Exemplo n.º 1
        def na_get_data(task, details=None):
            if not isinstance(task, dict):
                task = json.loads(task)
            task = byteify(task)

            user_id = task['user'] if (details.caller_authrole == 'processor' and 'user' in task) \
                      else details.caller
            threshold = None

            self.log.info("na_get_data() called with task: {task}", task=task)
            server = self.user_list.user(user_id)['server']
                if not is_rid(task['id']):
                elem = server.graph.get_element(task['id'])
                q = QueryWrapper.from_objs(server.graph, [elem])
                callback = get_data_sub if elem.element_type == 'Neuron' else get_syn_data_sub
                if not (elem.element_type == 'Neuron'
                        or elem.element_type == 'Synapse'
                        or elem.element_type == 'InferredSynapse'):
                    qn = q.gen_traversal_in(['HasData', 'Neuron'], min_depth=1)
                    if not qn:
                        q = q.gen_traversal_in(
                            ['HasData', ['Synapse', 'InferredSynapse']],
                        q = qn
                        callback = get_data_sub
                #res = yield threads.deferToThread(get_data_sub, q)
                res = yield callback(q)
            except Exception as e:
                print e
                self.log.failure("Error Retrieveing Data")
                res = {}
Exemplo n.º 2
        def retrieve_tag(task, details=None):
            if not "tag" in task:
                return {"info": {"error": "Tag must be provided"}}

            if not isinstance(task, dict):
                task = json.loads(task)
            task = byteify(task)

            user_id = task['user'] if (details.caller_authrole == 'processor' and 'user' in task) \
                      else details.caller
            self.log.info("retrieve_tag() called with task: {task} ",

            server = self.user_list.user(user_id)['server']
            tagged_result = QueryWrapper.from_tag(graph=server.graph,
            if tagged_result and tagged_result[
                    'metadata'] and tagged_result['metadata'] != '{}':
                return {
                    'data': tagged_result['metadata'],
                    'info': {
                        'success': 'Server Retrieved Tag Succesfully'
                return {
                    "info": {
                        "error": "No such tag exists in this database server"
Exemplo n.º 3
 def retrieve_neuron(self, nid):
     # WIP: Currently retrieves all information for the get_as method, this will be refined when we know what data we want to store and pull out here
         n = self.graph.get_element(nid)
         if n == None:
             return {}
             output = QueryWrapper.from_objs(self.graph, [n])
             return output.get_as()[0].to_json()
     except Exception as e:
         raise e
    def retrieve_by_id(self, task, threshold):
        # Retrieve an object by ID, in order to allow direct addressing to na objects or vfb neurons.
        # WIP: Test thresholding and chunking with larger NA 'tags'

        key_types = ['na', 'vfb']  #,'fc']  # A list of valid ids
        # na is a direct neuroarch ID minus the #
        # vfb is virtual fly brain with tag vib_id
        # fc will be fly circuit, currently in name

        if not type(task) == dict:
            task = json.loads(task)
        task = byteify(task)

        user = self.user

        key_type = task["key_type"]
        key = task["key"]

        assert key_type in key_types
        if key_type == 'na':
                n = self.graph.get_element('#' + key)
            except Exception as e:
                raise e
        elif key_type == 'vfb':
            n = self.graph.Neurons.query(vfb_id=key).first()

        if n == None:
            return ({}, False)
            output = QueryWrapper.from_objs(self.graph, [n])
            # Add hook into user system

            df = output.get_data(cls='MorphologyData')[0]
            output = df[[
                'sample', 'identifier', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'r', 'parent', 'name'

            if threshold and isinstance(output, dict):
                chunked_output = []
                for c in chunks(output, threshold):
                output = chunked_output

            return (output, True)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def process_single(self, query, user, task_memory):
        """  accetpt a single query object or form
        assert 'object' in query and 'action' in query
        assert 'class' in query['object'] or 'state' in query[
            'object'] or 'memory' in query['object']
        if 'class' in query['object']:
            # Retrieve Class
            class_name = query['object']['class']
            na_object = self.class_list[class_name]
            # convert result to a query wrapper to save
        if 'state' in query['object']:
            state_num = query['object']['state']

