def loadFromIfcfg(filename): def valOrNone(d, k): return d.has_key(k) and d[k] or None conf = util.readKeyValueFile(filename) mode = None if conf.has_key('BOOTPROTO'): if conf['BOOTPROTO'] == 'static' or conf.has_key('IPADDR'): mode = NetInterface.Static elif conf['BOOTPROTO'] == 'dhcp': mode = NetInterface.DHCP hwaddr = valOrNone(conf, 'HWADDR') if not hwaddr: hwaddr = valOrNone(conf, 'MACADDR') if not hwaddr: try: hwaddr = netutil.getHWAddr(conf['DEVICE']) except: pass dns = None n = 1 while conf.has_key('DNS%d' % n): if not dns: dns = [] dns.append(conf['DNS%d' % n]) n += 1 return NetInterface(mode, hwaddr, valOrNone(conf, 'IPADDR'), valOrNone(conf, 'NETMASK'), valOrNone(conf, 'GATEWAY'), dns, valOrNone(conf, 'DOMAIN'))
def loadFromIfcfg(filename): def valOrNone(d, k): return k in d and d[k] or None conf = util.readKeyValueFile(filename) mode = None if 'BOOTPROTO' in conf: if conf['BOOTPROTO'] == 'static' or 'IPADDR' in conf: mode = NetInterface.Static elif conf['BOOTPROTO'] == 'dhcp': mode = NetInterface.DHCP hwaddr = valOrNone(conf, 'HWADDR') if not hwaddr: hwaddr = valOrNone(conf, 'MACADDR') if not hwaddr: hwaddr = netutil.getHWAddr(conf['DEVICE']) dns = None n = 1 while 'DNS%d' % n in conf: if not dns: dns = [] dns.append(conf['DNS%d' % n]) n += 1 modev6 = None if 'DHCPV6C' in conf: modev6 = NetInterface.DHCP elif 'IPV6_AUTOCONF' in conf: modev6 = NetInterface.Autoconf elif 'IPV6INIT' in conf: modev6 = NetInterface.Static ni = NetInterface(mode, hwaddr, valOrNone(conf, 'IPADDR'), valOrNone(conf, 'NETMASK'), valOrNone(conf, 'GATEWAY'), dns, valOrNone(conf, 'DOMAIN')) ni.addIPv6(modev6, valOrNone(conf, 'IPV6ADDR'), valOrNone(conf, 'IPV6_DEFAULTGW')) return ni
def _readSettings(self): """ Read settings from the installation, returns a results dictionary. """ results = {'host-config': {}} self.mount_state() try: # timezone: tz = None clock_file = self.join_state_path('etc/localtime') if os.path.islink(clock_file): tzfile = os.path.realpath(clock_file) if '/usr/share/zoneinfo/' in tzfile: _, tz = tzfile.split('/usr/share/zoneinfo/', 1) if not tz: # No timezone found: # Supply a default and for interactive installs prompt the user. xelogging.log('No timezone configuration found.') results['request-timezone'] = True tz = "Europe/London" results['timezone'] = tz # hostname. We will assume one was set anyway and thus write # it back into the new filesystem. If one wasn't set then this # will be localhost.localdomain, in which case the old behaviour # will persist anyway: fd = open(self.join_state_path('etc/sysconfig/network'), 'r') lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() for line in lines: if line.startswith('HOSTNAME='): results['manual-hostname'] = (True, line[9:].strip()) if os.path.exists(self.join_state_path('etc/hostname')): fd = open(self.join_state_path('etc/hostname'), 'r') line = fd.readline() results['manual-hostname'] = (True, line.strip()) fd.close() if not results.has_key('manual-hostname'): results['manual-hostname'] = (False, None) # nameservers: domain = None if not os.path.exists(self.join_state_path('etc/resolv.conf')): results['manual-nameservers'] = (False, None) else: ns = [] fd = open(self.join_state_path('etc/resolv.conf'), 'r') lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() for line in lines: if line.startswith("nameserver "): ns.append(line[11:].strip()) elif line.startswith("domain "): domain = line[8:].strip() elif line.startswith("search "): domain = line.split()[1] results['manual-nameservers'] = (True, ns) # ntp servers: fd = open(self.join_state_path('etc/ntp.conf'), 'r') lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() ntps = [] for line in lines: if line.startswith("server "): ntps.append(line[7:].strip()) results['ntp-servers'] = ntps # keyboard: keyboard_dict = {} keyboard_file = self.join_state_path('etc/sysconfig/keyboard') if os.path.exists(keyboard_file): keyboard_dict = util.readKeyValueFile(keyboard_file) keyboard_file = self.join_state_path('etc/vconsole.conf') if os.path.exists(keyboard_file): keyboard_dict.update(util.readKeyValueFile(keyboard_file)) if 'KEYMAP' in keyboard_dict: results['keymap'] = keyboard_dict['KEYMAP'] elif 'KEYTABLE' in keyboard_dict: results['keymap'] = keyboard_dict['KEYTABLE'] # Do not error here if no keymap configuration is found. # This enables upgrade to still carry state on hosts without # keymap configured: # A default keymap is assigned in the backend of this installer. if not results.has_key('keymap'): xelogging.log('No existing keymap configuration found.') # root password: fd = open(self.join_state_path('etc/passwd'), 'r') root_pwd = None for line in fd: pwent = line.split(':') if pwent[0] == 'root': root_pwd = pwent[1] break fd.close() if len(root_pwd) == 1: root_pwd = None try: fd = open(self.join_state_path('etc/shadow'), 'r') for line in fd: pwent = line.split(':') if pwent[0] == 'root': root_pwd = pwent[1] break fd.close() except: pass if not root_pwd: raise SettingsNotAvailable, "no root password found" results['root-password'] = ('pwdhash', root_pwd) # don't care about this too much. results['time-config-method'] = 'ntp' # read network configuration. We only care to find out what the # management interface is, and what its configuration was. # The dev -> MAC mapping for other devices will be preserved in the # database which is available in time for everything except the # management interface. mgmt_iface = self.getInventoryValue('MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE') networkdb_path = constants.NETWORK_DB if not os.path.exists(self.join_state_path(networkdb_path)): networkdb_path = constants.OLD_NETWORK_DB dbcache_path = constants.DBCACHE if not os.path.exists(self.join_state_path(dbcache_path)): dbcache_path = constants.OLD_DBCACHE if not mgmt_iface: xelogging.log('No existing management interface found.') elif os.path.exists(self.join_state_path(networkdb_path)): networkd_db = constants.NETWORKD_DB if not os.path.exists(self.join_state_path(networkd_db)): networkd_db = constants.OLD_NETWORKD_DB xelogging.log( 'Checking %s for management interface configuration' % networkd_db) def fetchIfaceInfoFromNetworkdbAsDict(bridge, iface=None): args = [ 'chroot', self.state_fs.mount_point, '/' + networkd_db, '-bridge', bridge ] if iface: args.extend(['-iface', iface]) rv, out = util.runCmd2(args, with_stdout=True) d = {} for line in (x.strip() for x in out.split('\n') if len(x.strip())): for key_value in line.split(" "): var = key_value.split('=', 1) d[var[0]] = var[1] return d d = fetchIfaceInfoFromNetworkdbAsDict(mgmt_iface, mgmt_iface) # For mgmt on tagged vlan, networkdb output has no value for # 'interfaces' but instead has 'parent' specified. We need # to fetch 'interfaces' of parent and use for mgmt bridge. if not d.get('interfaces') and 'parent' in d: p = fetchIfaceInfoFromNetworkdbAsDict(d['parent']) d['interfaces'] = p['interfaces'] results['net-admin-bridge'] = mgmt_iface results['net-admin-interface'] = d.get('interfaces').split( ',')[0] if_hwaddr = netutil.getHWAddr(results['net-admin-interface']) vlan = int(d['vlan']) if 'vlan' in d else None proto = d.get('mode') if proto == 'static': ip = d.get('ipaddr') netmask = d.get('netmask') gateway = d.get('gateway') dns = d.get('dns', '').split(',') if ip and netmask: results['net-admin-configuration'] = NetInterface( NetInterface.Static, if_hwaddr, ip, netmask, gateway, dns, vlan=vlan) elif proto == 'dhcp': results['net-admin-configuration'] = NetInterface( NetInterface.DHCP, if_hwaddr, vlan=vlan) else: results['net-admin-configuration'] = NetInterface( None, if_hwaddr, vlan=vlan) protov6 = d.get('modev6') if protov6 == 'static': ipv6 = d.get('ipaddrv6') gatewayv6 = d.get('gatewayv6') if ipv6: results['net-admin-configuration'].addIPv6( NetInterface.Static, ipv6, gatewayv6) elif protov6 == 'dhcp': results['net-admin-configuration'].addIPv6( NetInterface.DHCP) elif protov6 == 'autoconf': results['net-admin-configuration'].addIPv6( NetInterface.Autoconf) elif os.path.exists(self.join_state_path(dbcache_path)): xelogging.log( 'Checking %s for management network configuration' % dbcache_path) def getText(nodelist): rc = "" for node in nodelist: if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: rc = rc + return rc.strip().encode() xmldoc = xml.dom.minidom.parse( self.join_state_path(dbcache_path)) pif_uid = None for node in xmldoc.documentElement.childNodes: if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.tagName == 'network': network = node else: continue # CA-50971: handle renamed networks in MNR if len(network.getElementsByTagName('bridge')) == 0 or \ len(network.getElementsByTagName('PIFs')) == 0 or \ len(network.getElementsByTagName('PIFs')[0].getElementsByTagName('PIF')) == 0: continue if getText( network.getElementsByTagName('bridge') [0].childNodes) == mgmt_iface: pif_uid = getText( network.getElementsByTagName('PIFs') [0].getElementsByTagName('PIF')[0].childNodes) break if pif_uid: for node in xmldoc.documentElement.childNodes: if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.tagName == 'pif': pif = node else: continue if pif.getAttribute('ref') == pif_uid: results['net-admin-interface'] = getText( pif.getElementsByTagName('device') [0].childNodes) results['net-admin-bridge'] = mgmt_iface results[ 'net-admin-configuration'] = NetInterface.loadFromPif( pif) break else: xelogging.log( 'Checking ifcfg files for management network configuration' ) for cfile in filter(lambda x: True in [x.startswith(y) for y in ['ifcfg-eth', 'ifcfg-bond']], \ os.listdir(self.join_state_path(constants.NET_SCR_DIR))): devcfg = util.readKeyValueFile(self.join_state_path( constants.NET_SCR_DIR, cfile), strip_quotes=False) if devcfg.has_key('DEVICE') and devcfg.has_key( 'BRIDGE') and devcfg['BRIDGE'] == mgmt_iface: brcfg = util.readKeyValueFile(self.join_state_path( constants.NET_SCR_DIR, 'ifcfg-' + devcfg['BRIDGE']), strip_quotes=False) results['net-admin-interface'] = devcfg['DEVICE'] results['net-admin-bridge'] = devcfg['BRIDGE'] # get hardware address if it was recorded, otherwise look it up: if devcfg.has_key('HWADDR'): hwaddr = devcfg['HWADDR'] elif devcfg.has_key('MACADDR'): # our bonds have a key called MACADDR instead hwaddr = devcfg['MACADDR'] else: hwaddr = netutil.getHWAddr(devcfg['DEVICE']) ifcfg = NetInterface.loadFromIfcfg( self.join_state_path(constants.NET_SCR_DIR, 'ifcfg-' + devcfg['BRIDGE'])) if not ifcfg.hwaddr: ifcfg.hwaddr = hwaddr if ifcfg.isStatic() and not ifcfg.domain and domain: ifcfg.domain = domain results['net-admin-configuration'] = ifcfg break repo_list = [] if os.path.exists( self.join_state_path(constants.INSTALLED_REPOS_DIR)): try: for repo_id in os.listdir( self.join_state_path( constants.INSTALLED_REPOS_DIR)): try: repo = repository.LegacyRepository( repository.FilesystemAccessor( self.join_state_path( constants.INSTALLED_REPOS_DIR, repo_id))) if repo.hidden() != "true": repo_list.append( (repo.identifier(),, (repo_id != constants.MAIN_REPOSITORY_NAME))) except repository.RepoFormatError: # probably pre-XML format repo = open( self.join_state_path( constants.INSTALLED_REPOS_DIR, repo_id, repository.LegacyRepository. REPOSITORY_FILENAME)) repo_id = repo.readline().strip() repo_name = repo.readline().strip() repo.close() repo_list.append( (repo_id, repo_name, (repo_id != constants.MAIN_REPOSITORY_NAME))) except Exception, e: xelogging.log('Scan for driver disks failed:') xelogging.log_exception(e) results['repo-list'] = repo_list results['ha-armed'] = False try: db_path = "var/lib/xcp/local.db" if not os.path.exists(self.join_state_path(db_path)): db_path = "var/xapi/local.db" db = open(self.join_state_path(db_path), 'r') if db.readline().find( '<row key="ha.armed" value="true"') != -1: results['ha-armed'] = True db.close() except: pass try: network_conf = open( self.join_state_path("etc/xensource/network.conf"), 'r') network_backend = network_conf.readline().strip() network_conf.close() if network_backend == constants.NETWORK_BACKEND_BRIDGE: results[ 'network-backend'] = constants.NETWORK_BACKEND_BRIDGE elif network_backend in [ constants.NETWORK_BACKEND_VSWITCH, constants.NETWORK_BACKEND_VSWITCH_ALT ]: results[ 'network-backend'] = constants.NETWORK_BACKEND_VSWITCH else: raise SettingsNotAvailable, "unknown network backend %s" % network_backend except: pass results['master'] = None try: pt = open(self.join_state_path("etc/xensource/ptoken"), 'r') results['pool-token'] = pt.readline().strip() pt.close() pc = open(self.join_state_path("etc/xensource/pool.conf"), 'r') line = pc.readline().strip() if line.startswith('slave:'): results['master'] = line[6:] pc.close() except: pass
def _readSettings(self): """ Read settings from the installation, returns a results dictionary. """ results = {'host-config': {}} self.mount_state() try: # timezone: tz = None clock_file = self.join_state_path('etc/localtime') if os.path.islink(clock_file): tzfile = os.path.realpath(clock_file) if '/usr/share/zoneinfo/' in tzfile: _, tz = tzfile.split('/usr/share/zoneinfo/', 1) if not tz: # No timezone found: # Supply a default and for interactive installs prompt the user. logger.log('No timezone configuration found.') results['request-timezone'] = True tz = "Europe/London" results['timezone'] = tz # hostname. We will assume one was set anyway and thus write # it back into the new filesystem. If one wasn't set then this # will be localhost.localdomain, in which case the old behaviour # will persist anyway: fd = open(self.join_state_path('etc/sysconfig/network'), 'r') lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() for line in lines: if line.startswith('HOSTNAME='): results['manual-hostname'] = (True, line[9:].strip()) if os.path.exists(self.join_state_path('etc/hostname')): fd = open(self.join_state_path('etc/hostname'), 'r') line = fd.readline() results['manual-hostname'] = (True, line.strip()) fd.close() if 'manual-hostname' not in results: results['manual-hostname'] = (False, None) # nameservers: domain = None if not os.path.exists(self.join_state_path('etc/resolv.conf')): results['manual-nameservers'] = (False, None) else: ns = [] fd = open(self.join_state_path('etc/resolv.conf'), 'r') lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() for line in lines: if line.startswith("nameserver "): ns.append(line[11:].strip()) elif line.startswith("domain "): domain = line[8:].strip() elif line.startswith("search "): domain = line.split()[1] results['manual-nameservers'] = (True, ns) # ntp servers: if os.path.exists(self.join_state_path('etc/chrony.conf')): fd = open(self.join_state_path('etc/chrony.conf'), 'r') else: fd = open(self.join_state_path('etc/ntp.conf'), 'r') lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() ntps = [] for line in lines: if line.startswith("server "): ntps.append(line[7:].split()[0].strip()) results['ntp-servers'] = ntps # keyboard: keyboard_dict = {} keyboard_file = self.join_state_path('etc/sysconfig/keyboard') if os.path.exists(keyboard_file): keyboard_dict = util.readKeyValueFile(keyboard_file) keyboard_file = self.join_state_path('etc/vconsole.conf') if os.path.exists(keyboard_file): keyboard_dict.update(util.readKeyValueFile(keyboard_file)) if 'KEYMAP' in keyboard_dict: results['keymap'] = keyboard_dict['KEYMAP'] elif 'KEYTABLE' in keyboard_dict: results['keymap'] = keyboard_dict['KEYTABLE'] # Do not error here if no keymap configuration is found. # This enables upgrade to still carry state on hosts without # keymap configured: # A default keymap is assigned in the backend of this installer. if 'keymap' not in results: logger.log('No existing keymap configuration found.') # root password: fd = open(self.join_state_path('etc/passwd'), 'r') root_pwd = None for line in fd: pwent = line.split(':') if pwent[0] == 'root': root_pwd = pwent[1] break fd.close() if len(root_pwd) == 1: root_pwd = None try: fd = open(self.join_state_path('etc/shadow'), 'r') for line in fd: pwent = line.split(':') if pwent[0] == 'root': root_pwd = pwent[1] break fd.close() except: pass if not root_pwd: raise SettingsNotAvailable("no root password found") results['root-password'] = ('pwdhash', root_pwd) # don't care about this too much. results['time-config-method'] = 'ntp' # read network configuration. We only care to find out what the # management interface is, and what its configuration was. # The dev -> MAC mapping for other devices will be preserved in the # database which is available in time for everything except the # management interface. mgmt_iface = self.getInventoryValue('MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE') if not mgmt_iface: logger.log('No existing management interface found.') elif os.path.exists(self.join_state_path(constants.NETWORK_DB)): logger.log( 'Checking %s for management interface configuration' % constants.NETWORKD_DB) def fetchIfaceInfoFromNetworkdbAsDict(bridge, iface=None): args = [ 'chroot', self.state_fs.mount_point, '/' + constants.NETWORKD_DB, '-bridge', bridge ] if iface: args.extend(['-iface', iface]) rv, out = util.runCmd2(args, with_stdout=True) d = {} for line in (x.strip() for x in out.split('\n') if len(x.strip())): for key_value in line.split(" "): var = key_value.split('=', 1) d[var[0]] = var[1] return d d = fetchIfaceInfoFromNetworkdbAsDict(mgmt_iface, mgmt_iface) # For mgmt on tagged vlan, networkdb output has no value for # 'interfaces' but instead has 'parent' specified. We need # to fetch 'interfaces' of parent and use for mgmt bridge. if not d.get('interfaces') and 'parent' in d: p = fetchIfaceInfoFromNetworkdbAsDict(d['parent']) d['interfaces'] = p['interfaces'] results['net-admin-bridge'] = mgmt_iface results['net-admin-interface'] = d.get('interfaces').split( ',')[0] if_hwaddr = netutil.getHWAddr(results['net-admin-interface']) vlan = int(d['vlan']) if 'vlan' in d else None proto = d.get('mode') if proto == 'static': ip = d.get('ipaddr') netmask = d.get('netmask') gateway = d.get('gateway') dns = d.get('dns', '').split(',') if ip and netmask: results['net-admin-configuration'] = NetInterface( NetInterface.Static, if_hwaddr, ip, netmask, gateway, dns, vlan=vlan) elif proto == 'dhcp': results['net-admin-configuration'] = NetInterface( NetInterface.DHCP, if_hwaddr, vlan=vlan) else: results['net-admin-configuration'] = NetInterface( None, if_hwaddr, vlan=vlan) protov6 = d.get('modev6') if protov6 == 'static': ipv6 = d.get('ipaddrv6') gatewayv6 = d.get('gatewayv6') if ipv6: results['net-admin-configuration'].addIPv6( NetInterface.Static, ipv6, gatewayv6) elif protov6 == 'dhcp': results['net-admin-configuration'].addIPv6( NetInterface.DHCP) elif protov6 == 'autoconf': results['net-admin-configuration'].addIPv6( NetInterface.Autoconf) repo_list = [] if os.path.exists( self.join_state_path(constants.INSTALLED_REPOS_DIR)): try: for repo_id in os.listdir( self.join_state_path( constants.INSTALLED_REPOS_DIR)): try: repo = repository.LegacyRepository( repository.FilesystemAccessor( self.join_state_path( constants.INSTALLED_REPOS_DIR, repo_id))) if repo.hidden() != "true": repo_list.append( (repo.identifier(),, (repo_id != constants.MAIN_REPOSITORY_NAME))) except repository.RepoFormatError: # probably pre-XML format repo = open( self.join_state_path( constants.INSTALLED_REPOS_DIR, repo_id, repository.LegacyRepository. REPOSITORY_FILENAME)) repo_id = repo.readline().strip() repo_name = repo.readline().strip() repo.close() repo_list.append( (repo_id, repo_name, (repo_id != constants.MAIN_REPOSITORY_NAME))) except Exception as e: logger.log('Scan for driver disks failed:') logger.logException(e) results['repo-list'] = repo_list results['ha-armed'] = False try: db_path = "var/lib/xcp/local.db" if not os.path.exists(self.join_state_path(db_path)): db_path = "var/xapi/local.db" db = open(self.join_state_path(db_path), 'r') if db.readline().find( '<row key="ha.armed" value="true"') != -1: results['ha-armed'] = True db.close() except: pass try: network_conf = open( self.join_state_path("etc/xensource/network.conf"), 'r') network_backend = network_conf.readline().strip() network_conf.close() if network_backend == constants.NETWORK_BACKEND_BRIDGE: results[ 'network-backend'] = constants.NETWORK_BACKEND_BRIDGE elif network_backend in [ constants.NETWORK_BACKEND_VSWITCH, constants.NETWORK_BACKEND_VSWITCH_ALT ]: results[ 'network-backend'] = constants.NETWORK_BACKEND_VSWITCH else: raise SettingsNotAvailable("unknown network backend %s" % network_backend) except: pass results['master'] = None try: pt = open(self.join_state_path("etc/xensource/ptoken"), 'r') results['pool-token'] = pt.readline().strip() pt.close() pc = open(self.join_state_path("etc/xensource/pool.conf"), 'r') line = pc.readline().strip() if line.startswith('slave:'): results['master'] = line[6:] pc.close() except: pass finally: self.unmount_state() # read bootloader config to extract various settings try: # Boot device self.mount_boot() boot_config = bootloader.Bootloader.loadExisting( self.boot_fs_mount) # Serial console try: xen_args =['xe-serial'].getHypervisorArgs() com = [i for i in xen_args if re.match('com[0-9]+=.*', i)] results['serial-console'] = hardware.SerialPort.from_string( com[0]) except Exception: logger.log("Could not parse serial settings") if boot_config.serial: results['serial-console'] = hardware.SerialPort( boot_config.serial['port'], baud=str(boot_config.serial['baud'])) results['bootloader-location'] = boot_config.location if boot_config.default != 'upgrade': results['boot-serial'] = (boot_config.default == 'xe-serial') # Subset of hypervisor arguments xen_args =[ boot_config.default].getHypervisorArgs() # - cpuid_mask results['host-config']['xen-cpuid-masks'] = filter( lambda x: x.startswith('cpuid_mask'), xen_args) # - dom0_mem dom0_mem_arg = filter(lambda x: x.startswith('dom0_mem'), xen_args) (dom0_mem, dom0_mem_min, dom0_mem_max) = xcp.dom0.parse_mem(dom0_mem_arg[0]) if dom0_mem: results['host-config']['dom0-mem'] = dom0_mem / 1024 / 1024 except: pass self.unmount_boot() return results
