Exemplo n.º 1
    def compare(self, g_1, g_2, verbose=False):
        """Compute the kernel value (similarity) between two graphs.
        g1 : networkx.Graph
            First graph.
        g2 : networkx.Graph
            Second graph.
        k : The similarity value between g1 and g2.
        # Diagonal superior matrix of the floyd warshall shortest
        # paths:
        fwm1 = np.array(nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(g_1))
        fwm1 = np.where(fwm1 == np.inf, 0, fwm1)
        fwm1 = np.where(fwm1 == np.nan, 0, fwm1)
        fwm1 = np.triu(fwm1, k=1)
        bc1 = np.bincount(fwm1.reshape(-1).astype(int))

        fwm2 = np.array(nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(g_2))
        fwm2 = np.where(fwm2 == np.inf, 0, fwm2)
        fwm2 = np.where(fwm2 == np.nan, 0, fwm2)
        fwm2 = np.triu(fwm2, k=1)
        bc2 = np.bincount(fwm2.reshape(-1).astype(int))

        # Copy into arrays with the same length the non-zero shortests
        # paths:
        v1 = np.zeros(max(len(bc1), len(bc2)) - 1)
        v1[range(0, len(bc1)-1)] = bc1[1:]

        v2 = np.zeros(max(len(bc1), len(bc2)) - 1)
        v2[range(0, len(bc2)-1)] = bc2[1:]

        return np.sum(v1 * v2)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_zero_weight(self):
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        edges = [(1,2,-2), (2,3,-4), (1,5,1), (5,4,0), (4,3,-5), (2,5,-7)]
        dist = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G)
        assert_equal(int(numpy.min(dist)), -14)

        G = nx.MultiDiGraph()
        edges.append( (2,5,-7) )
        dist = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G)
        assert_equal(int(numpy.min(dist)), -14)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_zero_weight(self):
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        edges = [(1, 2, -2), (2, 3, -4), (1, 5, 1), (5, 4, 0), (4, 3, -5), (2, 5, -7)]
        dist = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G)
        assert int(numpy.min(dist)) == -14

        G = nx.MultiDiGraph()
        edges.append((2, 5, -7))
        dist = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G)
        assert int(numpy.min(dist)) == -14
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: SOM.py Projeto: Shifat63/SOM
def trainSOMOBatch(matX, G, tmax=1000, sigma0=1.0):
    m, n = matX.shape

    # Distance among nodes calculation
    matD = np.asarray(nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G))**2

    for t in range(tmax):
        # For each point of input space get the best matching
        b = [0 for x in range(n)]
        for j in range(n):
            xj = np.array(matX[:, j]).astype(np.float)
            b[j] = getBestMatchingUnit(G, xj)

        # update the topological adaption rate
        sigma = sigma0 * np.exp(-t / tmax)

        # update all weights
        for i in G:
            summation_xj_multipliedby_h = np.array((0, 0, 0)).astype(np.float)
            summation_h = 0
            for j in range(n):
                xj = np.array(matX[:, j]).astype(np.float)
                summation_xj_multipliedby_h = summation_xj_multipliedby_h + (
                    calculate_h(matD, b[j], i, sigma) * xj)
                summation_h = summation_h + calculate_h(matD, b[j], i, sigma)
            G.nodes[i]['w'] = summation_xj_multipliedby_h / summation_h

        if t == (tmax - 1):
            plotFigure(matX, G, "Batch " + str(tmax))

    return G
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_distance_matrix_from_graph(network, filename = None, floyd = True):
  """ Returns and optionally stores the distance matrix for a given network. 
  By default the networkX BFS implementation is used.
  network : a NetworkX graph (ATTENTION: nodes need to be sequentially numbered starting at 1!)
  filename : destination for storing the matrix (optional)
  floyd : set to true to use floyd warshall instead of BFS
  A Numpy matrix storing all pairs shortest paths for the given network (or the nodes in the given nodelist).

  n = nx.number_of_nodes(network)
  if floyd:
    D = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(network)
    D_dict = nx.all_pairs_shortest_path_length(network)
    D = numpy.zeros((n,n))
    for row, col_dict in D_dict.iteritems():
        for col in col_dict:
            D[row-1,col-1] = col_dict[col]
  if filename:
    numpy.savetxt(filename, D, fmt='%s', delimiter=",", newline="\n")

  return D
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_weighted_numpy_two_edges(self):
     XG4 = nx.Graph()
     XG4.add_weighted_edges_from([[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 2], [2, 3, 1],
                                  [3, 4, 1], [4, 5, 1], [5, 6, 1],
                                  [6, 7, 1], [7, 0, 1]])
     dist = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(XG4)
     assert dist[0, 2] == 4
    def __call__(self):
        number_of_nodes = int(
            noncentral_chisquare(self.degrees_freedom, self.noncentrality)
        ) + 1
        nodes = []
        nodes.append(np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=10, size=(2, )))
        for i in range(number_of_nodes - 1):
            if self.sampling_mean == 'previous':
                location = nodes[-1]
                location = self.sampling_mean

                    loc=location, scale=self.sampling_std, size=(2, )

        connectivity_matrix = np.zeros((len(nodes), len(nodes)))
        for i, ni in enumerate(nodes):
            for j, nj in zip(range(i, len(nodes)), nodes[i:]):
                if i == j:
                connectivity_matrix[j, i] = connectivity_matrix[
                    i, j] = self.connectivity_fn(
                        ni, nj, sensitivity=self.sensitivity

