Exemplo n.º 1
class NetzobAggregateRegex(NetzobRegex):
    """Represents an aggregate regex.

    Below is an example of such aggregate regex with two aggregated regexes..

    >>> from netzob.all import *
    >>> import regex as re
    >>> data = "Hello netzob, what's up ?"
    >>> hexData = TypeConverter.convert(data, ASCII, HexaString)

    >>> regex1 = NetzobRegex.buildRegexForStaticValue("Hello netzob")
    >>> regex2 = NetzobRegex.buildRegexForStaticValue(", what's up ?")
    >>> nRegex = NetzobRegex.buildRegexForAggregateRegexes([regex1, regex2])

    >>> compiledRegex = re.compile(str(nRegex))
    >>> dynamicDatas = compiledRegex.match(hexData)
    >>> print TypeConverter.convert(hexData[dynamicDatas.start(regex1.id):dynamicDatas.end(regex1.id)], HexaString, ASCII)
    Hello netzob
    >>> print TypeConverter.convert(hexData[dynamicDatas.start(regex2.id):dynamicDatas.end(regex2.id)], HexaString, ASCII)
    , what's up ?
    >>> print TypeConverter.convert(hexData[dynamicDatas.start(nRegex.id):dynamicDatas.end(nRegex.id)], HexaString, ASCII)
    Hello netzob, what's up ?


    def __init__(self, children):
        super(NetzobAggregateRegex, self).__init__()
        self.__children = TypedList(NetzobRegex)
        self.children = children

    def __updateRegex(self):
        self.regex = "".join([str(child) for child in self.children])

    def children(self):
        return self.__children

    def children(self, children):
        self._logger.debug("PAN {0}".format(children))
        # for child in children:
        #     if child is None:
        #         raise TypeError("No child can be None")
        for child in children:
            if child is not None:
Exemplo n.º 2
class NetzobAggregateRegex(NetzobRegex):
    """Represents an aggregate regex.

    Below is an example of such aggregate regex with two aggregated regexes..

    >>> from netzob.all import *
    >>> import regex as re
    >>> data = "Hello netzob, what's up ?"
    >>> hexData = TypeConverter.convert(data, ASCII, HexaString)

    >>> regex1 = NetzobRegex.buildRegexForStaticValue("Hello netzob")
    >>> regex2 = NetzobRegex.buildRegexForStaticValue(", what's up ?")
    >>> nRegex = NetzobRegex.buildRegexForAggregateRegexes([regex1, regex2])

    >>> compiledRegex = re.compile(str(nRegex))
    >>> dynamicDatas = compiledRegex.match(hexData)
    >>> print TypeConverter.convert(hexData[dynamicDatas.start(regex1.id):dynamicDatas.end(regex1.id)], HexaString, ASCII)
    Hello netzob
    >>> print TypeConverter.convert(hexData[dynamicDatas.start(regex2.id):dynamicDatas.end(regex2.id)], HexaString, ASCII)
    , what's up ?
    >>> print TypeConverter.convert(hexData[dynamicDatas.start(nRegex.id):dynamicDatas.end(nRegex.id)], HexaString, ASCII)
    Hello netzob, what's up ?

    def __init__(self, children):
        super(NetzobAggregateRegex, self).__init__()
        self.__children = TypedList(NetzobRegex)
        self.children = children

    def __updateRegex(self):
        self.regex = "".join([str(child) for child in self.children])

    def children(self):
        return self.__children

    def children(self, children):
        self._logger.debug("PAN {0}".format(children))
        # for child in children:
        #     if child is None:
        #         raise TypeError("No child can be None")
        for child in children:
            if child is not None:
Exemplo n.º 3
class NetzobAlternativeRegex(NetzobRegex):
    """Represents an alternative regex.

    >>> from netzob.all import *
    >>> import random
    >>> import regex as re
    >>> possibleData =["Netzob", "Zoby"]
    >>> data = random.choice(possibleData)
    >>> hexData = TypeConverter.convert(data, ASCII, HexaString)

    >>> regex1 = NetzobRegex.buildRegexForStaticValue("Netzob")
    >>> regex2 = NetzobRegex.buildRegexForStaticValue("Zoby")
    >>> nRegex = NetzobRegex.buildRegexForAlternativeRegexes([regex1, regex2])

    >>> compiledRegex = re.compile(str(nRegex))
    >>> dynamicDatas = compiledRegex.match(hexData)
    >>> matchedData = TypeConverter.convert(hexData[dynamicDatas.start(nRegex.id):dynamicDatas.end(nRegex.id)], HexaString, ASCII)
    >>> matchedData in possibleData


    def __init__(self, children):
        super(NetzobAlternativeRegex, self).__init__()
        self.__children = TypedList(NetzobRegex)
        self.children = children

    def __updateRegex(self):
        self.regex = "|".join([str(child) for child in self.children])

    def children(self):
        return self.__children

    def children(self, children):
        for child in children:
            if child is None:
                raise TypeError("No child can be None")
        for child in children:
Exemplo n.º 4
class NetzobAlternativeRegex(NetzobRegex):
    """Represents an alternative regex.

    >>> from netzob.all import *
    >>> import random
    >>> import regex as re
    >>> possibleData =["Netzob", "Zoby"]
    >>> data = random.choice(possibleData)
    >>> hexData = TypeConverter.convert(data, ASCII, HexaString)

    >>> regex1 = NetzobRegex.buildRegexForStaticValue("Netzob")
    >>> regex2 = NetzobRegex.buildRegexForStaticValue("Zoby")
    >>> nRegex = NetzobRegex.buildRegexForAlternativeRegexes([regex1, regex2])

    >>> compiledRegex = re.compile(str(nRegex))
    >>> dynamicDatas = compiledRegex.match(hexData)
    >>> matchedData = TypeConverter.convert(hexData[dynamicDatas.start(nRegex.id):dynamicDatas.end(nRegex.id)], HexaString, ASCII)
    >>> matchedData in possibleData

    def __init__(self, children):
        super(NetzobAlternativeRegex, self).__init__()
        self.__children = TypedList(NetzobRegex)
        self.children = children

    def __updateRegex(self):
        self.regex = "|".join([str(child) for child in self.children])

    def children(self):
        return self.__children

    def children(self, children):
        for child in children:
            if child is None:
                raise TypeError("No child can be None")
        for child in children:
Exemplo n.º 5
class AbstractField(AbstractMementoCreator, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    """Represents all the different classes which participates in fields definitions of a message format."""
    def __init__(self, name=None, meta=False):
        self.id = uuid.uuid4()
        self.name = name
        self.meta = meta
        self.description = ""

        self.__fields = TypedList(AbstractField)
        self.__parent = None

        self.__encodingFunctions = SortedTypedList(EncodingFunction)
        self.__visualizationFunctions = TypedList(VisualizationFunction)
        self.__transformationFunctions = TypedList(TransformationFunction)

        self._variable = None

    @typeCheck(bool, bool, bool)
    def getCells(self, encoded=True, styled=True, transposed=False):
        """Returns a matrix with a different line for each messages attached to the symbol of the current element.

        The matrix includes a different column for each leaf children of the current element.
        In each cell, the slices of messages once aligned.
        Attached :class:`EncodingFunction` can also be considered if parameter encoded is set to True.
        In addition, visualizationFunctions are also applied if parameter styled is set to True.
        If parameter Transposed is set to True, the matrix is built with rows for fields and columns for messages.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> messages = [RawMessage("hello {0}, what's up in {1} ?".format(pseudo, city)) for pseudo in ['netzob', 'zoby', 'lapy'] for city in ['Paris', 'Berlin', 'New-York']]
        >>> fh1 = Field(ASCII("hello "), name="hello")
        >>> fh2 = Field(Alt([ASCII("netzob"), ASCII("zoby"), ASCII("lapy"), ASCII("sygus")]), name="pseudo")
        >>> fheader = Field(name="header")
        >>> fheader.fields = [fh1, fh2]
        >>> fb1 = Field(ASCII(", what's up in "), name="whatsup")
        >>> fb2 = Field(["Paris", "Berlin", "New-York"], name="city")
        >>> fb3 = Field(" ?", name="end")
        >>> fbody = Field(name="body")
        >>> fbody.fields = [fb1, fb2, fb3]
        >>> symbol = Symbol([fheader, fbody], messages=messages)

        >>> print(symbol)
        hello    | pseudo   | whatsup           | city       | end 
        -------- | -------- | ----------------- | ---------- | ----
        'hello ' | 'netzob' | ", what's up in " | 'Paris'    | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'netzob' | ", what's up in " | 'Berlin'   | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'netzob' | ", what's up in " | 'New-York' | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | 'Paris'    | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | 'Berlin'   | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | 'New-York' | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'lapy'   | ", what's up in " | 'Paris'    | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'lapy'   | ", what's up in " | 'Berlin'   | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'lapy'   | ", what's up in " | 'New-York' | ' ?'
        -------- | -------- | ----------------- | ---------- | ----

