Exemplo n.º 1
def generate_model(p=30, p_zero=0.7, type=None):
    DEBUG = True
    this function creates a model in order to generate
    data according to it's distribution.
    and in order to compare the approximated model to the original
    if not type:
        adjmat = random_graph(p, p_zero)
    if type == 'grid':
        adjmat = grid_graph(p)
    gen = generate(adj_mat=adjmat)
    return gen
Exemplo n.º 2
def random_graph(graph=None, size=10, cluster=True, layout=None):
    """Return a random graph (models.py Graph class).

    This was my original test graph function.  It makes a 2D
    non-periodic lattice, adds some random noise to it, and returns it.
    if graph is None:
        g = grid_graph(dim=[size, size])
    g = nx_relabel_nodes(g, dict((n, i) for i, n in enumerate(g.nodes())))
    if layout:
        layout = nx.drawing.nx_pydot.pydot_layout(g)
    #    layout = nx.drawing.layout.shell_layout(g)
    if cluster:
        clusterGraph(g, p=0.05)

    # Set weights and make the Graph object.
    for a, b, d in g.edges(data=True):
        d["weight"] = -10

    from .old.models import Graph

    G = Graph.fromNetworkX(g, coords=layout, defaultweight=1)
    return G
Exemplo n.º 3
def random_graph(graph=None, size=10, cluster=True, layout=None):
    """Return a random graph (models.py Graph class).

    This was my original test graph function.  It makes a 2D
    non-periodic lattice, adds some random noise to it, and returns it.
    if graph is None:
        g = grid_graph(dim=[size, size])
    g = nx_relabel_nodes(g, dict((n, i) for i, n in enumerate(g.nodes())))
    if layout:
        layout = nx.drawing.nx_pydot.pydot_layout(g)

#    layout = nx.drawing.layout.shell_layout(g)
    if cluster:
        clusterGraph(g, p=.05)

    # Set weights and make the Graph object.
    for a, b, d in g.edges(data=True):
        d['weight'] = -10

    from .old.models import Graph
    G = Graph.fromNetworkX(g, coords=layout, defaultweight=1)
    return G
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, lattice=ngc.grid_graph( dim=[N,N] ), 
                 data=zeros((N,N)), tau_x = 1, tau_y = 1, phi = 0.1):
        # sanity test
        if lattice.number_of_nodes() != data.size:
            raise Exception('data and lattice sizes do not match', 
                            '%d vs %d' % (data.size, lattice.number_of_nodes()) );

        self.num_nodes = lattice.number_of_nodes();
        self.phi = phi;
        self.tau_x = 1;
        self.tau_y = 1;

        #just in case the input decides to give us weights
        for e in lattice.edges_iter():
            if not lattice.get_edge_data(e[0],e[1]) :
                 #setting lattice
                 lattice.edge[e[0]][e[1]] = {'weight':phi};
                 lattice.edge[e[1]][e[0]] = {'weight':phi};
                #keep the data
        self.lattice , self.data = lattice, data;
        # convert the lattice into a GMRF precision matrix
        self.Lambda = zeros(self.num_nodes,self.num_nodes);
        #set up the grid and the data
        #@def X

        # this v is a tuple index of the grid
        self.Y  = [ Normal('Y_'+str(v), mu=0.5, tau=Sigma_Y**-1, 
                                value=data[v], observed = True ) 
                                for v in lattice.nodes_iter() ];
        MCMC.__init__(self, [self.Y])  
Exemplo n.º 5
# Richard Darst, August 2011

import numpy

import networkx
from networkx.generators.classic import grid_graph

import util
import pcd

g = grid_graph([20,20], periodic=True)
for a,b,d in g.edges(data=True):
    d['weight'] = -1

G = pcd.Graph.fromNetworkX(g, defaultweight=1)
print (numpy.sum(G.imatrix) - numpy.sum(G.imatrix.diagonal()))/(400**2-400.)

assert numpy.all(G.imatrix - G.imatrix.T == 0)

MR = pcd.MultiResolution()
MR.run([G]*5, gammas=dict(low=.1, high=100, density=10))

Exemplo n.º 6
# Richard Darst, August 2011

import numpy

import networkx
from networkx.generators.classic import grid_graph

import util
import pcd

g = grid_graph([20, 20], periodic=True)
for a, b, d in g.edges(data=True):
    d['weight'] = -1

G = pcd.Graph.fromNetworkX(g, defaultweight=1)
print(numpy.sum(G.imatrix) - numpy.sum(G.imatrix.diagonal())) / (400**2 - 400.)

assert numpy.all(G.imatrix - G.imatrix.T == 0)

MR = pcd.MultiResolution()
MR.run([G] * 5, gammas=dict(low=.1, high=100, density=10))