Exemplo n.º 1
def find_peaks(imp1, imp2, sigmaSmaller, sigmaLarger, minPeakValue):
	# sigmaSmaller ==> Size of the smaller dots (in pixels)
	# sigmaLarger ==> Size of the bigger dots (in pixels)
	# minPeakValue ==> Intensity above which to look for dots
	# Preparation Neuron channel
	ip1_1 = IL.wrapReal(imp1)
	ip1E = Views.extendMirrorSingle(ip1_1)

	#Preparation Glioma channel
	ip2_1 = IL.wrapReal(imp2)
	ip2E = Views.extendMirrorSingle(ip2_1)

	calibration = [1.0 for i in range(ip1_1.numDimensions())]
	extremaType = DogDetection.ExtremaType.MINIMA
	normalizedMinPeakValue = False

	dog_1 = DogDetection(ip1E, ip1_1, calibration, sigmaSmaller, sigmaLarger,
	  				   extremaType, minPeakValue, normalizedMinPeakValue)

	dog_2 = DogDetection(ip2E, ip2_1, calibration, sigmaSmaller, sigmaLarger,
	  				   extremaType, minPeakValue, normalizedMinPeakValue)

	peaks_1 = dog_1.getPeaks()
	peaks_2 = dog_2.getPeaks()

	return ip1_1, ip2_1, peaks_1, peaks_2
def createDoG(img, calibration, sigmaSmaller, sigmaLarger, minPeakValue):
    # Fixed parameters
    extremaType = DogDetection.ExtremaType.MAXIMA
    normalizedMinPeakValue = False
    # Infinite img
    imgE = Views.extendMirrorSingle(img)
    # In the differece of gaussian peak detection, the img acts as the interval
    # within which to look for peaks. The processing is done on the infinite imgE.
    return DogDetection(imgE, img, calibration, sigmaLarger, sigmaSmaller,
                        extremaType, minPeakValue, normalizedMinPeakValue)
Exemplo n.º 3
from net.imglib2.img.display.imagej import ImageJFunctions as IL
from net.imglib2.view import Views
from net.imglib2.algorithm.dog import DogDetection
from jarray import zeros

# Load a greyscale single-channel image: the "Embryos" sample image
imp = IJ.openImage("https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/images/embryos.jpg")
# Convert it to 8-bit
IJ.run(imp, "8-bit", "")

# Access its pixel data from an ImgLib2 data structure: a RandomAccessibleInterval
img = IL.wrapReal(imp)

# View as an infinite image, mirrored at the edges which is ideal for Gaussians
imgE = Views.extendMirrorSingle(img)

# Parameters for a Difference of Gaussian to detect embryo positions
calibration = [1.0
               for i in range(img.numDimensions())]  # no calibration: identity
sigmaSmaller = 15  # in pixels: a quarter of the radius of an embryo
sigmaLarger = 30  # pixels: half the radius of an embryo
extremaType = DogDetection.ExtremaType.MAXIMA
minPeakValue = 10
normalizedMinPeakValue = False

# In the differece of gaussian peak detection, the img acts as the interval
# within which to look for peaks. The processing is done on the infinite imgE.
dog = DogDetection(imgE, img, calibration, sigmaSmaller, sigmaLarger,
                   extremaType, minPeakValue, normalizedMinPeakValue)
Exemplo n.º 4
from net.imglib2.img.display.imagej import ImageJFunctions as IL
from net.imglib2.view import Views
from org.scijava.plugins.scripteditor.jython import JythonDev
JythonDev.debug = 2

# Grab the ImagePlus from the most recently activated Fiji image window
imp = IJ.getImage()

# Convert the image to an ImgLib2 image
img = IL.wrap(imp)

# Show it
IL.show(img, "wrapped as an ImgLib2 image")

# Extend it: an infinite view
extendedView = Views.extendMirrorSingle(img)  # RandomAccessible

# View with a larger canvas
width = img.dimension(0)  # same as imp.getWidth()
height = img.dimension(1)  # same as imp.getHeight()

# from half an image beyond 0,0 (to the left and up) to half an image beyond width,height
imgExtended = Views.interval(extendedView, [-width / 2, -height / 2],
                             [width + width / 2 - 1, height + height / 2 - 1
                              ])  # RandomAccessibleInterval

IL.show(imgExtended, "enlarged canvas with extended mirror symmetry")