        >>> fh1.addEncodingFunction(TypeEncodingFunction(HexaString))
        >>> fb2.addEncodingFunction(TypeEncodingFunction(HexaString))
        >>> print(symbol)
        hello          | pseudo   | whatsup           | city               | end 
        -------------- | -------- | ----------------- | ------------------ | ----
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'netzob' | ", what's up in " | '5061726973'       | ' ?'
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'netzob' | ", what's up in " | '4265726c696e'     | ' ?'
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'netzob' | ", what's up in " | '4e65772d596f726b' | ' ?'
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | '5061726973'       | ' ?'
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | '4265726c696e'     | ' ?'
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | '4e65772d596f726b' | ' ?'
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'lapy'   | ", what's up in " | '5061726973'       | ' ?'
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'lapy'   | ", what's up in " | '4265726c696e'     | ' ?'
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'lapy'   | ", what's up in " | '4e65772d596f726b' | ' ?'
        -------------- | -------- | ----------------- | ------------------ | ----

        >>> print(fheader.getCells()) 
        Field          | Field   
        -------------- | --------
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'netzob'
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'netzob'
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'netzob'
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'zoby'  
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'zoby'  
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'zoby'  
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'lapy'  
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'lapy'  
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'lapy'  
        -------------- | --------

        >>> print(fh1.getCells())

        >>> print(fh2.getCells())

        >>> print(fbody.getCells())
        Field             | Field              | Field
        ----------------- | ------------------ | -----
        ", what's up in " | '5061726973'       | ' ?' 
        ", what's up in " | '4265726c696e'     | ' ?' 
        ", what's up in " | '4e65772d596f726b' | ' ?' 
        ", what's up in " | '5061726973'       | ' ?' 
        ", what's up in " | '4265726c696e'     | ' ?' 
        ", what's up in " | '4e65772d596f726b' | ' ?' 
        ", what's up in " | '5061726973'       | ' ?' 
        ", what's up in " | '4265726c696e'     | ' ?' 
        ", what's up in " | '4e65772d596f726b' | ' ?' 
        ----------------- | ------------------ | -----

        >>> print(fb1.getCells())
        ", what's up in "
        ", what's up in "
        ", what's up in "
        ", what's up in "
        ", what's up in "
        ", what's up in "
        ", what's up in "
        ", what's up in "
        ", what's up in "

        >>> print(fb2.getCells())

        >>> print(fb3.getCells())
        ' ?' 
        ' ?' 
        ' ?' 
        ' ?' 
        ' ?' 
        ' ?' 
        ' ?' 
        ' ?' 
        ' ?' 

        :keyword encoded: if set to True, encoding functions are applied on returned cells
        :type encoded: :class:`bool`
        :keyword styled: if set to True, visualization functions are applied on returned cells
        :type styled: :class:`bool`
        :keyword transposed: is set to True, the returned matrix is transposed (1 line for each field)
        :type transposed: :class:`bool`

        :return: a matrix representing the aligned messages following fields definitions.
        :rtype: a :class:`netzob.Common.Utils.MatrixList.MatrixList`
        :raises: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField.AlignmentException` if an error occurs while aligning messages

        if len(self.messages) < 1:
            raise ValueError("This symbol does not contain any message.")

        # Fetch all the data to align
        data = [message.data for message in self.messages]

        # [DEBUG] set to false for debug only. A sequential alignment is more simple to debug
        useParallelAlignment = False

        if useParallelAlignment:
            # Execute a parallel alignment
            from netzob.Common.Utils.DataAlignment.ParallelDataAlignment import ParallelDataAlignment
            return ParallelDataAlignment.align(data, self, encoded=encoded)
            # Execute a sequential alignment
            from netzob.Common.Utils.DataAlignment.DataAlignment import DataAlignment
            return DataAlignment.align(data, self, encoded=encoded)

    @typeCheck(bool, bool)
    def getValues(self, encoded=True, styled=True):
        """Returns all the values the current element can take following messages attached to the symbol of current element.

        Specific encodingFunctions can also be considered if parameter encoded is set to True.
        In addition, visualizationFunctions are also applied if parameter styled is set to True.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> messages = [RawMessage("hello {0}, what's up in {1} ?".format(pseudo, city)) for pseudo in ['netzob', 'zoby', 'lapy'] for city in ['Paris', 'Berlin', 'New-York']]
        >>> f1 = Field("hello ", name="hello")
        >>> f2 = Field(["netzob", "zoby", "lapy", "sygus"], name="pseudo")
        >>> f3 = Field(", what's up in ", name="whatsup")
        >>> f4 = Field(["Paris", "Berlin", "New-York"], name="city")
        >>> f5 = Field(" ?", name="end")
        >>> symbol = Symbol([f1, f2, f3, f4, f5], messages=messages)
        >>> print(symbol)
        hello    | pseudo   | whatsup           | city       | end 
        -------- | -------- | ----------------- | ---------- | ----
        'hello ' | 'netzob' | ", what's up in " | 'Paris'    | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'netzob' | ", what's up in " | 'Berlin'   | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'netzob' | ", what's up in " | 'New-York' | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | 'Paris'    | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | 'Berlin'   | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | 'New-York' | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'lapy'   | ", what's up in " | 'Paris'    | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'lapy'   | ", what's up in " | 'Berlin'   | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'lapy'   | ", what's up in " | 'New-York' | ' ?'
        -------- | -------- | ----------------- | ---------- | ----

        >>> symbol.addEncodingFunction(TypeEncodingFunction(HexaString))
        >>> print(symbol)
        hello          | pseudo         | whatsup                          | city               | end   
        -------------- | -------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------ | ------
        '68656c6c6f20' | '6e65747a6f62' | '2c2077686174277320757020696e20' | '5061726973'       | '203f'
        '68656c6c6f20' | '6e65747a6f62' | '2c2077686174277320757020696e20' | '4265726c696e'     | '203f'
        '68656c6c6f20' | '6e65747a6f62' | '2c2077686174277320757020696e20' | '4e65772d596f726b' | '203f'
        '68656c6c6f20' | '7a6f6279'     | '2c2077686174277320757020696e20' | '5061726973'       | '203f'
        '68656c6c6f20' | '7a6f6279'     | '2c2077686174277320757020696e20' | '4265726c696e'     | '203f'
        '68656c6c6f20' | '7a6f6279'     | '2c2077686174277320757020696e20' | '4e65772d596f726b' | '203f'
        '68656c6c6f20' | '6c617079'     | '2c2077686174277320757020696e20' | '5061726973'       | '203f'
        '68656c6c6f20' | '6c617079'     | '2c2077686174277320757020696e20' | '4265726c696e'     | '203f'
        '68656c6c6f20' | '6c617079'     | '2c2077686174277320757020696e20' | '4e65772d596f726b' | '203f'
        -------------- | -------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------ | ------

        >>> print(symbol.getValues())
        [b'68656c6c6f206e65747a6f622c2077686174277320757020696e205061726973203f', b'68656c6c6f206e65747a6f622c2077686174277320757020696e204265726c696e203f', b'68656c6c6f206e65747a6f622c2077686174277320757020696e204e65772d596f726b203f', b'68656c6c6f207a6f62792c2077686174277320757020696e205061726973203f', b'68656c6c6f207a6f62792c2077686174277320757020696e204265726c696e203f', b'68656c6c6f207a6f62792c2077686174277320757020696e204e65772d596f726b203f', b'68656c6c6f206c6170792c2077686174277320757020696e205061726973203f', b'68656c6c6f206c6170792c2077686174277320757020696e204265726c696e203f', b'68656c6c6f206c6170792c2077686174277320757020696e204e65772d596f726b203f']
        >>> print(f1.getValues())
        [b'68656c6c6f20', b'68656c6c6f20', b'68656c6c6f20', b'68656c6c6f20', b'68656c6c6f20', b'68656c6c6f20', b'68656c6c6f20', b'68656c6c6f20', b'68656c6c6f20']
        >>> print(f2.getValues())
        [b'6e65747a6f62', b'6e65747a6f62', b'6e65747a6f62', b'7a6f6279', b'7a6f6279', b'7a6f6279', b'6c617079', b'6c617079', b'6c617079']
        >>> print(f3.getValues())
        [b'2c2077686174277320757020696e20', b'2c2077686174277320757020696e20', b'2c2077686174277320757020696e20', b'2c2077686174277320757020696e20', b'2c2077686174277320757020696e20', b'2c2077686174277320757020696e20', b'2c2077686174277320757020696e20', b'2c2077686174277320757020696e20', b'2c2077686174277320757020696e20']
        >>> print(f4.getValues())
        [b'5061726973', b'4265726c696e', b'4e65772d596f726b', b'5061726973', b'4265726c696e', b'4e65772d596f726b', b'5061726973', b'4265726c696e', b'4e65772d596f726b']
        >>> print(f5.getValues())
        [b'203f', b'203f', b'203f', b'203f', b'203f', b'203f', b'203f', b'203f', b'203f']

        :keyword encoded: if set to True, encoding functions are applied on returned cells
        :type encoded: :class:`bool`
        :keyword styled: if set to True, visualization functions are applied on returned cells
        :type styled: :class:`bool`

        :return: a list detailling all the values current element takes.
        :rtype: a :class:`list` of :class:`str`
        :raises: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField.AlignmentException` if an error occurs while aligning messages
        cells = self.getCells(encoded=encoded, styled=styled)
        values = []
        for line in cells:
        return values

