Exemplo n.º 1
    def GetBalance(self, wallet, address, as_string=False):
        Get the token balance.

            wallet (neo.Wallets.Wallet): a wallet instance.
            address (str): public address of the account to get the token balance of.
            as_string (bool): whether the return value should be a string. Default is False, returning an integer.

            int/str: token balance value as int (default), token balanace as string if `as_string` is set to True. 0 if balance retrieval failed.
        addr = parse_param(address, wallet)
        if isinstance(addr, UInt160):
            addr = addr.Data
        sb = ScriptBuilder()
        sb.EmitAppCallWithOperationAndArgs(self.ScriptHash, 'balanceOf', [addr])

        tx, fee, results, num_ops = test_invoke(sb.ToArray(), wallet, [])

            val = results[0].GetBigInteger()
            precision_divisor = pow(10, self.decimals)
            balance = Decimal(val) / Decimal(precision_divisor)
            if as_string:
                formatter_str = '.%sf' % self.decimals
                balance_str = format(balance, formatter_str)
                return balance_str
            return balance
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("could not get balance: %s " % e)

        return 0
Exemplo n.º 2
    def Transfer(self, wallet, from_addr, to_addr, amount, tx_attributes=None):
        Transfer a specified amount of the NEP5Token to another address.

            wallet (neo.Wallets.Wallet): a wallet instance.
            from_addr (str): public address of the account to transfer the given amount from.
            to_addr (str): public address of the account to transfer the given amount to.
            amount (int): quantity to send.
            tx_attributes (list): a list of TransactionAtribute objects.

                InvocationTransaction: the transaction.
                int: the transaction fee.
                list: the neo VM evaluationstack results.
        if not tx_attributes:
            tx_attributes = []

        sb = ScriptBuilder()
        sb.EmitAppCallWithOperationAndArgs(self.ScriptHash, 'transfer',
                                           [parse_param(from_addr, wallet), parse_param(to_addr, wallet),

        tx, fee, results, num_ops = test_invoke(sb.ToArray(), wallet, [], from_addr=from_addr, invoke_attrs=tx_attributes)

        return tx, fee, results
Exemplo n.º 3
def runRawTransaction(operation, args):
    invocation_tx = InvocationTransaction()

    smartcontract_scripthash = UInt160.ParseString(CONTRACT_HASH)
    sb = ScriptBuilder()
    invocation_tx.Script = binascii.unhexlify(sb.ToArray())

    wallet = UserWallet.Create(
        'neo-privnet.wallet', to_aes_key('coz'), generate_default_key=False)
    private_key = KeyPair.PrivateKeyFromWIF(

    context = ContractParametersContext(invocation_tx)

    invocation_tx.scripts = context.GetScripts()
    raw_tx = invocation_tx.ToArray()

    payload = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1,
               "method": "sendrawtransaction",
               "params": [raw_tx.decode("ascii")]}

    res = requests.post(
        "http://neo-nodes:30333/testNeoConnection", json=payload)
    print("received POST result")
    result = res.text
    return result
def create_raw_sc_method_call_tx(
    source_script_hash = address_to_scripthash(source_address)

    # start by creating a base InvocationTransaction
    # the inputs, outputs and Type do not have to be set anymore.
    invocation_tx = InvocationTransaction()

    # often times smart contract developers use the function ``CheckWitness`` to determine if the transaction is signed by somebody eligible of calling a certain method
    # in order to pass that check you want to add the corresponding script_hash as a transaction attribute (this is generally the script_hash of the public key you use for signing)
    # Note that for public functions like the NEP-5 'getBalance' and alike this would not be needed, but it doesn't hurt either

    smartcontract_scripthash = UInt160.ParseString(smartcontract_scripthash)
    # next we need to build a 'script' that gets executed against the smart contract.
    # this is basically the script that calls the entry point of the contract with the necessary parameters
    sb = ScriptBuilder()

    # call the method on the contract (assumes contract address is a NEP-5 token)
    invocation_tx.Script = binascii.unhexlify(sb.ToArray())

    # at this point we've build our unsigned transaction and it's time to sign it before we get the raw output that we can send to the network via RPC
    # we need to create a Wallet instance for helping us with signing
    wallet = UserWallet.Create('path',

    # if you have a WIF use the following
    # this WIF comes from the `neo-test1-w.wallet` fixture wallet
    private_key = KeyPair.PrivateKeyFromWIF(source_address_wif)

    # if you have a NEP2 encrypted key use the following instead
    # private_key = KeyPair.PrivateKeyFromNEP2("NEP2 key string", "password string")

