Exemplo n.º 1
    def add_edge_to_dict(self,
                         node_id1: int,
                         node_id2: int,
                         weight: int,
                         regional_weight: int = None,
                         feedback: bool = True) -> None:
        Verifies param node IDs can be added to the graph (and adds them).
        If there is a comparability issue, an exception is raised.

        :param int node_id1: unique identifier within a given graph
            (one of the vertices to be connected by the added edge)
        :param int node_id2: unique identifier within a given graph
            (one of the vertices to be connected by the added edge)
        :param int weight: cost associated with the edge
        :param int regional_weight: optional regional weight which can
                be included in the adjacency dicts
        :param bool feedback: optional param indicating whether feedback
            should be print to the console
        # if nodes are active
        if node_id1 in self.nodes() and node_id2 in self.nodes():
            # if there is not an edge already connecting node 1 and node 2
            if node_id2 not in self.network_dict[node_id1].get_adjacents() \
                    and node_id1 not in self.network_dict[node_id2].get_adjacents():

                self.network_dict[node_id1].adjacency_dict[node_id2] = \
                    {'weight': weight, 'status': True}
                self.network_dict[node_id2].adjacency_dict[node_id1] = \
                    {'weight': weight, 'status': True}

                if regional_weight:
                        'regional weight'] = regional_weight
                        'regional weight'] = regional_weight

                if feedback:
                    print(f'An edge has been added between Node ID: '
                          f'#{node_id1} and Node ID: #{node_id2} with'
                          f'a weight of {weight}!')

            # if there is already an edge connecting the nodes
                raise GraphElementError(f'There already exists an '
                                        f'edge between Node ID: '
                                        f'#{node_id1} and Node ID: '
                                        f'#{node_id2}! This edge '
                                        f'could not be added.')
        # if node(s) inactive
            raise GraphElementError('One of the connecting nodes '
                                    'is inactive! As a result, this'
                                    ' edge cannot be added.')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def mark_node_active(self, node_id: int, feedback: bool = True) -> None:
        Marks all adjacent edges connected with another active node as
        active, then marks the specified node as active. If the node is
        already active, an error message prints to the console. If the
        node is not present in the graph, an error message prints to the

        :param int node_id: unique identifier within a given graph
        :param bool feedback: optional param indicating whether feedback
            should be print to the console
            # if node exists and is inactive
            if node_id in self.network_dict and not self.network_dict[
                # gathers list of adjacent node id's
                adjacency_dict = self.network_dict[node_id].adjacency_dict

                # marks all edges of node as active, and mirrors
                # the status on all adjacents edges connected to the node
                for key in adjacency_dict:
                    if self.network_dict[key].status:
                            'status'] = True
                            'status'] = True

                # marks node status as inactive
                self.network_dict[node_id].status = True
                if feedback:
                        f'Node ID: #{node_id} and all of it\'s edges has been '
                        f'marked active!')

            # if node exists and is active
            elif node_id in self.network_dict and self.network_dict[
                raise GraphElementError(
                    f'Node ID: #{node_id} is already active! '
                    f'This node could not be marked active')

            # if node doesn't exist
                raise GraphElementError(f'Node ID: #{node_id} is not present '
                                        f'in this network! Node could not be '
                                        f'marked active.')

        except GraphElementError as e:
            if feedback:
Exemplo n.º 3
    def remove_edge_from_dict(self,
                              node_id1: int,
                              node_id2: int,
                              feedback: bool = True) -> None:
        If there is a shared edge between node params, it is removed

        :param int node_id1: unique identifier within a given graph
            (one of the vertices connected by the edge to be removed)
        :param int node_id2: unique identifier within a given graph
            (one of the vertices connected by the edge to be removed)
        :param bool feedback: optional param indicating whether feedback
            should be print to the console
        # if shared edge exists
        if node_id1 in self.network_dict[node_id2].adjacency_dict.keys() \
                and node_id1 in self.network_dict[node_id2].adjacency_dict.keys():
            del self.network_dict[node_id1].adjacency_dict[node_id2]
            del self.network_dict[node_id2].adjacency_dict[node_id1]

            if feedback:
                print(f'The edge between Node ID: #{node_id1} '
                      f'and Node ID: #{node_id2} has been removed!')

