Exemplo n.º 1
    def run(self):

        # Replace port mappers with GPUPortMapper instances:
        self.pm['gpot'] = GPUPortMapper.from_pm(self.pm['gpot'])
        self.pm['spike'] = GPUPortMapper.from_pm(self.pm['spike'])

        super(MyModule, self).run()
Exemplo n.º 2
    def run(self):

        # Replace port mappers with GPUPortMapper instances:
        self.pm['gpot'] = GPUPortMapper.from_pm(self.pm['gpot'])
        self.pm['spike'] = GPUPortMapper.from_pm(self.pm['spike'])

        super(MyModule, self).run()
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_get_by_inds(self):
        # Nonempty index array:
        data = np.random.rand(3)
        pm = GPUPortMapper('/foo[0:3]', data)
        res = pm.get_by_inds(np.array([0, 1]))
        assert_array_equal(data[0:2], res)

        # Empty index array:
        res = pm.get_by_inds(np.array([], np.int_))
        assert len(res) == 0
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_from_pm_nongpu(self):
        # Empty:
        pm0 = PortMapper('/foo[0:3]')
        pm1 = GPUPortMapper.from_pm(pm0)
        assert_series_equal(pm0.portmap, pm1.portmap)

        # Nonempty:
        data = np.random.rand(3)
        pm0 = PortMapper('/foo[0:3]', data)
        pm1 = GPUPortMapper.from_pm(pm0)
        assert_array_equal(pm0.data, pm1.data.get())
        assert_series_equal(pm0.portmap, pm1.portmap)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_set_array(self):
        # Valid empty:
        pm = GPUPortMapper('/foo[0:3]')
        new_data = np.arange(2).astype(np.double)
        pm['/foo[0:2]'] = new_data
        assert_array_equal(new_data, pm.data.get()[0:2])

        # Valid nonempty:
        data = np.random.rand(3)
        pm = GPUPortMapper('/foo[0:3]', data)
        new_data = np.arange(2).astype(np.double)
        pm['/foo[0:2]'] = new_data
        assert_array_equal(new_data, pm.data.get()[0:2])
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_set_by_inds_scalar(self):
        # Nonempty index array:
        pm = GPUPortMapper('/foo[0:3]', np.zeros(3, np.double))
        pm.set_by_inds(np.array([0, 1]), 1.0)
        assert_array_equal(np.ones(2, np.double), pm.data.get()[0:2])

        # Empty index array:
        pm = GPUPortMapper('/foo[0:3]', np.zeros(3, np.double))
        pm.set_by_inds(np.array([]), 1.0)
        assert_array_equal(np.zeros(2, np.double), pm.data.get()[0:2])
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_set_by_inds_array(self):
        # Nonempty index array:
        data = np.random.rand(3)
        pm = GPUPortMapper('/foo[0:3]', data)
        new_data = np.arange(2).astype(np.double)
        pm.set_by_inds(np.array([0, 1]), new_data)
        assert_array_equal(new_data, pm.data.get()[0:2])

        # Empty index array:
        data = np.random.rand(3)
        pm = GPUPortMapper('/foo[0:3]', data)
        new_data = np.arange(2).astype(np.double)
        pm.set_by_inds(np.array([], np.int_), new_data)
        assert_array_equal(data[0:2], pm.data.get()[0:2])
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_set_scalar(self):
        # Nonempty index array:
        data = np.random.rand(3)
        pm = GPUPortMapper('/foo[0:3]', data)
        new_data = 1.0
        ind = np.array([0, 1])
        pm.set_by_inds(ind, new_data)
        assert_array_equal(np.full(ind.shape, new_data, type(new_data)),

        # Empty index array:
        data = np.random.rand(3)
        pm = GPUPortMapper('/foo[0:3]', data)
        new_data = 1.0
        pm.set_by_inds(np.array([], np.int_), new_data)
        assert_array_equal(data[0:2], pm.data.get()[0:2])
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_copy(self):
        # Empty:
        pm0 = GPUPortMapper('/foo[0:5]')
        pm1 = pm0.copy()
        assert_series_equal(pm0.portmap, pm1.portmap)
        assert pm0.data is None and pm1.data is None

        # Nonempty:
        data = np.random.rand(5)
        pm0 = GPUPortMapper('/foo[0:5]', data)
        pm1 = pm0.copy()
        assert_array_equal(pm0.data.get(), pm1.data.get())
        assert_series_equal(pm0.portmap, pm1.portmap)
        assert pm0.data.ptr != pm1.data.ptr
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_get(self):
     data = np.random.rand(3)
     pm = GPUPortMapper('/foo[0:3]', data)
     res = pm['/foo[0:2]']
     assert_array_equal(data[0:2], res)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_set_by_inds(self):
     data = np.random.rand(3)
     pm = GPUPortMapper('/foo[0:3]', data)
     new_data = np.arange(2).astype(np.double)
     pm.set_by_inds(np.array([0, 1]), new_data)
     assert_array_equal(new_data, pm.data.get()[0:2])
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_get_by_inds(self):
     data = np.random.rand(3)
     pm = GPUPortMapper('/foo[0:3]', data)
     res = pm.get_by_inds(np.array([0, 1]))
     assert_array_equal(data[0:2], res)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self, sel, sel_in, sel_out,
                 sel_gpot, sel_spike, data_gpot, data_spike,
                 columns=['interface', 'io', 'type'],
                 ctrl_tag=CTRL_TAG, gpot_tag=GPOT_TAG, spike_tag=SPIKE_TAG,
                 id=None, device=None,
                 routing_table=None, rank_to_id=None,
                 debug=False, time_sync=False, print_timing=False):

        super(Module, self).__init__(ctrl_tag)
        self.debug = debug
        self.time_sync = time_sync
        self.device = device
        self.print_timing = print_timing

        self._gpot_tag = gpot_tag
        self._spike_tag = spike_tag

        # Require several necessary attribute columns:
        if 'interface' not in columns:
            raise ValueError('interface column required')
        if 'io' not in columns:
            raise ValueError('io column required')
        if 'type' not in columns:
            raise ValueError('type column required')