    # we add the key to our wallet

    # and now we're ready to sign
    context = ContractParametersContext(invocation_tx)

    invocation_tx.scripts = context.GetScripts()
    raw_tx = invocation_tx.ToArray()


    return raw_tx.decode()
Exemplo n.º 5
    def GetBalance(self, wallet, address, as_string=False):
        Get the token balance.

            wallet (neo.Wallets.Wallet): a wallet instance.
            address (str): public address of the account to get the token balance of.
            as_string (bool): whether the return value should be a string. Default is False, returning an integer.

            int/str: token balance value as int (default), token balanace as string if `as_string` is set to True. 0 if balance retrieval failed.
        addr = PromptUtils.parse_param(address, wallet)
        if isinstance(addr, UInt160):
            addr = addr.Data
        sb = ScriptBuilder()
        sb.EmitAppCallWithOperationAndArgs(self.ScriptHash, 'balanceOf',

        tx, fee, results, num_ops, engine_success = test_invoke(
            sb.ToArray(), wallet, [])
        if engine_success:
                val = results[0].GetBigInteger()
                precision_divisor = pow(10, self.decimals)
                balance = Decimal(val) / Decimal(precision_divisor)
                if as_string:
                    formatter_str = '.%sf' % self.decimals
                    balance_str = format(balance, formatter_str)
                    return balance_str
                return balance
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error("could not get balance: %s " % e)
            addr_str = Crypto.ToAddress(UInt160(data=addr))
                f"Could not get balance of address {addr_str} for token contract {self.ScriptHash}. VM execution failed. Make sure the contract exists on the network and that it adheres to the NEP-5 standard"

        return 0
Exemplo n.º 6
    def get_token_balance(self, request, hash_value, address_contract):
        request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            addr = parse_param(address_contract)
            if isinstance(addr, UInt160):
                addr = addr.Data
            sb = ScriptBuilder()
                                               'balanceOf', [addr])
            response = self.get_invoke_result_balance(sb.ToArray())

            return json.dumps(response)

        except Exception as e:
            #    logger.info("Could not get contract with hash %s because %s " % (contract_hash, e))
            return self.format_message(
                "Could not get balance with hash %s because %s " %
                (hash_value, e))
        # return self.format_notifications(request, notifications)
        return self.format_message(
            "Could not get balance with hash %s because test" % (hash_value))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def json_rpc_method_handler(self, method, params):

        if method == "getaccountstate":
            acct = Blockchain.Default().GetAccountState(params[0])
            if acct is None:
                    acct = AccountState(
                except Exception as e:
                    raise JsonRpcError(
                        "One of the identified items was in an invalid format."

            return acct.ToJson()

        elif method == "getassetstate":
            asset_id = UInt256.ParseString(params[0])
            asset = Blockchain.Default().GetAssetState(asset_id.ToBytes())
            if asset:
                return asset.ToJson()
            raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Unknown asset")

        elif method == "getbestblockhash":
            return '0x%s' % Blockchain.Default().CurrentHeaderHash.decode(

        elif method == "getblock":
            # this should work for either str or int
            block = Blockchain.Default().GetBlock(params[0])
            if not block:
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Unknown block")
            return self.get_block_output(block, params)

        elif method == "getblockcount":
            return Blockchain.Default().Height + 1

        elif method == "getblockhash":
            height = params[0]
            if height >= 0 and height <= Blockchain.Default().Height:
                return '0x%s' % Blockchain.Default().GetBlockHash(
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Invalid Height")

        elif method == "getblocksysfee":
            height = params[0]
            if height >= 0 and height <= Blockchain.Default().Height:
                return Blockchain.Default().GetSysFeeAmountByHeight(height)
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Invalid Height")

        elif method == "getconnectioncount":
            return len(NodeLeader.Instance().Peers)

        elif method == "getcontractstate":
            script_hash = UInt160.ParseString(params[0])
            contract = Blockchain.Default().GetContract(script_hash.ToBytes())
            if contract is None:
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Unknown contract")
            return contract.ToJson()

        elif method == "getrawmempool":
            return list(
                map(lambda hash: "0x%s" % hash.decode('utf-8'),

        elif method == "getversion":
            return {
                "port": self.port,
                "nonce": NodeLeader.Instance().NodeId,
                "useragent": settings.VERSION_NAME

        elif method == "getrawtransaction":
            tx_id = UInt256.ParseString(params[0])
            tx, height = Blockchain.Default().GetTransaction(tx_id)
            if not tx:
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Unknown Transaction")
            return self.get_tx_output(tx, height, params)