        G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(connectivity_matrix)
        dists = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G)
        dists[np.isinf(dists)] = 0
        nodes = np.stack(nodes)
        return nodes, dists, connectivity_matrix
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: main.py Projeto: kpj/ShRec3D
def contacts2distances(contacts):
    """ Infer distances from contact matrix
    # create graph
    graph = nx.Graph()

    for row in range(contacts.shape[0]):
        for col in range(contacts.shape[1]):
            freq = contacts[row, col]
            if freq != 0:
                graph.add_edge(col, row, weight=1/freq)

    # find shortest paths
    spath_mat = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(graph, weight='weight')

    # create distance matrix
    distances = np.zeros(contacts.shape)
    for row in range(contacts.shape[0]):
        for col in range(contacts.shape[1]):
            if spath_mat[row, col] == float('inf'):
                distances[row, col] = 1000000
                distances[row, col] = spath_mat[row, col]

    return distances
 def _generate(self):
     if self.ALWAYS_SAME:
         np.random.seed(1)  # to make all random values same
     # skills of every person: every person has a list of s elements describing his/her skill values fall in [0-1].
     if self.DISTRIBUTION == 'Uniform':
         self.skills = np.random.rand(self.n, self.s)
     elif self.DISTRIBUTION == 'Normal':
         self.skills = np.random.randn(self.n, self.s) * 0.1666 + 0.5
         raise ValueError('ERROR in DISTRIBUTION value: ' % self.DISTRIBUTION)
     # risk taking of every person: it is also a value between [0,1].
     if self.DISTRIBUTION == 'Uniform':
         self.risk_takings = np.random.rand(self.n)
     elif self.DISTRIBUTION == 'Normal':
         self.risk_takings = np.random.randn(self.n) * 0.1666 + 0.5
     # network connectivity (or distance) is a matrix of n*n: we always can for any
     #   graph, compute the shortest path among all nodes
     #   and normalize it between [0,1]. We assume, relationships are not directed.
     if self.ALWAYS_SAME:
         # it keeps the same numbers which is helpful for debugging purposes
         G = nx.to_undirected(nx.scale_free_graph(self.n, seed=1))
         # it changes the structure every time we run
         G = nx.to_undirected(nx.scale_free_graph(self.n))
     D = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G)
     D /= np.max(D)
     self.network_connectivity = D
def convert_points_to_graph(x, G):
    C = euclid_dist(x, x)
    idx = np.argsort(C, axis=1)

    # Preprocess graph
    for i, j in G.edges:
        G[i][j]['weight'] = C[i, j]

    # Add all edges of the circle
    for i in range(100):
        G.add_edge(i, (i + 1) % 100, weight=C[i, (i + 1) % 40])

    # Add all edges of the knn
    for i in range(C.shape[0]):
        for j in range(1, 3):
            G.add_edge(i, idx[i, j], weight=C[i, idx[i, j]])

    if not nx.is_connected(G):
        comp = list(nx.connected_components(G))
        for c in range(1, nx.number_connected_components(G)):
            for j in range(3, 10):
                for n in comp[c]:
                    if idx[n, j] in comp[0]:
                        G.add_edge(n, idx[n, j], weight=C[n, idx[n, j]])
                if nx.is_connected(G):
    print(f"CHECK CONNECTION = ", nx.is_connected(G))
    dist = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G)
    return dist, G
Exemplo n.º 11
def contacts2distances(contacts):
    """ Infer distances from contact matrix
    # create graph
    graph = nx.Graph()

    for row in range(contacts.shape[0]):
        for col in range(contacts.shape[1]):
            freq = contacts[row, col]
            if freq != 0:
                graph.add_edge(col, row, weight=1 / freq)

    # find shortest paths
    spath_mat = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(graph, weight='weight')

    # create distance matrix
    distances = np.zeros(contacts.shape)
    for row in range(contacts.shape[0]):
        for col in range(contacts.shape[1]):
            if spath_mat[row, col] == float('inf'):
                distances[row, col] = 1000000
                distances[row, col] = spath_mat[row, col]

    return distances
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_weighted_numpy(self):
     XG4.add_weighted_edges_from([ [0,1,2],[1,2,2],[2,3,1],
                                   [6,7,1],[7,0,1] ])
     dist = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(XG4)
Exemplo n.º 13
def analyze(G,inputs=()):
    """Compute effective distance matrix and
    analyze simulation results
        G: Weighted undirected NetworkX graphs
        inputs: can be used to provide additional needed information
        D: N x N effective distance matrix (a numpy array)


    G1 = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(G,label_attribute='country')
    for i in range(len(G1)):
    A = nx.adjacency_matrix(G1).todense()
    N = G1.number_of_nodes()


    for i in range(N):

    iK,jK = np.where( P != 0)
    for i,j in zip(iK,jK):

    #create new directed graph using effective distance d
    #find shortest paths
    D=nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G2, weight="weight")
    return D
Exemplo n.º 14
 def test_weight_parameter_numpy(self):
     XG4 = nx.Graph()
         (0, 1, {
             "heavy": 2
         (1, 2, {
             "heavy": 2
         (2, 3, {
             "heavy": 1
         (3, 4, {
             "heavy": 1
         (4, 5, {
             "heavy": 1
         (5, 6, {
             "heavy": 1
         (6, 7, {
             "heavy": 1
         (7, 0, {
             "heavy": 1
     dist = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(XG4, weight="heavy")
     assert dist[0, 2] == 4
Exemplo n.º 15
def sorteddm(g):
    logger = logging.getLogger()
    result = hashlib.md5(
    return result
Exemplo n.º 16
def floydTransformation(G, edge_weight=None):
    """Transform graph G to its corresponding shortest-paths graph using Floyd-transformation.

