Exemplo n.º 1
def dcgan_encoder(opts, inputs, is_training=False, reuse=False):
    num_units = opts['e_num_filters']
    num_layers = opts['e_num_layers']
    layer_x = inputs
    for i in range(num_layers):
        scale = 2**(num_layers - i - 1)
        layer_x = ops.conv2d(opts,
                             num_units // scale,
                             scope='h%d_conv' % i)
        if opts['batch_norm']:
            layer_x = ops.batch_norm(opts,
                                     scope='h%d_bn' % i)
        layer_x = tf.nn.relu(layer_x)
    if opts['e_noise'] != 'gaussian':
        res = ops.linear(opts, layer_x, opts['zdim'], scope='hfinal_lin')
        return res
        mean = ops.linear(opts, layer_x, opts['zdim'], scope='mean_lin')
        log_sigmas = ops.linear(opts,
        return mean, log_sigmas
Exemplo n.º 2
def ali_decoder(opts, noise, is_training=False, reuse=False):
    output_shape = datashapes[opts['dataset']]
    batch_size = tf.shape(noise)[0]
    noise_size = int(noise.get_shape()[1])
    data_height = output_shape[0]
    data_width = output_shape[1]
    data_channels = output_shape[2]
    noise = tf.reshape(noise, [-1, 1, 1, noise_size])
    num_units = opts['g_num_filters']
    layer_params = []
    layer_params.append([4, 1, num_units])
    layer_params.append([4, 2, num_units // 2])
    layer_params.append([4, 1, num_units // 4])
    layer_params.append([4, 2, num_units // 8])
    layer_params.append([5, 1, num_units // 8])
    # For convolution: (n - k) / stride + 1 = s
    # For transposed: (s - 1) * stride + k = n
    layer_x = noise
    height = 1
    width = 1
    for i, (kernel, stride, channels) in enumerate(layer_params):
        height = (height - 1) * stride + kernel
        width = height
        layer_x = ops.deconv2d(
            opts, layer_x, [batch_size, height, width, channels],
            d_h=stride, d_w=stride, scope='h%d_deconv' % i,
            conv_filters_dim=kernel, padding='VALID')
        if opts['batch_norm']:
            layer_x = ops.batch_norm(opts, layer_x, is_training,
                                     reuse, scope='h%d_bn' % i)
        layer_x = ops.lrelu(layer_x, 0.1)
    assert height == data_height
    assert width == data_width

    # Then two 1x1 convolutions.
    layer_x = ops.conv2d(opts, layer_x, num_units // 8, d_h=1, d_w=1,
                         scope='conv2d_1x1', conv_filters_dim=1)
    if opts['batch_norm']:
        layer_x = ops.batch_norm(opts, layer_x,
                                 is_training, reuse, scope='hfinal_bn')
    layer_x = ops.lrelu(layer_x, 0.1)
    layer_x = ops.conv2d(opts, layer_x, data_channels, d_h=1, d_w=1,
                         scope='conv2d_1x1_2', conv_filters_dim=1)
    if opts['input_normalize_sym']:
        return tf.nn.tanh(layer_x), layer_x
        return tf.nn.sigmoid(layer_x), layer_x
Exemplo n.º 3
def ali_encoder(opts, inputs, is_training=False, reuse=False):
    num_units = opts['e_num_filters']
    layer_params = []
    layer_params.append([5, 1, num_units // 8])
    layer_params.append([4, 2, num_units // 4])
    layer_params.append([4, 1, num_units // 2])
    layer_params.append([4, 2, num_units])
    layer_params.append([4, 1, num_units * 2])
    # For convolution: (n - k) / stride + 1 = s
    # For transposed: (s - 1) * stride + k = n
    layer_x = inputs
    height = int(layer_x.get_shape()[1])
    width = int(layer_x.get_shape()[2])
    assert height == width
    for i, (kernel, stride, channels) in enumerate(layer_params):
        height = (height - kernel) // stride + 1
        width = height
        layer_x = ops.conv2d(
            opts, layer_x, channels, d_h=stride, d_w=stride,
            scope='h%d_conv' % i, conv_filters_dim=kernel, padding='VALID')
        if opts['batch_norm']:
            layer_x = ops.batch_norm(opts, layer_x, is_training,
                                     reuse, scope='h%d_bn' % i)
        layer_x = ops.lrelu(layer_x, 0.1)
    assert height == 1
    assert width == 1

