Exemplo n.º 1
    def populate(self, hidden_neurons):
        Fills the cortex with neurons and establishes connections
        Cortexes have a layer of hidden neurons, and a layer of output
        neurons to start with, but everything is set up such that
        more complex interconnections may evolve with future work.
        HiddenLayer = []
        OutLayer    = []

        for i in range(hidden_neurons):

        for i in range(self.size_output):
            OutLayer.append("n_{0}".format(i + hidden_neurons))

        self.hidden_neurons = [ neuron(name) for name in HiddenLayer]
        self.output_neurons = [ neuron(name) for name in OutLayer]

        for neur in self.output_neurons:
            for child in self.hidden_neurons:

        self.neurons     = self.hidden_neurons + self.output_neurons
        self.size        = len(self.neurons)
        self.size_hidden = len(self.hidden_neurons)
        self.size_output = len(self.output_neurons)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def import_state(self,filepath):

        Imports an already trained cortex thats been saved before

        this function demonstrates my lack of understanding of
        python regular expressions.....i think

        Check out the "export_state" funtction for insight on how this
        should be formatted.

        print("Importing cortex state from '{0}'".format(filepath))
        print("="*50 + '\n')
        self.imported_from = filepath
        self.neurons = []
        self.output_neurons = []
        self.hidden_neurons = []

        with open(filepath,'r+') as f:

            # grabs cortex level information from the top first
            cortex_header = next(f).replace('\n','').replace(' ','').split(';')
            cortex_line = next(f).replace('\n','').replace(' ','')
            cortex_line = cortex_line.replace("[","").replace("]","")
            cortex_info = cortex_line.split(';')

            for i,field in enumerate(cortex_info):
                if ',' in field:
                    cortex_info[i] = cortex_info[i].replace("'",'').split(',')   

            for i,attribute in enumerate(cortex_header):
                setattr(self, attribute, cortex_info[i])
                print("imported attribute '{0}' as {1}".format(attribute,cortex_info[i]))

            # correct formats that shouldn't be strings
            self.size               = int(self.size)
            self.size_hidden        = int(self.size_hidden)
            self.size_output        = int(self.size_output)
            self.accuracy           = float(self.accuracy)
            self.min_acc            = float(self.min_acc)
            self.col_accuracy       = map(float,self.col_accuracy)
            self.max_err            = float(self.max_err)
            self.crit_instability   = float(self.crit_instability)

            # moves on to grab neuron information
            neuron_header = next(f).replace('\n','').replace(' ','').split(';')
            for line in f:
                line = line.replace('\n','').replace(' ','').replace("[","").replace("]","")
                info = line.split(';')

                # handles neuron info one row at a time
                for i,field in enumerate(info):
                    if ',' in field:
                        info[i] = info[i].split(',')
                    if 'True' in field:
                        info[i] = True
                    elif 'False' in field:
                        info[i] = False

                neur = neuron(info[0])

                for i,attribute in enumerate(neuron_header):

                neur.weights    = map(float,neur.weights)
                neur.bias       = float(neur.bias)
                neur.f_age      = int(neur.f_age)
                neur.r_age      = int(neur.r_age)
                neur.size       = int(neur.size)
                neur.dec        = int(neur.dec)
                neur.delta      = float(neur.delta)
                neur.del_delta  = float(neur.del_delta)
                neur.hasparents = bool(neur.hasparents)
                neur.haschildren= bool(neur.haschildren)

                print("imported member neuron with name '{0}'".format(neur.name))

            for neur in self.neurons: 
                # presently, each neurons children and parents lists
                # are just strings. turn these into object lists.

                if neur.hasparents:
                    if not isinstance(neur.parents,list):#handles single parent lists
                        neur.parents = [neur.parents]
                    for i,parent in enumerate(neur.parents):
                        neur.parents[i] = self.find_object(parent)
                    neur.parents = []

                if neur.haschildren:
                    if not isinstance(neur.children,list):# handles single child lists
                        neur.children = [neur.children]
                    for i,child in enumerate(neur.children):
                        neur.children[i] = self.find_object(child)
                    if not neur.hasparents:
                    neur.children = []

        print("="*50 + '\n')