    @typeCheck(bool, bool)
    def getMessageCells(self, encoded=False, styled=False):
        """Computes and returns the alignment of each message belonging to
        the current field as proposed by getCells() method but indexed
        per message.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> messages = [RawMessage("{0}, what's up in {1} ?".format(pseudo, city)) for pseudo in ['netzob', 'zoby'] for city in ['Paris', 'Berlin']]
        >>> f1 = Field(["netzob", "zoby", "lapy", "sygus"], name="pseudo")
        >>> f2 = Field(", what's up in ", name="whatsup")
        >>> f3 = Field(["Paris", "Berlin", "New-York"], name="city")
        >>> f4 = Field(" ?", name="end")
        >>> symbol = Symbol([f1, f2, f3, f4], messages=messages)
        >>> print(symbol)
        pseudo   | whatsup           | city     | end 
        -------- | ----------------- | -------- | ----
        'netzob' | ", what's up in " | 'Paris'  | ' ?'
        'netzob' | ", what's up in " | 'Berlin' | ' ?'
        'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | 'Paris'  | ' ?'
        'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | 'Berlin' | ' ?'
        -------- | ----------------- | -------- | ----

        >>> messageCells = symbol.getMessageCells()
        >>> for message in symbol.messages:
        ...    print(message.data, messageCells[message])
        netzob, what's up in Paris ? [b'netzob', b", what's up in ", b'Paris', b' ?']
        netzob, what's up in Berlin ? [b'netzob', b", what's up in ", b'Berlin', b' ?']
        zoby, what's up in Paris ? [b'zoby', b", what's up in ", b'Paris', b' ?']
        zoby, what's up in Berlin ? [b'zoby', b", what's up in ", b'Berlin', b' ?']
        >>> [f.name for f in messageCells.fields]
        ['pseudo', 'whatsup', 'city', 'end']

        :keyword encoded: if set to true, values are encoded
        :type encoded: :class:`bool`
        :keyword styled: if set to true, values are styled
        :type styled: :class:`bool`
        :return: a dict indexed by messages that denotes their cells
        :rtype: a :class:`dict`

        if encoded is None:
            raise TypeError("Encoded cannot be None")
        if styled is None:
            raise TypeError("Styled cannot be None")

        fieldCells = self.getCells(encoded=encoded, styled=styled)
        result = MessageCells()

        leaf_fields = self.getLeafFields()
        result.fields = leaf_fields

        for iMessage, message in enumerate(self.messages):
            result[message] = fieldCells[iMessage]
        return result

    @typeCheck(bool, bool)
    def getMessageValues(self, encoded=False, styled=False):
        """Computes and returns the alignment of each message belonging to
        the current field as proposed by getValues() method but indexed
        per message.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> messages = [RawMessage("{0}, what's up in {1} ?".format(pseudo, city)) for pseudo in ['netzob', 'zoby'] for city in ['Paris', 'Berlin']]
        >>> f1 = Field(["netzob", "zoby", "lapy", "sygus"], name="pseudo")
        >>> f2 = Field(", what's up in ", name="whatsup")
        >>> f3 = Field(["Paris", "Berlin", "New-York"], name="city")
        >>> f4 = Field(" ?", name="end")
        >>> symbol = Symbol([f1, f2, f3, f4], messages=messages)
        >>> print(symbol)
        pseudo   | whatsup           | city     | end 
        -------- | ----------------- | -------- | ----
        'netzob' | ", what's up in " | 'Paris'  | ' ?'
        'netzob' | ", what's up in " | 'Berlin' | ' ?'
        'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | 'Paris'  | ' ?'
        'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | 'Berlin' | ' ?'
        -------- | ----------------- | -------- | ----

        >>> messageValues = f3.getMessageValues()
        >>> for message in symbol.messages:
        ...    print(message.data, messageValues[message])
        netzob, what's up in Paris ? b'Paris'
        netzob, what's up in Berlin ? b'Berlin'
        zoby, what's up in Paris ? b'Paris'
        zoby, what's up in Berlin ? b'Berlin'

        :keyword encoded: if set to true, values are encoded
        :type encoded: :class:`bool`
        :keyword styled: if set to true, values are styled
        :type styled: :class:`bool`
        :return: a dict indexed by messages that denotes their values
        :rtype: a :class:`dict`

        if encoded is None:
            raise TypeError("Encoded cannot be None")
        if styled is None:
            raise TypeError("Styled cannot be None")

        result = OrderedDict()
        fieldValues = self.getValues(encoded=encoded, styled=styled)

        for iMessage, message in enumerate(self.messages):
            result[message] = fieldValues[iMessage]

        return result

    # def getMessagesWithValue(self, value):
    #     """Computes and returns the messages that have a specified value
    #     in the current field.

    #     >>> from netzob.all import *
    #     >>> messages = [RawMessage("hello {0}, what's up in {1} ?".format(pseudo, city)) for pseudo in ['netzob', 'zoby', 'lapy'] for city in ['Paris', 'Berlin', 'New-York']]
    #     >>> f1 = Field("hello ", name="hello")
    #     >>> f2 = Field(["netzob", "zoby", "lapy", "sygus"], name="pseudo")
    #     >>> f3 = Field(", what's up in ", name="whatsup")
    #     >>> f4 = Field(["Paris", "Berlin", "New-York"], name="city")
    #     >>> f5 = Field(" ?", name="end")
    #     >>> symbol = Symbol([f1, f2, f3, f4, f5], messages=messages)
    #     >>> print(symbol.specialize())
    #     >>> print(symbol)
    #     hello  | netzob | , what's up in  | Paris    |  ?
    #     hello  | netzob | , what's up in  | Berlin   |  ?
    #     hello  | netzob | , what's up in  | New-York |  ?
    #     hello  | zoby   | , what's up in  | Paris    |  ?
    #     hello  | zoby   | , what's up in  | Berlin   |  ?
    #     hello  | zoby   | , what's up in  | New-York |  ?
    #     hello  | lapy   | , what's up in  | Paris    |  ?
    #     hello  | lapy   | , what's up in  | Berlin   |  ?
    #     hello  | lapy   | , what's up in  | New-York |  ?
    #     >>> lapySymbol = Symbol(messages=symbol.fields[1].getMessagesWithValue("lapy"))
    #     >>> print(lapySymbol)
    #     hello lapy, what's up in Paris ?
    #     hello lapy, what's up in Berlin ?
    #     hello lapy, what's up in New-York ?
    #     >>> Format.splitStatic(lapySymbol)
    #     >>> lapySymbol.encodingFunctions.add(TypeEncodingFunction(HexaString))
    #     >>> print(lapySymbol)
    #     68656c6c6f206c6170792c2077686174277320757020696e20 | 5061726973203f
    #     68656c6c6f206c6170792c2077686174277320757020696e20 | 4265726c696e203f
    #     68656c6c6f206c6170792c2077686174277320757020696e20 | 4e65772d596f726b203f

    #     :parameter value: a Raw value
    #     :type value: :class:`object`
    #     :return: a list of messages
    #     :rtype: a list of :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Messages.AbstractMessage.AbstractMessage`
    #     """

    #     if value is None:
    #         raise TypeError("Value cannot be None")

    #     fieldValues = self.getValues(encoded=False, styled=False)
    #     result = []
    #     for i_message, message in enumerate(self.messages):
    #         if fieldValues[i_message] == value:
    #             result.append(message)
    #     return result

    def specialize(self, mutator=None):
        """Specialize and generate a :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Messages.RawMessage` which content
        follows the fields definitions attached to current element.

        :keyword mutator: if set, the mutator will be used to mutate the fields definitions
        :type mutator: :class:`netzob.Model.Mutators.AbstractMutator`

        :return: a generated content represented with an hexastring
        :rtype: :class:`str`
        :raises: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField.GenerationException` if an error occurs while generating a message

    def abstract(data, fields):
        """Search in the fields/symbols the first one that can abstract the data.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> messages = ["{0}, what's up in {1} ?".format(pseudo, city) for pseudo in ['netzob', 'zoby'] for city in ['Paris', 'Berlin']]

        >>> f1a = Field(name="name", domain="netzob")
        >>> f2a = Field(name="question", domain=", what's up in ")
        >>> f3a = Field(name="city", domain=Alt(["Paris", "Berlin"]))
        >>> f4a = Field(name="mark", domain=" ?")
        >>> s1 = Symbol([f1a, f2a, f3a, f4a], name="Symbol-netzob")

        >>> f1b = Field(name="name", domain="zoby")
        >>> f2b = Field(name="question", domain=", what's up in ")
        >>> f3b = Field(name="city", domain=Alt(["Paris", "Berlin"]))
        >>> f4b = Field(name="mark", domain=" ?")
        >>> s2 = Symbol([f1b, f2b, f3b, f4b], name="Symbol-zoby")

        >>> for m in messages:
        ...    (abstractedSymbol, structured_data) = AbstractField.abstract(m, [s1, s2])
        ...    print(structured_data)
        ...    print(abstractedSymbol.name)
        OrderedDict([('name', b'netzob'), ('question', b", what's up in "), ('city', b'Paris'), ('mark', b' ?')])
        OrderedDict([('name', b'netzob'), ('question', b", what's up in "), ('city', b'Berlin'), ('mark', b' ?')])
        OrderedDict([('name', b'zoby'), ('question', b", what's up in "), ('city', b'Paris'), ('mark', b' ?')])
        OrderedDict([('name', b'zoby'), ('question', b", what's up in "), ('city', b'Berlin'), ('mark', b' ?')])

