Exemplo n.º 1
def sim_first(n, m0, m, steps):
    print("Running first")
    # Static parameters
    G = generate_sf(n, m0, m)


    for i in progressbar.progressbar(range(steps)):
        # choose an edge
        edge = random.choice(list(G.edges()))
        # choose which side of it to keep
        source = edge[0]
        if len(G[source]) > len(G[edge[1]]):
            source = edge[1]
        G.remove_edge(edge[0], edge[1])
        # connect to a new place
        degrees = {
            node: val
            for (node, val) in G.degree() if node not in G.neighbors(source)
        target = weighted_choice(degrees)
        G.add_edge(source, target)

Exemplo n.º 2
def random_k_out_graph(n, k, alpha, self_loops=True, seed=None):
    if alpha < 0:
        raise ValueError("alpha must be positive")
    G = nx.empty_graph(n, create_using=nx.MultiDiGraph)
    weights = Counter({v: alpha for v in G})
    for i in range(k * n):
        u = seed.choice([v for v, d in G.out_degree() if d < k])
        # If self-loops are not allowed, make the source node `u` have
        # weight zero.
        if not self_loops:
            adjustment = Counter({u: weights[u]})
            adjustment = Counter()
        v = weighted_choice(weights - adjustment, seed=seed)
        G.add_edge(u, v)
        weights[v] += 1
    return G
Exemplo n.º 3
def random_k_out_graph(n, k, alpha, self_loops=True, seed=None):
    """Returns a random `k`-out graph with preferential attachment.

    A random `k`-out graph with preferential attachment is a
    multidigraph generated by the following algorithm.

    1. Begin with an empty digraph, and initially set each node to have
       weight `alpha`.
    2. Choose a node `u` with out-degree less than `k` uniformly at
    3. Choose a node `v` from with probability proportional to its
    4. Add a directed edge from `u` to `v`, and increase the weight
       of `v` by one.
    5. If each node has out-degree `k`, halt, otherwise repeat from
       step 2.

    For more information on this model of random graph, see [1].

    n : int
        The number of nodes in the returned graph.

    k : int
        The out-degree of each node in the returned graph.

    alpha : float
        A positive :class:`float` representing the initial weight of
        each vertex. A higher number means that in step 3 above, nodes
        will be chosen more like a true uniformly random sample, and a
        lower number means that nodes are more likely to be chosen as
        their in-degree increases. If this parameter is not positive, a
        :exc:`ValueError` is raised.

    self_loops : bool
        If True, self-loops are allowed when generating the graph.

    seed : integer, random_state, or None (default)
        Indicator of random number generation state.
        See :ref:`Randomness<randomness>`.

        A `k`-out-regular multidigraph generated according to the above

        If `alpha` is not positive.

    The returned multidigraph may not be strongly connected, or even
    weakly connected.

    [1]: Peterson, Nicholas R., and Boris Pittel.
         "Distance between two random `k`-out digraphs, with and without
         preferential attachment."
         arXiv preprint arXiv:1311.5961 (2013).

    if alpha < 0:
        raise ValueError("alpha must be positive")
    G = nx.empty_graph(n, create_using=nx.MultiDiGraph)
    weights = Counter({v: alpha for v in G})
    for i in range(k * n):
        u = seed.choice([v for v, d in G.out_degree() if d < k])
        # If self-loops are not allowed, make the source node `u` have
        # weight zero.
        if not self_loops:
            adjustment = Counter({u: weights[u]})
            adjustment = Counter()
        v = weighted_choice(weights - adjustment, seed=seed)
        G.add_edge(u, v)
        weights[v] += 1
    return G
Exemplo n.º 4
def random_k_out_graph(n, k, alpha, self_loops=True, seed=None):
    """Returns a random `k`-out graph with preferential attachment.

    A random `k`-out graph with preferential attachment is a
    multidigraph generated by the following algorithm.

    1. Begin with an empty digraph, and initially set each node to have
       weight `alpha`.
    2. Choose a node `u` with out-degree less than `k` uniformly at
    3. Choose a node `v` from with probability proportional to its
    4. Add a directed edge from `u` to `v`, and increase the weight
       of `v` by one.
    5. If each node has out-degree `k`, halt, otherwise repeat from
       step 2.

    For more information on this model of random graph, see [1].

    n : int
        The number of nodes in the returned graph.

    k : int
        The out-degree of each node in the returned graph.

    alpha : float
        A positive :class:`float` representing the initial weight of
        each vertex. A higher number means that in step 3 above, nodes
        will be chosen more like a true uniformly random sample, and a
        lower number means that nodes are more likely to be chosen as
        their in-degree increases. If this parameter is not positive, a
        :exc:`ValueError` is raised.

    self_loops : bool
        If True, self-loops are allowed when generating the graph.

    seed: int
        If provided, this is used as the seed for the random number

        A `k`-out-regular multidigraph generated according to the above

        If `alpha` is not positive.

    The returned multidigraph may not be strongly connected, or even
    weakly connected.

    [1]: Peterson, Nicholas R., and Boris Pittel.
         "Distance between two random `k`-out digraphs, with and without
         preferential attachment."
         arXiv preprint arXiv:1311.5961 (2013).

    if alpha < 0:
        raise ValueError('alpha must be positive')
    G = nx.empty_graph(n, create_using=nx.MultiDiGraph())
    weights = Counter({v: alpha for v in G})
    for i in range(k * n):
        u = random.choice([v for v, d in G.out_degree() if d < k])
        # If self-loops are not allowed, make the source node `u` have
        # weight zero.
        if not self_loops:
            adjustment = Counter({u: weights[u]})
            adjustment = Counter()
        v = weighted_choice(weights - adjustment)
        G.add_edge(u, v)
        weights[v] += 1
    return G
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_random_weighted_choice():
    mapping = {'a': 10, 'b': 0}
    c = weighted_choice(mapping)
    assert_equal(c, 'a')
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_random_weighted_choice():
    mapping = {"a": 10, "b": 0}
    c = weighted_choice(mapping, seed=1)
    c = weighted_choice(mapping)
    assert c == "a"
def test_random_weighted_choice():
    mapping = {'a': 10, 'b': 0}
    c = weighted_choice(mapping, seed=1)
    c = weighted_choice(mapping)
    assert c == 'a'
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: net.py Projeto: tchen65/NAPA
    def path_kpath_centrality(self,
        Adapted from Alakahoon et al. and published code
        by extending from single node to path centrality

        kpath_path_cent = defaultdict(float)

        if self.g.is_multigraph():
            raise nx.NetworkXError("Not implemented" + \
                                   "for multigraphs.")

        n = self.g.number_of_nodes()
        ne = self.g.number_of_edges()

        if n <= path_len + 4 or ne < path_len + 4:
            # network is too small for calculating
            # path centr. of this length
            return {}

        if k is None:
            k = int(math.log(n + ne))

        if k < path_len + 4: k = min(path_len + 4, n)

        T = 2. * k**2 * n**(1 - 2 * alpha) * math.log(n)


        for i in range(int(T + 1)):
            st_path = []

            # choose source node
            s = random.choice(list(self.g.nodes))

            # choose a random path length
            l = random.randint(path_len + 2, k)

            # fill out a path of length l
            for j in range(l):
                # invert distance again -
                # get association
                nbrs = {nbr: 1./d.get(weight, 1.0) \
                        for nbr,d in self.g[s].items() \
                        if nbr not in st_path}

                if not nbrs: break

                v = weighted_choice(nbrs)

                # set the current path source
                # (current node) to v
                s = v

            if len(st_path) < path_len + 4: continue

            # sub_paths exclude end-points
            sub_paths = [wn for wn in window(st_path[1:-1], n=path_len)]

            for sub_path in sub_paths:
                sub_path_str_list = \
                [str(node) for node in sub_path]

                if path_len == 1:
                        '_'.join(sub_path_str_list)] += 2.

                if not self.directed:
                        reversed(sub_path_str_list))] += 1.

                        '_'.join(sub_path_str_list)] += 1.

                        '_'.join(sub_path_str_list)] += 2.

        for path in kpath_path_cent:
            kpath_path_cent[path] *= (0.5 / T)

        return kpath_path_cent
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_random_weighted_choice():
    mapping = {'a': 10, 'b': 0}
    c = weighted_choice(mapping)
    assert_equal(c, 'a')
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_random_weighted_choice():
    mapping = {"a": 10, "b": 0}
    c = weighted_choice(mapping)
    assert_equal(c, "a")