    G : NetworkX graph
        The graph to be tramsformed.
    edge_weight : string
        edge attribute corresponding to the edge weight. The default edge weight is bond_type.

    S : NetworkX graph
        The shortest-paths graph corresponding to G.

    [1] Borgwardt KM, Kriegel HP. Shortest-path kernels on graphs. InData Mining, Fifth IEEE International Conference on 2005 Nov 27 (pp. 8-pp). IEEE.
    spMatrix = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G, weight=edge_weight)
    S = nx.Graph()
    ns = list(G.nodes())
    for i in range(0, G.number_of_nodes()):
        for j in range(i + 1, G.number_of_nodes()):
            if spMatrix[i, j] != np.inf:
                S.add_edge(ns[i], ns[j], cost=spMatrix[i, j])
    return S
Exemplo n.º 17
 def __cost_function(self):
     """ Driving Cost Function """
     distances = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(self.G)
     driving_cost_function = []
     for c in range(self.number_of_homes + 1):
         summation = []
         for i in range(self.number_of_locations):
             for j in range(self.number_of_locations):
                         self.arrangement_matrix[i][c] * distances.item(
                             (i, j)) * self.arrangement_matrix[j][c + 1]))
     """ Walking Cost Function """
     walking_cost_function = []
     for row in range(self.number_of_locations):
         for col in range(self.number_of_locations):
                 grb.LinExpr(self.walking_matrix[row][col] * distances.item(
                     (row, col))))
     """ Set Objective Function """
     cost_function = driving_cost_function + walking_cost_function
     self.model.setObjective(grb.quicksum(cost_function), grb.GRB.MINIMIZE)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def test_weight_parameter_numpy(self):
         import numpy
     except ImportError:
         raise SkipTest('numpy not available.')
     XG4 = nx.Graph()
     XG4.add_edges_from([(0, 1, {
         'heavy': 2
     }), (1, 2, {
         'heavy': 2
     }), (2, 3, {
         'heavy': 1
     }), (3, 4, {
         'heavy': 1
     }), (4, 5, {
         'heavy': 1
     }), (5, 6, {
         'heavy': 1
     }), (6, 7, {
         'heavy': 1
     }), (7, 0, {
         'heavy': 1
     dist = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(XG4, weight='heavy')
     assert_equal(dist[0, 2], 4)
def distance_distribution(G):
    """Computes the distribution of node distances of a graph. Uses the
        Floyd-Warshall algorithm for the distances and formats it in
        the D-measure article standard.

        G (nx.Graph): graph with N nodes

        nodes_distrib (np.array): (N, N) matrix containing the normalized
            distribution of distances of the graph. For each node i, the
            distribution is (p_1, p_2, ..., p_j, ..., p_N), where p_j is
            the proportion of nodes in the graph at distance j of the node i.
            Nodes with distance N are disconnected from the graph.
    N = G.number_of_nodes()

    dist_matrix = np.asarray(nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G, weight=1))
    dist_matrix[dist_matrix == np.inf] = N

    nodes_distrib = np.zeros((N, N + 1))
    for row in range(len(dist_matrix)):
        for length in dist_matrix[row]:
            nodes_distrib[row][int(length)] += 1

    nodes_distrib /= (N - 1)

    return nodes_distrib[:, 1:]
Exemplo n.º 20
 def fit_transform(self, X, y=None):
     self.n = X.shape[0]
     tree = sc.spatial.KDTree(X)
     dist, idx = tree.query(X, self.k + 1)
     G = nx.Graph()
     G.add_nodes_from(idx[:, 0])
     for i in range(1, self.k + 1):
         G.add_weighted_edges_from(np.c_[idx[:, [0, i]], dist[:, i]])
     P = np.asarray(nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G))
     Y = KernelPCA(self.components,
                   kernel='precomputed').fit_transform(-0.5 * (P**2.0))
     self.P_tril = P[np.tril_indices(P.shape[0], k=-1)]
     print("Initial loss:", self.cda_loss(Y))
     res = minimize(self.cda_loss,
                    Y.reshape(self.n * self.components),
                        'disp': True,
                        'gtol': 1e-9,
                        'maxiter': self.max_iter
     Y = res.x.reshape(self.n, self.components)
     print("Trained loss:", self.cda_loss(Y))
     return Y
Exemplo n.º 21
def perform_clustering(filepath, method, metric, cutoff, dataset_name=None):
    path = IMG_DIR + dataset_name + '-' + metric + '-' + method
    ext = '.png'