        :parameter data: the data that should be abstracted in symbol
        :type data: :class:`str`
        :parameter fields: a list of fields/symbols targeted during the abstraction process
        :type fields: :class:`list` of :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField`

        :return: a field/symbol and the structured received message
        :rtype: a tuple (:class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField`, dict)
        :raises: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField.AbstractionException` if an error occurs while abstracting the data
        from netzob.Common.Utils.DataAlignment.DataAlignment import DataAlignment
        for field in fields:
                # Try to align/parse the data with the current field
                alignedData = DataAlignment.align([data], field, encoded=False)

                # If it matches, we build a dict that contains, for each field, the associated value that was present in the message
                structured_data = OrderedDict()
                for fields_value in alignedData:
                    for i, field_value in enumerate(fields_value):
                        structured_data[alignedData.headers[i]] = field_value
                return (field, structured_data)

        from netzob.Model.Vocabulary.UnknownSymbol import UnknownSymbol
        from netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Messages.RawMessage import RawMessage
        unknown_symbol = UnknownSymbol(RawMessage(data))
        structured_data = OrderedDict()
            "Impossible to abstract the message in one of the specified symbols, we create an unknown symbol for it: '%s'",

        return (unknown_symbol, structured_data)

    def getSymbol(self):
        """Computes the symbol to which this field is attached.

        To retrieve it, this method recursively call the parent of the current object until the root is found.
        If the last root is not a :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Symbol`, it raises an Exception.

        :returns: the symbol if available
        :type: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Symbol`
        :raises: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField.NoSymbolException`
        from netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Symbol import Symbol
        if isinstance(self, Symbol):
            return self
        elif self.hasParent():
            return self.parent.getSymbol()
            raise NoSymbolException(
                "Impossible to retrieve the symbol attached to this element")

    def getLeafFields(self,
        """Extract the leaf fields to consider regarding the specified depth

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> field = Field("hello", name="F0")
        >>> print([f.name for f in field.getLeafFields()])

        >>> field = Field(name="L0")
        >>> headerField = Field(name="L0_header")
        >>> payloadField = Field(name="L0_payload")
        >>> footerField = Field(name="L0_footer")

        >>> fieldL1 = Field(name="L1")
        >>> fieldL1_header = Field(name="L1_header")
        >>> fieldL1_payload = Field(name="L1_payload")
        >>> fieldL1.fields = [fieldL1_header, fieldL1_payload]

        >>> payloadField.fields = [fieldL1]
        >>> field.fields = [headerField, payloadField, footerField]

        >>> print([f.name for f in field.getLeafFields(depth=None)])
        ['L0_header', 'L1_header', 'L1_payload', 'L0_footer']

        >>> print([f.name for f in field.getLeafFields(depth=0)])

        >>> print([f.name for f in field.getLeafFields(depth=1)])
        ['L0_header', 'L0_payload', 'L0_footer']

        >>> print([f.name for f in field.getLeafFields(depth=2)])
        ['L0_header', 'L1', 'L0_footer']

        :return: the list of leaf fields
        :rtype: :class:`list` of :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField.AbstractField`.
        if currentDepth is None:
            currentDepth = 0

        if len(self.fields) == 0:
            return [self]

        if currentDepth == depth:
            return [self]

        leafFields = []
        for fields in self.fields:

            # Handle case where the field is pseudo (meaning it does not procude concrete value)
            if fields.isPseudoField:
                if includePseudoFields:
            if fields is not None:
                    fields.getLeafFields(depth, currentDepth + 1,

        return leafFields

    def hasParent(self):
        """Computes if the current element has a parent.

        :returns: True if current element has a parent.
        :rtype: :class:`bool`
        return self.__parent is not None

    def clearFields(self):
        """Remove all the children attached to the current element"""

        while (len(self.__fields) > 0):

    def clearEncodingFunctions(self):
        """Remove all the encoding functions attached to the current element"""
        self.__encodingFunctions = SortedTypedList(EncodingFunction)
        for child in self.fields:

    def clearVisualizationFunctions(self):
        """Remove all the visualization functions attached to the current element"""

        while (len(self.__visualizationFunctions) > 0):

    def clearTransformationFunctions(self):
        """Remove all the transformation functions attached to the current element"""

        while (len(self.__transformationFunctions) > 0):

    # Standard methods
    def __str__(self):
        result = self.getCells(encoded=True)
        if self.meta:
            for split_message in result:
                message1 = b''
                for part in split_message:
                        message1 += part
                first = True
                for message2 in self.messages:
                    if message1 == message2.data and first:
                        split_message.insert(0, message2.destination)
                        split_message.insert(0, message2.source)
                            split_message.insert(0, message2.session.name)
                            session_present = True
                            session_present = False
                        # split_message.insert(0, str(message2.date))
                        first = False
            if not first:
                # Add IP, Timestamp, PCAP etc to matrix headers
                result.headers.insert(0, 'Destination')
                result.headers.insert(0, 'Source')
                if session_present:
                    result.headers.insert(0, 'Session')
                    # matrix.headers.insert(0, 'Time')
        return str(result)

    def _str_debug(self, deepness=0):
        """Returns a string which denotes
        the current field definition using a tree display"""

        tab = ["|--  " for x in range(deepness)]
        lines = [''.join(tab)]
        from netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Field import Field
        if isinstance(self, Field):
            lines.append(self.domain._str_debug(deepness + 1))
        for f in self.fields:
            lines.append(f._str_debug(deepness + 1))
        return '\n'.join(lines)


    def id(self):
        """Unique identifier of the field.

        This value must be a unique UUID instance (generated with uuid.uuid4()).

        :type: :class:`uuid.UUID`
        :raises: :class:`TypeError`, :class:`ValueError`

        return self.__id

    def id(self, id):
        if id is None:
            raise ValueError("id is Mandatory.")
        self.__id = id

    def name(self):
        """Public name (may not be unique), default value is None

        :type: :class:`str`
        :raises: :class:`TypeError`

        return self.__name

    def name(self, name):
        self.__name = name

    def meta(self):
        """Meta boolean to print metadata,default is False

        :type: :class:`bool`
        :raises: :class:`TypeError`

        return self.__meta

    def meta(self, meta):
        self.__meta = meta

    def description(self):
        """User description of the field. Default value is ''.

        :type: :class:`str`
        :raises: :class:`TypeError`

        return self.__description

    def description(self, description):
        self.__description = description

    def encodingFunctions(self):
        """Sorted typed list of encoding function to attach on field.

        .. note:: list implemented as a :class:`netzob.Common.Utils.TypedList.TypedList`

        :type: a list of :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Functions.EncodingFunction`
        :raises: :class:`TypeError`

        .. warning:: Setting this value with a list copies its members and not the list itself.
        return self.__encodingFunctions

    def encodingFunctions(self, encodingFunctions):
        for encodingFunction in encodingFunctions:

    def addEncodingFunction(self, encodingFunction):
        for child in self.fields:

    def visualizationFunctions(self):
        """Sorted list of visualization function to attach on field.

        :type: a list of :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Functions.VisualizationFunction`
        :raises: :class:`TypeError`

        .. warning:: Setting this value with a list copies its members and not the list itself.

        return self.__visualizationFunctions

    def visualizationFunctions(self, visualizationFunctions):

    def transformationFunctions(self):
        """Sorted list of transformation function to attach on field.

        :type: a list of :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Functions.TransformationFunction`
        :raises: :class:`TypeError`

        .. warning:: Setting this value with a list copies its members and not the list itself.

        return self.__transformationFunctions

    def transformationFunctions(self, transformationFunctions):

    def fields(self):
        """Sorted list of field fields."""

        return self.__fields

    def fields(self, fields):
        from netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Field import Field
        # First it checks the specified children are abstractfiled
        if fields is not None:
            for c in fields:
                if not isinstance(c, Field):
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Cannot edit the fields because at least one specified element is not an AbstractField its a {0}."

        if fields is not None:
            for c in fields:
                c.parent = self

    def parent(self):
        """The parent of this current element.

        If current element has no parent, its value is **None**.

        :type: a :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField.AbstractField`
        :raises: :class:`TypeError`

        return self.__parent

    def parent(self, parent):
        if not isinstance(parent, AbstractField):
            raise TypeError(
                "Specified parent must be an AbstractField and not an {0}".
        self.__parent = parent

    def storeInMemento(self):

    def restoreFromMemento(self, memento):
Exemplo n.º 6
class Symbol(AbstractField):
    """A symbol represents a common abstraction for all its messages.