        elif method == "getstorage":
            script_hash = UInt160.ParseString(params[0])
            key = binascii.unhexlify(params[1].encode('utf-8'))
            storage_key = StorageKey(script_hash=script_hash, key=key)
            storage_item = Blockchain.Default().GetStorageItem(storage_key)
            if storage_item:
                return storage_item.Value.hex()
            return None

        elif method == "gettxout":
            hash = params[0].encode('utf-8')
            index = params[1]
            utxo = Blockchain.Default().GetUnspent(hash, index)
            if utxo:
                return utxo.ToJson(index)
                return None

        elif method == "invoke":
            shash = UInt160.ParseString(params[0])
            contract_parameters = [
                ContractParameter.FromJson(p) for p in params[1]
            sb = ScriptBuilder()
            sb.EmitAppCallWithJsonArgs(shash, contract_parameters)
            return self.get_invoke_result(sb.ToArray())

        elif method == "invokefunction":
            contract_parameters = []
            if len(params) > 2:
                contract_parameters = [
                    ContractParameter.FromJson(p).ToVM() for p in params[2]
            sb = ScriptBuilder()
                                               params[1], contract_parameters)
            return self.get_invoke_result(sb.ToArray())

        elif method == "invokescript":
            script = params[0].encode('utf-8')
            return self.get_invoke_result(script)

        elif method == "sendrawtransaction":
            tx_script = binascii.unhexlify(params[0].encode('utf-8'))
            transaction = Transaction.DeserializeFromBufer(tx_script)
            result = NodeLeader.Instance().Relay(transaction)
            return result

        elif method == "validateaddress":
            return self.validateaddress(params)

        elif method == "getpeers":
            return self.get_peers()

        elif method == "getbalance":
            if self.wallet:
                return self.get_balance(params)
                raise JsonRpcError(-400, "Access denied.")

        elif method == "getwalletheight":
            if self.wallet:
                return self.wallet.WalletHeight
                raise JsonRpcError(-400, "Access denied.")

        elif method == "listaddress":
            if self.wallet:
                return self.list_address()
                raise JsonRpcError(-400, "Access denied.")

        elif method == "getnewaddress":
            if self.wallet:
                keys = self.wallet.CreateKey()
                account = Account.get(
                return account.contract_set[0].Address.ToString()
                raise JsonRpcError(-400, "Access denied.")

        raise JsonRpcError.methodNotFound()
Exemplo n.º 8
    def json_rpc_method_handler(self, method, params):

        if method == "getaccountstate":
            acct = Blockchain.Default().GetAccountState(params[0])
            if acct is None:
                    acct = AccountState(script_hash=Helper.AddrStrToScriptHash(params[0]))
                except Exception as e:
                    raise JsonRpcError(-2146233033, "One of the identified items was in an invalid format.")

            return acct.ToJson()

        elif method == "getassetstate":
            asset_id = UInt256.ParseString(params[0])
            asset = Blockchain.Default().GetAssetState(asset_id.ToBytes())
            if asset:
                return asset.ToJson()
            raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Unknown asset")

        elif method == "getbestblockhash":
            return '0x%s' % Blockchain.Default().CurrentHeaderHash.decode('utf-8')

        elif method == "getblock":
            # this should work for either str or int

            block = Blockchain.Default().GetBlock(params[0])
            if not block:
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Unknown block")
            return self.get_block_output(block, params)

        elif method == "getblockcount":
            return Blockchain.Default().Height + 1

        elif method == "getblockhash":
            height = params[0]
            if height >= 0 and height <= Blockchain.Default().Height:
                return '0x%s' % Blockchain.Default().GetBlockHash(height).decode('utf-8')
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Invalid Height")

        elif method == "getblocksysfee":
            height = params[0]
            if height >= 0 and height <= Blockchain.Default().Height:
                return Blockchain.Default().GetSysFeeAmountByHeight(height)
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Invalid Height")

        elif method == "getconnectioncount":
            return len(NodeLeader.Instance().Peers)

        elif method == "getcontractstate":
            script_hash = UInt160.ParseString(params[0])
            contract = Blockchain.Default().GetContract(script_hash.ToBytes())
            if contract is None:
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Unknown contract")
            return contract.ToJson()

        elif method == "getrawmempool":
            return list(map(lambda hash: "0x%s" % hash.decode('utf-8'), NodeLeader.Instance().MemPool.keys()))

        elif method == "getversion":
            return {
                "port": self.port,
                "nonce": NodeLeader.Instance().NodeId,
                "useragent": settings.VERSION_NAME