    G = nx.read_gml(filepath)

    if dataset_name == 'karate':
        G = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(G, first_label=0)

    if metric == 'euclidean' or metric == 'correlation':
        adj_matrix = nx.adjacency_matrix(G)
        distance_matrix = adj_matrix.todense()
        linkage_matrix = hierarchy.linkage(distance_matrix, method=method, metric=metric)
    elif metric == 'shortest-paths':
        distance_matrix = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G)
        linkage_matrix = hierarchy.linkage(distance_matrix, method=method)
    elif metric == 'commute-time':
        adj_matrix = nx.adjacency_matrix(G)
        distance_matrix = commute_time_matrix(G, adj_matrix)
        linkage_matrix = hierarchy.linkage(distance_matrix, method=method)
        print "invalid metric"

    pyplot.subplot(1, 1, 1)
    # pyplot.show()
    pyplot.savefig(path + ext)

    clustering = hierarchy.fcluster(linkage_matrix, cutoff)
    draw_graph(G, clustering, path + '-graph' + ext)
Exemplo n.º 22
def initialize_rope_from_cloud(xyzs, plotting=False):
    xyzs = xyzs.reshape(-1,3)
    if len(xyzs) > 500: xyzs = xyzs[::len(xyzs)//500]

    pdists = ssd.squareform(ssd.pdist(xyzs,'sqeuclidean'))
    G = nx.Graph()
    for (i_from, row) in enumerate(pdists):
        to_inds = np.flatnonzero(row[:i_from] < MAX_DIST**2)
        for i_to in to_inds:
            G.add_edge(i_from, i_to, weight = pdists[i_from, i_to])

    A = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G)
    A[np.isinf(A)] = 0
    (i_from_long, i_to_long) = np.unravel_index(A.argmax(), A.shape)

    nodes = G.nodes();
    path = nx.shortest_path(G, source=nodes[i_from_long], target=nodes[i_to_long])
    xyz_path = xyzs[path,:]
    xyzs_unif = curves.unif_resample(xyz_path,N_CTRL_PTS,tol=.005)
    labels = np.ones(len(xyzs_unif)-1,'int')
    labels[[0,-1]] = 2

    if plotting:
        import enthought.mayavi.mlab as mlab
        mlab.plot3d(*xyzs_unif.T, tube_radius=.001)
        mlab.points3d(*xyzs.T, scale_factor=.01)

    return xyzs_unif, labels
Exemplo n.º 23
def headSTwig_selection(query, roots):

    # List of nodes of query
    nodes = query.nodes()

    # Number of nodes of the query graph
    #n = len(nodes)

    # Index of roots in nodes
    roots_id = [nodes.index(r) for r in roots]

    # Distance matrix between all pair of nodes in the query
    M = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(query, nodes)

    # We are interested only in distance between root-nodes
    M = M[roots_id, :]
    M = M[:, roots_id]

    # List of max M_ri,rj for each root
    max_M = []
    for r in range(0,len(roots)):
        max = np.amax(M[r,:])
    max_M = [np.amax(M[r, :]) for r in range(0, len(roots))]

    # Index of the min distance
    head_id = max_M.index(min(max_M))

    # Head STwig selection
    # root of the STwig
    head_root = roots[head_id]

    return head_root
    def __init__(self, partial_graph):
        self.number_of_points_partial = 3

        if self.point_features is None:
            self.point_features = np.zeros((self.number_of_points, 4))
            for i, j in self.point_edge_list:
                self.point_features[i][2:] = self.points_coordinates[
                    j] - self.points_coordinates[i]
                self.point_features[j][:2] = self.points_coordinates[
                    i] - self.points_coordinates[j]

        self.connectivity_matrix = np.zeros(
            (self.number_of_points, self.number_of_points)
        for i, j in self.point_edge_list:
            self.connectivity_matrix[i][j] = 1
            self.connectivity_matrix[j][i] = 1

        self.graph = nx.from_numpy_matrix(self.connectivity_matrix)
        self.dists = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(self.graph)
        self.dists[np.isinf(self.dists)] = 0