    For example, we can create a symbol based on two raw messages

    >>> from netzob.all import *
    >>> m1 = RawMessage("hello world")
    >>> m2 = RawMessage("hello earth")
    >>> fields = [Field("hello ", name="f0"), Field(["world", "earth"], name="f1")]

    >>> symbol = Symbol(fields, messages=[m1, m2])
    >>> print symbol
    f0       | f1     
    -------- | -------
    'hello ' | 'world'
    'hello ' | 'earth'
    -------- | -------

    Another example
    >>> from netzob.all import *
    >>> s = Symbol([Field("hello ", name="f0"), Field(ASCII(nbChars=(0, 10)), name="f1")])
    >>> s.messages.append(RawMessage("hello toto"))
    >>> print s
    f0       | f1    
    -------- | ------
    'hello ' | 'toto'
    -------- | ------


    def __init__(self, fields=None, messages=None, name="Symbol"):
        :keyword fields: the fields which participate in symbol definition
        :type fields: a :class:`list` of :class:`netzob.Common.Models.Vocabulary.Field`
        :keyword messages: the message that represent the symbol
        :type messages: a :class:`list` of :class:`netzob.Common.Models.Vocabulary.Messages.AbstractMessage.AbstractMessage`
        :keyword name: the name of the symbol
        :type name: :class:`str`
        super(Symbol, self).__init__(name, True)
        self.__messages = TypedList(AbstractMessage)
        if messages is None:
            messages = []
        self.messages = messages
        if fields is None:
            # create a default empty field
            fields = [Field()]
        self.fields = fields

    @typeCheck(Memory, object)
    def specialize(self, memory=None, generationStrategy=None, presets=None):
        """Specialize and generate an hexastring which content
        follows the fields definitions attached to the field of the symbol.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> f1 = Field(domain=ASCII(nbChars=5))
        >>> f0 = Field(domain=Size(f1))
        >>> s = Symbol(fields=[f0, f1])
        >>> result = s.specialize()
        >>> print result[0]
        >>> print len(result)

        You can also preset the value of some variables included in the symbol definition.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> f1 = Field(domain=ASCII("hello "))
        >>> f2 = Field(domain=ASCII(nbChars=(1,10)))
        >>> s = Symbol(fields = [f1, f2])
        >>> presetValues = dict()
        >>> presetValues[f2] = TypeConverter.convert("antoine", ASCII, BitArray)
        >>> print s.specialize(presets = presetValues)
        hello antoine

        A preseted valued bypasses all the constraints checks on your field definition.
        For example, in the following example it can be use to bypass a size field definition.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> f1 = Field()
        >>> f2 = Field(domain=Raw(nbBytes=(10,15)))
        >>> f1.domain = Size(f2)
        >>> s = Symbol(fields=[f1, f2])
        >>> presetValues = {f1: TypeConverter.convert("\xff", Raw, BitArray)}        
        >>> print repr(s.specialize(presets = presetValues)[0])

        :keyword generationStrategy: if set, the strategy will be used to generate the fields definitions
        :type generaionrStrategy: :class:``

        :return: a generated content represented as a Raw
        :rtype: :class:`str``
        :raises: :class:`netzob.Common.Models.Vocabulary.AbstractField.GenerationException` if an error occurs while generating a message
        from netzob.Common.Models.Vocabulary.Domain.Specializer.MessageSpecializer import MessageSpecializer
        msg = MessageSpecializer(memory=memory, presets=presets)
        spePath = msg.specializeSymbol(self)

        if spePath is not None:
            return TypeConverter.convert(spePath.generatedContent, BitArray, Raw)

    def clearMessages(self):
        """Delete all the messages attached to the current symbol"""
        while(len(self.__messages) > 0):

    # Properties

    def messages(self):
        """A list containing all the messages that this symbol represent.

        :type : a :class:`list` of :class:`netzob.Common.Models.Vocabulary.Messages.AbstractMessage.AbstractMessage`
        return self.__messages

    def messages(self, messages):
        if messages is None:
            messages = []

        # First it checks the specified messages are all AbstractMessages
        for msg in messages:
            if not isinstance(msg, AbstractMessage):
                raise TypeError("Cannot add messages of type {0} in the session, only AbstractMessages are allowed.".format(type(msg)))

        for msg in messages:
Exemplo n.º 7
class Symbol(AbstractField):
    """A symbol represents a common abstraction for all its messages.

    For example, we can create a symbol based on two raw messages

    >>> from netzob.all import *
    >>> m1 = RawMessage("hello world")
    >>> m2 = RawMessage("hello earth")
    >>> fields = [Field("hello ", name="f0"), Field(["world", "earth"], name="f1")]
    >>> symbol = Symbol(fields, messages=[m1, m2])
    >>> print(symbol)
    f0       | f1     
    -------- | -------
    'hello ' | 'world'
    'hello ' | 'earth'
    -------- | -------

    Another example
    >>> from netzob.all import *
    >>> s = Symbol([Field("hello ", name="f0"), Field(ASCII(nbChars=(0, 10)), name="f1")])
    >>> s.messages.append(RawMessage("hello toto"))
    >>> print(s)
    f0       | f1    
    -------- | ------
    'hello ' | 'toto'
    -------- | ------

    def __init__(self, fields=None, messages=None, name="Symbol", meta=False):
        :keyword fields: the fields which participate in symbol definition
        :type fields: a :class:`list` of :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Field`
        :keyword messages: the message that represent the symbol
        :type messages: a :class:`list` of :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Messages.AbstractMessage.AbstractMessage`
        :keyword name: the name of the symbol
        :type name: :class:`str`
        super(Symbol, self).__init__(name, meta)
        self.__messages = TypedList(AbstractMessage)
        if messages is None:
            messages = []
        self.messages = messages
        if fields is None:
            # create a default empty field
            fields = [Field()]
        self.fields = fields

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Symbol):
            return False
        if other is None:
            return False
        return self.name == other.name

    def __ne__(self, other):
        if other is None:
            return True
        if not isinstance(other, Symbol):
            return True
        return other.name != self.name

    def __key(self):
        return self.id

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(frozenset(self.name))

    @typeCheck(Memory, object)
    def specialize(self, memory=None, generationStrategy=None, presets=None):
        """Specialize and generate an hexastring which content
        follows the fields definitions attached to the field of the symbol.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> f1 = Field(domain=ASCII(nbChars=5))
        >>> f0 = Field(domain=Size(f1))
        >>> s = Symbol(fields=[f0, f1])
        >>> result = s.specialize()
        >>> print(result[0])
        >>> print(len(result))

        You can also preset the value of some variables included in the symbol definition.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> f1 = Field(domain=ASCII("hello "))
        >>> f2 = Field(domain=ASCII(nbChars=(1,10)))
        >>> s = Symbol(fields = [f1, f2])
        >>> presetValues = dict()
        >>> presetValues[f2] = TypeConverter.convert("antoine", ASCII, BitArray)
        >>> print(s.specialize(presets = presetValues))
        b'hello antoine'

        A preseted valued bypasses all the constraints checks on your field definition.
        For example, in the following example it can be use to bypass a size field definition.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> f1 = Field()
        >>> f2 = Field(domain=Raw(nbBytes=(10,15)))
        >>> f1.domain = Size(f2)
        >>> s = Symbol(fields=[f1, f2])
        >>> presetValues = {f1: TypeConverter.convert("\xff", Raw, BitArray)}        
        >>> print(s.specialize(presets = presetValues)[0])

        :keyword generationStrategy: if set, the strategy will be used to generate the fields definitions
        :type generaionrStrategy: :class:``

        :return: a generated content represented as a Raw
        :rtype: :class:`str``
        :raises: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField.GenerationException` if an error occurs while generating a message

        from netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Domain.Specializer.MessageSpecializer import MessageSpecializer
        msg = MessageSpecializer(memory=memory, presets=presets)
        spePath = msg.specializeSymbol(self)

        if spePath is not None:
            return TypeConverter.convert(spePath.generatedContent, BitArray,

    def clearMessages(self):
        """Delete all the messages attached to the current symbol"""
        while (len(self.__messages) > 0):

    # Properties

    def messages(self):
        """A list containing all the messages that this symbol represent.

        :type : a :class:`list` of :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Messages.AbstractMessage.AbstractMessage`
        return self.__messages

    def messages(self, messages):
        if messages is None:
            messages = []

        # First it checks the specified messages are all AbstractMessages
        for msg in messages:
            if not isinstance(msg, AbstractMessage):
                raise TypeError(
                    "Cannot add messages of type {0} in the session, only AbstractMessages are allowed."

        for msg in messages:

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.name
Exemplo n.º 8
class AbstractField(AbstractMementoCreator, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    """Represents all the different classes which participates in fields definitions of a message format."""

    def __init__(self, name=None, meta = False):
        self.id = uuid.uuid4()
        self.name = name
        self.meta = meta
        self.description = ""

        self.__fields = TypedList(AbstractField)
        self.__parent = None

        self.__encodingFunctions = SortedTypedList(EncodingFunction)
        self.__visualizationFunctions = TypedList(VisualizationFunction)
        self.__transformationFunctions = TypedList(TransformationFunction)

        self._variable = None

    @typeCheck(bool, bool, bool)
    def getCells(self, encoded=True, styled=True, transposed=False):
        """Returns a matrix with a different line for each messages attached to the symbol of the current element.