        elif method == "getrawtransaction":
            tx_id = UInt256.ParseString(params[0])
            tx, height = Blockchain.Default().GetTransaction(tx_id)
            if not tx:
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Unknown Transaction")
            return self.get_tx_output(tx, height, params)

        elif method == "getstorage":
            script_hash = UInt160.ParseString(params[0])
            key = binascii.unhexlify(params[1].encode('utf-8'))
            storage_key = StorageKey(script_hash=script_hash, key=key)
            storage_item = Blockchain.Default().GetStorageItem(storage_key)
            if storage_item:
                return storage_item.Value.hex()
            return None

        elif method == "gettxout":
            hash = params[0].encode('utf-8')
            index = params[1]
            utxo = Blockchain.Default().GetUnspent(hash, index)
            if utxo:
                return utxo.ToJson(index)
                return None

        elif method == "invoke":
            shash = UInt160.ParseString(params[0])
            contract_parameters = [ContractParameter.FromJson(p) for p in params[1]]
            sb = ScriptBuilder()
            sb.EmitAppCallWithJsonArgs(shash, contract_parameters)
            return self.get_invoke_result(sb.ToArray())

        elif method == "invokefunction":
            contract_parameters = []
            if len(params) > 2:
                contract_parameters = [ContractParameter.FromJson(p).ToVM() for p in params[2]]
            sb = ScriptBuilder()
            sb.EmitAppCallWithOperationAndArgs(UInt160.ParseString(params[0]), params[1], contract_parameters)
            return self.get_invoke_result(sb.ToArray())

        elif method == "invokescript":
            script = params[0].encode('utf-8')
            return self.get_invoke_result(script)

        elif method == "sendrawtransaction":
            tx_script = binascii.unhexlify(params[0].encode('utf-8'))
            transaction = Transaction.DeserializeFromBufer(tx_script)
            result = NodeLeader.Instance().Relay(transaction)
            return result

        elif method == "mw_construct_send_tx":
            return MyWishMethods.construct_send_tx(self.wallet, params)

        elif method == "mw_construct_deploy_tx":
            return MyWishMethods.construct_deploy_tx(self.wallet, params)

        elif method == "mw_construct_invoke_tx":
            return MyWishMethods.construct_invoke_tx(self.wallet, params)

        elif method == "getapplicationlog":
            assert(all([x in '1234567890abcdefABCDEFxX' for x in params[0]])) # prevent traversal
                with open('/home/neo/neo-python/notis/' + params[0]) as f:
                    res =  [json.loads(x) for x in f.read().split('\n') if x]
                    return [{'name': x['notify_type'], 'contract': x['contract'], 'args': x['payload']} for x in res]
            except FileNotFoundError:
                return ([])

        elif method == "submitblock":
            raise NotImplementedError()

        elif method == "validateaddress":
            return self.validateaddress(params)

        elif method == "getpeers":
            return self.get_peers()

        raise JsonRpcError.methodNotFound()
Exemplo n.º 9
    def json_rpc_method_handler(self, method, params):

        if method == "getaccountstate":
            acct = Blockchain.Default().GetAccountState(params[0])
            if acct is None:
                    acct = AccountState(script_hash=Helper.AddrStrToScriptHash(params[0]))
                except Exception as e:
                    raise JsonRpcError(-2146233033, "One of the identified items was in an invalid format.")

            return acct.ToJson()

        elif method == "getassetstate":
            asset_id = UInt256.ParseString(params[0])
            asset = Blockchain.Default().GetAssetState(asset_id.ToBytes())
            if asset:
                return asset.ToJson()
            raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Unknown asset")

        elif method == "getbestblockhash":
            return '0x%s' % Blockchain.Default().CurrentHeaderHash.decode('utf-8')

        elif method == "getblock":
            # this should work for either str or int
            block = Blockchain.Default().GetBlock(params[0])
            if not block:
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Unknown block")
            return self.get_block_output(block, params)

        elif method == "getblockcount":
            return Blockchain.Default().Height + 1

        elif method == "getblockhash":
            height = params[0]
            if height >= 0 and height <= Blockchain.Default().Height:
                return '0x%s' % Blockchain.Default().GetBlockHash(height).decode('utf-8')
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Invalid Height")

        elif method == "getblocksysfee":
            height = params[0]
            if height >= 0 and height <= Blockchain.Default().Height:
                return Blockchain.Default().GetSysFeeAmountByHeight(height)
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Invalid Height")