    # Then two 1x1 convolutions.
    layer_x = ops.conv2d(opts, layer_x, num_units * 2, d_h=1, d_w=1,
                         scope='conv2d_1x1', conv_filters_dim=1)
    if opts['batch_norm']:
        layer_x = ops.batch_norm(opts, layer_x, is_training,
                                 reuse, scope='hfinal_bn')
    layer_x = ops.lrelu(layer_x, 0.1)
    layer_x = ops.conv2d(opts, layer_x, num_units // 2, d_h=1, d_w=1,
                         scope='conv2d_1x1_2', conv_filters_dim=1)

    if opts['e_noise'] != 'gaussian':
        res = ops.linear(opts, layer_x, opts['zdim'], scope='hlast_lin')
        return res
        mean = ops.linear(opts, layer_x, opts['zdim'], scope='mean_lin')
        log_sigmas = ops.linear(opts, layer_x,
                                opts['zdim'], scope='log_sigmas_lin')
        return mean, log_sigmas
Exemplo n.º 4
def dcgan_decoder(opts, noise, is_training=False, reuse=False):
    output_shape = datashapes[opts['dataset']]
    num_units = opts['g_num_filters']
    batch_size = tf.shape(noise)[0]
    num_layers = opts['g_num_layers']
    if opts['g_arch'] == 'dcgan':
        height = output_shape[0] // 2**num_layers
        width = output_shape[1] // 2**num_layers
    elif opts['g_arch'] == 'dcgan_mod':
        height = output_shape[0] // 2**(num_layers - 1)
        width = output_shape[1] // 2**(num_layers - 1)

    h0 = ops.linear(opts, noise, num_units * height * width, scope='h0_lin')
    h0 = tf.reshape(h0, [-1, height, width, num_units])
    h0 = tf.nn.relu(h0)
    layer_x = h0
    for i in range(num_layers - 1):
        scale = 2**(i + 1)
        _out_shape = [
            batch_size, height * scale, width * scale, num_units // scale
        layer_x = ops.deconv2d(opts,
                               scope='h%d_deconv' % i)
        if opts['batch_norm']:
            layer_x = ops.batch_norm(opts,
                                     scope='h%d_bn' % i)
        layer_x = tf.nn.relu(layer_x)
    _out_shape = [batch_size] + list(output_shape)
    if opts['g_arch'] == 'dcgan':
        last_h = ops.deconv2d(opts, layer_x, _out_shape, scope='hfinal_deconv')
    elif opts['g_arch'] == 'dcgan_mod':
        last_h = ops.deconv2d(opts,
    if opts['input_normalize_sym']:
        return tf.nn.tanh(last_h), last_h
        return tf.nn.sigmoid(last_h), last_h
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __call__(self,
        opts = self.opts
        output_shape = datashapes[opts['dataset']]
        num_units = opts['g_num_filters']
        is_training = tf.cast(is_training, tf.bool)