        # if shared edge doesn't exist
            raise GraphElementError(f'There is no edge connecting '
                                    f'Node ID: #{node_id1} and Node '
                                    f'ID: #{node_id2}, so there is '
                                    f'no edge to remove!')
Exemplo n.º 4
    def remove_edge(self,
                    node_id1: int,
                    node_id2: int,
                    feedback: bool = True) -> None:
        Removes an edge between two nodes from the graph. If the edge
        does not exist, an error message is printed to the console
        indicating that the edge cannot be removed.

        :param int node_id1: unique identifier within a given graph
            (one of the vertices connected by the edge to be removed)
        :param int node_id2: unique identifier within a given graph
            (one of the vertices connected by the edge to be removed)
        :param bool feedback: optional param indicating whether feedback
            should be print to the console

        # TODO what if edge is only in one adjacency dict?
            # if nodes are in graph
            if node_id1 in self.network_dict and node_id2 in self.network_dict:

                self.remove_edge_from_dict(node_id1, node_id2, feedback)

            # if node(s) doesn't exist
                raise GraphElementError(f'One of the passed nodes does '
                                        f'not exist! As a result, there '
                                        f'cannot be an edge, so it cannot '
                                        f'be marked as inactive.')

        except GraphElementError as e:
            if feedback:
Exemplo n.º 5
    def add_node(self, node: Node, feedback: bool = True) -> None:
        Adds a node with the passed parameters to the graph. If the
        node_id is already present in the graph, an error message
        is printed to the console.

        :param Node node: node that will be added to the graph
        :param bool feedback: optional param indicating whether feedback
            should be print to the console
            # if node_id is unique, add it to the network
            if node.node_id not in self.network_dict:
                self.network_dict[node.node_id] = node

                # adds edges to the new node from the nodes in the adjacency list
                # (this ensures the edge is represented in both directions)
                for key in node.adjacency_dict:
                    self.network_dict[key].adjacency_dict[node.node_id] = \

                if feedback:
                    print(f'Node ID: #{node.node_id} has been added to this '

            # if node already exists
                raise GraphElementError(f'Node ID: #{node.node_id} '
                                        f'is already present in this network! '
                                        f'This node could not be added.')

        except GraphElementError as e:
            if feedback:
Exemplo n.º 6
    def mark_node_inactive(self, node_id: int, feedback: bool = True) -> None:
        Marks all edges in the adjacency list of the specified node as
        inactive, then mirrors that status in the other adjacency lists.
        Finally, the specified node's status is marked as inactive. If
        the node is already inactive, an error message indicating this
        prints to the console. If the node is not present in the graph,
        an error message prints to the console.

        :param int node_id: unique identifier within a given graph
        :param bool feedback: optional param indicating whether feedback
            should be print to the console
            # if node exists and is active
            if node_id in self.network_dict and self.network_dict[

                # marks node status as inactive
                self.network_dict[node_id].status = False
                if feedback:
                    print(f'Node ID: #{node_id} and all of it\'s edges has '
                          f'been marked inactive!')

            # if node exists and is inactive
            elif node_id in self.network_dict and not self.network_dict[
                raise GraphElementError(f'Node ID: #{node_id} is '
                                        f'already inactive!')

            # if node doesn't exist
                raise GraphElementError(f'Node ID: #{node_id} is not present'
                                        f' in this network! Node could not '
                                        f'be marked inactive.')

        except GraphElementError as e:
            if feedback:
Exemplo n.º 7
    def add_edge(self,
                 node_id1: int,
                 node_id2: int,
                 weight: int,
                 regional_weight: int = None,
                 feedback: bool = True) -> None:
        Adds an edge between two nodes with a specified weight. It is
        assumed that the added edge will be active. If there already
        exists an edge between the two nodes, an error message is printed
        to the console.

