Exemplo n.º 1
def modified_girvan_newman_algorithm(g):
    initial = nx_comm.modularity(g, [set(g.nodes)], weight='weight')
    max_modularity = initial
    saved_components = []
    saved_graph = nx.Graph()
    while g.number_of_edges() != 0:
        centralities = nx.edge_betweenness_centrality(g,
        # max() returns one of the edges with maximum centrality
        u, v = max(centralities, key=centralities.get)
        # Checking for same maximum centrality score below
        if len(sorted(centralities.values(), reverse=True)) > 2:
            centrality_max1 = sorted(centralities.values(), reverse=True)[0]
            centrality_max2 = sorted(centralities.values(), reverse=True)[1]
            if centrality_max1 == centrality_max2:
                # At least two equal max centrality measure detected!
                same_scores = []
                for centrality in centralities:
                    if centralities[centrality] == centrality_max1:
                # Pick an edge randomly among same scores
                u, v = random.Random(seed).choice(same_scores)
        # same score check finishes.
        components = sorted(nx.connected_components(g), key=len, reverse=True)
        if len(components) > 1:
            fragmented_modularity = nx_comm.modularity(g,
            if fragmented_modularity > max_modularity:
                max_modularity = fragmented_modularity
                saved_components = components
                saved_graph = g.copy()
        g.remove_edge(u, v)
    return max_modularity, saved_components, saved_graph
Exemplo n.º 2
def girvan_newman_algorithm(G, weight):
    """ G는 원래 네트워크 g는 Edge를 한개씩 끊어나갈 네트워크 """
    g = G.copy()
    """ initial """
    step = 0  # step
    log_step = []  # step 기록
    log_modularity = []  # modularity 기록
    old_max_m = 0  # 이전 최대 modularity 기억
    k = sorted(nx.connected_components(G), key=len,
               reverse=True)  # k 는 모두 연결되어있는 Community를 노드로 나타낸 값
    m = community.modularity(G, communities=k, weight=weight)  # modularity
    max_step = 0  # max_step은 modularity가 최대일 때 step값 기록용
    """ Girvan-Newman algorithm """
    while len(g.edges()) > 0:
        k = sorted(nx.connected_components(g), key=len,
                   reverse=True)  # 커뮤니티 추출
        m = community.modularity(G, communities=k,
                                 weight=weight)  # 추출된 커뮤니티의 modularity 계산
        if m > old_max_m:  # 이전 최대 modularity보다 현재 modularity가 높을 경우 기록
            max_step = step
            old_max_m = m
        log_step = log_step + [step]  # 로깅용
        log_modularity = log_modularity + [m]  # 로깅용
        print("step: ", step, "  modularity: ", m)
        """ remove edge """
        step = step + 1
        betweenness = nx.edge_betweenness_centrality(
            g, weight=weight)  # betweennes centrality 계산
        max_edge = max(
            key=betweenness.get)  # betweeness centrality가 가장 큰 Edge 선택
        g.remove_edge(max_edge[0], max_edge[1])  # Edge 추출

    return log_step, log_modularity, max_step
Exemplo n.º 3
def girvan_newman_algorithm(G, weight):
    """ G는 원래 네트워크 g는 Edge를 한개씩 끊어나갈 네트워크 """
    a = nx.nodes(G)
    g = nx.Graph()
    """ initial """
    step = 0  # step
    log_step = []  # step 기록
    log_modularity = []  # modularity 기록
    max_g = g.copy()  # modularity가 최대일 때의 네트워크 여기서는 초기화 작업
    k = sorted(nx.connected_components(g), key=len,
               reverse=True)  # k 는 모두 연결되어있는 Community를 노드로 나타낸 값
    k_list = []
    for j in range(len(k)):
        k_list = k_list + [list(k[j])]
    max_k = k_list  # max_k 는 modularity가 최대일 때의 k 값 저장용
    m = community.modularity(G, communities=k, weight=weight)  # modularity
    max_m = m  # max_m은 modularity가 최대일 때 값 기록용
    max_step = 0  # max_step은 modularity가 최대일 때 step값 기록용

    new_g = G.copy()
    """ Girvan-Newman algorithm """

    while len(new_g.edges()) > 0:
        k = sorted(nx.connected_components(g), key=len,
                   reverse=True)  # 커뮤니티 추출
        m = community.modularity(G, communities=k, weight=weight)  # modularity
        modularities = []
        for i in new_g.edges():
            temp_g = g.copy()
            temp_g.add_edge(i[0], i[1])
            k2 = sorted(nx.connected_components(temp_g), key=len,
                        reverse=True)  # 커뮤니티 추출
                community.modularity(temp_g, communities=k2, weight=weight))
        mam = modularities[0]
        m_index = 0
        for index in range(len(modularities)):
            if modularities[index] > mam:
                mam = modularities[index]
                m_index = index
        edges = list(new_g.edges())
        edge_should_added = edges[m_index]
        new_g.remove_edge(edge_should_added[0], edge_should_added[1])
        g.add_edge(edge_should_added[0], edge_should_added[1])
        step += 1

        log_step = log_step + [step]  # 로깅용
        log_modularity = log_modularity + [m]  # 로깅용
        print("step: ", step, "  modularity: ", m)

    return log_step, log_modularity, max_g, max_m, max_k, max_step
Exemplo n.º 4
def compute_all(graph, true_labels, marginals):
    normalized_overlap = None
    normalized_hard_overlap = None

    if true_labels.shape[1] == marginals.shape[1]:
        normalized_overlap = community_soft_overlap(true_labels, marginals)
        normalized_hard_overlap = community_hard_overlap(
            true_labels, marginals)

    hard_labels = np.argmax(marginals, axis=1)
    partition = []
    for i in range(hard_labels.max() + 1):
        indices = np.argwhere(hard_labels == i).flatten()

    hard_modularity = modularity(graph, partition)
    true_labels_categorical = np.argmax(true_labels, axis=1)
    nmi = normalized_mutual_info_score(true_labels_categorical,
    return {
        "Soft Overlap": normalized_overlap,
        "Hard Overlap": normalized_hard_overlap,
        "Modularity": hard_modularity,
        "Mutual Information": nmi
Exemplo n.º 5
def evaluate(communities, nxgraph, iggraph, groundtruth, NMIs, ARIs, Qs,
    membership = partitionListToMembership(communities)
    if DEBUG: print(f'membership{membership}')
    # modularity
    Q = nxcom.modularity(nxgraph, communities)
    Q1 = iggraph.modularity(membership)
    if abs(Q - Q1) > 1e-5: print(f'\t\t Q: networkx.alg: {Q} \t igraph: {Q1}')

    # NMI
    NMI = sm.normalized_mutual_info_score(groundtruth,
    NMI1 = compare_communities(membership, groundtruth, method="nmi")
    if abs(NMI - NMI1) > 1e-3:
        print(f'\t\t NMI \t sklearn: {NMI} \t igraph: {NMI1}')

    # ARI
    ARI = sm.adjusted_rand_score(groundtruth, membership)
    ARI1 = compare_communities(membership, groundtruth, method="ari")
    if abs(ARI - ARI1) > 1e-5:
        print(f'\t\t ARI \t sklearn: {ARI} \t igraph: {ARI1}')

    return NMI, ARI, Q
Exemplo n.º 6
def quipusBuildKnn(
    G = []
    if inside:
        g, nbrs = networkBuildKnn(X_net, Y_net, knn, eQuartile, labels, colors)
        g.graph["nbrs"] = nbrs
        t = g.graph["classNodes"]
        mod = nx_comm.modularity(g, t)
        g.graph["mod"] = mod
    for i in range(len(X_net[0])):
        tmpX = X_net[:, [i]]
        nantmp = np.isnan(tmpX)
        notNan = ~nantmp
        X = tmpX[notNan]
        Y = np.reshape(Y_net, (-1, 1))
        Y = Y[notNan]
        g = nx.Graph()
        g, nbrs = networkBuildKnn(X, Y, knn, eQuartile, labels, colors)
        g.graph["nbrs"] = nbrs
        t = g.graph["classNodes"]
        mod = nx_comm.modularity(g, t)
        g.graph["mod"] = mod
    return G
Exemplo n.º 7
    def modularity(self) -> float:
        if self._modularity is None:
            if self.weighted:
                self._modularity = modularity(
                        for community in self.top10_communities),
                self._modularity = modularity(
                        for community in self.top10_communities))

        return self._modularity
 def test_allin_is_zero(self):
     """it test that everyone in one community has a modularity of 0"""
     for i in range(self.numtest) :
         g = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(50, 0.1)
         part = dict([])
         for node in g :
             part[node] = 0
         self.assertEqual(co.modularity(part, g), 0)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_modularity(self):
        # test that empty graph converts fine for all options
        G = barbell_graph(3, 0)
        m = modularity(G, [{0, 1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}])

        G = karate_club_graph()
        c = list(greedy_modularity_communities(G, gamma=1.8))
Exemplo n.º 10
def getModularity(genome):
    G = getGraph(genome)
    if G.number_of_edges() == 0:
        return 0
        partition = community.greedy_modularity_communities(G)
        modularity = community.modularity(G, partition)

    return modularity
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_modularity_increase(self):
     Generate a dendrogram and test that modularity is always increasing
     g = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(1000, 0.01)
     dendo = co.generate_dendrogram(g)
     mod_prec = -1.
     mods = [co.modularity(co.partition_at_level(dendo, level), g) for level in range(len(dendo)) ]
     self.assertListEqual(mods, sorted(mods))
Exemplo n.º 12
def compute_greedy_modularity_community_metrics(G):
    #starts with every node being a community and combines nodes to maximize modularity, stops when modularity no longer increases
    modularity = 0
    greedy_community = list(community.greedy_modularity_communities(G))
    print('There were {} communities found.'.format(len(greedy_community)))
    modularity = community.modularity(G, greedy_community)
        'Graph modularity based on Clauset-Newman-Moore greedy modularity maximization clustering is: {}'
    return modularity
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_range(self) :
     """test that modularity is always between -1 and 1"""
     for i in range(self.numtest) :
         g = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(50, 0.1)
         part = dict([])
         for node in g :
             part[node] = random.randint(0, self.numtest/10)
         mod = co.modularity(part, g)
         self.assertGreaterEqual(mod, -1)
         self.assertLessEqual(mod, 1)
Exemplo n.º 14
def compute_girvan_newman_community_metrics(G):
    #Depends on removing links between links of high vertex betweeness and identifying clusters
    modularity = 0
    communities = community.girvan_newman(G)
    top_level_communities = next(communities)
    next_level_communities = next(communities)
    modularity += community.modularity(G, next_level_communities)
    print('Graph modularity based on Girvan Newmann clustering is {}'.format(
    return modularity
Exemplo n.º 15
 def compute_GN_communities(graph):
     girvan_newman = {
         len(comm): comm
         for comm in nx.algorithms.community.girvan_newman(graph)
     communities_modularity = {
         modularity(graph, community): n
         for n, community in girvan_newman.items()
     n_comm = communities_modularity[max(communities_modularity)]
     return girvan_newman, communities_modularity, n_comm
def Girvan_Newman_algorithm(G, weight):

    g = G.copy()

    step = 0
    log_step = []
    log_modularity = []
    old_max_m = 0
    max_g = g.copy()
    k = sorted(nx.connected_components(G), key=len, reverse=True)
    k_list = []
    for j in range(len(k)):
        k_list = k_list + [list(k[j])]
    max_k = k_list
    m = community.modularity(G, communities=k, weight=weight)
    max_m = m
    max_step = 0

    while len(g.edges()) > 0:
        k = sorted(nx.connected_components(g), key=len, reverse=True)
        m = community.modularity(G, communities=k, weight=weight)
        if m > old_max_m:

            max_g = g.copy()
            max_m = m
            k_list = []
            for j in range(len(k)):
                k_list = k_list + [list(k[j])]
            max_k = k_list
            max_step = step
            old_max_m = m
        log_step = log_step + [step]
        log_modularity = log_modularity + [m]
        print("step: ", step, "  modularity: ", m)

        step = step + 1
        betweenness = nx.edge_betweenness_centrality(g, weight=weight)
        max_edge = max(betweenness, key=betweenness.get)
        g.remove_edge(max_edge[0], max_edge[1])

    return log_step, log_modularity, max_g, max_m, max_k, max_step, k_list
def girvan_newman_opt(G, verbose=False):
    runningMaxMod = 0
    commIndSetFull = girvan_newman(G)
    for iNumComm in range(2,len(G)):
        if verbose:
            print('Commnity detection iteration : %d' % iNumComm)
        iPartition = next(commIndSetFull)  # partition with iNumComm communities
        Q = modularity(G, iPartition)  # modularity
        if Q>runningMaxMod:  # saving the optimum partition and associated info
            runningMaxMod = Q
            OptPartition = iPartition
    return OptPartition
Exemplo n.º 18
Arquivo: mstweb.py Projeto: lteu/cgts
def analysis(edges, node_dic, class_dic={}):
    G = nx.Graph()

    for edge in edges:
        x = edge[0]
        y = edge[1]
        G.add_edge(x, y)

    graph_degrees = G.degree()

    degree_sequence = sorted([d for n, d in G.degree()],
                             reverse=False)  # mac default ?

    degreeCount = collections.Counter(degree_sequence)
    degreeDist = list(degreeCount.items())

    # # remove disconnected nodes to calculate Radius and Graph centers.
    if not nx.is_empty(G):
        largest_cc = max(nx.connected_components(G))
        nodelist = G.nodes()
        to_remove = set(nodelist) - set(largest_cc)
        for nd in to_remove:

    radius, eccentricity, center = "", "", ""
    if not nx.is_empty(G):
        if nx.is_connected(G):
            radius = nx.radius(G)
            eccentricity = nx.eccentricity(G)
            center = nx.center(
            )  # The center is the set of nodes with eccentricity equal to radius.

    mod_score = -2

    # check if it makes sense to calculate the modularity score
    aTestNodeName = "" if len(list(node_dic.keys())) == 0 else node_dic[list(
    if bool(class_dic.keys()
            ) and aTestNodeName != "" and aTestNodeName in class_dic:

        inv_dic = {}
        nodelist = G.nodes()
        for n in nodelist:
            converted_num = node_dic[n]
            class_tmp = class_dic[converted_num]
            if class_tmp not in inv_dic:
                inv_dic[class_tmp] = set([n])
        groups = [x for k, x in inv_dic.items()]
        mod_score = nx_comm.modularity(G, groups)
    return radius, eccentricity, center, degreeDist, mod_score, G
Exemplo n.º 19
def gn_time(G):

    # define a function to compute weighted centrality betweenness
    def most_central_edge(G):
        centrality = betweenness(G, weight='weight')
        return max(centrality, key=centrality.get)

    # initiate a list to store execution time for each algo
    algo_time = []

    for i in tqdm(range(10)):

        # start
        start_time = time.time()

        # fit the model
        if nx.is_weighted(G):
            solutions = girvan_newman(G, most_valuable_edge=most_central_edge)
            solutions = girvan_newman(G)

        # assign the number of times partitioning
        k = len(G.edges)

        # register modularity scores
        modularity_scores = dict()

        # initiate a maximum modularity score
        max_score = 0

        # initiate count (stopping criterion)
        count = 0

        # iterate over solutions
        for community in itertools.islice(solutions, k):
            solution = list(sorted(c) for c in community)
            score = modularity(G, solution)
            # store modularity score
            modularity_scores[len(solution)] = score
            if score > max_score:
                # save the community structure with highest modularity score
                community_structure = list(solution)
                max_score = score
                count = 0
                count = count + 1
            if count == 5:

        algo_time.append(time.time() - start_time)