        if partial_graph:
            self._forward = self._partial_graph_forward
            self._forward = self._full_graph_forward
 def __init__(self, n_0, average_degreee_0, n, m, degree_only=False):
     # Define os principais parâmetros
     self.n_0 = n_0
     self.average_degreee_0 = average_degreee_0
     self.n = n
     self.m = m
     # Cria grafo inicial como uma rede de Erdos-Renyi
     self.G = Networks.ErdosRenyi_network(self.n_0, self.average_degreee_0).G
     new_edge = np.zeros(self.m)
     # Adiciona novo nó
     for j in range(1, self.n-self.n_0+1):
         # print(str(j)+'/'+str(self.n-self.n_0))
         # Obtem nós com seus respectivos graus
         possible_edges = np.array(self.G.degree, dtype=float)[:,]
         # Normaliza
         possible_edges[:,1] = possible_edges[:,1]/np.sum(possible_edges[:,1])
         # Realiza nova conexão
         for i in range(self.m):
             # Escolhe conexão
             new_edge[i] = np.random.choice(possible_edges[:,0], p=possible_edges[:,1])
             # print(new_edge[i])
             # Elimina nó escolhido
             possible_edges = np.delete(possible_edges, np.where(possible_edges[:,0] == new_edge[i]), axis=0)
             # Renormaliza
             possible_edges[:,1] = possible_edges[:,1]/np.sum(possible_edges[:,1])
             self.G.add_edge(self.n_0+j, new_edge[i])
     # Obtem a média e o desvio padrão do grau
     self.degree = np.array(sorted([d for n, d in self.G.degree()], reverse=True))
     self.degree_mu = self.degree.mean()
     self.degree_sigma = self.degree.std()
     if not degree_only:
         # Obtem a média e o desvio padrão do coeficiente de aglomeração
         self.clustering_coefficient = np.array(sorted([nx.clustering(self.G,n) for n in nx.clustering(self.G)],
         self.clustering_coefficient_mu = self.clustering_coefficient.mean()
         self.clustering_coefficient_sigma = self.clustering_coefficient.std()
         # Obtem a média e o desvio padrão do caminho mínimo para todos os pares de pontos
         # através do método de Floyd-Warshall
         fw_aux = np.asarray(nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(self.G)).reshape(-1)
         self.floyd_warshall = np.array(np.delete(fw_aux, np.where(np.logical_or(fw_aux == 0, fw_aux == float('inf')))), dtype=int)   
         self.shortest_path_length_mu = self.floyd_warshall.mean()
         self.shortest_path_length_sigma = self.floyd_warshall.std()
     #Identificador único do grafo gerado
     self.dt_string = datetime.now().strftime("_%d-%m-%Y_%H-%M-%S")
     self.filename = 'img/Barabasi-Albert'+'_n='+str(self.n)+'_m='+str(self.m)+self.dt_string
Exemplo n.º 26
def getCertainDistPairing(adjMat, dist = 4, numOfPairs = 1):
    G = nx.from_numpy_array(adjMat)
    distMat = np.array(nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G))
    all_pairing = np.array(np.where(distMat == dist)).T
    if len(all_pairing) >= numOfPairs:
        return all_pairing[np.random.choice(len(all_pairing), numOfPairs, replace = False)]
        return all_pairing[np.random.choice(len(all_pairing), len(all_pairing), replace = False)]
Exemplo n.º 27
def graph_node_position_mds(G):

    nx.set_edge_attributes(G, 1, 'weight')
    length = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G)
    mds = manifold.MDS(n_components=2, dissimilarity='precomputed')
    pos = mds.fit(length).embedding_

    return pos
Exemplo n.º 28
def graph_node_position_mds(G):
    for edge in G.edges():
        G.add_edge(edge[0], edge[1], weight=1)
    A = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G)
    mds = skln.MDS(n_components=2, dissimilarity='precomputed')
    pos = mds.fit(A).embedding_
    return pos
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_nodelist():
    G = nx.path_graph(7)
    dist = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G, nodelist=[3, 5, 4, 6, 2, 1, 0])
    assert dist[0, 3] == 3
    assert dist[0, 1] == 2
    assert dist[6, 2] == 4
    pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, nx.floyd_warshall_numpy, G, [1, 3])
    pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, nx.floyd_warshall_numpy, G, list(range(9)))
Exemplo n.º 30
 def test_cycle_numpy(self):
         import numpy
     except ImportError:
         raise SkipTest('numpy not available.')
     dist = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(nx.cycle_graph(7))
def graph_diameter(G):
    """Compute the diameter of a given graph.
      Given graph MUST be STRONGLY connected.
    # @TODO: choose the better algorithm depending on the density of
    # the graph
    return nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G).max()
Exemplo n.º 32
def graph_node_position_Laplacian(G):

    nx.set_edge_attributes(G, 1, 'weight')
    length = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G)
    spec = manifold.SpectralEmbedding(n_components=2)
    pos = spec.fit(length).embedding_

    return pos
Exemplo n.º 33
 def test_weight_parameter_numpy(self):
     XG4 = nx.Graph()
     XG4.add_edges_from([ (0, 1, {'heavy': 2}), (1, 2, {'heavy': 2}),
                          (2, 3, {'heavy': 1}), (3, 4, {'heavy': 1}),
                          (4, 5, {'heavy': 1}), (5, 6, {'heavy': 1}),
                          (6, 7, {'heavy': 1}), (7, 0, {'heavy': 1}) ])
     dist = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(XG4, weight='heavy')
     assert_equal(dist[0, 2], 4)
Exemplo n.º 34
 def test_weight_parameter_numpy(self):
     XG4 = nx.Graph()
     XG4.add_edges_from([ (0, 1, {'heavy': 2}), (1, 2, {'heavy': 2}),
                          (2, 3, {'heavy': 1}), (3, 4, {'heavy': 1}),
                          (4, 5, {'heavy': 1}), (5, 6, {'heavy': 1}),
                          (6, 7, {'heavy': 1}), (7, 0, {'heavy': 1}) ])
     dist = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(XG4, weight='heavy')
     assert_equal(dist[0, 2], 4)
Exemplo n.º 35
 def test_cycle_numpy(self):
         import numpy
     except ImportError:
         raise SkipTest('numpy not available.')
     dist = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(nx.cycle_graph(7))
Exemplo n.º 36
 def _compare(self, g1, g2):
     """Compute the kernel value between the two graphs. 
     g1 : ndarray
         Adjacency matrix of the first graph.
     g2 : ndarray
         Adjacency matrix of the second graph.
     k : The similarity value between g1 and g2.
     if self.binary_edges:
         g1 = np.where(g1 > self.th, 1, 0)
         g2 = np.where(g2 > self.th, 1, 0)
         g1 = np.where(g1 > self.th, g1, 0)
         g2 = np.where(g2 > self.th, g2, 0)
     g1 = nx.from_numpy_matrix(g1)
     g2 = nx.from_numpy_matrix(g2)
     #Diagonal superior matrix of the floyd warshall shortest paths
     fwm1 = np.array(nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(g1))
     fwm1 = np.where(fwm1==np.inf, 0, fwm1)
     fwm1 = np.where(fwm1==np.nan, 0, fwm1)
     fwm1 = np.triu(fwm1, k=1)
     bc1 = np.bincount(fwm1.reshape(-1).astype(int))
     fwm2 = np.array(nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(g2))
     fwm2 = np.where(fwm2==np.inf, 0, fwm2)
     fwm2 = np.where(fwm2==np.nan, 0, fwm2)
     fwm2 = np.triu(fwm2, k=1)
     bc2 = np.bincount(fwm2.reshape(-1).astype(int))
     #Copy into arrays with the same length the non-zero shortests paths
     v1 = np.zeros(max(len(bc1),len(bc2)) - 1)
     v1[range(0,len(bc1)-1)] = bc1[1:]
     v2 = np.zeros(max(len(bc1),len(bc2)) - 1)
     v2[range(0,len(bc2)-1)] = bc2[1:]
     return np.sum(v1 * v2)
Exemplo n.º 37
def mds_embed(graph):