            if type(state_num) is long:
                state_num = int(state_num)

            assert type(state_num) in [int, long]
            na_object = user.retrieve(index=state_num)

        elif 'memory' in query['object']:
            assert task_memory is not []
            memory_index = query['object']['memory']

            if type(memory_index) is long:
                memory_index = int(memory_index)

            assert type(memory_index) is int
            assert len(task_memory) > memory_index
            na_object = task_memory[-1 - memory_index]

        # Retrieve method
        if 'method' in query[
                'action']:  # A class query can only take a method.
            if 'class' in query['object']:
                method_call = query['action']['method']
                assert len(method_call.keys()) == 1
                method_name = method_call.keys()[0]

                method_args = method_call[method_name]
                columns = ""
                attrs = []
                for k, v in method_args.iteritems():
                    if not (isinstance(v, list)):
                        if isinstance(v, (basestring, numbers.Number)):
                            v = [str(v)]
                        # To prevent issues with unicode objects
                        if v and isinstance(v[0], basestring):
                            v = [str(val) for val in v]
                    if len(v) == 1 and isinstance(
                            v[0], (unicode, str)) and len(v[0]) >= 2 and str(
                                v[0][:2]) == '/r':
                        attrs.append("%s matches '%s'" %
                                     (str(k), str(v[0][2:])))
                        attrs.append("%s in %s" % (str(k), str(v)))
                attrs = " and ".join(attrs)
                if attrs: attrs = "where " + attrs
                query['object']['class'] = _list_repr(query['object']['class'])
                q = {}
                for i, a in enumerate(query['object']['class']):
                    var = '$q' + str(i)
                    q[var] = "{var} = (select from {cls} {attrs})".format(
                        var=var, cls=str(a), attrs=str(attrs))
                query_str = "select from (select expand($a) let %s, $a = unionall(%s))" % \
                    (", ".join(q.values()), ", ".join(q.keys()) )
                query_str = QueryString(query_str, 'sql')
                query_result = QueryWrapper(self.graph, query_str)
                method_call = query['action']['method']

                assert len(method_call.keys()) == 1
                method_name = method_call.keys()[0]
                # check method is valid
                assert method_name in dir(type(na_object))
                # Retrieve arguments
                method_args = byteify(method_call[method_name])

                if 'pass_through' in method_args:
                    pass_through = method_args.pop('pass_through')
                    if isinstance(pass_through,
                                  list) and pass_through and isinstance(
                                      pass_through[0], list):
                        query_result = getattr(na_object,
                        query_result = getattr(na_object,
                    query_result = getattr(na_object,
        elif 'op' in query['action']:
            method_call = query['action']['op']
            assert len(method_call.keys()) == 1
            method_name = method_call.keys()[0]
            # WIP: Check which operators are supported
            # What if we want to be a op between two past states!
            # retieve past external state or internal memory state
            if 'state' in method_call[method_name]:
                state_num = method_call[method_name]['state']
                assert type(state_num) in [int, long]
                past_object = user.retrieve(index=state_num)
            elif 'memory' in method_call[method_name]:
                assert task_memory is not []
                memory_index = method_call[method_name]['memory']

                if type(memory_index) is long:
                    memory_index = int(memory_index)

                assert type(memory_index) is int
                assert len(task_memory) > memory_index
                past_object = task_memory[-1 - memory_index]

            #query_result = getattr(na_object, method_name)(method_args)
            ## INVERSE THIS na and method argis (WHY?)
            query_result = getattr(na_object, method_name)(past_object)

        # convert result to a query wrapper to save
        if type(query_result) is not QueryWrapper:
            output = QueryWrapper.from_objs(self.graph, query_result.all())
            output = query_result

        return output