        The matrix includes a different column for each leaf children of the current element.
        In each cell, the slices of messages once aligned.
        Attached :class:`EncodingFunction` can also be considered if parameter encoded is set to True.
        In addition, visualizationFunctions are also applied if parameter styled is set to True.
        If parameter Transposed is set to True, the matrix is built with rows for fields and columns for messages.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> messages = [RawMessage("hello {0}, what's up in {1} ?".format(pseudo, city)) for pseudo in ['netzob', 'zoby', 'lapy'] for city in ['Paris', 'Berlin', 'New-York']]
        >>> fh1 = Field(ASCII("hello "), name="hello")
        >>> fh2 = Field(Alt([ASCII("netzob"), ASCII("zoby"), ASCII("lapy"), ASCII("sygus")]), name="pseudo")
        >>> fheader = Field(name="header")
        >>> fheader.fields = [fh1, fh2]
        >>> fb1 = Field(ASCII(", what's up in "), name="whatsup")
        >>> fb2 = Field(["Paris", "Berlin", "New-York"], name="city")
        >>> fb3 = Field(" ?", name="end")
        >>> fbody = Field(name="body")
        >>> fbody.fields = [fb1, fb2, fb3]
        >>> symbol = Symbol([fheader, fbody], messages=messages)

        >>> print(symbol)
        hello    | pseudo   | whatsup           | city       | end 
        -------- | -------- | ----------------- | ---------- | ----
        'hello ' | 'netzob' | ", what's up in " | 'Paris'    | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'netzob' | ", what's up in " | 'Berlin'   | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'netzob' | ", what's up in " | 'New-York' | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | 'Paris'    | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | 'Berlin'   | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | 'New-York' | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'lapy'   | ", what's up in " | 'Paris'    | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'lapy'   | ", what's up in " | 'Berlin'   | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'lapy'   | ", what's up in " | 'New-York' | ' ?'
        -------- | -------- | ----------------- | ---------- | ----

        >>> fh1.addEncodingFunction(TypeEncodingFunction(HexaString))
        >>> fb2.addEncodingFunction(TypeEncodingFunction(HexaString))
        >>> print(symbol)
        hello          | pseudo   | whatsup           | city               | end 
        -------------- | -------- | ----------------- | ------------------ | ----
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'netzob' | ", what's up in " | '5061726973'       | ' ?'
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'netzob' | ", what's up in " | '4265726c696e'     | ' ?'
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'netzob' | ", what's up in " | '4e65772d596f726b' | ' ?'
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | '5061726973'       | ' ?'
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | '4265726c696e'     | ' ?'
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | '4e65772d596f726b' | ' ?'
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'lapy'   | ", what's up in " | '5061726973'       | ' ?'
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'lapy'   | ", what's up in " | '4265726c696e'     | ' ?'
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'lapy'   | ", what's up in " | '4e65772d596f726b' | ' ?'
        -------------- | -------- | ----------------- | ------------------ | ----

        >>> print(fheader.getCells()) 
        Field          | Field   
        -------------- | --------
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'netzob'
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'netzob'
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'netzob'
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'zoby'  
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'zoby'  
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'zoby'  
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'lapy'  
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'lapy'  
        '68656c6c6f20' | 'lapy'  
        -------------- | --------

        >>> print(fh1.getCells())

        >>> print(fh2.getCells())

        >>> print(fbody.getCells())
        Field             | Field              | Field
        ----------------- | ------------------ | -----
        ", what's up in " | '5061726973'       | ' ?' 
        ", what's up in " | '4265726c696e'     | ' ?' 
        ", what's up in " | '4e65772d596f726b' | ' ?' 
        ", what's up in " | '5061726973'       | ' ?' 
        ", what's up in " | '4265726c696e'     | ' ?' 
        ", what's up in " | '4e65772d596f726b' | ' ?' 
        ", what's up in " | '5061726973'       | ' ?' 
        ", what's up in " | '4265726c696e'     | ' ?' 
        ", what's up in " | '4e65772d596f726b' | ' ?' 
        ----------------- | ------------------ | -----

        >>> print(fb1.getCells())
        ", what's up in "
        ", what's up in "
        ", what's up in "
        ", what's up in "
        ", what's up in "
        ", what's up in "
        ", what's up in "
        ", what's up in "
        ", what's up in "

        >>> print(fb2.getCells())

        >>> print(fb3.getCells())
        ' ?' 
        ' ?' 
        ' ?' 
        ' ?' 
        ' ?' 
        ' ?' 
        ' ?' 
        ' ?' 
        ' ?' 

        :keyword encoded: if set to True, encoding functions are applied on returned cells
        :type encoded: :class:`bool`
        :keyword styled: if set to True, visualization functions are applied on returned cells
        :type styled: :class:`bool`
        :keyword transposed: is set to True, the returned matrix is transposed (1 line for each field)
        :type transposed: :class:`bool`

        :return: a matrix representing the aligned messages following fields definitions.
        :rtype: a :class:`netzob.Common.Utils.MatrixList.MatrixList`
        :raises: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField.AlignmentException` if an error occurs while aligning messages

        if len(self.messages) < 1:
            raise ValueError("This symbol does not contain any message.")

        # Fetch all the data to align
        data = [message.data for message in self.messages]

        # [DEBUG] set to false for debug only. A sequential alignment is more simple to debug
        useParallelAlignment = False

        if useParallelAlignment:
            # Execute a parallel alignment
            from netzob.Common.Utils.DataAlignment.ParallelDataAlignment import ParallelDataAlignment
            return ParallelDataAlignment.align(data, self, encoded=encoded)
            # Execute a sequential alignment
            from netzob.Common.Utils.DataAlignment.DataAlignment import DataAlignment
            return DataAlignment.align(data, self, encoded=encoded)

    @typeCheck(bool, bool)
    def getValues(self, encoded=True, styled=True):
        """Returns all the values the current element can take following messages attached to the symbol of current element.

        Specific encodingFunctions can also be considered if parameter encoded is set to True.
        In addition, visualizationFunctions are also applied if parameter styled is set to True.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> messages = [RawMessage("hello {0}, what's up in {1} ?".format(pseudo, city)) for pseudo in ['netzob', 'zoby', 'lapy'] for city in ['Paris', 'Berlin', 'New-York']]
        >>> f1 = Field("hello ", name="hello")
        >>> f2 = Field(["netzob", "zoby", "lapy", "sygus"], name="pseudo")
        >>> f3 = Field(", what's up in ", name="whatsup")
        >>> f4 = Field(["Paris", "Berlin", "New-York"], name="city")
        >>> f5 = Field(" ?", name="end")
        >>> symbol = Symbol([f1, f2, f3, f4, f5], messages=messages)
        >>> print(symbol)
        hello    | pseudo   | whatsup           | city       | end 
        -------- | -------- | ----------------- | ---------- | ----
        'hello ' | 'netzob' | ", what's up in " | 'Paris'    | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'netzob' | ", what's up in " | 'Berlin'   | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'netzob' | ", what's up in " | 'New-York' | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | 'Paris'    | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | 'Berlin'   | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | 'New-York' | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'lapy'   | ", what's up in " | 'Paris'    | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'lapy'   | ", what's up in " | 'Berlin'   | ' ?'
        'hello ' | 'lapy'   | ", what's up in " | 'New-York' | ' ?'
        -------- | -------- | ----------------- | ---------- | ----

        >>> symbol.addEncodingFunction(TypeEncodingFunction(HexaString))
        >>> print(symbol)
        hello          | pseudo         | whatsup                          | city               | end   
        -------------- | -------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------ | ------
        '68656c6c6f20' | '6e65747a6f62' | '2c2077686174277320757020696e20' | '5061726973'       | '203f'
        '68656c6c6f20' | '6e65747a6f62' | '2c2077686174277320757020696e20' | '4265726c696e'     | '203f'
        '68656c6c6f20' | '6e65747a6f62' | '2c2077686174277320757020696e20' | '4e65772d596f726b' | '203f'
        '68656c6c6f20' | '7a6f6279'     | '2c2077686174277320757020696e20' | '5061726973'       | '203f'
        '68656c6c6f20' | '7a6f6279'     | '2c2077686174277320757020696e20' | '4265726c696e'     | '203f'
        '68656c6c6f20' | '7a6f6279'     | '2c2077686174277320757020696e20' | '4e65772d596f726b' | '203f'
        '68656c6c6f20' | '6c617079'     | '2c2077686174277320757020696e20' | '5061726973'       | '203f'
        '68656c6c6f20' | '6c617079'     | '2c2077686174277320757020696e20' | '4265726c696e'     | '203f'
        '68656c6c6f20' | '6c617079'     | '2c2077686174277320757020696e20' | '4e65772d596f726b' | '203f'
        -------------- | -------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------ | ------

        >>> print(symbol.getValues())
        [b'68656c6c6f206e65747a6f622c2077686174277320757020696e205061726973203f', b'68656c6c6f206e65747a6f622c2077686174277320757020696e204265726c696e203f', b'68656c6c6f206e65747a6f622c2077686174277320757020696e204e65772d596f726b203f', b'68656c6c6f207a6f62792c2077686174277320757020696e205061726973203f', b'68656c6c6f207a6f62792c2077686174277320757020696e204265726c696e203f', b'68656c6c6f207a6f62792c2077686174277320757020696e204e65772d596f726b203f', b'68656c6c6f206c6170792c2077686174277320757020696e205061726973203f', b'68656c6c6f206c6170792c2077686174277320757020696e204265726c696e203f', b'68656c6c6f206c6170792c2077686174277320757020696e204e65772d596f726b203f']
        >>> print(f1.getValues())
        [b'68656c6c6f20', b'68656c6c6f20', b'68656c6c6f20', b'68656c6c6f20', b'68656c6c6f20', b'68656c6c6f20', b'68656c6c6f20', b'68656c6c6f20', b'68656c6c6f20']
        >>> print(f2.getValues())
        [b'6e65747a6f62', b'6e65747a6f62', b'6e65747a6f62', b'7a6f6279', b'7a6f6279', b'7a6f6279', b'6c617079', b'6c617079', b'6c617079']
        >>> print(f3.getValues())
        [b'2c2077686174277320757020696e20', b'2c2077686174277320757020696e20', b'2c2077686174277320757020696e20', b'2c2077686174277320757020696e20', b'2c2077686174277320757020696e20', b'2c2077686174277320757020696e20', b'2c2077686174277320757020696e20', b'2c2077686174277320757020696e20', b'2c2077686174277320757020696e20']
        >>> print(f4.getValues())
        [b'5061726973', b'4265726c696e', b'4e65772d596f726b', b'5061726973', b'4265726c696e', b'4e65772d596f726b', b'5061726973', b'4265726c696e', b'4e65772d596f726b']
        >>> print(f5.getValues())
        [b'203f', b'203f', b'203f', b'203f', b'203f', b'203f', b'203f', b'203f', b'203f']

        :keyword encoded: if set to True, encoding functions are applied on returned cells
        :type encoded: :class:`bool`
        :keyword styled: if set to True, visualization functions are applied on returned cells
        :type styled: :class:`bool`

        :return: a list detailling all the values current element takes.
        :rtype: a :class:`list` of :class:`str`
        :raises: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField.AlignmentException` if an error occurs while aligning messages
        cells = self.getCells(encoded=encoded, styled=styled)
        values = []
        for line in cells:
        return values

    @typeCheck(bool, bool)
    def getMessageCells(self, encoded=False, styled=False):
        """Computes and returns the alignment of each message belonging to
        the current field as proposed by getCells() method but indexed
        per message.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> messages = [RawMessage("{0}, what's up in {1} ?".format(pseudo, city)) for pseudo in ['netzob', 'zoby'] for city in ['Paris', 'Berlin']]
        >>> f1 = Field(["netzob", "zoby", "lapy", "sygus"], name="pseudo")
        >>> f2 = Field(", what's up in ", name="whatsup")
        >>> f3 = Field(["Paris", "Berlin", "New-York"], name="city")
        >>> f4 = Field(" ?", name="end")
        >>> symbol = Symbol([f1, f2, f3, f4], messages=messages)
        >>> print(symbol)
        pseudo   | whatsup           | city     | end 
        -------- | ----------------- | -------- | ----
        'netzob' | ", what's up in " | 'Paris'  | ' ?'
        'netzob' | ", what's up in " | 'Berlin' | ' ?'
        'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | 'Paris'  | ' ?'
        'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | 'Berlin' | ' ?'
        -------- | ----------------- | -------- | ----

        >>> messageCells = symbol.getMessageCells()
        >>> for message in symbol.messages:
        ...    print(message.data, messageCells[message])
        netzob, what's up in Paris ? [b'netzob', b", what's up in ", b'Paris', b' ?']
        netzob, what's up in Berlin ? [b'netzob', b", what's up in ", b'Berlin', b' ?']
        zoby, what's up in Paris ? [b'zoby', b", what's up in ", b'Paris', b' ?']
        zoby, what's up in Berlin ? [b'zoby', b", what's up in ", b'Berlin', b' ?']
        >>> [f.name for f in messageCells.fields]
        ['pseudo', 'whatsup', 'city', 'end']

        :keyword encoded: if set to true, values are encoded
        :type encoded: :class:`bool`
        :keyword styled: if set to true, values are styled
        :type styled: :class:`bool`
        :return: a dict indexed by messages that denotes their cells
        :rtype: a :class:`dict`

        if encoded is None:
            raise TypeError("Encoded cannot be None")
        if styled is None:
            raise TypeError("Styled cannot be None")

        fieldCells = self.getCells(encoded=encoded, styled=styled)
        result = MessageCells()

        leaf_fields = self.getLeafFields()
        result.fields = leaf_fields
        for iMessage, message in enumerate(self.messages):
            result[message] = fieldCells[iMessage]
        return result

    @typeCheck(bool, bool)
    def getMessageValues(self, encoded=False, styled=False):
        """Computes and returns the alignment of each message belonging to
        the current field as proposed by getValues() method but indexed
        per message.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> messages = [RawMessage("{0}, what's up in {1} ?".format(pseudo, city)) for pseudo in ['netzob', 'zoby'] for city in ['Paris', 'Berlin']]
        >>> f1 = Field(["netzob", "zoby", "lapy", "sygus"], name="pseudo")
        >>> f2 = Field(", what's up in ", name="whatsup")
        >>> f3 = Field(["Paris", "Berlin", "New-York"], name="city")
        >>> f4 = Field(" ?", name="end")
        >>> symbol = Symbol([f1, f2, f3, f4], messages=messages)
        >>> print(symbol)
        pseudo   | whatsup           | city     | end 
        -------- | ----------------- | -------- | ----
        'netzob' | ", what's up in " | 'Paris'  | ' ?'
        'netzob' | ", what's up in " | 'Berlin' | ' ?'
        'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | 'Paris'  | ' ?'
        'zoby'   | ", what's up in " | 'Berlin' | ' ?'
        -------- | ----------------- | -------- | ----

        >>> messageValues = f3.getMessageValues()
        >>> for message in symbol.messages:
        ...    print(message.data, messageValues[message])
        netzob, what's up in Paris ? b'Paris'
        netzob, what's up in Berlin ? b'Berlin'
        zoby, what's up in Paris ? b'Paris'
        zoby, what's up in Berlin ? b'Berlin'

        :keyword encoded: if set to true, values are encoded
        :type encoded: :class:`bool`
        :keyword styled: if set to true, values are styled
        :type styled: :class:`bool`
        :return: a dict indexed by messages that denotes their values
        :rtype: a :class:`dict`

        if encoded is None:
            raise TypeError("Encoded cannot be None")
        if styled is None:
            raise TypeError("Styled cannot be None")

        result = OrderedDict()
        fieldValues = self.getValues(encoded=encoded, styled=styled)

        for iMessage, message in enumerate(self.messages):
            result[message] = fieldValues[iMessage]

        return result

    # def getMessagesWithValue(self, value):
    #     """Computes and returns the messages that have a specified value
    #     in the current field.

    #     >>> from netzob.all import *
    #     >>> messages = [RawMessage("hello {0}, what's up in {1} ?".format(pseudo, city)) for pseudo in ['netzob', 'zoby', 'lapy'] for city in ['Paris', 'Berlin', 'New-York']]
    #     >>> f1 = Field("hello ", name="hello")
    #     >>> f2 = Field(["netzob", "zoby", "lapy", "sygus"], name="pseudo")
    #     >>> f3 = Field(", what's up in ", name="whatsup")
    #     >>> f4 = Field(["Paris", "Berlin", "New-York"], name="city")
    #     >>> f5 = Field(" ?", name="end")
    #     >>> symbol = Symbol([f1, f2, f3, f4, f5], messages=messages)
    #     >>> print(symbol.specialize())
    #     >>> print(symbol)
    #     hello  | netzob | , what's up in  | Paris    |  ?
    #     hello  | netzob | , what's up in  | Berlin   |  ?
    #     hello  | netzob | , what's up in  | New-York |  ?
    #     hello  | zoby   | , what's up in  | Paris    |  ?
    #     hello  | zoby   | , what's up in  | Berlin   |  ?
    #     hello  | zoby   | , what's up in  | New-York |  ?
    #     hello  | lapy   | , what's up in  | Paris    |  ?
    #     hello  | lapy   | , what's up in  | Berlin   |  ?
    #     hello  | lapy   | , what's up in  | New-York |  ?
    #     >>> lapySymbol = Symbol(messages=symbol.fields[1].getMessagesWithValue("lapy"))
    #     >>> print(lapySymbol)
    #     hello lapy, what's up in Paris ?   
    #     hello lapy, what's up in Berlin ?  
    #     hello lapy, what's up in New-York ?
    #     >>> Format.splitStatic(lapySymbol)
    #     >>> lapySymbol.encodingFunctions.add(TypeEncodingFunction(HexaString))
    #     >>> print(lapySymbol)
    #     68656c6c6f206c6170792c2077686174277320757020696e20 | 5061726973203f      
    #     68656c6c6f206c6170792c2077686174277320757020696e20 | 4265726c696e203f    
    #     68656c6c6f206c6170792c2077686174277320757020696e20 | 4e65772d596f726b203f

    #     :parameter value: a Raw value
    #     :type value: :class:`object`
    #     :return: a list of messages
    #     :rtype: a list of :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Messages.AbstractMessage.AbstractMessage`
    #     """

    #     if value is None:
    #         raise TypeError("Value cannot be None")

    #     fieldValues = self.getValues(encoded=False, styled=False)
    #     result = []
    #     for i_message, message in enumerate(self.messages):
    #         if fieldValues[i_message] == value:
    #             result.append(message)
    #     return result

    def specialize(self, mutator=None):
        """Specialize and generate a :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Messages.RawMessage` which content
        follows the fields definitions attached to current element.

        :keyword mutator: if set, the mutator will be used to mutate the fields definitions
        :type mutator: :class:`netzob.Model.Mutators.AbstractMutator`

        :return: a generated content represented with an hexastring
        :rtype: :class:`str`
        :raises: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField.GenerationException` if an error occurs while generating a message

    def abstract(data, fields):
        """Search in the fields/symbols the first one that can abstract the data.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> messages = ["{0}, what's up in {1} ?".format(pseudo, city) for pseudo in ['netzob', 'zoby'] for city in ['Paris', 'Berlin']]

        >>> f1a = Field(name="name", domain="netzob")
        >>> f2a = Field(name="question", domain=", what's up in ")
        >>> f3a = Field(name="city", domain=Alt(["Paris", "Berlin"]))
        >>> f4a = Field(name="mark", domain=" ?")
        >>> s1 = Symbol([f1a, f2a, f3a, f4a], name="Symbol-netzob")

        >>> f1b = Field(name="name", domain="zoby")
        >>> f2b = Field(name="question", domain=", what's up in ")
        >>> f3b = Field(name="city", domain=Alt(["Paris", "Berlin"]))
        >>> f4b = Field(name="mark", domain=" ?")
        >>> s2 = Symbol([f1b, f2b, f3b, f4b], name="Symbol-zoby")

        >>> for m in messages:
        ...    (abstractedSymbol, structured_data) = AbstractField.abstract(m, [s1, s2])
        ...    print(structured_data)
        ...    print(abstractedSymbol.name)
        OrderedDict([('name', b'netzob'), ('question', b", what's up in "), ('city', b'Paris'), ('mark', b' ?')])
        OrderedDict([('name', b'netzob'), ('question', b", what's up in "), ('city', b'Berlin'), ('mark', b' ?')])
        OrderedDict([('name', b'zoby'), ('question', b", what's up in "), ('city', b'Paris'), ('mark', b' ?')])
        OrderedDict([('name', b'zoby'), ('question', b", what's up in "), ('city', b'Berlin'), ('mark', b' ?')])

        :parameter data: the data that should be abstracted in symbol
        :type data: :class:`str`
        :parameter fields: a list of fields/symbols targeted during the abstraction process
        :type fields: :class:`list` of :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField`

        :return: a field/symbol and the structured received message
        :rtype: a tuple (:class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField`, dict)
        :raises: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField.AbstractionException` if an error occurs while abstracting the data
        from netzob.Common.Utils.DataAlignment.DataAlignment import DataAlignment
        for field in fields:
                # Try to align/parse the data with the current field
                alignedData = DataAlignment.align([data], field, encoded=False)

                # If it matches, we build a dict that contains, for each field, the associated value that was present in the message
                structured_data = OrderedDict()
                for fields_value in alignedData:
                    for i, field_value in enumerate(fields_value):
                        structured_data[alignedData.headers[i]] = field_value
                return (field, structured_data)

        from netzob.Model.Vocabulary.UnknownSymbol import UnknownSymbol
        from netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Messages.RawMessage import RawMessage
        unknown_symbol = UnknownSymbol(RawMessage(data))
        structured_data = OrderedDict()
        logging.error("Impossible to abstract the message in one of the specified symbols, we create an unknown symbol for it: '%s'", unknown_symbol)

        return (unknown_symbol, structured_data)

    def getSymbol(self):
        """Computes the symbol to which this field is attached.

        To retrieve it, this method recursively call the parent of the current object until the root is found.
        If the last root is not a :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Symbol`, it raises an Exception.

        :returns: the symbol if available
        :type: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Symbol`
        :raises: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField.NoSymbolException`
        from netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Symbol import Symbol
        if isinstance(self, Symbol):
            return self
        elif self.hasParent():
            return self.parent.getSymbol()
            raise NoSymbolException(
                "Impossible to retrieve the symbol attached to this element")

    def getLeafFields(self, depth=None, currentDepth=0, includePseudoFields=False):
        """Extract the leaf fields to consider regarding the specified depth

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> field = Field("hello", name="F0")
        >>> print([f.name for f in field.getLeafFields()])

        >>> field = Field(name="L0")
        >>> headerField = Field(name="L0_header")
        >>> payloadField = Field(name="L0_payload")
        >>> footerField = Field(name="L0_footer")

        >>> fieldL1 = Field(name="L1")
        >>> fieldL1_header = Field(name="L1_header")
        >>> fieldL1_payload = Field(name="L1_payload")
        >>> fieldL1.fields = [fieldL1_header, fieldL1_payload]

        >>> payloadField.fields = [fieldL1]
        >>> field.fields = [headerField, payloadField, footerField]

        >>> print([f.name for f in field.getLeafFields(depth=None)])
        ['L0_header', 'L1_header', 'L1_payload', 'L0_footer']

        >>> print([f.name for f in field.getLeafFields(depth=0)])

        >>> print([f.name for f in field.getLeafFields(depth=1)])
        ['L0_header', 'L0_payload', 'L0_footer']

        >>> print([f.name for f in field.getLeafFields(depth=2)])
        ['L0_header', 'L1', 'L0_footer']

        :return: the list of leaf fields
        :rtype: :class:`list` of :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField.AbstractField`.
        if currentDepth is None:
            currentDepth = 0

        if len(self.fields) == 0:
            return [self]

        if currentDepth == depth:
            return [self]

        leafFields = []
        for fields in self.fields:

            # Handle case where the field is pseudo (meaning it does not procude concrete value)
            if fields.isPseudoField:
                if includePseudoFields:
            if fields is not None:
                leafFields.extend(fields.getLeafFields(depth, currentDepth + 1, includePseudoFields))

        return leafFields

    def hasParent(self):
        """Computes if the current element has a parent.

        :returns: True if current element has a parent.
        :rtype: :class:`bool`
        return self.__parent is not None

    def clearFields(self):
        """Remove all the children attached to the current element"""

        while (len(self.__fields) > 0):

    def clearEncodingFunctions(self):
        """Remove all the encoding functions attached to the current element"""
        self.__encodingFunctions = SortedTypedList(EncodingFunction)
        for child in self.fields:

    def clearVisualizationFunctions(self):
        """Remove all the visualization functions attached to the current element"""

        while (len(self.__visualizationFunctions) > 0):

    def clearTransformationFunctions(self):
        """Remove all the transformation functions attached to the current element"""

        while (len(self.__transformationFunctions) > 0):

    # Standard methods
    def __str__(self):
        result = self.getCells(encoded=True)
        if self.meta:
            for split_message in result:
                message1 = b''
                for part in split_message:
                        message1 += part
                first = True
                for message2 in self.messages:
                    if message1 == message2.data and first:
                        split_message.insert(0, message2.destination)
                        split_message.insert(0, message2.source)
                            split_message.insert(0, message2.session.name)
                            session_present = True
                            session_present = False
                        # split_message.insert(0, str(message2.date))
                        first = False
            if not first:
                # Add IP, Timestamp, PCAP etc to matrix headers
                result.headers.insert(0, 'Destination')
                result.headers.insert(0, 'Source')
                if session_present:
                    result.headers.insert(0, 'Session')
                    # matrix.headers.insert(0, 'Time')
        return str(result)

    def _str_debug(self, deepness=0):
        """Returns a string which denotes
        the current field definition using a tree display"""

        tab = ["|--  " for x in range(deepness)]
        lines = [''.join(tab)]
        from netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Field import Field
        if isinstance(self, Field):
            lines.append(self.domain._str_debug(deepness + 1))
        for f in self.fields:
            lines.append(f._str_debug(deepness + 1))
        return '\n'.join(lines)


    def id(self):
        """Unique identifier of the field.

        This value must be a unique UUID instance (generated with uuid.uuid4()).

        :type: :class:`uuid.UUID`
        :raises: :class:`TypeError`, :class:`ValueError`

        return self.__id

    def id(self, id):
        if id is None:
            raise ValueError("id is Mandatory.")
        self.__id = id

    def name(self):
        """Public name (may not be unique), default value is None

        :type: :class:`str`
        :raises: :class:`TypeError`

        return self.__name

    def name(self, name):
        self.__name = name

    def meta(self):
        """Meta boolean to print metadata,default is False

        :type: :class:`bool`
        :raises: :class:`TypeError`

        return self.__meta

    def meta(self, meta):
        self.__meta = meta

    def description(self):
        """User description of the field. Default value is ''.

        :type: :class:`str`
        :raises: :class:`TypeError`

        return self.__description

    def description(self, description):
        self.__description = description

    def encodingFunctions(self):
        """Sorted typed list of encoding function to attach on field.

        .. note:: list implemented as a :class:`netzob.Common.Utils.TypedList.TypedList`

        :type: a list of :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Functions.EncodingFunction`
        :raises: :class:`TypeError`

        .. warning:: Setting this value with a list copies its members and not the list itself.
        return self.__encodingFunctions

    def encodingFunctions(self, encodingFunctions):
        for encodingFunction in encodingFunctions:

    def addEncodingFunction(self, encodingFunction):
        for child in self.fields:

    def visualizationFunctions(self):
        """Sorted list of visualization function to attach on field.

        :type: a list of :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Functions.VisualizationFunction`
        :raises: :class:`TypeError`

        .. warning:: Setting this value with a list copies its members and not the list itself.

        return self.__visualizationFunctions

    def visualizationFunctions(self, visualizationFunctions):

    def transformationFunctions(self):
        """Sorted list of transformation function to attach on field.

        :type: a list of :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Functions.TransformationFunction`
        :raises: :class:`TypeError`

        .. warning:: Setting this value with a list copies its members and not the list itself.

        return self.__transformationFunctions

    def transformationFunctions(self, transformationFunctions):

    def fields(self):
        """Sorted list of field fields."""

        return self.__fields

    def fields(self, fields):
        from netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Field import Field
        # First it checks the specified children are abstractfiled
        if fields is not None:
            for c in fields:
                if not isinstance(c, Field):
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Cannot edit the fields because at least one specified element is not an AbstractField its a {0}.".

        if fields is not None:
            for c in fields:
                c.parent = self

    def parent(self):
        """The parent of this current element.

        If current element has no parent, its value is **None**.

        :type: a :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField.AbstractField`
        :raises: :class:`TypeError`

        return self.__parent

    def parent(self, parent):
        if not isinstance(parent, AbstractField):
            raise TypeError(
                "Specified parent must be an AbstractField and not an {0}".
        self.__parent = parent

    def storeInMemento(self):

    def restoreFromMemento(self, memento):