    sorted_node_list = sorted(list(graph.nodes()), key=len)
    dmat = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(graph, nodelist=sorted_node_list)

    gmds = MDS(n_jobs=-2, dissimilarity="precomputed")
    embed_pts = gmds.fit_transform(dmat)

    return (embed_pts, dmat, sorted_node_list)
Exemplo n.º 38
def _cal_dist2center(G, Centeroids):
    """ Calculate the distances to cluster centers
    D_Matrix = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G)  
    Dict = {}
    for i in Centeroids:
        Dict[i] = []
        for j in range(len(G.nodes())):
Exemplo n.º 39
    def compare(self, g_1, g_2, verbose=False):
        """Compute the kernel value (similarity) between two graphs. 
        g1 : networkx.Graph
            First graph.
        g2 : networkx.Graph
            Second graph.
        alpha : interger < 1
            A rule of thumb for setting it is to take the largest power of 10
            which is samller than 1/d^2, being d the largest degree in the 
            dataset of graphs.    
        k : The similarity value between g1 and g2.
        #Diagonal superior matrix of the floyd warshall shortest paths
#        pdb.set_trace()
        fwm1 = np.array(nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(g_1))
        fwm1 = np.where(fwm1==np.inf, 0, fwm1)
        fwm1 = np.where(fwm1==np.nan, 0, fwm1)
        fwm1 = np.triu(fwm1, k=1)
        bc1  = np.bincount(fwm1.reshape(-1).astype(int))
#        print bc1
        fwm2 = np.array(nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(g_2))
        fwm2 = np.where(fwm2==np.inf, 0, fwm2)
        fwm2 = np.where(fwm2==np.nan, 0, fwm2)
        fwm2 = np.triu(fwm2, k=1)
        bc2  = np.bincount(fwm2.reshape(-1).astype(int))
#        print bc2
#        pdb.set_trace()
        #Copy into arrays with the same length the non-zero shortests paths
        v1 = np.zeros(max(len(bc1),len(bc2)) - 1)
        v1[range(0,len(bc1)-1)] = bc1[1:]
        v2 = np.zeros(max(len(bc1),len(bc2)) - 1)
        v2[range(0,len(bc2)-1)] = bc2[1:]
        return np.sum(v1 * v2)
Exemplo n.º 40
 def test_weighted_numpy(self):
         import numpy
     except ImportError:
         raise SkipTest('numpy not available.')
     XG3.add_weighted_edges_from([ [0,1,2],[1,2,12],[2,3,1],
                                   [3,4,5],[4,5,1],[5,0,10] ])
     dist = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(XG3)
def Dis_Clus(G):
    """adding one row to distance matrix 
    The new row shows nodes clusters
    each node is a cluster at initial"""   
    D_Matrix = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G) 
    nodes_label = []
    for i in range(len(G.nodes())):
    A = np.vstack([D_Matrix, nodes_label])  
Exemplo n.º 42
 def test_weight_parameter_numpy(self):
         import numpy
     except ImportError:
         raise SkipTest('numpy not available.')
     XG4 = nx.Graph()
     XG4.add_edges_from([ (0, 1, {'heavy': 2}), (1, 2, {'heavy': 2}),
                          (2, 3, {'heavy': 1}), (3, 4, {'heavy': 1}),
                          (4, 5, {'heavy': 1}), (5, 6, {'heavy': 1}),
                          (6, 7, {'heavy': 1}), (7, 0, {'heavy': 1}) ])
     dist = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(XG4, weight='heavy')
     assert_equal(dist[0, 2], 4)
Exemplo n.º 43
 def _get_all_distances(self):
     if not self._distances is None:
         return self._distances
     nodes = self._frame_graph.nodes(data=True)
     frame_ids, frame_names = zip(*[(i, n['obj'].name) for i, n in nodes])
     # calculate all pairwise distances
     np_distances = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(self._frame_graph,
     # pack up into a nice DataFrame keyed on frame.name
     self._distances = pd.DataFrame(np_distances,
     return self._distances
Exemplo n.º 44
Arquivo: util.py Projeto: zaktan8/GCP
def get_clustering_results(graph, k):
    adj_matrix = networkx.adjacency_matrix(graph).toarray()
    dist_matrix = networkx.floyd_warshall_numpy(graph)
    # k = KDeterminant().get_best_k(matrix)
    return {
        # "AP dist euclidean": AP(dist_matrix, 'euclidean'),
        # "AP dist precomputed": AP(dist_matrix, 'precomputed'),
        # "AP adj euclidean": AP(adj_matrix, 'euclidean'),
        # "AP adj precomputed": AP(adj_matrix, 'precomputed')
        "Agglomerative": Agglomerative(dist_matrix, k),
        "K-means": K_means(dist_matrix, k),
        "Spectral": Spectral(adj_matrix, k)
Exemplo n.º 45
    def compute_distancematrix(self):
        compute the normalized distance matrix.
        self.distmat = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(self.graph)