        :param int node_id1: unique identifier within a given graph
            (one of the vertices to be connected by the added edge)
        :param int node_id2: unique identifier within a given graph
            (one of the vertices to be connected by the added edge)
        :param int weight: cost associated with the edge
        :param int regional_weight: optional regional weight which can
                be included in the adjacency dicts
        :param bool feedback: optional param indicating whether feedback
            should be print to the console
            # if nodes are in graph
            if node_id1 in self.network_dict and node_id2 in self.network_dict:
                self.add_edge_to_dict(node_id1, node_id2, weight,
                                      regional_weight, feedback)
            # if node(s) don't exist
                raise GraphElementError(f'One of the passed nodes does '
                                        f'not exist! As a result, there '
                                        f'cannot be an edge, so it cannot '
                                        f'be added.')

        except GraphElementError as e:
            if feedback:
Exemplo n.º 8
    def remove_node(self, node_id: int, feedback: bool = True) -> None:
        Removes the node with the passed node_id from the graph. If node_id
        is not present in the graph, an error message is printed to the console.

        :param int node_id: unique identifier within a given graph
        :param bool feedback: optional param indicating whether feedback
            should be print to the console
            # if node is present in graph
            if node_id in self.network_dict:
                # gathers list of adjacent node id's
                adjacency_dict = self.network_dict[node_id].get_adjacents()

                # removes edges store on adjacent objects
                for key in adjacency_dict:
                    del self.network_dict[key].adjacency_dict[node_id]

                # removes node object
                del self.network_dict[node_id]
                if feedback:
                        f'Node ID: #{node_id} and all of it\'s edges has been removed!'

            # if node is not present in graph
                raise GraphElementError(
                    f'Node ID: #{node_id} is not present'
                    f' in this network! This node does not exist and '
                    f'could not be removed.')

        except GraphElementError as e:
            if feedback:
Exemplo n.º 9
    def mark_edge_active(self,
                         node_id1: int,
                         node_id2: int,
                         feedback: bool = True) -> None:
        Marks the specified edge as active in both adjacency lists iff
        both connected nodes are active and the edge is inactive.

        :param int node_id1: unique identifier within a given graph
        :param int node_id2: unique identifier within a given graph
        :param bool feedback: optional param indicating whether feedback
            should be print to the console
            # if nodes exist
            if node_id1 in self.network_dict and node_id2 in self.network_dict:
                # if shared edge exists
                if node_id1 in self.network_dict[node_id2].adjacency_dict.keys() \
                        and node_id1 in self.network_dict[node_id2].adjacency_dict.keys():

                    # if both nodes are active
                    if self.network_dict[node_id1].status and self.network_dict[
                        # if both edges are inactive
                        if not self.network_dict[node_id1].adjacency_dict[node_id2]['status'] and \
                                not self.network_dict[node_id2].adjacency_dict[node_id1]['status']:

                                node_id2]['status'] = True
                                node_id1]['status'] = True

                            if feedback:
                                    f'The edge connecting Node ID: #{node_id1} and Node ID: '
                                    f'#{node_id2} has been marked active!')

                        # if the edges are active
                            raise GraphElementError(
                                f'The edge connecting Node '
                                f'ID: #{node_id1} and Node '
                                f'ID: #{node_id2} is already '
                                f'active! As a result, the '
                                f'edge cannot be marked active.')
                    # if at least one node is inactive
                        raise GraphElementError('One of the connecting nodes '
                                                'is active! As a result, this'
                                                ' edge must remain active.')
                # if shared edge does not exist
                    raise GraphElementError(f'There is not a shared edge '
                                            f'between Node ID: #{node_id1}'
                                            f' and Node ID: #{node_id2}! As'
                                            f' a result, the edge cannot be '
                                            f'marked active.')
            # if node doesn't exist
                raise GraphElementError(f'One of the passed nodes does '
                                        f'not exist! As a result, there '
                                        f'cannot be an edge, so it cannot '
                                        f'be marked as inactive.')

        except GraphElementError as e:
            if feedback: