Exemplo n.º 1
def runstuff():
    NUM_SWITCHES = 20 # total number of switches in the complete graph of switch-port connectivity
    NUM_CLIENTS = 2 # number of clients on every switch. large numbers will decrease the size of sccs, because 
                    # forwarding to clients is always safe; not part of a loop.
    RULES_PER_ROUND = 350 # number of rule installs to do between gathering time statistics.
    MAX_TOTAL_RULES_INSTALLED = 450 # number of total rules to maintain in the network model, so 
                                    # that as more than these come in, we evict the oldest ones.
    TOTAL_RULE_INSTALLATIONS_BEFORE_HALT = 350 # halt after this many total rule installations.
    SHOW_TRACE = False # should we show the trace when loops are detected? This can get hectic.
    MIN_IN = 1 # minininum number of in_ports to be used in random rules.
    MAX_IN = 3 # etc.
    MIN_OUT = 1
    MAX_OUT = 2

    # the network that we'kll use to generate random valid rules
    net = TestNetwork1(NUM_SWITCHES, NUM_CLIENTS, minswitch=5555, minport=100001)

    # our model
    n = NetworkFlowruleModel() 

    # track the flow install rate in this
    timestats = StatsBuddy()
    total_installed = 0

    # track the rules in place in our NetworkFlowruleModel so we can evict them
    q = Queue.Queue() 

    while True:
        #start a timer
        t1 = time.time()

        # do some rule installations
        for r in xrange(RULES_PER_ROUND):
            if q.qsize() > MAX_TOTAL_RULES_INSTALLED:
                droprule = q.get() # get the number of the rule that's over the limit
                n.drop_flow_rule(droprule) # kill the rule
            rule = net.get_random_rule(MIN_IN, MAX_IN, MIN_OUT, MAX_OUT)
            (rnum, trace) = n.install_flow_rule(rule)
            if SHOW_TRACE and trace: NetworkFlowruleModel.explain(trace)
            total_installed += 1

        t2 = time.time()

        # NOTE: linux might report this in ms instead of seconds, I think, 
        # so this might give weird results

        # how we eventually halt
        if total_installed >= TOTAL_RULE_INSTALLATIONS_BEFORE_HALT: break


    print timestats, 'are stats for the number of rule installs and evictions per second.'
    print n.sccsizestats, 'are stats for the average scc size of installed rules.'

Exemplo n.º 2
def RunTest(num_switches, num_clients, steady_state_avg_rules_per_switch, 
                  min_in, max_in, min_out, max_out, 
                  min_match_bits=0, max_match_bits=0, min_rewrite_bits=0, max_rewrite_bits=0,
                  show_trace = False, 
                  port_density = 1.0,
                  rewrite_rule_probability = 1.0):
        total number of switches in the complete graph of switch-port connectivity
        number of clients on every switch. large numbers will decrease the size of sccs, 
        because forwarding to clients is always safe; not part of a loop.
        The average number of rules to keep in the network per switch before rules are evicted
        The network will gradually be built up to have steady_state_avg_rules_per_switch * num_switches
        and then exist with that steady state number of rules until the total number of rule 
        installations occurs
        Halt after this many total rule installations. (Will be rounded to a multiple of 20, 
        to make progress reporting cleaner)

        Minininum number of in_ports to be used in random rules
    max_in: etc.
    min_out: etc.
    max_out: etc.

        The minimum number of bits to fix as non-'x' in random rewrite rule matchs
        Max of above
        The minimum number of bits to explicitly fix randomly as one of 0/1 in output packets
        Max of above

        Should we show the trace when loops are detected? This can get hectic and start spinning the terminal.
        Default of 1.0, indicating the complete graph as the underlying network topology
        For less than that, the network is a ring with _this_ proportion of the pairs of 
        switches connected by a pair of 1-way ports.