    return np.mean(algo_time)
Exemplo n.º 20
def get_greedy_modularity_communities(graph):

    comm = greedy_modularity_communities(graph)

    mod = modularity(graph, comm)

    node_gr_comm = np.zeros(max(graph.nodes) + 1)

    for i, c in enumerate(comm):
        for node in c:
            node_gr_comm[node] = i + 1

    return node_gr_comm[list(graph.nodes)], mod
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_modularity():
    G = nx.barbell_graph(3, 0)
    C = [{0, 1, 4}, {2, 3, 5}]
    assert almost_equal(-16 / (14**2), modularity(G, C))
    C = [{0, 1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}]
    assert almost_equal((35 * 2) / (14**2), modularity(G, C))

    n = 1000
    G = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(n, 0.09, seed=42, directed=True)
    C = [set(range(n // 2)), set(range(n // 2, n))]
    assert almost_equal(0.00017154251389292754, modularity(G, C))

    G = nx.margulis_gabber_galil_graph(10)
    mid_value = G.number_of_nodes() // 2
    nodes = list(G.nodes)
    C = [set(nodes[:mid_value]), set(nodes[mid_value:])]
    assert almost_equal(0.13, modularity(G, C))

    G = nx.DiGraph()
    G.add_edges_from([(2, 1), (2, 3), (3, 4)])
    C = [{1, 2}, {3, 4}]
    assert almost_equal(2 / 9, modularity(G, C))
Exemplo n.º 22
def mod_over_time(run_id, ld_file, data_file):
    path = os.path.abspath(ld_file)
    df = pandas.read_csv(path)
    gens = df['generation'].unique()
    max_locus = int(df['locus2'].max())

    thres_space = np.linspace(0.001, 0.02, 20)
    for thr in thres_space:
        for gen in gens:
            q = 'generation == ' + str(gen)
            this_gen = df.query(q)

            G = nx.Graph()
            for i in range(max_locus):

            edge_list = []
            for row in this_gen.itertuples():
                L1 = int(row[2])
                L2 = int(row[3])
                D = row[4]
                Gen = row[1]

                if D > thr:
                    edge = [L1, L2]


            # clus coef
            # modularity
            # avg deg
            clus = nx.average_clustering(G)

            degrees = G.degree
            s = 0
            ct = 0

            for node, deg in degrees:
                s += deg
                ct += 1

            mean_deg = float(s) / float(ct)

                com = greedy_modularity_communities(G)
                mod = modularity(G, com)
                mod = 0

            write_data(run_id, thr, gen, mean_deg, clus, mod, data_file)
Exemplo n.º 23
 def compute_modularity(self,G0=None,category=None):
     # m=self.m #same m at each recursion step? seems strange
     # B=clf.A-np.dot(clf.k,clf.k.transpose())/(2*m)
     # if (clf.G!=self.G):
     #     #Adapt formula for subgraphs
     #     B-=np.diagonal(np.sum(B,axis=1))
     # Q=np.einsum("i,ij,j",clf.s,B,clf.s)/(4*m)
     # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
     if G0 is None:
     if category is None:
     return Q
Exemplo n.º 24
def get_girvan_newman_communities(graph):

    dendogram = girvan_newman(graph)

    comm = tuple(sorted(c) for c in next(dendogram))

    mod = modularity(graph, comm)

    node_gn_comm = np.zeros(max(graph.nodes) + 1)

    for i, c in enumerate(comm):
        for node in c:
            node_gn_comm[node] = i + 1

    return node_gn_comm[list(graph.nodes)], mod
Exemplo n.º 25
def get_clique_communities(graph, k=4):

    comm = list(k_clique_communities(graph, k))

        mod = modularity(graph, comm)
        mod = 0

    node_cl_comm = np.zeros(max(graph.nodes) + 1)

    for i, c in enumerate(comm):
        for node in c:
            node_cl_comm[node] = i + 1

    return node_cl_comm[list(graph.nodes)], mod
Exemplo n.º 26
    def compute_modularity_newman_leicht(self, ):

