        self._dag = DAG(context, self.step_marker,
Exemplo n.º 2
class Simulator(sim_npy.Simulator):

    def RaggedArray(self, *args, **kwargs):
        val = RaggedArray(*args, **kwargs)
        if len(val.buf) == 0:
            return None
            return CLRaggedArray(self.queue, val)

    def __init__(self, model, dt=0.001, seed=None, builder=None, context=None,
                 n_prealloc_probes=1000, profiling=None):
        if context is None:
            print 'No context argument was provided to sim_ocl.Simulator'
            print "Calling pyopencl.create_some_context() for you now:"
            context = cl.create_some_context()
        if profiling is None:
            profiling = int(os.getenv("NENGO_OCL_PROFILING", 0))
        self.context = context
        self.profiling = profiling
        if self.profiling:
            self.queue = cl.CommandQueue(context,
            self.queue = cl.CommandQueue(context)

        self.n_prealloc_probes = n_prealloc_probes
        # -- allocate data
            self, model=model, dt=dt, seed=seed, builder=builder)

        # -- set up the DAG for executing OCL kernels
        self._plandict = OrderedDict()
        self.step_marker = Marker(self.queue)
        # -- marker is used to do the op_groups in order
        deps = []
        for op_type, op_list in self.op_groups:
            deps = self.plandict_op_group(op_type, op_list, deps)
        probe_plans = self.plan_probes()
        for p in probe_plans:
            self._plandict[p] = deps
        self._dag = DAG(context, self.step_marker,

    def plan_op_group(self, *args):
        # -- HACK: SLOWLY removing sim_npy from the project...
        return []

    def plandict_op_group(self, op_type, op_list, deps):
        plans = getattr(self, 'plan_' + op_type.__name__)(op_list)
        for p in plans:
            self._plandict[p] = deps
        return plans

    def _prep_all_data(self):
        # -- replace the numpy-allocated RaggedArray with OpenCL one
        self.all_data = CLRaggedArray(self.queue, self.all_data)

    def plan_ragged_gather_gemv(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return plan_ragged_gather_gemv(self.queue, *args, **kwargs)

    def plan_SimLIF(self, ops):
        J = self.all_data[[self.sidx[op.J] for op in ops]]
        V = self.all_data[[self.sidx[op.voltage] for op in ops]]
        W = self.all_data[[self.sidx[op.refractory_time] for op in ops]]
        S = self.all_data[[self.sidx[op.output] for op in ops]]
        ref = self.RaggedArray([op.nl.tau_ref for op in ops])
        tau = self.RaggedArray([op.nl.tau_rc for op in ops])
        dt = self.model.dt
        return [plan_lif(self.queue, J, V, W, V, W, S, ref, tau, dt,
                        tag="lif", upsample=1)]

    def plan_SimLIFRate(self, ops):
        J = self.all_data[[self.sidx[op.J] for op in ops]]
        R = self.all_data[[self.sidx[op.output] for op in ops]]
        ref = self.RaggedArray([op.nl.tau_ref for op in ops])
        tau = self.RaggedArray([op.nl.tau_rc for op in ops])
        dt = self.model.dt
        return [plan_lif_rate(self.queue, J, R, ref, tau, dt,
                              tag="lif_rate", n_elements=10)]

    def plan_probes(self):
        if len(self.model.probes) > 0:
            n_prealloc = self.n_prealloc_probes
            #print 'n_prealloc', n_prealloc

            probes = self.model.probes
            periods = [int(np.round(float(p.dt) / self.model.dt))
                       for p in probes]
            #print 'model dt', self.model.dt
            #print [p.dt for p in probes]
            #print 'periods', periods
            for p in probes:
                if p.sig.size != p.sig.shape[0]:
                    raise NotImplementedError('probing non-vector', p)

            X = self.all_data[[self.sidx[p.sig] for p in probes]]
            Y = self.RaggedArray(
                [np.zeros((n_prealloc, p.sig.shape[0])) for p in probes])

            cl_plan = plan_probes(self.queue, periods, X, Y, tag="probes")
            self._max_steps_between_probes = n_prealloc * min(periods)
            #print 'max inter steps', self._max_steps_between_probes
            cl_plan.Y = Y
            self._cl_probe_plan = cl_plan
            return [cl_plan]
            return []

    def drain_probe_buffers(self):
        plan = self._cl_probe_plan
        bufpositions = plan.cl_bufpositions.get()
        for i, probe in enumerate(self.model.probes):
            n_buffered = bufpositions[i]
            if n_buffered:
                # XXX: this syntax retrieves *ALL* of Y from the device
                #      because the :n_buffered only works on the ndarray
                #      *after* it has been transferred.

    def print_profiling(self, sort=None):
        sort : indicates the column to sort by (negative number sorts ascending)
            (0 = n_calls, 1 = runtime, 2 = q-time, 3 = subtime)
        ### make and sort table
        table = []
        unknowns = []
        for p in self._dag.order:
            gflops_per_sec = 0
            gbytes_per_sec = 0
            if isinstance(p, BasePlan):
                if p.flops_per_call is not None:
                    gflops_per_sec = (p.n_calls * p.flops_per_call
                                      / (sum(p.ctimes) * 1.0e9))
                if p.bw_per_call is not None:
                    gbytes_per_sec = (p.n_calls * p.bw_per_call
                                      / (sum(p.ctimes) * 1.0e9))
                unknowns.append((str(p), getattr(p, 'cumtime', '<unknown>')))

        if sort is not None:
            reverse = sort >= 0
            table.sort(key=lambda x: x[abs(sort)], reverse=reverse)

        ### printing
        print '-' * 80
        print '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % ('n_calls', 'runtime', 'GF/s', 'GB/s')

        for r in table:
            print '%i\t%2.3f\t%2.3f\t%2.3f\t<%s, tag=%s>' % r

        print '-' * 80
        col_sum = lambda c: sum(map(lambda x: x[c], table))
        print 'totals:\t%2.3f\t%2.3f\t%2.3f' % (
            col_sum(1), col_sum(2), col_sum(3))

        if len(unknowns) > 0:
            for r in unknowns:
                print "%s %s" % r

    def step(self):
        return self.run_steps(1)

    def run_steps(self, N, verbose=False):
        has_probes = hasattr(self, '_cl_probe_plan')

        if has_probes:
            # -- precondition: the probe buffers have been drained
            bufpositions = self._cl_probe_plan.cl_bufpositions.get()
            assert np.all(bufpositions == 0)
        # -- we will go through N steps of the simulator
        #    in groups of up to B at a time, draining
        #    the probe buffers after each group of B
        while N:
            B = min(N, self._max_steps_between_probes) if has_probes else N
            if has_probes:
            N -= B
            self.n_steps += B
        if self.profiling > 1:

    def probe_data(self, probe):
        return np.vstack(self.probe_outputs[probe])