def _readSettings(self): """ Read settings from the installation, returns a results dictionary. """ results = {} if self.version < XENSERVER_5_6_0: raise SettingsNotAvailable, "version too old" self.mount_state() try: # timezone: tz = None clock_file = self.join_state_path("etc/sysconfig/clock") if os.path.exists(clock_file): fd = open(clock_file, "r") lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() for line in lines: if line.startswith("ZONE="): tz = line[5:].strip() if not tz: # No timezone found: # Supply a default and for interactive installs prompt the user. xelogging.log("No timezone configuration found.") results["request-timezone"] = True tz = "Europe/London" results["timezone"] = tz # hostname. We will assume one was set anyway and thus write # it back into the new filesystem. If one wasn't set then this # will be localhost.localdomain, in which case the old behaviour # will persist anyway: fd = open(self.join_state_path("etc/sysconfig/network"), "r") lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() for line in lines: if line.startswith("HOSTNAME="): results["manual-hostname"] = (True, line[9:].strip()) if not results.has_key("manual-hostname"): results["manual-hostname"] = (False, None) # nameservers: domain = None if not os.path.exists(self.join_state_path("etc/resolv.conf")): results["manual-nameservers"] = (False, None) else: ns = [] fd = open(self.join_state_path("etc/resolv.conf"), "r") lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() for line in lines: if line.startswith("nameserver "): ns.append(line[11:].strip()) elif line.startswith("domain "): domain = line[8:].strip() elif line.startswith("search "): domain = line.split()[1] results["manual-nameservers"] = (True, ns) # ntp servers: fd = open(self.join_state_path("etc/ntp.conf"), "r") lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() ntps = [] for line in lines: if line.startswith("server "): ntps.append(line[7:].strip()) results["ntp-servers"] = ntps # keyboard: keyboard_file = self.join_state_path("etc/sysconfig/keyboard") if os.path.exists(keyboard_file): fd = open(keyboard_file, "r") lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() for line in lines: if line.startswith("KEYTABLE="): results["keymap"] = line[9:].strip() # Do not error here if no keymap configuration is found. # This enables upgrade to still carry state on hosts without # keymap configured: # A default keymap is assigned in the backend of this installer. if not results.has_key("keymap"): xelogging.log("No existing keymap configuration found.") # root password: fd = open(self.join_state_path("etc/passwd"), "r") root_pwd = None for line in fd: pwent = line.split(":") if pwent[0] == "root": root_pwd = pwent[1] break fd.close() if not root_pwd: raise SettingsNotAvailable, "no root password found" results["root-password"] = ("pwdhash", root_pwd) # don't care about this too much. results["time-config-method"] = "ntp" # read network configuration. We only care to find out what the # management interface is, and what its configuration was. # The dev -> MAC mapping for other devices will be preserved in the # database which is available in time for everything except the # management interface. mgmt_iface = self.getInventoryValue("MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE") if os.path.exists(self.join_state_path(constants.DBCACHE)): def getText(nodelist): rc = "" for node in nodelist: if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: rc = rc + return rc.strip().encode() xmldoc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(self.join_state_path(constants.DBCACHE)) pif_uid = None for node in xmldoc.documentElement.childNodes: if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.tagName == "network": network = node else: continue # CA-50971: handle renamed networks in MNR if ( len(network.getElementsByTagName("bridge")) == 0 or len(network.getElementsByTagName("PIFs")) == 0 or len(network.getElementsByTagName("PIFs")[0].getElementsByTagName("PIF")) == 0 ): continue if getText(network.getElementsByTagName("bridge")[0].childNodes) == mgmt_iface: pif_uid = getText( network.getElementsByTagName("PIFs")[0].getElementsByTagName("PIF")[0].childNodes ) break if pif_uid: for node in xmldoc.documentElement.childNodes: if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.tagName == "pif": pif = node else: continue if pif.getAttribute("ref") == pif_uid: results["net-admin-interface"] = getText(pif.getElementsByTagName("device")[0].childNodes) results["net-admin-bridge"] = mgmt_iface results["net-admin-configuration"] = NetInterface.loadFromPif(pif) break else: for cfile in filter( lambda x: True in [x.startswith(y) for y in ["ifcfg-eth", "ifcfg-bond"]], os.listdir(self.join_state_path(constants.NET_SCR_DIR)), ): devcfg = util.readKeyValueFile( self.join_state_path(constants.NET_SCR_DIR, cfile), strip_quotes=False ) if devcfg.has_key("DEVICE") and devcfg.has_key("BRIDGE") and devcfg["BRIDGE"] == mgmt_iface: brcfg = util.readKeyValueFile( self.join_state_path(constants.NET_SCR_DIR, "ifcfg-" + devcfg["BRIDGE"]), strip_quotes=False ) results["net-admin-interface"] = devcfg["DEVICE"] results["net-admin-bridge"] = devcfg["BRIDGE"] # get hardware address if it was recorded, otherwise look it up: if devcfg.has_key("HWADDR"): hwaddr = devcfg["HWADDR"] elif devcfg.has_key("MACADDR"): # our bonds have a key called MACADDR instead hwaddr = devcfg["MACADDR"] else: # XXX what if it's been renamed out of existence? try: hwaddr = netutil.getHWAddr(devcfg["DEVICE"]) except: hwaddr = None ifcfg = NetInterface.loadFromIfcfg( self.join_state_path(constants.NET_SCR_DIR, "ifcfg-" + devcfg["BRIDGE"]) ) if not ifcfg.hwaddr: ifcfg.hwaddr = hwaddr if ifcfg.isStatic() and not ifcfg.domain and domain: ifcfg.domain = domain results["net-admin-configuration"] = ifcfg break repo_list = [] if os.path.exists(self.join_state_path(constants.INSTALLED_REPOS_DIR)): try: for repo_id in os.listdir(self.join_state_path(constants.INSTALLED_REPOS_DIR)): try: repo = repository.Repository( repository.FilesystemAccessor( self.join_state_path(constants.INSTALLED_REPOS_DIR, repo_id) ) ) repo_list.append( (repo.identifier(),, (repo_id != constants.MAIN_REPOSITORY_NAME)) ) except repository.RepoFormatError: # probably pre-XML format repo = open( self.join_state_path( constants.INSTALLED_REPOS_DIR, repo_id, repository.Repository.REPOSITORY_FILENAME ) ) repo_id = repo.readline().strip() repo_name = repo.readline().strip() repo.close() repo_list.append((repo_id, repo_name, (repo_id != constants.MAIN_REPOSITORY_NAME))) except Exception, e: xelogging.log("Scan for driver disks failed:") xelogging.log_exception(e) results["repo-list"] = repo_list results["ha-armed"] = False try: db = open(self.join_state_path("var/xapi/local.db"), "r") if db.readline().find('<row key="ha.armed" value="true"') != -1: results["ha-armed"] = True db.close() except: pass results["master"] = None try: pt = open(self.join_state_path("etc/xensource/ptoken"), "r") results["pool-token"] = pt.readline().strip() pt.close() pc = open(self.join_state_path("etc/xensource/pool.conf"), "r") line = pc.readline().strip() if line.startswith("slave:"): results["master"] = line[6:] pc.close() except: pass