        The proportion of the random rules that should be random rewrite rules rather than random forwarding rules

    # some basic info for our run
    steady_state_rules_in_network = num_switches * steady_state_avg_rules_per_switch
    rules_per_round = total_rule_installations_before_halt / 20
    total_rule_installations_before_halt = rules_per_round * 20

    # eject if params are silly
    if total_rule_installations_before_halt <= steady_state_rules_in_network:
        raise Exception('The given parameters will not permit the network to reach a steady state, so no statistics would be collected. Try decreasing "steady_state_avg_rules_per_switch".')

    # the network that we'll use to generate random valid rules
    net = TestNetwork(num_switches, num_clients, port_density)

    # our model
    n = NetworkFlowruleModel() 

    # annotate the parameters
    print 'Parameters for this run are:', (num_switches, num_clients, steady_state_avg_rules_per_switch, 
                                          min_in, max_in, min_out, max_out, 
                                          min_match_bits, max_match_bits, min_rewrite_bits, max_rewrite_bits,
                                          show_trace, port_density, rewrite_rule_probability)
    print 'Steady state will have {} rules installed.'.format(steady_state_rules_in_network)

    #start a timer
    test_start_time = time.time()
    steady_state_start_time = None # we'll set this when we reach maximum flow capacity for the network
    total_installed = 0

    # track the rules in place in our NetworkFlowruleModel so we can evict them
    q = Queue.Queue()

    while total_installed < total_rule_installations_before_halt:
        # do some rule installations
        for r in xrange(rules_per_round):
            # drop rules so we don't exceed steady_state_rules_in_network
            if q.qsize() > steady_state_rules_in_network:
                droprule = q.get() # get the number of the rule that's over the limit
                n.drop_flow_rule(droprule) # kill the rule
                if steady_state_start_time is None:
                    steady_state_start_time = time.time()

            if rand.random() <= rewrite_rule_probability:
                rule = net.get_random_rewrite_rule(min_in, max_in, min_out, max_out, min_match_bits, max_match_bits, min_rewrite_bits, max_rewrite_bits)
                rule = net.get_random_rule(min_in, max_in, min_out, max_out)

            # put the random flow into our model
            (rnum, trace) = n.install_flow_rule(rule)
            # show detected loop details if desired
            if show_trace and trace: NetworkFlowruleModel.explain(trace)
            total_installed += 1

        amount_done = 1.0 * total_installed / total_rule_installations_before_halt
        if steady_state_start_time is not None:
            time_in_steady_state = time.time() - steady_state_start_time
            amount_of_steady_state_done = 1.0 * (total_installed - steady_state_rules_in_network) / (total_rule_installations_before_halt - steady_state_rules_in_network)
            expected_steady_state_time_total = time_in_steady_state / amount_of_steady_state_done
            expected_remaining_time = expected_steady_state_time_total * (1.0 - amount_of_steady_state_done)
            print '{:.0%} done. Expected {:.4g}s remaining'.format(amount_done, expected_remaining_time)
            print '{:.0%} done. Steady state not yet entered...'.format(amount_done)

    test_end_time = time.time()
    total_test_time = test_end_time - test_start_time
    steady_state_total_time = test_end_time - steady_state_start_time

    # show heaps of info about the run
    print 'Overall, {:.5g} rules were installed per second on average.'.format(1.0 * total_rule_installations_before_halt / total_test_time)
    print 'While in steady state, {:.5g} rules were installed per second on average.'.format(1.0 * (total_rule_installations_before_halt - steady_state_rules_in_network) / steady_state_total_time)
    print n.scc_size_stats, 'are the stats for the average SCC size of installed rules.'
    print n.edges_stats, 'are the stats for the average number of graph edges added per installed rule.'
    print 'Loop detection was called for {:.4%} of rule installs'.format(1.0 * n.loop_detection_calls / total_rule_installations_before_halt)
    print 'Loops were detected for {:.4%} of rule installs'.format(1.0 * n.loops_detected / total_rule_installations_before_halt)
    print 'Loops were present for {:.4%} of calls to loop detection'.format(1.0 * n.loops_detected / n.loop_detection_calls)
    print 'SCC sizes are distributed like this:', n.scc_buckets.graph()