Exemplo n.º 1
 def print_plans(self):
     print(" Plans ".center(80, '-'))
     for plan in self._plans.plans:
         print("%s" % plan)
         if hasattr(plan, 'description'):
             print(indent(plan.description, 4))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def print_plans(self):
     print(" Plans ".center(80, '-'))
     for plan in self._plans:
         print("%r" % plan)
         if hasattr(plan, 'description'):
             print(indent(plan.description, 4))
Exemplo n.º 3
def plan_direct(queue, code, init, input_names, inputs, output, tag=None):
    from . import ast_conversion

    assert len(input_names) == len(inputs)

    N = len(inputs[0])
    for x in inputs:
        assert len(x) == len(output)
    for x in inputs + [output]:
        assert (x.shape1s == 1).all() and (x.stride1s == 1).all()
        assert (x.stride0s == 1).all()

    input_types = [x.ctype for x in inputs]
    output_type = output.ctype

    text = """
        ////////// MAIN FUNCTION //////////
        __kernel void direct(
% for iname, itype in zip(input_names, input_types):
            __global const int *${iname}_starts__,
            __global const ${itype} *${iname}_data__,
% endfor
            __global const int *${oname}_starts__,
            __global ${otype} *${oname}_data__
            const int n = get_global_id(0);
            if (n >= ${N}) return;

% for iname, itype in zip(input_names, input_types):
            __global const ${itype} *${iname} =
                ${iname}_data__ + ${iname}_starts__[n];
% endfor
            __global ${otype} *${oname} =
                ${oname}_data__ + ${oname}_starts__[n];

            /////vvvvv USER DECLARATIONS BELOW vvvvv

            /////vvvvv USER COMPUTATIONS BELOW vvvvv
            // END OF FUNC: put nothing after user code, since it can return

    textconf = dict(init=indent(init, 12),
                    code=indent(code, 12),
                    N=N, input_names=input_names, input_types=input_types,
                    oname=ast_conversion.OUTPUT_NAME, otype=output_type,
    text = as_ascii(Template(text, output_encoding='ascii').render(**textconf))

    full_args = []
    for x in inputs:
        full_args.extend([x.cl_starts, x.cl_buf])
    full_args.extend([output.cl_starts, output.cl_buf])
    _fn = cl.Program(queue.context, text).build().direct
    _fn.set_args(*[arr.data for arr in full_args])

    gsize = (N,)
    rval = Plan(queue, _fn, gsize, lsize=None, name="cl_direct", tag=tag)
    rval.full_args = full_args     # prevent garbage-collection
    rval.description = (
        "groups: %d; items: %d; items/group: %0.1f [%d, %d]" %
        (len(output), output.sizes.sum(),
         output.sizes.mean(), output.sizes.min(), output.sizes.max()))
    return rval