Exemplo n.º 1
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        # 1) Get all the sounds that have remixes
        cursor = connection.cursor()
                            src.from_sound_id AS from,
                            src.to_sound_id AS to,
                            snd.created AS created
                            sounds_sound_sources src,
                            sounds_sound snd
                            src.to_sound_id = snd.id
                        ORDER BY
                            snd.created ASC

        # 2) Create directed graph
        dg = nx.DiGraph()
        for row in cursor:
            dg.add_edge(row[0], row[1])

        # 3) Add date to nodes for sorting (FIXME: how can we avoid this query???)
        for node in dg.nodes():
            cursor.execute("SELECT snd.created, snd.original_filename, au.username " \
                           "FROM sounds_sound snd, auth_user au WHERE au.id=snd.user_id AND snd.id = %s", [node])
            temp = cursor.fetchone()
            dg.add_node(node, {'date':temp[0],
                               'nodeName': temp[1],
                               'username': temp[2]})
        dg = _create_nodes(dg)
        # print dg.nodes(data=True)
        # 4) Find weakly connected components (single direction)
        subgraphs = nx.weakly_connected_component_subgraphs(dg)
        node_list = []
        # 5) delete all remixgroup objects to recalculate
        # 6) Loop through all connected graphs in the dataset
        #    and create the groups
        for sg in subgraphs:
            # _create_and_save_remixgroup(sg_idx, sg)
            _create_and_save_remixgroup(sg, RemixGroup())
Exemplo n.º 2
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        # 1) Get all the sounds that have remixes
        cursor = connection.cursor()
                            src.from_sound_id AS from,
                            src.to_sound_id AS to,
                            snd.created AS created
                            sounds_sound_sources src,
                            sounds_sound snd
                            src.to_sound_id = snd.id
                        ORDER BY
                            snd.created ASC

        # 2) Create directed graph
        dg = nx.DiGraph()
        for row in cursor:
            dg.add_edge(row[0], row[1])

        # 3) Add date to nodes for sorting (FIXME: how can we avoid this query???)
        for node in dg.nodes():
            cursor.execute("SELECT snd.created, snd.original_filename, au.username " \
                           "FROM sounds_sound snd, auth_user au WHERE au.id=snd.user_id AND snd.id = %s", [node])
            temp = cursor.fetchone()
            dg.add_node(node, {'date':temp[0],
                               'nodeName': temp[1],
                               'username': temp[2]})
        dg = _create_nodes(dg)

        # print dg.nodes(data=True)
        # 4) Find weakly connected components (single direction)
        subgraphs = nx.weakly_connected_component_subgraphs(dg)
        node_list = []

        # 5) delete all remixgroup objects to recalculate

        # 6) Loop through all connected graphs in the dataset
        #    and create the groups
        for sg in subgraphs:
            # _create_and_save_remixgroup(sg_idx, sg)
            _create_and_save_remixgroup(sg, RemixGroup())
Exemplo n.º 3
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        logger.info("Starting to create remix grooups")

        # 1) Get all the sounds that have remixes
        cursor = connection.cursor()
                            src.from_sound_id AS from,
                            src.to_sound_id AS to,
                            snd.created AS created
                            sounds_sound_sources src,
                            sounds_sound snd
                            src.to_sound_id = snd.id
                        ORDER BY
                            snd.created ASC

        # 2) Create directed graph
        dg = nx.DiGraph()
        for row in cursor:
            dg.add_edge(row[0], row[1])

        # 3) Create nodes with dates and metadata
        dg = _create_nodes(dg)

        # 4) Find weakly connected components (single direction)
        subgraphs = nx.weakly_connected_component_subgraphs(dg)

        # 5) delete all remixgroup objects to recalculate

        # 6) Loop through all connected graphs in the dataset and create the groups
        n_groups_created = 0
        for sg in subgraphs:
            _create_and_save_remixgroup(sg, RemixGroup())
            n_groups_created += 1

        logger.info("Finished createing remix grooups (%i groups created)" % n_groups_created)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        logger.info("Starting to create remix grooups")

        # 1) Get all the sounds that have remixes
        cursor = connection.cursor()
                            src.from_sound_id AS from,
                            src.to_sound_id AS to,
                            snd.created AS created
                            sounds_sound_sources src,
                            sounds_sound snd
                            src.to_sound_id = snd.id
                        ORDER BY
                            snd.created ASC

        # 2) Create directed graph
        dg = nx.DiGraph()
        for row in cursor:
            dg.add_edge(row[0], row[1])

        # 3) Create nodes with dates and metadata
        dg = _create_nodes(dg)

        # 4) Find weakly connected components (single direction)
        subgraphs = nx.weakly_connected_component_subgraphs(dg)

        # 5) delete all remixgroup objects to recalculate

        # 6) Loop through all connected graphs in the dataset and create the groups
        n_groups_created = 0
        for sg in subgraphs:
            _create_and_save_remixgroup(sg, RemixGroup())
            n_groups_created += 1

        logger.info("Finished createing remix grooups (%i groups created)" %
Exemplo n.º 5
p_linkage_network = network_configuration_parameters["node"]["p"]

# sys.exit()

# create the random network where links rapresent truck link of the overall network
graph = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(num_node_network, p_linkage_network, directed=True)
output_folder = "data"

# assign to the random network edges the cost and capacity value of the truck
for s, d, data in graph.edges(data=True):
    # transp = random.choice(type_of_transport)
    data["capacity"] = type_of_transport["truck"]["capacity"]
    data["cost"] = type_of_transport["truck"]["cost"]["mean"] + random.randint(-type_of_transport["truck"]["cost"]["variance"], type_of_transport["truck"]["cost"]["variance"])

largest_component = max(nx.weakly_connected_component_subgraphs(graph), key=len)
print len(largest_component)
print len(graph.edges())
# diameter = nx.diameter(largest)
nodes = largest_component.nodes()
print len(nodes)
# print diameter
diameter = 0
# create train arcs inside the random network of truck
for n1 in nodes:
    tmp = list(nodes)
    for n2 in tmp:
            shortest_path_len = nx.shortest_path_length(largest_component, source=n1, target=n2)
            if shortest_path_len > diameter: