def correlation_betweenness_degree_on_ER(): N = 1000 p = 0.004 G = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(N, p) print ND, ND_lambda = ECT.get_number_of_driver_nodes(G) ND, driverNodes = ECT.get_driver_nodes(G) degrees = [] betweenness = [] tot_degree = nx.degree_centrality(G) tot_betweenness = nx.betweenness_centrality(G,weight=None) for node in driverNodes: degrees.append(tot_degree[node]) betweenness.append(tot_betweenness[node]) with open("results/driver_degree_ER.txt", "w") as f: for x in degrees: print >> f, x with open("results/driver_betweenness_ER.txt", "w") as f: for x in betweenness: print >> f, x with open("results/tot_degree_ER.txt", "w") as f: for key, value in tot_degree.iteritems(): print >> f, value with open("results/tot_betweenness_ER.txt", "w") as f: for key, value in tot_betweenness.iteritems(): print >> f, value
def get_community_biconnections(commid, df, graph): print "Find biconnections in the community :", commid print biconnected_nodes = [] for e in graph.edges(): a, b = e if graph.has_edge(b,a) and a != b: # check if already there in the list if (a,b) in biconnected_nodes or (b,a) in biconnected_nodes: pass else: biconnected_nodes.append((a,b)) print "number of biconnected edges:", len(biconnected_nodes) source_nodes, target_nodes = zip(*biconnected_nodes) all_subgraph_nodes = set(source_nodes).union(set(target_nodes)) print "Unique nodes in the biconnections", len(all_subgraph_nodes) # get the subgraph of all biconnected edges # plot dfname = biconnbase+ str(commid) + '_biz_info.csv' bicon_df = df.loc[all_subgraph_nodes] print bicon_df.shape bicon_df.to_csv(dfname) # subgraph generated from the coordinates sgname = biconnbase+ str(commid) + '_sg_edgelist.ntx' sg = graph.subgraph(list(all_subgraph_nodes)) print nx.write_edgelist(sg, sgname, data=False)
def correlation_betweenness_degree_on_ErdosNetwork(): G = nx.read_pajek("dataset/") isolated_nodes = nx.isolates(G) G.remove_nodes_from(isolated_nodes) print ND, ND_lambda = ECT.get_number_of_driver_nodes(G) print "ND = ", ND print "ND lambda:", ND_lambda ND, driverNodes = ECT.get_driver_nodes(G) print "ND =", ND degrees = [] betweenness = [] tot_degree = nx.degree_centrality(G) tot_betweenness = nx.betweenness_centrality(G,weight=None) for node in driverNodes: degrees.append(tot_degree[node]) betweenness.append(tot_betweenness[node]) with open("results/driver_degree_Erdos.txt", "w") as f: for x in degrees: print >> f, x with open("results/driver_betweenness_Erdos.txt", "w") as f: for x in betweenness: print >> f, x with open("results/tot_degree_Erdos.txt", "w") as f: for key, value in tot_degree.iteritems(): print >> f, value with open("results/tot_betweenness_Erdos.txt", "w") as f: for key, value in tot_betweenness.iteritems(): print >> f, value
def correlation_betweenness_degree_on_BA(): n = 1000 m = 2 G = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(n, m) print ND, ND_lambda = ECT.get_number_of_driver_nodes(G) print "ND = ", ND print "ND lambda:", ND_lambda ND, driverNodes = ECT.get_driver_nodes(G) print "ND =", ND degrees = [] betweenness = [] tot_degree = nx.degree_centrality(G) tot_betweenness = nx.betweenness_centrality(G,weight=None) for node in driverNodes: degrees.append(tot_degree[node]) betweenness.append(tot_betweenness[node]) with open("results/driver_degree_BA.txt", "w") as f: for x in degrees: print >> f, x with open("results/driver_betweenness_BA.txt", "w") as f: for x in betweenness: print >> f, x with open("results/tot_degree_BA.txt", "w") as f: for key, value in tot_degree.iteritems(): print >> f, value with open("results/tot_betweenness_BA.txt", "w") as f: for key, value in tot_betweenness.iteritems(): print >> f, value
def correlation_betweenness_degree_on_WS(): n = 1000 k = 4 p = 0.01 G = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(n, k, p) print ND, ND_lambda = ECT.get_number_of_driver_nodes(G) ND, driverNodes = ECT.get_driver_nodes(G) degrees = [] betweenness = [] tot_degree = nx.degree_centrality(G) tot_betweenness = nx.betweenness_centrality(G,weight=None) for node in driverNodes: degrees.append(tot_degree[node]) betweenness.append(tot_betweenness[node]) with open("results/driver_degree_WS.txt", "w") as f: for x in degrees: print >> f, x with open("results/driver_betweenness_WS.txt", "w") as f: for x in betweenness: print >> f, x with open("results/tot_degree_WS.txt", "w") as f: for key, value in tot_degree.iteritems(): print >> f, value with open("results/tot_betweenness_WS.txt", "w") as f: for key, value in tot_betweenness.iteritems(): print >> f, value
def build_graph(self): ''' Build a networkx graph from WordNet ''' for synset in list(self.wordnet.all_synsets()): #for synset in list(self.wordnet.all_synsets('n'))[:10]: self.G.add_node( self.add_edges(synset, synset.hypernyms()) self.add_edges(synset, synset.hyponyms()) self.add_edges(synset, synset.instance_hypernyms()) self.add_edges(synset, synset.instance_hyponyms()) self.add_edges(synset, synset.member_holonyms()) self.add_edges(synset, synset.substance_holonyms()) self.add_edges(synset, synset.part_holonyms()) self.add_edges(synset, synset.member_meronyms()) self.add_edges(synset, synset.substance_meronyms()) self.add_edges(synset, synset.part_meronyms()) self.add_edges(synset, synset.attributes()) self.add_edges(synset, synset.entailments()) self.add_edges(synset, synset.causes()) self.add_edges(synset, synset.also_sees()) self.add_edges(synset, synset.verb_groups()) self.add_edges(synset, synset.similar_tos()) print
def summary(self): """ User friendly wrapping and display of graph properties """ print "\n Graph Summary:" print pass
def EigenvectorCentralityExperiment(G, min_target, max_target, filename): print print 'average eigenvector centrality: ', UF.average_eigenvector_centrality(G) X_eigenvector_centrality = [] Y_nD = [] target = min_target while target <= max_target: copyG = G.copy() new_G = SimulatedAnnealing(copyG, target, eigenvector_centrality_cost_function) eigenvector_centrality = UF.average_eigenvector_centrality(new_G) nD = SCT.controllability(new_G) X_eigenvector_centrality.append(eigenvector_centrality) Y_nD.append(nD) print "target = ", target, " EC = ", eigenvector_centrality, 'nD = ', nD target += 0.01 s = 'results/' + filename with open(s, "w") as f: for i in range(len(Y_nD)): print >> f, "%f %f"%(X_eigenvector_centrality[i], Y_nD[i]) return (X_eigenvector_centrality, Y_nD)
def computemaxweight(graph,path,protlist,path_lenght,alone): elements=[] nodes=[] ess=[] print "------Starting Graph------" print for i in path: max=0 for j in path[i]: count=0 for k in range(0,len(j)-1,1): count=count+float(graph.edge[j[k]][j[k+1]]["weight"]) if count>max: max=count elements=j ess.extend(elements[1:len(elements)-1]) ess=list(set(ess)) H=graph.subgraph(ess+protlist) #H.add_nodes_from(protlist) graphred=check(H,path_lenght,ess,protlist,path) nx.write_gpickle(graphred,"weightmaxfilter.gpickle") f1=open("weightproteins.txt","w") for i in graphred.nodes(): if i in alone: pass else: f1.write(i+"\n")
def main(): test_user = '******' test_graph = buildSocialGraph(test_user, twitter_only=True) print """
def simpleDisplay(ipaddress = "localhost",port = "9999"): ''' 利用每次处理后保存的图来进行恢复展示 :return: ''' # client,repo,stargazers,user = getRespond() # g = addTOGraph(repo,stargazers,user) # addEdge(stargazers,client,g) # getPopular(g) # savaGraph1(g) # top10(g) g = nx.read_gpickle("data/github.1") print print mtsw_users = [n for n in g if g.node[n]['type'] == 'user'] h = g.subgraph(mtsw_users) print print d = json_graph.node_link_data(h) json.dump(d, open('data/githubRec.json', 'w')) cmdstr = "python3 -m http.server %s" % port webbrowser.open_new_tab("http://%s:%s/%s.html"%(ipaddress,port, "display_githubRec")) os.system(cmdstr)
def splitGraphs(self,labels): """ split the graph into several subgraphs by labels """ id_label = [] ## load labels ## Node id start from 0 fid = open('labels','r') for line in fid: field = line.strip() id_label.append(int(field)) fid.close() ## calculate the number of different labels nodup_labels = set(id_label) K = len(nodup_labels) for i in range(0,K): f = open('subgraph_' + str(i) +'.sub','w') subG = [] for j in range(0,len(id_label)): if id_label[j] == i: subG.append(str(j)) G = self.G.subgraph(subG) print nx.write_edgelist(G,f)
def get_distance_dict(filename): g = nx.read_edgelist(filename) print "Read in edgelist file ", filename print path_length = nx.all_pairs_shortest_path_length(g) print len(path_length.keys()) print path_length
def data_prep(infofile, graphfile): # read in the total biz file # Preparing the data files df = pd.read_csv(infofile) #removing duplicate records df = df.groupby('pageid').first() print df.columns print df.index print df.shape print df.isnull().sum() df = df[df['latitude'] != 'N'] print "Dropping loc, lat = N: ", df.shape df = df.dropna() #df[df['latitude'] != 'N'] print "Dropping NA", df.shape #df.isnull().sum() # read in th original edgelist as a directed graph globalgraph= nx.read_edgelist(graphfile, create_using=nx.DiGraph(), nodetype=int) print "Original Graph:", print "Keeping it consistent, removing all nodes not in database:" pageids = list(df.index) prunedglobalgraph = globalgraph.subgraph(pageids) print return df, globalgraph
def check(graph,path_lenght,removable,protlist,path): rem=[] ess=[] for i in removable: count=0 flag=0 rem.append(i) H=graph.copy() H.remove_nodes_from(rem) for j in path: try: lenght=nx.shortest_path_length(H, j[0], j[1]) except: lenght=-1 if lenght==-1 or (lenght+1)!=path_lenght[j]: ess.append(i) flag=1 break else: count=count+1 if count==len(path): rem.append(i) elif flag==1: rem.remove(i) graph.add_nodes_from(protlist) graph.remove_nodes_from(rem) print #drawgraph(graph,protlist) return graph
def __init__( self, celltypes_file="nx_celltype_graph.edgelist", cells_file="nx_cell_graph.edgelist", format="edgelist", scale=1.0, ): """ celltypes_file -- file containing celltype-celltype connectivity graph cells_file -- file containing cell-cell connectivity graph format -- string representation of file format of the celltypes_file and cells_file. """ self.__celltype_graph = self._read_celltype_graph(celltypes_file, format=format) if not self.__celltype_graph: self.__celltype_graph = self._make_celltype_graph("connmatrix.txt", "cells.txt", scale=scale) self.__cell_graph = self._read_cell_graph(cells_file, format=format) if not self.__cell_graph: self.__cell_graph = self._make_cell_graph() start = print end = delta = end - start"Computed Graph info in: %g" % (delta.seconds + 1e-6 * delta.microseconds))
def info(self , verbose = False): print "--------------Cloud_Reg_graph info:-----------------" print ncloud = 0 nreg = 0 for node in self.nodes_iter(): if isinstance(node, nx.DiGraph): ncloud += 1 if node.number_of_nodes() == 0: if verbose: print "cloud ::\n empty cloud\n" continue if verbose: print "cloud ::" for prim in node.nodes_iter(): assert isinstance(prim, cc.circut_module), "cloud type %s " % str(prim.__class__) if verbose: prim.__print__() else: assert isinstance(node ,cc.circut_module) ,"reg type %s " % str(node.__class__) if verbose: print "fd ::" node.__print__() nreg += 1 assert len(self.big_clouds) == ncloud ,"%d %d"%(len(self.big_clouds),ncloud) print "Number of cloud:%d " % ncloud print "Number of register:%d" % nreg print "--------------------------------------"
def add_partitions_to_digraph(graph, partitiondict): ''' Add the partition numbers to a graph - in this case, using this to update the digraph, with partitions calc'd off the undirected graph. Yes, it's a bad hack. ''' g = graph nx.set_node_attributes(g, 'partition', partitiondict) return
def main(): ### Undirected graph ### # Initialize model using the Petersen graph model=gmm.gmm(nx.petersen_graph()) old_graph=model.get_base() model.set_termination(node_ceiling) model.set_rule(rand_add) # Run simualation with tau=4 and Poisson density for motifs gmm.algorithms.simulate(model,4) # View results new_graph=model.get_base() print( # Draw graphs old_pos=nx.spring_layout(old_graph) new_pos=nx.spring_layout(new_graph,iterations=2000) fig1=plt.figure(figsize=(15,7)) fig1.add_subplot(121) #fig1.text(0.1,0.9,"Base Graph") nx.draw(old_graph,pos=old_pos,node_size=25,with_labels=False) fig1.add_subplot(122) #fig1.text(0.1,0.45,"Simulation Results") nx.draw(new_graph,pos=new_pos,node_size=20,with_labels=False) fig1.savefig("undirected_model.png") ### Directed graph ### # Initialize model using random directed Barabasi-Albert model directed_base=nx.barabasi_albert_graph(25,2).to_directed() directed_model=gmm.gmm(directed_base) directed_model.set_termination(node_ceiling) directed_model.set_rule(rand_add) # Run simualation with tau=4 and Poisson density for motifs gmm.algorithms.simulate(directed_model,4) # View results new_directed=directed_model.get_base() print( # Draw directed graphs old_dir_pos=new_pos=nx.spring_layout(directed_base) new_dir_pos=new_pos=nx.spring_layout(new_directed,iterations=2000) fig2=plt.figure(figsize=(7,10)) fig2.add_subplot(211) fig2.text(0.1,0.9,"Base Directed Graph") nx.draw(directed_base,pos=old_dir_pos,node_size=25,with_labels=False) fig2.add_subplot(212) fig2.text(0.1,0.45, "Simualtion Results") nx.draw(new_directed,pos=new_dir_pos,node_size=20,with_labels=False) fig2.savefig("directed_model.png") # Export files nx.write_graphml(model.get_base(), "base_model.graphml") nx.write_graphml(directed_model.get_base(), "directed_model.graphml") nx.write_graphml(nx.petersen_graph(), "petersen_graph.graphml")
def main111(): if 1: G = nx.read_edgelist(infname) print # Graph adj matix A = nx.to_scipy_sparse_matrix(G) print type(A) from scipy import sparse, io io.mmwrite("Results/test.mtx", A) exit() # write to disk clustering coeffs for this graph snm.get_clust_coeff([G], 'orig', 'mmonth') # write to disk egienvalue snm.network_value_distribution([G], [], 'origMmonth') if 0: edgelist = np.loadtxt(infname, dtype=str, delimiter='\t') print edgelist[:4] idx = np.arange(len(edgelist)) np.random.shuffle(idx) subsamp_edgelist = edgelist[idx[:100]] G = nx.Graph() G.add_edges_from([(long(x), long(y)) for x, y in subsamp_edgelist]) # visualize this graph # visualize_graph(G) exit() G = nx.Graph() G.add_edges_from([(long(x), long(y)) for x, y in edgelist]) print print 'Done'
def draw_citing_users_follower_count(): df = pd.read_csv('Results/twtrs_follower_network.tsv', sep='\t', header=None) df.columns = ['src', 'followers'] count_followers = lambda row: len(row[1].split(',')) df['fCnt'] = df.apply(count_followers, axis=1) edglstdf = pd.read_csv('Results/clustered_relevant_users.tsv', sep='\t', header=None) eldf = edglstdf.apply(lambda row: [x.lstrip('[').rstrip(']') for x in row]) eldf.columns = ['src','trg'] eldf[['src']] = eldf[['src']].apply(pd.to_numeric) df = pd.merge(eldf,df, on='src') df[['src','trg','fCnt']].to_csv('Results/procjson_edglst.tsv', sep='\t', header=False, index=False) g=nx.Graph() g.add_edges_from(df[['src','trg']].values) print f, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(1.6*6., 1*6.)) # nx.draw_networkx(g, pos=nx.spring_layout(g), ax=axs, with_labels=False, node_size=df[['fCnt']]/float(len(df)), alpha=.5) pos=nx.spring_layout(g) # nx.draw_networkx(g, pos=pos, ax=axs, with_labels=False, alpha=.5, node_size=30) nx.draw_networkx_edges(g, pos=pos, ax=axs, alpha=0.5, width=0.8) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g, pos=pos, ax=axs, nodelist=list(df['src'].values), node_color='#7A83AC', node_size=30, alpha=0.5) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g, pos=pos, ax=axs, nodelist=list(df['trg'].values), node_color='k', node_size=20, alpha=0.8) axs.patch.set_facecolor('None') axs.set_xticks([]) #[None]# grid(True, which='both') axs.set_yticks([]) #[None]# grid(True, which='both') plt.savefig('figures/outfig', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) return
def phone_or_postid_pruning_network_construction(edge_list= path+'connected-component-analysis/network-profiling-data/cid6_analysis/cid6-edge-list', edge_phone_count=path+'connected-component-analysis/network-profiling-data/cid6_analysis/edge-count-phone.jl', phone_edge_list=path+'connected-component-analysis/network-profiling-data/cid6_analysis/cid6-edge-list-tagged-phone'): G = nx.read_edgelist(edge_list, delimiter='\t') print threshold = 50 count = 0 forbidden_phones = set() with, 'r', 'utf-8') as f: for line in f: obj = json.loads(line[0:-1]) if int(obj.keys()[0]) >= threshold: forbidden_phones = forbidden_phones.union(set(obj[obj.keys()[0]])) with, 'r', 'utf-8') as f: for line in f: fields = re.split('\t', line[0:-1]) phones = set(fields[2:]) if len(phones.intersection(forbidden_phones)) != 0: count += 1 G.remove_edge(fields[0], fields[1]) print str(count),' edges pruned from graph' ccs = sorted(nx.connected_components(G), key=len, reverse=True) print len(ccs) print len(ccs[0])
def simplify_edges(G): nodes = [] print "Compacting nodes of degree 2" for n in G.nodes(): if == 2: nodes.append(n) G.node[n]['pos'] = n nodes = list(set(nodes)) print "Simplifying an estimated %i nodes...."%len(nodes) while nodes: while nodes: nodes = list(set(nodes)) n = nodes.pop() neighbors = G.neighbors(n) G.remove_node(n) G.add_path(neighbors) for nn in neighbors: if == 2: nodes.append(nn) for n in G.nodes(): if == 2: nodes.append(n) nodes = list(set(nodes)) G = max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G), key=len) print #return G for n in G.nodes(): G.node[n]['pos'] = n
def Gephi_Graph(r_serv, graphpath, mincard, maxcard, insert_type): """Create Gephi Graph by calling a "Sub function": Create_Graph :param r_serv: -- connexion to redis database :param graphpath: -- the absolute path of the .gephi graph created. :param mincard: -- the minimum links between 2 nodes to be created :param maxcard: -- the maximum links between 2 nodes to be created :param insert_type: -- the type of datastructure used to create the graph. In fact this function is juste here to be able to choose between two kind of Redis database structure: One which is a Sorted set and the other a simple set. """ g = nx.Graph() if (insert_type == 0): for h in r_serv.smembers("hash"): Create_Graph(r_serv, g, h, graphpath, mincard, maxcard) elif (insert_type == 2): for h in r_serv.zrange("hash", 0, -1): Create_Graph(r_serv, g, h, graphpath, mincard, maxcard) nx.write_gexf(g,graphpath) print
def cid6_phone_edges_not_in_postid(tagged_phone_edge_list=path + 'connected-component-analysis/network-profiling-data/cid6_analysis/cid6-edge-list-tagged-phone', tagged_postid_edge_list=path + 'connected-component-analysis/network-profiling-data/cid6_analysis/cid6-edge-list-tagged-postid', out_file=path + 'connected-component-analysis/network-profiling-data/cid6_analysis/cid6-edge-list-tagged-phone-minus-postid' ): postid_edges = set() G = nx.Graph() with, 'r', 'utf-8') as f: for line in f: fields = re.split('\t', line[0:-1]) postid_edges.add(tuple(sorted([fields[0], fields[1]]))) # ccs = sorted(nx.connected_components(G), key=len, reverse=True) # print len(ccs) # print len(ccs[0]) # print out =, 'w', 'utf-8') with, 'r', 'utf-8') as f: for line in f: fields = re.split('\t', line[0:-1]) edge = sorted([fields[0], fields[1]]) if tuple(edge) not in postid_edges: out.write(line) G.add_edge(fields[0], fields[1]) out.close() print ccs = sorted(nx.connected_components(G), key=len, reverse=True) print len(ccs) print len(ccs[0])
def get_k_core(reviews_path,k_val): # Report start of process print "==================================" print "EXTRACTING K-CORE OF PID GRAPH " print "==================================" print "AT STEP #1: Determine which reviewer reviewed which products" # with ufora.remotely.downloadAll(): (PID_to_lines,PID_to_reviewerID) = get_PID_facts(reviews_path) print "At STEP #2: Created weighted edges" # with ufora.remotely.downloadAll(): weighted_edges = get_weighted_edges(PID_to_reviewerID) print "AT STEP #3: Create PID graph structure" # with ufora.remotely.downloadAll(): PID_graph = create_graph(PID_to_reviewerID,weighted_edges) print print "AT STEP #4: Extracting K-core" # with ufora.remotely.downloadAll(): k_core_graph = nx.k_core(PID_graph,k_val) print pickle.dump(graph,open("graph",'w')) print "DONE!"
def test_traversals(): name = 'ca-CondMat.edges.gz' G = nx.read_edgelist(name, comments='#', create_using=nx.Graph(), nodetype=int, data=False, edgetype=None) = name print N = G.number_of_nodes() f = 0.1 pk_real = degrees2pk([ for v in G]) # real node degree distribution qk_expected = qk_f(pk_real, f) # expected node degree distribution in a BFS sample of fraction f start_node = random.choice(G.nodes()) S = bfs(G, start_node, int(N*f)) qk_sampled = degrees2pk([ for v in S]) pk_corrected = estimate_pk(qk_sampled, f) print """ %2.1f - mean degree in raw BFS, actually sampled %2.1f - mean degree in raw BFS, expected by the RG(pk) model. ---- %2.1f - mean degree in G, calculated from the BFS sample according to the RG(pk) model. %2.1f - real mean degree in G """ % (mean_degree(qk_sampled), mean_degree(qk_expected), mean_degree(pk_corrected), mean_degree(pk_real))
def main(): # Load Zachary data, randomly delete nodes, and report zachary=nx.Graph(nx.read_pajek("")) # Do not want graph in default MultiGraph format"Original Zachary Data" print( zachary_subset=rand_delete(zachary, 15) # Remove half of the structure"Randomly Deleted Zachary Data" print( # Create model, and simulate zachary_model=gmm.gmm(zachary_subset,R=karate_rule,T=node_ceiling_34) gmm.algorithms.simulate(zachary_model,4,poisson=False,new_name="Simulation from sample") # Use tau=4 because data is so small (it's fun!) # Report and visualize print( fig=plt.figure(figsize=(30,10)) fig.add_subplot(131) nx.draw_spring(zachary,with_labels=False,node_size=45,iterations=5000) plt.text(0.01,-0.1,"Original Karate Club",color="darkblue",size=20) fig.add_subplot(132) nx.draw_spring(zachary_subset,with_labels=False,node_size=45,iterations=5000) plt.text(0.01,-0.1,"Random sample of Karate Club",color="darkblue",size=20) fig.add_subplot(133) nx.draw_spring(zachary_model.get_base(),with_labels=False,node_size=45,iterations=5000) plt.text(0.01,-0.1,"Simulation from random sample",color="darkblue",size=20) plt.savefig("zachary_simulation.png")
def calGraph(infile, mode = 1): #init Parameter inputpath = 'edge_list/' outputpath = 'network_output/' n = mode Data_G = inputpath+infile+'_'+str(n)+'.edgelist' #init Graph G = nx.read_edgelist(Data_G, create_using=nx.DiGraph()) GU = nx.read_edgelist(Data_G) #basci info print,'\n', average_degree = float(sum( print 'average degree :', average_degree degree_histogram = nx.degree_histogram(G) print 'degree histogram max :', degree_histogram[1] desity = nx.density(G) print 'desity :', desity #Approximation #Centrality degree_centrality = nx.degree_centrality(G) print 'degree centrality top 10 !', sorted_dict(degree_centrality)[:2] out_degree_centrality = nx.out_degree_centrality(G) print 'out degree centrality top 10 !', sorted_dict(out_degree_centrality)[:2]
def kinetic(fileName='P2_1_9_p07', M=None, N=None, axis=None): #FILE = "/home/xingzhong/MicrosoftGestureDataset-RC/data/%s"%fileName FILE = "/Users/xingzhong/Downloads/MicrosoftGestureDataset-RC/data/%s"%fileName truth = np.genfromtxt(FILE+'.tagstream', delimiter=';', skiprows=1, dtype=None, converters={0: lambda x: (int(x) *1000 + 49875/2)/49875}) nd = np.loadtxt(FILE+'.csv') nd = nd[np.where(nd[:,80]!=0)]# remove empty rows idx, ndd = map(int, nd[:,0]), nd[:, 1:] # unpack index and data m, n = ndd.shape panel = pd.Panel( ndd.reshape((m, 20, 4)), items=idx, major_axis=AGENTS, minor_axis=['x','y','z','v'] ).transpose(2, 0, 1) panel['dx'] = 1000* panel['x'].diff().fillna(0) panel['dy'] = 1000* panel['y'].diff().fillna(0) panel['dz'] = 1000* panel['z'].diff().fillna(0) panel = panel.transpose(2, 1, 0) samples = [s for s in instance_generator(panel, truth)] g = EventGraph() X = [np.array([0])] for aid, seq in enumerate (samples[0]): if M is not None and aid > M : break for t, atom in enumerate (seq): if N is not None and t > N: break elif not atom is None and t!=0: if axis: g.addEvent( Event(t, aid, atom )) X.append(atom) else: g.addEvent( Event(t, aid, np.array([atom[axis]]) )) X.append( np.array([atom[axis]]) ) g.buildEdges(delta = 1) print return g, X
def query(self, topic, max_depth=4, config=None, pivot_on=list(), dont_pivot_on=list(['enrichment', 'classification']), direction='successors'): """ :param topic: a graph to return the context of. At least one node ID in topic \ must be in full graph g to return any context. :param max_depth: The maximum distance from the topic to search :param config: The titanDB configuration to use if not using the one configured with the plugin :param pivot_on: A list of attribute types to pivot on. :param dont_pivot_on: A list of attribute types to not pivot on. :param direction: The direction to transverse the graph :return: subgraph in networkx format NOTE: If an attribute is in both pivot_on and dont_pivot_on it will not be pivoted on """ if config is None: config = self.titandb_config # Connect to TitanDB Database titan_graph = TITAN_Graph(config) # Convert the topic nodes into titanDB eids current_nodes = set() eid_uri_map = {} # Validate the node URI for node in topic.nodes(): titan_node = titan_graph.vertices.index.get_unique( "uri", topic.node[node]["uri"]) if titan_node: current_nodes.add(titan_node.eid) eid_uri_map[titan_node.eid] = node topic_nodes = frozenset(current_nodes) subgraph_nodes = current_nodes #sg = copy.deepcopy(topic) sg = nx.MultiDiGraph() sg.add_nodes_from(topic.nodes(data=True)) sg.add_edges_from(topic.edges(data=True)) distances = {node: 0 for node in topic.nodes()} # Below 1 line is probably not necessary # pivot_edges = list() # print "Initial current Nodes: {0}".format(current_nodes) # DEBUG for i in range(1, max_depth + 1): new_nodes = set() new_out_edges = set() new_in_edges = set() for eid in current_nodes: # properties = og.node[node] node = titan_graph.vertices.get(eid) # If all directions, get all neighbors if direction == 'all' or eid in topic_nodes: try: new_nodes = new_nodes.union({ n.eid for n in titan_graph.gremlin.query( "g.v({0}).both".format(eid)) }) except: pass try: new_out_edges = new_out_edges.union({ n.eid for n in titan_graph.gremlin.query( "g.v({0}).outE".format(eid)) }) except: pass try: new_in_edges = new_in_edges.union({ n.eid for n in titan_graph.gremlin.query( "g.v({0}).inE".format(eid)) }) except: pass # If there is a list of things to NOT pivot on, pivot on everything else elif dont_pivot_on and 'attribute' in node and )['attribute'] not in dont_pivot_on: try: new_nodes = new_nodes.union({ n.eid for n in titan_graph.gremlin.query( "g.v({0}).both".format(eid)) }) except: pass try: new_out_edges = new_out_edges.union({ n.eid for n in titan_graph.gremlin.query( "g.v({0}).outE".format(eid)) }) except: pass try: new_in_edges = new_in_edges.union({ n.eid for n in titan_graph.gremlin.query( "g.v({0}).inE".format(eid)) }) except: pass # Otherwise, only get all neighbors if the node is to be pivoted on. elif 'attribute' in node and \ node['attribute'] in pivot_on and \ node['attribute'] not in dont_pivot_on: try: new_nodes = new_nodes.union({ n.eid for n in titan_graph.gremlin.query( "g.v({0}).both".format(eid)) }) except: pass try: new_out_edges = new_out_edges.union({ n.eid for n in titan_graph.gremlin.query( "g.v({0}).outE".format(eid)) }) except: pass try: new_in_edges = new_in_edges.union({ n.eid for n in titan_graph.gremlin.query( "g.v({0}).inE".format(eid)) }) except: pass # If not all neighbors and not in pivot, if we are transversing up, get predecessors elif direction == 'predecessors': # add edges to make predecessors successors for later probability calculation try: new_nodes = new_nodes.union({ n.eid for n in titan_graph.gremlin.query( "g.v({0}).out".format(eid)) }) except: pass # add the reverse edges. These opposite of these edges will get placed in the subgraph try: new_in_edges = new_in_edges.union({ n.eid for n in titan_graph.gremlin.query( "g.v({0}).inE".format(eid)) }) except: pass # Otherwise assume we are transversing down and get all successors else: # default to successors try: new_nodes = new_nodes.union({ n.eid for n in titan_graph.gremlin.query( "g.v({0}).both".format(eid)) }) except: pass try: new_out_edges = new_out_edges.union({ n.eid for n in titan_graph.gremlin.query( "g.v({0}).outE".format(eid)) }) except: pass # Remove nodes from new_nodes that are already in the subgraph so we don't overwrite their topic distance current_nodes = new_nodes - subgraph_nodes # combine the new nodes into the subgraph nodes set subgraph_nodes = subgraph_nodes.union(current_nodes) # Copy nodes, out-edges, in-edges, and reverse in-edges into subgraph # Add nodes for neighbor_eid in new_nodes: attr = titan_graph.vertices.get(neighbor_eid).map() sg.add_node(attr['uri'], attr) eid_uri_map[neighbor_eid] = attr['uri'] # Add predecessor edges for out_eid in new_out_edges: out_edge = titan_graph.edges.get(out_eid) attr = sg.add_edge(eid_uri_map[out_edge._outV], eid_uri_map[out_edge._inV], out_eid, attr) # Add successor edges & reverse pivot edges for in_eid in new_in_edges: in_edge = titan_graph.edges.get(in_eid) attr = attr['origin'] = "subgraph_creation_pivot" sg.add_edge(eid_uri_map[in_edge._inV], eid_uri_map[in_edge._outV], in_eid, attr) # Set the distance from the topic on the nodes in the graph for eid in current_nodes: if eid_uri_map[eid] not in distances: distances[eid_uri_map[eid]] = i # logging.debug("Current nodes: {0}".format(current_nodes)) # DEBUG # add the distances to the subgraph nx.set_node_attributes(sg, "topic_distance", distances) logging.debug( # DEBUG # Return the subgraph return sg
import csv import networkx as nx from operator import itemgetter import community # Read in the nodelist file with open('edge_graph.csv', 'r') as nodecsv: nodereader = csv.reader(nodecsv) nodes = [n for n in nodereader][1:] # Get a list of just the node names (the first item in each row) node_names = [n[0] for n in nodes] # Read in the edgelist file with open('edge_graph.csv', 'r') as edgecsv: edgereader = csv.reader(edgecsv) edges = [tuple(e) for e in edgereader][1:] # Print the number of nodes and edges in our two lists print(len(node_names)) print(len(edges)) G = nx.Graph() # Initialize a Graph object G.add_nodes_from(node_names) # Add nodes to the Graph G.add_edges_from(edges) # Add edges to the Graph print( # Print information about the Graph print(G) nx.draw(G)
def load_network(self): # read METIS file self.G = utils.read_metis(self.DATA_FILENAME) self.initial_number_of_nodes = self.G.number_of_nodes( ) # used for computing metrics # Alpha value used in prediction model self.prediction_model_alpha = self.G.number_of_edges() * ( self.num_partitions / self.G.number_of_nodes()**2) if self.use_one_shot_alpha: self.prediction_model_alpha = self.one_shot_alpha # Order of nodes arriving self.arrival_order = list(range(0, self.G.number_of_nodes())) if self.SIMULATED_ARRIVAL_FILE == "": # mark all nodes as needing a shelter self.simulated_arrival_list = [1] * self.G.number_of_nodes() else: with open(self.SIMULATED_ARRIVAL_FILE, "r") as ar: self.simulated_arrival_list = [ int(line.rstrip('\n')) for line in ar ] # count the number of people arriving in the simulation self.number_simulated_arrivals = 0 for arrival in self.simulated_arrival_list: self.number_simulated_arrivals += arrival if self.verbose > 0: print("Graph loaded...") print( if nx.is_directed(self.G): print("Graph is directed") else: print("Graph is undirected") self.reset() # load displacement prediction weights if (self.PREDICTION_LIST_FILE == ""): self.predicted_displacement_weights = [ 1 ] * self.G.number_of_nodes() else: with open(self.PREDICTION_LIST_FILE, 'r') as plf: self.predicted_displacement_weights = [ float(line.rstrip('\n')) for line in plf ] # preserve original node/edge weight when modification functions are applied if self.graph_modification_functions: node_weights = { n[0]: n[1]['weight'] for n in self.G.nodes_iter(data=True) } nx.set_node_attributes(self.G, 'weight_orig', node_weights) edge_weights = {(e[0], e[1]): e[2]['weight'] for e in self.G.edges_iter(data=True)} nx.set_edge_attributes(self.G, 'weight_orig', edge_weights) # make a copy of the original graph since we may alter the graph later on # and may want to refer to information from the original graph self.originalG = self.G.copy()
def label_prop(): G = nx.read_edgelist("facebook_combined.txt", create_using=nx.Graph(), nodetype=int) print for i in G.nodes(): G.node[i]['label'] = i G.node[i]['ID'] = i G.node[i]['l_1'] = 0 G.node[i]['l_2'] = 0 G.node[i]['l_next'] = 0 ''' for n,nbrs in G.adjacency_iter(): for nbr,edict in nbrs.items(): if nbr==200: print n, nbrs, G.node[nbr]['label'] ''' mainStop = False i = 0 while (i < 100): if i == 99: set_communities = set() for n in G.nodes(): set_communities.add(G.node[n]['label']) print "the number of communities after 100 iterations==", len( set_communities) i += 1 mainStop = False l1_stop = True l2_stop = True for n in G.nodes(): if (not (G.node[n]['label'] == G.node[n]['l_1'])): l1_stop = False for n in G.nodes(): if (not (G.node[n]['label'] == G.node[n]['l_2'])): l2_stop = False #print l1_stop, l2_stop if (not (l1_stop or l2_stop)): #print "in not loop" for n, nbrs in G.adjacency_iter(): dict = {} dict.clear() for nbr, d in nbrs.items(): temp = G.node[nbr]['label'] if not dict.has_key(temp): dict = {temp: 1} else: dict[temp] += 1 max_key = 0 max_key = max(dict, key=dict.get) G.node[n]['l_next'] = max_key G.node[n]['l_2'] = G.node[n]['l_1'] G.node[n]['l_1'] = G.node[n]['label'] G.node[n]['label'] = max_key ''' for n in G.nodes(): G.node[n]['l_2']=G.node[n]['l_1'] G.node[n]['l_1']=G.node[n]['label'] G.node[n]['label']=G.node[n]['l_next'] ''' else: print "The Community converges" mainStop = True print i return i
def main(adminIsPoint=False): path = os.path.realpath( os.path.abspath( os.path.split(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))[0])) path = os.path.split(path)[0] dash = os.path.join(path, r'dashboard.xlsm') ctrl = pd.read_excel(dash, sheetname="AGGREGATE", index_col=0) district = ctrl['Weight'].loc['DISTRICT'] logging.basicConfig(filename=os.path.join(path, 'runtime', district, "PCS_Criticality_log.log"), level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s-%(levelname)s: %(message)s")"Starting Criticality Process") print "Running: Criticality Analysis on %s. Do not interrupt" % district # Path Settings outpath = os.path.join(path, 'Outputs', '%s' % district) runtime = os.path.join(path, r'PCS\Criticality\runtime\%s\\' % district) for d in [outpath, runtime]: if not os.path.isdir(d): os.mkdir(d) NETWORK_IN = os.path.join(path, r'runtime\%s\\' % district) OD_IN = os.path.join(path, 'PCS\Criticality\input', '%s' % district) DATA_IN = os.path.join(path, 'PCS\Criticality\Vietnam_Data_Layers') inAdmin = os.path.join(DATA_IN, 'Poverty_Communes_2009.shp') inNetworkFile = os.path.join(NETWORK_IN, 'Network.csv') crs_in = {'init': 'epsg:4326'} #WGS 84 #Create folders for analysis for d in [outpath, runtime, OD_IN]: if not os.path.isdir(d): os.mkdir(d) #Error checking - Check input data for curFile in [dash, inNetworkFile, inAdmin, DATA_IN, OD_IN, NETWORK_IN]: if not os.path.exists(curFile): logging.error("No input found: %s" % curFile) raise ValueError("No input found: %s" % curFile) inNetwork = pd.read_csv(inNetworkFile) ctrldf = pd.read_excel(dash, sheetname="CRITICALITY", index_col='COL_ID') #Inputs network = os.path.join(runtime, 'Network.shp') #Network Prep fillvalue = inNetwork['iri_med'].mean() inNetwork['TC_iri_med'] = inNetwork['iri_med'].fillna(fillvalue) inNetwork['total_cost'] = inNetwork['length'] * ( ctrldf['Base_cost_km'][0] + (ctrldf['IRI_Coeff'][0] * inNetwork['TC_iri_med'])) ginNetwork = gpd.GeoDataFrame(inNetwork, crs=crs_in, geometry=inNetwork['Line_Geometry'].map( shapely.wkt.loads)) ginNetwork.to_file(network, driver='ESRI Shapefile')"Successfully loaded data") if not adminIsPoint: prepareAdminCentroids(ginNetwork, inAdmin, crs_in, os.path.join(OD_IN, 'adm_centroids.shp'))"Created admin centroids") def makeOrigin(n, ctrldf): origindict = { 'name': ctrldf['OName'][n], 'file': os.path.join(path, 'PCS', 'Criticality', 'input', district, '%s.shp' % ctrldf['OName'][n]), 'scalar_column': ctrldf['OScalar'][n] } return origindict def makeDestination(n, ctrldf): destdict = { 'name': ctrldf['DName'][n], 'file': os.path.join(path, 'PCS', 'Criticality', 'input', district, '%s.shp' % ctrldf['DName'][n]), 'penalty': ctrldf['DPenalty'][n], 'importance': ctrldf['DImportance'][n], 'annual': ctrldf['DAnnual'][n], 'scalar_column': ctrldf['DScalar'][n] } return destdict origin_1, origin_2, origin_3, origin_4, origin_5 = makeOrigin( 0, ctrldf), makeOrigin(1, ctrldf), makeOrigin(2, ctrldf), makeOrigin( 3, ctrldf), makeOrigin(4, ctrldf) originlist = { '%s' % ctrldf['OName'][0]: origin_1, '%s' % ctrldf['OName'][1]: origin_2, '%s' % ctrldf['OName'][2]: origin_3, '%s' % ctrldf['OName'][3]: origin_4, '%s' % ctrldf['OName'][4]: origin_5, } destination_1, destination_2, destination_3, destination_4, destination_5 = makeDestination( 0, ctrldf), makeDestination(1, ctrldf), makeDestination( 2, ctrldf), makeDestination(3, ctrldf), makeDestination(4, ctrldf) destinationlist = { '%s' % ctrldf['DName'][0]: destination_1, '%s' % ctrldf['DName'][1]: destination_2, '%s' % ctrldf['DName'][2]: destination_3, '%s' % ctrldf['DName'][3]: destination_4, '%s' % ctrldf['DName'][4]: destination_5, } logging.debug("Opened origins and destinations") # Prepation of network gdf_points, gdf_node_pos, gdf = net_p.prepare_centroids_network( origin_1['file'], network) # Create Networkx MultiGraph object from the GeoDataFrame G = net_p.gdf_to_simplified_multidigraph(gdf_node_pos, gdf, simplify=False) # Change the MultiGraph object to Graph object to reduce computation cost G_tograph = net_p.multigraph_to_graph(G) logging.debug( 'Loaded road network: number of disconnected components is: %d' % nx.number_connected_components(G_tograph)) # Observe the properties of the Graph object # Take only the largest subgraph with all connected links len_old = 0 for g in nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G_tograph): if len(list(g.edges())) > len_old: G1 = g len_old = len(list(g.edges())) G_sub = G1.copy() # Save the simplified transport network into a GeoDataFrame gdf_sub = net_p.graph_to_df(G_sub) blank, gdf_node_pos2, gdf_new = net_p.prepare_newOD( origin_1['file'], gdf_sub) #Road Network Graph prep G2_multi = net_p.gdf_to_simplified_multidigraph(gdf_node_pos2, gdf_new, simplify=False) Filedump(gdf_new, 'Road_Lines', runtime) Filedump(gdf_node_pos2, 'Road_Nodes', runtime) G2 = net_p.multigraph_to_graph(G2_multi) gdf2 = net_p.graph_to_df(G2) nLink = len(G2.edges()) Outputs, cost_list, iso_list = [], [], [] for z in ctrldf.index: if (((ctrldf['ComboO'][z]) != 0) & ((ctrldf['ComboD'][z]) != 0) & (pd.notnull(ctrldf['ComboO'][z])) & (pd.notnull(ctrldf['ComboO'][z]))): Q = int(ctrldf['ComboNumber'][z]) 'Computing | combination %s as origin and %s as destination ' % (ctrldf['ComboO'][z], ctrldf['ComboD'][z])) xx = calculateOD(originlist['%s' % ctrldf['ComboO'][z]], destinationlist['%s' % ctrldf['ComboD'][z]], Q, gdf_sub, G2, nLink, gdf2, runtime, ctrldf) Outputs.append(xx) cost_list.append("Social_Cost_%s" % Q) iso_list.append("Isolated_Trips_%s" % Q) Output = inNetwork.drop(["geometry", 'TC_iri_med', 'total_cost'], axis=1) for o_d_calc in range(0, len(Outputs)): Output = Output.merge(Outputs[o_d_calc]['summary'], how='left', on='ID') Output['Cost_total'] = Output[cost_list].sum(axis=1) Output['Iso_total'] = Output[iso_list].sum(axis=1) Output['CRIT_SCORE'] = ( ctrldf['Disrupt_Weight'][0] * Output['Cost_total'] + ctrldf['Isolate_Weight'][0] * Output['Iso_total']) Output['CRIT_SCORE'] = ( (Output['CRIT_SCORE'] - Output['CRIT_SCORE'].min()) / (Output['CRIT_SCORE'].max() - Output['CRIT_SCORE'].min()))"Calculated PCS Criticality") FileOut(Output, 'criticality_output', outpath)
pSelection = 0.5 # When do add-ons start groupPercent = 0.5 #Intervals intervalPrimary = 10 intervalSecondary = 10 #Percentage to decide about Hubs percentageP = 0.07 percentageS = 0.15 #Get Node Lists nodeList = readNodes(nodeList, fileName) #Create the graph generateHInGBg(G_hybrid_btG, nodeList, kAverage, pSelection, groupPercent, intervalPrimary, intervalSecondary, percentageP, percentageS) print #Hubs percentage = 0.07 print getHubsAndDegrees(G_hybrid_btG, percentage) print getHubs(G_hybrid_btG, percentage) #Degree PlotDegreeDistribution(G_hybrid_btG, loglogplot=False) print 'Average Network Degree', np.average( #Clusters PlotClusteringDistribution(G_hybrid_btG, loglogplot=False) print nx.average_clustering(G_hybrid_btG) print nx.clustering(G_hybrid_btG)
def get_basic_info(graph_dict_list): for item in graph_dict_list: print(item["name"]) print(["graph"]))
def n2v_embedding(G, targets, verbose=False, sample_size=0.5, outfile_name="test.emb", p=-100, q=-100, binary_path="./node2vec", parameter_range=[0.25, 0.50, 1, 2, 4], embedding_dimension=128): ## construct the embedding and return the binary.. #./node2vec -i:graph/karate.edgelist -o:emb/karate.emb -l:3 -d:24 -p:0.3 -dr -v clf = OneVsRestClassifier(linear_model.LogisticRegression(), n_jobs=mp.cpu_count()) if verbose: print( N = len(G.nodes()) ## get the graph.. if not os.path.exists("tmp"): os.makedirs("tmp") tmp_graph = "tmp/tmpgraph.edges" out_graph = "tmp/tmpgraph.emb" number_of_nodes = len(G.nodes()) number_of_edges = len(G.edges()) if verbose: print("Graph has {} edges and {} nodes.".format( number_of_edges, number_of_nodes)) f = open(tmp_graph, "w+") #f.write(str(number_of_nodes)+" "+str(number_of_edges)+"\n") for e in G.edges(data=True): f.write( str(e[0]) + " " + str(e[1]) + " " + str(float(e[2]['weight'])) + "\n") f.close() if verbose: print("N2V training phase..") vals = parameter_range copt = 0 cset = [0, 0] dim = embedding_dimension if float(p) > -100 and float(q) > -100: print("Runing specific config of N2V.") call_node2vec_binary(tmp_graph, outfile_name, p=p, q=q, directed=False, weighted=True) else: ## commence the grid search for x in vals: for y in vals: call_node2vec_binary(tmp_graph, outfile_name, p=x, q=y, directed=False, weighted=True, binary=binary_path) print("parsing {}".format(outfile_name)) rdict = benchmark_node_classification( outfile_name, graph, targets, percent=float(sample_size)) mi, ma, misd, masd = rdict[float(sample_size)] if ma > copt: if verbose: print("Updating the parameters: {} {}".format( ma, cset)) cset = [x, y] copt = ma else: print("Current optimum {}".format(ma)) call(["rm", "-rf", outfile_name]) ## when updatedin delete the file print("Final iteration phase..") call_node2vec_binary(tmp_graph, outfile_name, p=cset[0], q=cset[1], directed=False, weighted=True, binary="./node2vec") with open(outfile_name, 'r') as f: fl = f.readline() print("Resulting dimensions:{}".format(fl)) call(["rm", "-rf", "tmp"])
def topographic_metrics(wn): # Get a copy of the graph G = wn.get_graph() # Print general topographic information print( # Plot node and edge attributes. junction_attr = wn.query_node_attribute('elevation', pipe_attr = wn.query_link_attribute('length',, node_attribute=junction_attr, link_attribute=pipe_attr, title='Node elevation and pipe length', node_size=40, link_width=2) # Compute link density print("Link density: " + str(nx.density(G))) # Compute node degree node_degree = dict(, node_attribute=node_degree, title='Node Degree', node_size=40, node_range=[1, 5]) # Compute number of terminal nodes terminal_nodes = G.terminal_nodes(), node_attribute=terminal_nodes, title='Terminal nodes', node_size=40, node_range=[0, 1]) print("Number of terminal nodes: " + str(len(terminal_nodes))) print(" " + str(terminal_nodes)) # Compute pipes with diameter > threshold diameter = 0.508 # m (20 inches) pipes = wn.query_link_attribute('diameter', np.greater, diameter), link_attribute=list(pipes.keys()), title='Pipes > 20 inches', link_width=2, link_range=[0, 1]) print("Number of pipes > 20 inches: " + str(len(pipes))) print(" " + str(pipes)) # Compute nodes with elevation <= treshold elevation = 1.524 # m (5 feet) nodes = wn.query_node_attribute('elevation', np.less_equal, elevation), node_attribute=list(nodes.keys()), title='Nodes <= 5 ft elevation', node_size=40, node_range=[0, 1]) print("Number of nodes <= 5 ft elevation: " + str(len(nodes))) print(" " + str(nodes)) # Compute eccentricity, diameter, and average shortest path length # These all use an undirected graph uG = G.to_undirected() # undirected graph if nx.is_connected(uG): ecc = nx.eccentricity(uG), node_attribute=ecc, title='Eccentricity', node_size=40, node_range=[15, 30]) print("Diameter: " + str(nx.diameter(uG))) ASPL = nx.average_shortest_path_length(uG) print("Average shortest path length: " + str(ASPL)) # Compute cluster coefficient clust_coefficients = nx.clustering(nx.Graph(G)), node_attribute=clust_coefficients, title='Clustering Coefficient', node_size=40) # Compute betweenness centrality bet_cen = nx.betweenness_centrality(G), node_attribute=bet_cen, title='Betweenness Centrality', node_size=40, node_range=[0, 0.4]) central_pt_dom = G.central_point_dominance() print("Central point dominance: " + str(central_pt_dom)) # Compute articulation points Nap = list(nx.articulation_points(uG)) Nap = list(set(Nap)) # get the unique nodes in Nap Nap_density = float(len(Nap)) / uG.number_of_nodes() print("Density of articulation points: " + str(Nap_density)), node_attribute=Nap, title='Articulation Point', node_size=40, node_range=[0, 1]) # Compute bridges bridges = G.bridges(), link_attribute=bridges, title='Bridges', link_width=2, link_range=[0, 1]) Nbr_density = float(len(bridges)) / G.number_of_edges() print("Density of bridges: " + str(Nbr_density)) # Compute spectal gap spectral_gap = G.spectral_gap() print("Spectal gap: " + str(spectral_gap)) # Compute algebraic connectivity alg_con = G.algebraic_connectivity() print("Algebraic connectivity: " + str(alg_con)) # Critical ratio of defragmentation fc = G.critical_ratio_defrag() print("Critical ratio of defragmentation: " + str(fc)) # Compute closeness centrality clo_cen = nx.closeness_centrality(G), node_attribute=clo_cen, title='Closeness Centrality', node_size=40)
import networkx as nx g = nx.read_gpickle("data/github.gpickle.1") print(
edgelist_format = [] for index, row in edgelist.iterrows(): # to get row indices of the data frame inside = [] inside.append([index, 'V1']) inside.append([index, 'V2']) edgelist_format.append(inside) # appending pairs to main list iteratively edgelist_format[:10] # inside only gets stored for the most recent iteration len(edgelist_format) # length is corect and last entry is correct - verified with data frame/csv file # Adding edges to the graph G.add_edges_from(edgelist_format) G ) # getting the correct number of edges in the graph object (number of nodes also coresponds to the max value # from the csv file) # degree sequence sorted in descending order degree_sequence = sorted([d for n, d in], reverse=True) degree_sequence[:50] # Sampling 1000 nodes from the degree sequence degree_sequence_sample = random.sample(degree_sequence, 1000) degree_sequence_sample.sort(reverse=True) # degree distribution for the true network degreeCount1 = collections.Counter(degree_sequence) degr, cont = zip(*degreeCount1.items()), cont, width=0.80, color='b')
import numpy as np import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys sys.path.append('./src') from dijkstra2 import dijkstra_2_src A = np.loadtxt('./WG59/wg59_dist.txt') G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A) T = dijkstra_2_src(G, 1, 5) #a = np.array([v for v in G.nodes()]) print( nx.draw(G) nx.draw(T)
def isomorphic_test_on_prod_rules(orig, tdfname, gname=""): """" orig: path to original/refernce input graph tdfname: path fragment for a set of td pro rules gname: graph name (str) returns: """ # if whole tree path # else, assume a path fragment print '... input graph :', os.path.basename(orig) print '... prod rules path frag :', tdfname G = load_edgelist(orig) # load edgelist into a graph obj N = G.number_of_nodes() M = G.number_of_edges() # +++ Graph Checks if G is None: sys.exit(1) G.remove_edges_from(G.selfloop_edges()) giant_nodes = max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G), key=len) G = nx.subgraph(G, giant_nodes) graph_checks(G) # --- graph checks = gname print "\t", files = glob(tdfname + "*.prs") stacked_df = pd.DataFrame() # mat_dict = {} # for i, x in enumerate(sorted(files)): # mat_dict[os.path.basename(x).split(".")[0].split("_")[-1]] = i # if DBG: print os.path.basename(x).split(".")[0].split("_")[-1] for prs in sorted(files): tname = os.path.basename(prs).split(".") tname = "_".join(tname[:2]) # print prs # with open(prs, 'r') as f: # read tree decomp from inddgo # lines = f.readlines() # lines = [x.rstrip('\r\n') for x in lines] df = pd.read_csv(prs, sep="\t", header=None) print tname df['cate'] = tname stacked_df = pd.concat([df, stacked_df]) # print df.shape print "\nStacked prod rules\n", "~" * 20 print " ", stacked_df.shape if args['verb']: print stacked_df.to_string() stacked_df.to_csv("../Results/{}_stacked_df.tsv".format(gname), sep="\t") if os.path.exists( "../Results/{}_stacked_df.tsv".format(gname)): print 'Wrote:', "../Results/{}_stacked_df.tsv".format(gname) print "\nisomorphic union of the rules (_mod probs)\n", "~" * 20 stacked_df.columns = ['rnbr', 'lhs', 'rhs', 'pr', df['cate'].name] iso_union, iso_interx = isomorph_intersection_2dfstacked(stacked_df) print " ", iso_union.shape if args['verb']: print iso_union.to_string() print "\nIsomorphic intersection of the prod rules\n", "~" * 20 iso_interx = iso_interx[[1,2,3,4]] # print iso_interx.head(); exit() iso_interx.to_csv('../Results/{}_isom_interxn.tsv'.format(gname), header=False, index=False, sep="\t") if os.path.exists('../Results/{}_isom_interxn.tsv'.format(gname)): print 'Wrote:', '../Results/{}_isom_interxn.tsv'.format(gname)
def build_directed_graph(df, path=work_david, year=2000, level='district', graph_type='directed', return_json=False): import networkx as nx import numpy as np from networkx import NetworkXNotImplemented """Build a directed graph with a specific level hierarchy and year/s. Input: df: original pandas DataFrame year: selected year/s level: district, county or city return_json: convert networkx DiGraph object toJSON object and return it. Output: G: networkx DiGraph object or JSON object""" print('Building {} graph with {} hierarchy level'.format( graph_type, level)) # source = level_dict.get(level)['source'] # target = level_dict.get(level)['target'] df_sliced = choose_year(df, year=year, dropna=True) node_sizes = node_sizes_source_target(df, year=year, level=level) # node_geo = get_lat_lon_from_df_per_year(df, year=year, level=level) # if weight_col is not None: # df['weights'] = normalize(df[weight_col], 1, 10) # else: # df['weights'] = np.ones(len(df)) # df = df[df['Percent-migrants'] != 0] G = create_G_with_df(df_sliced, level=level, graph_type=graph_type) # G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist( # df_sliced, # source=source, # target=target, # edge_attr=[ # source, # 'Percent-migrants', # 'Direction', # 'Number', # 'Total', # 'Distance', # 'Angle'], # create_using=Graph) # enter geographical coords as node attrs: geo = read_geo_name_cities(path=path) for col in geo.columns: dict_like = dict( zip([x for x in G.nodes()], [geo.loc[x, col] for x in G.nodes()])) nx.set_node_attributes(G, dict_like, name=col) # slice df for just inflow: df_in = df_sliced[df_sliced['Direction'] == 'inflow'] # calculate popularity index: pi_dict = calculate_poplarity_index_for_InID(df_in) total_dict_in = get_total_number_of_migrants(G, df_in, direction='In') total_dict_out = get_total_number_of_migrants(G, df_in, direction='Out') # set some node attrs: nx.set_node_attributes(G, total_dict_in, 'total_in') nx.set_node_attributes(G, total_dict_out, 'total_out') total_net = {} for (key1, val1), (key2, val2) in zip(total_dict_in.items(), total_dict_out.items()): assert key1 == key2 total_net[key1] = val1 - val2 nx.set_node_attributes(G, total_net, 'total_net') # check that net totals is zero across network (conservation of people:-): nets = [] for node in G.nodes(): nets.append(G.nodes()[node]['total_net']) assert sum(nets) == 0 nx.set_node_attributes(G, pi_dict, 'popularity') nx.set_node_attributes(G, node_sizes, 'size') # nx.set_node_attributes(G, node_geo, 'coords_lat_lon') = 'Israeli migration network' G.graph['level'] = level G.graph['year'] = year G.graph['density'] = nx.density(G) try: G.graph['triadic_closure'] = nx.transitivity(G) except NetworkXNotImplemented as e: print('nx.transitivity {}'.format(e)) # G.graph['global_reaching_centrality'] = nx.global_reaching_centrality(G, weight=weight_col) # G.graph['average_clustering'] = nx.average_clustering(G, weight=weight_col) # if weight_col is not None: # print('adding {} as weights'.format(weight_col)) # # add weights: # edgelist = [x for x in nx.to_edgelist(G)] # weighted_edges = [ # (edgelist[x][0], # edgelist[x][1], # edgelist[x][2][weight_col]) for x in range( # len(edgelist))] # G.add_weighted_edges_from(weighted_edges) print( for key, val in G.graph.items(): if isinstance(val, float): print(key + ' : {:.2f}'.format(val)) else: print(key + ' :', val) # G, metdf = calculate_metrics(G, weight_col=weight_col) if return_json: return nx.node_link_data(G) else: return G
#Bueno para recursar #Es buena debatiendo pero print("Cloud from: Low rec teachers") generate_word_cloud(low_rec_common) #tokens = [t for t in low_rec_common.split()] #freq = nltk.FreqDist(tokens) #freq.plot(20, cumulative=False) print("Cloud from: Medium rec teachers") generate_word_cloud(medium_rec_common) print("Cloud from: High rec teachers") generate_word_cloud(high_rec_common) #Compare the relevant words from each comment to every other comment to check for duplicates #if a duplicate exists, then add an edge between those two nodes. list_check = [] counter = 1 for i in range(0, len(comment_list) - 1): for j in range(counter, len(comment_list)): list_check = str(set(comment_list[i].split())) + str( set(comment_list[j].split())) if len(list_check) != len(set(list_check)): for k in range(0, len(list_check) - len(set(list_check))): graph.add_edge(comment_list[i], comment_list[j]) counter += 1 print( nx.draw_random(graph)
# ============================================================================= # edge, nodes准备 # ============================================================================= edges = corrMatrix.stack().reset_index() edges.columns = ['theOne', 'theOther', 'correlation'] # remove self correlations # list, 含 pairwise correlation信息 edges = edges.loc[edges['theOne'] != edges['theOther']].copy() # undirected graph with weights corresponding to the correlation magnitude G0 = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(edges, 'theOne', 'theOther', edge_attr=['correlation']) print( #%% # ============================================================================= # Density # ============================================================================= def get_density(G): # How many possible edges? possible_edges = len(G.nodes) * (len(G.nodes) - 1) / 2 actual_edges = len(G.edges) return actual_edges / possible_edges print('density: ', get_density(G0)) print('node connectivity: ', nx.node_connectivity(G0))
# まとめてedgeを追加 # G.add_edges_from([("A", "B"), ("B", "C"), ("B", "F"),("C", "D"), ("C", "E"), ("C", "F"), ("B", "F")]) # edgeを追加。有向グラフなので1つ目の引数がstart、2つ目の引数がtarget for node_start, node_target in nodes_list: print("node_start: %s, node_target: %s" % (node_start, node_target)) G.add_edge(node_start, node_target) print("Edges: ", G.edges()) # G.remove_node(nodes_list[0][0]) # G.remove_node(nodes_list[0][1]) # Graphオブジェクトの情報 print("Info: ", # nodeの総数 print("number of nodes:", G.number_of_nodes()) # nodeの要素一覧 print("Nodes:", G.nodes()) # edgeの総数 print("Number of edges:", G.number_of_edges()) # edgeの要素一覧 print("Edges:", G.edges()) # 次数(nodeが持つedgeの数) print("Degrees:", # 指定したノードに対する、隣接しているノードの数 print("Node: %s, Degree: %d" % ('0','0'))) # 指定したノードに対する、隣接しているノードの一覧 print("nx.all_neighbors: ", list(nx.all_neighbors(G, '0')))
user = client.get_user(USER) repo = user.get_repo(REPO) stargazers = list(repo.get_stargazers()) #加星的用户集合 print repo g = nx.DiGraph() g.add_node( + '(repo)', type='repo', lang=repo.language, owner=user.login) for sg in stargazers: g.add_node(sg.login + '(user)', type='user') g.add_edge(sg.login + '(user)', + '(repo)', type='gazes') # 打印图的基本属性 print(, '\n') # 打印项目和用户点的基本属性 print(g.node['findspark(repo)']) print(g.node['luzhijun(user)'], '\n') # 打印这条边属性 print(g['luzhijun(user)']['findspark(repo)']) # 打印起点为XXX的信息 print(g['luzhijun(user)']) print(g['findspark(repo)']) # 打印用户的出入度信息 print(g.in_edges(['luzhijun(user)'])) print(g.out_edges(['luzhijun(user)'])) # 打印项目的出入度信息 print(g.in_edges(['findspark(repo)'])) print(g.out_edges(['findspark(repo)']))
CDR.append(cdr) #print(c.msisdn,contact.msisdn,random_date().strftime("%d-%m-%y %H:%M"),random.randint(0,120*60)) network_dict = {} for cdr in CDR: connection = cdr.caller.msisdn + "->" + cdr.called.msisdn if connection not in network_dict: network_dict[connection] = 1 else: network_dict[connection] += 1 G_weighted = nx.Graph() for c in network_dict: G_weighted.add_edge(c.split("->")[0], c.split("->")[1], weight=network_dict[c]) print( pos = nx.spectral_layout(G_weighted) betCent = nx.betweenness_centrality(G_weighted, normalized=True, endpoints=True) node_color = [20000.0 * for v in G_weighted] node_size = [v * 1000 for v in betCent.values()] plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20)) nx.draw_networkx(G_weighted, pos=pos, with_labels=False, node_color=node_color, node_size=node_size)
print "Importing Libraries" import sys import networkx as nx print "Reading in Full Graph." g = nx.read_edgelist('data/wiki-Talk.txt', create_using=nx.DiGraph(), nodetype=int) print "Graph Imported, analysing basic info." file = open("results/basic_info.txt", "w+") file.write("*** Full Graph ***\n") print "Basic Graph Info." sys.stdout.flush() file.write( print "Reciprocity." sys.stdout.flush() reciprocated = 0 for (u, v) in g.edges_iter(): if g.has_edge(v, u): reciprocated = reciprocated + 1 file.write("\nReciprocity: {}\n".format( float(reciprocated) / nx.number_of_edges(g))) file.flush() print "Clustering." sys.stdout.flush() file.write("Clustering: {}\n".format(nx.average_clustering(g.to_undirected()))) file.close()
''' Creamos el grafo a partir del archivo datos.txt el cual contiene los valores de cada nodo y el peso de las aristas ''' GRAFO = nx.read_edgelist('data.txt', create_using=tipo_grafo, data=(('weight', float), )) # Definimos nodo origen y destino para determinar la rutina más corta del grafo origen = 'A' destino = 'D' ''' Imprimimos la información más importante del grafo como es el número de nodos, el número número de aristas y el grado promedio ''' print print("\n Ruta mas corta") # Método que nos permite calcular la ruta más corta del grafo usando Dijkstra ruta_mas_corta = nx.dijkstra_path(GRAFO, origen, destino) print(' -> '.join(ruta_mas_corta)) print("Longitud de la ruta mas corta") # Método que nos permite calcular la longitud de la ruta más corta del grafo print(nx.dijkstra_path_length(GRAFO, origen, destino)) # Métodos para dibujar el grafo en 2D con los nombres de cada nodo nx.draw(GRAFO, with_labels=True) # reorder nodes from 0,len(G)-1
node_id += 1 if edge1 in edges_map.keys(): edges_map[edge1].append(edge2) nr_edges += 1 else: edges_map[edge1] = [edge2] nr_edges += 1 G = nx.Graph() for n in nodes.keys(): G.add_node(nodes[n], id=nodes[n], predicate='user') for e in edges_map.keys(): for e1 in edges_map[e]: G.add_edge(nodes[e], nodes[e1]) pickle.dump(G, open(FILE_NAME, 'wb')) data = nx.read_gpickle(FILE_NAME) print("Nr nodes AMAZON: ", len(data.nodes())) print("Nr edges AMAZON: ", len(data.edges())) print("Max degree AMAZON: ", an.get_maximum_node_degree(data)) print("Density AMAZON: ", nx.density(data)) print("INFO AMAZON:", #print an.get_maximum_node_degree(graph) number_of_pages = 0 for node in data.nodes(): if data.node[node]['predicate'] == 'page': number_of_pages += 1 vis.visualize_graph_standard(data)
edges = [tuple(e) for e in df.values] # print('Nodes:', len(node_names)) # print('Edges:', len(edges)) # resultFile.write('Nodes: {} '.format(len(node_names)) + '\n') # print('\n') # This will create a new Graph object G = nx.Graph() # add your lists of nodes and edges like so: G.add_nodes_from(node_names) G.add_edges_from(edges) # get basic information about your newly-created network using the info function: print(, '\n') resultFile.write('# Information about the newly-created network is:\n{}'. format( + '\n\n') # Compute the following node measures: print('# Compute the following node measures: \n') resultFile.write('# Compute the following node measures:' + '\n\n') # a. Degree Centrality (normalized) degree_centrality = degree_centrality(G) sorted_degree = sorted(degree_centrality.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) print("# Top 10 nodes by degree centrality:") resultFile.write('# Top 10 nodes by degree centrality:' + '\n')
'''building graph from dataset using networkx''' import networkx as nx import pickle import json class Graph(object): def __init__(self, edges, author, w, trainingSet, testingSet): self.train = nx.Graph() self.test = nx.Graph() for (node1, node2), year in edges: weightEdge = 1 / w[(node1, node2)] if year >= trainingSet[0] and year <= trainingSet[1]: self.train.add_edge(node1, node2, weight=weightEdge) elif year >= testingSet[0] and year <= testingSet[1]: self.test.add_edge(node1, node2, weight=weightEdge) self.train = max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(self.train), key=len) if __name__ == "__main__": edges = pickle.load(open("newEdges.p", "rb")) authors = pickle.load(open("newAuthor.p", "rb")) w = pickle.load(open("weights.p", "rb")) dataGraph = Graph(edges, authors, w, [1967, 2006], [2007, 2017]) print( pickle.dump(dataGraph, open('graph_data.p', "wb"))
except: try: with open(datafn, 'rb') as f: G = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1') except Exception as ex: print(ex) print('Could not open graph: {}'.format(datafn)) sys.exit(0) for n in G.nodes(): G.node[n] = {} if method == 'percolation': G = max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G), key=len) print( ns = NodeRanking.get_instance(method, G) flag = 0 for s in ['asc', 'desc']: fn = os.path.join(output, '{}_{}_{}.pickle'.format(name, method, s)) if os.path.exists(fn): flag += 1 if flag < 2: ns.compute_node_scores() for s in ['asc', 'desc']: fn = os.path.join(output, '{}_{}_{}.pickle'.format(name, method, s))
def corpus_graph(self, language_file, limit_range=3000000, verbose=False, lemmatizer=None, stopwords=None, min_char=4, stemmer=None, input_type="file"): G = nx.DiGraph() ctx = 0 reps = False dictionary_with_counts_of_pairs = {} def process_line(line): nonlocal G nonlocal ctx nonlocal reps nonlocal dictionary_with_counts_of_pairs stop = list(string.punctuation) line = line.strip() line = [i for i in word_tokenize(line.lower()) if i not in stop] if not stopwords is None: line = [w for w in line if not w in stopwords] if not stemmer is None: line = [stemmer.stem(w) for w in line] if not lemmatizer is None: new_line = [] for x in line: lemma = lemmatizer.lemmatize(x) if not (lemma in self.inverse_lemmatizer_mapping): self.inverse_lemmatizer_mapping[lemma] = set() self.inverse_lemmatizer_mapping[lemma].add(x) new_line.append(lemma) line = new_line line = [x for x in line if len(x) > min_char] if len(line) > 1: ctx += 1 if ctx % 15000 == 0:"Processed {} sentences.".format(ctx)) if ctx % limit_range == 0: return True for enx, el in enumerate(line): if enx > 0: edge_directed = (line[enx - 1], el) if edge_directed[0] != edge_directed[1]: G.add_edge(edge_directed[0], edge_directed[1]) else: edge_directed = None if enx < len(line) - 1: edge_directed = (el, line[enx + 1]) if edge_directed[0] != edge_directed[1]: G.add_edge(edge_directed[0], edge_directed[1]) else: edge_directed = None if edge_directed: if edge_directed in dictionary_with_counts_of_pairs: dictionary_with_counts_of_pairs[edge_directed] += 1 reps = True else: dictionary_with_counts_of_pairs[edge_directed] = 1 return False if input_type == "file": with open(language_file) as lf: for line in lf: breakBool = process_line(line) if breakBool: break elif input_type == "text": lines = language_file.split("\n") for line in lines: breakBool = process_line(line) if breakBool: break ## assign edge properties. for edge in G.edges(data=True): try: edge[2]['weight'] = dictionary_with_counts_of_pairs[(edge[0], edge[1])] except Exception as es: raise (es) if verbose: print( return (G, reps)
prev_state = state if bystate is True: # now simplify the multigraph by adding up the weights of # multi-edges between any two nodes for e in mg1.edges(): if g1.has_edge(*e): continue #print "Sum: ", sum([i['weight'] for i in mg1[e[0]][e[1]].values()]) g1.add_edge(e[0], e[1], weight=sum( [i['weight'] for i in mg1[e[0]][e[1]].values()])) print #print "g1 nodes: ", str(g1.nodes()) #print "g1 edges: ", str(g1.edges(data=True)) #print "mg1 edges: ", str(mg1.edges(data=True)) #print "mg1 edges: ", str(mg1.edges(data=True)) g2 = nx.Graph(name="g2") for n1 in senators: for n2 in senators: if n1 == n2: continue n1_bills = g1.neighbors(n1) n2_bills = g1.neighbors(n2) common_bills = list(set(n1_bills) & set(n2_bills)) if len(common_bills) is 0:
import networkx as nx G = nx.Graph() G.add_node(1) G.add_nodes_from([2, 3]) G.add_edge(1, 2) print G.nodes() nx.draw(G) print
print(path) g1 = nx.scale_free_graph(size) cyjs1 = test_tools.TestTools.networkx_to_cyjs(g1) tt = test_tools.TestTools(BASE, VERBOSE) print(json.dumps(cyjs1)) # job_id = tt.post_job(path, json.dumps(cyjs1) ) job_id = tt.submit_network_to_service(path, cyjs1) res = tt.get_result(job_id, SLEEP_INTERVAL, 10) # print( res.json() ) cyjs2 = res.json() print(json.dumps(cyjs2, indent=4)) # print( 'Result is at' + job_id ) g2 = tt.cyjs_to_networkx(cyjs2) print( print(g2.nodes()) print(g2.edges()) print(tt.is_isomorphic(g1, g2)) # res = tt.delete_job( job_id ) # print(res) # print(json.dumps(res.json(), indent=4))
'source': np.array([ 0, 0.5])} width=[float(d['weight']*1.2) for (u,v,d) in gd.edges(data=True)] edge_labels=dict([((u,v,),d['weight']) for u,v,d in gd.edges(data=True)]) nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(gd,pos,edge_labels=edge_labels, font_size = 15, alpha = .5) nx.draw(gd, pos, node_size = 3000, node_color = 'orange', alpha = 0.2, width = width, edge_color='orange',style='solid') nx.draw_networkx_labels(gd,pos,font_size=18) # In[10]: # In[11]: # flow matrix m = fn.getFlowMatrix(gd) m # In[12]: fn.networkDissipate(gd)