Exemplo n.º 1
def test_balreal():
    isys = Lowpass(0.05)
    noise = 0.5 * Lowpass(0.01) + 0.5 * Alpha(0.005)
    p = 0.8
    sys = p * isys + (1 - p) * noise

    T, Tinv, S = balanced_transformation(sys)
    assert np.allclose(inv(T), Tinv)
    assert np.allclose(S, hsvd(sys))

    balsys = sys.transform(T, Tinv)
    assert balsys == sys

    assert np.all(S >= 0)
    assert np.all(S[0] > 0.3)
    assert np.all(S[1:] < 0.05)
    assert np.allclose(sorted(S, reverse=True), S)

    P = control_gram(balsys)
    Q = observe_gram(balsys)

    diag = np.diag_indices(len(P))
    offdiag = np.ones_like(P, dtype=bool)
    offdiag[diag] = False
    offdiag = np.where(offdiag)

    assert np.allclose(P[diag], S)
    assert np.allclose(P[offdiag], 0)
    assert np.allclose(Q[diag], S)
    assert np.allclose(Q[offdiag], 0)
Exemplo n.º 2
def balreal(sys):
    """Computes the balanced realization of sys and returns its eigenvalues.

        [1] http://www.mathworks.com/help/control/ref/balreal.html

        [2] Laub, A.J., M.T. Heath, C.C. Paige, and R.C. Ward, "Computation of
            System Balancing Transformations and Other Applications of
            Simultaneous Diagonalization Algorithms," *IEEE Trans. Automatic
            Control*, AC-32 (1987), pp. 115-122.
    sys = LinearSystem(sys)  # cast first to memoize sys2ss
    if not sys.analog:
        raise NotImplementedError("balanced digital filters not supported")

    R = control_gram(sys)
    O = observe_gram(sys)

    LR = cholesky(R, lower=True)
    LO = cholesky(O, lower=True)

    U, S, V = svd(np.dot(LO.T, LR))

    T = np.dot(LR, V.T) * S ** (-1. / 2)
    Tinv = (S ** (-1. / 2))[:, None] * np.dot(U.T, LO.T)

    return similarity_transform(sys, T, Tinv), S
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_grams():
    sys = 0.6*Alpha(0.01) + 0.4*Lowpass(0.05)

    A, B, C, D = sys2ss(sys)

    P = control_gram(sys)
    assert np.allclose(np.dot(A, P) + np.dot(P, A.T), -np.dot(B, B.T))
    assert np.linalg.matrix_rank(P) == len(P)  # controllable

    Q = observe_gram(sys)
    assert np.allclose(np.dot(A.T, Q) + np.dot(Q, A), -np.dot(C.T, C))
    assert np.linalg.matrix_rank(Q) == len(Q)  # observable
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_grams():
    sys = 0.6 * Alpha(0.01) + 0.4 * Lowpass(0.05)

    A, B, C, D = sys2ss(sys)

    P = control_gram(sys)
    assert np.allclose(np.dot(A, P) + np.dot(P, A.T), -np.dot(B, B.T))
    assert matrix_rank(P) == len(P)  # controllable

    Q = observe_gram(sys)
    assert np.allclose(np.dot(A.T, Q) + np.dot(Q, A), -np.dot(C.T, C))
    assert matrix_rank(Q) == len(Q)  # observable
Exemplo n.º 5
def hankel(sys):
    """Compute Hankel singular values of a linear system.

        [1] Glover, Keith, and Jonathan R. Partington. "Bounds on the
            achievable accuracy in model reduction." Modelling, robustness and
            sensitivity reduction in control systems. Springer Berlin
            Heidelberg, 1987. 95-118.
    sys = LinearSystem(sys)
    R, O = control_gram(sys), observe_gram(sys)
    # sort needed to be consistent across different versions
    return np.sort(np.sqrt(abs(eig(np.dot(O, R))[0])))[::-1]