        if np.isinf(self.distmat).any():
            print "Warning: the graph is disconnected."
            self.maxdist = self.distmat[np.isfinite(self.distmat)].max()  # find the max among the finite elements
            df = np.nan_to_num(self.distmat)  # Replace INFINITY entries with some large finite float
            self.distmat = (df - df.min()) / (self.maxdist - self.distmat.min())  # this is ok for large floats
            self.maxdist = self.distmat.max()
            self.distmat = (self.distmat - self.distmat.min()) / (self.maxdist - self.distmat.min())
Exemplo n.º 46
    def compare(self, g_1, g_2, verbose=False):
        """Compute the kernel value (similarity) between two graphs.

        g1 : networkx.Graph
            First graph.
        g2 : networkx.Graph
            Second graph.

        k : The similarity value between g1 and g2.
        # Diagonal superior matrix of the floyd warshall shortest
        # paths:
        fwm1 = np.array(nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(g_1))
        fwm1 = np.where(fwm1 == np.inf, 0, fwm1)
        fwm1 = np.where(fwm1 == np.nan, 0, fwm1)
        fwm1 = np.triu(fwm1, k=1)
        bc1 = np.bincount(fwm1.reshape(-1).astype(int))

        fwm2 = np.array(nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(g_2))
        fwm2 = np.where(fwm2 == np.inf, 0, fwm2)
        fwm2 = np.where(fwm2 == np.nan, 0, fwm2)
        fwm2 = np.triu(fwm2, k=1)
        bc2 = np.bincount(fwm2.reshape(-1).astype(int))

        # Copy into arrays with the same length the non-zero shortests
        # paths:
        v1 = np.zeros(max(len(bc1), len(bc2)) - 1)
        v1[range(0, len(bc1)-1)] = bc1[1:]

        v2 = np.zeros(max(len(bc1), len(bc2)) - 1)
        v2[range(0, len(bc2)-1)] = bc2[1:]

        return np.sum(v1 * v2)
Exemplo n.º 47
def generateAllPairsDistance(g, max_weight=27):
    Given connectivity graph g, this will return
    a numpy matrix that represents the all-pairs shortest path lengths
    using floyd-warshall algorithm. Since the edge weights of g represent
    affinities, a copy will be created that changes edges to be distances
    by subtracting the edge weight from the max_weight.
    g' has edge weights: W'(i,j) = max_weight - W(i,j) if i<>j, else 0.
    D = floyd_warshall_all_pairs(g')
    g2 = generateDistanceGraph(g, max_weight)
    print "Computing all-pairs shortest path distances..."
    D = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(g2)
    return D
Exemplo n.º 48
def initialize_rope(xyzs, plotting=False):
    pdists = ssd.squareform(ssd.pdist(xyzs))
    for (i_from, row) in enumerate(pdists):
        to_inds = np.flatnonzero(row[:i_from] < MAX_DIST)
        for i_to in to_inds:
            G.add_edge(i_from, i_to, weight = pdists[i_from, i_to])

    A = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G)
    A[np.isinf(A)] = 0
    (i_from_long, i_to_long) = np.unravel_index(A.argmax(), A.shape)
    path = nx.shortest_path(G, source=i_from_long, target=i_to_long)
    xyz_path = xyz[path,:]
    xyzs_unif = curves.unif_resample(total_path,N_CTRL_PTS,tol=.002)
    labels = np.ones(len(xyzs_unif),'int')
    labels[[1,-1]] = 2
    return xyzs_unif, labels
Exemplo n.º 49
def effective_diameter(graph, q=0.9):
    if graph.number_of_edges() == 0:
        return 0

    P = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(graph)
    P[np.diag_indices(P.shape[0])] = np.inf
    paths = np.sort(P[P != np.inf])
    if paths.shape[0] != 0:
        ind = np.floor((paths.shape[0]-1)*q)
        if paths[ind].size == 0:
            return 0
            return np.mean(paths[ind])
        return 0

