def populateInstances(instances, synth_imgs, class_index, mins, maxs):
    # Populate the training data: create the filter bank for each feature image
    # by reading values from the interval defined by mins and maxs
    target = ArrayImgs.floats([width, height])
    interval = FinalInterval(mins, maxs)
    n_samples = Intervals.numElements(interval)
    for img in synth_imgs:
        vectors = [zeros(len(attributes), 'd') for _ in xrange(n_samples)]
        for k, op in enumerate(filterBank(img, sumType=DoubleType())):
            imgOp = compute(op).into(target)
            for i, v in enumerate(Views.interval(imgOp, interval)):
                vectors[i][k] = v.getRealDouble()
        for vector in vectors:
            vector[-1] = class_index
            instances.add(DenseInstance(1.0, vector))
Exemplo n.º 2
pixels = []
ra = img.randomAccess()
cursor = inside.cursor()  # only True pixels of the sphere mask

while cursor.hasNext():

print "Average:", sum(pixels) / float(len(pixels))

# prints: 68.91
# whereas ImageJ "measure" prints: 69.285 for the EllipseRoi

# Try with Region.sample
cursor = Regions.sample(inside, img).cursor()
pixels = []
while cursor.hasNext():

print "Average:", sum(pixels) / float(len(pixels))

iterableinterval = Regions.sample(inside, img)
print len(pixels), Intervals.numElements(
    iterableinterval)  # too many, of course: both True and False entries
print sum(imap(lambda t: t.get(), iterableinterval)) / float(
from operator import methodcaller
print sum(imap(methodcaller("get"), iterableinterval)) / float(
        for vector in vectors:
            vector[-1] = class_index
            instances.add(DenseInstance(1.0, vector))

# pick pixels on the black line for class 0 (membrane), 4x4
populateInstances(training_data, synth_imgs_membrane, 0, [14, 14], [17, 17])
# pick pixels in the very center for class 1 (mitochondrial boundary), 2x2
populateInstances(training_data, synth_imgs_mit_boundary, 1, [15, 15],
                  [16, 16])

# Populate the training data for class "other" from two images
# entirely filled with background or foreground plus noise
target = ArrayImgs.floats([width, height])
interval = FinalInterval([14, 14], [17, 17])
n_samples = Intervals.numElements(interval)
for ci, v in enumerate([fillValue, backgroundValue]):
    for _ in xrange(training_data.size() /
                    4):  # the other 2/4 are the membrane and mit boundary
        other = syntheticEM([], width, height, 0, v, noise=True)
        vectors = [zeros(len(attributes), 'd') for _ in xrange(n_samples)]
        for k, op in enumerate(filterBank(IL.wrap(other),
            imgOp = compute(op).into(target)
            for i, v in enumerate(Views.interval(imgOp, interval)):
                vectors[i][k] = v.getRealDouble()
        for vector in vectors:
            vector[-1] = ci + 2  # class index
            training_data.add(DenseInstance(1.0, vector))

# Create a classifier: support vector machine (SVM, an SMO in WEKA)
# Now, iterate each peak, defining a small interval centered at each peak,
# and measure the sum of total pixel intensity,
# and display the results in an ImageJ ResultTable.
table = ResultsTable()

for peak in peaks:
    # Read peak coordinates into an array of integers
    # Define limits of the interval around the peak:
    # (sigmaSmaller is half the radius of the embryo)
    minC = [int(p[i] - sigmaSmaller) for i in xrange(img.numDimensions())]
    maxC = [int(p[i] + sigmaSmaller) for i in xrange(img.numDimensions())]
    # View the interval around the peak, as a flat iterable (like an array)
    square = Views.flatIterable(Views.zeroMin(Views.interval(img, minC, maxC)))
    s1 = sum(t.getInteger() for t in square)
    area1 = Intervals.numElements(square)
    # Use a sphere instead
    radius = sqrt(area1 / pi)  # same area for both
    print sigmaSmaller, radius
    circle = Masks.toIterableRegion(GeomMasks.closedSphere(p, radius))
    s2 = sum(t.getInteger() for t in Regions.sample(circle, imgE))
    area2 = Intervals.numElements(circle)

    print area1, area2

    # Compute sum of pixel intensity values of the interval
    # (The t is the Type that mediates access to the pixels, via its get* methods)

    # Add to results table
    table.addValue("x", p[0])