        # Initialize GPU here so as to be able to initialize a port mapper
        # containing GPU memory:

        # This is needed to ensure that MPI_Finalize is called before PyCUDA
        # attempts to clean up; see
        # https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mpi4py/by0Rd5q0Ayw

        # Manually register the file close method associated with MPIOutput
        # so that it is called by atexit before MPI.Finalize() (if the file is
        # closed after MPI.Finalize() is called, an error will occur):
        for k, v in iteritems(twiggy.emitters):
             if isinstance(v._output, MPIOutput):

        # Ensure that the input and output port selectors respectively
        # select mutually exclusive subsets of the set of all ports exposed by
        # the module:
        if not SelectorMethods.is_in(sel_in, sel):
            raise ValueError('input port selector not in selector of all ports')
        if not SelectorMethods.is_in(sel_out, sel):
            raise ValueError('output port selector not in selector of all ports')
        if not SelectorMethods.are_disjoint(sel_in, sel_out):
            raise ValueError('input and output port selectors not disjoint')

        #assert(SelectorMethods.is_in(sel_in, sel))
        #assert(SelectorMethods.is_in(sel_out, sel))
        #assert(SelectorMethods.are_disjoint(sel_in, sel_out))

        # Ensure that the graded potential and spiking port selectors
        # respectively select mutually exclusive subsets of the set of all ports
        # exposed by the module:
        #assert(SelectorMethods.is_in(sel_gpot, sel))
        #assert(SelectorMethods.is_in(sel_spike, sel))
        #assert(SelectorMethods.are_disjoint(sel_gpot, sel_spike))

        # Save routing table and mapping between MPI ranks and module IDs:
        self.routing_table = routing_table
        self.rank_to_id = rank_to_id

        # Generate a unique ID if none is specified:
        if id is None:
            self.id = uid()

            # If a unique ID was specified and the routing table is not empty
            # (i.e., there are connections between multiple modules), the id
            # must be a node in the routing table:
            if routing_table is not None and len(routing_table.ids) and \
                    not routing_table.has_node(id):
                raise ValueError('routing table must contain specified '
                                 'module ID: {}'.format(id))
            self.id = id

        # Reformat logger name:
        LoggerMixin.__init__(self, 'mod %s' % self.id)

        if self.print_timing:
            start = time.time()

        # Create module interface given the specified ports:
        self.interface = Interface(sel, columns)
        # Set the interface ID to 0; we assume that a module only has one interface:
        self.interface[sel, 'interface'] = 0

        # Set the port attributes:
        if len(sel_in):
            self.interface[sel_in, 'io'] = 'in'
        if len(sel_out):
            self.interface[sel_out, 'io'] = 'out'
        if len(sel_gpot):
            self.interface[sel_gpot, 'type'] = 'gpot'
        if len(sel_spike):
            self.interface[sel_spike, 'type'] = 'spike'

        if self.print_timing:
            self.log_info('Elapsed time for setting up interface: {:.3f} seconds'.format(time.time()-start))
            start = time.time()

        # Find the graded potential and spiking ports:
        self.gpot_ports = self.interface.gpot_ports()
        self.spike_ports = self.interface.spike_ports()

        if len(self.gpot_ports):
            self.in_gpot_ports = self.gpot_ports.in_ports(tuples=True)
            self.out_gpot_ports = self.gpot_ports.out_ports(tuples=True)
            self.in_gpot_ports = []
            self.out_gpot_ports = []
        if len(self.spike_ports):
            self.in_spike_ports = self.spike_ports.in_ports(tuples=True)
            self.out_spike_ports = self.spike_ports.out_ports(tuples=True)
            self.in_spike_ports = []
            self.out_spike_ports = []

        if self.print_timing:
            self.log_info('Elapsed time for extracting ports: {:.3f} seconds'.format(time.time()-start))
            start = time.time()

        # Set up mapper between port identifiers and their associated data:
        if len(data_gpot) != len(self.gpot_ports):
            raise ValueError('incompatible gpot port data array length')
        if len(data_spike) != len(self.spike_ports):
            raise ValueError('incompatible spike port data array length')
        self.data = {}
        self.data['gpot'] = gpuarray.to_gpu(data_gpot)
        self.data['spike'] = gpuarray.to_gpu(data_spike)

        self.pm = {}
        self.pm['gpot'] = GPUPortMapper(sel_gpot, self.data['gpot'], make_copy=False)
        self.pm['spike'] = GPUPortMapper(sel_spike, self.data['spike'], make_copy=False)
        if self.print_timing:
            self.log_info('Elapsed time for creating array and PortMapper {} seconds'.format(time.time()-start))