Exemplo n.º 50
def calc_geodesic_distances(xyz):
    Calculates pairwise geodesic distances.
    Note that we generate the graph by projecting to 2D
    x,y = xyz[:,:2].T
    tri = Triangulation(x,y)
    G = nx.Graph()
    for (i0, i1) in tri.edge_db:
        dist = np.linalg.norm(xyz[i1] - xyz[i0])
        if dist < .03:
            G.add_edge(i0, i1, weight = np.linalg.norm(xyz[i1] - xyz[i0]))
    distmat = np.asarray(nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G))
    finitevals = distmat[np.isfinite(distmat)]
    distmat[~np.isfinite(distmat)] = finitevals.max() * 3
    return distmat
Exemplo n.º 51
 def floyd_warshall(self, backend):
     nodes = self.graph.nodes()
     if not backend and len(nodes) > 400:
         raise network_big.NetworkTooBigException(len(nodes))
     logging.info("Computing Floyd-Warshall.")
     infvalue = 127 #sys.maxint
     F = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(self.graph, dtype=np.int8, infvalue=infvalue)
     w = {}
     for i in range(0, len(nodes)):
         for j in range(0, len(nodes)):
             if not F[i,j] == infvalue:
                 w[nodes[i],nodes[j]] = F[i,j]
     return w
 def _kmeans(self):
     """ Run multiple trials of k-means clustering,
         and outputt is the best centers, and cluster labels
     D_Matrix = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(self.G)  
     Old_Centroids  = set(self._kmeans_init())
     Clusters = self._kmeans_run(self._kmeans_init())
     New_Centroids = set(self._update_centers(D_Matrix, Clusters))
     while True :
         if Old_Centroids == New_Centroids:
             Old_Centroids = New_Centroids
             New_Centroids = list(New_Centroids)
             Clusters = self._kmeans_run(New_Centroids)
             New_Centroids = set(self._update_centers(D_Matrix, Clusters))
Exemplo n.º 53
def _kmeans(G, n_clusters):
    """ Run multiple trials of k-means clustering,
        and outputt is the best centers, and cluster labels
    D_Matrix = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G)  
    Old_Centroids  = set(_kmeans_init(G, n_clusters, method='balanced'))
    Clusters = _kmeans_run(G, n_clusters, _kmeans_init(G, n_clusters))
    New_Centroids = set(_update_centers(D_Matrix, Clusters, n_clusters))
    while True :
        if Old_Centroids == New_Centroids:
            return(New_Centroids) #,_kmeans_run(G, n_clusters, New_Centroids))
            Old_Centroids = New_Centroids
            New_Centroids = list(New_Centroids)
            Clusters = _kmeans_run(G, n_clusters, New_Centroids)
            New_Centroids = set(_update_centers(D_Matrix, Clusters, n_clusters))
def generateGraphFromFile():
    g = nx.Graph()
    nodes = []
    with open("File.txt") as f:
        for line in f:
            line = line.replace("\n","")
            lineArr = line.split(" ")
            dummy = tuple(lineArr[0:3])

    matrixPaths = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(g,nodelist=None, weight='weight')
    #print matrixPaths
    listNodes = g.nodes()
    #print listNodes
    center = nx.center(g,e=None)
    #print center
    return (center, matrixPaths, listNodes,g,pos)
Exemplo n.º 55
    def calculate(self, P):
        C = self._prop.carbon

        G = Graph()

        G.add_nodes_from(a.GetIdx() for a in self.mol.GetAtoms())

        for bond in self.mol.GetBonds():
            i = bond.GetBeginAtomIdx()
            j = bond.GetEndAtomIdx()

            pi = bond.GetBondTypeAsDouble()

            with self.rethrow_zerodiv():
                w = (C * C) / (P[i] * P[j] * pi)

            G.add_edge(i, j, weight=w)

        sp = floyd_warshall_numpy(G)
        np.fill_diagonal(sp, [1. - C / P[a.GetIdx()] for a in self.mol.GetAtoms()])
        return sp
Exemplo n.º 56
def longest_shortest_path(G):
    A = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G)
    A[np.isinf(A)] = 0
    (i_from_long, i_to_long) = np.unravel_index(A.argmax(), A.shape)
    path = nx.shortest_path(G, source=i_from_long, target=i_to_long)
    return path
Exemplo n.º 57
 def test_directed_cycle_numpy(self):
     G = nx.DiGraph()
     pred,dist = nx.floyd_warshall_predecessor_and_distance(G)
     D = nx.utils.dict_to_numpy_array(dist)
Exemplo n.º 58
# make graph of reasonably nearby points
# make a spanning tree

from jds_image_proc import pcd_io
import scipy.spatial.distance as ssd, numpy as np
import networkx as nx

MAX_DIST = .03

(xyz,) , rgb = pcd_io.load_xyzrgb("/tmp/comm/rope_pts/data000000000093.pcd")
pdists = ssd.squareform(ssd.pdist(xyz))

G = nx.Graph()
for (i_from, row) in enumerate(pdists):
    to_inds = np.flatnonzero(row[:i_from] < MAX_DIST)
    for i_to in to_inds:
        G.add_edge(i_from, i_to, weight = pdists[i_from, i_to])

A = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G)
A[np.isinf(A)] = 0
(i_from_long, i_to_long) = np.unravel_index(A.argmax(), A.shape)
path = nx.shortest_path(G, source=i_from_long, target=i_to_long)

xyz_path = xyz[path,:]
import enthought.mayavi.mlab as mlab
mlab.points3d(*xyz.T, scale_factor=.025, color=(1,0,0))