# The viewing interval doesn't have to overlap with the interval where the original image is defined
# For example:
Exemplo n.º 5
#@ OpService ops
#@ SCIFIO scifio
#@ String input_path
#@ String output_path
#@ UIService ui
#@ DatasetService datasets

from net.imglib2.type.numeric.real import FloatType
from net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer import UnsignedByteType
from net.imglib2.view import Views

input_dataset = scifio.datasetIO().open(input_path)

kernel_a = ops.create().kernelGauss([0, 0])
a = ops.create().img(input_dataset)
ops.filter().convolve(a, Views.extendMirrorSingle(input_dataset), kernel_a)

kernel_b = ops.create().kernelGauss([2, 2])
b = ops.create().img(input_dataset)
ops.filter().convolve(b, Views.extendMirrorSingle(input_dataset), kernel_b)

difference_of_gaussian = ops.math().subtract(a, b)
Exemplo n.º 6
import os
from net.imglib2.type.numeric.real import FloatType
from net.imglib2.view import Views

except OSError:

rgb = scifio.datasetIO().open(input_path)

grayscale = ops.run("convert.rgb2grayscale", rgb)
grayscale = ops.convert().float32(grayscale)
rgb = None

gauss_kernel = ops.create().kernel([
	[1 / 256.0, 4 / 256.0, 6 / 256.0, 4 / 256.0, 1 / 256.0],
	[4 / 256.0, 14 / 256.0, 24 / 256.0, 14 / 256.0, 4 / 256.0],
	[6 / 256.0, 24 / 256.0, 36 / 256.0, 24 / 256.0, 6 / 256.0],
	[4 / 256.0, 14 / 256.0, 24 / 256.0, 14 / 256.0, 4 / 256.0],
	[1 / 256.0, 4 / 256.0, 6 / 256.0, 4 / 256.0, 1 / 256.0]
], FloatType())

without_noise = ops.create().img(grayscale)
ops.filter().convolve(without_noise, Views.extendMirrorSingle(grayscale), gauss_kernel)

edges = ops.run("edgeDetector", without_noise)
scifio.datasetIO().save(datasets.create(ops.convert().uint8(ops.math().multiply(edges, 255))), output_path)
except OSError:

start = Measure.start("total_op")
input_dataset = scifio.datasetIO().open(input_path)
input_dataset = ops.convert().float32(input_dataset)
preprocess = ops.create().img(input_dataset)
minMax = ops.stats().minMax(input_dataset)
input_dataset = ops.image().normalize(preprocess, input_dataset, minMax.getA(),
                                      minMax.getB(), FloatType(0),

gauss_kernel = ops.create().kernelGauss([sigma, sigma])

without_noise = ops.create().img(input_dataset)
ops.filter().convolve(without_noise, Views.extendMirrorSingle(input_dataset),
input_dataset = None

edges = ops.run("edgeDetector", without_noise, low_threshold, high_threshold)
        edges, FloatType(255)))), output_path)

Exemplo n.º 8
# add constant
input = ops.math().add(input, UnsignedByteType(100))

# normalization
normalized = ops.create().img(input)
ops.image().normalize(normalized, input)

# convolution
kernel = ops.run("create.img", [3, 3], FloatType())
for p in kernel:
    p.set(1.0 / kernel.size())
convoluted = ops.create().img(normalized)
ops.filter().convolve(convoluted, Views.extendMirrorSingle(normalized), kernel)

# min filter
minfiltered = ops.create().img(convoluted)
ops.filter().min(minfiltered, input, RectangleShape(3, False))

# threshold
thresholded = ops.create().img(minfiltered, BitType())
ops.threshold().apply(thresholded, minfiltered, UnsignedByteType(128))

# project
dims = Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(thresholded)
projected_dims = dims[:-1]
        # Obtain 2D coordinates and map into the span range, normalized into the [0, 1] range
        # (which will be used as the linearized 2*pi length of the circumference)
        x = (index % self.diameter) / self.diameter
        y = (index / self.diameter) / self.diameter
        # Start at 2, with each sin or cos adding from -1 to +1 each, then normalize and expand into 8-bit range
        # (subtract -0.25 to center the white peak)
        return int((2 + sin((x - 0.25) * 2 * pi) + sin(
            (y - 0.25) * 2 * pi)) / 4.0 * 255)

    def setValue(self, index, value):

# Define the dimensions of the repeat
dimensions = [64, 64]
data = Sinusoid(dimensions[0])

# Construct an 8-bit image
t = UnsignedByteType()
img = ArrayImg(data, dimensions, t.getEntitiesPerPixel())

# Define the number of repeats
n_copies = 12
imgMirrored = Views.extendMirrorSingle(img)
imgMosaic = Views.interval(
    imgMirrored, [0, 0],
    [d * n_copies - n_copies
     for d in dimensions])  # subtracts n_copies to correct for mirror single

IL.wrap(imgMosaic, "sinusoid").show()