        ## Example:
            communities = [['p1.C1', 'p1.C2', 'p1.C3'], ['p2.C4', 'p2.C5']]
            G = nx.barbell_graph(3, 0)

        q = 0
        if self.mdg_graph is not None and self.mdg_graph.number_of_edges() > 0:
            communities = self.__roster_communities()
            q = nx_comm.modularity(self.mdg_graph,
        # print(q)
        return q
Exemplo n.º 27
def get_graph_stats(community: nx.Graph,
    N = len(community.nodes)

    sqsum = 0
    ids = ""

    if not more_metrics:
        loop = community.nodes
        loop = sorted(community.nodes)

    for n in loop:
        ids += f'{n}|'
        dom = community._node[n]['dom']
        sqsum += math.pow(dom - max_dom, 2)

    if not more_metrics:
        mds_result = ""
        mds_result = hashlib.md5(str.encode(ids))

    stddev = math.sqrt(sqsum / N)
    ratio_max_core = max_core / N

    if more_metrics:
        avg_clustering = nx.average_clustering(community)

    if more_metrics:
        density = nx.density(community)
        modularity = nx_comm.modularity(community)

    return {
        "ratio_max_k_core": ratio_max_core,
        "max_k_core": max_core,
        "number_of_nodes": N,
        "max_stddev": stddev,
        "e2": (max_core * ratio_max_core) / stddev,
        "e4": (max_core + ratio_max_core) / stddev,
        "hash": "" if not more_metrics else mds_result.hexdigest(),
        "avg_clustering": 0 if not more_metrics else avg_clustering,
        "density": -1 if not more_metrics else density,
        "modularity": -1 if not more_metrics else modularity
Exemplo n.º 28
 def test_disjoint_clique(self) :
     A group of num_clique of size size_clique disjoint, should maximize the modularity
     and have a modularity of 1 - 1/ num_clique
     for num_test in range(self.numtest) :
         size_clique = random.randint(5, 20)
         num_clique = random.randint(5, 20)
         g = nx.Graph()
         for i in range(num_clique) :
             clique_i = nx.complete_graph(size_clique)
             g = nx.union(g, clique_i, rename=("",str(i)+"_"))
         part = dict([])
         for node in g :
             part[node] = node.split("_")[0].strip()
         mod = co.modularity(part, g)
         self.assertAlmostEqual(mod, 1. - 1./float(num_clique),  msg = "Num clique: " + str(num_clique) + " size_clique: " + str(size_clique))
Exemplo n.º 29
    def compute_modularity_newman_leicht(self, ):
        ## Example:
            communities = [['p1.C1', 'p1.C2', 'p1.C3'], ['p2.C4', 'p2.C5']]
            G = nx.barbell_graph(3, 0)

        q = 0
        if self.mdg_graph is not None and self.mdg_graph.number_of_edges() > 0:
            # communities = {v: k for k, v in self.class_package_dict.items()}
            communities = defaultdict(list)
            for key, value in self.class_package_dict.items():
            q = nx_comm.modularity(self.mdg_graph, communities=communities.values())
        # print(q)
        return q
def measure_performance(graph, cm):
    print(format('Community numbers:', '35s'), len(cm))
    comm_len = []
    for c in cm:
    print(format('', '35s'), comm_len)
    coverage = nx_comm.quality.coverage(graph, cm)
    modularity = nx_comm.modularity(graph, cm)
    performance = nx_comm.quality.performance(graph, cm)
    print(format('Coverage:', '35s'), coverage)
    print(format('Modularity:', '35s'), modularity)
    print(format('Performance:', '35s'), performance)
    return {
        'coverage': coverage,
        'modularity': modularity,
        'performance': performance
Exemplo n.º 31
def test_modularity():
    G = nx.barbell_graph(3, 0)
    C = [{0, 1, 4}, {2, 3, 5}]
    assert_almost_equal(-16 / (14 ** 2), modularity(G, C))
    C = [{0, 1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}]
    assert_almost_equal((35 * 2) / (14 ** 2), modularity(G, C))