        with tf.variable_scope(self.name, reuse=reuse):
            if opts['g_arch'] == 'mlp':
                # Architecture with only fully connected layers and ReLUs
                layer_x = noise
                i = 0
                for i in range(opts['g_num_layers']):
                    layer_x = ops.linear(opts, layer_x, num_units,
                                         'h%d_lin' % i)
                    layer_x = tf.nn.relu(layer_x)
                    if opts['batch_norm']:
                        layer_x = ops.batch_norm(opts,
                                                 scope='h%d_bn' % i)
                out = ops.linear(opts, layer_x, np.prod(output_shape),
                                 'h%d_lin' % (i + 1))
                out = tf.reshape(out, [-1] + list(output_shape))
                if opts['input_normalize_sym']:
                    return tf.nn.tanh(out), out
                    return tf.nn.sigmoid(out), out
            elif opts['g_arch'] in ['dcgan', 'dcgan_mod']:
                # Fully convolutional architecture similar to DCGAN
                res = dcgan_decoder(opts, noise, is_training, reuse)
            elif opts['g_arch'] == 'ali':
                # Architecture smilar to "Adversarially learned inference" paper
                res = ali_decoder(opts, noise, is_training, reuse)
            elif opts['g_arch'] == 'began':
                # Architecture similar to the BEGAN paper
                res = began_decoder(opts, noise, is_training, reuse)
                raise ValueError('%s Unknown decoder architecture' %

            return tf.transpose(res[0], [0, 3, 1, 2])
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __call__(self, inputs, is_training=True, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
        is_training = tf.cast(is_training, tf.bool)
        opts = self.opts
        if opts['e_noise'] == 'add_noise':
            # Particular instance of the implicit random encoder
            def add_noise(x):
                shape = tf.shape(x)
                return x + tf.truncated_normal(shape, 0.0, 0.01)

            def do_nothing(x):
                return x

            inputs = tf.cond(is_training,
                             lambda: add_noise(inputs), lambda: do_nothing(inputs))
        num_units = opts['e_num_filters']
        num_layers = opts['e_num_layers']

        with tf.variable_scope(self.name, reuse=reuse):
            if opts['e_arch'] == 'mlp':
                # Encoder uses only fully connected layers with ReLus
                hi = inputs
                i = 0
                for i in range(num_layers):
                    hi = ops.linear(opts, hi, num_units, scope='h%d_lin' % i)
                    if opts['batch_norm']:
                        hi = ops.batch_norm(opts, hi, is_training,
                                            reuse, scope='h%d_bn' % i)
                    hi = tf.nn.relu(hi)
                if opts['e_noise'] != 'gaussian':
                    res = ops.linear(opts, hi, opts['zdim'], 'hfinal_lin')
                    mean = ops.linear(opts, hi, opts['zdim'], 'mean_lin')
                    log_sigmas = ops.linear(opts, hi,
                                            opts['zdim'], 'log_sigmas_lin')
                    res = (mean, log_sigmas)
            elif opts['e_arch'] == 'dcgan':
                # Fully convolutional architecture similar to DCGAN
                res = dcgan_encoder(opts, inputs, is_training, reuse)
            elif opts['e_arch'] == 'ali':
                # Architecture smilar to "Adversarially learned inference" paper
                res = ali_encoder(opts, inputs, is_training, reuse)
            elif opts['e_arch'] == 'began':
                # Architecture similar to the BEGAN paper
                res = began_encoder(opts, inputs, is_training, reuse)
                raise ValueError('%s Unknown encoder architecture' % opts['e_arch'])

            noise_matrix = None

            if opts['e_noise'] == 'implicit':
                # We already encoded the picture X -> res = E_1(X)
                # Now we return res + A(res) * eps, which is supposed
                # to project a noise on the directions depending on the
                # place in latent space
                sample_size = tf.shape(res)[0]
                eps = tf.random_normal((sample_size, opts['zdim']),
                                       0., 1., dtype=tf.float32)
                eps_mod, noise_matrix = transform_noise(opts, res, eps)
                res = res + eps_mod

            if opts['pz'] == 'sphere':
                # Projecting back to the sphere
                res = tf.nn.l2_normalize(res, dim=1)
            elif opts['pz'] == 'uniform':
                # Mapping back to the [-1,1]^zdim box
                res = tf.nn.tanh(res)

            # return res, noise_matrix
            return res, noise_matrix, res