        elif method == "getconnectioncount":
            return len(NodeLeader.Instance().Peers)

        elif method == "getcontractstate":
            script_hash = UInt160.ParseString(params[0])
            contract = Blockchain.Default().GetContract(script_hash.ToBytes())
            if contract is None:
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Unknown contract")
            return contract.ToJson()

        elif method == "getrawmempool":
            return list(map(lambda hash: "0x%s" % hash.decode('utf-8'), NodeLeader.Instance().MemPool.keys()))

        elif method == "getversion":
            return {
                "port": self.port,
                "nonce": NodeLeader.Instance().NodeId,
                "useragent": settings.VERSION_NAME

        elif method == "getrawtransaction":
            tx_id = UInt256.ParseString(params[0])
            tx, height = Blockchain.Default().GetTransaction(tx_id)
            if not tx:
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Unknown Transaction")
            return self.get_tx_output(tx, height, params)

        elif method == "getLastBlog":

            if len(params) > 0:
                height = params[0]
                height = Blockchain.Default().Height + 1
            data = self.get_blog_content(height, "")
            return data;
        elif method == "getLastBlogByTag":

            if len(params) > 1:
                height = params[1]
                tag = params[0]
            elif len(params) > 0:
                tag = params[0]
                height = Blockchain.Default().Height + 1
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "no enough param")
            data = self.get_blog_content(height, tag)
            return data;
        elif method == "getLastBlogBySender":

            if len(params) > 1:
                height = params[1]
                sender = params[0]
            elif len(params) > 0:
                sender = params[0]
                height = Blockchain.Default().Height + 1
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "no enough param")
            data = self.get_blog_content(height, "", sender)
            return data;
        elif method == "getBlogContent":
            tx_id = UInt256.ParseString(params[0])
            tx, height = Blockchain.Default().GetTransaction(tx_id)
            if not tx:
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Unknown Transaction")

            for attr in tx.Attributes:
                item = attr.ToJson;
                if item['usage'] == 240:
                    item['content'] = binascii.a2b_hex(item['data']).decode("utf8")
                    return item;
            raise JsonRpcError(-100, "no blog content")

        elif method == "getstorage":
            script_hash = UInt160.ParseString(params[0])
            key = binascii.unhexlify(params[1].encode('utf-8'))
            storage_key = StorageKey(script_hash=script_hash, key=key)
            storage_item = Blockchain.Default().GetStorageItem(storage_key)
            if storage_item:
                return storage_item.Value.hex()
            return None

        elif method == "gettxout":
            hash = params[0].encode('utf-8')
            index = params[1]
            utxo = Blockchain.Default().GetUnspent(hash, index)
            if utxo:
                return utxo.ToJson(index)
                return None

        elif method == "gettxout":
            hash = params[0].encode('utf-8')
            index = params[1]
            utxo = Blockchain.Default().GetUnspent(hash, index)
            if utxo:
                return utxo.ToJson(index)
                return None

        elif method == "createAddress":

            private_key = bytes(Random.get_random_bytes(32))
            key = KeyPair(priv_key=private_key)
            self.wallet._keys[key.PublicKeyHash.ToBytes()] = key
            contract = WalletContract.CreateSignatureContract(key.PublicKey)
            if key :
                result = {'privateKey': key.Export(),'address':contract.Address}
                return result;
                return None
        elif method == "invoke":
            shash = UInt160.ParseString(params[0])
            contract_parameters = [ContractParameter.FromJson(p) for p in params[1]]
            sb = ScriptBuilder()
            sb.EmitAppCallWithJsonArgs(shash, contract_parameters)
            return self.get_invoke_result(sb.ToArray())
        # elif method == "sendBlog":
        #     shash = UInt160.ParseString(params[0])
        #     contract_parameters = [ContractParameter.FromJson(p) for p in params[1]]
        #     sb = ScriptBuilder()
        #     sb.EmitAppCallWithJsonArgs(shash, contract_parameters)
        #     script = sb.ToArray();
        #     tx = ContractTransaction()
        #     tx.inputs = []
        #     tx.outputs = []
        #     attribute = TransactionAttribute(240, params[2].encode('utf-8'))
        #     standard_contract = self.wallet.GetStandardAddress()
        #     data = standard_contract.Data
        #     tx.Attributes = [TransactionAttribute(usage=TransactionAttributeUsage.Script,
        #                                           data=data)]
        #     tx.Attributes.append(attribute)
        #     tx.Version = 1
        #     tx.scripts = []
        #     BC = GetBlockchain()
        #     contract = BC.GetContract(params[0])
        #     output = TransactionOutput(AssetId=Blockchain.SystemShare().Hash,
        #                                Value=Fixed8.FromDecimal(float(1)),
        #                                script_hash=contract.Code.ScriptHash(),
        #                                )
        #     tx.outputs.append(output)
        #     logger.info("output %s" % output.ToJson(0))
        #     tx.Script = binascii.unhexlify(script)
        #     print("percentage %s %s" % (self.wallet.WalletHeight, Blockchain.Default().Height))
        #     scripthash_from = None
        #     if not self.wallet.IsSynced:
        #         raise JsonRpcError.invalidRequest("wallet not synced")
        #     private_key = None
        #     if len(params) > 3:
        #         from_address = params[3]
        #         if from_address is not None:
        #             scripthash_from = lookup_addr_str(self.wallet, from_address)
        #     if len(params) > 4:
        #         private_key = params[4]
        #     wallet_tx = SendBlog(self.wallet, tx, from_addr=scripthash_from, privatekey=private_key)
        #     if wallet_tx != False:
        #         return wallet_tx.ToJson();
        #     self.wallet.Rebuild()
        #     raise JsonRpcError.invalidRequest("Field 'no enough asset")
        elif method == 'postblog':

                if len(params) > 3:
                    from_address = params[3]
                assetId =Blockchain.SystemShare().Hash

                if len(params) > 4:
                    private_key = params[4]

                if assetId is None:
                    print("Asset id not found")
                    return False

                contract_parameters = [ContractParameter.FromJson(p) for p in params[1]]
                sb = ScriptBuilder()
                sb.EmitAppCallWithJsonArgs(UInt160.ParseString(params[0]), contract_parameters)
                script = sb.ToArray();

                scripthash_from = None

                if from_address is not None:
                    scripthash_from = lookup_addr_str(self.wallet, from_address)

                # f8amount = Fixed8.TryParse(0, require_positive=True)
                # if f8amount is None:
                #     print("invalid amount format")
                #     return False
                # if type(assetId) is UInt256 and f8amount.value % pow(10, 8 - Blockchain.Default().GetAssetState(
                #         assetId.ToBytes()).Precision) != 0:
                #     print("incorrect amount precision")
                #     return False
                fee = Fixed8.Zero()
                # output = TransactionOutput(AssetId=assetId, Value=f8amount, script_hash=contract.Code.ScriptHash())
                tx = InvocationTransaction()

                ttx = self.wallet.MakeTransaction(tx=tx,

                if ttx is None:
                    print("insufficient funds")
                    return False
                standard_contract = self.wallet.GetStandardAddress()
                if scripthash_from is not None:
                    signer_contract = self.wallet.GetContract(scripthash_from)
                    signer_contract = self.wallet.GetContract(standard_contract)

                if not signer_contract.IsMultiSigContract:
                    data = scripthash_from.Data
                    tx.Attributes = [TransactionAttribute(usage=TransactionAttributeUsage.Script,

                # insert any additional user specified tx attributes
                tx.Attributes.append(TransactionAttribute(240, params[2].encode('utf-8')))
                tx.Script = binascii.unhexlify(script)

                context = ContractParametersContext(tx, isMultiSig=signer_contract.IsMultiSigContract)
                if private_key is not None:
                    prikey = KeyPair.PrivateKeyFromWIF(private_key)
                    kp = KeyPair(prikey)
                attributes = [attr.ToJson() for attr in tx.Attributes]
                print("attributes %s" %attributes)
                if context.Completed:

                    tx.scripts = context.GetScripts()

                    #            print("will send tx: %s " % json.dumps(tx.ToJson(),indent=4))

                    relayed = NodeLeader.Instance().Relay(tx)

                    if relayed:

                        print("Relayed Tx: %s " % tx.Hash.ToString())
                        return tx.ToJson()

                        print("Could not relay tx %s " % tx.Hash.ToString())

                    print("Transaction initiated, but the signature is incomplete")
                    print(json.dumps(context.ToJson(), separators=(',', ':')))
                    return False

            except Exception as e:
                print("could not send: %s " % e)

            return False
        elif method == "invokefunction":
            contract_parameters = []
            if len(params) > 2:
                contract_parameters = [ContractParameter.FromJson(p).ToVM() for p in params[2]]
            sb = ScriptBuilder()
            sb.EmitAppCallWithOperationAndArgs(UInt160.ParseString(params[0]), params[1], contract_parameters)
            return self.get_invoke_result(sb.ToArray())

        elif method == "invokescript":
            script = params[0].encode('utf-8')
            return self.get_invoke_result(script)

        elif method == "sendrawtransaction":
            tx_script = binascii.unhexlify(params[0].encode('utf-8'))
            transaction = Transaction.DeserializeFromBufer(tx_script)
            result = NodeLeader.Instance().Relay(transaction)
            return result

        elif method == "submitblock":
            raise NotImplementedError()

        elif method == "validateaddress":
            return self.validateaddress(params)

        elif method == "getpeers":
            raise NotImplementedError()

        raise JsonRpcError.methodNotFound()
Exemplo n.º 10
    def json_rpc_method_handler(self, method, params):

        if method == "getaccountstate":
            acct = Blockchain.Default().GetAccountState(params[0])
            if acct is None:
                    acct = AccountState(script_hash=Helper.AddrStrToScriptHash(params[0]))
                except Exception as e:
                    raise JsonRpcError(-2146233033, "One of the identified items was in an invalid format.")

            return acct.ToJson()

        elif method == "getassetstate":
            asset_str = params[0]
            if asset_str.lower() == 'neo':
                assetId = Blockchain.Default().SystemShare().Hash
            elif asset_str.lower() == 'gas':
                assetId = Blockchain.Default().SystemCoin().Hash
                assetId = UInt256.ParseString(params[0])
            asset = Blockchain.Default().GetAssetState(assetId.ToBytes())
            if asset:
                return asset.ToJson()
            raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Unknown asset")

        elif method == "getbestblockhash":
            return '0x%s' % Blockchain.Default().CurrentHeaderHash.decode('utf-8')

        elif method == "getblock":
            # this should work for either str or int
            block = Blockchain.Default().GetBlock(params[0])
            if not block:
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Unknown block")
            return self.get_block_output(block, params)

        elif method == "getblockcount":
            return Blockchain.Default().Height + 1

        elif method == "getblockhash":
            height = params[0]
            if height >= 0 and height <= Blockchain.Default().Height:
                return '0x%s' % Blockchain.Default().GetBlockHash(height).decode('utf-8')
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Invalid Height")

        elif method == "getblocksysfee":
            height = params[0]
            if height >= 0 and height <= Blockchain.Default().Height:
                return Blockchain.Default().GetSysFeeAmountByHeight(height)
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Invalid Height")

        elif method == "getconnectioncount":
            return len(self.nodemgr.nodes)

        elif method == "getcontractstate":
            script_hash = UInt160.ParseString(params[0])
            contract = Blockchain.Default().GetContract(script_hash.ToBytes())
            if contract is None:
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Unknown contract")
            return contract.ToJson()

        elif method == "getrawmempool":
            raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Not supported")
            # return list(map(lambda hash: f"{hash.To0xString()}", self.nodemgr.mempool.pool.keys()))

        elif method == "getversion":
            return {
                "port": self.port,
                "nonce": self.nodemgr.id,
                "useragent": settings.VERSION_NAME

        elif method == "getrawtransaction":
            tx_id = UInt256.ParseString(params[0])
            tx, height = Blockchain.Default().GetTransaction(tx_id)
            if not tx:
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Unknown Transaction")
            return self.get_tx_output(tx, height, params)

        elif method == "getstorage":
            script_hash = UInt160.ParseString(params[0])
            key = binascii.unhexlify(params[1].encode('utf-8'))
            storage_key = StorageKey(script_hash=script_hash, key=key)
            storage_item = Blockchain.Default().GetStorageItem(storage_key)
            if storage_item:
                return storage_item.Value.hex()
            return None

        elif method == "gettransactionheight":
                hash = UInt256.ParseString(params[0])
            except Exception:
                # throws exception, not anything more specific
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Unknown transaction")

            tx, height = Blockchain.Default().GetTransaction(hash)
            if tx:
                return height
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Unknown transaction")

        elif method == "gettxout":
            hash = params[0].encode('utf-8')
            index = params[1]
            utxo = Blockchain.Default().GetUnspent(hash, index)
            if utxo:
                return utxo.ToJson(index)
                return None

        elif method == "invoke":
            shash = UInt160.ParseString(params[0])
            contract_parameters = [ContractParameter.FromJson(p) for p in params[1]]
            sb = ScriptBuilder()
            sb.EmitAppCallWithJsonArgs(shash, contract_parameters)
            return self.get_invoke_result(sb.ToArray())

        elif method == "invokefunction":
            contract_parameters = []
            if len(params) > 2:
                contract_parameters = [ContractParameter.FromJson(p).ToVM() for p in params[2]]
            sb = ScriptBuilder()
            sb.EmitAppCallWithOperationAndArgs(UInt160.ParseString(params[0]), params[1], contract_parameters)
            return self.get_invoke_result(sb.ToArray())

        elif method == "invokescript":
            script = params[0].encode('utf-8')
            return self.get_invoke_result(script)

        elif method == "sendrawtransaction":
            tx_script = binascii.unhexlify(params[0].encode('utf-8'))
            transaction = Transaction.DeserializeFromBufer(tx_script)
            # TODO: relay blocks, change to await in the future
            result = self.nodemgr.relay(transaction)
            return result

        elif method == "validateaddress":
            return self.validateaddress(params)

        elif method == "getpeers":
            return self.get_peers()

        elif method == "getbalance":
            if self.wallet:
                return self.get_balance(params)
                raise JsonRpcError(-400, "Access denied.")

        elif method == "getwalletheight":
            if self.wallet:
                return self.wallet.WalletHeight
                raise JsonRpcError(-400, "Access denied.")

        elif method == "listaddress":
            if self.wallet:
                return self.list_address()
                raise JsonRpcError(-400, "Access denied.")

        elif method == "getnewaddress":
            if self.wallet:
                keys = self.wallet.CreateKey()
                account = Account.get(
                return account.contract_set[0].Address.ToString()
                raise JsonRpcError(-400, "Access denied.")

        elif method == "sendtoaddress":
            if self.wallet:
                contract_tx, fee = self.parse_send_to_address_params(params)
                return self.process_transaction(contract_tx=contract_tx, fee=fee)
                raise JsonRpcError(-400, "Access denied.")

        elif method == "sendfrom":
            if self.wallet:
                contract_tx, address_from, fee, change_addr = self.parse_send_from_params(params)
                return self.process_transaction(contract_tx=contract_tx, fee=fee, address_from=address_from, change_addr=change_addr)
                raise JsonRpcError(-400, "Access denied.")

        elif method == "sendmany":
            if self.wallet:
                contract_tx, fee, change_addr = self.parse_send_many_params(params)
                return self.process_transaction(contract_tx=contract_tx, fee=fee, change_addr=change_addr)
                raise JsonRpcError(-400, "Access denied.")

        elif method == "getblockheader":
            # this should work for either str or int
            blockheader = Blockchain.Default().GetHeaderBy(params[0])
            if not blockheader:
                raise JsonRpcError(-100, "Unknown block")
            return self.get_blockheader_output(blockheader, params)

        raise JsonRpcError.methodNotFound()
Exemplo n.º 11
    def BuildTokenTransfer(self, token, to_addr, amount):
        Build a token transfer for an InvocationTransaction.

            token: (str) the asset symbol or asset hash
            to_addr: (str) the destination NEO address (e.g. 'AJQ6FoaSXDFzA6wLnyZ1nFN7SGSN2oNTc3')
            amount: (int/decimal) the amount of the asset to send
        if not self.BALANCE:
            raise RawTXError(
                'Please specify a source address before building a token transfer.'

        if not isinstance(token, str):
            raise TypeError('Please enter your token as a string.')

        # check if the token is in the source addr balance
        t_hash = None
        if len(token) == 40:  # check if token is a scripthash
            for asset in self.BALANCE:
                if asset['asset_hash'] == token:
                    t_hash = asset['asset_hash']

                    # also verify not insufficient funds
                    if asset['amount'] < amount:
                        raise AssetError("Insufficient funds.")
        else:  # assume the symbol was used
            for asset in self.BALANCE:
                if asset['asset_symbol'] == token:
                    t_hash = asset['asset_hash']

                    # also verify not insufficient funds
                    if asset['amount'] < amount:
                        raise AssetError("Insufficient funds.")
        if not t_hash:
            raise AssetError(
                f'Token {token} not found in the source address balance.')

        dest_scripthash = Helper.AddrStrToScriptHash(
            to_addr)  # also verifies if the address is valid

        sb = ScriptBuilder()
            UInt160.ParseString(t_hash), 'transfer', [
                self.SOURCE_SCRIPTHASH.Data, dest_scripthash.Data,
        script = sb.ToArray()

        self.Version = 1
        self.Script = binascii.unhexlify(script)

        # check to see if the source address has been added as a script attribute and add it if not found
        s = 0
        for attr in self.Attributes:
            if attr.Usage == TransactionAttributeUsage.Script:
                s = s + 1
        if s == 0:
        if s > 1:
            raise TXAttributeError(
                'The script attribute must be used to verify the source address.'